Agriculture Insurance Conference Assignment

Agriculture Insurance Conference Assignment

Vaccination Schedule

Think of vaccines as a coat of armor for your child. To keep it shiny and strong, you have to make sure your child’s immunizations are up to date. Timely vaccinations help to prevent disease and keep your family and the community healthy. Some immunizations are given in a single shot, while others require a series of shots over a period of time.

Vaccines for children and teenagers are listed alphabetically below with their routinely recommended ages. Missed doses will be assessed by your child’s physician and given if necessary. Keep a personal record of all immunizations and bring it with you to each office visit.

Name of Vaccine When It’s Recommended Total Doses

Inactivated poliovirus (IPV) At 2, 4, 6 months, and 4-6 years 4

Chickenpox (varicella) At 12 months and 4-6 years 2

Tetanus and diphtheria (Td) At 11-12 years 1

Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) At 2, 4, 6 and 12-15 months, and 4-6 years 5

Hepatitis A (HepA) At 12 and 18 months 3

Human papillomavirus (HPV) 3-dose series for girls at age 11-12 years 3

Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Live intranasal influenza Annually starting at age 2 years Annually

Inactivated influenza (flu shot) Annually starting at age 6 months Annually

Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) At 12 months and 4-6 years 2

Pneumococcal polysaccharide (PPSV) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) At 2, 4, 6, and 12 months 4

Rotavirus (RV) At 2, 4, and 6 months 3


These recommendations are for generally healthy children and teenagers and are for information only. If your child has ongoing health problems, special health needs or risks, or if certain conditions run in your family, talk with your child’s physician. He or she may recommend additional vaccinations or schedules based on earlier immunizations and special health needs.


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Data Analytics Assignment

Data Analytics Assignment

3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 1/4

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Business Analytics (5th Edition) See this solution in the app


A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regular brand and a light brand with 30% fewer calories. The company’s marketing department wants to verify that its traditional approach of appealing to local whitecollar workers with light beer commercials and appealing to local blue- collar workers with regular beer commercials is indeed a good strategy. A randomly selected group of 400 local workers are questioned about their beer-drinking preferences, and the data in the file P04_08.xlsx are obtained.

a. If a blue-collar worker is chosen at random from this group, what is the probability that he/she prefers light beer (to regular beer or no beer at all)?

b. If a white-collar worker is chosen at random from this group, what is the probability that he/she prefers light beer (to regular beer or no beer at all)?

c. If you restrict your attention to workers who like to drink beer, what is the probability that a randomly selected blue-collar worker prefers to drink light beer?

d. If you restrict your attention to workers who like to drink beer, what is the probability that a randomly selected white-collar worker prefers to drink light beer?

e. Does the company’s marketing strategy appear to be appropriate? Explain why or why not.

Step-by-step solution

The data for survey of local workers with regard to beer-drinking preferences is given below.


Here ‘W’ denotes white-collar workers and ‘B’ denotes blue-collar worker in ‘Type’ column. In ‘Preference’ column, ‘L’ denotes those workers who prefer to drink light beer, ‘R’ denotes those workers who prefer to drink regular beer and ‘N’ denotes those workers who prefer not to drink beer.


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Business Analytics 5th Edition

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3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 2/4

A pivot table has been created to show the counts of worker type for different drinking preferences of workers where the total number of workers surveyed is 400. The screenshot of the pivot table is given below.


a. From the pivot table given above the number of blue collar workers that prefer light beer is 111 and the total number of blue collar workers is 250. So the probability E of a randomly chosen blue collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,


b. From the pivot table given above the number of white collar workers that prefer light beer is 79 and the total number of white collar workers is 150. So the probability F of a randomly chosen white collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,


c. From the pivot table given above the number of blue collar workers that prefer light beer is 111 and the number of worker that drink beer is 371. So the probability G of a randomly chosen beer drinking worker being a blue collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,

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3/18/2020 Solved: A local beer producer sells two types of beer, a regula… |… 3/4

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d. From the pivot table given above the number of white collar workers that prefer light beer is 79 and the number of worker that drink beer is 371. So the probability H of a randomly chosen beer drinking worker being a white collar worker that prefers light beer is given by,

Comments (2)

e. The company’s marketing strategy to target blue collar workers who drink regular beer and white collar worker who drink light beer is most appropriate, since these two type of workers comprise the largest segment in their two respective subgroups.


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Chapter 4, Problem 28P

Consider the probability distribution of the weekly demand for copier paper (in hundreds of reams) used in a corporation’s duplicating center, as shown in the file P04_27.xlsx. a. Use simulation to generate 500 values of this random…

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Chapter 4, Problem 3P

The publisher of a popular financial periodical has decided to undertake a campaign in an effort to attract new subscribers. Market research analysts in this company believe that there is a 1 in 4 chance that the increase in the number of new…

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Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio Assignment

Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio Assignment



Project Description:

You work with the Radio Advertisers Federation to promote the use of radio advertising. In this document, you provide a summary of research related to the weekly reach of various media sources, including tables describing the reach as well as the weekly hours most households spend with those sources. The summary will be distributed to various local advertisers as part of a mail merge process.


Start   Word. Download and open the file named Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio.docx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.


Ensure that Ruler is shown and   that nonprinting characters are displayed. Move to the last page of the   document and type the following, beginning in the first cell of the blank row   at the bottom of the table:
24 RA Tablet 78.1


Move to the second blank   paragraph following the table. Draw a table approximately 6 inches wide and 3   1/2 inches tall. Draw one vertical grid line at approximately 3 inches from   the left to create two columns. Draw 5 horizontal grid lines to divide the   table into 6 approximately evenly spaced rows of about 1/2 inch each. Rows do   not have to be precisely spaced as you will distribute them later.


Erase the vertical gridline in the first row, so that the row includes only   one column. Ensure the insertion point is located in the first row and type Table 2 –   Weekly Hours (Average Watch or Listen Time). (Ensure that a space precedes   and follows the hyphen and do not type the period.) Press TAB and complete   the table as follows (do not press TAB at the end of the last entry):
Radio 25.7
TV 21.5
Smartphone 18.3
PC 10.7
Tablet 7.7


Select Table 2 and change the   font size of all text to 12 pt. Apply bold formatting to the first row in   Table 2. Delete the Category column in the first table. Insert a row above   the first row in Table 1 and type Table 1 – Weekly Reach of Media. (Ensure that a space precedes   and follows the hyphen and do not type the period.)


