Simple Excel Exercise


Athey Department Store
Purpose To create a return routing slip.
Data Definition Table – Return Data
Field Description Data Type Notes
Date Date of Return Date Enter dates using mm/dd/yyyy
Department Department Text Accessories, Baby, Clothing, Electronics, Furniture, Luggage, Office, Sports, and Toys
Resolution Resolution of return Text Destroy, Repack, Restock, or Return to Mfg
Inventory Cart Cart holding return merchandise Text Determined by Department and Resolution using the Return Table

Return Routing

Athey Department Store
1500 Main Street
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Return Routing Slip
Product Name
Inventory Cart
Customer Assistant
Inventory Assistant

Return Table

Department Destroy Return to Mfg Repack Restock
Accessories Trash Trash Trash Stock A
Baby Trash Trash Trash Stock B
Clothing Trash Trash Repack C Stock C
Electronics Trash Return E Repack E Stock E
Furniture Trash Return F Repack F Stock F
Luggage Trash Return L Repack L Stock L
Office Trash Trash Trash Stock O
Sports Trash Return S Repack S Stock S
Toys Trash Return T Repack T Stock T

Return Analysis

Depatment Total Returns
Resolution Total Returns
Return to Mfg

Return Data

Date Department Resolution Inventory Cart
4/3/17 Baby Repack Trash
4/6/17 Clothing Return to Mfg Trash
4/23/17 Toys Destroy Trash
7/12/17 Clothing Return to Mfg Trash
4/26/17 Electronics Return to Mfg Return E
8/16/17 Luggage Return to Mfg Return L
1/21/17 Clothing Repack Repack C
2/20/17 Clothing Destroy Trash
3/22/17 Office Destroy Trash
6/10/17 Baby Repack Trash
6/30/17 Electronics Restock Stock E
12/27/17 Electronics Repack Repack E
1/1/17 Furniture Destroy Trash
1/18/17 Toys Destroy Trash
1/29/17 Toys Repack Repack T
2/5/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
4/6/17 Electronics Repack Repack E
4/11/17 Clothing Destroy Trash
4/17/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
4/26/17 Toys Restock Stock S
7/5/17 Baby Restock Stock B
7/6/17 Baby Destroy Trash
7/15/17 Sports Destroy Trash
8/14/17 Toys Repack Repack T
10/23/17 Accessories Restock Stock A
11/2/17 Toys Return to Mfg Return T
3/1/17 Toys Restock Stock S
5/12/17 Clothing Destroy Trash
5/13/17 Toys Destroy Trash
5/20/17 Accessories Destroy Trash
9/27/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
10/14/17 Toys Repack Repack T
1/5/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
1/11/17 Baby Restock Stock B
4/20/17 Sports Restock Stock S
6/29/17 Sports Restock Stock S
2/6/17 Luggage Return to Mfg Return L
2/14/17 Electronics Repack Repack E
3/16/17 Sports Repack Repack S
12/21/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
6/18/17 Accessories Return to Mfg Trash
6/23/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
6/28/17 Sports Repack Repack S
7/8/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
7/10/17 Toys Restock Stock S
7/18/17 Furniture Repack Repack F
7/28/17 Toys Return to Mfg Return T
8/7/17 Sports Return to Mfg Return S
10/1/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
10/7/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
1/14/17 Sports Restock Stock S
3/25/17 Sports Repack Repack S
11/2/17 Clothing Return to Mfg Trash
11/10/17 Electronics Restock Stock E
12/10/17 Sports Return to Mfg Return S
9/16/17 Clothing Return to Mfg Trash
12/15/17 Electronics Return to Mfg Return E
3/15/17 Office Destroy Trash
3/17/17 Baby Repack Trash
3/20/17 Furniture Return to Mfg Return F
4/6/17 Toys Return to Mfg Return T
6/28/17 Clothing Repack Repack C
7/4/17 Baby Restock Stock B
10/11/17 Sports Return to Mfg Return S
12/20/17 Sports Destroy Trash
7/27/17 Accessories Restock Stock A
7/29/17 Clothing Repack Repack C
8/6/17 Office Restock Stock O
9/5/17 Sports Restock Stock S
10/10/17 Office Restock Stock O
1/28/17 Clothing Destroy Trash
6/12/17 Electronics Destroy Trash
9/10/17 Clothing Destroy Trash
12/9/17 Accessories Destroy Trash
12/11/17 Baby Restock Stock B
12/14/17 Luggage Return to Mfg Return L
12/31/17 Toys Repack Repack T
3/24/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
3/30/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
7/7/17 Sports Restock Stock S
7/27/17 Toys Restock Stock S
9/15/17 Sports Repack Repack S
4/23/17 Office Return to Mfg Trash
4/25/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
5/3/17 Baby Destroy Trash
6/2/17 Sports Repack Repack S
10/15/17 Accessories Destroy Trash
3/8/17 Furniture Restock Stock F
6/6/17 Electronics Destroy Trash
9/4/17 Office Restock Stock O
9/6/17 Baby Destroy Trash
9/9/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
9/26/17 Toys Return to Mfg Return T
12/18/17 Furniture Return to Mfg Return F
12/24/17 Baby Destroy Trash
1/7/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
1/17/17 Clothing Restock Stock C
4/2/17 Sports Return to Mfg Return S
6/11/17 Sports Return to Mfg Return S
7/21/17 Toys Destroy Trash
1/17/17 Accessories Restock Stock A
1/19/17 Clothing Repack Repack C
1/27/17 Electronics Repack Repack E
10/19/17 Office Repack Trash
12/3/17 Sports Destroy Trash
3/3/17 Accessories Repack Trash
6/1/17 Accessories Repack Trash
6/3/17 Baby Destroy Trash
6/6/17 Furniture Repack Repack F
6/23/17 Toys Repack Repack T
6/24/17 Toys Destroy Trash
9/14/17 Clothing Repack Repack C
9/20/17 Baby Restock Stock B
12/28/17 Office Restock Stock O
1/2/17 Sports Restock Stock S
10/13/17 Accessories Restock Stock A
10/15/17 Clothing Return to Mfg Trash
10/16/17 Clothing Return to Mfg Trash
10/23/17 Electronics Return to Mfg Return E
4/1/17 Luggage Return to Mfg Return L
10/23/17 Office Destroy Trash
11/27/17 Sports Repack Repack S
2/25/17 Accessories Return to Mfg Trash
2/26/17 Furniture Restock Stock F
2/27/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
3/2/17 Clothing Return to Mfg Trash
3/8/17 Toys Restock Stock S
3/19/17 Toys Return to Mfg Return T
6/10/17 Clothing Destroy Trash
6/16/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
9/23/17 Sports Restock Stock S
9/24/17 Electronics Restock Stock E
12/2/17 Sports Restock Stock S
7/10/17 Office Return to Mfg Trash
7/20/17 Electronics Return to Mfg Return E
5/15/17 Electronics Restock Stock E
5/25/17 Clothing Destroy Trash
8/23/17 Baby Return to Mfg Trash
9/7/17 Accessories Destroy Trash
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  1. Insert a new worksheet and rename it: MobileSales
  2. If necessary, move the MobileSales worksheet so it appears first in the workbook.
  3. Enter the text and sales data as shown in the table below. Check your work carefully.ABCDE1Top’t Corn Mobile Sales (August)2Truck Location3Farragut SquareGWGeorgetownK Street4Old Bay2800100070012005Truffle3300700150020006Sea Salt and Caramel4500190018001400
  4. Format the data as follows:
    1. Apply the Heading 1 cell style to cell A1.
    2. Apply the Blue fill color to cell A1. Use the third color from the right in the row of Standard colors.
    3. Apply the White, Background 1 font color to cell A1. Use the first color at the left in the first row of Theme colors.
    4. Merge and center the worksheet title across cells A1:E1.
    5. Apply the Heading 2 cell style to cell B2.
    6. Merge and center cells B2:E2.
    7. Bold cells B3:E3.
    8. Apply the Accounting Number Format with 0 digits after the decimal to cells B4:E6.
    9. AutoFit columns A:E.
  5. Calculate total sales for each of the truck locations.
    1. Enter the word Total in cell A7.
    2. Enter a SUM function in cell B7 to calculate the total of cells B4:B6.
    3. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to cells C7:E7.
    4. Apply the Total cell style to cells A7:E7.
  6. Insert a pie chart (2-D Pie) to show the Old Bay sales for the month by location. Each piece of the pie should represent the Old Bay sales for a single location.
    Note: You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step. Check your work carefully.
  7. Modify the pie chart as follows:
    1. Apply the Layout 1 Quick Layout.
    2. Move the chart so it appears below the sales data.
  8. Insert a clustered column chart (2-D Column) to show the sales for each type of popcorn for each location. Do not include the totals. Hint: You may need to switch the row/column after inserting the chart.
    Note: You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step. Check your work carefully.
  9. Modify the column chart as follows:
    1. If necessary, modify the chart so each location is represented by a data series and the popcorn types are listed along the x axis.
    2. Change the chart title to: August Sales by Popcorn Type
    3. Apply the Style 5 chart Quick Style.
    4. Display the chart data labels using the Outside End option.
    5. If necessary, move the chart so it is next to the pie chart and the top of the charts are aligned.
  10. Preview how the worksheet will look when printed, and then apply print settings to print the worksheet on a single page. Hint: If you have one of the charts selected, deselect it before previewing the worksheet. Preview the worksheet again when you are finished to check your work.
    1. Change the orientation so the page is wider than it is tall.
    2. Change the printing scale so all columns will print on a single page.
  11. Top’t Corn is considering a new truck purchase. Calculate the total cost of the loan.
    1. Change the color of the TruckLoan worksheet tab to Orange. Use the third color from the left in the row of Standard colors.
    2. Set the width of column B to 16.
    3. In cell B6, enter a formula to calculate the total paid over the life of the loan (the monthly payment amount in cell B4 * the number of payments in cell B2). Use cell references.
    4. In cell B7, enter a formula to calculate the total interest paid over the life of the loan (the total payments in cell B6 – the original price of the truck in cell B1). Use cell references.
    5. Apply borders using the Thick Outside Borders option around cells A6:B7.
    6. In cell A10, type: Buy new truck?
    7. In cell B10, enter a formula using the IF function to display Yes if the monthly payment for the truck loan is less than the average sales per month for the current trucks. Display No if it is not.
  12. Complete the following steps in the TysonsStore2019 worksheet:
    1. Select cells A2:A32, and apply the Short Date date format.
    2. In cell F2, enter a formula to calculate the daily total in dollars. Multiply the value in the Daily Total (# Sold) column by the current price per box in cell K1. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the formula to cells F3:F32.
    3. In cell G2, enter a formula using the IF function to determine whether the daily sales goal in cell K2 was met. Display yes if the value in the Daily Total ($) column is greater than or equal to the daily sales goal. Display no if it is not. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the formula to cells G3:G32.
    4. Create a named range DailyTotals for cells F2:F32.
    5. In cell K3, enter a formula using the named range DailyTotals to calculate the average daily sales in dollars.
    6. In cell K4, enter a formula using the named range DailyTotals to find the lowest daily sales in dollars.
    7. In cell K5, enter a formula using the named range DailyTotals to find the highest daily sales in dollars.
  13. Go to the OnlineSales worksheet and format the sales data as a table using the table style Orange, Table Style Light 10.
  14. Sort the data alphabetically by values in the Item column.
  15. Filter the table to show only rows where the value in the State column is DC.
  16. Save and close the workbook
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ID3 Algorithm – R Programming

