Computer Science project homework help

Project Description:

You are a real estate analyst who works for Mountain View Realty in the North Utah County area. You have consolidated a list of houses sold during the past few months and want to analyze the data. For a simple analysis, you will outline the data and use the Subtotal feature. You will then create two PivotTables and a PivotChart to perform more in-depth analysis.



Project Description:

You are the office manager for a real estate company in northern Utah County. You tracked real estate listings, including city, agent, listing price, sold price, etc. Agents can represent a seller, a buyer, or both (known as dual agents). Your assistant prepared the spreadsheet structure with agent names, agent types, the listing and sold prices, and the listing and sold dates. You want to complete the spreadsheet by calculating the number of days each house was on the market before being sold, agent commissions, and bonuses. In addition, you will use conditional functions to calculate summary statistics. For further analysis, you will insert a map chart to indicate the average house selling price by city. Finally, you will create a partial loan amortization table and calculate cumulative interest and principal to show a potential buyer to help the buyer make decisions.

Steps to Perform:




Points    Possible



Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch07_Cap_RealEstate.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.




The spreadsheet contains codes (BA, DA, SA) to   represent agent roles (Buyer’s Agent, Dual Agent, Seller’s Agent). You want   to switch the codes for the actual descriptions.
In cell E12 of the Details sheet, insert the SWITCH function to evaluate the   agent code in cell D12. Include mixed cell references to the codes and roles   in the range J2:K4 for the values
and results arguments. use all cell references in the function. Copy the   function to the range E13:E39.




Now you   want to calculate the number of days between the list date and sale date.
In cell J12, insert the DAYS function to calculate the number of days between   the Listing Date and the Sale Date. Copy the function to the range J13:J39.




You want to calculate agent commissions based on   their role.
In cell K12, insert the IFS function to calculate the agent’s commission   based on the agent code and the applicable rates in the range L2:L4. Use   relative and mixed references correctly. Copy the function to the range   K13:K39.




You   want to calculate a bonus if the sold price was at least equal to the listing   price, and if the house sold within 30 days after being listed.
In cell L12, insert an IF function with a nested AND function to calculate a   bonus. The AND function should ensure both conditions are met: Sold Price   divided by the Listing Price is greater than or equal to 100% (cell L7) and   the Days on Market are less than or equal to 30 (cell L8). If both conditions   are met, the bonus is $1,000 (cell L9). Otherwise, the bonus is $0. Use mixed   cell references to the input values in the range L7:L9. Copy the function to   the range L12:L39.




The top-left section of the spreadsheet is designed   for summary statistics for one condition. You will calculate average selling   prices and the number of houses sold in each city (the condition).
In cell B2, insert the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average Sold Price   for houses in the city of Alpine. Use mixed references for the range; use a   relative reference to cell A2. Copy the function and use the Paste Formulas   option to paste the function in the range B3:B5 so that the bottom border in   cell B5 is preserved.




You   want to count the number of houses in one city.
In cell C2, insert the COUNTIF function to count the number of houses in the   city of Alpine. Use mixed references for the range; and use a relative   reference to cell A2. Copy the function and use the Paste Formulas option to   paste the function in the range C3:C5 so that the border in cell C5 is   preserved.




You want to calculate the total commissions for   each agent (the condition).
In cell B7, insert the SUMIF function to total the commissions by agent. Use   mixed references for the ranges; and use a relative reference to cell A7.   Copy the function and use the Paste Formulas option to paste the function in   the range B8:B9 so that the borders are preserved.




The   top-middle section of the spreadsheet is designed for summary statistics for   multiple conditions. You will calculate the number of houses sold for each   agent when he or she served as a Dual Agent (DA). Use mixed references for   ranges and the agent code condition in cell J3. Use relative cell references   to the agent condition in cell E2. When you copy the formulas, use the paste   Formulas options to preserve border formatting.
In cell F2, insert the COUNTIFS function in cell F2 to count the number of   houses sold by the first agent (cell E2) who was a Dual Agent (DA) (J3) for   that house. Use all cell references in the function. Copy the function to the   range F3:F4 and preserve the bottom border for cell F4.




You are ready to calculate the total value of those   houses for each agent when he or she served as a Dual Agent (DA). Use mixed   references for ranges and the agent code condition in cell J3. Use relative   cell references to the agent condition in cell E2. When you copy the   formulas, use the paste Formulas options to preserve border formatting.
In cell G2, insert the SUMIFS function to sum the selling prices of the   houses sold by the first agent (cell E2) who was a Dual Agent (DA) (J3) for   that house. Copy the function to the range G3:G4 and preserve the bottom   border for cell G4.




Now,   you will calculate the highest-price house highest-price house sold for each   agent when he or she served as a Dual Agent (DA). Use mixed references for   ranges and the agent code condition in cell J3. Use relative cell references   to the agent condition in cell E2. When you copy the formulas, use the paste   Formulas options to preserve border formatting.
In cell H2, insert the MAXIFS function in cell H2 to display the highest-price   house sold by the first agent (cell E2) who was a Dual Agent (DA) (J3) for   that house. Copy the function to the range H3:H4 and preserve the borders in   the range H3:H4.




The Map worksheet contains a list of cities, postal   codes, and average house sales. You will insert a map chart to depict the   averages visually using the default gradient fill colors.
Display the Map worksheet, select the range B1:C5 and insert a map chart.




Cut the   map chart and paste it in cell A7. Set a 2.31″ height and 3.62″ width.




You want to enter a meaningful title for the map.
Change the map title to Average Selling Price by Zip Code.




Display   the Format Data Series task pane, select the option to display only regions   with data, and show all labels. Close the task pane.




You are ready to start completing the loan   amortization table.
Display the Loan worksheet. In cell B8, type a reference formula to cell B1.   The balance before the first payment is identical to the loan amount. Do not   type the value; use the cell reference instead. In cell B9, subtract the   principal from the beginning balance on the previous row. Copy the formula to   the range B10:B19.




Now,   you will calculate the interest for the first payment.
In cell C8, calculate the interest for the first payment using the IPMT   function. Copy the function to the range C9:C19.




Next, you will calculate the principal paid.
In cell D8, calculate the principal paid for the first payment using the PPMT   function. Copy the
function to the range D9:D19.




Rows   21-23 contain a summary section for cumulative totals after the first year.
In cell B22, insert the CUMIPMT function that calculates the cumulative   interest after the first year. Use references to cells A8 and A19 for the   period arguments.




The next summary statistic will calculate the   principal paid after the first year.
In cell B23, insert the CUMPRINC function that calculates the cumulative   principal paid after the first year. Use references to cells A8 and A19 for   the period arguments.




Rows   25-28 contain a section for what-if analysis.
In cell B27, use the RATE financial function to calculate the periodic rate   using $1,400 as the
monthly payment (cell B26), the NPER, and loan amount in the original input   section.




In cell B28, calculate the APR by multiplying the   monthly rate (cell B27) by 12.




Create   a footer with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center,   and the file name code on the right side of each worksheet.

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Project Part 1: Network Design homework help

Project Part 1: Network Design homework help

Project: Network Design and Plan



This project provides you an opportunity to solve a comprehensive problem in firewall and virtual private network (VPN) implementation at various levels. You will play the role of an employee participating in network design and planning of a specific business situation.

Required Source Information and Tools



Web References: Links to web references in this Instructor Guide and related materials are subject to change without prior notice. These links were last verified on September 18, 2020.



The following tools and resources are needed to complete this project:

A web browser and access to the Internet to perform research for the project

(Optional) A tool for creating basic network diagrams, such as or Microsoft PowerPoint

Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Apply core competencies learned throughout the course to a single project.

Analyze and apply knowledge of firewalls, VPNs, and other network defense measures.

Demonstrate logical reasoning and decision-making skills.

Overall Project Scenario

Corporation Techs provides remote and on-site support to small and mid-size businesses. Clients use Corporation Techs’ services to solve problems involving malware removal, to manage data recovery and network issues, and to install hardware and software.

Due to recent developments, most technical representatives will begin working from home within the next six months. Because Corporation Techs provides 24/7 support, its systems and communications pathways must be fully operational at all times. In addition, the company has been experiencing unprecedented growth and is preparing to double its client-facing staff.

You are a junior network architect who is responsible for helping to plan and design network enhancements to create a more secure internal network, and to ensure secure remote access.


The project is divided into several parts. Details for each deliverable can be found in this document. Refer to the course Syllabus for submission dates.

Project Part 1: Network Design

Project Part 2: Firewall Selection and Placement

Project Part 3: Remote Access and VPNs

Project Part 4: Final Network Design Report


Project Part 1: Network Design


The Corporation Techs’ current network consists of 1 web server (accessible by the public), 2 application servers, 2 database servers, 2 file and print servers, and 50 workstations. The web server runs Linux/Apache, the other servers run Microsoft Windows Server, and the workstations run Microsoft Windows. The network is connected through a series of switches, is not physically connected to other networks, and runs Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). The network is protected by a single border firewall. The senior network architect, whom you work for directly, has verified the company’s business goals and has determined the features and functions required to meet those goals.

The senior network architect has asked you to create a network design that includes the following components:

Current infrastructure elements

A logical topology that separates the Accounting and Sales departments

Redundant communications

Justification for continuing with IPv4 or upgrading to IPv6


For this part of the project, perform the following tasks:

1. Conduct research to determine the best network design to ensure security of internal access while retaining public website availability.

2. Design a network configuration with physical and logical topologies. Identify major network elements (e.g., servers, switches, gateways) and their locations within the private and protected network segments.

3. Include a high-level plan that ensures communications are available 24/7.

4. Recommend whether to continue using IPv4 or upgrade to IPv6, and explain why.

5. Create a basic network diagram that illustrates the current network and enhancements. Include a few workstations to represent all workstations on the internal network. The diagram will be very high level at this stage and include only necessary details. You may use a software tool or simply pencil and paper. You will update this design later in the project.

6. Create a draft report detailing all information as supportive documentation.

7. Cite sources, where appropriate.

Required Resources

· Internet access

· Course textbook

Submission Requirements

· Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

· Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

· Citation style: Your school’s preferred style guide

· Length of report: 3–4 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

· I determined the best network design to ensure the security of internal access while retaining public website availability.

· I designed a network configuration with physical and logical topologies, and identified major network elements and their locations within the private and protected network segments.

· I created a plan that ensures communications are available 24/7.

· I recommended whether to continue using IPv4 or upgrade to IPv6, and explained why.

