POM-QM for Windows software LINK( )

For this part of this project, you will need to use the POM software:

1. Read Appendix IV of the Operations Management (Heizer and Render, 2014) textbook.

2. Review the linear programming section from the POM manual:  Weiss, H.J. (2013) POM-QM for Windows manual. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Available from the ‘Help’ menu in the POM-QM Windows software. (Accessed: 30 December 2014). You may also wish to research and review online tutorials regarding the linear programming module and/or view the following resource.

Valverde, R. (2014) QM for Windows linear programming [Online] YouTube. Available from:  (Accessed 23 April 2015).

3. Install and launch the POM-QM for Windows software. From the main menu, select Module and then Linear Programming.

4. Program the linear programming formulation for the problem below and solve it with the use of POM. Refer to Appendix IV from the Heizer and Render (2014) textbook.

Note: Do not program the non-negativity constraint, as this is already assumed by the software.

For additional support, please reference the POM-QM for Windows manual available from the ‘Help’ menu in the POM-QM Windows software.

Individual Project, part 1

A firm uses three machines in the manufacturing of three products:

· Each unit of product 1 requires three hours on machine 1, two hours on machine 2 and one hour on machine 3.

· Each unit of product 2 requires four hours on machine 1, one hour on machine 2 and three hours on machine 3.

· Each unit of product 3 requires two hours on machine 1, two hours on machine 2 and two hours on machine 3.

The contribution margin of the three products is £30, £40 and £35 per unit, respectively.

The following are available for scheduling:

· 90 hours of machine 1 time

· 54 hours of machine 2 time

· 93 hours of machine 3 time

The linear programming formulation of this problem is as follows:

Maximise Z = 30X1 + 40X2 + 35X3

3X1 + 4X2 + 2X3 <= 90

2X1 + 1X2 + 2X3 <=54

X1 + 3X2 + 2X3 <=93

With X1, X2, X3 >= 0

To answer this question:

Answer each question and explain your reasoning or show your calculations.

1. What is the optimal production schedule for this firm? What is the profit contribution of each of these products?

2. What is the marginal value of an additional hour of time on machine 1? Over what range of time is this marginal value valid?

3. What is the opportunity cost associated with product 1? What interpretation should be given to this opportunity cost?

4. How many hours are used for machine 3 with the optimal solution?

5. How much can the contribution margin for product 2 change before the current optimal solution is no longer optimal?

Individual Project, part 2

For this part of this project, you will need to use the POM software:

1. Review the linear programming section from the POM manual:  Weiss, H.J. (2013) POM-QM for Windows manual. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Available from the ‘Help’ menu in the POM-QM Windows software. You may also wish to research and review online tutorials regarding the linear programming module.

2. Program the project management problem below and solve it with the use of POM. Select Project Management(PERT/CPM) module, and then select the option File->New->Mean, Std dev given items.

Activity Mean duration Std. dev. (days)
A 11 0.9
B 13 1.1

7 0.2
D 9 0.8
E 6 1
F 7 1.2
G 10 0.7
H 9 0.6
I 8 0.8

Table 1: Activity, duration and standard deviation

To answer this question:

Answer each question and explain your reasoning or show your calculations.

1. Calculate the project completion time.

2. Indicate the critical path activities.

3. What is the probability of completing this project between 38 and 40 days?

4. What are the slack values for activities C and F? Interpret the meaning of their slack values.

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Personas For Project Design

Quiz application


Questionnaire Information:

1. I’m going to select the quiz application, my project for my questionnaire and I’ve selected all age group people for that.