School of Computer & Information Sciences

ITS 836 Data Science and Big Data Analytics


ITS 836


HW07-1 Apply ID3 Algorithm to demonstrate the Decision Tree for the data set

ITS 836


Select Size Color Shape
yes medium blue brick
yes small red sphere
yes large green pillar
yes large green sphere
no small red wedge
no large red wedge
no large red pillar

Back to HW07 Overview

HW07 Q 2

Analyze R code in section 7_1 to create the decision tree classifier for the dataset: bank_sample.csv


Create and Explain all plots an d results




ITS 836


# install packages rpart,rpart.plot

# put this code into Rstudio source and execute lines via Ctrl/Enter




banktrain <- read.table(“bank-sample.csv”,header=TRUE,sep=”,”)

## drop a few columns to simplify the tree

drops<-c(“age”, “balance”, “day”, “campaign”, “pdays”, “previous”, “month”)

banktrain <- banktrain [,!(names(banktrain) %in% drops)]


# Make a simple decision tree by only keeping the categorical variables

fit <- rpart(subscribed ~ job + marital + education + default + housing + loan + contact + poutcome,method=”class”,data=banktrain,control=rpart.control(minsplit=1),



# Plot the tree

rpart.plot(fit, type=4, extra=2, clip.right.labs=FALSE, varlen=0, faclen=3)

Back to HW07 Overview



HW07 Q 2

Analyze R code in section 7_1 to create the decision tree classifier for the dataset: bank_sample.csv


Create and Explain all plots an d results




ITS 836




HW07 Q 2

Analyze R code in section 7_1 to create the decision tree classifier for the dataset: bank_sample.csv


Create and Explain all plots and results




ITS 836




HW 7 Q3

Explain how a Random Forest Algorithm Works

ITS 836


ITS 836

Use Decision Tree Classifier and Random Forest

Attributes: sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width

All flowers contain a sepal and a petal

For the iris flowers three categories (Versicolor, Setosa, Virginica) different measurements

R.A. Fisher, 1936


HW07 Q4 Using Iris Dataset

Back to HW07 Overview

Get data and e1071 package




traindata #lists train data

testdata #lists test data, no Enrolls variable

install.packages(“e1071”, dep = TRUE)

library(e1071) #contains naïve Bayes function


model # generates model output


Results # provides test prediction










ITS 836


Q5 HW07 Section 7.2 Naïve Bayes in R

Back to HW07 Overview



7.3 classifier performance

# install some packages



# training set

banktrain <- read.table(“bank-sample.csv”,header=TRUE,sep=”,”)

# drop a few columns

drops <- c(“balance”, “day”, “campaign”, “pdays”, “previous”, “month”)

banktrain <- banktrain [,!(names(banktrain) %in% drops)]

# testing set

banktest <- read.table(“bank-sample-test.csv”,header=TRUE,sep=”,”)

banktest <- banktest [,!(names(banktest) %in% drops)]

# build the na?ve Bayes classifier

nb_model <- naiveBayes(subscribed~.,




ITS 836


# perform on the testing set

nb_prediction <- predict(nb_model,

# remove column “subscribed”



score <- nb_prediction[, c(“yes”)]

actual_class <- banktest$subscribed == ‘yes’

pred <- prediction(score, actual_class)

perf <- performance(pred, “tpr”, “fpr”)


plot(perf, lwd=2, xlab=”False Positive Rate (FPR)”,

ylab=”True Positive Rate (TPR)”)

abline(a=0, b=1, col=”gray50″, lty=3)


## corresponding AUC score

auc <- performance(pred, “auc”)

auc <- unlist(slot(auc, “y.values”))


Back to HW07 Overview

7.3 Diagnostics of Classifiers

We cover three classifiers

Logistic regression, decision trees, naïve Bayes

Tools to evaluate classifier performance

Confusion matrix


ITS 836


Back to HW07 Overview



7.3 Diagnostics of Classifiers

Bank marketing example

Training set of 2000 records

Test set of 100 records, evaluated below


ITS 836


Back to HW07 Overview



HW07 Q07 Review calculations for the ID3 and Naïve Bayes Algorithm

ITS 836


X0 Rainy Hot High False No
X1 Rainy Hot High True No
X2 Overcast Hot High False Yes
X3 Sunny Mild High False Yes
4 Sunny Cool Normal False Yes
5 Sunny Cool Normal True No
6 Overcast Cool Normal True Yes
7 Rainy Mild High False No
8 Rainy Cool Normal False Yes
9 Sunny Mild Normal False Yes
10 Rainy Mild Normal True Yes
11 Overcast Mild High True Yes
12 Overcast Hot Normal False Yes
X13 Sunny Mild High True No

Back to HW07 Overview



ITS 836


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Why Oracle 12c Has Introduced Two New Roles – AUDIT_ADMIN And AUDIT_VIEWER.