In Table 1, insert a row between   Hub and Insight. Type the following in the new row, ensuring that the new   entry is in Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Nielsen Smartphone  142.3


In Table 2, insert a blank row   above row 2. Type Source in the first cell of the new row and type Hours in the second cell. Apply bold   formatting to both cells. Select Table 2, ensure that the Table Tools Layout   tab is selected, and click Distribute Rows.


Select cells in the first column   of Table 1, from row 2 through the end of the table. Ensure that you do not   include text from row 1. Split the cells, making sure to deselect Merge cells before split. Type Source in cell 2 of row 2 in Table 1.   Complete the remaining cells in the second column as follows. (Type only   those shown in column 2 of the list below.)
PPM  30
Hub 87
Neilsen 82
Insight 26
RA 12


Insert a row below the last row   in Table 1. In the third column of the new row, type Total. Apply bold formatting to the   word Total and apply Align Center   Right alignment. In the next cell on the same row, enter a formula to sum all   cells in the column above. You do not need to select a number format.


Sort the rows containing media   sources in Table 1 (rows 3-7) by Column 3 in ascending order so that the   media sources are shown in alphabetical order. Do not include the heading   rows or the total row in the sort.


Insert a column to the right of   the last column in Table 1 and type Percentage of Total in the second row of the new   column. In the third row of the last column, type a formula that divides the   Households Reached value in the cell to the left by the Total in the last row   and then multiplies by 100 to convert the result to a percentage. The formula   is =d3/d8*100. Select a number format of   0.00%.


Include a formula in each cell   in the Percentage of Total column except for the last cell (on the Total   row), adjusting cell references in each formula to reflect the current row.   Apply Align Center alignment to all numeric entries in the last two columns.


Merge all cells in the first row   of Table 1 and ensure that the text is centered. Change the number of   households reached by TV to 197.5. Update the field in the last row of that column (the total) and   also update all fields in the last column to reflect that change.


At the first blank paragraph at   the beginning of the second page, insert text from Radio_Statistics.docx. In Table 1, apply a style of Grid Table 4   – Accent 3 (row 4, column 4 under Grid Tables). Deselect First Column in the   Table Style Options group to remove bold formatting from the first column.   Bold all cells in row 2 and apply Align Center alignment.


Center both tables horizontally   on the page. Select Table 2. Select a border style of Double solid lines, ½   pt, Accent 3 (row 3, column 4). Apply the border style to all borders.


Select row 1 of Table 2 and   apply a custom shading color of Red – 137, Green – 121, and Blue – 139.   Change the font color of all text in row 1 to White, Background 1 and ensure   that it is bold. Shade all remaining rows, including those on page 3, in Light   Gray, Background 2. Change the Pen Color to Black, Text 1, and drag the   border dividing row 1 from row 2 in Table 2.


Select the first two rows of   Table 2 and repeat the header rows so that they display at the top of the   table section that is currently shown on page 3. Include a caption below   Table 1 with the text Table 1: Household   Reach of Media Sources. (Do not type the period and ensure that a space follows the   colon.) Include a caption below Table 2 with the text Table 2: Average Weekly Hours. (Do not type the period and   ensure that a space follows the colon.) Modify the Caption style to include   center alignment with bold, italicized text.


Move to the end of the document   and press ENTER. Insert text from Ratings_Sources.docx.   Select all text from Ratings Source   to Whether   you select the paragraph mark following the URL is irrelevant; however, do   not select the blank paragraph on the following line. Convert the selected   text to a table, accepting all default settings. Apply a table style of Grid,   Table 4 (row 4, column 1 under Grid Tables) and add a caption below the new   table as Table 3: Major   Ratings Sources.   (Do not type a period.)


Begin a mail merge procedure,   selecting the Access database Source   Ratings.accdb as a recipient list. Note Mac users, select the text file Source Ratings.txt as a recipient   list.
Edit the recipient list to add the following record and respond affirmatively   when asked to update the recipient list:
Source ID  Company Guild Member
B9111 Insight False


Filter the recipient list to   select only those with a value of False in the Guild Member column. Replace [Company Name] in the last body paragraph on page 2 with the   merge field of Company. Be sure to   include the brackets in the text to be replaced.


Preview results and then finish   the merge, editing individual documents and merging all. Press CTRL+A to   select all of the merged document and copy the selection. Display Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio,   move the insertion point to the end of the document (after the last caption)   and insert a page break. Paste all copied text, resulting in a 7-page   document


Save and close Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio.docx. Close all other open documents without   saving. Submit   Exp19_Word_Ch03_HOEAssessment_Radio.docx as directed.

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Create A Step-By-Step IT Security Policy For Handling User Accounts/Rights For A Student Who Is Leaving Prematurely

Computer Science homework help

Computer Security Fundamentals

by Chuck Easttom


Chapter 10 Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Chapter 10 Objectives

  • Recognize the importance of security policies
  • Understand the various policies and the rationale for them
  • Know what elements go into good policies
  • Create policies for network administration
  • Evaluate and improve existing policies

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Explain what cyber terrorism is and how it has been used in some actual cases.

Understand the basics of information warfare.

Have a working knowledge of some plausible cyber terrorism scenarios.

Have an appreciation for the dangers posed by cyber terrorism.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



  • Technology by itself cannot solve all network security problems.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Cyber terrorism, according to the definition of the FBI:

Premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data that results in violence against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.

Typically, loss of life in a cyber attack would be less than in a bombing attack.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Introduction (cont.)

  • Virus software won’t prevent a user from manually opening an attachment and releasing a virus.
  • A technologically secured network is still vulnerable if former employees (perhaps some unhappy with the company) still have working passwords. Or if passwords are simply put on Post-it notes on computer monitors.
  • A server is not secure if it is in a room that nearly everyone in the company has access to.
  • Your network is not secure if end users are vulnerable to social engineering.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


What Is a Policy?

