
You are the manager of an information technology (IT) team. Your employees go to training workshops and national conferences to keep up-to-date in the field. You created a list of expenses by category for each employee for the last six months. Now you want to subtotal the data to review total costs by employee and then create a PivotTable to look at the data from different perspectives.

Steps to Perform:




Points Possible



Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch05_CapAssessment_Travel.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.




Before using the Subtotal   command, you must first sort the data.
On the Subtotals worksheet, sort the data by Employee and further sort by   Category, both in alphabetical order.




You want to subtotal the data to calculate expenses by   employee.
Use the Subtotals feature to insert subtotal rows by Employee to calculate   the total expense by employee.




Now you want to hide the details   for two employees and focus on details for the remaining employees.
Collapse the Davidson and Miller sections to show only their totals. Leave   the other employees’ individual rows displayed.




For more detailed analysis, you are ready to create a   PivotTable.
Use the Expenses worksheet to create a blank PivotTable on a new worksheet   named Summary.   Name the PivotTable Categories.




You want to include the Category   and Expense fields in the PivotTable.
Use the Category and Expense fields, enabling Excel to determine where the   fields go in the PivotTable.




You want to display average expenses instead of totals.
Modify the Values field to determine the average expense by category. Change   the custom name to Average Expense.




Format the Values field with   Accounting number type.




You want to display a meaningful label and select a   different layout.
Type Category   in cell A3 and change the Grand Totals layout option to On for Rows Only.




Apply Light Blue, Pivot Style   Dark 2 and display banded rows.




To make it easy to filter the PivotTable results, you will   insert and format a slicer.
Insert a slicer for the Employee field, change the slicer height to 2   inches and apply the Light Blue, Slicer Style Dark 5. Move the slicer so that   the upper-left corner is in cell A10.




You want to insert another   PivotTable to analyze the data on the Expenses worksheet.
Use the Expenses worksheet to create another blank PivotTable on a sheet   named Totals.   Name the PivotTable Employees. Add the Employee to the Rows and   add the Expense field to the Values area. Sort the PivotTable from largest to   smallest expense.




Change the name for the Expenses column to Totals   and format the field with Accounting number format.




Insert a calculated field to   subtract 2659.72   from the Totals field. Change the custom name to Above or Below Average and   apply Accounting number format to the field.




Set 10.86 (approximate) as the width for column   B and 13.71   for column C, change the row height of row 3 to 30, and apply word wrap to   cell C3.




Now, you want to create a   PivotChart to depict the data visually.
Create a clustered column PivotChart from the PivotTable. Move the PivotChart   to a new sheet named Chart. Hide all field buttons in the   PivotChart, if necessary.




Add a chart title above the chart and type Expenses by   Employee. Change the chart style to Style 14.




Apply 11 pt font size to the   value axis and display the axis as Accounting with zero decimal places.




Create a footer on all worksheets with your name in the   left section, the sheet name code in the center section, and the file name   code in the right section.




Ensure that the worksheets are   correctly named and placed in the following order in the workbook: Subtotals,   Summary, Chart, Totals, Expenses.




Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch05_CapAssessment_Travel.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.


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Forensics Fundamentals Multiple Choice Questions 1-25

April 29, 2018

Remember that you must enter the answers to your questions in Canvas. This file has been provided to allow

you to perform the hands-on tasks before starting the Canvas quiz. Also remember that this is a test, and you

are required to do your own work. It’s open book and open note, but you must NOT collaborate with any other

students, or receive outside assistance.


1. This is a “real” test, which means you must do your own work. It’s an open book test, so you can use any

resources such as books, your notes, or the computer. However, you must do your own work. This means

that you must not ask other students, instructors, acquaintances, paid consultants, Facebook friend s, etc.

for help. Any violations of the CBC Academic Honesty Policy will result in a failing grade for the course.

(NOTE – There are several question on this test that require looking up data, such as the speed of various

memory types. If you don’t want to memorize this information you can look it up.)