· I created a basic network diagram that illustrates the current network and enhancements.

· I created a professional, well-developed report with proper documentation, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

· I followed the submission guidelines.


Project Part 2: Firewall Selection and Placement


The senior network architect at Corporation Techs has informed you that the existing border firewall is old and needs to be replaced. He recommends designing a demilitarized zone (DMZ) to increase network perimeter security. He also wants to increase the security of network authentication, replacing the current username and password approach.


For this part of the project, perform the following tasks:

1. Research and select firewalls for the Corporation Techs network.

a. Describe each firewall, why you selected it, and where it should be placed for maximum effectiveness.

b. Address network, server, and workstation firewalls.

2. Describe a plan for creating a DMZ, and explain how it makes the network more secure.

3. Research network authentication and create a high-level plan for secure authentication to internal network resources.

4. Create a draft report detailing all information as supportive documentation.

5. Cite sources, where appropriate.

Required Resources

· Internet access

· Course textbook

Submission Requirements

· Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

· Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

· Citation style: Your school’s preferred style guide

· Length of report: 3–4 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

· I researched and selected firewalls.

· I described each firewall, why I selected it, and where it should be placed for maximum effectiveness.

· I addressed network, server, and workstation firewalls.

· I described a plan for creating a DMZ and explained how it makes the network more secure.

· I created a high-level plan for secure authentication to internal network resources.

· I created a professional, well-developed report with proper documentation, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

· I followed the submission guidelines.



Project Part 3: Remote Access and VPNs


As you are aware, many remote users will soon need access to the internal network and services. A remote access and virtual private network (VPN) plan is needed to connect it all together.

The senior network architect has asked you to create the plan that will allow secure remote access to the internal network while preventing unauthorized access. He specifically requested that all information transferred between remote users and the organizational servers be protected against snooping.


For this part of the project, perform the following tasks:

1. Research and recommend the most appropriate VPN technology. The most likely solution is either an Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) VPN or SSL/TLS VPN. Describe the VPN technology and explain why it is the best choice for Corporation Techs.

2. Recommend any other forms of remote access that are relevant and describe how they would be used.

3. Create a draft report detailing all information as supportive documentation.

4. Cite sources, where appropriate.

Submission Requirements

· Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

· Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

· Citation style: Your school’s preferred style guide

· Length of report: 3–4 pages

Self-Assessment Checklist

· I researched and recommended an appropriate VPN technology.

· I described the VPN technology and explained why it is the best choice.

· I recommended other forms of remote access that are relevant and described how they would be used.

· I created a professional, well-developed report with proper documentation, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

· I followed the submission guidelines.


Project Part 4: Final Network Design Report


You are ready to create and submit a final network design and plan to the senior network architect, who will present it to senior management and other decision makers.

Tasks For this part of the project, perform the following tasks:

1. Create a final network diagram that includes the basic diagram and all relevant network enhancements.

2. Create a professional report that includes content from each draft report. Include details for all relevant information, persuasive justification for your recommendations, and methods to measure the success of each major network enhancement. Include a 1- to 2-page executive summary.

3. Use simple, clear language that primary stakeholders (non-IT) can understand easily.

Submission Requirements

· Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)

· Font: Arial, size 12, double-space

· Citation style: Your school’s preferred style guide

· Length of final report: 10–16 pages, including executive summary and network diagram

Self-Assessment Checklist for Final Report

· I developed a network design that meets the requirements.

· I created a professional, well-developed report with proper documentation, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

· I described technology recommendations, provided justification for those recommendations, and described methods to measure the success of each major network enhancement.

· I included an executive summary and a final network diagram.

· I included citations for all sources used in the report.

· I followed the submission guidelines.


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Access Skills Approach homework help

Access Skills Approach homework help

A Skills Approach: Access 2016 Chapter 3: Working with Forms and Reports

1 | Page Challenge Yourself 3.3 Last Updated 9/18/17

Challenge Yourself 3.3 In this project you will continue working with the greenhouse database from Chapter 2, Challenge Yourself 2.3. You will

create a variety of forms for entering plant and maintenance information.

Skills needed to complete this project:

• Creating a Single Record Form Based on a Table or Query

• Moving and Arranging Controls

• Creating a Multiple Items Form

• Creating a Split Form

• Adding Fields to a Form in Layout View

• Creating a Form Using the Form Wizard

• Creating a New Blank Form in Layout View

• Resizing Controls

• Applying a Theme

• Modifying the Layout of a Form or Report

• Formatting Controls

• Adding Design Elements to Form and Report Headers

1. Open the start file AC2016-ChallengeYourself-3-3.

2. If necessary, enable active content by clicking the Enable Content button in the Message Bar.

3. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed

to do so by your instructor.

4. Create a Single Record form using the Plants table as the record source. Save the form with the name

PlantsSingleRecord and close it.

5. Create a Multiple Items Form using the Plants table as the record source. Save the form with the

name PlantsMultipleItems and close it.

6. Create a Split Form using the MaintenanceLog table as the record source. Save it with the name

MaintenanceLogSplit and close it.

7. Use the Form Wizard button to create a form showing employee information in the main form with a

subform showing related maintenance records.

a. Add the following fields to the form in this order:

From the Employees table: EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, WeeklyHours

From the MaintenanceLog table: MaintenanceDate, Plant, Watered, Inspected, Pruned

b. Organize the form by the Employees table with data from the MaintenanceLog table as a subform.

c. Format the subform as a Datasheet form.

d. Name the main form: EmployeeWorkLog

e. Name the subform: EmployeeWorkLogSubform

f. Review the form in Form view, and then close it.

Step 1

Download start file

A Skills Approach: Access 2016 Chapter 3: Working with Forms and Reports

2 | Page Challenge Yourself 3.3 Last Updated 9/18/17

8. Create a form from scratch in Layout view.

a. Start with a new blank form in Layout view. Save the form with the name:


b. Add the following fields from the Employees table to the form in this order:

EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName

c. Apply the Facet theme to the database.

d. Save and close the form.

9. Add controls to the MaintenanceLog form.

a. Open the MaintenanceLog form in Layout view.

b. Move the Plant label and bound text control above the Employee controls.

c. Add the Inspected field immediately below the Watered control.

d. Add the Pruned field immediately below the Inspected control.

e. There is an extra row in the form layout. Delete it.

10. Format controls in the MaintenanceLog form.

a. Change the MaintenanceDate label to: Date

b. Change the font color for all the label controls to the theme color Dark Green, Accent 2.

c. Modify the MaintenanceDate bound text box control to use the Long Date format.

d. Add the title Maintenance Log to the form header. Be sure to include a space between the

words in the title.

11. Save the form and close it.

12. Close the database and exit Access.

13. Upload and save the project file.

14. Submit project for grading.

Step 2

Upload & Save

Step 3

Grade my Project

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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

IFSM 300 Information System in Organizations

UMUC Fall Session

Clinton Hodge

Chesapeake IT Consultants

Business Analysis and System Recommendation

November 17, 2017



Chesapeake IT Consultants (CIC) is an Information Technology consulting services firm that makes the most of IT and management technologies to successfully meet the demand of its customers. CIC has been successful and is now on the verge of growing significantly with two pending contracts that will require CIC to place significantly more IT consultants. Therefore CIC is requesting that a business analysis be done to identify an IT solution that will allow the company to hire and place consultants in a more efficient manner. This report will provide background on the hiring process and organizational analysis of the current hiring process. The report will also identify IT solutions and ways CIC can use IT to support the hiring process to help CIC reach its strategic and operational goals. Finally, this report will identify a hiring system and provide guidance for implementation of the system within CIC.

Organization Strategy

CIC’s business strategy is to provide “extraordinary consulting services” by hiring the best certified consultants that will keep up with the latest trends in IT and business. In order for CIC to meet its strategic goals, a new hiring process software is needed so that consultants can be placed effectively and efficiently. The new hiring process software will reduce the time it takes the hiring managers to evaluate a candidate’s skills and qualifications for placement with one of CIC’s customers. By reducing hiring and placement time, CIC will be able to compete for larger contracts and have the resources to hire international consultants.

Components of an Information System

In today’s society and organization people and technology plays an important role in organizations and businesses to achieve their objectives and goals. “Information system is the study of complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create, and distribute data” (Bourgeois, 2014, p. 5).

People and Technology

CEO: Alvin Morrison is concerned that the company can meet the needs of its customers in a timely manner. Although he is not as involved in the details of hiring and placing the consultants, he needs the new system to expedite the hiring process so that the company has the necessary staff to meet the demands of the customers when contracts are awarded.

CFO: Marianne Cho would like a cost-effective IT solution to improve the current hiring process, as well as a system that can work long term and add other needed tools. Specifically, she would like the system to track skills and certifications of present CIC staff.

CIO: Fadil Abadi is primarily concerned that the new IT solution is safe and does not cause any security breaches in the existing system. He is also concerned that the new system be compatible with mobile computing and be compatible with the present CIC hardware and software systems. In addition, because CIC is expanding globally, the CIO would like the new software to have the capabilities to effectively function without any barriers.

Director of HR: William Bradley understands that the hiring staff is struggling to meet the demands of processing candidates in a timely manner. His primary concern is that the new hiring system will be user friendly and able to enhance processes, and for it to interface with the existing system.

Manager of Recruiting: Suzanne Rodriguez is very excited about the interest in a new IT solution to help with the hiring and placement of consultants. She knows from contacts in the industry that technology can reduce the hiring time by 15-20% and efficiently process applicants quickly. Her primary concern is that the system is up and running before the next set of contracts are awarded.

Recruiters: Paul O’brien, Mac Thompson, and Juliet Jackson will be the primary users of the new system. The new system will improve the current process by consolidating all applicants by providing automated schedules of interviewees in a database to streamline the hiring process. The new hiring system will improve the recruiters’ time to screen resumes and immediately provide applicant’s information and status.

Administration Assistant: Ted Anderson is challenged daily with a tremendous amount of applicants’ paperwork and tracking the status of the applicants. The new hiring system will have the ability to manage the workflow electronically and improve the routing of applications and resumes to the interview team.

Hiring Manager is interested in a new hiring system that will take the place of the manual process and allow the Manager to quickly identify qualified candidates, as well as key skills and experience of CIC current staff members.


Processes are an integral part of an information system because it helps an organization take strategic steps to achieve their goal or objective (Bourgeois, 2014, p. 7).


