Wild Wood Apartments 3-2 assignment

Wild Wood Apartments 3-2 assignment

The managers at Wild Wood Apartments are anxious to see some progress on their database. They have answered your questions and now want to see some results. They really want the new database to be in place before the beginning of the new fiscal year in July. It is time to design the database.
To do
1. Review all the requirements and business rules.

2. Define your entities and attributes and the relations that
exist between them.

3. Create a logical model using crow’s feet notation in Visio
or hand draw it on graph paper if you prefer.

4. Add all the entities and their attributes.
5. Identify the key fields for each entity and the foreign

6. Analyze the diagram. Identify which role (i.e., domain,
linking, lookup, or weak) each entity plays in your

7. Have another student or a group review it for the
a. Are all the major components of the Wildwood Apartments business model represented by domain entities?
b. Does each entity contain the appropriate attributes to fully describe it and meet the business rules you have gathered so far?
c. Does every entity have an appropriate primary key defined?
d. Are all many-to-many relationships resolved into one-to-many relationships by linking tables?
e. Are the relationships valid (no cross relationships)? Is the appropriate entity is defined as the one side of a one-to-many relationship? Do the tables have appro- priate foreign keys?

f. Are lookup tables used for attributes that have a set list of values?
8. Documentation: Be sure to store your ERDs in your database notebook.
(Conger 79)

Conger, Steve. Hands-On Database,  2nd Edition. Pearson, 20150612. VitalBook file.

The citation provided is a guideline. Please check each citation for accuracy before use.


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Sociology assignment Help

Sociology assignment Help

Exp22_Excel_Ch05_HOE – Sociology 1.1

Exp22 Excel Ch05 HOE Sociology 1.1

Excel Chapter 5 Hands-On Exercise – Sociology


Project Description:

You are the vice president of the Sociology Division at Ivory Halls Publishing Company. Textbooks are classified by an overall discipline. Books are further classified by area. You will use these classifications to see which areas and disciplines have the highest and lowest sales. The worksheet contains wholesale and retail data. You want to analyze sales for books published in the Sociology Division. To do this, you will organize data by discipline and insert subtotal rows. You will also create PivotTables to gain a variety of perspectives of aggregated data. Finally, you will create a PivotChart to depict the aggregated data.


Start Excel. Download and open   the file named Exp22_Excel_Ch05_HOE_Sociology.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Your first task is to sort the   dataset on the Books Subtotal worksheet.
Ensure the Books Subtotal worksheet is active. Sort the data by Discipline in   alphabetical order and further sort it by Area in alphabetical order.


You want to subtotal the dataset   by Discipline and then add a second set of subtotals by Area.
Use the Subtotal feature to insert subtotal rows by Discipline to calculate   the totals for the Sales Wholesale, Sales Retail, and Total Book Sales   columns. Without removing the first subtotals, insert subtotals by Area to   calculate totals for the same columns.


Next, you want to apply an   outline to the columns so that you can collapse or expand the Units Sold and   Unit Price columns.
Create an automatic outline. Collapse   the outline above columns H and K.


Next, you want to create a   recommended PivotTable and then name it.
Display the Books Data worksheet and create a recommended PivotTable using   the Sum of Units Sold thumbnail. Change the name of the worksheet to PivotTable. Name the PivotTable Total Book   Sales.


You want to compare total book   sales by discipline and copyright year.
Make sure these fields are in the respective areas. Remove extra fields.   Place the Discipline field in rows, Total Book Sales field as values, and   Copyright field in columns.


You will format the values in   the PivotTable to look more professional and change the custom names that   display as column headings.
Click or select cell B5, display the Value Field Settings dialog box, and   type Sales   by Discipline   as the custom name. Apply Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places.


You want to replace the generic   Row Labels and Column Labels headings with meaningful headings.
Type Discipline in cell A4 and Copyright   Year in cell   B3. Select the range B4:E4 and center the labels horizontally.


On the Books Data sheet, you   want to insert functions that will display the total sales and the total   Introductory discipline sales data from the PivotTable. You will change the   retail unit price rate from 30% to 25% and then refresh the PivotTable.
Display the Books Data worksheet. In cell B1, enter the GETPIVOTDATA function   to get the value from cell F10 in the PivotTable worksheet. In cell B2, enter   the GETPIVOTDATA function to get the value from cell F7 in the PivotTable.   Change the value in cell J1 to 125 in the Books Data worksheet, and then refresh the PivotTable.


You will add a field to the   Filters area so that you can filter the list by Edition.
Add the Edition field to the Filters area.


Because you plan to distribute   the workbook to colleagues, you will insert a slicer to help them set   filters.
Insert a slicer for Discipline. Move the slicer so that the top-left corner   is just inside the corner of cell A13.


After inserting the slicer, you   want to change the dimensions and appearance of it.
Change the slicer to   display 2 columns. Change the button width to 1.5 inches. Change the slicer height to 2 inches. Apply Light Blue, Slicer Style Dark 1.


You want to calculate the amount   of the sales returned to the authors as royalties.
Create a calculated field with the name Author Royalties. Multiply Total Book Sales by *.1. In cell C5, use the Field   Settings to type the custom name Authors’ Royalties.


Format cells C5, E5, G5, and I5   with Center horizontal alignment and wrap text. Change the height of row 5 to   30. Change the width of columns C,   E, G, and I to 12.


You want to display the Total   Book Sales as a percentage of the grand total.
Select the Total Book Sales and show the values as a percentage of the grand   total.


To enhance the readability of   the sociology textbook PivotTable, you will change the PivotTable style.
Apply Light Blue, Pivot Style Medium 2 to the PivotTable. Display banded   columns.


The Books, Disciplines, and   Editors worksheets contain tables You will create relationships between the   Books table and the other two tables.
Display the Books worksheet. Create a relationship between the BOOKS table   using the Discipline Code field and the DISCIPLINE table using the Disc Code.   Create a relationship between the BOOKS table using the Editor ID field and   the EDITOR table using the Editor ID field.


Now that you built a   relationship between the tables, you can create a PivotTable using fields   from all three tables.
Create a blank PivotTable from within the Books worksheet and add the data to   the data model. Name the worksheet as Relationships.


You are ready to add fields from   the three tables to the PivotTable.
Display all tables within the PivotTable Fields pane. Place the Total Book   Sales field from the BOOKS table in the Values area. Place the Discipline   field from the DISCIPLINE table in the Rows area. Place the Editor Last field   from the EDITOR table below the Discipline field in the Rows area.


Format the Total Book Sales   field with Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places.


You want to create a PivotChart   to display percentages in a pie chart.
Create a PivotChart from the PivotTable you just created. Change the chart   type to a pie chart. Cut the chart and paste it just inside the top-left   corner of cell C1.


The PivotChart has too much   detail. You will filter the chart to display only one discipline.
Filter the PivotChart by displaying only the Family discipline. Sort the   PivotTable by the Total Book Sales from largest to smallest.


The chart needs a meaningful   title.
Change the chart title to Family Discipline Book Sales.


You want to add data labels to   provide more details to the chart.
Display data labels in the best fit position with only the Percentage labels.   Deselect the Values data labels.


Save and close Exp22_Excel_Ch03_ HOE_Sociology.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

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Computerization Of Health Records) A Health Care Issue That Has Been In The News Lately Is The Computerization

Computerization Of Health Records) A Health Care Issue That Has Been In The News Lately Is The Computerization


Computerization of Health Records) A health care issue that has been in the news lately is the computerization of health records. This possibility is being approached cautiously because of sensitive privacy and security concerns, among others. [We address such concerns in later exercises.] Computerizing health records could make it easier for patients to share their health profiles and histories among their various health care professionals. This could improve the quality of health care, help avoid drug conflicts and erroneous drug prescriptions, reduce costs and in emergencies, could save lives. In this exercise, you’ll design a “starter” HealthProfile class for a person. The class attributes should include the person’s first name, last name, gender, date of birth (consisting of separate attributes for the month, day and year of birth), height (in inches) and weight (in pounds). Your class should have a constructor that receives this data. For each attribute, provide set and get functions. The class also should include functions that calculate and return the user’s age in years, maximum heart rate and target-heart-rate range (see Exercise 3.16), and body mass index (BMI; see Exercise 2.30). Write an application that prompts for the person’s information, instantiates an object of class HealthProfile for that person and prints the information from that object—including the person’s first name, last name, gender, date of birth, height and weight—then calculates and prints the person’s age in years, BMI, maximum heart rate and target-heart-rate range. It should also display the “BMI values” chart from Exercise 2.30. Use the same technique as Exercise 3.16 to calculate the person’s age.


Additional Assignment Directions: To help you get started I am providing the below Project for you to start with. Study how the class is created. There is included code for the first name and the creation of a HealthProfile object with that first name. I am expecting to see a HealthProfile.h class file. Your job is to finish the code following the assignment directions. If you turn in the start code without your additional required code you will receive 0 points. Again, you do not have to include the BMI index.

You also want to review the textbook supplied solutions for exercises 3.13 and 3.15 before your start coding. That code is available on the student textbook website. Pay attention to not only the code but the solution logic.

Project start code: Exercise 3.17 StrtCde.zip

I suggest you start very simply on this project. Begin by dealing with your main variables and the entry of that data. Then move on to your class variables and your class constructor. Your class constructor should receive the user entered data. Then move on to your set and get functions. Always be sure your code compiles with out errors. If you have a problem with completing any of the required code decide if you can leave that code out and still be able to finish as much of the assignment requirements as possible.

I will be looking for a constructor that passes your user variables when you instantiate an object of your class. ONLY instantiate one object not multiples for that is wrong!
// Exercise 3.17 Solution: ex03_17.cpp
// Driver program for HealthProfile class
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include “HealthProfile.h”
using namespace std;

int main()
string first; // first name

// get user input
cout << “Please enter first name:n”;
cin >> first;

// create a HealthProfile object
HealthProfile profile( first );

} // end main

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Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help

Topic 1:

Describe how DSS/BI technologies and tools can aid in each phase of decision making


Remember that plagiarism includes copying and pasting material from the internet into assignments without properly citing the source of the material. Copying from an internet source and pasting is strictly forbidden.