3/12/2019 Originality Report… 1/3




SafeAssign Originality Report Database Security – 201930 – CRN160 – Thota • Week 8 Paper

%71Total Score: High riskPratibha Sugureddygari Submission UUID: b0b91467-9346-6662-c8c8-6d32b50133c4

Total Number of Reports

1 Highest Match

71 % Submission_Text.html

Average Match

71 % Submitted on

03/10/19 10:12 PM EDT

Average Word Count

670 Highest: Submission_Text.html

%71Attachment 1

Institutional database (6)

Student paperStudent paper Student paperStudent paper Student paperStudent paper

Student paperStudent paper Student paperStudent paper Student paperStudent paper

Internet (4)

oracle-baseoracle-base ugentugent oracleoracle


Global database (1)

Student paperStudent paper

Top sources (3)

Excluded sources (0)

View Originality Report – Old Design

Word Count: 670 Submission_Text.html

33 11 22

44 1010 88

99 1111 77



33 Student paperStudent paper 11 Student paperStudent paper 99 oracle-baseoracle-base



3/12/2019 Originality Report… 2/3

Source Matches (19)

Student paper 100%

Student paper 65%

Student paper 71%

Student paper 62%


To start with, auditing is the monitoring and recording of configured database actions form both the users of the database as well as the database non-users.

The actions of the database users are known through database auditing. Database administrators set up the auditing for the sake of security purposes so that

users are not able to access information without permission. Therefore, database auditing helps in keeping a check on the actions of the database of the users.

The users who are accepted in the through the client _identifier attribute in the database are referred to as the non-database users. Auditing this type of users

unified audit policy condition or Oracle database real application security is used.

There are many advantages associated with auditing. Firstly, Auditing is important in that it allows accountability for actions such as actions taken on the schema,

table, or row which affects specific content (Groomer, & Murthy, 2018). Secondly, it helps in deterring intruders or users from inappropriate actions based on

their accountability. Thirdly, auditing notifies auditors of actions of an authorized user for instance when an intruder changes or deletes any file or if an operator has extra rights than anticipated. Lastly, auditing helps in data monitoring and data gathering concerning a particular event in the database such the tables updating, the logical I/Os being completed or the simultaneous operators who can link in the at the pick times.

It is possible to configure the audit for both successful and failed activities as well as including or excluding specific users from the audit. Apart from auditing the

standard activities provided by the database, auditing can also initially; users were allowed adding and removing audit configuration to objects in their own schemas without any additional privileges. However with the introduction of two new roles by oracle 12c which are AUDIT_ ADMIN and AUDIT_ VIEWER the case is totally

different. The two new roles facilitate responsibilities separation in the process of auditing. In audit configuration, it is not necessary having the dba role or connecting as sysdba. In the side of security, this is a very big improvement.

AUDIT_ADMIN is used by the administrators in configuring, auditing and administration of both unified audit policies and fine-grained policies and this role also

helps in viewing and analyzing audit data, which is the primary role of the security administrator (Ravikumar, Krishnakumar, & Basha, 2017). In order for an

auditor to perform any kind of auditing, they must be granted the audit admin_ role. Having an AUDIT_ADMIN, creating, altering, enabling, disabling and dropping audit policies, viewing audit data, as well as managing the trail of unified audit becomes easier for auditors. AUDIT_VIEWER, on the other hand, is used by the

auditors in viewing and analyzing audit data only. This role is typically granted to the external auditors, and the auditors can only view audit data after being granted the AUDIT_VIEWER role. It provides the executive privilege on the package of DBMS_AUDIT_UTIL PL/SQL.

The provision of these two new roles is helpful in that it provides an audit performance which is much faster as compared to the previous releases of the Oracle database. It has easier controlling how the audit records are written on the audit trail. The audit data can be written immediately or it can also be queued in the memory. The introduction of audit policies and the unified audit trail has helped in simplifying the configuration of database auditing in Oracle 12c. The auditing

of the database has always been extremely flexible; however, this flexibility has always made feel complicated.


Groomer, S. M., & Murthy, U. S. (2018). Continuous auditing of database applications: An embedded audit module approach. In Continuous Auditing: Theory

and Application (pp. 105-124). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Ravikumar, Y. V., Krishnakumar, K. M., & Basha, N. (2017). Oracle Database Upgrade and Migration Methods: Including Oracle 12c Release 2. Apress.














11 11



1111 1111


Student paper


Original source

audit-admin and audit-viewer


Student paper

To start with, auditing is the monitoring and recording of configured database actions form both the users of the database as well as the database non- users.

Original source

Auditing involves monitoring as well as recording on all configured databases actions from databases users and non- users


Student paper

The actions of the database users are known through database auditing. Database administrators set up the auditing for the sake of security purposes so that users are not able to access information without permission. Therefore, database auditing helps in keeping a check on the actions of the database of the users.

Original source

Database auditing is required to keep a check on the database actions of the users For security purposes, database administrators set up the auditing for example cases where without the permission to access information the users should be able to not access it Database auditing is required to keep a check on the database actions of the users


Student paper

The users who are accepted in the through the client _identifier attribute in the database are referred to as the non- database users.

Original source

Non database users are recognized by the database by using the attribute called CLIENT_IDENTIFIER and also it refers only to the application users



3/12/2019 Originality Report… 3/3

oracle 68%

Student paper 64%

oracle 71%

Student paper 72%

Student paper 65%

Student paper 66%

Student paper 72%

Student paper 63%

oracle-base 75%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 100%

Student paper 100%

ugent 100%

ugent 100%


Student paper

Auditing this type of users unified audit policy condition or Oracle database real application security is used.

Original source

Configuring a Unified Audit Policy for Oracle Database Real Application Security


Student paper

There are many advantages associated with auditing.

Original source

There are many advantages that are associated with computer audit software


Student paper

Secondly, it helps in deterring intruders or users from inappropriate actions based on their accountability.

Original source

Deter users (or others, such as intruders) from inappropriate actions based on their accountability


Student paper

It is possible to configure the audit for both successful and failed activities as well as including or excluding specific users from the audit.

Original source

The audit can be configured for both failed and successful activities, as well as including or excluding particular users from the process


Student paper

However with the introduction of two new roles by oracle 12c which are AUDIT_ ADMIN and AUDIT_ VIEWER the case is totally different.

Original source

Oracle 12c has introduced two new roles – AUDIT_ADMIN and AUDIT_VIEWER for unified auditing


Student paper

AUDIT_ADMIN is used by the administrators in configuring, auditing and administration of both unified audit policies and fine-grained policies and this role also helps in viewing and analyzing audit data, which is the primary role of the security administrator (Ravikumar, Krishnakumar, & Basha, 2017).

Original source

AUDIT_ADMIN is the role which enables the administrator to configure auditing and administer both unified audit policies and fine-grained audit policies and view and analyze audit data, which is the role of a security administrator


Student paper

In order for an auditor to perform any kind of auditing, they must be granted the audit admin_ role.

Original source

To perform any kind of audits you must be granted the Audit_Admin Role


Student paper

AUDIT_VIEWER, on the other hand, is used by the auditors in viewing and analyzing audit data only.

Original source

And another AUDIT_VIEWER used for viewing and analyzing the data in auditing


Student paper

The introduction of audit policies and the unified audit trail has helped in simplifying the configuration of database auditing in Oracle 12c. The auditing of the database has always been extremely flexible;

Original source

The introduction of audit policies and the unified audit trail simplifies the configuration of database auditing in Oracle 12c Database auditing has always been extremely flexible, but that flexibility has also served to make it feel complicated


Student paper

M., & Murthy, U.

Original source

M., & Murthy, U


Student paper

Continuous auditing of database applications: An embedded audit module approach. In Continuous Auditing: Theory and Application (pp.

Original source

Continuous auditing of database applications An embedded audit module approach In Continuous Auditing Theory and Application (pp


Student paper

Emerald Publishing Limited.

Original source

Emerald Publishing Limited


Student paper DBSEG/introduction-to-auditing.htm

Original source DBSEG/introduction-to-auditing.htm


Student paper

V., Krishnakumar, K. M., & Basha, N.

Original source

V, Krishnakumar, K M, & Basha, N


Student paper

Oracle Database Upgrade and Migration Methods: Including Oracle 12c Release 2.