Hiring Process Step Responsible CIC Position
1. Recruiter receives application from job hunter via Postal Service Mail Recruiter
2. Initial review of resume to determine if candidate should be interviewed Recruiter
3. Forward resume to appropriate hiring manager Administrative Assistant
4. Determine whether candidate should be interviewed Hiring Manager
5. Contact candidate to inform her/him if s/he will be interviewed Recruiter
6. Schedule interview with interview team members Administrative Assistant
7. Interview the candidate Hiring Manager and Interview Team Members
8. Provide feedback about the candidate Hiring Manager and Interview Team Members
9. Make decision about whether to hire candidate Hiring Manager
10. Determine details of offer including pay and start date Hiring Manager
11. Inform candidate and negotiate offer if necessary Recruiter
12. Administrative Assistant prepares and sends Hiring Offer to Selected Candidate by mailing offer letter


Administrative Assistant



“It is important that each recruitment be properly closed, including the notification of those interviewed and not selected, as well as all documentation associated with the recruitment” (University of California, n.d.)


Data are an integral part of an information system because an organization uses data to make decisions and how they can improve (Bourgeois, 2014, p. 7).


Data Element
1. Name and contact information of candidate
2. Candidates educational background and certifications
3. Description of assignment and customer’s needs
4. Interview schedule for candidates selected to interview
5. Feedback from the interviewers
6. Determination about whether to hire candidate
7. Where candidate is placed
8. Terms of placement (start date, pay, etc.)
9. Feedback from customer about candidate
10. Certifications and notable skills of all CIC employees





Because of the current problem CIC is facing with its hiring process, CIC needs a new hiring process software that will provide information to assist the decision makers in the hiring process at the strategic, managerial, and operational levels.

Role Level Example of Possible Decision Supported by Hiring System.
Senior/Executive Managers

(Decisions made by the CEO and the CFO at CIC supported by the hiring system.)



The CEO needs to decide whether CIC has the resources to handle a contract that requires consultants with certain certifications.


The new system will capture information about candidates and existing employees including specific certifications and skill sets they possess.

Middle Managers

(Decisions made by the Director of HR and the Manager of Recruiting supported by the hiring system.)



The Director of HR needs to decide how many recruiting staff members are needed to process the candidates for the next round of contracts.


The new system will interface with the existing system, be user friendly and reduce the time it takes to process the candidates.

Operational Managers

(Decisions made by the line managers in the organization who are hiring for their projects supported by the hiring system.)



A hiring manager needs to identify 3 candidates that possess a level of expertise in a particular software.


The new system will help managers to better review and select new staff with the right certifications for the awarded CIC contracts.








The new hiring system will improve communication internally and externally to expedite the hiring process with the use of an electronic dashboard. The dashboard will allow applicants to check their status and to submit any additional information that may be required. The new system will be web based and able to compile data that each department needs to process the candidates’ applications and resumes. The new system will provide a means for the information to be updated with interview schedules, feedback, and ultimately a hiring decision.


The new hiring system will increase collaboration during the hiring process by allowing the necessary employees to access information about the candidates at the same time. The system will allow the employees who interview the candidates to provide feedback, and to view the feedback provided by others. This information will allow the hiring manager to make a decision without having to track down the interviewers or having to wait for paperwork to get their feedback on the candidates.


The new hiring system will assist the HR department communicate more efficiently with candidates about the status of their application. The system will contain information about the progress of the interview process, and it will help to facilitate a smoother and faster process for the candidates. This will allow candidates to be informed so that they are not left in the dark about whether they are a good fit for CIC, and it will help the candidates view CIC as a technologically advanced company.



The new hiring system will help to add structure to the process by streamlining how applicants are processed. The system will create a consistent flow of information about the applicant’s background, interview schedule, feedback from the interviewers, and the hiring decision. This will help all of the CIC employees who are involved in the hiring process to understand their specific roles and when their input is required to move the process forward. The new system will also create structure by maintaining all of the candidates’ information in a central location where all of the hiring team members can access it, which will allow the process to be more efficient and effective.

Competitive Advantage

The new hiring system will help CIC to efficiently employ consultants with the “new business concepts and technology” which will allow CIC to win new IT contracts. The new system will allow CIC to respond more quickly to customers who are seeking IT consultants so that CIC obtains the contract before any competitor. In addition, by streamlining the hiring process CIC can save costs that can then be passed on to the customer for more competitive rates. Having skilled certified staffing will allow CIC to be a world class provider of IT consulting services.

Strategic Outcomes


Strategic Goal (from case study) Objective

(clear, measurable and time-bound)


(2-3 sentences)

Increase CIC Business Development by winning new contracts in the areas of IT Consulting Increase the number of skilled and certified consultants by 15% within 3 months. The new hiring system will reduce the time it takes to process applicants and make hiring decisions, which will allow CIC to hire more consultants in a shorter timeframe.
Build a cadre of consultants internationally to provide remote research and analysis support to CIC’s onsite teams in the U. S. Increase international recruiting efforts and employ 5 research analysts in the next 12 months. The new hiring system would allow applicants from around the world to apply online, increasing the number of international applicants. It would enable the recruiters to carefully monitor the applications for these positions, identify the necessary research and analysis skills needed, and screen resumes for these key skills. Recruiters could quickly view the number of applicants and identify when additional recruiting efforts are needed to meet the objective.
Continue to increase CIC’s ability to quickly provide high quality consultants to awarded contracts to best serve the clients’ needs Reduce the time it takes to identify current CIC employees that have the required skills and certifications for a particular contract by capturing all of the current employees’ certifications within one month. The new system will store data about each employees’ certifications in a searchable format so that the hiring managers can quickly identify how many consultants they have, and how many additional consultants they may need to hire. The new system will also identify the candidates that meet the criteria so that hiring managers can prioritize their applications.
Increase CIC’s competitive advantage in the IT consulting marketplace by increasing its reputation for having IT consultants who are highly skilled in leading edge technologies and innovative solutions for its clients


Increase competitive advantage by lowering the cost of CIC’s services by 10%. The new hiring system will allow CIC to hire new staff from other countries, which will likely reduce the cost of labor. By reducing the cost that CIC pays out to its employees, CIC is able to pass along the cost savings to its customers.



Process Analysis


CIC Hiring Process


As/Is Process (copied from Stage 1)  

To/Be Process

Business Benefits of Improved Process
1. Recruiter receives application from job hunter via Postal Service Mail. Receive application via on-line submission through CIC Employment Website and files in applicant database. More efficient submission process presents positive image to applicants and decreases time needed to receive and begin processing applications.
2. Initial review of resume to determine if candidate should be interviewed Software conducts automated search of key words relevant to the job description


Automated initial review is more efficient and does not require time from HR staff.
3. Forward resume to appropriate hiring manager Based on automated review, resumes for qualified applicants are automatically forwarded to hiring manager via email Automated process allows hiring managers to receive pre-screened resumes more quickly to determine whether candidate should be interviewed.
4. Determine whether candidate should be interviewed New system will prompt hiring manager to input whether candidate should receive interview The hiring manager’s decision will be captured in the system which will allowing team members to have faster access to the initial decision.
5. Contact candidate to inform her/him if s/he will be interviewed The system will generate an email to inform the candidate that they have been selected for an interview, and it will notify HR to follow up to get the candidates availability. An automated email will keep the candidates informed more quickly which will make the company more attractive to the candidate.
6. Schedule interview with interview team members New system will provide automated interview schedules for the selected applicants to streamline the hiring process A streamlined process will allow candidates to be interviewed more quickly and allow HR staff to focus on other tasks.
7. Interview the candidate The system can provide sample interview questions and assign key areas to assess for each interviewer. A more organized interview process will allow the company to gather more information about each applicant.
8. Provide feedback about the candidate The new system will collect feedback from the interviewers The feedback will be accessible to all of the hiring team so that a final decision can be reached more quickly.
9. Make decision about whether to hire candidate The system will send the hiring manager the feedback from the interviewers and prompt the manager to make a decision A streamlined process will allow the hiring team to make a faster decision, which will give the company a competitive advantage.
10. Determine details of offer including pay and start date The system could suggest a comparative salary range and benefit package based on the job requirements and the applicant’s background. The system will compile salary information based on skills and experience, which will help the company to make competitive offers.
11. Inform candidate and negotiate offer if necessary Once the details of the offer are completed, the system will prompt the hiring manger to contact the candidate to make the job offer. The system will notify the hiring manger, which will save time and staff resources.



12. Administrative Assistant prepares and sends Hiring Offer to Selected Candidate by mailing offer letter  Ted prepares job offer letter by selecting information needed for specific candidate; system completes the template with stored information and Ted reviews and emails to candidate. Recruiter selects offer information for candidate and electronically routes to Ted for processing and electronic mailing to candidate.




Requirement Number Requirement Source (individual) from Case Study – name and title
U-1 New system to expedite the hiring process so that the company has the necessary staff to meet the demands of the customers  

CEO: Alvin Morrison

U-2 New system be compatible with mobile computing and be compatible with the present CIC hardware and software systems  

CIO: Fadil Abadi

U-3 New system to track skills and certifications of present CIC staff CFO: Marianne Cho
U-4 New hiring system will be user friendly and able to enhance processes, and for it to interface with the existing system Director of HR: William Bradley
UR-1 An electronic dashboard for status report Director of HR: William Bradley, Hiring Manager



SS-1 New IT solution system is safe and does not cause any security breaches in the existing system. CIO: Fadil Abadi
SS-2 The new system will allow international candidates to apply online Director of HR: William Bradley
SP-1 The new system will be web based and able to compile data that each department needs to process the candidates’ applications and resumes. Director of HR: William Bradley


Hiring Manager

SP-2 The new hiring system will increase collaboration during the hiring process by allowing the necessary employees to access information about the candidates at the same time. Hiring Manager



SP-3 The new hiring system will help to add structure to the process by allowing all parties to view the candidates’ information such as the interview schedule Hiring Manager





Systems Recommendation



A. Benefits of an Enterprise Solution:




B. Proposed IT Solution: The vendor I chose is Bamboo HR SAAS system. Bamboo HR SAAS system which is capable of creating custom workflows to be more efficient in your decision-making processes. Also, a great onboarding experience means increased retention and engagement. Find the right people faster. Helps HR reps get the best candidates. Save time, money, and trees with esignatures. Remove the hassle of distributing and collecting signed paperwork.