2. I need information from them about the interest of each age group and how much they are interested in that.



1. Your Name:


2. Your age group:

1. 15-25

2. 25-35

3. 35-45

4. 45 above

3. What interests you the most?

1. Games

2. Politics

3. Movies

4. Sports

4. How many hours do you spend in self-study?

1. Below 2

2. 2-3

3. Above 3

5. Do you like playing quizzes or games on computer?

1. Yes

2. No

6. Rate your interest in quiz games out of 5:

1. Worst

2. Bad

3. Average

4. Good

5. Best


7. How often you participate in a discussion:

1. Once a week

2. Twice

3. Thrice

4. Daily

8. What kind of topics you like to discuss in your conversation:


9. How many times you go to the gym for your physical fitness?

1. Once a week

2. Twice a week

3. Thrice a week

4. Daily

10. How important are the political issues in your life?

1. I don’t care about it

2. Slightly important

3. Definitely important

4. Very important

11. What sports do you like the most?


12. What is your favorite game in computer games?


13. What genre do you like the most in games?

1. RPG (role playing games)

2. FPS (First person shooting)

3. Strategy

4. Simulation

5. Fighting

6. Sports

14. Which is the most important thing about video games

1. Graphics

2. Game play

3. Sound

4. Customization

15. What is preferable in quiz game?

1. More options

2. Life lines

3. Difficult questions

16. How much have you spent on a game and what game?

1. 2 hours

2. 4 hours

3. 6 hours

4. above

17. Is education necessary for the intelligence or knowledge is enough?

1. Education

2. knowledge

18. Which color do you think is the best for the interactive screen for quiz game


19. What services do you think should be in a quiz game or application?


20. Would you like to play a new game which tells you about the interest you have and then play quizzes according to your interests?

1. Yes

2. No


Questionnaire Response Type:

1. Demographic = Open ended was the only way

2. Age group = Select options are easy over open ended

3. Already availing any service = yes/no is better suited because this is a conclusion question

4. Importance of education and knowledge = Select options are easy over open ended

5. Appearance of application = options can describe the answer here

6. Work and interest preference = options can describe the answer here

7. Necessity of application = yes/no would be best to conclude

8. Balanced interest = yes/no can conclude

9. Source of information = options are better to describe

10. Feedback for new application = open ended for the description in detail


Summary for Survey

Survey plan

1. Group would use the universities and other quiz applications where young and middle age boys are there and offices and parks for upper age people are there.

2. Sequence is started from

a. Name and general information

b. Type of interest

c. Ask the interest level in politics

d. Ask the interest level in sports

e. Ask the interest level in games

f. Environment and color scheme and other questions about application should be

g. Preference of user

h. He prefers education over knowledge or discourage the education

i. Source of information of marketing

j. Feedback from user in addition

k. About the application and if interested in playing new app.

This survey defines the interest level in each category that is sports, games, movies and politics. By asking each category we can have the idea about the taste and mindset of the person. So we can have the questions majority in our quizzes according to the that category, we can make this more detailed if want to have a detailed look but right now it’s good to have the idea just what type of a person is taking the quiz.

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1. Label the box below to create a two-pass schedule legend.


Float Activity Name  


3. In the example below, label which activities are predecessors and which activities are successors.


Predecessor: An activity which comes before another activity. So, it is activity “A” and activity “B”.

Successor: An activity that must occur after another activity. So, it is activity “C”.


5. Calculate early start, early finish, late start, late finish, and float for each of the activities in the network below. The duration of each activity is given.


Based on the analysis for the two-pass schedule:


Duration: 12 Duration: 4 Duration: 1 Duration: 7

Early start: 0 Early start: 12 Early start: 16 Early start: 12

Early finish: 12 Early finish: 16 Early finish: 17 Early finish:19

Late start: 0 Late start: 14 Late start: 18 Late start: 12

Late finish: 12 Late finish: 18 Late finish: 19 Late finish: 19

Float: 0 Float: 2 Float: 2 Float: 0



Duration: 3 Early finish: 22 Late finish: 22

Early start:19 Late start: 19 Float: 0


6. Identify the critical path for the network in Exercise 5. How long should the project take?

Ans: The critical path is:

A – D – E, which has the longest path of 22 days.


9. Given the information below, create the project schedule network. Then, using the enumeration method, calculate and show all of the paths through the network. Show how long each path will take. Identify the critical path. Show the schedule on a Gantt chart showing critical and noncritical activities and float.

The critical path is

B – A – C – F – H – I, which takes 25 days.

Other paths:

B – E – H – I = 20 days

B – A – D – G – I = 23 days



Part 2 Scheduling Problem (50 points)

Complete the following:

Your child is a member of the school theater group and have been asked to prepare the schedule, etc. for a skit to be performed during the 4th of July celebration in the local village square.  As a volunteer, you offer to serve as the project controller because of your expertise in schedule management.

1. Construct an AON diagram similar to the format used in the Youtube videos found in the commentary using an MS Excel spreadsheet.  Ensure that you include a Start activity and a Finish activity.  Include a legend (example is the one completed in Question 1, Part 1.

1. Calculate the estimated time for each activity using PERT techniques for the 3 estimates provided.  Include a sample calculation.

1. Prepare a table that identifies all paths and their lengths.  Which path is the critical path?

1. During the execution phase of the skit project, one of the activities on the critical path is delayed by one day.  Is this serious?

1. Using the activity estimates for optimistic, pessimistic and most likely time to complete activities on the critical path, qualitatively discuss the estimate uncertainty of the critical path.