Original source

Oracle Database Upgrade and Migration Methods Including Oracle 12c Release 2

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Read The Case Study “Communication Failures” Starting On Page 329 And Answer The Questions On Page 332

Budget: $5

Due date: 9:00PM 03/24/2018 PST



Herb had been with the company for more than eight years and had worked

on various R&D and product enhancement projects for external clients. He

had a Ph.D. in engineering and had developed a reputation as a subject matter expert. Because

of his specialized skills, he worked by himself most of the time and interfaced with the various

project teams only during project team meetings. All of that was about to change.

Herb’s company had just won a two-year contract from one of its best customers. The

first year of the contract would be R&D and the second year would be manufacturing. The

company made the decision that the best person qualified to be the project manager was Herb

because of his knowledge of R&D and manufacturing. Unfortunately, Herb had never taken

any courses in project management, and because of his limited involvement with previous

project teams, there were risks in assigning him as the project manager. But management

believed he could do the job.

Herb’s team consisted of fourteen people, most of whom would be full

time for at least the first year of the project. The four people that Herb

would be interfacing with on a daily basis were Alice, Bob, Betty, and Frank.

● Alice was a seasoned veteran who worked with Herb in R&D. Alice had been with

the company longer than Herb and would coordinate the efforts of the R&D personnel.

● Bob also had been with the company longer that Herb and had spent his career in

engineering. Bob would coordinate the engineering efforts and drafting.

● Betty was relatively new to the company. She would be responsible for all reports,

records management, and procurements.

● Frank, a five-year employee with the company, was a manufacturing engineer.

Unlike Alice, Bob, and Betty, Frank would be part time on the project until it was

time to prepare the manufacturing plans.

For the first two months of the program, work seemed to be progressing as planned.

Everyone understood their role on the project and there were no critical issues.

Herb held weekly teams meetings every Friday from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m.

Unfortunately the next team meeting would fall on Friday the 13th, and

that bothered Herb because he was somewhat superstitious. He was considering canceling the

team meeting just for that week but decided against it.

At 9:00 a.m., on Friday the 13th, Herb met with his project sponsor as he always did in the

past. Two days before, Herb casually talked to his sponsor in the hallway and the sponsor told Herb

that on Friday the sponsor would like to discuss the cash flow projections for the next six months

and have a discussion on ways to reduce some of the expenditures. The sponsor had seen some

expenditures that bothered him. As soon as Herb entered the sponsor’s office, the sponsor said:

It looks like you have no report with you. I specifically recall asking you for a report on the cash

flow projections.

Herb was somewhat displeased over this. Herb specifically recalled that this was to be a

discussion only and no report was requested. But Herb knew that “rank has its privileges” and

questioning the sponsor’s communication skills would be wrong. Obviously, this was not a

good start to Friday the 13th.

At 10:00 a.m., Alice came into Herb’s office and he could see from the expression on her

face that she was somewhat distraught. Alice then spoke:

Herb, last Monday I told you that the company was considering me for promotion and the

announcements would be made this morning. Well, I did not get promoted. How come you

never wrote a letter of recommendation for me?

Herb remembered the conversation vividly. Alice did say that she was being considered for

promotion but never asked him to write a letter of recommendation. Did Alice expect Herb to

read between the lines and try to figure out what she really meant?

Herb expressed his sincere apologies for what happened. Unfortunately, this did not make

Alice feel any better as she stormed out of Herb’s office. Obviously, Herb’s day was getting

worse and it was Friday the 13th.


The Team Is Formed

Friday the 13th

No sooner had Alice exited the doorway to Herb’s office when Bob entered. Herb could

tell that Bob had a problem. Bob then stated:

In one of our team meetings last month, you stated that you had personally contacted some of my

engineering technicians and told them to perform this week’s tests at 70°F, 90°F and 110°F. You

and I know that the specifications called for testing at 60°F, 80°F and 100°F. That’s the way it was

always done and you were asking them to perform the tests at different intervals than the specifications

called for.

Well, it seems that the engineering technicians forgot the conversation you had with them and

did the tests according to the specification criteria. I assumed that you had followed up your conversation

with them with a memo, but that was not the case. It seems that they forgot.

When dealing with my engineering technicians, the standard rule is, “if it’s not in writing, then

it hasn’t been said.” From now on, I would recommend that you let me provide the direction to my

engineering technicians. My responsibility is engineering and all requests of my engineering personnel

should go through me.

Yes, Friday the 13th had become a very bad day for Herb. What else could go wrong, Herb

thought? It was now 11:30 a.m. and almost time for lunch. Herb was considering locking his

office door so that nobody could find him and then disconnecting his phone. But in walked

Betty and Frank, and once again he could tell by the expressions on their faces that they had a

problem. Frank spoke first:

I just received confirmation from procurement that they purchased certain materials which

we will need when we begin manufacturing. We are a year away from beginning manufacturing

and, if the final design changes in the slightest, we will be stuck with costly raw

materials that cannot be used. Also, my manufacturing budget did not have the cash flow

for early procurement. I should be involved in all procurement decisions involving manufacturing.

I might have been able to get it cheaper that Betty did. So, how was this decision

made without me?

Before Herb could say anything, Betty spoke up:

Last month, Herb, you asked me to look into the cost of procuring these materials. I found a

great price at one of the vendors and made the decision to purchase them. I thought that this was

what you wanted me to do. This is how we did it in the last company I worked for.

Herb then remarked:

I just wanted you to determine what the cost would be, not to make the final procurement decision,

which is not your responsibility.

Friday the 13th was becoming possibly the worst day in Herb’s life. Herb decided not to

take any further chances. As soon as Betty and Frank left, Herb immediately sent out e-mails

to all of the team members canceling the team meeting scheduled for 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. that


Case Studies 331



1. How important are communication skills in project management?

2. Was Herb the right person to be assigned as the project manager?

3. There were communications issues with Alice, Bob, Betty, and Frank. For each

communication issue, where was the breakdown in communications: encoding,

decoding, feedback, and so on?

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Week 8: Capstone Instructions: Excel 365/2019 – Level 3 Working With Sales Data Alternate With VLOOKUP

Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000203 EndHTML:000078331 StartFragment:000004186 EndFragment:000078212 StartSelection:000004290 EndSelection:000078196 SourceURL:  SIMnet – Excel 365/2019 Capstone – Level 3 Working with Sales Data Alternate with VLOOKUP         window.SP_CDN = ‘../’;       window.SP_CB = ‘fc826db6f4973d3f8643’;       window.SP_EMBED = true;

In this project, you will work with sales data from Top’t Corn, a popcorn          company with an online store, multiple food trucks, and two retail stores. You will begin          by copying the sales data for one of the retail stores from another workbook. Next, you          will insert a new worksheet and enter sales data for the four food truck locations,          formatting the data, and calculating totals. You will create a pie chart to represent the          total units sold by location and a column chart to represent sales by popcorn type. You          will format the charts, and then set up the worksheet for printing. Next, you help          Top’t Corn calculate payments for a loan and decide whether or not the purchase is          a good idea. Working with the daily sales data for one of the brick-and-mortar stores, you          will apply conditional formatting to find the top 10 sales dates. Y ou will also calculate          the sales for each date, and the average, minimum, and maximum sales. You will use Goal          Seek to find the appropriate price to reach a higher daily average sales goal. You will          use VLOOKUP to look up sales data for a specific date. Finally, you will work with their          online sales data to format it as an Excel table and apply sorting and filtering. You will          create a PivotTable and a PivotChart from a copy of the online sales data to summarize the          sales.