  • A security policy is a document that defines how an organization deals with some aspect of security. There can be policies regarding end-user behavior, IT response to incidents, or policies for specific issues and incidents.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Defining User Policies

  • Passwords
  • Internet use
  • E-mail attachments
  • Installing/uninstalling software
  • Instant messaging
  • Desktop configuration

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


System Admin Policies

  • New Employees
  • Departing Employees
  • Change Control
  • Access Control


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Other Issues

  • Bring Your Own Device
  • A major concern in the modern network
  • New Employees
  • Departing Employees


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Bring your own device (BYOD) has become a significant issue for most organizations. Most, if not all, of your employees will have their own smart phones, tablets, smart watches, and Fitbits that they will carry with them into the workplace. When they connect to your wireless network, this introduces a host of new security concerns. You have no idea what networks that device previously connected to, what software was installed on them, or what data might be exfiltrated by these personal devices.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Change Management

  • RFC
  • CAB
  • Follow-up


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Software Development Policies

  • Security standards
  • Testing


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Incident Response Policies

  • Handling viruses
  • Dealing with breaches

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Data Classification

  • Public
  • Secure


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



  • DRP
  • BCP
  • BIA


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Fault Tolerance

  • Backups
  • Full: All changes
  • Differential: All changes since last full backup
  • Incremental: All changes since last backup of any type
  • RAID


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies


Relevant Laws & Regulations

  • Sarbanes-Oxley
  • PCI


© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies



  • In this chapter, you learned the technology is not enough to ensure a secure network. You must have clear and specific policies detailing procedures on your network. Those policies must cover employee computer resource use, new employees, outgoing employees, access rights, how to respond to an emergency, and even how secure code in applications and websites is.
  • User policies must cover all aspects of how the user is expected to use company technology. In some cases, such as instant messaging and web use, policies may be difficult to enforce, but that does not change that they must still be in place. If your user policies fail to cover a particular area of technology use, then you will have difficulty taking any action against any employee who performs that particular misuse.

© 2016 Pearson, Inc. Chapter 10 Computer Security Policies






Explain what cyber terrorism is and how it has been used in some actual cases.

Understand the basics of information warfare.

Have a working knowledge of some plausible cyber terrorism scenarios.

Have an appreciation for the dangers posed by cyber terrorism.


Cyber terrorism, according to the definition of the FBI:

Premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data that results in violence against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents.

Typically, loss of life in a cyber attack would be less than in a bombing attack.


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.


All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.


Bring your own device (BYOD) has become a significant issue for most organizations. Most, if not all, of your employees will have their own smart phones, tablets, smart watches, and Fitbits that they will carry with them into the workplace. When they connect to your wireless network, this introduces a host of new security concerns. You have no idea what networks that device previously connected to, what software was installed on them, or what data might be exfiltrated by these personal devices.






All these could lead to significant deaths: train wrecks, hospital deaths, loss of air traffic control resulting in plane crashes, and so forth.










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Computer Science homework help

Non-Deterministic Finite Automata

1. Construct an nfa that accepts all integer numbers in C. Explain why your construct is an nfa.

2. Prove in detail the claim made in the previous section that if in a transition graph there is a walk

labeled w, there must be some walk labeled w of length no more than Λ + (1 + Λ) |w|.

3. Find a dfa that accepts the language defined by the nfa in Figure 2.8.

4. Convert the nfa in Exercise 13, Section 2.2, into an equivalent dfa.



5. Convert the nfa defined by


with initial state q0 and final state q2 into an equivalent dfa.

6. Is it true that for every nfa M = (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F), the complement of L (M) is equal to the set {w ∈ Σ* : δ*

(q0, w) ∩ (Q − F) ≠ ∅}? If so, prove it; if not, give a counterexample.

7. Prove that for every nfa with an arbitrary number of final states there is an equivalent nfa with only one final state. Can we make a similar claim for dfa’s?

8. Consider the dfa with initial state q0, final state q2 and δ(q0,a)=q2δ(q1,a)=q2δ(q2,a)=q3δ(q3,a)=q3δ(q0,b)=q2δ(q1,b)=q2δ(q2,b)=q3δ(q3,b)=q1δ(q0,a)=q2δ(q0,b)=q2δ (q1,a)=q2δ(q1,b)=q2δ(q2,a)=q3δ(q2,b)=q3δ(q3,a)=q3δ(q3,b)=q1 Find a minimal equivalent dfa.

9. Minimize the number of states in the dfa in Figure 2.16.


THEOREM 2.2 Let L be the language accepted by a nondeterministic finite accepter MN = (QN, Σ, δN, q0, FN). Then there exists a deterministic finite accepter MD = (QD, Σ, δD, {q0}, FD) such that L = L (MD).

10. Use the construction of Theorem 2.2 to convert the nfa in Figure 2.10 to a dfa. Can you see a simpler answer more directly?

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CGS 1000 – Intro To Computers Tech.- Project Assignments Help

For this project, you will use all four of the Microsoft Office applications to create a unified project on a single topic.


Project Topic

You may select any topic that is of interest to you. The course instructor must approve your topic before you begin working on it–be sure to obtain his/her permission sooner rather than later. Remember that your project will cover ONE topic. You will use ALL of the Office applications to create content related to your chosen topic.

Some examples of past project topics include:

• develop a business
• highlight attending HCC
• your favorite sports team
• your favorite sport
• dream car
• moving out on your own
• researching your planned career
• planning a vacation
• planning a wedding
• highlight your native country or culture
• your passion in life, etc.

Project Minimum Requirements

The minimum requirements for each of the four applications are detailed in the checklists below.

1. Each application component is valued at 65pts.
2.There are 40 points (10 pts each application) allocated for professionalism, effort, and creativity.

  • Professionalism is assessed in evaluation of proper use of the required skills (e.g. competent in tables), grammar, spelling, and overall appearance.
  • Effort is assessed in whether or not the presentation exceeded the minimum requirements
    • Students who meet only the minimum requirements for each software application may not receive the 40 points for professionalism, effort, and creativity.
  • Creativity is demonstrated by applying the software skills acquired during the term.
  • Creativity is measured in various ways, including:
    • applying additional skills covered in the course but not listed as a minimum requirement,
    • adding additional graphics or pictures,
    • applying varying color schemes,
    • creative formatting of the Excel chart,
    • using various design backgrounds with presentation slides,
    • creating your own slide background instead of using a design template,
    • adding a border to the Microsoft Word document component,
    • graphically editing pictures and other graphics,
    • adding external sounds or movie clip in the PowerPoint component, etc.

3. This project must be an original creation, not a copy ‘n paste from this semester’s assignments. All rules concerning Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism will be strictly enforced.

4. The project must be based on your original work.

For the Face pictures, Insert a black picture in that section, and i’ll change it once done. And for lastname titles,  just type “lastname” so that i know and change it aswell when done.