All work must be organized and formatted consistent with the APA 6th edition style format (double spaced and references indented accordingly). All citations and references must be in the hanging indent format with the first line flush to the left margin and all other lines indented.

This is a scholarly post and your responses should have more depth than “I agree” and should demonstrate critical reflection of the problem in order to promote vigorous discussion of the topic within the forum.

For the discussion, students are expected to make a minimum of three posts on three days for EACH Topic.  Your initial post will be your answer to the Question and is to be 300 – 400 words with at least two references.  The remaining two posts will be comments engaged with your classmates in meaningful discussion, more than affirmation, on their post and the subject matter and be between 150 – 250 words.

Initial post will be graded on length, content, grammar and use of references. The initial post must be submitted by Wednesday at 11:59 PM EST, to allow students the opportunity to respond to it.

Using APA in discussion posts is very similar to using APA in a paper. And it helps to think of your discussion post as a short APA paper without a cover page. You need to cite your sources in your discussion post both in-text and in a references section. If you need help forming in-text citations, check out our in-text citation page on the APA guide.

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R Homework

Question 1

Please submit a Rmarkdown (word format) report capturing the following:Use the attached Iris Dataset: iris_exams.csv  (click to download).Provide at least the following in the report for full credit: (1) Understanding the Data:

  • The structure of the data and a preview of the data.
  • Frequency Distribution. (Frequency Tables & Plots for each variable in the dataset (Barplots/Histograms)). Make sure to capture the skewness and kurtosis. – Provide an interpretation in one paragraph  (no more than 300 words) explaining the distribution of the data.
  • Summary Statistics of the Data at least including mean, quartiles, min/max, and standard deviation.

Question 2

Using the mtcars dataset, demonstrate the skills you have learned so far in class and submit a Rmarkdown (word doc) report including the following:

  • Develop a hypothesis
    • What is your hypothesis?
    • What columns are IVs
    • What columns are DVs
    • What columns are ignoble (why)
  • Check for Errors & Missing Data
  • Clean the data
    • How did you deal with NAs
    • How did you deal with outliers
  • Check Assumptions using Parametric Tests
    • Additivity
    • Linearity
    • Normality
    • Homogeneity, Homoscedasticity

    Question 3

    Create a bar graph using the attached Iris dataset: iris_exams.csv  (click to download). Compare the Sepal Length of the flower Species. Include the following:

  • Main Title
  • X and Y-Axis Labels
  •  Colors by Species
  • Provide an interpretation in one paragraph  (no more than 300 words) explaining the distribution of the data.

Which Species Sepal.Length is greater?

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Project Description:

You work for a clothing distributor that has locations in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. You will use date and logical functions to complete the main employee data set, use database functions to calculate key summary statistics and create a map, and use financial functions to complete a loan amortization table.

Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch07_HOEAssessment_Employees.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.

The 1-Data worksheet contains   employee data. You will insert several functions to complete this worksheet.   Column C contains the actual hire dates for the employees. You want to   extract only the year in column G.
In cell G9, insert the appropriate date function to extract the year from the   date in cell C9. Copy the function from cell G9 to the range G10:G33.

Next, you want to determine how   many years each employee has worked for the company.
In cell H9, insert the YEARFRAC function to calculate the years between the   hire date and the last day of the year contained in cell G2. Use a mixed   reference to cell G2. Copy the function from cell H9 to the range H10:H33.

You want to determine what day   of the week each employee was hired.
In cell I9, insert the WEEKDAY function to display the day of the week the   first employee was hired. Use 2 as the return_type. Copy the function from   cell I9 to the range I10:I33.

The value returned in cell I9 is   a whole number. You want to display the weekday equivalent.
In cell J9, insert a VLOOKUP function to look up the value stored in cell I9,   compare it to the array in the range H2:I6, and return the day of the week.   Use mixed references to the table array. Copy the function from cell J9 to   the range J10:J33.

Column D contains the city each   employee works in. You want to display the state.
In cell F9, insert the SWITCH function to switch the city stored in cell D9   with the respective state contained in the range C2:C4. Switch Des Moines for Iowa, St. Paul for Minnesota, and Milwaukee for Wisconsin. Use mixed   references to cells C2, C3, and C4. Copy the function from cell F9 to the   range F10:F33.

Your next task is to calculate   the bonus for the first employee. If the employee was hired before 1/1/2010,   the employee’s salary is multiplied by 3%. If the employee was hired before   1/1/2015, the employee’s salary is multiplied by 2%. If the employee was   hired before 1/1/2020, the employee’s salary is multiplied by 1%.
In cell K9, insert the IFS function to create the three logical tests to   calculate the appropriate bonus. Use mixed references to cells within the   range K2:L4. Copy the function from cell K9 to the range K10:K33.

Top management decided to ensure   all representatives’ salaries are at least $62,000 (cell G2).
In cell L9, nest an AND function within an IF function. If the job title is Representative   and the salary   is less than the minimum representative salary, calculate the difference   between the minimum representative salary and the actual salary. If not,   return zero. Use a mixed reference to cell G3. Copy the function from cell L9   to the range L10:L33.

The 2-Summary worksheet contains   data to insert conditional math and statistical functions to provide summary   data. First, you want to count the number of employees in each state.
Click the 2-Summary worksheet. In cell J3, insert the COUNTIF function to   count the number of employees in Iowa, using the state abbreviation column   and the state abbreviation in cell I3. Use mixed references for the range and   cell to keep the row numbers the same. Copy the function from cell J3 to the   range J4:J5.

Next, you want to calculate the   total payroll for each state.
In cell K3, insert the SUMIF function to total the salaries for employees who   work in Iowa, using the state abbreviation column and the state abbreviation   in cell I3. Use mixed references for the ranges and cell to keep the row   numbers the same. Copy the function from cell K3 to the range K4:K5.

Next, you want to calculate the   average salary for executives and the average salary for representatives.
In cell J8, insert the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average salary for   executives. Use mixed references to the range and for the cell containing   Executives. Copy the function to cell J9.

You want to identify the number   of representatives hired before 1/1/2015.
In cell J12, insert the COUNTIFS function to count the number of   representatives who were hired before 1/1/2015. Use ranges for the criteria   ranges and the reference to cell H9 that contains Representatives. Enter the   date condition directly in the criteria box.

In cell J13, insert the SUMIFS   function to calculate the total salaries for representatives hired before   1/1/2015. Use ranges for the criteria ranges and the reference to cell H9   that contains Representatives. Enter the date condition directly in the   criteria box. Use mixed references to the ranges and cell reference so that   you can copy the function in the next step.

Copy the function from cell J13   to the range J14:J16. Edit the function in cell J14 to calculate averages.

Edit the function in cell J15 to   calculate the lowest salary.

Edit the function in cell J16 to   calculate the highest salary.

Insert a map to display total   salaries by states.
Select the ranges I2:I5 and K2:K5 and insert a filled map. Change the chart   title to Payroll by State. Cut the chart and paste it in cell M1.

The 3-Finance worksheet contains   inputs for a loan.
In cell F2, insert the PV function to calculate the loan. Use cell references   in the Input Area and Basic Output Area.

You are ready to insert formulas   and functions in the loan amortization table.
In cell C7, enter a reference to the Payment that is stored in cell D2. Use   mixed reference so that the row number does not change. Copy the formula from   cell C7 to the range C8:C42.

The next column is designed to   display the interest portion of each payment.
In cell D7, insert the IPMT function to calculate the interest for the first   payment. Use mixed references for cells in the Basic Output Area and make   sure the result is a positive value. Copy the function from cell D7 to the   range D8:D42.

Next, you are ready to calculate   the portion of the monthly payment that goes toward the principal.
In cell E7, insert the PPMT function to calculate the principal portion of   the first payment. Use mixed references for cells in the Basic Output Area   and make sure the result is a positive value. Copy the function from cell E7   to the range E8:E42.

Now you are ready to calculate   the balance of the loan after each payment.
In cell F7, enter a formula to calculate the ending balance after subtracting   the Principal Repayment from the Beginning Balance. Copy the formula from   cell F7 to the range F8:F42.
In cell B8, enter a formula that refers to the ending balance for the   previous month in cell F7. Copy the relative formula to the range B9:B42.

Now you want to calculate the   cumulative interest after each payment.
In cell H7, insert the CUMIPMT function. Use mixed references for cells in   the Basic Output Area and the Start_period argument. Make sure the result is   a positive value. Copy the function from cell H7 to the range H8:H42.

Finally, you want to calculate   the cumulative principal after each payment.
In cell I7, insert the CUMPRINC function. Use mixed references for cells in   the Basic Output Area and the Start_period argument. Make sure the result is   a positive value. Copy the function from cell I7 to the range I8:I42.

Insert a footer on all three   sheets with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the middle,   and the file name code on the right side.

Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch07_HOEAssessment_Employoees.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

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Lab4 – Legal Regulations, Compliance, And Investigation assignment help

Lab4 – Legal Regulations, Compliance, And Investigation assignment help



Introduction Individuals and customers should normally expect companies and health providers to protect personal information. Custodians of private information should protect it as they would any other asset. Personal information has great market value both to other companies and would-be thieves. Because of this value, numerous examples exist of companies opting to share, sell, or inadequately safeguard their customers’ personal information. The result has been two landmark pieces of legislation.

The purpose of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is to make organizations responsible and accountable for protecting customer privacy data and implementing security controls to mitigate risks, threats, and vulnerabilities of that data. Both of these laws impact their industries significantly.

In this lab, you will identify the similarities and differences of GLBA and HIPAA compliance laws, you will explain how the requirements of GLBA and HIPAA align with information systems security, you will identify privacy data elements for each, and you will describe security controls and countermeasures that support each.

Learning Objectives Upon completing this lab, you will be able to:

• Identify the similarities between GLBA and HIPAA compliance laws. • Identify the differences between GLBA and HIPAA compliance laws. • Explain how GLBA and HIPAA requirements align with information systems security. • Identify privacy data elements for both GLBA and HIPAA. • Describe specific security controls and security countermeasures that support GLBA and

HIPAA compliance.