If you use any Internet resources, make sure that you do NOT copy and paste information unless

instructed. You can use the Internet, but you must put all answers in your own words. You will receive no

credit for any answers with copied material.


The test must be completed by 11:59 on the due date to receive full credit. Late tests will be accepted, but

only for seven calendar days after the original due date. Late tests will automatically lose 10 points. La te

tests will not be accepted after 7 days and you will fail the class.

A. I agree

B. I disagree


2. What is Registry?

A. A hierarchical database used by every computer to store settings and data

B. A hierarchical database used by computers running Windows to store settings and data

C. A relational database used by every computer to store settings and data

D. A relational database used by computers running Windows to store settings and data


3. True or False. Any program that runs on Windows will store all of i t’s data in registry.

1. True

2. False


4. Which of the following methods can be used to add or change registry data?

1. Use regedit to manually create or edit a registry key

2. Use a program such as any application in Windows Control Panel

3. Write a program that uses one the registry API functions

4. All of the above


5. True or False. All of the data in registry is stored in files when Windows shuts down gracefully.

1. True

2. False


6. Which registry key holds the list of URLs the currently logged on user typed into Internet Explorer? (Note

– HK is an abbreviation for HKEY)

1. HK_CLASSES_ROOT\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedUrls

2. HK_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedUrls

3. HK_CURRENT_CONFIG\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedUrls

4. HK_ USERs\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedUrls

5. HK_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedUrls

6. None of the above




April 29, 2018

7. Which registry key would you use to discover the SID associated with a particular user? (Note – HK is an

abbreviation for HKEY)


2. HK_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\Domains\Account\Users


4. HK_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\Domains\Account\SIDList

5. HK_LOCAL_MACHINE\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\SIDList

6. None of the above


8. What of the following web sites contains an easy to use reference of every registry key?

1. MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network)

2. Registrywiki.org

3. Forensicswiki.org

4. Wikipedia.org

5. None of the above


9. Which of the following is true regarding the different versions of Microsoft Windows and the registry

hives, keys and values?

1. There have been no changes to the registry hives, keys or values between versions of Windows

2. Each version of Windows uses a completely different set of registry hives , keys and values

3. Each time Microsoft releases a new version of Windows they have tried to maintain the structure

of registry as much as possible. However there have been some situations where changes were

necessary and had to be made

4. Each time Microsoft releases a new version of Windows they kept the main registry hives but a

majority of the keys change in each release.


10. Which of the following is true regarding the different versions of Microsoft Windows and the files used to

store registry?

1. There have been no changes to the files between versions of Windows

2. Each version of Windows uses a completely different set of registry files

3. There were major changes introduced with Windows 7. That is, the file names and locations are

significantly different between Windows 7 and Vista.

4. There were major changes introduced with Windows Vista. That is, the file names and locations

are significantly different between XP and Vista.

5. There were major changes introduced with Windows XP. That is, the file names and locations are

significantly different between XP and Windows 98.


11. Which of the main registry hives holds information about extensions of all registered file types, OLE

objects and COM servers? Other hives may hold small pieces of this information, however you should

choose the hive whose main purpose is to hold this information.






6. None of the above


12. Which of the main registry hives stores settings which are specific to the currently logged-in user (Windows

Start menu, desktop, etc.)?






April 29, 2018



6. None of the above


13. Which of the main registry hives holds information about installed applications, settings; along with

information about any hardware that has ever been connected to the computer including the type of bus,

total size of available memory, list of currently loaded device drivers and information about Windows







6. None of the above



14. In Windows XP and later, what is the name of the main registry hive that holds dynamic data such as the

current CPU usage?






6. None of the above


15. True or False. All of the information in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is stored in the SYSTEM file when

Windows shuts down.

1. True

2. False


16. True or False. The information in HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG is actually part of

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, so it is not stored in a separate file when Windows shuts down.

1. True

2. False


17. Which of the following is true regarding the data in HKEY_CURRENT_USER? (You can assume

Windows Vista and later).