Skills needed to complete this        project:

  • Open a workbook
  • Copy a worksheet to another workbook
  • Close a workbook
  • Insert a worksheet
  • Name a worksheet
  • Move a worksheet
  • Enter text
  • Enter numbers
  • Edit text
  • Autofit a column
  • Apply a cell style
  • Add cell shading
  • Change font color
  • Merge and center text across cells
  • Apply bold formatting
  • Apply number formatting
  • Enter a SUM function
  • Copy formula using AutoFill
  • Insert a pie chart
  • Apply a chart Quick Layout
  • Move a chart
  • Insert a column chart
  • Switch the row/column in a column chart
  • Change the chart title
  • Apply a chart Quick Style
  • Show chart data labels
  • Preview how a worksheet will look when printed
  • Change worksheet orientation
  • Change the print margins
  • Scale a worksheet for printing
  • Change the color of a worksheet tab
  • Apply a column width
  • Calculate a loan payment with PMT
  • Enter a simple formula using multiplication
  • Enter a simple formula using subtraction
  • Add cell borders
  • Create a formula referencing cells in another worksheet
  • Enter an AVERAGE function
  • Use the IF function
  • Hide a worksheet
  • Apply date formats
  • Apply Top Ten conditional formatting
  • Use an absolute reference in a formula
  • Name a range of cells
  • Use a named range in a formula
  • Use the MIN function in a formula
  • Use the MAX function in a formula
  • Wrap text
  • Analyze data with Goal Seek
  • Use the VLOOKUP function in a formula
  • Convert data into a table
  • Apply a table Quick Style
  • Use the table Total row
  • Sort data in a table
  • Filter data in a table
  • Create a PivotTable
  • Create a PivotChart
  • Unhide a worksheet

Note: Download the resource file needed for this project from the         Resources link. Make sure to extract the file after downloading the        resources zipped folder. Visit the SIMnet Instant Help for step-by-step        instructions.

  1. Open the start file EX2019-Capstone-Level3.
    Note:If the workbook opens in            Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the            worksheet so you can modify it
  2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the           project file name if directed to do so by your          instructor, and saveit
  3. Copy the OldTownStoreworksheet from the OldTownSalesworkbook (downloaded from the Resources link) to the capstone project.
    1. Open the Excel file OldTownSales.
    2. Copy the worksheet OldTownStore. In the               Move or Copydialog, be sure to check the               Create a copycheck box and select your capstone project Excel file from the               To bookdrop-down list. Make the correct selection to ensure the copied worksheet              will appear at the end after the TysonsStore2018worksheet in your capstone workbook.
    3. Close the OldTownSalesworkbook when you have successfully copied the               OldTownStoreworksheet to the capstone workbook.
    4. Before continuing, verify that you are working in the capstone project that you              downloaded and not the OldTownSalesworkbook that              you downloaded from the Resources link.
  4. Insert a new worksheet and rename it: MobileSales
  5. If necessary, move the MobileSalesworksheet so it appears first in the workbook.
  6. In the MobileSales worksheet, enter the text and sales data as shown in the          table below. Check your work carefully.







Top’t Corn Mobile Sales (July)


Truck Location


Farragut Square



K Street


Old Bay












Sea Salt and Caramel





  1. Still working with the MobileSales worksheet, format the data as follows:
    1. Apply the Titlecell style to cell A1.
    2. Apply the Purplefill color to cell A1. Use the first color              at the right in the row of Standard colors.
    3. Apply the White, Background 1font color to cell A1. Use the first color              at the left in the first row of Theme colors.
    4. Merge and center the worksheet title across cells               A1:E1.
    5. Apply the Heading 2cell style to cell B2.
    6. Merge and center cells B2:E2.
    7. Bold cells B3:E3.
    8. Apply the Accounting Number Formatwith 0digits after the              decimal to cells B4:E6.
    9. AutoFit columns A:E.
  2. In the MobileSales worksheet, calculate total sales for each of the truck          locations.
    1. Enter the word Total in cell A7.
    2. Enter a SUM function in cell B7to              calculate the total of cells B4:B6.
    3. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to cells C7:E7.
    4. Apply the Totalcell style to cells A7:E7.
  3. In the MobileSales worksheet, insert a pie chart (2-D Pie) to          show the Old Bay sales for the month by location. Each piece of the pie should represent          the Old Baysales for a single location.
    Note:You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for          completing the next step. Check your work carefully.
  4. Working with the pie chart you just created, modify the pie chart as follows:
    1. Apply the Layout 6 Quick Layout.
    2. Move the chart so it appears below the sales data.
  5. In the MobileSales worksheet insert a clustered column chart (2-D Column) to          show the sales for each type of popcorn for each location. Do not include the          totals.
    Note:You must complete this            step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step.Check your work carefully.
  6. Working with the column chart you just created, modify the column chart as follows:
    1. If necessary, modify the chart so each location is represented by a data series and              the popcorn types are listed along the x axis.
    2. Change the chart title to: July Sales by Popcorn Type
    3. Apply the Style 5chart Quick Style.
    4. Display the chart data labels using the Outside Endoption.
    5. If necessary, move the chart so it is next to the pie chart and the top of the              charts are aligned.
  7. Preview how the MobileSales worksheet will look when printed, and then apply          print settings to print the worksheet on a single page. Hint: If you have one of          the charts selected, deselect it before previewing the worksheet. Preview the worksheet          again when you are finished to check your work.
    1. Change the orientation so the page is wider than it is tall.
    2. Change the margins to the preset narrow option.
    3. Change the printing scale so all columns will print on a single page.
  8. Top’t Corn is considering a new truck purchase. Calculate the monthly loan          payments and total cost
    of the loan.

    1. Insert a new worksheet between the MobileSalessheet and the OnlineSalessheets.
    2. Name the new worksheet: TruckLoan
    3. Change the color of the TruckLoan worksheet tab to               Orange. Use the third color from the left in the row of              Standard colors.
    4. Enter the loan terms in the TruckLoan worksheet as shown below.







Interest (annual)



Loan term (in months)



Monthly payment

  1. AutoFit column A.
  2. Set the width of column Bto 16.
  3. Apply the Currencynumber format to cell B1. Display two digits          after the decimal.
  4. Enter a formula using the PMTfunction in cell B4. Be sure to use a negative          value for the
  5. In cell A6, type: Total payments
  6. In cell B6, enter a formula to calculate the total paid          over the life of the loan (the monthly payment amount * the number of payments). Use cell          references.
  7. In cell A7, type: Interest paid
  8. In cell B7, enter a formula to calculate the total          interest paid over the life of the loan (the total payments – the original price of the          truck). Use cell references.
  9. Apply borders using the Thick Outside Bordersoption around cells A6:B7.
  10. In cell A9, type: Average sales
  11. In cell B9, enter a formula to calculate the average          sales per month for the truck locations. Hint: Use cells           B7:E7from the MobileSalesworksheet as the function argument.
  12. Apply the Currencynumber format to cell B9. Display two digits          after the decimal.
  13. In cell A10, type: Buy new truck?
  14. In cell B10, enter a formula using the           IFfunction to display Yes             if the monthly payment for the truck loan is less than the average          sales per month for the current trucks. Display
    Noif it is not.
  15. This workbook includes two worksheets for data from the Tysons store. You should only          be working with the latest data from 2019.
    1. Hide the TysonsStore2018worksheet.
  16. Complete the following steps in the TysonsStore2019 worksheet:
    1. Select cells A2:A32, and apply the               Short Datedate format.
    2. Find the top ten sales items for the month. Select cells               B2:D32and use conditional formatting to              apply a green fill with dark green textto the top 10values.
    3. In cell F2, enter a formula to calculate the daily              total in dollars. Multiply the value in the Daily Total (#                Sold)column by the current price per box in cell               K1. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy              the formula to cells F3:F32.
    4. In cell G2, enter a formula using the               IFfunction to determine whether the daily sales goal in cell               K2was met. Display yesif the              value in the Daily Total ($)column is               greater than or equal tothe daily sales goal. Display noif it is not. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the              formula to cells G3:G32.
    5. Create a named range DailyTotals for cells               F2:F32.
    6. In cell K3, enter a formula using the named range               DailyTotalsto calculate the               averagedaily
      sales in              dollars.
    7. In cell K4, enter a formula using the named              rangeDailyTotalsto find the lowestdaily sales
      in dollars.
    8. In cell K5, enter a formula using the named              rangeDailyTotalsto find the               highestdaily sales
      in dollars.
    9. Wrap the text in cell J7.
    10. Use Goal Seekto find the new price per              box (cell K8) to reach a new daily average sales goal of              $3,000 in cell K7. Accept the solution found by Goal              Seek.
    11. Modify cell K8to show two places after              the decimal.
    12. Create a named range SalesData for cells               A2:G32.
    13. In cell K10,enter 8/19/2019 as the lookup date.
    14. In cell K11,enter a formula using VLOOKUP to display whether or not the sales goal              was met for the date listed in cell K10. Use the named              range SalesDatafor the               Table_arrayargument. The formula should return the              value in the Sales Goal Met?column (column               7in the data array) only when there is an               exactmatch.
  17. Make a copy of the OnlineSalesworksheet and name it PivotData. The           PivotDataworksheet should be the last          worksheet in the workbook.
  18. Go to the OnlineSalesworksheet and format the sales data as a table using the table style
    Aqua, Table Style Light 9.
  19. Continue working with the table on the OnlineSales worksheet and display the          table Totalrow.
    1. Display the total for the Quantitycolumn.
    2. Remove the count from the Statecolumn.
  20. Continue working with the table on the OnlineSales worksheet and sort the data          alphabetically by values in the Itemcolumn.
  21. Continue working with the table on the OnlineSales worksheet and filter the          table to show only rows where the value in the Statecolumn is MD.
  22. Create a PivotTable using the data in cells A3:D120from the data in the PivotDataworksheet. The PivotTable should appear on its own worksheet. Use values from          the Itemcolumn as the rows and the sum of          values in the Quantitycolumn as the values.
  23. Name the PivotTable worksheet: PivotTable It should be located to the left          of the PivotDataworksheet.
  24. Insert a PivotChart on the PivotTableworksheet. Use a pie chart to represent the total quantity
    for each item. If necessary, move the PivotChart to the right of the          PivotTable so it does not cover the data.
  25. This workbook includes a hidden worksheet with online sales data from the 2018 buy one          get one free sale.
    1. Unhide the BOGOSale2018worksheet.
  26. Save and close the workbook.
  27. Upload and save your project file.
  28. Submit project for grading.