Please open the file i attached, and follow the steps numbers for each Microsoft (Access, Excel, Powerpoint, Word)

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Java Project Assignment Help

Java Project Assignment Help

IT 511 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

Overview The final project for this course is the creation of a collection manager program. The project is divided into two milestones, which will be submitted at various

points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Five and Seven. The final

product will be submitted in Module Nine.

Substantial software projects are often developed and implemented by utilizing accepted software engineering principles like modularity, encapsulation, and reusability. Throughout this course, you have learned the concepts and processes involved in the development of object-oriented programs. Following established object-oriented principles when writing a program results in modular solutions composed of well-formed classes that can be extended and reused, culminating in an enduring program that solves a problem. In this final project, you will create a basic program that will help you manage a collection of items that needs to be organized and managed. Your program must meet the requirements of the provided scenario. The creation of this program demonstrates your competency in the use of fundamental data types and more complex data structures and the creation of methods that utilize typical algorithmic control structures, object instantiation, and class definition. In order to make your program enduring, you will be adding inline comments directed toward software engineers about design decisions to facilitate the program’s ongoing maintenance, along with generating application programming interface (API) documentation for your programmatic solution that will be directed toward other software developers. This assessment addresses the following course outcomes:

 Employ suitable data types in object-oriented programs for addressing specific program requirements

 Apply algorithms using appropriate control structures for solving computational problems

 Implement methods that accept parameters and return expected results for addressing given program requirements

 Construct classes with relevant object attributes and behaviors for developing modular, object-oriented solutions

 Utilize appropriate documentation techniques for articulating the purpose and behavior of object-oriented code to specific audiences

Scenario You will create a program that will help you manage a collection of recipes. You will implement three classes: one for the main recipe items, one for the ingredients that are part of the recipe, and one for the entire collection of recipes. The collection should use a list data structure to store the individual items. Your collection class should include methods like addItem(), printItem(), and deleteItem() that allow you to add, print, or delete items from your collection of items.



Your Ingredient class will model the items that will be stored in each recipe in your collection. You will give it some basic attributes (of numeric or string types) and some basic methods (accessors/mutators, printItemDetails(), etc.). Your Recipe class will start off similar to your Ingredient class, but you will increase its functionality by modifying it to accept the Ingredient objects, containing all the details stored in an Ingredient class object. You will also expand the Recipe class by adding recipe-specific methods to your Recipe class.

The basic, foundational elements are shown in the following Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram for the required classes:

UML Overview






– String nameOfIngredient – recipeName: String – listOfRecipes: ArrayList

– float numberCups; – servings: int + getListOfRecipes(): ArrayList – int numberCaloriesPerCup – recipeIngredients: ArrayList + setListOfRecipes(ArrayList): void – double totalCalories – totalRecipeCalories: double + RecipeBox(): void

+ getNameOfIngredient(): String + getRecipeName(): String + RecipeBox(ArrayList): void + setNameOfIngredient(String) : void + setRecipeName(String): void + printAllRecipeDetails(String): void + getNumberCups(): float + getServings(): int + printAllRecipeNames(): void + setNumberCups(float): void + setServings(int): void + addNewRecipe(): void

+ getNumberCaloriesPerCup(): int + getRecipeIngredients(): ArrayList + setNumberCaloriesPerCup(int): void + setRecipeIngredients(ArrayList): void + getTotalCalories(): double + getTotalRecipeCalories(): double + setTotalCalories(double): void + setTotalRecipeCalories(double): void + addIngredient(String): Ingredient + printRecipe(): void

+ addNewRecipe(): Recipe

Finally, you will also write an application driver class that should allow the user to create a new recipe and add it to the collection. In addition, it should allow the user to see a list of items in the collection and then give the user an option to either see more information about a particular item (by retrieving it from the collection) or edit an item that is already in the collection. Finally, your program should allow the user to delete an item from the collection. Moreover, you will add documentation to the application that will contain inline comments explaining your design decisions as well as documentation comments that will be used to generate API documentation for your programmatic solution for other software developers. To prepare for the final project, you will complete a series of six stepping stone assignments and two final project milestones that will help you learn the coding skills required for the project. Separate documentation for these assignments is included in the course resources.


contains contains




Prompt You have been tasked with developing a complete, modular, object-oriented program that will allow for the management of a collection. The scenario provided to you outlines all of the program’s requirements. Refer to the provided scenario to make the determinations for all data types, algorithms and control structures, methods, and classes used in your program. Your final submission should be a self-contained, fully functional program that includes all necessary supporting classes. Furthermore, you must provide inline comments in your program design that software engineers would be able to utilize for the ongoing maintenance of your program. Your programmatic solution should also be communicated through application programming interface (API) documentation to other programmers. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Data Types: Your final program should properly employ each of the following data types that meet the scenario’s requirements where necessary:

A. Utilize numerical data types that represent quantitative values for variables and attributes in your program.

B. Utilize strings that represent a sequence of characters needed as a value in your program.

C. Populate a list or array that allows the management of a set of values as a single unit in your program.

D. Utilize inline comments directed toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of your program that explain your choices of data

types you selected for your program.

II. Algorithms and Control Structure: Your final program should properly employ each of the following control structures as required or defined by the

scenario where necessary:

A. Utilize expressions or statements that carry out appropriate actions or that make appropriate changes to your program’s state as represented in

your program’s variables.

B. Employ the appropriate conditional control structures that enable choosing between options in your program.

C. Utilize iterative control structures that repeat actions as needed to achieve the program’s goal.

D. Utilize inline comments directed toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of your program that explain how your use of

algorithms and control structures appropriately addresses the scenario’s information management problem.


III. Methods: Your final program should properly employ each of the following aspects of method definition as determined by the scenario’s requirements

where necessary:

A. Use formal parameters that provide local variables in a function’s definition.

B. Use actual parameters that send data as arguments in function calls.

C. Create both value-returning and void functions to be parts of expressions or stand-alone statements in your program.

D. Create unit tests that ensure validity of the methods.

E. Invoke methods that access the services provided by an object.

F. Employ user-defined methods that provide custom services for an object.



G. Utilize inline comments directed toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of your program that explain the purpose of the

methods you implemented in your program.

IV. Classes: Construct classes for your program that include the following as required by the scenario where necessary:

A. Include attributes that allow for encapsulation and information hiding in your program.

B. Include appropriate methods that provide an object’s behaviors.

C. Create a driver class that instantiates objects for testing the constructed classes.

D. Utilize inline comments directed toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of your program that explain the decisions you made

in the construction of the classes in your program.