1. The information is always stored in %UserProfile%\Users\UserName\NTUser.Dat

2. The information is always stored in %UserProfile%\Users\AppData\UserName\NTUser.Dat

3. The information is stored in %UserProfile%\Users\UserName\NTUser.Dat unless the user account

is an Active Directory (network) account set up for roaming. In this case the information will be

stored in the NTUser.Dat in the user’s home directory on the network.

4. The information is stored in %UserProfile%\Users\UserName\AppData\NTUser.Dat unless the

user account is an Active Directory (network) account set up for roaming. In this case the

information will be stored in the NTUser.Dat in the user’s home directory on the network.


18. Which of the following files holds information about all installed programs and their settings? (You can

assume Windows Vista and later)

1. SAM






April 29, 2018



19. Assume you are using regedit. Which of the following subhives will you be unable to view? (Hint – there

are multiple answers)

1. SAM






20. Which of the main registry hives holds the settings and data for any user that has ever been created on the







F. None of the above



21. Which of the following files holds the information about user accounts such as usernames, login times,

etc.? (You can assume Windows Vista and later)







22. Why does Windows prevent regedit from displaying the information in the protected subhives?

A. To prevent users from overclocking the CPU or making other unauthorized and potentially

hazardous changes to hardware

B. To prevent users from making changes to their Windows licensing information

C. To prevent users from viewing information about user passwords and encrypted files and folders

D. None of the above


23. True or False. If the AccessData Registry Viewer is installed, it can be started from within FTK to read

registry files from the current case, or it can be run separately from FTK to read files external to a case .

A. True

B. False


24. Assume you have copies of the registry files, SAM, SECURITY, etc. In other words these files are NOT

in an image. Which program would you use to inspect the files?


B. FTK Imager

C. AccessData Registry Viewer

D. Regedit

E. Any of the above


25. Where does Windows store copies of registry made with the System Restore utility?

A. %SystemRoot%\Repair



April 29, 2018

B. %SystemRoot%\System32\config\RegBack (or %SystemRoot%\Repair for XP and older)

C. %SystemRoot%\RegBack (or %SystemRoot%\Repair for XP and older)

D. %SystemRoot%\$NTRestore

E. %SystemRoot%\$NTSysRestore


26. Use the image stringsTest2Image.AD1 to answer this question. What is the MD5 hash value for the image? Hint – use FTK Imager to view the MD5 digest value.

A. e4e732d5cfd795855a31ee74820d09f3 B. 43b34a4edaa34fa23b8a26da2245b45 C. 7c138f146b63416734dc376d8cb7c4a0 D. ead2d7516987edd3413bbbb31c4e333 E. None of the above

27. Use the image stringsTest1Image.AD1 to answer this question. Which file contains a list of stolen credit card numbers? Enter your answer in the same case as the actual file. Hint – search for the credit card pattern.



28. Use the image stringsTest1Image.AD1 to answer this question. Which file contains a list of usernames and passwords? Enter your answer in the same case as the actual file. Hint – search for the words “username” and



29. Use the image stringsTest1Image.AD1 to answer this question. Which file contains a list of stolen social security numbers? Enter your answer in the same case as the actual file.


30. Use the image stringsTest1Image.AD1 to answer this question. What is the correct file extension (or file type) for the file you found in the previous question?

A. .doc (word document) B. .xls (excel speadsheet) C. .rtf (rich text format) D. .txt (plain text document)

31. Use the image nixonSmall.E01 to answer this question . What is the total number of files in the image? Write your answer as a number, not a word. For example, if there are 4 files write 4, not four.


32. Use the image nixonSmall.E01 to answer this question . How many files have the wrong extension? Write your answer as a number, not a word. For example, if there are 4 files write 4, not four.


33. Use the image nixonSmall.E01 to answer this question. What is the correct file type for the file acceptance test list.mp3?