ANS: 1


Different Paths are:


1. : 1-5-10-13-15

1. : 1-4-9-13-15

1. : 1-4-6-8-12-15

1. : 2-6-8-12-15

1. : 2-3-8-12-15

1. : 2-3-7-11

1. : 2-3-7-14

# Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic
1 39 44 55
2 39 48 63
3 41 52 63
4 37 43 49
5 35 42 49
6 32 37 42
7 29 34 39




Activity Duration Early Start Early Finish Late Start Late Finish Float
1 4 0 4 0 4 0
2 5 0 5 0 5 0
3 5 10 15 15 20 5
4 10 4 14 4 14 0
5 12 4 16 11 23 7
6 6 14 20 14 20 0
7 10 10 20 25 35 15
8 7 20 27 20 27 0
9 9 14 23 17 26 3
10 3 16 19 23 26 7
11 17 20 37 35 52 15
12 8 27 35 27 35 0
13 9 23 32 26 35 3
14 14 20 34 38 52 18
15 17 35 52 35 52 0


The critical path is 1-4-6-8-12-15 = 4+10+6+7+8+17 = 52


If one activity in the critical path is delayed for one day, the critical path will delay one day and the whole project will delay for a day too.


If we use optimistic time for the critical path, that is 41 days, the pessimistic path is 63 days, which means 22 days of uncertainty can be saved.

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Computer Science

Basic Charts – Part 1


This Tableau file contains information on all U.S. airline flights from 2010 and 2011. Create a Tableau worksheet to answer each of the following questions:

FILE to use: your completed Flights_data.twbx


1. A quick viz of flights over time shows a drop of more than 300,000 flights from 2010 to 2011:

From your experience, you know that flight activity did not drop so significantly between 2010 and 2011. Why does this viz seem to indicate otherwise? Investigate flights over time in more detail to determine why these yearly numbers show such a large drop.


2. You are interested in identifying days that are particularly light in terms of travel each year. Are there particular holidays that seem to experience substantially lower numbers of flights?


3. Next, you want to know who operates the most flights. Is there one airline that operated more flights than any other single airline for each week in this dataset?


4. You would also like to know which states tend to experience the longest departure delays. Create a map that visualizes the departure delay that you can expect in each origin state. Allow the user to filter by airline. Colors should range from dark blue for states with short departure delays to dark red for states with long departure delays.









Dashboards – Part 2


As a starting point for this exercise, use the visualizations you created in Part 1 using the Flights Data. Organize those worksheets into the dashboard depicted below (try to recreate it exactly). Note that a selection on the right updates both the map and the line graph.

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Need Help Step-By-Step How To Code Python For Data Visualization

1-  collect data using an API for TMDb

2- construct a graph representation of this data that will show which actors have acted together in various movies

3- complete all tasks according to the instructions found in the file ‘’ to complete the Graph class, the TMDbAPIUtils class, and the two global functions. The Graph class will serve as a re-usable way to represent and write out your collected graph data. The TMDbAPIUtils class will be used to work with the TMDB API for data retrieval.

4- Create a TMDb account to obtain an authentication token.

5- Producing correct nodes.csv and edges.csv

ps. other files are examples found in the intenret (not sure if can help)