V. Produce reference documentation that communicates your application programming interface (API) to other programmers, using a documentation

generator (Javadoc, Doxygen, etc.).


Milestones Milestone One: Ingredient Class

In Module Five, you will create a complete class based on Stepping Stone Labs Two and Three and provide it the basic attributes with the appropriate data types. Additionally, you will add code to validate the data type of the user input. This class will be modified for the submission of your final project application; however, it should be functional code that accepts user input for each variable. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Recipe Class

In Module Seven, you will focus your skills finalizing your final project code by submitting a class complete with accessor/mutator, constructor, and “custom”

programmer-defined methods. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.


Final Submission: Collection Manager Program

In Module Nine, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should

reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.


Final Project Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Your complete program should be submitted as a zip file of the exported project and the reference documentation from your documentation generator.




Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value

Data Types: Numerical

Utilizes numerical data types that represent quantitative values for variables and attributes in the program, meeting the scenario’s requirements (100%)

Utilizes numerical data types that represent quantitative values for variables and attributes in the program, but use of data types is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not utilize numerical data types that represent quantitative values for variables and attributes in the program (0%)


Data Types: Strings

Utilizes strings that represent a sequence of characters needed as a value in the program, meeting the scenario’s requirements (100%)

Utilizes strings that represent a sequence of characters needed as a value in the program, but use of strings is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not utilize strings that represent a sequence of characters needed as a value in the program (0%)


Data Types: List or Array

Populates a list or array that allows the management of a set of values as a single unit in the program, meeting the scenario’s requirements (100%)

Populates a list or array that allows the management of a set of values as a single unit in the program, but population is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not populate a list or array that allows the management of a set of values as a single unit in the program (0%)


Data Types: Inline Comments

Meets “Proficient” criteria and inline comments demonstrate an insightful awareness of adapting documentation techniques to specific audiences (100%)

Utilizes inline comments directed toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of the program that explain the choices of data types selected for the program (90%)

Utilizes inline comments that explain the choices of data types selected for the program, but inline comments are incomplete or illogical, contain inaccuracies, or lack applicability toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of the program (70%)

Does not utilize inline comments that explain the choices of data types selected for the program (0%)




Algorithms and

Control Structures:

Expressions or Statements

Utilizes expressions or statements that carry out appropriate actions or that make appropriate changes to the program’s state as represented in the program’s variables and meet the scenario’s requirements (100%)

Utilizes expressions or statements that carry out actions or that make changes to the program’s state as represented in the program’s variables, but use of expressions or statements incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not utilize expressions or statements that carry out actions or that make changes to the program’s state as represented in the program’s variables (0%)


Algorithms and Control

Structures: Conditional

Control Structures

Employs the appropriate conditional control structures, as the scenario defines, that enable choosing between options in the program (100%)

Employs the conditional control structures that enable choosing between options in the program, but use of conditional control structures is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s definition (70%)

Does not employ the conditional control structures that enable choosing between options in the program (0%)


Algorithms and Control

Structures: Iterative Control


Utilizes iterative control structures that repeat actions as needed to achieve the program’s goal as required by the scenario (100%)

Utilizes iterative control structures that repeat actions to achieve the program’s goal, but use of iterative control structures is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not utilize iterative control structures that repeat actions to achieve the program’s goal (0%)


Algorithms and Control

Structures: Inline Comments

Meets “Proficient” criteria and inline comments demonstrate an insightful awareness of adapting documentation techniques for specific audiences (100%)

Utilizes inline comments directed toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of the program that explain how the use of algorithms and control structures appropriately addresses the scenario’s information management problem (90%)

Utilizes inline comments that explain how the use of algorithms and control structures addresses the scenario’s information management problem, but inline comments are incomplete or illogical, contain inaccuracies, or lack applicability toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of the program (70%)

Does not utilize inline comments that explain how the use of algorithms and control structures addresses the scenario’s information management problem (0%)




Methods: Formal

Parameters Uses formal parameters that

provide local variables in a function’s definition as determined by the scenario’s requirements (100%)

Uses formal parameters that provide local variables in a function’s definition, but use of formal parameters is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not use formal parameters that provide local variables in a function’s definition (0%)


Methods: Actual Parameters

Uses actual parameters that send data as arguments in function calls as determined by the scenario’s requirements (100%)

Uses actual parameters that send data as arguments in function calls, but use of actual parameters is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not use actual parameters that send data as arguments in function calls (0%)


Methods: Value- Returning and Void Functions

Creates both value-returning and void functions to be parts of expressions or stand-alone statements in the program as determined by the scenario’s requirements (100%)

Creates both value-returning and void functions to be parts of expressions or stand-alone statements in the program, but functions are incomplete or illogical, contain inaccuracies, or lack accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not create both value- returning and void functions to be parts of expressions or stand- alone statements in the program (0%)


Methods: Unit Tests

Creates unit tests that ensure validity of the methods as required by the scenario (100%)

Creates unit tests that ensure validity of the methods, but unit tests are incomplete or illogical, contain inaccuracies, or lack accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not create unit tests that ensure validity of the methods (0%)


Methods: Access Services Provided

Invokes methods that access the services provided by an object as required by the scenario (100%)

Invokes methods that access the services provided by an object, but called methods are incomplete or illogical, contain inaccuracies, or lack accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not invoke methods that access the services provided by an object (0%)




Methods: User-

Defined Methods Employs user-defined methods

that provide custom services for an object as specified in the program requirements (100%)

Employs user-defined methods that provide custom services for an object, but use of user-defined methods is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the specifications in the program requirements (70%)

Does not employ user-defined methods that provide custom services for an object (0%)


Methods: Inline Comments

Meets “Proficient” criteria and inline comments demonstrate an insightful awareness of adapting documentation techniques to specific audiences (100%)

Utilizes inline comments directed toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of the program that explain the purpose of the methods implemented in the program (90%)

Utilizes inline comments that explain the purpose of the methods implemented in the program, but inline comments are incomplete or illogical, contain inaccuracies, or lack applicability toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of the program (70%)

Does not utilize inline comments that explain the purpose of the methods implemented in the program (0%)


Classes: Attributes

Includes attributes, as required by the scenario, that allow for encapsulation and information hiding in the program (100%)

Includes attributes that allow for encapsulation and information hiding in the program, but inclusion is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not include attributes that allow for encapsulation and information hiding in the program (0%)