Note: Download the resource file needed for this project from the         Resources link. Make sure to extract the file after downloading the        resources zipped folder. Visit the SIMnet Instant Help for step-by-step        instructions.

  1. Open the start file EX2019-Capstone-Level3.
    Note: If the workbook opens in            Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the            worksheet so you can modify it
  2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the           project file name if directed to do so by your          instructor, and save it
  3. Copy the OldTownStore worksheet from the OldTownSales workbook (downloaded from the Resources link) to the capstone project.
    1. Open the Excel file OldTownSales.
    2. Copy the worksheet OldTownStore. In the               Move or Copy dialog, be sure to check the               Create a copy check box and select your capstone project Excel file from the               Move selected sheets to book drop-down list. Make the correct selection to ensure the copied worksheet              will appear at the end after the TysonsStore2018 worksheet in your capstone workbook.
    3. Close the OldTownSales workbook when you have successfully copied the               OldTownStore worksheet to the capstone workbook.
    4. Before continuing, verify that you are working in the capstone project that you              downloaded and not the OldTownSales workbook that              you downloaded from the Resources link.
  4. Insert a new worksheet and rename it: MobileSales
  5. If necessary, move the MobileSales worksheet so it appears first in the workbook.
  6. Enter the text and sales data as shown in the table below. Check your work carefully.







Top’t Corn Mobile Sales (July)


Truck Location


Farragut Square



K Street


Old Bay












Sea Salt and Caramel





  1. Format the data as follows:
    1. Apply the Title cell style to cell A1.
    2. Apply the Purple fill color to cell A1. Use the first color              at the right in the row of Standard colors.
    3. Apply the White, Background 1 font color to cell A1. Use the first color              at the left in the first row of Theme colors.
    4. Merge and center the worksheet title across cells               A1:E1.
    5. Apply the Heading 2 cell style to cell B2.
    6. Merge and center cells B2:E2.
    7. Bold cells B3:E3.
    8. Apply the Accounting Number Format with 0 digits after the              decimal to cells B4:E6.
    9. AutoFit columns A:E.
  2. Calculate total sales for each of the truck locations.
    1. Enter the word Total in cell A7.
    2. Enter a SUM function in cell B7 to              calculate the total of cells B4:B6.
    3. Use AutoFill to copy the formula to cells C7:E7.
    4. Apply the Total cell style to cells A7:E7.
  3. Insert a pie chart (2-D Pie) to show the Old Bay sales for the month by          location. Each piece of the pie should represent the Old              Bay sales for a single location.
    Note: You must complete this step correctly in order to receive points for          completing the next step. Check your work carefully.
  4. Modify the pie chart as follows:
    1. Apply the Layout 6 Quick Layout.
    2. Move the chart so it appears below the sales data.
  5. Insert a clustered column chart (2-D Column) to show the sales for each type of popcorn          for each location. Do not include the totals.
    Note: You must complete this            step correctly in order to receive points for completing the next step. Check your work carefully.
  6. Modify the column chart as follows:
    1. If necessary, modify the chart so each location is represented by a data series and              the popcorn types are listed along the x axis.
    2. Change the chart title to: July Sales by Popcorn Type
    3. Apply the Style 5 chart Quick Style.
    4. Display the chart data labels using the Outside End option.
    5. If necessary, move the chart so it is next to the pie chart and the top of the              charts are aligned.
  7. Preview how the worksheet will look when printed, and then apply print settings to          print the worksheet on a single page. Hint: If you have one of the charts selected,          deselect it before previewing the worksheet. Preview the worksheet again when you are          finished to check your work.
    1. Change the orientation so the page is wider than it is tall.
    2. Change the margins to the preset narrow option.
    3. Change the printing scale so all columns will print on a single page.
  8. Top’t Corn is considering a new truck purchase. Calculate the monthly loan          payments and total cost
    of the loan.

    1. Insert a new worksheet between the MobileSales sheet and the OnlineSales sheets.
    2. Name the new worksheet: TruckLoan
    3. Change the color of the worksheet tab to Orange. Use              the third color from the left in the row of Standard colors.
    4. Enter the loan terms as shown below.







Interest (annual)



Loan term (in months)



Monthly payment

  1. AutoFit column A.
  2. Set the width of column B to 16.
  3. Apply the Currency number format to cell B1. Display two digits          after the decimal.
  4. Enter a formula using the PMT function in cell B4. Be sure to use a negative          value for the
    Pv argument.
  5. In cell A6, type: Total payments
  6. In cell B6, enter a formula to calculate the total paid          over the life of the loan (the monthly payment amount * the number of payments). Use cell          references.
  7. In cell A7, type: Interest paid
  8. In cell B7, enter a formula to calculate the total          interest paid over the life of the loan (the total payments – the original price of the          truck). Use cell references.
  9. Apply borders using the Thick Outside Borders option around cells A6:B7.
  10. In cell A9, type: Average sales
  11. In cell B9, enter a formula to calculate the average          sales per month for the truck locations. Hint: Use cells           B7:E7 from the MobileSales worksheet as the function argument.
  12. Apply the Currency number format to cell B9. Display two digits          after the decimal.
  13. In cell A10, type: Buy new truck?
  14. In cell B10, enter a formula using the           IF function to display Yes             if the monthly payment for the truck loan is less than the average          sales per month for the current trucks. Display
    No if it is not.
  15. This workbook includes two worksheets for data from the Tysons store. You should only          be working with the latest data from 2019.
    1. Hide the TysonsStore2018 worksheet.
  16. Complete the following steps in the TysonsStore2019 worksheet:
    1. Select cells A2:A32, and apply the               Short Date date format.
    2. Find the top ten sales items for the month. Select cells               B2:D32 and use conditional formatting to              apply a green fill with dark green text to the top 10 values.
    3. In cell F2, enter a formula to calculate the daily              total in dollars. Multiply the value in the Daily Total (#                Sold) column by the current price per box in cell               K1. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy              the formula to cells F3:F32.
    4. In cell G2, enter a formula using the               IF function to determine whether the daily sales goal in cell               K2 was met. Display yes if the              value in the Daily Total ($) column is               greater than or equal to the daily sales goal. Display no if it is not. Use an absolute reference where appropriate and copy the              formula to cells G3:G32.
    5. Create a named range DailyTotals for cells               F2:F32.
    6. In cell K3, enter a formula using the named range               DailyTotals to calculate the               average daily
      sales in              dollars.
    7. In cell K4, enter a formula using the named              range DailyTotals to find the lowest daily sales
      in dollars.
    8. In cell K5, enter a formula using the named              range DailyTotals to find the               highest daily sales
      in dollars.
    9. Wrap the text in cell J7.
    10. Use Goal Seek to find the new price per              box (cell K8) to reach a new daily average sales goal of              $3,000 in cell K7. Accept the solution found by Goal              Seek.
    11. Modify cell K8 to show two places after              the decimal.
    12. Create a named range SalesData for cells               A2:G32.
    13. In cell K10, enter 8/19/2019 as the lookup date.
    14. In cell K11, enter a formula using VLOOKUP to display whether or not the sales goal              was met for the date listed in cell K10. Use the named              range SalesData for the               Table_array argument. The formula should return the              value in the Sales Goal Met? column (column               7 in the data array) only when there is an               exact match.
  17. Make a copy of the OnlineSales worksheet and name it PivotData. The           PivotData worksheet should be the last          worksheet in the workbook.
  18. Go to the OnlineSales worksheet and format the sales data as a table using the table style
    Aqua, Table Style Light 9.
  19. Display the table Total row.
    1. Display the total for the Quantity column.
    2. Remove the count from the State column.
  20. Sort the data alphabetically by values in the Item column.
  21. Filter the table to show only rows where the value in the           State column is           MD.
  22. Create a PivotTable using the data in cells A3:D120 from the data in the PivotData worksheet. The PivotTable should appear on its own worksheet. Use values from          the Item column as the rows and the sum of          values in the Quantity column as the values.
  23. Name the PivotTable worksheet: PivotTable It should be located to the left          of the PivotData worksheet.
  24. Insert a PivotChart on the PivotTable worksheet. Use a pie chart to represent the total quantity
    for each item. If necessary, move the PivotChart to the right of the          PivotTable so it does not cover the data.
  25. This workbook includes a hidden worksheet with online sales data from the 2018 buy one          get one free sale.
    1. Unhide the BOGOSale2018 worksheet.
  26. Save and close the workbook.
  27. Upload and save your project file.
  28. Submit project for grading.
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Module-5 Discussion