C. Proposed IT Solution: down-arrow






E. How the proposed IT solution meets the requirements:




(from Requirements table in Section III)

Explanation of How the Proposed System Meets the Requirement
U-1 New system to expedite the hiring process so that the company has the necessary staff to meet the demands of the customers
U-2 New system be compatible with mobile computing and be compatible with the present CIC hardware and software systems
U-3 New system to track skills and certifications of present CIC staff
U-4 New hiring system will be user friendly and able to enhance processes, and for it to interface with the existing system
UR-1 An electronic dashboard for status report
SS-1 New IT solution system is safe and does not cause any security breaches in the existing system.
SS-2 The new system will allow international candidates to apply online
SP-1 The new system will be web based and able to compile data that each department needs to process the candidates’ applications and reduce the hiring time by 15-20%.
SP-2 The new hiring system will increase collaboration during the hiring process by allowing the necessary employees to access information about the candidates at the same time.
SP-3 The new hiring system will help to add structure to the process by allowing all parties to view the candidates’ information such as the interview schedule




F. Implementation Steps: First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this section




Implementation Areas:


1. Vendor agreement


2. Hardware and telecommunications SaaS vendors provide users with software and applications via a subscription model


3. Configuration: Bamboo HR SaaS system can assist CIC as needed with the system on-boarding. Bamboo HR SaaS HR Project Managers will take CIC’s company data and spreadsheets, migrate them into the BambooHR system, and will guide the entire process to have CIC up and running in no time.


4. Testing: CIC can use the free trial option to get an idea of what they will be paying for and make the decision if they will move forward with the software. By using the free trial they will have a better understanding of the software and if it meet their needs and demands. During the free trial CIC can test the Bamboo Hr system for requirement SP-2 by checking that the system is allowing the necessary employees to access information about potential candidates at the same time. Also, allowing the necessary employees to collaborate during the hiring process by giving and receiving feedbacks in real time. .


5. Employee preparation: The vendor has a dozen free videos and tutorials to help learn the system. Some of the topics include: Getting started, time off requests and approvals, understanding files and documents and configuring permission groups, and also the help section. If needed, CIC can also purchase custom training sessions and in-depth webinars to train your team or entire company on specific features.



a. Leadership



b. Change Management



c. Training



6. Data migration Data is secure in the cloud; equipment failure does not result in loss of data




8. Maintenance Users do not have to manage, install or upgrade software; SaaS providers manage this





G. Conclusion















Bourgeois, D. (2014). Business processes. Information Systems for Businesses and Beyond, Washington, D.C.: The Saylor Foundation

CIPHR. (n.d.). Cloud HR Software | HR SaaS Solutions | CIPHR. Retrieved from

University of California, Riverside. (n.d.). Human Resources: Recruitment & Selection Hiring Process. Retrieved from


In-text Citations

(CIPHR, n.d.)

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Exp19 Excel Ch07 Cap Assessment Shipping



Project Description:

You work for a company that sells cell phone accessories. The company  has distribution centers in three states. You want to analyze shipping  data for one week in April to determine if shipping times are too long.  You will perform other analysis and insert a map. Finally, you will  prepare a partial loan amortization table for a new delivery van.

Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch07_CapAssessment_Shipping.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.

The Week worksheet contains data   for the week of April 5.
In cell D7, insert the appropriate date function to calculate the  number of   days between the Date Arrived and Date Ordered. Copy the  function to the   range D8:D35.

Next, you want to display the   city names that correspond with the city airport codes.
In cell F7, insert the SWITCH function to evaluate the airport code  in cell   E7. Include mixed cell references to the city names in the  range F2:F4. Use   the airport codes as text for the Value arguments.  Copy the function to the   range F8:F35.

Now you want to display the   standard shipping costs by city.
In cell H7, insert the IFS function to identify the shipping cost  based on   the airport code and the applicable shipping rates in the  range G2:G4. Use   relative and mixed references correctly. Copy the  function to the range   H8:H35.

Finally, you want to calculate a   partial shipping refund if two conditions are met.
In cell I7, insert an IF function with a nested AND function to  determine   shipping refunds. The AND function should ensure both  conditions are met:   Total Days is grater than Total Days Delivery Goal  (cell C3) and Order Total   is equal to or greater than Order Total  Threshold (cell C2). If both   conditions are met, the refund is 50%  (cell C4) of the Shipping Cost.   Otherwise, the refund is $0. Use mixed  references as needed. Copy the   function to the range I8:I35.

The Stats worksheet contains   similar data. Now you want to enter summary statistics.
In cell B2, insert the COUNTIF function to count the number of  shipments for   Austin (cell B1). Use appropriate mixed references to  the range argument to   keep the column letters the same. Copy the  function to the range C2:D2.

In cell B3, insert the SUMIF   function to calculate the total orders  for Austin (cell B1). Use appropriate   mixed references to the range  argument to keep the column letters the same.   Copy the function to the  range C3:D3.

In cell B4, insert the AVERAGEIF   function to calculate the average  number of days for shipments from Austin   (cell B1). Use appropriate  mixed references to the range argument to keep the   column letters the  same. Copy the function to the range C4:D4.

Now you want to focus on   shipments from Houston where the order was greater than $1,000.
In cell C7, insert the COUNTIFS function to count the number of  orders where   the Airport Code is IAH (Cell D1) and the Order Total is  greater than $1,000.

In cell C8, insert the SUMIFS   function to calculate the total  orders where the Airport Code is IAH (Cell   D1) and the Order Total is  greater than $1,000.

In cell C9, insert the MAXIFS   function to return the highest order  total where the Airport Code is IAH   (Cell D1) and the Order Total is  greater than $1,000.

On the Map worksheet, insert a   map for the states and revenues. Cut and paste the map in cell C1.

Format the data series to show   only regions with data and show all map labels.

Change the map title to April 5-9   Gross Revenue.

Use the Loan worksheet to   complete the loan amortization table.
In cell F2, insert the IPMT function to calculate the interest for  the first   payment. Copy the function to the range F3:F25. (The results  will update   after you complete the other functions and formulas.)

In cell G2, insert the PPMT   function to calculate the principal  paid for the first payment. Copy the   function to the range G3:G25.

In cell H2, insert a formula to   calculate the ending principal balance. Copy the formula to the range H3:H25.

Now you want to determine how   much interest was paid during the first two years.
In cell B10, insert the CUMIPMT function to calculate the  cumulative interest   after the first two years. Make sure the result is  positive.

In cell B11, insert the CUMPRINC   function to calculate the  cumulative principal paid at the end of the first   two years. Make sure  the result is positive.

You want to perform a what-if   analysis to determine the rate if the monthly payment is $1,150 instead of   $1,207.87.
In cell B15, insert the RATE function to calculate the necessary  monthly rate   given the NPER, proposed monthly payment, and loan. Make  sure the result is   positive.

Finally, you want to convert the   monthly rate to an APR.
In cell B16, insert a formula to calculate the APR for the monthly rate in   cell B15.

Insert a footer on all sheets   with your name on the left side, the  sheet name code in the center, and the   file name code on the right  side.

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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

Office 2013 – myitlab:grader – Instructions Exploring – Excel Chapter 4: Homework Project 1

Mountain View Realty


Project Description: A coworker developed a spreadsheet listing houses listed and sold during the past several months. She included addresses, location, list price, selling price, listing date, and date sold. You need to convert the data to a table. You will manage the large worksheet, prepare the worksheet for printing, sort and filter the table, include calculations, and format the table.


Instructions: For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks: Rule 1: If an object is selected and a new tab appears, it is 95% in that new tab. Rule 2: If you are ever confused, right click on the selected item. Formulas: + = Addition – = Subtraction * = Multiplication / = Division Step Instructions Points Possible 1 Start Excel. Open the downloaded file named exploring_e04_grader_h1.xlsx. In File, use the SAVE AS function to save the document in Computer / Z Drive as Excel Chapter 4 Capstone 0 2 In the Sales Data worksheet, freeze the top row. Be sure row 1 is the top row before you freeze it. 5 3 In the Sales Data worksheet, click cell A1, convert the data to a table and apply Table Style Medium 17. 6 4 In the Sales Data worksheet, remove duplicate records in the table using default settings. 5 5 In the Sales Data worksheet, insert a new column to the right of the Selling Price field. Name the new field Percent of List Price. Select the range E2:E43 and format the fields with Percent Style with on decimal place. 6 6 In the Sales Data worksheet, enter a formula in cell E2 with structured references to calculate the percent of the list price, meaning the Selling Price divided by the List Price. A Structured reference uses the column as the reference rather than the cell. Ex: Percent of List Price =[Selling Price]/[List Price] 6 7 In the Sales Data worksheet, type in cell H1 the header Days on Market. Enter a formula with structured references to calculate the number of days on the market, meaning the Sale Date minus the Listing Date. If the data does not appear as number, select ALL the Days on Market data and change the format to Number with zero decimals. 6 8 In the Sales Data worksheet, add a total row to display the average percent of list price and average number of days on market. For the Days on Market average, be sure there are no decimal places. Type Averages in cell A44. 10 9 In the Sales Data worksheet, sort the table by City in alphabetical order and add a second level to sort by Days on Market with the houses on the market the longest at the top within each city. 8 10 In the Sales Data worksheet, select the Listing Date and Sale Date fields and set a column width of 11.00. Wrap the column labels in the range E1:H1. 6 11 In the Sales Data worksheet, within print titles, repeat the table headers on all pages. 5 12 Display the Sales Data worksheet in Page Break Preview and move the page break to occur between rows 26 and 27, and then change back to Normal view. 5 13 Switch to the Filtered Data worksheet. Within Table Tools Design, convert to range the table of data. 5 14 Within Data / Sort & Filter, filter the data to display the cities of Alpine, Cedar Hills, and Eagle Mountain. 6 15 Use a number filter to filter the days on market data to display records for houses that were on the market 30 days or more. 5 16 Select the Days on Market values (E2:E69) and apply a Conditional Formatting Icon Set of the 3 Arrows (Colored). 5 17 Select the Selling Prices values and apply a conditional Formatting Gradient Fill of the Light Blue Data Bar. 5 18 Select the Percent of List Price values and apply a conditional format using highlight cell rules to values greater than 98%. Apply a custom format: Yellow fill (fourth color in the bottom row) Bold font 6 19 Ensure that the worksheets are correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Sales Data, Filtered Data. Save the workbook. Close the workbook and then exit Excel. Submit the workbook as directed. 0 Total Points 100


Updated: 04/04/2013 2 E_CH04_EXPV1_H1_Instructions.docx

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W7- Case Study Question Assignment help

W7- Case Study Question Assignment help

Note: – Must require——–

APA format (Times New Roman, size 12 and 2 space)

MS Visio diagram OR MS Word Smart Art

Minimum 3 or more References including Sharda mentioned below.