A. Executable File B. GIF File C. Word Document D. Excel Spreadsheet E. Database File F. Adobe Photoshop File G. JPEG/JFIF File H. ZIP Archive I. Hypertext Document J. Bitmap File K. PowerPoint File L. PDF File M. Plain Text File


34. Use the image nixonSmall.E01 to answer this question. What is the correct file type for the file careers1.txt? A. Executable File



April 29, 2018

B. GIF File C. Word Document D. Excel Spreadsheet E. Database File F. Adobe Photoshop File G. JPEG/JFIF File H. ZIP Archive I. Hypertext Document J. Bitmap File K. PowerPoint File L. PDF File M. Plain Text File

35. Use the image nixonSmall.E01 to answer this question. The files acceptance test list.mp3 and careers1.txt are both in the same user’s home directory. Which user is this?

A. Nixon B. Chucky C. Colonel Palmer D. Sandman E. Marko


36. Use the image nixonSmall.E01 to answer this question. Which user has the SID 1005? A. chucky B. nixon C. sandman D. Administrator E. None of the above


37. Use the image nixonSmall.E01 to answer this question. When was the last time the user nixon logged onto the system? (You can leave the time in UTC format, you don’t have to convert to local time)

A. 3/19/2014 13:53:47 UTC B. 3/19/2014 13:36:16 UTC C. 3/19/2014 13:53:450 UTC D. 11/12/2013 12:21:03 UTC


38. Use the files in the folder domex to answer this question. How many total user accounts are there? (Include all of the accounts including Administrator, Guest etc. but NOT the alias in your answer.)


39. Use the files in the folder domex to answer this question. What is the SID for the user domex2?

40. Use the files in the folder domex to answer this question. What is the Login Count for the user Administrator?

41. Use the files in the folder domex to answer this question. What time zone is Windows set to use? A. Eastern B. Central C. Mountain D. Pacific


42. Use the files in the folder domex to answer this question. Which of the following URLs did the user domex2 type in Internet Explorer?

A. http://www.google.com B. http://www.hotmail.com C. http://www.gmail.com D. All of the above





April 29, 2018

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A Network Consisting Of M Cities And M-1 Roads Connecting Them Is Given

A network consisting of M cities and M-1 roads connecting them is given. Cities are labeled with distinct integers within the range [o. (M-1)] Roads connect cities in such a way that each pair of distinct cities is connected either by a direct road or along a path consisting of direct roads. There is exactly one way to reach any city from any other city. In other words, cities and direct roads form a tree. The number of direct roads that must be traversed is called the distance between these two cities. For example, consider the following network consisting of ten cities and nine roads: 2 0 Cities 2 and 4 are connected directly, so the distance between them is 1. Cities 4 and 7 are connected by a path consisting of the direct roads 4-0,0-9 and 9-7; hence the distance between them is 3. One of the cities is the capital, and the goal is to count the number of cities positioned away from it at each of the distances 1,2,3,.., M -1. If city number 1 is the capital, then the cities positioned at the various distances from the If city number 1 is the capital, then the cities positioned at the various distances from the capital would be as follows: . 9 is at a distance of 1 · 0, 3, 7 are at a distance of 2; 8,4 are at a distance of 3; 2, 5, 6 are at a distance of 4. Write a function: class Solution t public int[] solution(int[] T)h that, given a non-empty array T consisting of M integers describing a network of M cities and M 1 roads, returns an array consisting of M-1 integers, specifying the number of cities positioned at each distance 1, 2,…, M – 1. Array T describes a network of cities as follows: · if T[P] Q and P = Q, then P is the capital; if T[P Q and P Q, then there is a direct road between cities P and Q. For example, given the following array T consisting of ten elements: T[2] 4 T[6]8 T[9] = 1 = 9 T[7] the function should return [1, 3, 2,3,0,0,0,0,01, as explained above. Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions: M is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; each element of array T is an integer within the range [0.M-1] there is exactly one (possibly indirect) connection between any two distinct cities.

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Forensic Report


Task 1: Recovering scrambled bits (5%) (5 marks)

For this task I will upload a text file with scrambled bits on the subject interact2 site closer to the assignment due date. You will be required to restore the scrambled bits to their original order and copy the plain text in your assignment.