Lab #4 Analyzing and Comparing GLBA and HIPAA


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28 | LAB #4 Analyzing and Comparing GLBA and HIPAA


Deliverables Upon completion of this lab, you are required to provide the following deliverables to your instructor:

1. Lab Report file; 2. Lab Assessments file.

Instructor Demo The Instructor will present the instructions for this lab. This will start with a general discussion about GLBA and HIPAA, their similarities, differences, etc. The Instructor will then present an overview of this lab and reference the overview documents.

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Copyright © 2014 by Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company. All rights reserved. www.jblearning.com Student Lab Manual



Hands-On Steps

Note: This is a paper-based lab. To successfully complete the deliverables for this lab, you will need access to Microsoft® Word or another compatible word processor. For some labs, you may also need access to a graphics line drawing application, such as Visio or PowerPoint. Refer to the Preface of this manual for information on creating the lab deliverable files.

1. On your local computer, create the lab deliverable files.

2. Review the Lab Assessment Worksheet. You will find answers to these questions as you proceed through the lab steps.

3. On your local computer, open a new Internet browser window.

4. Using your favorite search engine, search for information on the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

5. Read about this act.

6. Next, research the privacy and security rules for the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.

7. In your Lab Report file, write a thorough description of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act’s basic components. Be sure to include the following topics:

• Who co-sponsored the act? • Who is protected by the act? • Who is restricted by the act? • How are financial institutions defined? • What does the act allow? • How would you define the major parts of the privacy requirements: the Financial

Privacy Rule, the Safeguards Rule, and the pretexting provisions? What do each of these spell out in the act? (Write three paragraphs on each of these.)

8. Using your favorite search engine, research the compliance law HIPAA.

9. In your Lab Report file, write a thorough description of HIPAA. Be sure to include the following topics in your discussion:

• Which U.S. government agency acts as the legal enforcement entity for HIPAA compliance violations?

• Who is protected by HIPAA? • Who must comply with HIPAA? • What is the relevance of health care plans, providers, and clearinghouses?

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30 | LAB #4 Analyzing and Comparing GLBA and HIPAA

• How would you define the major parts of the Privacy Rule and the Security Rule? What do each of these spell out? (Write three paragraphs on each rule.)

10. In your Lab Report file, describe what the GLBA and HIPAA privacy rules have in common. Then, discuss how the two are different.

11. In your Lab Report file, describe what the GLBA and HIPAA security rules have in common. Then, discuss how the two are different.

Historical Differences Between GLBA and HIPAA GLBA and HIPAA offer up historical similarities and differences. Both acts were drafted and made into law only a few years apart, with HIPAA in 1996 and GLBA in 1999. And both acts tackled gaps in information assurance and privacy, and are constructed similarly. However, HIPAA’s Privacy Rule and Security Rule were published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services some four and seven years, respectively, after the act’s passage. GLBA’s Privacy Rule and Safeguards Rule were drafted alongside the original act.

Both acts target their particular industries with rules and control measures to protect information. However, each act’s impact is limited based on where most of its industry is located. For instance, health care providers covered by HIPAA’s mandate to protect information operate within the United States. By contrast, many large banks have locations and headquarters all over the globe, not just within the United States. But GLBA is enforceable only in the United States.

Yet another notable difference between the two acts is how dominant the issue of information confidentiality is to each act. HIPAA has two purposes: to help individuals retain health insurance and to help them control their personal data. GLBA’s primary purpose is unrelated to information assurance altogether. Rather, GLBA was enacted to repeal many restrictions and regulations placed on banks from the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. Once GLBA was in place, banks were free to consolidate and quickly grow without hindrance from any financial regulatory agency. In fact, popular opinion is that GLBA allowed banks to become “too big to fail,” a phrase coined during the losing argument against GLBA in 1999. Consequently, history was made in 2007 with the U.S. financial crisis. But GLBA also ensured the banks would safeguard personal information.

12. In your Lab Report file, discuss how GLBA and HIPAA requirements align with

information systems security.

13. In you Lab Report file, list two privacy data elements for GLBA and list two privacy data elements for HIPAA that are under compliance.

14. In your Lab Report file, list two security controls or security countermeasures for GLBA and list two security controls or security countermeasures for HIPAA that support compliance.

Note: This completes the lab. Close the Web browser, if you have not already done so.


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Evaluation Criteria and Rubrics The following are the evaluation criteria for this lab that students must perform:

1. Identify the similarities between GLBA and HIPAA compliance laws. – [20%] 2. Identify the differences between GLBA and HIPAA compliance laws. – [20%] 3. Explain how GLBA and HIPAA requirements align with information systems security. –

[20%] 4. Identify privacy data elements for both GLBA and HIPAA. – [20%] 5. Describe specific security controls and security countermeasures that support GLBA and

HIPAA compliance. – [20%]

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MS Access assignment help

MS Access assignment help

In MS Access I have a database of 5000 companies. I need you to create a GUI to make queries.

Query the database to retrieve the following information:

  1. Companies with the same type of      business
  2. Companies in the same region (use post      codes for this query)
  3. Companies with similar names (report their      company numbers and post codes)
  4. Companies which were created in the      last 5 years
  5. Companies which are based in London and      no longer active
  6. Companies created before 01/01/1970      which are still active
  7. The longest existing Active company in      your database.
  8. All public limited companies.
  9. Select companies involved in computing      business.