W7: Case Studies – Graded Case Study Assignment (Pages 589-591 and 630-631)

Graded Assignment:  Case Studies – (Follow all steps below)

Carefully review and read both case studies found in your textbook from Pages 589-591 and 630-631

Sharda, R., Delen, D., & Turban, E. (2015) Business intelligence and analytics: Systems for decision support (10th ed.). Boston: Pearson.

Digital: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-340193-6 or Print: ISBN-13: 978-0-13-305090-5

After reading and analyzing both studies, address all case study questions found within the case studies in scholarly detail prepared in a professionally formatted APA paper.

When concluding the paper, expand your analytical and critical thinking skills to develop ideas as a process or operation of steps visually represented in a flow diagram or any other type of created illustration to support your idea which can be used as a proposal to the entity or organization in the cases to correct or improve any case related issues addressed.  This is required for both cases.

When developing illustrations to support a process or operation of steps, Microsoft Word has a tool known as “Smart Art” which is ideal for the development of these types of illustrations or diagrams.  To get acquainted with this tool, everyone can visit using a keyword search “Microsoft Word Smart Art Tutorials” to find many video demonstrations in using this tool.

Minimum Paper Expectations

· Page Requirements:  The overall paper supporting both cases will include a minimum of “4” pages of written content.

· Research Requirements:  The overall paper will be supported with a minimum of “3” academic sources of research and one of the sources can be the textbook.

· Application Technology:  Microsoft Word will be used to prepare this paper.

· Professional Format: APA will be used to prepare the professional layout and documentation of research.

· Important Note:  Do not fall below minimum page and research requirements.


Questions from the text Book which we need to elaborate in our case study



1. How big is Big Data for Discovery Health?

2. What big data sources did Discovery Health use for their analytic solutions?

3. What were the main data/ analytics challenges Discovery Health was facing?

4. What were the main solutions they have produced?

5. What were the initial results/benefits? What do you think will be the future of Big Data analytics at Discovery?

Diagram flow – MS word ART or MS Visio etc… (This is must)



1. What is main business problem faced by Southern States Cooperative?

2. How was predictive analytics applied in the application case?

3. What problems were solved by the optimization techniques employed by Southern States Cooperative?

Diagram flow – MS word ART or MS Visio etc… (This is must)



Reference info. Minimum 3 or more.

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Definitions Of Maturity Stages And Dimension Variables In The CEO Technology Best Practices Arc assignment help

Definitions Of Maturity Stages And Dimension Variables In The CEO Technology Best Practices Arc assignment help

Information Technology and Organizational

Learning Managing Behavioral Change

in the Digital Age Third Edition



Information Technology and Organizational

Learning Managing Behavioral Change

in the Digital Age Third Edition

Arthur M. Langer



CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742

© 2018 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-4987-7575-5 (Paperback) International Standard Book Number-13: 978-1-138-23858-9 (Hardback)

This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or the consequences of their use. The authors and publishers have attempted to trace the copyright holders of all material reproduced in this publication and apologize to copyright holders if permission to publish in this form has not been obtained. If any copyright material has not been acknowledged please write and let us know so we may rectify in any future reprint.

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Foreword xi Acknowledgments xiii Author xv IntroductIon xvii

chApter 1 the “rAvell” corporAtIon 1 Introduction 1 A New Approach 3

The Blueprint for Integration 5 Enlisting Support 6 Assessing Progress 7

Resistance in the Ranks 8 Line Management to the Rescue 8 IT Begins to Reflect 9 Defining an Identity for Information Technology 10 Implementing the Integration: A Move toward Trust and Reflection 12 Key Lessons 14

Defining Reflection and Learning for an Organization 14 Working toward a Clear Goal 15 Commitment to Quality 15 Teaching Staff “Not to Know” 16 Transformation of Culture 16

Alignment with Administrative Departments 17 Conclusion 19



vi Contents

chApter 2 the It dIlemmA 21 Introduction 21 Recent Background 23 IT in the Organizational Context 24 IT and Organizational Structure 24 The Role of IT in Business Strategy 25 Ways of Evaluating IT 27 Executive Knowledge and Management of IT 28 IT: A View from the Top 29

Section 1: Chief Executive Perception of the Role of IT 32 Section 2: Management and Strategic Issues 34 Section 3: Measuring IT Performance and Activities 35 General Results 36

Defining the IT Dilemma 36 Recent Developments in Operational Excellence 38

chApter 3 technology As A vArIAble And responsIve orgAnIzAtIonAl dynAmIsm 41 Introduction 41 Technological Dynamism 41 Responsive Organizational Dynamism 42

Strategic Integration 43 Summary 48

Cultural Assimilation 48 IT Organization Communications with “ Others” 49 Movement of Traditional IT Staff 49 Summary 51

Technology Business Cycle 52 Feasibility 53 Measurement 53 Planning 54 Implementation 55 Evolution 57 Drivers and Supporters 58

Santander versus Citibank 60 Information Technology Roles and Responsibilities 60 Replacement or Outsource 61

chApter 4 orgAnIzAtIonAl leArnIng theorIes And technology 63 Introduction 63 Learning Organizations 72 Communities of Practice 75 Learning Preferences and Experiential Learning 83 Social Discourse and the Use of Language 89

Identity 91 Skills 92




Emotion 92 Linear Development in Learning Approaches 96

chApter 5 mAnAgIng orgAnIzAtIonAl leArnIng And technology 109 The Role of Line Management 109

Line Managers 111 First-Line Managers 111 Supervisor 111

Management Vectors 112 Knowledge Management 116 Ch ange Management 120 Change Management for IT Organizations 123 Social Networks and Information Technology 134

chApter 6 orgAnIzAtIonAl trAnsFormAtIon And the bAlAnced scorecArd 139 Introduction 139 Methods of Ongoing Evaluation 146 Balanced Scorecards and Discourse 156 Knowledge Creation, Culture, and Strategy 158

chApter 7 vIrtuAl teAms And outsourcIng 163 Introduction 163 Status of Virtual Teams 165 Management Considerations 166 Dealing with Multiple Locations 166

Externalization 169 Internalization 171 Combination 171 Socialization 172 Externalization Dynamism 172 Internalization Dynamism 173 Combination Dynamism 173 Socialization Dynamism 173

Dealing with Multiple Locations and Outsourcing 177 Revisiting Social Discourse 178 Identity 179 Skills 180 Emotion 181

chApter 8 synergIstIc unIon oF It And orgAnIzAtIonAl leArnIng 187 Introduction 187 Siemens AG 187

Aftermath 202 ICAP 203



viii Contents

Five Years Later 224 HTC 225

IT History at HTC 226 Interactions of the CEO 227 The Process 228 Transformation from the Transition 229 Five Years Later 231

Summary 233

chApter 9 FormIng A cyber securIty culture 239 Introduction 239 History 239 Talking to the Board 241 Establishing a Security Culture 241 Understanding What It Means to be Compromised 242 Cyber Security Dynamism and Responsive Organizational Dynamism 242 Cyber Strategic Integration 243 Cyber Cultural Assimilation 245 Summary 246 Organizational Learning and Application Development 246 Cyber Security Risk 247 Risk Responsibility 248 Driver /Supporter Implications 250

chApter 10 dIgItAl trAnsFormAtIon And chAnges In consumer behAvIor 251 Introduction 251 Requirements without Users and without Input 254 Concepts of the S-Curve and Digital Transformation Analysis and Design 258 Organizational Learning and the S-Curve 260 Communities of Practice 261 The IT Leader in the Digital Transformation Era 262 How Technology Disrupts Firms and Industries 264

Dynamism and Digital Disruption 264 Critical Components of “ Digital” Organization 265 Assimilating Digital Technology Operationally and Culturally 267 Conclusion 268

chApter 11 IntegrAtIng generAtIon y employees to AccelerAte competItIve AdvAntAge 269 Introduction 269 The Employment Challenge in the Digital Era 270 Gen Y Population Attributes 272 Advantages of Employing Millennials to Support Digital Transformation 272 Integration of Gen Y with Baby Boomers and Gen X 273




Designing the Digital Enterprise 274 Assimilating Gen Y Talent from Underserved and Socially Excluded Populations 276 Langer Workforce Maturity Arc 277

Theoretical Constructs of the LWMA 278 The LWMA and Action Research 281

Implications for New Pathways for Digital Talent 282 Demographic Shifts in Talent Resources 282 Economic Sustainability 283 Integration and Trust 283

Global Implications for Sources of Talent 284 Conclusion 284

chApter 12 towArd best prActIces 287 Introduction 287 Chief IT Executive 288 Definitions of Maturity Stages and Dimension Variables in the Chief IT Executive Best Practices Arc 297

Maturity Stages 297 Performance Dimensions 298

Chief Executive Officer 299 CIO Direct Reporting to the CEO 305 Outsourcing 306 Centralization versus Decentralization of IT 306 CIO Needs Advanced Degrees 307 Need for Standards 307 Risk Management 307

The CEO Best Practices Technology Arc 313 Definitions of Maturity Stages and Dimension Variables in the CEO Technology Best Practices Arc 314

Maturity Stages 314 Performance Dimensions 315

Middle Management 316 The Middle Management Best Practices Technology Arc 323

Definitions of Maturity Stages and Dimension Variables in the Middle Manager Best Practices Arc 325

Maturity Stages 325 Performance Dimensions 326

Summary 327 Ethics and Maturity 333

chApter 13 conclusIons 339 Introduction 339

glossAry 357 reFerences 363 Index 373





Digital technologies are transforming the global economy. Increasingly, firms and other organizations are assessing their opportunities, develop- ing and delivering products and services, and interacting with custom- ers and other stakeholders digitally. Established companies recognize that digital technologies can help them operate their businesses with greater speed and lower costs and, in many cases, offer their custom- ers opportunities to co-design and co-produce products and services. Many start-up companies use digital technologies to develop new prod- ucts and business models that disrupt the present way of doing busi- ness, taking customers away from firms that cannot change and adapt. In recent years, digital technology and new business models have dis- rupted one industry after another, and these developments are rapidly transforming how people communicate, learn, and work.