Deliverable: Describe the process used in restoring the scrambled bits and insert plain text in the assignment.

Task 2: Digital Forensics Report (20%) (20 marks)

In this major task you are asked to prepare a digital forensic report for the following scenario after carefully reading the scenario and looking at textbook figures as referred below: You are investigating a possible intellectual property theft by a new employee of Superior Bicycles, Inc. This employee, Tom Johnson, is the cousin of Jim Shu, an employee who had been terminated. Bob Aspen is an external contractor and investor who gets a strange e mail from Terry Sadler about Jim Shu’s new project (shown in Figure 8-5 of the textbook on p. 350).

Bob forwards the e-mail to Chris Robinson (the president of Superior Bicycles) to inquire about any special projects that might need capital investments. Chris forwards the e-mail to the general counsel, Ralph Benson, asking him to look into it. He also forwards it to Bob Swartz, asking him to have IT look for any e-mails with attachments. After a little investigation, Bob Swartz forwards an e-mail IT found to Chris Robinson (shown in Figure 8 – 6 of the textbook on p. 350).

Chris also found a USB drive on the desk Tom Johnson was assigned to. Your task is to search for and determine whether the drive contains any proprietary Superior Bicycles, Inc. data in the form of any digital photograph as an evidence. In particular, you may look for graphic files such as JPEG on the USB drive hidden with different format. Note for the USB drive image, you need to download the “C08InChp.exe” file from the download section of Chapter 8 on the student companion site of the textbook (Nelson, Phillips, & Steuart, 6/e, 2019).

Your task is to search all possible places data might be hidden (e-mails and USB drive) and recover and present any digital evidence in the report.

Deliverable: For this forensic examination, you need to provide a report of 1800-2000 words (approximately 5 A4 pages) in the format described in presentation section below.

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Excel Module 9 SAM Project 1


Illustrated Excel 2016 | Module 9: SAM Project 1a
Five Points Media
Author: Latrice Reaves
Note: Do not edit this sheet. If your name does not appear in cell B6, please download a new copy of the file from the SAM website.

Week 1

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
Barstad 4 4 5 6 11
Brownell 1 3 4 7 6
Chong 2 5 3 7 5
Egan 9 2 7 5 6
Fernandez 5 5 4 6 9
Kellerman 5 1 5 6 7
Lapina 4 4 6 7 8
Renz 4 7 10 4 6
Saiki 6 5 9 8 9
Shapiro 4 10 4 6 9

Top 5

Bottom 5




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Easy Assignment – Corporate Infrastructure Part V: IPv6 – Online

ITT-116N Subnetting Worksheet

Use the following tables as references for the remainder of the document.

IP Address Classes
Class A 1-127 Leading bit pattern 0 Network.Host.Host.Host
Class B 128-191 Leading bit pattern 10 Network.Network.Host.Host
Class C 224-239 Leading bit pattern 110 Network.Network.Network.Host
Class D 224-230 Reserved for multicast.
Class E 240-255 Reserved for experimental, used for research.


Private Addresses
Class A –
Class B –
Class C –




Binary to Decimal Conversion

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Answers
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 27
0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 59
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 240
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 49
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 136
1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 170
0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 109
1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 153
1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 214


Decimal to Binary Conversion

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 Problem
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 200
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 255
0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 107
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 224
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 192
0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 98
1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 242
1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 224
1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 172
0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 100


Address Classes

Address Class B C B E C A C A A E


Network Identification

Highlight the Network Portion:

117. 89. 56. 90
33. 0. 0. 2
10. 252 1. 1
150. 15. 16. 3
192. 168. 123. 1
199. 155. 66. 56
242. 200. 23. 1
158. 200. 45. 62
218. 155. 230. 41
100. 25. 1. 1


Highlight the Host Portion:

117. 89. 56. 90
33. 0. 0. 2
10. 252 1. 1
150. 15. 16. 3
192. 168. 123. 1
199. 155. 66. 56
242. 200. 23. 1
158. 200. 45. 62
218. 155. 230. 41
100. 25. 1. 1



Network Addressing

Write the network addresses for the provided IP address/subnet mask.