company_name company_number company_status company_type dissolution_date incorporation_date nature_of_business registered_office_address ID
CREDITFIX (UK) LTD 9064269.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64999.0 Lowry Mill Lees Street Pendlebury, Swinton Manchester M27 6DB 1
SGD BUILDING SERVICES (CARDIFF) LTD 9063096.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 99999.0 Unit 5 Melyn Mair Business Park Wentloog Avenue Cardiff CF3 2EX 2
NIJO CONSULTING LIMITED 9063101.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 62020.0 1 Victoria Court Bank Square Morley Leeds LS27 9SE 3
BRANDED PACKAGING LTD 9063168.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 17211.0 32 St Paul’s Street Leeds Ls1 2jt LS1 2JT 4
BRIGGS & MORTIMER PROPERTY SERVICES LIMITED 9063180.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96090.0 122 Redwing Rise Royston SG8 7XE 5
HARDACRE CONSULTING LTD 9063237.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 74909.0 Spaceworks 70 John Street Sheffield S2 4QU 6
EHIF CONSULTANCY LTD 9064307.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 86220.0 1st Floor Cloister House Riverside, New Bailey Street Manchester M3 5FS 7
BRIMAR CONTRACTS LTD 9064393.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 43120.0 20 Gipsy Lane Kettering NN16 8TY 8
VECTIS FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED 9064429.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64999.0 Candlelight Chambers 27a High Street Shanklin PO37 6JW 9
COHUB VENTURES LIMITED 9064616.0 Active Private limited by guarantee without share capital 30/05/2014 82990.0 1 Commercial Road Eastbourne BN21 3XQ 10
PLOSSOM LTD 9064649.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 29 High Street Hampton Hill Hampton TW12 1NB 11
OTIUM REAL ESTATE LIMITED 9064659.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 68310.0 Prince Albert House 20 King Street Maidenhead SL6 1DT 12
ROADSHOW BAR SERVICES LTD 9063515.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 56302.0 Charter Buildings 9 Ashton Lane Sale M33 6WT 13
OWEN OWEN ACCOUNTING SERVICES LIMITED 9063522.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 69201.0 1 Chantry Road Stourton, Stourbridge DY7 6SA 14
PAMDRIVE LIMITED 9063565.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 49410.0 91 Bradley Road Patchway Bristol BS34 5HS 15
SALON ECO LIMITED 9063635.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96090.0 82 St John Street London EC1M 4JN 16
GRIPS413 LIMITED 9063647.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 86101.0 89 Keresley Road Keresley Road Coventry CV6 2JF 17
ASSURED CONSTRUCTION (UK) LTD 9063648.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 43210.0 C205 The Chocolate Factory 5 Clarendon Road London N22 6XJ 18
FG MOSS LANE LTD 9063527.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 41100.0 14 Wood Street Bolton BL1 1DY 19
BALLS WOOD SOLAR LIMITED 9063419.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 35110.0 C/O Foresight Group Llp The Shard 32 London Bridge Street London SE1 9SG 20
GUN HILL ASSET MANAGEMENT LIMITED 9063487.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 68209.0 11a Stocks Lane Blofield Norwich NR13 4JZ 21
WIRRAL SHIELD HEALTHCARE LTD 9063537.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 99999.0 The Bristol Office, 2nd Floor 5 High Street Westbury On Trym Bristol BS9 3BY 22
D & D TRANS LTD 9062826.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 115 Brookfurlong Peterborough PE3 7LG 23
NJB SOLUTIONS LIMITED 9062871.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 43999.0 38 Lennox Gate Blackpool FY4 3JH 24
GAIA PROPERTIES LIMITED 9062916.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 68209.0 2 Old Court Mews 311a Chase Road London N14 6JS 25
ENERGY EFFICIENCY SURVEYS LTD 9062955.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 74901.0 19 Tatton Road Handforth Wilmslow SK9 3QZ 26
KEWBRIDGE TRADING LIMITED 9063027.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 41100.0 75 Park Lane Croydon CR9 1XS 27
LECHLADE MARINA LTD 9064671.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 82990.0 Lechlade Marina Downington Lechlade GL7 3DL 28
R&L INTERNATIONAL (UK) CO., LTD 9064722.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 99999.0 Unit G25 Waterfront Studios 1 Dock Road London E16 1AH 29
N MORTLOCK HAULAGE LTD 9064742.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 49410.0 Chevin Eaudyke Road Friskney Boston PE22 8RU 30
MILOS MARBLES LIMITED 9064762.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43999.0 14 St Albans Road Hemel Hempstead HP2 4BD 31
MODANA MEDIA LTD 9064842.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62090.0 7 Heydon House Kender Street London SE14 5JB 32
BIZZLOGICS LIMITED 9064848.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 Flat 15, Sandringham Court 11, Dorset Road Sutton SM2 6NG 33
PLURIMI SERVICES (UK) LIMITED 9063715.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96090.0 11-12 Waterloo Place London SW1Y 4AU 34
HIGH FARM HOLIDAY PARK LTD 9063842.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 High Farm Toft Hill Bishop Auckland DL14 0QA 35
SAVVYITSOLUTIONS LTD 9063844.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 63990.0 4 Salesian View Farnborough GU14 6JQ 36
RECYCLE2TRADE LTD 9063915.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 62012.0 Sussex Innovation Centre Science Park Square Falmer Brighton BN1 9SB 37
HLONI LIMITED 9065142.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86101.0 33 Dorking Avenue North Shieldd NE29 7QX 38
BLUE HORSESHOE LTD 9065281.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 20 King Street London EC2V 8EG 39
STRENSON LEISURE LIMITED 9065322.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 56101.0 28b Brighton Road Lancing BN15 8RA 40
MOZES LTD 9065330.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 49410.0 29 Gunter Rd. Birmingham B24 0RY 41
MUZMUZTV LIMITED 9065352.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 47190.0 10 Dukeswood Drive Gerrards Cross SL9 7LR 42
JOHN MORGAN CONSULTANCY LIMITED 9065382.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74909.0 14 Lymington Bottom Road Four Marks Alton GU34 5DL 43
JUSTIN KIRK-BAYLEY LTD 9065429.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86210.0 First Floor 49 Peter Street Manchester M2 3NG 44
CIRCUITBYTE LTD 9064777.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74909.0 7 Dean Hill Park West Dean Salisbury SP5 1ET 45
PETER SAWYER CONSULTING LIMITED 9064862.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 21 Balmoral Road Abbots Langley WD5 0ST 46
OMG ALLIANCE LTD 9065870.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 61900.0 Unit 8015 2nd Floor 6 Market Place London W1W 8AF 47
KARA PROPERTIES LTD 9065872.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 96090.0 Windsor House 9-15 Adelaide Street Luton LU1 5BJ 48
FARLEY PROPERTY SOLUTIONS LIMITED 9065915.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 65300.0 Westbury Church Hill Horsell Woking 49
ANNUITY EXPRESS LTD 9065505.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 400 Pavilion Drive Northampton NN4 7PA 50
TAXMART LTD 9065511.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 Unit- 052 Stratford Workshops Burford Road London E15 2SP 51
XCREDS LTD 9065523.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 64999.0 161-165 C/O Agechecked Ltd Farringdon Road London EC1R 3AL 52
CORNBURY DEVELOPMENTS LTD 9065592.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 7 Brantwood Road Salford M7 4EN 53
MOUNT COOK PROPERTY LIMITED 9065599.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 64306.0 57 Ashbourne Road Derby DE22 3FS 54
MALIN CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 9065691.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43999.0 34-36 High Road South Woodford E18 2QL 55
LONDON SPRINKLER SERVICES LIMITED 9065820.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43999.0 62 Dahomey Road London SW16 6ND 56
ADOMAS TRANSPORT LIMITED 9064590.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 49410.0 13 Birchtree Avenue Peterborough PE1 4HL 57
HYDRUS (UK) LIMITED 9064596.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 99999.0 Kay Johnson Gee Limited 1 City Road East Manchester M15 4PN 58
IPGL (HOLDINGS) LIMITED 9064598.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64209.0 Ipgl Limited 3rd Floor, 39 Sloane Street Knightsbridge London SW1X 9LP 59
TAXDAY (UK) LIMITED 9064702.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 74990.0 Unit 19b 11-17 Fowler Road Hainault Essex IG6 3UJ 60
BJS STORES LIMITED 9064908.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 47110.0 4 Discovery House Cook Way Taunton TA2 6BJ 61
CURZON CINEMAS SOUTH LIMITED 9064042.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 59140.0 20-22 Stukeley St London WC2B 5LR 62
COLIN DALE LIMITED 9064080.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 74909.0 8 South Riding Shoppenhangers Road Maidenhead SL6 2GE 63
SD HOMES LIMITED 9064107.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 41202.0 1 Tower House Tower Centre Hoddesdon EN11 8UR 64
DIRECT OFFSHORE CONSULTING LIMITED 9064160.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 82990.0 3 Brathay Crescent Barrow In Furness LA14 2BG 65
QM RECOVERY LTD 9065032.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82990.0 Anfield Business Centre 58 Breckfield Road South Liverpool L6 5DR 66
SIMPLE MAINTENANCE SOLUTIONS LTD 9065044.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 81222.0 5 Crownstone Road Brixton London SW2 1LY 67
WEST TRELYN CONSULTING LTD 9065205.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 96090.0 Precise Accountants Ltd Unit 6 Brooklands Budshead Road Plymouth PL6 5XR 68
SENSEE HOLDING LIMITED 9063873.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 70100.0 The Clockwork Building 45 Beavor Lane London W6 9AR 69
NORFOLK SHEDS LIMITED 9063876.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 32990.0 48 King Street King’s Lynn PE30 1HE 70
WOODBOURNE GROUP (DUDLEY) LTD 9063891.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 82990.0 Woodbourne House 10 Harborne Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 3AA 71
KAPRO LTD 9063899.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 62020.0 8 The Pyghtle Olney MK46 5PS 72
WORDUM TRANSLATIONS LIMITED 9063673.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 74300.0 49 Station Road Polegate BN26 6EA 73
SHECO RENEWABLE SYSTEMS LIMITED 9063687.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 28250.0 Quality House Coneygre Road Dudley Port Tipton DY4 8XE 74
NEWCRO WINDOW CLEANING LTD 9063837.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 81221.0 Suite 3, Falcon Court Business Centre College Road Maidstone ME15 6TF 75
ZETABYTE (WEST) HOLDINGS LTD 9063887.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64209.0 3 Dorchester Road Weybridge KT13 8PG 76
CARRICK & COMPANY LIMITED 9064872.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74902.0 29 Westminster Crescent Cardiff CF23 6SE 77
APPY LITTLE PLUMS LTD 9064878.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 85100.0 First Floor, 53 Lord Street Leigh WN7 1BY 78
WEB TO FASHION LIMITED 9064880.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 47710.0 59-60 The Market Square London N9 0TZ 79
HEIGHTS PROPERTY INVESTMENT LTD 9065018.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 96090.0 55 Cedars Road London SW4 0PN 80
ARTURO SMARTS LTD 9065022.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 56103.0 Bridge House 9 – 13 Holbrook Lane Coventry CV6 4AD 81
ENGINE BUILD SERVICES LTD 9065088.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 45200.0 12c Clarke Road Mount Farm Milton Keynes MK1 1LG 82
SASHA LOFTS LTD 9065108.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 41202.0 71 Amesbury Road Feltham TW13 5HH 83
15DEGREES-NORTH LTD 9065113.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 Kemp House 152-160 City Road London EC1V 2NX 84
TIGER LILLYS FLORISTS LIMITED 9063557.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 47760.0 Belfry House Bell Lane Hertford SG14 1BP 85
NEW BEGINNINGS SOUTH LTD 9063585.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 86220.0 94 The Parade Watford WD17 1AW 86
W1 CATERING LIMITED 9063114.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 1110 Elliott Court Coventry Business Park Herald Avenue Coventry CV5 6UB 87
SJC FINANCIAL CONSULTING LTD 9063182.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64999.0 Unit 2 Uffcott Farm Uffcott Swindon SN4 9NB 88
NORTHCOTE AVENUE 1962 LIMITED 9063243.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 99999.0 11 Northcote Avenue Newcastle Upon Tyne NE5 5AL 89
NORBURY CLOSE 1970 LIMITED 9063359.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 99999.0 15 Norbury Close Marks Tey Colchester CO6 1XN 90
REDS BEER CO LTD 9063366.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 46342.0 352a Bearwood Road Bearwood Birmingham B66 4ET 91