Against this backdrop, the third edition of Arthur Langer’ s Information Technology and Organizational Learning is most welcome. For decades, Langer has been studying how firms adapt to new or changing conditions by increasing their ability to incorporate and use advanced information technologies. Most organizations do not adopt new technology easily or readily. Organizational inertia and embed- ded legacy systems are powerful forces working against the adoption of new technology, even when the advantages of improved technology are recognized. Investing in new technology is costly, and it requires



xii Foreword

aligning technology with business strategies and transforming cor- porate cultures so that organization members use the technology to become more productive.

Information Technology and Organizational Learning addresses these important issues— and much more. There are four features of the new edition that I would like to draw attention to that, I believe, make this a valuable book. First, Langer adopts a behavioral perspective rather than a technical perspective. Instead of simply offering norma- tive advice about technology adoption, he shows how sound learn- ing theory and principles can be used to incorporate technology into the organization. His discussion ranges across the dynamic learning organization, knowledge management, change management, com- munities of practice, and virtual teams. Second, he shows how an organization can move beyond technology alignment to true technol- ogy integration. Part of this process involves redefining the traditional support role of the IT department to a leadership role in which IT helps to drive business strategy through a technology-based learn- ing organization. Third, the book contains case studies that make the material come alive. The book begins with a comprehensive real-life case that sets the stage for the issues to be resolved, and smaller case illustrations are sprinkled throughout the chapters, to make concepts and techniques easily understandable. Lastly, Langer has a wealth of experience that he brings to his book. He spent more than 25 years as an IT consultant and is the founder of the Center for Technology Management at Columbia University, where he directs certificate and executive programs on various aspects of technology innovation and management. He has organized a vast professional network of tech- nology executives whose companies serve as learning laboratories for his students and research. When you read the book, the knowledge and insight gained from these experiences is readily apparent.

If you are an IT professional, Information Technology and Organi­ zational Learning should be required reading. However, anyone who is part of a firm or agency that wants to capitalize on the opportunities provided by digital technology will benefit from reading the book.

Charles C. Snow Professor Emeritus, Penn State University

Co­Editor, Journal of Organization Design





Many colleagues and clients have provided significant support during the development of the third edition of Information Technology and Organizational Learning.

I owe much to my colleagues at Teachers College, namely, Professor Victoria Marsick and Lyle Yorks, who guided me on many of the the- ories on organizational learning, and Professor Lee Knefelkamp, for her ongoing mentorship on adult learning and developmental theo- ries. Professor David Thomas from the Harvard Business School also provided valuable direction on the complex issues surrounding diver- sity, and its importance in workforce development.

I appreciate the corporate executives who agreed to participate in the studies that allowed me to apply learning theories to actual organizational practices. Stephen McDermott from ICAP provided invaluable input on how chief executive officers (CEOs) can success- fully learn to manage emerging technologies. Dana Deasy, now global chief information officer (CIO) of JP Morgan Chase, contributed enormous information on how corporate CIOs can integrate tech- nology into business strategy. Lynn O’ Connor Vos, CEO of Grey Healthcare, also showed me how technology can produce direct mon- etary returns, especially when the CEO is actively involved.

And, of course, thank you to my wonderful students at Columbia University. They continue to be at the core of my inspiration and love for writing, teaching, and scholarly research.





Arthur M. Langer, EdD, is professor of professional practice of management and the director of the Center for Technology Management at Columbia University. He is the academic direc- tor of the Executive Masters of Science program in Technology Management, vice chair of faculty and executive advisor to the dean at the School of Professional Studies and is on the faculty of the Department of Organization and Leadership at the Graduate School of Education (Teachers College). He has also served as a member of the Columbia University Faculty Senate. Dr. Langer is the author of Guide to Software Development: Designing & Managing the Life Cycle. 2nd Edition (2016), Strategic IT: Best Practices for Managers and Executives (2013 with Lyle Yorks), Information Technology and Organizational Learning (2011), Analysis and Design of Information Systems (2007), Applied Ecommerce (2002), and The Art of Analysis (1997), and has numerous published articles and papers, relating to digital transformation, service learning for underserved popula- tions, IT organizational integration, mentoring, and staff develop- ment. Dr. Langer consults with corporations and universities on information technology, cyber security, staff development, man- agement transformation, and curriculum development around the Globe. Dr. Langer is also the chairman and founder of Workforce Opportunity Services (, a non-profit social venture



xvi Author

that provides scholarships and careers to underserved populations around the world.

Dr. Langer earned a BA in computer science, an MBA in accounting/finance, and a Doctorate of Education from Columbia University.






Information technology (IT) has become a more significant part of workplace operations, and as a result, information systems person- nel are key to the success of corporate enterprises, especially with the recent effects of the digital revolution on every aspect of business and social life (Bradley & Nolan, 1998; Langer, 1997, 2011; Lipman- Blumen, 1996). This digital revolution is defined as a form of “ dis- ruption.” Indeed, the big question facing many enterprises today is, How can executives anticipate the unexpected threats brought on by technological advances that could devastate their business? This book focuses on the vital role that information and digital technology orga- nizations need to play in the course of organizational development and learning, and on the growing need to integrate technology fully into the processes of workplace organizational learning. Technology personnel have long been criticized for their inability to function as part of the business, and they are often seen as a group outside the corporate norm (Schein, 1992). This is a problem of cultural assimila- tion, and it represents one of the two major fronts that organizations now face in their efforts to gain a grip on the new, growing power of technology, and to be competitive in a global world. The other major



xviii IntroduCtIon

front concerns the strategic integration of new digital technologies into business line management.

Because technology continues to change at such a rapid pace, the ability of organizations to operate within a new paradigm of dynamic change emphasizes the need to employ action learning as a way to build competitive learning organizations in the twenty-first century. Information Technology and Organizational Learning integrates some of the fundamental issues bearing on IT today with concepts from organizational learning theory, providing comprehensive guidance, based on real-life business experiences and concrete research.

This book also focuses on another aspect of what IT can mean to an organization. IT represents a broadening dimension of business life that affects everything we do inside an organization. This new reality is shaped by the increasing and irreversible dissemination of technology. To maximize the usefulness of its encroaching presence in everyday business affairs, organizations will require an optimal understanding of how to integrate technology into everything they do. To this end, this book seeks to break new ground on how to approach and concep- tualize this salient issue— that is, that the optimization of information and digital technologies is best pursued with a synchronous imple- mentation of organizational learning concepts. Furthermore, these concepts cannot be implemented without utilizing theories of strategic learning. Therefore, this book takes the position that technology liter- acy requires individual and group strategic learning if it is to transform a business into a technology-based learning organization. Technology­ based organizations are defined as those that have implemented a means of successfully integrating technology into their process of organiza- tional learning. Such organizations recognize and experience the real- ity of technology as part of their everyday business function. It is what many organizations are calling “ being digital.”

This book will also examine some of the many existing organi- zational learning theories, and the historical problems that have occurred with companies that have used them, or that have failed to use them. Thus, the introduction of technology into organizations actually provides an opportunity to reassess and reapply many of the past concepts, theories, and practices that have been used to support the importance of organizational learning. It is important, however, not to confuse this message with a reason for promoting organizational




learning, but rather, to understand the seamless nature of the relation- ship between IT and organizational learning. Each needs the other to succeed. Indeed, technology has only served to expose problems that have existed in organizations for decades, e.g., the inability to drive down responsibilities to the operational levels of the organization, and to be more agile with their consumers.

This book is designed to help businesses and individual manag- ers understand and cope with the many issues involved in developing organizational learning programs, and in integrating an important component: their IT and digital organizations. It aims to provide a combination of research case studies, together with existing theories on organizational learning in the workplace. The goal is also to pro- vide researchers and corporate practitioners with a book that allows them to incorporate a growing IT infrastructure with their exist- ing workforce culture. Professional organizations need to integrate IT into their organizational processes to compete effectively in the technology-driven business climate of today. This book responds to the complex and various dilemmas faced by many human resource managers and corporate executives regarding how to actually deal with many marginalized technology personnel who somehow always operate outside the normal flow of the core business.

While the history of IT, as a marginalized organization, is rela- tively short, in comparison to that of other professions, the problems of IT have been consistent since its insertion into business organiza- tions in the early 1960s. Indeed, while technology has changed, the position and valuation of IT have continued to challenge how execu- tives manage it, account for it, and, most important, ultimately value its contributions to the organization. Technology personnel continue to be criticized for their inability to function as part of the business, and they are often seen as outside the business norm. IT employees are frequently stereotyped as “ techies,” and are segregated in such a way that they become isolated from the organization. This book pro- vides a method for integrating IT, and redefining its role in organiza- tions, especially as a partner in formulating and implementing key business strategies that are crucial for the survival of many companies in the new digital age. Rather than provide a long and extensive list of common issues, I have decided it best to uncover the challenges of IT integration and performance through the case study approach.



xx IntroduCtIon

IT continues to be one of the most important yet least understood departments in an organization. It has also become one of the most significant components for competing in the global markets of today. IT is now an integral part of the way companies become successful, and is now being referred to as the digital arm of the business. This is true across all industries. The role of IT has grown enormously in companies throughout the world, and it has a mission to provide stra- tegic solutions that can make companies more competitive. Indeed, the success of IT, and its ability to operate as part of the learning organization, can mean the difference between the success and failure of entire companies. However, IT must be careful that it is not seen as just a factory of support personnel, and does not lose its justification as driving competitive advantage. We see in many organizations that other digital-based departments are being created, due to frustration with the traditional IT culture, or because they simply do not see IT as meeting the current needs for operating in a digital economy.

This book provides answers to other important questions that have challenged many organizations for decades. First, how can manag- ers master emerging digital technologies, sustain a relationship with organizational learning, and link it to strategy and performance? Second, what is the process by which to determine the value of using technology, and how does it relate to traditional ways of calculating return on investment, and establishing risk models? Third, what are the cyber security implications of technology-based products and services? Fourth, what are the roles and responsibilities of the IT executive, and the department in general? To answer these questions, managers need to focus on the following objectives:

• Address the operational weaknesses in organizations, in terms of how to deal with new technologies, and how to bet- ter realize business benefits.

• Provide a mechanism that both enables organizations to deal with accelerated change caused by technological innovations, and integrates them into a new cycle of processing, and han- dling of change.