Module 5 Discussion Forum

Include at least 250 words in your posting and at least 250 words in your reply.  Indicate at least one source or reference in your original post. Please see syllabus for details on submission requirements.

Module 5 Discussion Question

Search “” or your textbook. Discuss what role end-users typically play in incident reporting? Should end users be encouraged to report suspicious occurrences? If so, why; if not, why not. What factors typically influence the end-user decision to report (or not report) a potential incident?



The end user will always play a very crucial role in reporting the incidents. IT service management will be considered for the complete the services will be provided by the end user service management (Smith & Wenger, 2007). Most of the time of the users will be able to spend on the company systems so that the suspicious reports will be defended by occurring the likeliness of the users by treating the first line of the incidents. Software will be discovered so that the incidents can be either intrusion detection (IDS) or prevention (IPS) as there are limited services for detecting the malware by the usage of the software that discovered (Smith & Wenger, 2007).

The disrupting of the systems that exists before by the unknown attacks will be considered as zero day attack will not be defended by the systems.  The incident based attacks will be reported by the IT departments as the end users can experience the incident for the first time as it will be occurred in the IT departments. The reports that need to be made will be encouraged by the systems for the end users so that the managers will be able to perceive the IT department incidents directly so that the reports will be always useful (Chang, 2010).

The damages that caused by the computer crimes will be difficult for calculating as the security for the incidents will be always inevitable. The security incidents within the organization will always as an added advantaged for making the reports about the incidents in general cases. The reports that made in the past about the incidents will be useful for learning by the end users so that they will be willing to make reports in the future as well. The risk will be blamed based on the reports that made by the incidents in some situations as the reports may cause some troubles by which the reports have been produced (Chang, 2010).


Chang, S. E. (2010). Urban disaster recovery: a measurement framework and its application to the 1995 Kobe earthquake. Disasters, 34(2), 303-327.

Smith, G. P., & Wenger, D. (2007). Sustainable disaster recovery: Operationalizing an existing agenda. In Handbook of disaster research (pp. 234-257). Springer, New York, NY.



End customers are fundamental with respect to scene uncovering. It is the end uses who can give the most basic information at whatever point there is a scene. It is always shielded to stay all purposes of enthusiasm of a scene when it happens. Getting what is basic inside a scene helps in removing what is basic in that particular situation. There are different sorts of scenes reports. In any case, end customers should reliably give groups. The arrangement should show if the event is being represented legitimate security or area. End customers declaring flexible scenes also helps in sorting out the data that is most likely going to be used (Goulden, 2014). Additionally, it helps in getting the data to be assembled inside a concise range. Right when end customers report scenes, they help in documentation. Customers are the primary people to watch the scenes they report. Thusly, in models where there is harm information is passed on first. If basic discernments are missed, by then the confirmation can end up being cataclysmic.

End customers should be encouraged to report each and every suspicious occasion. As beforehand made reference to, event uncovering is helpful in getting all information. Exactly when end customers are asked to report scenes, it helps in any resulting examinations. For one to effectively perceive the fundamental driver of a scene, the event must be represented on time. Furthermore, it helps in shielding a scene from happening yet again. Regardless, there are difficulties now and again in uncovering scenes in a helpful way. Along these lines, handling the scene can be hard at whatever point uncovered long after it occurred. Along these lines, end customers should be encouraged to report scene for straightforward offering of game plans.

A bit of the parts that effect end customers to report scenes consolidate upgraded organizations and controlling dangers. End customers require a smooth running and at whatever point they report, an answer is searched for (Agrawal, 2017). Along these lines, they are ensured of better organizations later on. On the other hand, they report scenes to foresee more hazard. It is better finding the hidden driver appropriate on time than having more significant issues later.


Agrawal, V. K., Seshadri, S., & Taylor, A. R. (2017). TRENDS IN IT HUMAN RESOURSES AND END-USERS INVOLVED IN IT APPLICATIONS. Journal of International Technology and Information Management26(4), 154-188.

Goulden, M., Bedwell, B., Rennick-Egglestone, S., Rodden, T., & Spence, A. (2014). Smart grids, smart users? The role of the user in demand side management. Energy research & social science2, 21-29.

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ISSC362 Week 5 Quiz

ISSC362 Week 5 Quiz


Question 1 of 20


5.0 Points


Which of the following tools allows database password cracking, ARP poisoning, enumeration, and sniffing?


A.Wireshark B.Nemesis C.Etherape D.Cain


Question 2 of 20


Which sniffer tool is designed to intercept and reveal passwords?


A.Windump B.Dsniff C.Wireshark D.All of the above


Question 3 of 20


Which of the following is a tool used for sniffing?


A.Hunt B.Tcpdump C.Nemesis D.SMAC


Question 4 of 20


Sniffing can be used to ___________.


A.troubleshoot connections B.investigate malware C.detect abnormal behavior D.All of the above


Question 5 of 20


5.0 Points


Which of the following attacks generally involves one computer targeting another, seeking to shut it down and deny legitimate use of its services?


A.Passive session hijacking B.Active session hijacking C.Denial of Service D.Covert channel


Question 6 of 20


5.0 Points


Which of the following attacks sends out bogus requests to any requesting device and the switch?


A.Spoofing B.Flooding C.Poisoning D.Hijacking

Question 7 of 20


Which of the following protocols is not easily sniffed?




Question 8 of 20


5.0 Points


Which of the following is an attack that actively injects packets into the network with the goal of disrupting and taking over an existing session on the network?


A.Sniffing B.Hijacking C.Denial of service D.Covert channel


Question 9 of 20


5.0 Points


Which of the following takes place on networks such as those that have a hub as the connectivity device?


A.Passive sniffing B.Promiscuous sniffing C.Active sniffing D.Switched sniffing


Question 10 of 20


5.0 Points


Which attack sends packets to a victim system with the same source and destination address and port, resulting in a system crash?


A.Fraggle B.Smurf C.Land D.Teardrop


Question 11 of 20


Who originally designed and created Linux?


A.Bill Gates B.Linus Torvalds


C.Steve Jobs D.Joseph Linux


Question 12 of 20


Which of the following is an application-level scanner?


A.Flawfinder B.SARA C.VLAD D.Nikto Simple


Question 13 of 20


5.0 Points


Which of the following is an early Linux firewall technology that controls traffic by checking packets?