THOMSON FIRE LIMITED 9063420.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 70229.0 Benton And Co Abbey House 51 High Street Saffron Walden CB10 1AF 92
CRAIG BUDSWORTH LEGAL SERVICES LIMITED 9064184.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 70229.0 14 Squires Lane Tyldesley Manchester M29 8JF 93
PLATING LIMITED 9064224.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 25990.0 13 Bayton Road Exhall Coventry CV7 9EJ 94
ALEXIMA LTD 9064233.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 86900.0 Business Box (Unit 39) 3 Oswin Road Brailsford Industrial Estate Leicester LE3 1HR 95
AURAGEN WASTE MANAGEMENT LTD 9064291.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 28 Station Road Belvedere DA17 6JJ 96
ROSTAQ LIMITED 9063905.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 4 Ashton Place Claygate Esher KT10 0BN 97
INDIGO MANCO LIMITED 9064139.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64209.0 Turnford Place Great Cambridge Road Turnford Broxbourne EN10 6NH 98
FREDERICK BEESLEY LTD 9064313.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 99999.0 498 Kings Road London SW10 0LE 99
THE MERRIMAN PARTNERSHIP LIMITED 9064335.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 82990.0 2 Old Bath Road Newbury RG14 1QL 100
GEM CIVIL ENGINEERING LTD 9065161.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 41100.0 Unit 18 Brooke’s Mill Armitage Bridge Huddersfield HD4 7NR 101
BARRIER TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT LIMITED 9065174.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 77400.0 3 Hornbeam Close Durham DH1 1EN 102
CHATIME TOWER HILL LTD 9065189.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 56290.0 Kiosk B, The Vaults 1-12 Tower Hill Terrace London EC3N 4EE 103
DONG GUAN MANCHESTER LIMITED 9065336.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 56101.0 2nd Floor, Parkgates Bury New Road Prestwich Manchester M25 0TL 104
MAY FIELDS GUEST HOUSE LIMITED 9065341.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 55900.0 4 Mayfields Sindlesham Wokingham RG41 5BY 105
5 – 7 BYRNE ROAD LIMITED 9064406.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 68320.0 2a Duck Lane Canterbury CT1 2AE 106
MAIGRET PRODUCTIONS LIMITED 9064484.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96090.0 7 East Pallant Chichester PO19 1TR 107
PORTWAY E15 LIMITED 9064502.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 68209.0 12 Francis Street Westminster London SW1P 1QN 108
UTOPIA HOLDINGS (CHESTERFIELD) LIMITED 9064537.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64204.0 1 Langham Park Mansfield Road Corbriggs Chesterfield S41 0GG 109
INNER DEZIRE MODELLING. LIMITED 9064626.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96090.0 89 Ulyett Place Oldbrook Milton Keynes MK6 2SD 110
34 TEAL STREET RTM COMPANY LIMITED 9064714.0 Active Private limited by guarantee without share capital 30/05/2014 98000.0 Unit 7, Astra Centre Edinburgh Way Harlow CM20 2BN 111
GARMENTEC GROUP LTD 9063805.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 46160.0 The Style Building Nunnery Drive Parkway Industrial Estate Sheffield S2 1TA 112
TEST VALLEY CAR BREAKERS LIMITED 9063811.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 46770.0 Shamrock Works Andover Road Ludgershall SP11 9PE 113
DFM GARDEN SERVICES LIMITED 9064104.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96090.0 6 Viewpoint Office Village Babbage Road Stevenage SG1 2EQ 114
50 NETHERAVON ROAD W4 LTD 9064123.0 Active Private limited by guarantee without share capital 30/05/2014 68209.0 50a Netheravon Road London W4 2NA 115
REN YOU ZU LTD 9064128.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 18 Church Lane 18 Church Lane Wallington SM6 7ND 116
SWARBRICK ASSOCIATES (U.K.) LIMITED 9063530.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 71111.0 6 Brunswick Street Carlisle CA1 1PN 117
ZETLAND AEROSPACE LIMITED 9063629.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 71121.0 41 Zetland Road Redland Bristol BS6 7AH 118
STEVEN SMITH WELDING SERVICES LTD 9063656.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 25110.0 Office 11 Retford Enterprise Centre Randall Way Retford DN22 7GR 119
CAE SOLUTIONS LTD. 9063759.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96090.0 18 Thornbury Rise Banbury OX16 0HT 120
SEABROOKE SERVICES LTD 9063775.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 43999.0 Beaver Lodge Fontley Road Titchfield Fareham PO15 6QY 121
TUMUV LTD 9065486.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 85510.0 9a Antenna Beck Street Nottingham NG1 1EQ 122
M BOWYER ASSOCIATES LIMITED 9065492.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82990.0 Units 8 & 9 Parsons Court Welbury Way Aycliffe Insutrial Estate Newton Aycliffe DL5 6ZE 123
D WEAKE LTD 9065540.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 96090.0 145 Priory Road Hall Green Birmingham B28 0SX 124
LAHORE GARAGES LTD 9065583.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 47300.0 9 Marled Hey Liverpool L28 0QL 125
QUATREX SOLUTIONS LTD 9065648.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 36 New Zealand Avenue Walton-On-Thames KT12 1PT 126
TIGER LIGHTING COMPANY LIMITED 9064352.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 46470.0 8 Standard Road London NW10 6EU 127
FINCO OMAHA LTD 9064412.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64209.0 1 Bartholomew Lane London EC2N 2AX 128
GWN ELECTRICAL AND BUILDING SERVICES LTD 9064455.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 43999.0 114 Chessington Avenue Bexleyheath DA7 5NR 129
GREENCHURCH DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 9064469.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 41100.0 16 Brunts Business Centre Samual Brunts Way Mansfield NG18 2AH 130
GREEN GRP WAREHOUSING LTD 9064527.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 52103.0 The Green Group Warwick Road Maltby Rotherham S66 8EW 131
INVESTASURGE SURETIES LIMITED 9064531.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 66220.0 Hazlemere 70 Chorley New Road Bolton BL1 4BY 132
THINK ALUMINIUM LIMITED 9064929.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 32990.0 Churchfield House 36 Vicar Street Dudley DY2 8RG 133
VAPA CREATIVE LTD 9064949.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74100.0 60 Glaziers Lane Normandy Guildford GU3 2DQ 134
PROJECT 51 LTD 9065134.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 93199.0 34 Caburn Heights Crawley RH11 8QX 135
MAG-NKOSI CARE LIMITED 9065673.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86900.0 Lyel Accountants Ltd Annexe G, Oaktree House 408 Oakwood Lane Leeds LS8 3LG 136
ILBF LTD 9065676.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 19 Oaklands Avenue Birmingham B17 9TU 137
ASARA ENTERPRISES LTD 9064254.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 68209.0 Warwick House Fourth Floor 65-66 Queen Street London EC4R 1EB 138
ICUT LTD 9064394.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96020.0 Demsa Accounts 278 Langham Road London N15 3NP 139
WERITA LTD 9064441.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 47910.0 Unit 4e Enterprise Court Farfield Park Rotherham S63 5DB 140
STUDIOAIDA LTD 9064456.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 74100.0 52 High Street Pinner HA5 5PW 141
SHAMZ DISTRIBUTORS UK LIMITED 9063860.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 47910.0 8 Pinner View Harrow HA1 4QA 142
SCHB CONSULTING LTD 9066149.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62012.0 55 Desmond Street London SE14 6JA 143
JANE SALT LTD 9066151.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 85600.0 33 Sudbeck Lane Welton Lincoln LN2 3JF 144
CLINICAL SOLUTIONS 360 LIMITED 9066154.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74909.0 18 Kelton Close Lower Earley Reading RG6 3BQ 145
S-SPARKY PRO LTD 9066184.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43210.0 63 Loveridge Road London NW6 2DR 146
LOUISE SYKES STYLING LIMITED 9066231.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 90030.0 8a Deaconsfield Road Hemel Hempstead HP3 9HY 147
KWEKU CONSULTING LIMITED 9066234.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62030.0 49 St. Augustin Way Daventry NN11 4EG 148
PLS CHICKEN LIMITED 9066019.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86900.0 3 Kensworth Gate 200-204 High Street South Dunstable LU6 3HS 149
PRINTWELL DIGITAL LTD 9066034.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 18129.0 Suite 1r Valley Street North Darlington DL1 1GY 150
TANVI CONSULTANCY LIMITED 9064179.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 96090.0 8a Colebrook Road Brighton BN1 5JH 151
BELLEVUE BESPOKE LTD 9064247.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 1st Floor, Bellevue House Althorp Road London SW17 7ED 152
ORGANFORD MANOR COUNTRY PARK LIMITED 9064251.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 55300.0 Tennyson House Cambridge Business Park Cambridge CB4 0WZ 153
COTSWOLD LOCOMOTIVE LTD 9064384.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 49319.0 3 Norton Close Winchcombe GL54 5HS 154
RIVERSIDE CARE HOME LIMITED 9065379.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86102.0 12 Darley Abbey Mills Darley Abbey Derby DE22 1DZ 155
PIXELPAINT LIMITED 9065389.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 59111.0 79 Fortess Road Ford Madox House Flat 10 London NW5 1BG 156
SALEWAY ENTERPRISES LTD 9065701.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 68209.0 35 Filey Avenue London N16 6JL 157
IH EXPLORATION LTD 9065045.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82990.0 4th Floor Reading Bridge House George Street Reading RG1 8LS 158
JOHN WILSON LIMITED 9065067.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 45200.0 B3 Kingfisher House Kingsway Team Valley Trading Estate Gateshead NE11 0JQ 159
JB BUSINESS CONSULTANCY LTD 9065241.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 52219.0 42 Cudworth Road Ashford TN24 0BG 160
GOLDBUG COMMUNICATIONS LTD 9066171.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 73120.0 62 Stakes Road Waterlooville PO7 5NT 161
NUVISI LTD. 9066287.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 1 Derwent Business Centre Clarke Street Derby DE1 2BU 162
FARASHKAM LTD 9066292.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86900.0 48 Sidlaw Close Oldham OL8 3WQ 163
TUFF LININGS LIMITED 9066346.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43330.0 427-431 London Road Sheffield S2 4HJ 164
CYLEN LTD 9066477.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 80300.0 Unit 2 Fairveiw Court 119-127 Fairview Road Cheltenham GL52 2EX 165
PLOTWAY LIMITED 9066563.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 64999.0 4 Red Lion Street Boston PE21 6NY 166
G&D PROPERTY INVESTMENTS LLC LIMITED 9066568.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 68100.0 27 Old Gloucester Street London WC1N 3AX 167
BUMBLEBEE EDUCATION LTD 9066103.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 78109.0 3 Galley House Moon Lane Barnet EN5 5YL 168
POLO HORSES LIMITED 9066120.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 46230.0 Whitley Edge Lane Henley-In-Arden B95 5DT 169
SUNTEC REPAIRS LTD 9066122.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62090.0 71 Doddsfield Road Slough SL2 2BB 170
AGORAOPUS LTD 9066370.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62012.0 First Floor, Telecom House 125-135 Preston Road Brighton BN1 6AF 171
BEN RAWLENCE LIMITED 9066491.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 58190.0 2 Llanelieu Court Talgarth Brecon LD3 0EB 172
STR ACCOUNTING SERVICES LTD. 9066499.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 14 Elm Road Chessington KT9 1AW 173
USAGI CONSULTING LIMITED 9065387.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 71122.0 Plaza 9 Kd Tower Cotterells Hemel Hempstead HP1 1FW 174
EPSILON BIOCONSULTING LIMITED 9065405.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 72110.0 Brushwood 2 Dukes Road Lindfield Haywards Heath RH16 2JH 175
JETRAC LIMITED 9065541.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 City Gates 2-4 Southgate Chichester PO19 8DJ 176
REALLY GOOD TOO LIMITED 9065593.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 Unity Chambers 34 High East Street Dorchester DT1 1HA 177
YOURSIM LIMITED 9065595.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 158 Eastrea Road Whittlesey Peterborough PE7 2AJ 178
MITFORD COURT MANAGEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 9064508.0 Active Private limited by guarantee without share capital 30/05/2014 70100.0 Market Chambers 3-4 Market Place Wokingham RG40 1AL 179
DENNIS MAPS LIMITED 9064516.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 18129.0 Unit 2 Grove Lane Frome BA11 4AT 180
STRAITS (SHERINGHAM) LIMITED 9064518.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 56103.0 17 Waterloo Road Norwich NR3 1EH 181
TRUSTED SPORT FOUNDATION C.I.C. 9064524.0 Active Private limited by guarantee without share capital 30/05/2014 74909.0 148 West Green Road London N15 5AE 182