import http.client import json import csv ############################################################################################################################# # cse6242 # All instructions, code comments, etc. contained within this notebook are part of the assignment instructions. # Portions of this file will auto-graded in Gradescope using different sets of parameters / data to ensure that values are not # hard-coded. # # Instructions: Implement all methods in this file that have a return # value of ‘NotImplemented’. See the documentation within each method for specific details, including # the expected return value # # Helper Functions: # You are permitted to write additional helper functions/methods or use additional instance variables within # the `Graph` class or `TMDbAPIUtils` class so long as the originally included methods work as required. # # Use: # The `Graph` class is used to represent and store the data for the TMDb co-actor network graph. This class must # also provide some basic analytics, i.e., number of nodes, edges, and nodes with the highest degree. # # The `TMDbAPIUtils` class is used to retrieve Actor/Movie data using API. We have provided a few necessary methods # to test your code w/ the API, e.g.: get_movie_cast(), get_movie_credits_for_person(). You may add additional # methods and instance variables as desired (see Helper Functions). # # The data that you retrieve from the TMDb API is used to build your graph using the Graph class. After you build your graph using the # TMDb API data, use the Graph class write_edges_file & write_nodes_file methods to produce the separate nodes and edges # .csv files for use with the Argo-Lite graph visualization tool. # # While building the co-actor graph, you will be required to write code to expand the graph by iterating # through a portion of the graph nodes and finding similar artists using the TMDb API. We will not grade this code directly # but will grade the resulting graph data in your Argo-Lite graph snapshot. # ############################################################################################################################# class Graph: # Do not modify def __init__(self, with_nodes_file=None, with_edges_file=None): “”” option 1: init as an empty graph and add nodes option 2: init by specifying a path to nodes & edges files “”” self.nodes = [] self.edges = [] if with_nodes_file and with_edges_file: nodes_CSV = csv.reader(open(with_nodes_file)) nodes_CSV = list(nodes_CSV)[1:] self.nodes = [(n[0], n[1]) for n in nodes_CSV] edges_CSV = csv.reader(open(with_edges_file)) edges_CSV = list(edges_CSV)[1:] self.edges = [(e[0], e[1]) for e in edges_CSV] def add_node(self, id: str, name: str) -> None: “”” add a tuple (id, name) representing a node to self.nodes if it does not already exist The graph should not contain any duplicate nodes “”” return NotImplemented def add_edge(self, source: str, target: str) -> None: “”” Add an edge between two nodes if it does not already exist. An edge is represented by a tuple containing two strings: e.g.: (‘source’, ‘target’). Where ‘source’ is the id of the source node and ‘target’ is the id of the target node e.g., for two nodes with ids ‘a’ and ‘b’ respectively, add the tuple (‘a’, ‘b’) to self.edges “”” return NotImplemented def total_nodes(self) -> int: “”” Returns an integer value for the total number of nodes in the graph “”” return NotImplemented def total_edges(self) -> int: “”” Returns an integer value for the total number of edges in the graph “”” return NotImplemented def max_degree_nodes(self) -> dict: “”” Return the node(s) with the highest degree Return multiple nodes in the event of a tie Format is a dict where the key is the node_id and the value is an integer for the node degree e.g. {‘a’: 8} or {‘a’: 22, ‘b’: 22} “”” return NotImplemented def print_nodes(self): “”” No further implementation required May be used for de-bugging if necessary “”” print(self.nodes) def print_edges(self): “”” No further implementation required May be used for de-bugging if necessary “”” print(self.edges) # Do not modify def write_edges_file(self, path=”edges.csv”)->None: “”” write all edges out as .csv :param path: string :return: None “”” edges_path = path edges_file = open(edges_path, ‘w’, encoding=’utf-8′) edges_file.write(“source” + “,” + “target” + “\n”) for e in self.edges: edges_file.write(e[0] + “,” + e[1] + “\n”) edges_file.close() print(“finished writing edges to csv”) # Do not modify def write_nodes_file(self, path=”nodes.csv”)->None: “”” write all nodes out as .csv :param path: string :return: None “”” nodes_path = path nodes_file = open(nodes_path, ‘w’, encoding=’utf-8′) nodes_file.write(“id,name” + “\n”) for n in self.nodes: nodes_file.write(n[0] + “,” + n[1] + “\n”) nodes_file.close() print(“finished writing nodes to csv”) class TMDBAPIUtils: # Do not modify def __init__(self, api_key:str): self.api_key=api_key def get_movie_cast(self, movie_id:str, limit:int=None, exclude_ids:list=None) -> list: “”” Get the movie cast for a given movie id, with optional parameters to exclude an cast member from being returned and/or to limit the number of returned cast members documentation url: :param string movie_id: a numerical movie_id :param integer limit: maximum number of returned cast members by their ‘order’ attribute e.g., limit=5 will attempt to return the 5 cast members having ‘order’ attribute values between 0-4 If after excluding, there are fewer cast members than the specified limit, then return the remaining members (excluding the ones whose order values are outside the limit range). If cast members with ‘order’ attribute in the specified limit range have been excluded, do not include more cast members to reach the limit. If after excluding, the limit is not specified, then return all remaining cast members.” e.g., if limit=5 and the actor whose id corresponds to cast member with order=1 is to be excluded, return cast members with order values [0, 2, 3, 4], not [0, 2, 3, 4, 5] :param list exclude_ids: a list of ints containing ids (not cast_ids) of cast members that should be excluded from the returned result e.g., if exclude_ids are [353, 455] then exclude these from any result. :rtype: list return a list of dicts, one dict per cast member with the following structure: [{‘id’: 97909 # the id of the cast member ‘character’: ‘John Doe’ # the name of the character played ‘credit_id’: ’52fe4249c3a36847f8012927′ # id of the credit, …}, … ] Note that this is an example of the structure of the list and some of the fields returned by the API. The result of the API call will include many more fields for each cast member. Important: the exclude_ids processing should occur prior to limiting output. “”” return NotImplemented def get_movie_credits_for_person(self, person_id:str, vote_avg_threshold:float=None)->list: “”” Using the TMDb API, get the movie credits for a person serving in a cast role documentation url: :param string person_id: the id of a person :param vote_avg_threshold: optional parameter to return the movie credit if it is >= the specified threshold. e.g., if the vote_avg_threshold is 5.0, then only return credits with a vote_avg >= 5.0 :rtype: list return a list of dicts, one dict per movie credit with the following structure: [{‘id’: 97909 # the id of the movie credit ‘title’: ‘Long, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ # the title (not original title) of the credit ‘vote_avg’: 5.0 # the float value of the vote average value for the credit}, … ] “”” return NotImplemented ############################################################################################################################# # # BUILDING YOUR GRAPH # # Working with the API: See use of http.request: # # Using TMDb’s API, build a co-actor network for the actor’s/actress’ highest rated movies # In this graph, each node represents an actor # An edge between any two nodes indicates that the two actors/actresses acted in a movie together # i.e., they share a movie credit. # e.g., An edge between Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Downey Jr. indicates that they have acted in one # or more movies together. # # For this assignment, we are interested in a co-actor network of highly rated movies; specifically, # we only want the top 3 co-actors in each movie credit of an actor having a vote average >= 8.0. # Build your co-actor graph on the actor ‘Laurence Fishburne’ w/ person_id 2975. # # You will need to add extra functions or code to accomplish this. We will not directly call or explicitly grade your # algorithm. We will instead measure the correctness of your output by evaluating the data in your argo-lite graph # snapshot. # # GRAPH SIZE # With each iteration of your graph build, the number of nodes and edges grows approximately at an exponential rate. # Our testing indicates growth approximately equal to e^2x. # Since the TMDB API is a live database, the number of nodes / edges in the final graph will vary slightly depending on when # you execute your graph building code. We take this into account by rebuilding the solution graph every few days and # updating the auto-grader. We establish a bound for lowest & highest encountered numbers of nodes and edges with a # margin of +/- 100 for nodes and +/- 150 for edges. e.g., The allowable range of nodes is set to: # # Min allowable nodes = min encountered nodes – 100 # Max allowable nodes = max allowable nodes + 100 # # e.g., if the minimum encountered nodes = 507 and the max encountered nodes = 526, then the min/max range is 407-626 # The same method is used to calculate the edges with the exception of using the aforementioned edge margin. # ———————————————————————————————————————- # BEGIN BUILD CO-ACTOR NETWORK # # INITIALIZE GRAPH # Initialize a Graph object with a single node representing Laurence Fishburne # # BEGIN BUILD BASE GRAPH: # Find all of Laurence Fishburne’s movie credits that have a vote average >= 8.0 # FOR each movie credit: # | get the movie cast members having an ‘order’ value between 0-2 (these are the co-actors) # | # | FOR each movie cast member: # | | using graph.add_node(), add the movie cast member as a node (keep track of all new nodes added to the graph) # | | using graph.add_edge(), add an edge between the Laurence Fishburne (actress) node # | | and each new node (co-actor/co-actress) # | END FOR # END FOR # END BUILD BASE GRAPH # # # BEGIN LOOP – DO 2 TIMES: # IF first iteration of loop: # | nodes = The nodes added in the BUILD BASE GRAPH (this excludes the original node of Laurence Fishburne!) # ELSE # | nodes = The nodes added in the previous iteration: # ENDIF # # FOR each node in nodes: # | get the movie credits for the actor that have a vote average >= 8.0 # | # | FOR each movie credit: # | | try to get the 3 movie cast members having an ‘order’ value between 0-2 # | | # | | FOR each movie cast member: # | | | IF the node doesn’t already exist: # | | | | add the node to the graph (track all new nodes added to the graph) # | | | ENDIF # | | | # | | | IF the edge does not exist: # | | | | add an edge between the node (actor) and the new node (co-actor/co-actress) # | | | ENDIF # | | END FOR # | END FOR # END FOR # END LOOP # # Your graph should not have any duplicate edges or nodes # Write out your finished graph as a nodes file and an edges file using: # graph.write_edges_file() # graph.write_nodes_file() # # END BUILD CO-ACTOR NETWORK # ———————————————————————————————————————- # Exception handling and best practices # – You should use the param ‘language=en-US’ in all API calls to avoid encoding issues when writing data to file. # – If the actor name has a comma char ‘,’ it should be removed to prevent extra columns from being inserted into the .csv file # – Some movie_credits may actually be collections and do not return cast data. Handle this situation by skipping these instances. # – While The TMDb API does not have a rate-limiting scheme in place, consider that making hundreds / thousands of calls # can occasionally result in timeout errors. If you continue to experience ‘ConnectionRefusedError : [Errno 61] Connection refused’, # – wait a while and then try again. It may be necessary to insert periodic sleeps when you are building your graph. def return_name()->str: “”” Return a string containing your GT Username e.g., gburdell3 Do not return your 9 digit GTId “”” return NotImplemented def return_argo_lite_snapshot()->str: “”” Return the shared URL of your published graph in Argo-Lite “”” return NotImplemented # You should modify __main__ as you see fit to build/test your graph using the TMDBAPIUtils & Graph classes. # Some boilerplate/sample code is provided for demonstration. We will not call __main__ during grading. if __name__ == “__main__”: graph = Graph() graph.add_node(id=’5064′, name=’Meryl Streep’) tmdb_api_utils = TMDBAPIUtils(api_key=’YOURKEY’) # call functions or place code here to build graph (graph building code not graded) # Suggestion: code should contain steps outlined above in BUILD CO-ACTOR NETWORK graph.write_edges_file() graph.write_nodes_file() # If you have already built & written out your graph, you could read in your nodes & edges files # to perform testing on your graph. # graph = Graph(with_edges_file=”edges.csv”, with_nodes_file=”nodes.csv”)