Classes: Behaviors

Includes appropriate methods that provide an object’s behaviors, as required by the scenario (100%)

Includes methods that provide an object’s behaviors, but inclusion of methods is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with the scenario’s requirements (70%)

Does not include methods that provide an object’s behaviors (0%)


Classes: Driver Class

Creates a driver class that instantiates objects for testing the constructed classes as specified in the scenario (100%)

Creates a driver class that instantiates objects for testing the constructed classes, but driver class is incomplete or illogical, contains inaccuracies, or lacks accordance with specifications in the scenario (70%)

Does not create a driver class that instantiates objects for testing the constructed classes (0%)




Classes: Inline

Comments Meets “Proficient” criteria and inline comments demonstrate an insightful awareness of adapting documentation techniques to specific audiences (100%)

Utilizes inline comments directed toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of the program that explain the decisions made in the construction of the classes in the program (90%)

Utilizes inline comments that explain the decisions made in the construction of the classes in the program, but inline comments are incomplete or illogical, contain inaccuracies, or lack applicability toward software engineers for the ongoing maintenance of the program (70%)

Does not utilize inline comments that explain the decisions made in the construction of the classes in the program (0%)


Reference Documentation

Produces reference documentation that communicates the API to other programmers, utilizing a documentation generator (100%)

Produces reference documentation that communicates the API to other programmers, but documentation is incomplete or contains inaccuracies (70%)

Does not produce reference documentation that communicates the API to other programmers (0%)


Readability Meets “Proficient” criteria with an organized structure that separates components with different responsibilities and/or groups related code into blocks (100%)

Code follows proper syntax and demonstrates deliberate attention to indentation, white space, and variable naming (90%)

Code follows proper syntax, but there are variations in indentation, white space, or variable naming (70%)

Code does not follow proper syntax (0%)


Total 100%

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Computer Applications Challenge Assessment Homework Help

Computer Applications Challenge Assessment Homework Help


Challenge Assessment

Computer Applications




















In addition to the challenge exam/project assignment, students wishing to challenge a course to earn credit are also required to complete this student information form. Performance on the exam/project is only one of the deciding factors in determining if credit will be granted. The information provided on this form and the samples of your work will be a major consideration in the school’s decision.

The overall goal of the challenge process is to determine your skill level in the challenge topic area and fulfill the objectives of the course you’re challenging. Qualified candidates must not only meet minimum skill levels in all areas of the topic, but also document their experience in the field using those skills. Also, keep in mind that there’s a credit limit of 25 percent of the total credits that can be obtained through challenge exams or any other type of experience-based credit.

Create a new Word document and complete the steps below. You’ll upload this form and any supporting files along with the files for the Challenge Assessment.

1. Title the document Challenge Examination Information Form

2. Type your student contact information:

OO Name

OO Student Number

OO Address

3. Briefly describe how you’ve obtained the skills related to the course you’re challenging. List all courses, seminars, workshops, or other classes you’ve taken related to this course topic. You will also upload a résumé of any professional experience you have that’s related to these skills. Your résumé is one of the documents you will create for the assessment.

4. Describe how you’ve used the skills related to this course topic in your current or previous job experience. Provide specific examples of how these skills are applied and include examples of work that you’ve done related to these skills. We will ask you to gather and upload samples of your own work as supporting documents.




5. Create a numbered list of contacts for three professional references who can verify your skills in this area. Be sure to ask their permission to list their names and contact information here and give them your consent to discuss your performance, should the school inquire about you.

6. Save the document naming it Challenge Examination Information Form.docx.

INTRODUCTION This optional assessment allows students,who are working professionals and are pro- ficient in the use of the Microsoft Office applications Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as basic computer skills, to demonstrate their ability. If the result of the assessment indicates that you’re sufficiently skilled in the use of Microsoft Office and have the com- puter skills necessary to complete your classes, you won’t be required to complete the Computer Applications course. You shouldn’t attempt this assessment if you aren’t famil- iar with the necessary skills.

This is a proficient/not proficient assignment. If you don’t earn a “PE” for proficient on this assignment, you’ll have to take the Computer Applications course, as it’s a required general education elective course. If you display proficiency and earn a grade of “PE,” you’ll receive academic credit for Computer Applications and can move on in your studies.

Whether or not you choose to attempt the assessment is up to you. If you take the assessment but don’t prove proficiency, there’s no reflection on you and your overall grade won’t be affected. If you start the lessons, the assessment is no longer an option to you.

If you earn a “PE” for proficient on the assignment and earn academic credit, it’s non transferable, and only excuses you from the lessons at Penn Foster.

REVIEWING YOUR SKILLS Before you take the assessment, you should review your computer skills. Since you’re enrolled in a distance education program, you’re probably already comfortable with using computers and the Internet. Many of your class materials are delivered in an electronic format and the portal you use to interact with the school is electronic, as well. In addition to these basic skills, you’ll need to be familiar with the following:

OO Keyboarding (You don’t need to touch type, but you do need to be familiar with your keyboard.)

OO Highlighting and selecting text in a file and cutting, copying, and pasting portions of a file

OO Creating, searching for, and locating files and folders on your computer

OO Accessing, searching, and downloading files from the Internet




OO Creating, reading, and sending email, including attaching files and opening files

OO Compressing and extracting files and folders

OO Saving files and folders to various drives and removable storage devices on your computer

YOUR ASSIGNMENT There are three parts to this assessment which will check your knowledge of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. Your submission will be evaluated by the course instructor to determine eligibility for life experience credit. To obtain credit, all instructions must be followed. Only your original work will be accepted.

MICROSOFT WORD To demonstrate your skills in Microsoft Word, you’ll create a cover letter and résumé fol- lowing the steps below.


Complete your cover letter as if you were applying for the job you currently have or a job you wish to have in the future. Create a new Word document and format it as follows:

OO 12-point standard font (Calibri or Times New Roman).

OO Left-aligned, single spaced text (Use the Single spaced Word template or the No Spacing paragraph style in the Blank document template to achieve this.)

OO 1-inch margins on top, bottom, left, and right.

OO Heading with your name, address, and contact information followed by a blank line.

OO Body elements that include:

O� A date line followed by two blank lines (date should automatically update)

O� A salutation line addressing your current boss (If using an imaginary job, address the cover letter to “Mr. Jackson”) followed by a blank line

O� Two or three paragraphs outlining why you’re interested in this job, your work and education experience, and why you would be a good fit for this position with a blank line between each paragraph

O� A closing line (“Best regards,” “Sincerely,” or something similar) followed by three blank lines and your typed name

Save the document naming it Cover Letter.docx.