A.ipchains B.iptables C.ipconfig D.ip host


Question 14 of 20


5.0 Points


In order to view the permissions assigned to each type of user for all the files located in a directory, which of the following Linux commands is issued?

A.dir/p -l C.cp -v D.rm -al


Question 15 of 20


5.0 Points


Which of the following Linux directories is considered to be similar to the Windows folder in the Microsoft operating system?


A./dev B./etc C./bin D./var


Question 16 of 20


5.0 Points


Which of the following Linux directories is the location of files that dictates access between hardware and the operating system?


A./dev B./etc C./bin D./var


Question 17 of 20


5.0 Points


Most versions of Linux make their source code available through which of the following methods?


A.General Public License (GPL)
B.Business Software Alliance (BSA) agreement C.K Desktop Environment (KDE)


Question 18 of 20


The core component of every operating system is which of the following?


A.Kernel B.Shell
C.User interface D.BIOS


Question 19 of 20


In Linux, which of the following correctly denotes a hard drive in a machine?


A.mount_hda1 B.c:/drive1/ C./dev/hda1/ D./mnt/drive1/


Question 20 of 20


Approximately how many distributions of Linux are available in different forms and formats?


A.100 B.200 C.1,000 D.2,000


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Assembly Language(Note Pad)

Akinola 1


Annotated Bibliography

Oehlschlaeger, Fritz. “The Stoning of Mistress Hutchinson: Meaning and Context in ‘The Lottery’.” Essays in Literature 15.2 (Fall 1988): 259-265. Rpt. in Contemporary Literary Criticism. Ed. Roger Matuz and Cathy Falk. Vol. 60. Detroit: Gale Research, 1990. Literature Resource Center. Web. 5 Oct. 2011.


In the above mentioned article, Mr. Oehlschlaeger explores the meaning and purpose of one of the main characters in “The Lottery” – Mrs. Hutchinson. Within Mr. Oeshlschlaeger’s article he illustrates the purpose of Mrs. Hutchinson and how she symbolized the theme of traditions versus morals. The article not only explores the character’s purpose but it also reveals what she symbolized to the village.

This source is helpful in explaining the difference between the protagonist and the antagonist within “The Lottery.” It has also been useful in identifying Mrs. Hutchinson’s role in the realm of what her actions symbolized to the reactions of the villagers.


Schaub, Danielle. “Shirley Jackson’s Use of Symbols in ‘The Lottery.’.” Journal of the Short Story in English 14 (Spring 1990): 79-86. Rpt. in Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Ed. Thomas J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau. Vol. 187. Detroit: Gale, 2007. Literature Resource Center. Web. 5 Oct. 2011.

Mrs. Schaub reviews the different elements that are used to enhance the enrichment of literature, by focusing on one figurative language element -symbolism. As there are numerous examples of symbolism used the in “The Lottery” it also reveals the creation and purpose of the characters’ names. Danielle Schuab identifies how symbolism was purposefully used to allow the audience to be involved within the dramatic irony of the short story.

This source will be very essential in finding how specific symbols were used in “The Lottery” and how symbolism can enhance the theme that is being used to reflect characters within the short story.

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Grader Project: Excel Introductory Capstone Ch. 1-4 – Collection


Raymond’s Art Collection Code Type of Art Issue Price Current Value Current Values Notes
AEC Anniversary Edition Canvas $0 $0 Total Value Same as Issue
LEC Limited Edition Canvas $0 $0 Average Value Increased in Value
LEP Limited Edition Print $0 $0 Lowest Value
MAE Masterwork Anniversary Edition $0 $0 Highest Value
SCE Smallwork Canvas Edition $0 $0
Art Code Type of Art Status Release Date Issue Price Paid Percent Paid Current Value Percentage Change in Value Note
The Man Who Minds the Moon LEP Retired 10/1/88 $ 145 $ 350 $ 695
Candleman LEP Retired 12/1/90 $ 160 $ 500 $ 903
Waiting for the Tide LEP Retired 1/1/93 $ 150 $ 215 $ 300
The Scholar LEP Retired 6/1/93 $ 125 $ 150 $ 325
The Royal Music Barque LEP Retired 9/1/93 $ 375 $ 275 $ 375
Six Bird Hunters in Full Camouflage LEP Retired 2/1/94 $ 165 $ 165 $ 395
Serenade for an Orange Cat LEP Retired 4/1/95 $ 125 $ 125 $ 413
Balancing Act LEP Retired 9/1/95 $ 195 $ 195 $ 395
Even As He Stopped Wobbling Wendall Realized… LEP Retired 4/1/97 $ 125 $ 250 $ 675
Levi Levitates a Stone Fish LEP Limited Availability 10/1/98 $ 800 $ 800 $ 800
A Man and His Dog LEP Retired 2/1/99 $ 145 $ 200 $ 460
Queen Mab in the Ruins LEP Limited Availability 3/1/00 $ 185 $ 185 $ 381
Visitation/Preoccupation LEC Limited Availability 7/1/01 $ 645 $ 645 $ 645
Faery Tales LEP Retired 10/1/01 $ 175 $ 175 $ 1,293
Garden Rendezvous LEC Retired 6/1/02 $ 695 $ 730 $ 750
Olde World Santa AEC Retired 10/1/02 $ 395 $ 395 $ 995
Once Upon a Time MAE Retired 3/1/04 $ 1,750 $ 2,000 $ 3,200
The Royal Processional MAE Limited Availability 1/1/05 $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 1,250
Madonna with Two Angeles framed LEC Limited Availability 6/1/05 $ 595 $ 476 $ 595
The Gift for Mrs. Claus AEC Retired 10/1/05 $ 425 $ 425 $ 585
The Listener LEC Retired 3/1/06 $ 650 $ 650 $ 700
Men and Angels LEP Retired 9/1/06 $ 135 $ 235 $ 425
Resistance Training LEC Retired 4/1/07 $ 295 $ 295 $ 595
Music of Heaven LEC Limited Availability 10/1/07 $ 225 $ 225 $ 225
The Burden of the Responsible Man AEC Retired 11/1/07 $ 425 $ 425 $ 1,500
First Rose SCE Retired 4/1/09 $ 195 $ 225 $ 395
The Return of the Fablemaker LEC Retired 8/1/09 $ 495 $ 495 $ 695
The Tie That Binds LEC Limited Availability 2/1/10 $ 750 $ 600 $ 750
Angel Unobserved SCE Retired 3/1/10 $ 225 $ 300 $ 475
Jonah AEC Available 4/1/10 $ 425 $ 425 $ 425
Tempus Fugit SCE Retired 4/1/10 $ 195 $ 195 $ 695
Pilates SCE Retired 10/1/10 $ 275 $ 295 $ 595
The Oldest Angel AEC Retired 11/1/10 $ 395 $ 395 $ 631
Butterfly Knight SCE Retired 3/1/11 $ 225 $ 250 $ 325
College of Magical Knowledge Personal Commission AEC Retired 7/1/11 $ 950 $ 950 $ 1,200
One Light AEC Retired 5/1/12 $ 245 $ 245 $ 795
Guardian in the Woods LEC Retired 6/1/12 $ 395 $ 395 $ 500
A Lawyer More than Adequately Attired in Fine Print AEC Retired 9/1/12 $ 475 $ 475 $ 575
Superstitions MAE Limited Availability 2/1/13 $ 950 $ 950 $ 950
Living Waters LEC Available 4/1/13 $ 395 $ 395 $ 395
Fish in A Toucan Mask LEC Retired 3/1/14 $ 495 $ 495 $ 695
City on a Hill LEC Available 5/1/15 $ 395 $ 316 $ 395
Three Clowns LEC Limited Availability 10/1/15 $ 650 $ 520 $ 650
Interrupted Voyage LEC Retired 4/1/16 $ 395 $ 395 $ 595
The Candleman LEC Retired 11/1/16 $ 395 $ 395 $ 600
Artist’s Island LEC Retired 7/1/17 $ 275 $ 275 $ 323


Responsible Woman Anniversary Canvas
Cost of the Art $ 4,800.00
Annual Interest Rate 6.50%
Term of Loan in Years 3
Monthly Payment
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