Host Addresses

Using the IP address and subnet mask shown, write the host address.

Default Subnet Mask

Write the correct default subnet mask for each.


Custom Subnet Masks

Fill in the blanks.

Required Subnets 14
Required Hosts 14
Network Address
Address Class c
Default Subnet Mask
Custom Subnet Mask
Total Number of Subnets 16
Total Number of Host Addresses 16
Number of Usable Addresses 14
Number of Bits Borrowed 4
What is the 10th Subnet Range?
What is the subnet number for the 2nd Subnet?
What is the broadcast address for the 12th Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 10th Subnet?


Required Subnets 1000
Required Hosts 60
Network Address
Address Class B
Default Subnet Mask
Custom Subnet Mask
Total Number of Subnets 1024
Total Number of Host Addresses 64
Number of Usable Addresses 62
Number of Bits Borrowed 10
What is the 10th Subnet Range?
What is the subnet number for the 2nd Subnet?
What is the broadcast address for the 12th Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 100th Subnet?






Required Subnets 6
Required Hosts 28
Network Address
Address Class B
Default Subnet Mask
Custom Subnet Mask
Total Number of Subnets 2048
Total Number of Host Addresses 32
Number of Usable Addresses 30
Number of Bits Borrowed 11
What is the 3rd Subnet Range?
What is the subnet number for the 2nd Subnet?
What is the broadcast address for the 1st Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 6th Subnet?



Required Subnets 2000
Required Hosts 15
Network Address
Address Class B
Default Subnet Mask
Custom Subnet Mask
Total Number of Subnets 2048
Total Number of Host Addresses 32
Number of Usable Addresses 30
Number of Bits Borrowed 11
What is the 100th Subnet Range?
What is the subnet number for the 200th Subnet?
What is the broadcast address for the 42nd Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 10th Subnet?







Required Subnets 412
Required Hosts 1000
Network Address
Address Class B
Default Subnet Mask
Custom Subnet Mask
Total Number of Subnets 512
Total Number of Host Addresses 65,536
Number of Usable Addresses 64,512
Number of Bits Borrowed 9
What is the 10th Subnet Range?
What is the subnet number for the 42nd Subnet?
What is the broadcast address for the 300th Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 12th Subnet?



Create the subnetting table for each subnet required for your corporate network.

Required Subnets 8
Required Hosts 300
Network Address
Address Class A
Default Subnet Mask
Custom Subnet Mask
Total Number of Subnets 65536
Total Number of Host Addresses 16,777,216
Number of Usable Addresses 16,646,144
Number of Bits Borrowed 16
What are the usable addresses for the 1st Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 2nd Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 3rd Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 4th Subnet?
What are the usable addresses for the 5th Subnet?


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TCP/IP Attack Lab- SEED Labs Project