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Excel Worksheet

A Skills Approach: Excel 2016 Chapter 8: Exploring Advanced Data Analysis

1 | Page Challenge Yourself 8.4 Last Updated 4/9/18

Challenge Yourself 8.4 In this project, you will use scenarios and a scenario summary to analyze car purchasing options. The data for

this project were downloaded from: You will use custom

filtering to find the data you are interested in and copy it from this very large data set to another worksheet.

You will then use Advanced Filter, conditional formatting, sorting, and subtotals to further analyze this subset

of data. You will manipulate a PivotTable created from the main vehicle data set. Finally, you will use Solver

to solve a business problem to help you pay for your new car.

Skills needed to complete this project: • Creating What-If Analysis Scenarios

• Creating Scenario Summary Reports

• Creating a Custom Filter

• Using Advanced Filter

• Creating New Conditional Formatting Rules

• Sorting Data on Multiple Criteria

• Adding Subtotals

• Changing the Look of a PivotTable

• Filtering PivotTable Data

• Activating the Solver Add-Inn

• Using Solver

1. Open the start file EX2016-ChallengeYourself-8-4. The file will be renamed automatically to include

your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.

2. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the

top of the workbook so you can modify the workbook.

3. You want to purchase a new car. Your current car is worth $3,500 as a trade-in. The base sticker price on

the car you want is $24,595. The first financing offer from the dealer is 1.9% APR for 24 months, with

no cash back. The original financing offer terms are listed in cells A3:B9 on the Car Loan worksheet. Cell

B10 contains a formula with a PMT function to calculate the monthly payment. Use what-if analysis tools

to compare financing options. Create scenarios to compare financing options for the car loan.

a. Create names for the following cells on the Car Loan worksheet to make the scenarios easier to


Name cell B3: Price

Name cell B4: TradeIn

Name cell B5: CashBack

Name cell B6: Loan

Name cell B8: Months

Name cell B9: APR

Name cell B10: Payment

Name cell B12: TotalCost

Step 1

Download start file



A Skills Approach: Excel 2016 Chapter 8: Exploring Advanced Data Analysis

2 | Page Challenge Yourself 8.4 Last Updated 4/9/18

b. Create a scenario named Original Financing to save the original values in cells B3, B5, B8,

and B9.

c. Create a second scenario named Intermediate Car. Change the values as follows:

Cell B3: 33999

Cell B5: 1500

Cell B8: 36

Cell B9: 2.4%

d. Show the Intermediate Car scenario to verify your data entry.

e. Create a third scenario named Luxury Car. Change the values as follows:

Cell B3: 62700

Cell B5: 2500

Cell B8: 60

Cell B9: 3.9%

f. Show the Luxury Car scenario to verify your data entry.

4. Create a scenario summary report to compare the results for cells B10 (the monthly payment) and B12

(the total cost of the car including interest).