• Provide a strategic learning framework, by which every new technology variable adds to organizational knowledge and can develop a risk and security culture.




• Establish an integrated approach that ties technology account- ability to other measurable outcomes, using organizational learning techniques and theories.

To realize these objectives, organizations must be able to

• create dynamic internal processes that can deal, on a daily basis, with understanding the potential fit of new technologies and their overall value within the structure of the business;

• provide the discourse to bridge the gaps between IT- and non- IT-related investments, and uses, into one integrated system;

• monitor investments and determine modifications to the life cycle;

• implement various organizational learning practices, includ- ing learning organization, knowledge management, change management, and communities of practice, all of which help foster strategic thinking, and learning, and can be linked to performance (Gephardt & Marsick, 2003).

The strengths of this book are that it integrates theory and practice and provides answers to the four common questions mentioned. Many of the answers provided in these pages are founded on theory and research and are supported by practical experience. Thus, evidence of the performance of the theories is presented via case studies, which are designed to assist the readers in determining how such theories and proven practices can be applied to their specific organization.

A common theme in this book involves three important terms: dynamic , unpredictable , and acceleration . Dynamic is a term that rep- resents spontaneous and vibrant things— a motive force. Technology behaves with such a force and requires organizations to deal with its capabilities. Glasmeier (1997) postulates that technology evolution, innovation, and change are dynamic processes. The force then is tech- nology, and it carries many motives, as we shall see throughout this book. Unpredictable suggests that we cannot plan what will happen or will be needed. Many organizational individuals, including execu- tives, have attempted to predict when, how, or why technology will affect their organization. Throughout our recent history, especially during the “ digital disruption” era, we have found that it is difficult, if not impossible, to predict how technology will ultimately benefit or



xxii IntroduCtIon

hurt organizational growth and competitive advantage. I believe that technology is volatile and erratic at times. Indeed, harnessing tech- nology is not at all an exact science; certainly not in the ways in which it can and should be used in today’ s modern organization. Finally, I use the term acceleration to convey the way technology is speeding up our lives. Not only have emerging technologies created this unpre- dictable environment of change, but they also continue to change it rapidly— even from the demise of the dot-com era decades ago. Thus, what becomes important is the need to respond quickly to technology. The inability to be responsive to change brought about by technologi- cal innovations can result in significant competitive disadvantages for organizations.

This new edition shows why this is a fact especially when examining the shrinking S-Curve. So, we look at these three words— dynamic, unpredictable, and acceleration— as a way to define how technology affects organizations; that is, technology is an accelerating motive force that occurs irregularly. These words name the challenges that organizations need to address if they are to manage technological innovations and integrate them with business strategy and competi- tive advantage. It only makes sense that the challenge of integrating technology into business requires us first to understand its potential impact, determine how it occurs, and see what is likely to follow. There are no quick remedies to dealing with emerging technologies, just common practices and sustained processes that must be adopted for organizations to survive in the future.

I had four goals in mind in writing this book. First, I am inter- ested in writing about the challenges of using digital technologies strategically. What particularly concerns me is the lack of literature that truly addresses this issue. What is also troublesome is the lack of reliable techniques for the evaluation of IT, especially since IT is used in almost every aspect of business life. So, as we increase our use and dependency on technology, we seem to understand less about how to measure and validate its outcomes. I also want to convey my thoughts about the importance of embracing nonmon- etary methods for evaluating technology, particularly as they relate to determining return on investment. Indeed, indirect and non- monetary benefits need to be part of the process of assessing and approving IT projects.




Second, I want to apply organizational learning theory to the field of IT and use proven learning models to help transform IT staff into becoming better members of their organizations. Everyone seems to know about the inability of IT people to integrate with other depart- ments, yet no one has really created a solution to the problem. I find that organizational learning techniques are an effective way of coach- ing IT staff to operate more consistently with the goals of the busi- nesses that they support.

Third, I want to present cogent theories about IT and organiza- tional learning; theories that establish new ways for organizations to adapt new technologies. I want to share my experiences and those of other professionals who have found approaches that can provide posi- tive outcomes from technology investments.

Fourth, I have decided to express my concerns about the valid- ity and reliability of organizational learning theories and practices as they apply to the field of IT. I find that most of these models need to be enhanced to better fit the unique aspects of the digital age. These modified models enable the original learning techniques to address IT-specific issues. In this way, the organization can develop a more holistic approach toward a common goal for using technology.

Certainly, the balance of how technology ties in with strategy is essential. However, there has been much debate over whether tech- nology should drive business strategy or vice versa. We will find that the answer to this is “ yes.” Yes, in the sense that technology can affect the way organizations determine their missions and business strate- gies; but “ no” in that technology should not be the only component for determining mission and strategy. Many managers have realized that business is still business, meaning that technology is not a “ sil- ver bullet.” The challenge, then, is to determine how best to fit tech- nology into the process of creating and supporting business strategy. Few would doubt today that technology is, indeed, the most signifi- cant variable affecting business strategy. However, the most viable approach is to incorporate technology into the process of determin- ing business strategy. I have found that many businesses still formu- late their strategies first, and then look at technology, as a means to efficiently implement objectives and goals. Executives need to better understand the unique and important role that technology provides us; it can drive business strategy, and support it, at the same time.



xxiv IntroduCtIon

Managers should not solely focus their attention on generating breakthrough innovations that will create spectacular results. Most good uses of technology are much subtler, and longer-lasting. For this reason, this book discusses and defines new technology life cycles that blend business strategy and strategic learning. Building on this theme, I introduce the idea of responsive organizational dynamism as the core theory of this book. Responsive organizational dynamism defines an environment that can respond to the three important terms (dynamic, unpredictable, and acceleration). Indeed, technology requires organizations that can sustain a system, in which individu- als can deal with dynamic, unpredictable, and accelerated change, as part of their regular process of production. The basis of this concept is that organizations must create and sustain such an environment to be competitive in a global technologically-driven economy. I further analyze responsive organizational dynamism in its two subcompo- nents: strategic integration and cultural assimilation, which address how technology needs to be measured as it relates to business strategy, and what related social– structural changes are needed, respectively.

Change is an important principle of this book. I talk about the importance of how to change, how to manage such change, and why emerging technologies are a significant agent of change. I support the need for change, as an opportunity to use many of the learning theories that have been historically difficult to implement. That is, implementing change brought on by technological innovation is an opportunity to make the organization more “ change ready” or, as we define it today, more “ agile.” However, we also know that little is known about how organizations should actually go about modifying existing processes to adapt to new technologies and become digital entities— and to be accustomed to doing this regularly. Managing through such periods of change requires that we develop a model that can deal with dynamic, unpredictable, and accelerated change. This is what responsive organizational dynamism is designed to do.

We know that over 20% of IT projects still fail to be completed. Another 54% fail to meet their projected completion date. We now sit at the forefront of another technological spurt of innovations that will necessitate major renovations to existing legacy systems, requiring that they be linked to sophisticated e-business systems. These e-business systems will continue to utilize the Internet, and emerging mobile




technologies. While we tend to focus primarily on what technology generically does, organizations need urgently to prepare themselves for the next generation of advances, by forming structures that can deal with continued, accelerated change, as the norm of daily opera- tions. For this edition, I have added new sections and chapters that address the digital transformation, ways of dealing with changing consumer behavior, the need to form evolving cyber security cultures, and the importance of integrating Gen Y employees to accelerate competitive advantage.

This book provides answers to a number of dilemmas but ultimately offers an imbricate cure for the problem of latency in performance and quality afflicting many technologically-based projects. Traditionally, management has attempted to improve IT performance by increasing technical skills and project manager expertise through new processes. While there has been an effort to educate IT managers to become more interested and participative in business issues, their involvement continues to be based more on service than on strategy. Yet, at the heart of the issue is the entirety of the organization. It is my belief that many of the programmatic efforts conducted in traditional ways and attempting to mature and integrate IT with the rest of the organiza- tion will continue to deliver disappointing results.

My personal experience goes well beyond research; it draws from living and breathing the IT experience for the past 35 years, and from an understanding of the dynamics of what occurs inside and outside the IT department in most organizations. With such experi- ence, I can offer a path that engages the participation of the entire management team and operations staff of the organization. While my vision for this kind of digital transformation is different from other approaches, it is consistent with organizational learning theo- ries that promote the integration of individuals, communities, and senior management to participate in more democratic and vision- ary forms of thinking, reflection, and learning. It is my belief that many of the dilemmas presented by IT have existed in other parts of organizations for years, and that the Internet revolution only served to expose them. If we believe this to be true, then we must begin the process of integrating technology into strategic thinking and stop depending on IT to provide magical answers, and inappropriate expectations of performance.



xxvi IntroduCtIon

Technology is not the responsibility of any one person or depart- ment; rather, it is part of the responsibility of every employee. Thus, the challenge is to allow organizations to understand how to modify their processes, and the roles and responsibilities of their employees, to incorporate digital technologies as part of normal workplace activi- ties. Technology then becomes more a subject and a component of discourse. IT staff members need to emerge as specialists who par- ticipate in decision making, development, and sustained support of business evolution. There are also technology-based topics that do not require the typical expertise that IT personnel provide. This is a literacy issue that requires different ways of thinking and learning during the everyday part of operations. For example, using desktop tools, communicating via e-mail, and saving files and data, are inte- gral to everyday operations. These activities affect projects, yet they are not really part of the responsibilities of IT departments. Given the knowledge that technology is everywhere, we must change the approach that we take to be successful. Another way of looking at this phenomenon is to define technology more as a commodity, readily available to all individuals. This means that the notion of technology as organizationally segregated into separate cubes of expertise is prob- lematic, particularly on a global front.

Thus, the overall aim of this book is to promote organizational learning that disseminates the uses of technology throughout a busi- ness, so that IT departments are a partner in its use, as opposed to being its sole owner. The cure to IT project failure, then, is to engage the business in technology decisions in such a way that individuals and business units are fundamentally involved in the process. Such processes need to be designed to dynamically respond to technology opportunities and thus should not be overly bureaucratic. There is a balance between establishing organizations that can readily deal with technology versus those that become too complex and inefficient.

This balance can only be attained using organizational learning techniques as the method to grow and reach technology maturation.