In this lab, students need to conduct attacks on the TCP/IP protocols. They can use the Netwox tools and/or other tools in the attacks. All the attacks are performed on Linux operating systems. However, instructors can require students to also conduct the same attacks on other operating systems and compare the observations. To simplify the “guess” of TCP sequence numbers and source port numbers, we assume that attackers are on the same physical network as the victims. Therefore, you can use sniffer tools to get that information. The following is the list of attacks that need to be implemented. 3.1 Task 1 : SYN Flooding Attack ` ` User Server SYN SYN+ACK ACK Active TCP Connection ` ` Attacker Server SYN Spoofed Addresses SYN+ACK ` Legitimate User SYN No Reply Normal TCP 3-way handshake between user and server SYN Flood: attacker sends many SYN to server without ACK. The server is not able to process request from legitimate user 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 Figure 2: SYN Flooding Attack SEED Labs – TCP/IP Attack Lab 4 SYN flood is a form of DoS attack in which attackers send many SYN requests to a victim’s TCP port, but the attackers have no intention to finish the 3-way handshake procedure. Attackers either use spoofed IP address or do not continue the procedure. Through this attack, attackers can flood the victim’s queue that is used for half-opened connections, i.e. the connections that has finished SYN, SYN-ACK, but has not yet gotten a final ACK back. When this queue is full, the victim cannot take any more connection. Figure 2 illustrates the attack. The size of the queue has a system-wide setting. In Linux, we can check the setting using the following command: # sysctl -q net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog We can use command “netstat -na” to check the usage of the queue, i.e., the number of halfopened connection associated with a listening port. The state for such connections is SYN-RECV. If the 3-way handshake is finished, the state of the connections will be ESTABLISHED. In this task, you need to demonstrate the SYN flooding attack. You can use the Netwox tool to conduct the attack, and then use a sniffer tool to capture the attacking packets. While the attack is going on, run the “netstat -na” command on the victim machine, and compare the result with that before the attack. Please also describe how you know whether the attack is successful or not. The corresponding Netwox tool for this task is numbered 76. Here is a simple help screen for this tool. You can also type “netwox 76 –help” to get the help information. Listing 1: The usage of the Netwox Tool 76 Title: Synflood Usage: netwox 76 -i ip -p port [-s spoofip] Parameters: -i|–dst-ip ip destination IP address -p|–dst-port port destination port number -s|–spoofip spoofip IP spoof initialzation type SYN Cookie Countermeasure: If your attack seems unsuccessful, one thing that you can investigate is whether the SYN cookie mechanism is turned on. SYN cookie is a defense mechanism to counter the SYN flooding attack. The mechanism will kick in if the machine detects that it is under the SYN flooding attack. You can use the sysctl command to turn on/off the SYN cookie mechanism: # sysctl -a | grep cookie (Display the SYN cookie flag) # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=0 (turn off SYN cookie) # sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 (turn on SYN cookie) Please run your attacks with the SYN cookie mechanism on and off, and compare the results. In your report, please describe why the SYN cookie can effectively protect the machine against the SYN flooding attack. If your instructor does not cover the mechanism in the lecture, you can find out how the SYN cookie mechanism works from the Internet. 3.2 Task 2 : TCP RST Attacks on telnet and ssh Connections The TCP RST Attack can terminate an established TCP connection between two victims. For example, if there is an established telnet connection (TCP) between two users A and B, attackers can spoof a RST packet from A to B, breaking this existing connection. To succeed in this attack, attackers need to correctly construct the TCP RST packet. SEED Labs – TCP/IP Attack Lab 5 In this task, you need to launch an TCP RST attack to break an existing telnet connection between A and B. After that, try the same attack on an ssh connection. Please describe your observations. To simplify the lab, we assume that the attacker and the victim are on the same LAN, i.e., the attacker can observe the TCP traffic between A and B. The corresponding Netwox tool for this task is numbered 78. Here is a simple help screen for this tool. You can also type “netwox 78 –help” to get the help information. Listing 2: The usage of the Netwox Tool 78 Title: Reset every TCP packet Usage: netwox 78 [-d device] [-f filter] [-s spoofip] Parameters: -d|–device device device name {Eth0} -f|–filter filter pcap filter -s|–spoofip spoofip IP spoof initialization type {linkbraw} 3.3 Task 3 : TCP RST Attacks on Video Streaming Applications Let us make the TCP RST attack more interesting by experimenting it on the applications that are widely used in nowadays. We choose the video streaming application in this task. For this task, you can choose a video