Your résumé will contain two pages:

1. The first will showcase the facts that make you an ideal candidate for the job.

2. The second will contain a list of professional contacts. You should use the same contacts given on the Challenge Examination Information Form.

Your first page should be formatted as follows:

OO 12-point standard font (Calibri or Times New Roman).

OO A centered header with your name, address, and contact information.

OO At least three sections from the following:

O� Summary—A brief description (three or four lines) of your experience, job goals, and previous job successes

O� Highlights—A bulleted list of your skills and characteristics relevant to the job you’re applying for

O� Experience—A list of your previous jobs, volunteer work, training, or other hands-on experience with the type of work you’re applying for. A typical Experience section contains the following information for each entry:

OO Job title

OO Dates employed

OO Name of business

OO City of business

O� Education—Diplomas, certificates, training programs, or any other alterna- tive education experience. Include the dates attended for each entry.

O� Awards—Any awards, medals, or recognition of achievements received in previous work or education experiences

Your second page should be formatted as follows:

OO 12-point standard font (Calibri or Times New Roman).

OO The same header as the first page.

OO A title that reads “Professional References”

OO Three references that include full names, contact information, and how you know them (manager, coworker, instructor, and so on.) These references will be contacted.

Save the document naming it Resume.docx.




MICROSOFT EXCEL To demonstrate your skill with Microsoft Excel, you’ll create two separate Excel files.


Inventory and Payroll are two of the most common uses for Excel. For the first Excel file you will create an Inventory spreadsheet based on the given scenario. For the second excel spreadsheet you will create a payroll based ion the given scenario.

The Inventory scenario is based on a fictitious custom bike builder. Of course, the data given for the scenario is a small sampling of what a shop’s inventory would be. The data represents an end of month quantity and is being used to determine, the balance on hand and which items need to be reorder, if any.

The Payroll scenario is, of course, also just a snapshot of the calculations needed for a company’s payroll.

In an Excel file named Inventory create three sheets named Inventory, Bikes_Made, and Items_Used. Input the data given here. (You should use the previous year for the date.) In addition to the columns given in the inventory data table, add three more columns on your sheet named Balance on Hand, Value of Inventory, and Reorder.

Create a simple formula to calculate the Value of Inventory and complex formulas using the using the data from the three separate sheets to calculate the balance on hand whether the balance on hand is enough, or it is time to reorder the item. If it is time to reorder the item, the cell should contain the word REORDER and the cell should be filled with the color red.

Enter the data listed below.


OO 4/1/xx, 12 H Front Brakes, unit cost $3.75, invoice number RG970563

OO 4/4/20xx, 22 20”R Rims, unit cost $24.00, invoice number ED99123

OO 4/12/20xx, 75 front reflectors, unit cost $0.50, invoice number JEO1713

OO 4/12/20xx, 50 rear reflectors, unit cost $0.50, invoice number JEO1713

OO 4/21/20xx, 55 20”F Rims, unit cost $15.00, invoice number ED99455

OO 4/13/20xx, 210 32 teeth sprockets, unit cost $14.25, invoice number SC831

OO 4/23/20xx, 180 36 teeth sprockets, unit cost $28.00, invoice number SC831

OO 4/25/20xx, 25 white seats, unit cost $8.00, invoice number WT389




Enter the following data: Bikes Made

OO MX100

O� January 12

O� February 15

O� March 20

O� April 24

O� May 30

OO MX2000

O� January 11

O� February 10

O� March 11

O� April 12

O� May 14

Enter the following data: Number of Items Used on Each Bike

OO MX100

O� H. Front Breaks 1

O� 20”R Rims 1

O� Front Reflectors 1

O� Rear Reflectors 1

O� 20” F Rims 1

O� 32 Teeth Sprockets 2

O� 36 Teeth Sprockets 0

O� White Seats 1

O� Nobbie Tires 0

O� Regular Tires 2




OO MX200

O� H. Front Breaks 1

O� 20”R Rims 1

O� Front Reflectors 1

O� Rear Reflectors 1

O� 20” F Rims 1

O� 32 Teeth Sprockets 0

O� 36 Teeth Sprockets 2

O� White Seats 1

O� Nobbie Tires 2

O� Regular Tires 0

OO Reorder Point

O� H. Front Breaks 150

O� 20”R Rims 250

O� Front Reflectors 500

O� Rear Reflectors 500

O� 20” F Rims 250

O� 32 Teeth Sprockets 250

O� 36 Teeth Sprockets 250

O� White Seats 150

O� Nobbie Tires 100

O� Regular Tires 100


Create an Excel spreadsheet named Payroll.

Columns: Name, class, clock hours, gross earnings, health deductions, pension annuity, general deductions, and net earnings.

The spreadsheet should show a grand total for clock hours, gross earnings, health deductions, pension annuity, general deductions, and net earnings.




Ten employees with three different classes: Journeyman (1), Apprentice(2), and Welder Cleanup(3).

Enter the following data (name, class, clock hours, gross earnings):

James, Jerry 1 160 $3,200.00

Marks, Thomas 1 160 $3,200.00

Stem, Oliver 1 140 $2,800.00

Thompson, Randy 1 165 $3,3550.00

Summers, John 1 170 $3,500.00

Larson, David 1 145.5 $2,910.00

Peterson, Michael 2 160 $2,400.00

Clark, Lewis 2 175 $2,700.00

Custer, George 2 120.5 $1,807.50

O’Hare, Brutus 3 80 $960.00

Health deductions: contributions from all employees are calculated at $2.50 per hour worked.

Pension annuity deduction: contributions for Journeyman are calculated at $1.00 per hour worked and Apprentices are computed at $0.50 per hour worked. Welder Cleanup employees do not have a pension.

General deduction is 3% of gross earnings.

Each deduction amount should be entered into an individual labeled cell on the spreadsheet.




MICROSOFT POWERPOINT To demonstrate your skill with Microsoft PowerPoint, you’ll create a presentation based on a review of a restaurant or historical location in your town.

Create a Power Point Presentation with ten to fifteen slides based on a restaurant or historical site near your home. Choose an appropriate theme for the presentation. The first slide should use Title Slide layout. Your presentation must include, hyperlinks, slide transformations, animations, images, sounds, and video related to your topic. The presentation should run automatically but the animations on the individual slides should execute on a mouse click.