5. The data in the MPG Data worksheet were downloaded from the Web site The greenhouse gas scores range from 0 to 10,

where 10 is best. The vehicles with the best scores on both air pollution and greenhouse gas receive the

SmartWay designation. Use custom filtering to find cars in this data set that meet your criteria and then

copy the smaller data set to another worksheet where you can work with it further.

a. Go to the MPG Data worksheet, and display the AutoFilter arrows for the data set.

b. Create a custom number filter to show only rows where the greenhouse gas score is greater than 8.

c. Create another custom number filter to show only rows where the highway MPG is greater than 35.

d. Create a custom text filter to show only rows where the Trans column contains the word auto.

e. Create a custom text filter to show only rows where the value in the Fuel column equals Electricity

or Gasoline.

f. At this point, the list of more than 2,000 cars should be filtered down to just 48 records.

g. Copy the filtered data to cell A1 in the My Car Data worksheet. Be sure to include the heading row,

but do not include the All Models title. Paste keeping the source column widths.

6. On the My Car Data worksheet, use Advanced Filter to copy a subset of data to another location on this


a. Copy cells A1:P1 and paste them below the data set in row 52.

b. In cell A51, type: Criteria

c. Apply the Accent 4 cell style to cell A51.

d. Set up the criteria in the row(s) below row 52. Find cars where the value in the Fuel column is

Gasoline and the value in the Hwy MPG column is greater than 35.



A Skills Approach: Excel 2016 Chapter 8: Exploring Advanced Data Analysis

3 | Page Challenge Yourself 8.4 Last Updated 4/9/18

e. In cell A55, type: Filtered Data

f. Apply the Accent 4 cell style to cell A55.

g. Autofit column A.

h. Use Advanced Filter to find the rows that meet the criteria and copy the filtered data to another

location beginning in cell A56.

i. Sixteen rows should have been copied from the main data set to cells A57:P72.

7. Format the filtered data set (cells A56:P72) as a table. Use White, Table Style Light 1, or Table Style

Light 1. Be careful not to include row 55 in the table data range.

8. Insert a new column to the left of the Greenhouse Gas Score column. Hint: Be sure to add a column to

the worksheet, not just the table.

a. Copy the values from cells M57:M72 to N57:N72.

b. Type this column label in cell N56: Cmb MPG Icon

9. Apply a new custom conditional formatting rule to cells N57:N72 to show the 4 Ratings icon set. Show

the icon only.

10. Continue working with the filtered data that has the conditional formatting applied. Sort the table first

alphabetically by the values in the Model column and then by icon in the Cmb MPG Icon column so

the Signal Meter With Four Filled Bars icon appears at the top.

11. Go back to the main data set at the top of the My Car Data worksheet and add subtotals for each change

in Model to calculate the average for the following: Air Pollution Score, City MPG, Hwy MPG, and

Cmb MPG.

12. Collapse the data to show just the total rows.

13. Go to the MPG PivotTable worksheet. This sheet includes a PivotTable created from the data on the

MPG Data worksheet.

a. Refresh the PivotTable data.

b. Apply the White, Pivot Style Medium 1, or Pivot Style Medium 1 Quick Style to the PivotTable.

c. Display a slicer for the SmartWay field and show only data where the SmartWay value is Elite.

14. To pay for the new car, you’ve decided to start a bakery business out of your home kitchen. You have limited

capital and capacity, so you need to make wise decisions about which products to bake each day. Go to the

Bakery Business worksheet. Cell B1 uses a SUMPRODUCT formula to calculate profit. Carefully review the

assumptions and formulas in this worksheet before entering the following Solver parameters:

a. Find the maximum possible profit (cell B1) by changing the values in cells C7:C10.

b. The working hours required (B3) must be less than or equal to the number of working hours in

the day (D3).

c. The total cost of ingredients (B4) must be less than or equal to the available capital (D4).



A Skills Approach: Excel 2016 Chapter 8: Exploring Advanced Data Analysis

4 | Page Challenge Yourself 8.4 Last Updated 4/9/18

d. For each item in the range C7:C10, the number of items baked cannot exceed the maximum capacity

available per day as defined in cells F7:F10. This restriction requires four separate constraints in the

Solver Parameters dialog.

e. The items in the variable cell range C7:C10 must be whole numbers.

f. There should be a total of seven constraints.

g. Run Solver and accept the Solver solution.