K & A JONES CONSULTANTS LIMITED 9064548.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 85590.0 Flat 133 Ivy Point 5 Hannaford Walk London E3 3SU 183
10 WESTBOURNE TERRACE RTM COMPANY LTD 9064550.0 Active Private limited by guarantee without share capital 30/05/2014 98000.0 Willmott House 12 Blacks Road London W6 9EU 184
CONSTRUCTIONLINES HOLDINGS LIMITED 9064555.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 64209.0 Lyndhurst 1 Cranmer Street Long Eaton NG10 1NJ 185
N A C TRADING HOLDINGS LIMITED 9066573.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70100.0 Unit 1 Spire Road Washington NE37 3ES 186
WALKERS BUILDING CONTRACTORS LIMITED 9066649.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 18 Hunting Gate Hemel Hempstead HP2 6NX 187
HIGH WIRE ADVISORS LIMITED 9066775.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82990.0 1st Floor 32 Wigmore Street London W1U 2RP 188
NUMA CREATIVE AND COMMUNICATIONS LIMITED 9066829.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82990.0 Treviot House 186-192 High Road Ilford IG1 1LR 189
HOLMES DESIGN & BUILD LIMITED 9066834.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74100.0 61 Bridge Street Kington HR5 3DJ 190
THAT LITTLE CAKE SHOP LTD 9066839.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 47240.0 122 Haugh Road Rawmarsh Rotherham S62 7DT 191
GBURGESS HOLDINGS LIMITED 9066848.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 The Willows Horsley Road Horsley Derby DE21 5BR 192
HAZEL GROVE AUTO CENTRE LIMITED 9066851.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 45200.0 Unit 12b Marcliffe Industrial Estate Macclesfield Road Hazel Grove Stockport SK7 5EG 193
AS NAGRA LTD 9066672.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 41201.0 110 Bedford Road Letchworth Garden City SG6 4DZ 194
NA MEDICAL CONSULTANCY LIMITED 9066706.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86210.0 149 Buckskin Lane Basingstoke RG22 5AP 195
OVATE TECHNICAL CONSULTING LIMITED 9066722.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 84130.0 Fulford House Newbold Terrace Leamington Spa CV32 4EA 196
DORSET OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH LTD 9066763.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 Unit 3 Vista Place Coy Pond Business Park Ingworth Road Poole BH12 1JY 197
MCAPS GLOBAL LTD 9066940.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 71111.0 Flat 5 Parry Court 78 Ager Avenue Dagenham RM8 1EQ 198
TETRON ESTATES LIMITED 9066620.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43120.0 Hadzor Court Hadzor Droitwich WR9 7DR 199
DVI DECOR LTD 9066718.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43341.0 34 Hall Farm Drive Twickenham TW2 7PQ 200
TNC PROPERTY LTD 9066803.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 81 Station Road Surfleet Spalding PE11 4DB 201
WEMBLEY DRUM CENTRE LIMITED 9066814.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 64209.0 Unit 8 Metro Trading Centre Fifth Way Wembley HA9 0YJ 202
GLOBALTECH INDUSTRIAL LTD 9065629.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43210.0 170 Park Lane Whitefield Manchester M45 7PX 203
BENNINGSTONE LTD 9065741.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70100.0 Orion Trading Estate Tenax Road Trafford Park Manchester M17 1JT 204
FOY FABRICATIONS LIMITED 9065765.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43999.0 Mutfords Hare Street Buntingford SG9 0ED 205
PHILIP DILLEY CONSULTING LIMITED 9065768.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 2 Old Court Mews 311a Chase Road London N14 6JS 206
TRUETECH LTD 9065890.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43210.0 Unit 6a Greenbank Business Park Bradeley Green Whitchurch SY13 4HD 207
JACARANDA CARPETS HOLDINGS LIMITED 9066868.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 46410.0 1 Cockerel Rise Desborough Kettering NN14 2WE 208
GEMINEX CONSULTING LTD 9066883.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 18 Charlton Road London SE3 7HG 209
CAPITAL BUILDING MANAGEMENT LIMITED 9066905.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 68209.0 Unit 1c Crucible Close Coleford GL16 8RE 210
KDM HAIR LIMITED 9066906.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 96020.0 161 Middlewich Street Crewe CW1 4DH 211
TECHNITRONIC LIMITED 9066910.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 96090.0 C/O Cwa Accountants First Floor 271 Upper Street London N1 2UQ 212
FIELDING FITNESS LIMITED 9066916.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 56290.0 Chichester House 2 Chichester Street Rochdale OL16 2AX 213
BLESSED CHRISTOPHER WHARTON CATHOLIC ACADEMY TRUST 9066969.0 Active Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital, use of ‘Limited’ exemption 2/6/2014 85200.0 St Bede’s And St Joseph’s Catholic College Beacon Villa, Ignis (Lower School Site) Cunliffe Road Bradford BD8 7AP 214
DIGITALTOBE LIMITED 9067004.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 42990.0 1 Barnabas House Central Street London EC1V 8BY 215
BPP INVENTORY LTD 9067338.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 82990.0 Grange Villa Cholderton Road Grateley Andover SP11 8LH 216
DEDE & CO LIMITED 9067441.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 69203.0 The Tudor Suite 6 Windmill Gardens Enfield EN2 7DU 217
CUBE3 DESIGN & BUILD LTD 9067001.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43390.0 Unit 2 Charnwood Edge Business Park Syston Road Cossington LE7 4UZ 218
BLUEPATH CONSULTING LIMITED 9067125.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 54 North Crofts Sydenham Hill, Forest Hill London SE23 3PS 219
EDEN SUSTAINABLE LTD 9067185.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74901.0 28 Queen Street London EC4R 1BB 220
SOLOMON INVESTMENT PROPERTIES LTD 9067195.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 68209.0 6 Ground Floor 220 The Vale London NW11 8SR 221
CASTLE GREEN (SERVICES) LIMITED 9064685.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 6 Merchant Court Monkton Business Park South Hebburn NE31 2EX 222
SUNLIGHT GARDEN LTD 9064746.0 Active Private limited company 30/05/2014 47789.0 Unit Do3 Hastingwood Trading Estate Harbet Rd N18 3HT 223
THE BRAND LANGUAGE STUDIO LTD 9064950.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 6 Halfhides Waltham Abbey EN9 1LE 224
CHICKEN GALORE LIMITED 9064952.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 56210.0 86 Clyde Road Croydon CR0 6SW 225
STRATEGIC BEAUTY ALLIANCE LTD 9064979.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 215 South Park Road London SW19 8RY 226
DIVERSE INTERACTIVE LIMITED 9066872.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 6 Huxley Road Surrey Research Park Guildford GU2 7RE 227
NMG ONLINE LTD 9066886.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 73110.0 Floor3 Haldin House Old Bank Of England Court Queen Street Norwich NR2 4SX 228
MEFREELANCE LIMITED 9066890.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62090.0 C/O Baptiste & Co P O Box 72098 London EC2P 2NS 229
MENCHEV LTD 9066901.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43210.0 8 Quarles Park Road Romford RM6 4DE 230
BXT CONSULTANTS LIMITED 9066925.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 271 High Street Berkhamsted HP4 1AA 231
EATON-EVANS AND MORRIS LIMITED 9066951.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 69102.0 12 High Street Haverfordwest SA61 2DB 232
HLD GOC LIMITED 9066955.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 64209.0 C/O Gssl The Mill Lane Glenfield Leicester LE3 8DX 233
ANJELI LIMITED 9066962.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 9 St George’s Yard Farnham GU9 7LW 234
DOLPHIN VALETING LTD 9066966.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 14 Cranbrook Road Poole BH12 3BS 235
AMP OPS LTD 9067095.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 Devonshire House 582 Honeypot Lane Stanmore HA7 1JS 236
MT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTS LTD 9067522.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 Barn End Lilley Green Road Alvechurch B48 7HD 237
MIX MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS LTD 9067535.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 Unit D Victoria Works Barton Road Dukinfield SK16 4US 238
C HERGEST LTD 9067540.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 69201.0 28 High Street Aberdare CF44 7AA 239
MINITECHNIQUE LTD 9067267.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 45112.0 112/114 Whitegate Drive Blackpool FY3 9XH 240
MITCHELL ELECTRICS LTD 9067277.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 43210.0 9 Green Lawns Ruislip HA4 9SP 241
ENROLLING LTD 9067426.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 85600.0 40a Grove Street Raunds Wellingborough NN9 6DS 242
CLARE NUNN LIMITED 9067483.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 96020.0 8 Bewicks Mead Burwell Cambridge CB25 0LW 243
CENTRAL GREEN INSTALLATIONS LTD 9067560.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 43999.0 20 Unit 20 Cornwallis Road West Bromwich B70 7JF 244
RMH LONDON LTD 9067564.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU 245
PROJECT, TECHNICAL AND SITE MANAGEMENT SERVICES LIMITED 9065923.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43120.0 Ground Floor, Finchale House Belmont Business Park Durham DH1 1TW 246
CARDIFF TRAVELZ LTD. 9065936.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 79110.0 175 Clare Road Cardiff CF11 6QS 247
CONCEPT LIFE SCIENCES LIMITED 9065980.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74909.0 Heritage House Church Road Egham TW20 9QD 248
APPS DELIVERY LTD 9065994.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 91 Bridge Avenue Upminster RM14 2LP 249
FLEX INFUSION LIMITED 9066010.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62012.0 Flat 18, Slade Tower Leyton Grange Estate London E10 5HU 250
THE NEW SPORTING COMPANY LIMITED 9067166.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 Leeward House Fitzroy Road Exeter Business Park Exeter EX1 3LJ 251
THE SHAW EDUCATION TRUST 9067175.0 Active Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital, use of ‘Limited’ exemption 2/6/2014 Kidsgrove Secondary School Gloucester Road Kidsgrove Stoke-On-Trent ST7 4DL 252
N & A LEICESTER LIMITED 9067240.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86230.0 21 High View Close Hamilton Leicester LE4 9LJ 253
CHARLII SMITHS LIMITED 9067287.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 Mansell Meadows North Lane Brailsford Ashbourne DE6 3BE 254
MARIUSZ MACIAG LTD 9067296.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 49410.0 102 Goldsmith Walk St Giles Lincoln LN2 4JR 255
CONSILIOR TALENT PARTNERS LTD 9067298.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 78109.0 Kings Works Kings Road Teddington TW11 0QB 256
ESSENCIA HR LTD 9067310.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 24 Waterers Way Bagshot GU19 5BL 257
REDLANDS PROPERTY CONSULTANCY LIMITED 9065048.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 35 Westgate Huddersfield HD1 1PA 258
NBR TECHNOLOGIES LTD 9065057.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 1 D’Arcy Close Aylesbury HP18 0QS 259
FOUR ELMS JUICE LIMITED 9065079.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 10320.0 Four Elms Fruit Farm Harpford Sidmouth EX10 0NJ 260
SENSO TRANSLATION LIMITED 9065080.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74909.0 44 Maiden Lane 4th Floor London WC2E 7LN 261
TEBA FOOD (BRIGHTON) LIMITED 9065110.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 47290.0 82 Boundary Road Hove BN3 5TD 262
FOUNDATIONS COTSWOLDS LIMITED 9065114.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43120.0 45 High Street Stroud GL5 1AN 263
DME PUBLICATIONS LTD 9065290.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 85600.0 18 Faraday Court Durham DH1 4FG 264
PENYYM-SHALOM LTD 9065335.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86900.0 138b Browning Road London E12 6RD 265
CS 2 ENERGY LIMITED 9065353.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 Fox Fold House Steventon Road East Hanney Wantage OX12 0HS 266
TREBLA CIVILS LTD 9067569.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 42110.0 8 Knox Bridge Kentshill Milton Keynes MK7 6EA 267
AMC BEDFORD LIMITED 9067701.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 68100.0 Amc Bedford Limited 4 Maple Grove Bedford MK41 9BA 268
BARNWELL 1964 LIMITED 9067724.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 99999.0 6 Barnwell Stevenage SG2 9SR 269
SUPERIOR STOCK STORES LIMITED 9067726.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 47190.0 Peterchurch House Commercial Way London SE15 1NF 270
LEE O’NEILL ENGINEERING LIMITED 9067749.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 82990.0 19 Marsden Road Liverpool L26 9UJ 271
CADDICK DEVELOPMENTS (NORTH) LIMITED 9067358.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 Castlegarth Grange Scott Lane Wetherby LS22 6LH 272
AJS FRENCH POLISHING LIMITED 9067361.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 43999.0 25 Grover Walk Corringham Stanford-Le-Hope SS17 7LP 273