Overview of the Chapters

Chapter 1 provides an important case study of the Ravell Corporation (a pseudonym), where I was retained for over five years. During this




period, I applied numerous organizational learning methods toward the integration of the IT department with the rest of the organiza- tion. The chapter allows readers to understand how the theories of organizational learning can be applied in actual practice, and how those theories are particularly beneficial to the IT community. The chapter also shows the practical side of how learning techniques can be linked to measurable outcomes, and ultimately related to business strategy. This concept will become the basis of integrating learning with strategy (i.e., “ strategic learning” ). The Ravell case study also sets the tone of what I call the IT dilemma, which represents the core problem faced by organizations today. Furthermore, the Ravell case study becomes the cornerstone example throughout the book and is used to relate many of the theories of learning and their practical applicability in organizations. The Ravell case has also been updated in this second edition to include recent results that support the impor- tance of alignment with the human resources department.

Chapter 2 presents the details of the IT dilemma. This chapter addresses issues such as isolation of IT staff, which results in their marginalization from the rest of the organization. I explain that while executives want technology to be an important part of business strat- egy, few understand how to accomplish it. In general, I show that individuals have a lack of knowledge about how technology and busi- ness strategy can, and should, be linked, to form common business objectives. The chapter provides the results of a three-year study of how chief executives link the role of technology with business strat- egy. The study captures information relating to how chief executives perceive the role of IT, how they manage it, and use it strategically, and the way they measure IT performance and activities.

Chapter 3 focuses on defining how organizations need to respond to the challenges posed by technology. I analyze technological dyna- mism in its core components so that readers understand the different facets that comprise its many applications. I begin by presenting tech- nology as a dynamic variable that is capable of affecting organizations in a unique way. I specifically emphasize the unpredictability of tech- nology, and its capacity to accelerate change— ultimately concluding that technology, as an independent variable, has a dynamic effect on organizational development. This chapter also introduces my theory of responsive organizational dynamism, defined as a disposition in



xxviii IntroduCtIon

organizational behavior that can respond to the demands of tech- nology as a dynamic variable. I establish two core components of responsive organizational dynamism: strategic integration and cultural assimilation . Each of these components is designed to tackle a specific problem introduced by technology. Strategic integration addresses the way in which organizations determine how to use technology as part of business strategy. Cultural assimilation, on the other hand, seeks to answer how the organization, both structurally and culturally, will accommodate the actual human resources of an IT staff and depart- ment within the process of implementing new technologies. Thus, strategic integration will require organizational changes in terms of cultural assimilation. The chapter also provides a perspective of the technology life cycle so that readers can see how responsive organi- zational dynamism is applied, on an IT project basis. Finally, I define the driver and supporter functions of IT and how these contribute to managing technology life cycles.

Chapter 4 introduces theories on organizational learning, and applies them specifically to responsive organizational dynamism. I emphasize that organizational learning must result in individual, and organizational transformation, that leads to measurable performance outcomes. The chapter defines a number of organizational learning theories, such as reflective practices, learning organization, communi- ties of practice, learning preferences and experiential learning, social discourse, and the use of language. These techniques and approaches to promoting organizational learning are then configured into various models that can be used to assess individual and organizational devel- opment. Two important models are designed to be used in responsive organizational dynamism: the applied individual learning wheel and the technology maturity arc. These models lay the foundation for my position that learning maturation involves a steady linear progression from an individual focus toward a system or organizational perspec- tive. The chapter also addresses implementation issues— political challenges that can get in the way of successful application of the learning theories.

Chapter 5 explores the role of management in creating and sustain- ing responsive organizational dynamism. I define the tiers of middle management in relation to various theories of management partici- pation in organizational learning.

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Ch8 Mini-Case III: Indiana University homework help

Ch8 Mini-Case III: Indiana University homework help

please i need this in 6 hours

Chapter 8 Backbone Networks


To provide you the opportunity to research and illustrate the best practice recommendations for backbone design.


  1. Read Management Focus 8-1: Switched Backbone at Indiana University,  Figure 8-4 illustrates the university’s network design. What other alternatives do you think Indiana University considered? Why do you think they did what they did? Provide a thoughtful and informative response to the questions; you should be able to support your recommendations. Be sure to support your ideas with evidence gathered from reading the text or other outside sources. Be sure to give credit to the sources where you find evidence. Use an attribution like “According to the text,” or “According to Computer Weekly website” in your response.  Your response should be a minimum of 200 words.
  2. Respond to at least one of your classmates’ posting. Your response should at a minimum of 100 words. A response like “I agree” or “Yes, you are correct” does not contribute to a robust discussion. Explain why you agree or disagree; share our own personal experience or knowledge gained from your readings.
  3. Submit this assignment in the Discussion Board

Figure 8-4 on this book —>


This assignment is worth 50 points. I will grade your responses based on accuracy and completeness. Your initial posting should be at least 200 words and your response to at least one classmate should be at least 100 words.

respond with a 100 words to the post under |



A backbone network is defined as a network containing a high capacity connectivity infrastructure that forms the main link or backbone to the different parts of the network. The network consists on various LANs, WANs and sub networks. The connectivity may cover a local area within a building or vicinity or may have a global outreach that spans vast geographical areas. The backbone has a capacity that far exceeds that of the individual networks connected to it. as we read on the text book “switched back bone is the most common type of backbone used in distribution layer today”

Indiana university made the design based on switched backbone architecture. I think they did it because they were using low budget and the cost assessment was low and Backbone has clear segments.

If I was the project manager, the first thing I would do move all switches to one place instead having them in every floor. I would put in my consideration other way VLAN, it will connect all computers to keep all computer everywhere under one subnet, and faster and we have learned that” VLANs are networks in which computers are assigned to Lan segments by software rather than by hardware. “

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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

1.       CH 9, self-check: Problem 1, pg. 634

What is code reuse?  How does inheritance help achieve code reuse?

2.       CH 9, self-check: problem 3, pg. 634

Which of the following is the correct syntax to indicate that class A is a subclass of B?

a. public class B extends A {

b. public class A : super B {

c. public A(super B) {

d. public class A extends B {

e. public A implements B {

3.       CH 9, self-check: problem 4, pg. 635

Consider the following classes:

public class Vehicle {…}

public class Car extends Vehicle {…}

public class SUV extends Car {…}

Which of the following are legal statements (assuming these classes all have constructors with no arguments)?

a. Vehicle v = new Car();

b. Vehicle v = new SUV();

c. Car c = new SUV();

d. SUV s = new SUV();

e. SUV s = new Car();

f. Car c = new Vehicle();

4.       CH 9, self-check: problem 5, pg. 635

Explain the difference between the this keyword and the super keyword.  When should each be used?

5.       CH 9, self-check: problem 6, pg. 635

For the next three problems consider the following class:

// Represents a university student.

public class Student {

private String name;

private int age;


public Student(String name, int age) { = name;

this.age = age;



public void setAge(int age) {

this.age = age;




Also consider the following partial implementation of a subclass of Student to represent undergraduate students at a university:

public class UndergraduateStudent extends Student {

private int year;

. . .



Can the code in the UndergraduateStudent class access the name and age fields it inherits from Student?  Can it call the setAge method?

6.       CH 9, self-check: problem 11, pg. 637

Assume that the following classes have been defined (from section 9.3, pp. 600-601):

public class A {

public void method1() {

System.out.println(“A 1”);

`    }


public void method2() {

System.out.println(“A 2”);



public String toString() {

return “A”;




public class B extends A {

public void method2() {

System.out.println(“B 2”);




public class C extends A {

public void method1() {

System.out.println(“C 1”);



public String toString() {

return “C”;




public class D extends C {

public void method2() {

System.out.println(“D 2”);




What is the output produced by the following code fragment?

public static void main(String[] args) {

A[] elements = {new B(), new D(), new A(), new C()};

for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {








7.       CH 9, self-check: problem 12, pp. 637-638

Assume that the following classes have been defined:

public class Flute extends Blue {

public void method2() {

System.out.println(“flute 2”);



public String toString() {

return “flute”;




public class Blue extends Moo {

public void method1() {

System.out.println(“blue 1”);

`    }



public class Shoe extends Flute {

public void method1() {

System.out.println(“shoe 1”);

`    }



public class Moo {

public void method1() {

System.out.println(“moo 1”);

`    }


public void method2() {

System.out.println(“moo 2”);



public String toString() {

return “moo”;




What is the output produced by the following code fragment?

public static void main(String[] args) {

Moo[] elements = {new Shoe(), new Flute(), new Moo(), new Blue()};

for (int i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {








8.       CH 9, exercises: problem 1, pg. 642.

Write the class Marketer to accompany the other law firm classes described in this chapter.  Marketers make $50,000 ($10,000 more than general employees) and have an additional method called advertise that prints “Act now, while supplies last!”  Make sure to interact with the superclass as appropriate.  Note that the textbook website has a, but it’s not quite right to fit with in the text itself, so fix it up to do so.

9.       CH 9, exercises: Problem 5, pg. 643.

For the next two problems, consider the task of representing tickets to campus events.  Each ticket has a unique number and a price.  There are three types of tickets: walk-up tickets, advance tickets, and student advance tickets.  See the class diagram below:

·         Walk-up tickets are purchased the day of the event and cost $50.

·         Advance tickets purchased 10 or more days before the event cost $30, and advance tickets purchased fewer than 10 days before the event cost $40.

·         Student advance tickets are sold at half the price of normal advance tickets: When they are purchased 10 or more days early they cost $15, and when they are purchased fewer than 10 days early they cost $20.

Implement a class called Ticket that will serve as the superclass for all three types of tickets.  Define all common operations in this class, and specify all differing operations in such a way that every subclass must implement them.  No actual objects of type Ticket will be created: Each actual ticket will be an object of a subclass type.  Define the following operations:

·         The ability to construct a ticket by number.

·         The ability to ask for a ticket’s price.

·         The ability to println a ticket object as a String.  An example String would be “Number: 17, Price: 50.0”.


Note that Ticket has one field, ticketNumber. The price of a ticket is determined by the subclass, but all Tickets (Tickets and its subclasses) should have a getPrice() method. That means class Ticket itself needs a getPrice method, but each subclass will override it. You can code getPrice() in Ticket to return -1, or use the “abstract” keyword as shown on pg. 630 to avoid having to code it at all. Note the statement that no objects of class Ticket will be created, so the -1 return from getPrice() will never happen. We’ll get started on this in class.

10.   CH 9, exercises: problem 6, pg. 624.

Implement a class called walkupTicket to represent a walk-up event ticket.  walk-up tickets are also constructed by number, and they have a price of $50.

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