SENDING FILES After you’ve created and saved the files required for the assessment, place the files in a folder and compress (zip) the folder. You’ll email the folder to the school’s email address for review to the contact on the portal.

The subject line of the email should contain the following phrase: Computer Applications Challenge Assessment.

In the body of the email, include your name, address, and student number. The attached compressed (zipped) folder must contain the following:

OO The Challenge Examination Information Form Word document and any supporting files, as discussed in the Required Information Form section

OO The Cover Letter and Resume Word files

OO The Excel file

OO The PowerPoint file

OO An example of previous work you have done in Microsoft word, Excel, and PowerPoint. (You must submit 1 example of each)

Include a detailed description in your email as to where you received your prior documented training in Microsoft office.

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Assignment Help on Excel Chapter 4 Hands-On Exercise – Toy Store

Assignment Help on Excel Chapter 4 Hands-On Exercise – Toy Store

(Assignment Help on Excel Chapter 4 Hands-On Exercise – Toy Store)

Exp22_Excel_Ch04_HOE – Toy Store 1.1

Exp22 Excel Ch04 HOE – Toy Store 1.1

Excel Chapter 4 Hands-On Exercise – Toy Store 


Project Description:

You work for the owner of Trinkets Toys & Games LLC. All merchandise is categorized into one of five departments for inventory records and sales. Along with the owner, there are three sales representatives. The sales system tracks which sales representative processed each transaction. The business has grown rapidly and you want to analyze the sales data to increase future profits. You downloaded June 2024 data from the sales system into an Excel workbook. Because the dataset is large, you will convert the data into a table, sort, filter, and utilize conditional formatting to complete your analysis. (Assignment Help on Excel Chapter 4 Hands-On Exercise – Toy Store)


Start Excel. Download and open   the file named Exp22_Excel_Ch04_HOE_ToyStore.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


You would like to set page   breaks on the June Totals worksheet to allow the document to print without   splitting transactions dates.
Modify the existing page breaks to ensure the 6/13 and 6/24 transaction dates   print on the same page.


Create a copy of the June Totals   worksheet and name it June 1st Totals.


Return to the June Totals   worksheet. When printed you would like the titles to be preserved.
Set the titles in row 5 and columns A:B to repeat when printed. Additionally   set the print order to print over then down.


You would like to convert the   dataset to a table in order to add aggregation, structured references, and   table style.
Convert the range A5:K110 to a table. Be sure to include column labels. Name   the table Totals and apply the table style Light Yellow, Table Style Light 19.


You don’t need the Sales_First   column. To reduce the size of the dataset you will remove the column.
Delete the Sales_First column from the table.


You need to document the rebate   information and total purchase price. To do so you will add two new columns   to the data.
Type Rebate in cell K5 and   in cell L5.   Set the width of columns I:J to autofit.


You notice you are missing   records 2024-068 and 2024-105. You will manually add the records back to the   table.
Insert a row in the table at row 73 and row 112. Enter the following records.
Row 72 – 2024-068, 6/22/2024, Shah, Collectibles, 1014, Mattel,   Store Credit, Standard, 4, $16.99
Row 112 – 2024-105, 6/30/2024, McGowan, Action Figures, 1015,   Mattel, Store Credit, Promotion, 1, $13.49


You notice there are duplicate   values in the table that need to be removed.
Remove all duplicate values from the Totals table.


To calculate rebate amount you   will create an IF function with structured references in column K.
Enter an IF statement in cell K6 to   determine the customers rebate. If the value in cell H6 = Promotion the   customer receives a 10% rebate on the total purchase (Purchase Price *   Quantity*Rebate) if they are not eligible the function should return 0. Be   sure to use the appropriate structured references and then use the fill   handle to copy the function down completing the column. (Assignment Help on Excel Chapter 4 Hands-On Exercise – Toy Store)


To calculate the total owed you   will create a formula in column L using structured references.
Enter a formula using structured references in cell L6 to calculate the total   owed. The total owed is the purchase price * quantity – rebate.


You would like to focus a portion   of the report on June sales.
Add a total row to the existing table and set the Rebate and Quantity   subtotals to Sum.


Sort the June Totals worksheet   by Pay_Type A to Z, then by Trans_Type A to Z, and Owed largest to smallest.   For the last level of the sort add a custom list for the department column.   The list should use the following order Electronics, Collectibles, Infants,   Action Figures, and Board Games.


Apply a filter to the table to   only display only electronics department sales from sales rep Radomanski.


Apply a filter to the table to   only display transaction amounts of $300 or more.


Apply a filter to the table to   only display transaction dates between 6/16/2024 and 6/30/2024.


You would like to use   conditional formatting to highlight several key performance indicators in the   June Individual worksheet.
Make the June Individual worksheet active. Create a new conditional   formatting rule to highlight the name Rodriguez in column C with Green Fill   with Dark Green Text.


Create a new conditional   formatting rule to highlight the top 3 sales amounts in column L with light   red fill and dark red text.


Add Blue Data Bars conditional   formatting to column K.


Create a conditional formatting   rule that highlights any transaction in column A that is completed by the   sales rep Rodriguez with a value over $500. Ensure the formatting applies   Bold font with Orange Accent 2 background color.


Filter column A based on color.


Save and close Exp22_Excel_Ch04_HOE_ToyStore.xlsx.   Exit Excel.


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Write A Program That Asks The User For An Angle, Entered In Radians. The Program Should Then Display The Sine, Cosine, And Tangent Of The Angle. (Use The Sin, Cos, And Tan Library Functions To Determine These Values .) All Numeric Values In The Output

Write a program  that asks the user for an angle, entered in radians. The program  should then display the sine, cosine, and tangent of the angle. (Use the sin, cos, and tan library functions to determine these values .) All numeric values  in the output  should be displayed in fixed-point notation, rounded to four decimal places of precision.

Here is one sample run:

Enter angle: 1.07078


I got this so far



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;
int main ()

double radians;

cout << “Enter angle:”;
cin >> radians;

cout << ” sin(3.1415)=” <<
fixed << setprecision(4) << sin(radians) << endl;
cout << “cos(3.1415)=”
<< fixed << setprecision(4) << cos(radians) << endl;
cout << “tan(3.1415)=” <<
fixed << setprecision(4) << tan(radians) << endl;

return 0;


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