MIDMARSH TECHNOLOGY LIMITED 9067365.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 62090.0 10 Hibbs Close Marshfield Chippenham SN14 8LN 274
DAYSON ENTERPRISES LIMITED 9067374.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 Connect House 133-137 Alexandra Road Wimbledon London SW19 7JY 275
TABCHRIS LTD 9067396.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 42990.0 9 Pheasant Way Brandon IP27 0BE 276
MODELA LTD 9067400.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 74990.0 17 Grant Road Wainscott Rochester ME3 8EE 277
CRAZY LEGS FILMS LIMITED 9067403.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 59111.0 Claremont, 74 Holland Road Maidstone ME14 1UT 278
HELEN ELIZABETH SLATER LIMITED 9067405.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 70229.0 Units 10-12 County End Business Centre Jackson Street Oldham OL4 4TZ 279
GD MANAGEMENT LTD 9066133.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43341.0 27 Karina Close Chigwell IG7 4EN 280
CRITTENDEN ESTATES LIMITED 9066164.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 68310.0 320c High Road Benfleet SS7 5HB 281
CONQUER CONSULTING LIMITED 9066240.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82110.0 428 Ripon Road Stevenage SG1 4NH 282
SWIMMANIA SWIM SCHOOL LIMITED 9066315.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 93199.0 Anglia House Stannetts Laindon Basildon SS15 6DN 283
LHN DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 9066446.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 41202.0 11a New Road Shuttington Nr Tamworth B79 0DT 284
BACK2BLACK RECYCLING LIMITED 9065374.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 38110.0 20 Patterdale Drive St. Helens WA10 3PN 285
SIGMAHQ LTD 9065403.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 59200.0 C/O Alexander & Co Centurion House 129 Deansgate Manchester M3 3WR 286
SYNERGY PARTNERSHIP SOLUTIONS LIMITED 9065408.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 64205.0 Citypoint 1 Ropemaker Street London EC2Y 9HT 287
L E P DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 9065431.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 41100.0 Windsor House A1 Business Park At Long Bennington NG23 5JR 288
NEIL BROADHEAD LIMITED 9065437.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 59113.0 42a Crofthill Road Slough SL2 1HF 289
HOUSE OF PROJECTS LIMITED 9065439.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74909.0 Unit K, The Brewery Bells Yew Green Road Bells Yew Green Tunbridge Wells TN3 9BD 290
EVANS ITECH CONSULTING LTD 9065441.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 95110.0 137 Deepcut Bridge Road Deepcut Camberley GU16 6SD 291
MAA EQUITY LIMITED 9065454.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 70229.0 4 Lawn Vale Pinner HA5 3EA 292
R S PORTER & CO LIMITED 9065461.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 69201.0 The Old Dairy, Ashton Hill Farm Weston Road Failand Bristol BS8 3US 293
SHUMBA 65 CARE LIMITED 9065468.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86101.0 16 Arthington View Leeds LS10 2ND 294
STEVE AMBLER & SONS TREE SPECIALISTS LIMITED 9065522.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 2400.0 Sunnydale Bungalow, 28a Intermediate Road Brynmawr Ebbw Vale NP23 4SF 295
DELTA PI KAPPA LIMITED 9065548.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62020.0 43 Cyprus Avenue London N3 1SS 296
REGENT STREET ORTHODONTICS LIMITED 9065563.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86230.0 26 Regent Street Nottingham NG1 5BQ 297
GREYCOTT ACCOUNTANCY LIMITED 9066594.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 The Mill House Old London Road Halstead Sevenoaks TN14 7BH 298
RIGOROUS VISION LIMITED 9066610.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 69102.0 2 Stamford Square London SW15 2BF 299
DELTASEC AND CLEANING SERVICES LIMITED 9066837.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 36 Hastings House Mulgrave Road London SE18 5RL 300
J & L DAY CENTRE LIMITED 9066923.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82990.0 79-81 Market Street Stalybridge SK15 2AA 301
JMC (KENT) LTD 9066973.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 42120.0 57 Windmill Street Gravesend DA12 1BB 302
TRIVESTA LIMITED 9065615.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 56302.0 C/O William Sturges Llp Burwood House 14-16 Caxton Street London SW1H 0QY 303
EUROWEST INVESTMENTS LTD 9065618.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 68320.0 22 Overlea Road London E5 9BG 304
CLIMAX ENTERTAINMENT LTD 9065723.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 90030.0 The Pines Pine Crescent Hutton Brentwood CM13 1JE 305
TRAIN HARD PARKOUR LIMITED 9065834.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 93120.0 The Parkour Project The Project Climbing Centre The Dolphin Centre Poole BH15 1UD 306
HISTORIC ARMS INVESTMENTS LIMITED 9065907.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 47791.0 55 Bourne Way Burbage Marlborough SN8 3FS 307
PRINT VENTURES LIMITED 9066975.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43290.0 Unit 5-6 Quarry Park, Frans Green Industrial Estate, East Tuddenham Dereham NR20 3JG 308
WEMBLEY MUSIC PROPERTY HOLDINGS LIMITED 9066985.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 64209.0 Unit 8 Metro Trading Centre Fifth Way Wembley HA9 0YJ 309
AMCM CONSTRUCTION LTD 9066987.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43999.0 162 Queens Road London E17 8PE 310
THE CONSTANT CHEF LIMITED 9067041.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 56302.0 6 The Orchard Chiseldon Swindon SN4 0PH 311
278 – 280 HALL LANE MANAGEMENT LIMITED 9067044.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 99999.0 Livermore House High Street Great Dunmow CM6 1AW 312
HS ELECTRICS LTD 9067046.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43210.0 9a High Street West Drayton UB7 7QG 313
ICESCAPE LIMITED 9067066.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 77390.0 The Pavilion Centre Frog Lane Coalpit Heath Bristol BS36 2NW 314
HOTEL FACILITY CONCEPTS UK LIMITED 9067146.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82990.0 New Derwent House 69-73 Theobalds Road London WC1X 8TA 315
SUTHERLAND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 9067147.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86230.0 Staverton Court Staverton Cheltenham GL51 0UX 316
CORNELIUS HIGGINS CONTROLS LTD 9067155.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 62012.0 Mason House 96 Evesham Road Headless Cross Redditch B97 5ES 317
CLIPSTONE TEN LIMITED 9066405.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 68100.0 45 Albemarle Street London W1S 4JL 318
HUMANE MEDICARE LIMITED 9066554.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 86101.0 4 Eastern Road Selly Park Birmingham B29 7JP 319
GLAMOUR WORKS LIMITED 9066585.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 96020.0 1 Neva Road Southampton SO18 4JR 320
HAMPTON GREEN LIMITED 9066623.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 47910.0 34 Claremount Gardens Epsom KT18 5XF 321
CTW PROPERTY (SOUTH EAST) LIMITED 9066669.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 68100.0 29 Wildwood Court Hawkhirst Road Kenley CR8 5DL 322
BRICKS K3 CAPITAL LIMITED 9067264.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 82990.0 Ground Floor 8-9 Bulstrode Place London W1U 2HY 323
PERITUS TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED 9067318.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 62012.0 13 Marlborough Road Sutton SM1 2PF 324
INDERJEET CHANA LIMITED 9067327.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 86900.0 178 South Road Hockley Birmingham B18 5LE 325
PURETECH MEDIA LTD 9067413.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 73120.0 2 Longsight Road Ramsbottom Bury BL0 9TD 326
NARCISSUS INVESTMENTS LIMITED 9067554.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 Hemmingway House Thornes Moor Road Wakefield WF2 8PG 327
A TAYLOR SCAFFOLDING LTD. 9066789.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 43991.0 Pauls Farm Water Lane Hawkhurst Cranbrook TN18 5AX 328
HI-TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS LIMITED 9067555.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 64202.0 Tyak House Silverthorne Way Waterlooville PO7 7XY 329
PROSPER SQUARED (INVESTMENTS) LTD 9067570.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 68209.0 843 Finchley Road London NW11 8NA 330
UNCLEBG LTD 9067572.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 43390.0 Avondale House, 262 Uxbridge Road Pinner HA5 4HS 331
LONDON RESIDENCE LIMITED 9067581.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 74909.0 60 Alington Grove Wallington SM6 9NG 332
SENTRY FINANCIAL LTD 9067596.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 70221.0 The Poplars Bridge Street Brigg DN20 8NQ 333
WINE FOOD MARKET LONDON LIMITED 9067603.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 46390.0 454-456 Chiswick High Road London W4 5TT 334
IAN FIELD CONSULTING LIMITED 9067197.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 74909.0 3 Bignell Park Barns Chesterton Bicester OX26 1TD 335
LINK2LONDON LTD 9067224.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 38110.0 Unit 13, Wing Yip Business Centre 395 Edgware Road Cricklewood London NW2 6LN 336
EVA LONDON LTD 9067227.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 7a Harte Road Hounslow TW3 4LD 337
Q H MEWS LIMITED 9067230.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 41100.0 Mildmay House Broad Street Somerton TA11 7NH 338
FIRST FD LTD 9067250.0 Active Private limited company 2/6/2014 Kemp House 152 City Road London EC1V 2NX 339
WADE CHILDCARE SERVICES LIMITED 9067672.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 88910.0 Jamesons House Compton Way Witney OX28 3AB 340
SOWTON DENT CO LTD 9067683.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 The Old Temperance House 34/36 Fore Street Bovey Tracey TQ13 9AE 341
AMANDEEP KAUR LIMITED 9067689.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 47110.0 220 Bacchus Road Birmingham B18 4RE 342
JEEVAN STORES LIMITED 9067702.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 47110.0 Office 20, North Notts Business Centre 32-34 Rosemary Street Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG18 1QL 343
PEE JAY 0925 LIMITED 9067730.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 99999.0 3 Cross Flatts Parade Beeston Leeds LS11 7JL 344
SUE ALLATT LIMITED 9067735.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 90030.0 11 Lyons Walk Shaftesbury SP7 8JF 345
SCOTT WATSON BUILDERS LIMITED 9067379.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 41202.0 31 High View Close Leicester LE4 9LJ 346
DKF INSOLVENCY LIMITED 9067380.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 82990.0 6 Royal Mews Southend-On-Sea SS1 1DB 347
PLUSH INTERIORS AND EXTERIOR LTD 9067384.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 39000.0 44 Anton Drive Minworth Sutton Coldfield B76 1XG 348
WISDOM TAX ACCOUNTANTS LTD 9067440.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 507 Aldborough Road North Ilford IG2 7SY 349
MIDDLESBROUGH INSPECTION SERVICES LTD 9067484.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 71129.0 Beaumont Accountancy Services 1st Floor Enterprise House 202-206 Linthorpe Road Middlesbrough TS1 3QW 350
TIM BOUGHTON CONSULTING LIMITED 9067485.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 70229.0 3 Marsh Court Farm Romsey Road Stockbridge SO20 6DF 351
NORTHUMBERLAND NEUROREHAB LIMITED 9067764.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 86220.0 Bulman House Regent Centre Gosforth Newcastle Upon Tyne NE3 3LS 352
PIPEFORCE UTILITIES LTD 9067773.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 96090.0 Unit G 41 Warwick Rd Solihull B92 7HS 353
COMMERCIAL FINANCE PRACTICE LIMITED 9067790.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 82990.0 50 Jermyn Street London SW1Y 6LX 354
J & J BUSHROD LIMITED 9067797.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 81300.0 14 Hillcrest Avenue Toftwood Dereham NR19 1NF 355
PARALLEL IMAGING LIMITED 9067800.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 86101.0 36 Bodelwyddan Avenue Old Colwyn Colwyn Bay LL29 9NP 356
MDG CONSTRUCTION & CIVIL ENGINEERING LIMITED 9067806.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 42120.0 Audley House 35 Marsh Parade Newcastle ST5 1BT 357
IN THE FOOTSTEPS LIMITED 9067679.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 93290.0 Lanyon House Mission Court Newport NP20 2DW 358
SAFEWAY CARE LIMITED 9067704.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 87900.0 36 Capern Grove Birmingham B32 2JJ 359
INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF LEARNING LTD 9067757.0 Active Private limited company 3/6/2014 82990.0 C/O Maygrove Estates 1 Hanger Green Park Royal London W5 3EL 360
CLICK MARKETS LTD 9067768.0 Active Private limited company
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CSC105 Final Graded Project assignment Help