15. Save and close the workbook.

16. Upload and save your project file

17. Submit project for grading.

Step 2

Upload & Save

Step 3

Grade my Project

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Project 1: Vulnerability Process And Assessment Memo

Project Scenario


Previously, the CEO told you about the breach at a rival company and his concerns for security at Mercury USA. In light of these developments, Mercury USA has decided to conduct vulnerability assessments. An outside firm has conducted penetration tests on Mercury’s systems and provided the reports. Now, it is up to you as the cyber threat analyst to look at those reports, apply them to the specific company setup and business needs, and recommend changes.

Mercury USA’s concerns:

· protecting customer information

· protecting proprietary business data

· protecting dangerous loads/hazardous materials during transportation

Before you came onboard, a third-party penetration tester was brought in to assess Mercury USA’s security posture and network. One of the findings from the pen test report was the realization that an important part of a VM process is a vulnerability scanner. The pen tester provided a scan report using the free tool Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS). Judy has provided you with the OpenVAS report for your initial analysis.

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SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis
As discussed in the chapter, the primary purpose of the SWOT analysis is to identify and assign significant factors that affect the business to one of the four categories to analyze where it stands in the market and help guide an organization’s strategic planning process.

Don’t worry about elaborating on the nature of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats; bullet points are sufficient at this stage of the analysis. Just capture the factors that are relevant in each of the four areas using two or three words to describe them.

After listing factors in all four areas, compare your lists side by side to get an overall picture of how the businesses is performing and what issues need to be addressed. Create four prioritized lists by prioritizing the issues by importance and ease of implementation by asking yourself “What needs to and can be addressed now?” and “What can and will have to wait until later?”

Finally, review the prioritized lists by asking:

How can we use our strengths to take advantage of the opportunities identified?
How can we use these strengths to overcome the threats identified?
What do we need to do to overcome the identified weaknesses to take advantage of the listed opportunities?
How can we minimize our weaknesses to overcome the identified threats?
When you have your finalized lists, the SWOT analysis is ready to guide the process of developing corporate and IT strategies. The value of a SWOT analysis depends on how well the analysis is performed. To gain the greatest value from performing a SWOT, carrying out the SWOT early on in the strategic planning process and following these rules helps:

Be realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of your organization.
Be realistic about the size of the opportunities and threats.
Be specific and keep the analysis simple or as simple as possible.
Evaluate your company’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to those of competitors (better than or worse than competitors).
Expect conflicting views because SWOT is subjective, forward-looking, and based on assumptions.
Have Fun with a Personal SWOT
To identify the actions you can take to best meet the requirements of the job or promotion you are seeking, conduct a personal SWOT analysis. To help you understand yourself, picture yourself as a competitive product in the marketplace, and list your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats from the perspective of a prospective “customer,” that is, your employer. Comparing your strengths and weaknesses to job requirements will help you identify gaps, prepare you to be the best candidate for the position you are seeking, and alert you to issues that could arise in the interview process.

The paper should be three to four pages long following APA format.

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Graduate Professional Experience II DEC 1

Week 4 Assignment Part 1:

Create a document that contains answers to the following questions:

1. My long-term career goal (3-5 years) is to be a (an):

a. Find this job on a company website or job board and include a link to it or copy and paste the job description.

b. To obtain this position, I foresee myself having to:

c. The date I have set to obtain this career goal is:

Week 4 Assignment Part 2:

2. My ultimate career goal is to be a (an):

a. Find this job on a company website or job board and include a link to it or copy and paste the job description.

b. In this position, I will perform the following tasks:

c. The date I have set to obtain this career tool is:

Your submission should be a minimum of two pages of content in length. Please type all work, save it as a doc or pdf and upload here. All work must be submitted in APA format.

Assignments with a similarity report greater than 10% will not be graded. 

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Project 1: Vulnerability Process And Assessment Memo

Project Scenario


Previously, the CEO told you about the breach at a rival company and his concerns for security at Mercury USA. In light of these developments, Mercury USA has decided to conduct vulnerability assessments. An outside firm has conducted penetration tests on Mercury’s systems and provided the reports. Now, it is up to you as the cyber threat analyst to look at those reports, apply them to the specific company setup and business needs, and recommend changes.

Mercury USA’s concerns:

· protecting customer information

· protecting proprietary business data

· protecting dangerous loads/hazardous materials during transportation

Before you came onboard, a third-party penetration tester was brought in to assess Mercury USA’s security posture and network. One of the findings from the pen test report was the realization that an important part of a VM process is a vulnerability scanner. The pen tester provided a scan report using the free tool Open Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS). Judy has provided you with the OpenVAS report for your initial analysis.

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