CSC105 Final Graded Project assignment Help

You’ll create both pseudocode and a flowchart to design a mobile app. The app will write the device’s latitude and longitude to a file each time the device’s location changes. Use the techniques discussed in Section 3.3 and Chapter 10 of your textbook to write the latitude and longitude to the file as a record.Write your pseudocode in a plain-text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit, and save as a text file (*.txt). Also, save a screenshot of your flowchart as a JPEG file (*.jpg).

Part 2: GUI Design

In addition to creating pseudocode and a flowchart for your app, you’ll also create a basic GUI design for your app. You can use Microsoft PowerPoint or Apache OpenOffice Impress to lay out your GUI and indicate components such as buttons, text boxes, sliders, and others. Be sure to label your GUI design with component names and indicate their properties. When you’re finished, save your GUI design as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file (*.pdf).





The files that were resubmitted were not contain proper Pseudocode and a Flowchart for

the Track Your Route assignment mentioned in your project outline as well as Chapter 15

in your textbook.


Since you were given multiple attempts to submit the proper files for the assignment and

were unsuccessful, the assignment will be graded as is and 2% will be posted to your



You do have the opportunity to submit the required work in order to earn a passing grade

for the assignment. (You may also contact the school if you would prefer to accept the 2%

as the final grade for the assignment.)


Please review Section 15.4 in Chapter 15 in your textbook to assist you with fixing your work.

Focus on the “Detecting the Device’s Location” section. Figure 15-9 & Program 15-5 provide

you with a majority of the Pseudocode you will need for the assignment.


Once you have reviewed that section, check out Section 10.4 Processing Records. Program 10-

7 provides examples of writing data to files.


If you have any questions, please reach out to us via phone at 1-888-427-1000 or send us

an email through the Help & Support section of your Student Portal. An appointment to

speak to an instructor can be scheduled here.


Technology Instructors

Penn Foster


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Microsoft Word Assignment

Microsoft Word Assignment

New Perspectives Word 2016 | Module 1: SAM Project 1a


C:\Users\akellerbee\Documents\SAM Development\Design\Pictures\g11731.pngNew Perspectives Word 2016 | Module 1: SAM Project 1a

Verbena Farm Stand



Open the file NP_WD16_1a_FirstLastName_1.docx, available for download from the SAM website.

Save the file as NP_WD16_1a_FirstLastName_2.docx by changing the “1” to a “2”.

0. If you do not see the .docx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

With the file NP_WD16_1a_FirstLastName_2.docx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.

· If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.



You are helping to publicize a farm stand that sells organic herbs by creating a flyer for the business. Begin by changing only the top and bottom margins of the document to 0.5″.

Apply the Fill – Green, Accent 1, Shadow text effect to the heading “Verbena Farm Stand” to make the title of the flyer stand out.

Format the paragraph beginning “Verbena Farm grows herbs…” as follows:

a. Remove the space after the paragraph.

b. Change the line spacing to 1.15.

In the same paragraph, delete the sentence “We are open all year, though stock varies according to season.”

Apply the Soft Edge Rectangle picture style to the photo of herbs to integrate it into the flyer.

Format the paragraph “Fresh herbs (available June 1–November 15)” as follows:

c. Change the alignment to Align Left.

d. Change the font to Calibri Light (Headings).

e. Change the font size to 14 pt.

f. Apply the Green, Accent 1 font color (5th column, 1st row in the Theme Colors palette).

Use the Format Painter to apply the same formatting to the paragraphs “Live plants (available May 15–October 15)” and “Dried herbs (available year round)” to maintain consistency in the document.

Move the insertion point to the end of the “For special orders, contact” paragraph, type info@verbenafarms.cengage.com, and then press the Spacebar to convert the text into a hyperlink.

Change the height of the herb bouquet picture to 1″.

Bold the paragraph “Verbena Farm Stand” below the picture.

Remove the hyperlink from the address “205 Mapleton Road”.

Italicize the text “verbenafarm.cengage.com” in the last paragraph in the document.

Apply Lime, Accent 2, Lighter 80% paragraph shading (6th column, 2nd row in the Theme Colors palette) to the paragraphs containing the herb bouquet photo, the name and address of the farm stand, the phone number, and the web address.

Check the Spelling & Grammar in the document to identify and correct any spelling errors. (Hint: You should find and correct at least one spelling error.)

Your document should look like the Final Figure on the following page. Save your changes, close the document, and then exit Word. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.


Final Figure


© panco971/Shutterstock.com. © Anne Greenwood /Shutterstock.com


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