streaming web site that you are familiar with (we will not name any specific web site here). Most of video sharing websites establish a TCP connection with the client for streaming the video content. The attacker’s goal is to disrupt the TCP session established between the victim and video streaming machine. To simplify the lab, we assume that the attacker and the victim are on the same LAN. In the following, we describe the common interaction between a user (the victim) and some video-streaming web site: • The victim browses for a video content in the video-streaming web site, and selects one of the videos for streaming. • Normally video contents are hosted by a different machine, where all the video contents are located. After the victim selects a video, a TCP session will be established between the victim machine and the content server for the video streaming. The victim can then view the video he/she has selected. Your task is to disrupt the video streaming by breaking the TCP connection between the victim and the content server. You can let the victim user browse the video-streaming site from another (virtual) machine or from the same (virtual) machine as the attacker. Please be noted that, to avoid liability issues, any attacking packets should be targeted at the victim machine (which is the machine run by yourself), not at the content server machine (which does not belong to you). 3.4 Task 4 : TCP Session Hijacking The objective of the TCP Session Hijacking attack is to hijack an existing TCP connection (session) between two victims by injecting malicious contents into this session. If this connection is a telnet session, attackers can inject malicious commands (e.g. deleting an important file) into this session, causing the victims to execute the malicious commands. Figure 3 depicts how the attack works. In this task, you need to demonstrate how you can hijack a telnet session between two computers. Your goal is to get the the telnet server to run a malicious command from you. For the simplicity of the task, we assume that the attacker and the victim are on the same LAN. SEED Labs – TCP/IP Attack Lab 6 Note: If you use Wireshark to observe the network traffic, you should be aware that when Wireshark displays the TCP sequence number, by default, it displays the relative sequence number, which equals to the actual sequence number minus the initial sequence number. If you want to see the actual sequence number in a packet, you need to right click the TCP section of the Wireshark output, and select “Protocol Preference”. In the popup window, uncheck the “Relative Sequence Number and Window Scaling” option. The corresponding Netwox tool for this task is numbered 40. Here is part of the help screen for this tool. You can also type “netwox 40 –help” to get the full help information. You may also need to use Wireshark to find out the correct parameters for building the spoofed TCP packet. Listing 3: Part usage of netwox tool 40 Title: Spoof Ip4Tcp packet Usage: netwox 40 [-l ip] [-m ip] [-o port] [-p port] [-q uint32] [-B] Parameters: -l|–ip4-src ip IP4 src {} -m|–ip4-dst ip IP4 dst {} -o|–tcp-src port TCP src {1234} -p|–tcp-dst port TCP dst {80} -q|–tcp-seqnum uint32 TCP seqnum (rand if unset) {0} -H|–tcp-data mixed_data mixed data ` ` User Server ` Attacker Attacker hijacks the TCP session and sends “Z” to server on behalf of client Data: “A” Data: “Z” Seq No.: ? ACK 3-way Handshake Data: “B” ACK Sniffing Figure 3: TCP Session Hijacking Attack SEED Labs – TCP/IP Attack Lab 7 3.5 Task 5 : Creating Reverse Shell using TCP Session Hijacking When attackers are able to inject a command to the victim’s machine using TCP session hijacking, they are not interested in running one simple command on the victim machine; they are interested in running many commands. Obviously, running these commands all through TCP session hijacking is inconvenient. What attackers want to achieve is to use the attack to set up a back door, so they can use this back door to conveniently conduct further damages. A typical way to set up back doors is to run a reverse shell from the victim machine to give the attack the shell access to the victim machine. Reverse shell is a shell process running on a remote machine, connecting back to the attacker’s machine. This gives an attacker a convenient way to access a remote machine once it has been compromised. In the following, we will show how we can set up a reverse shell if we can directly run a command on the victim machine (i.e. the server machine). In the TCP session hijacking attack, attackers cannot directly run a command on the victim machine, so their jobs is to run a reverse-shell command through the session hijacking attack. In this task, students need to demonstrate that they can achieve this goal.

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EEE 120 Simulation Lab 4 – The Microprocessor

Task 4-1: Build the Brainless Central Processing Unit

Include a picture of your Logisim Brainless Central Processing Unit circuit here:

Figure 1. Brainless Central Processing Unit JCC


Task 4-2: Test and Control the Brainless Central Processing Unit

Perform the testing procedures outlined in the laboratory manual and fill in the blanks below. (Note that these questions appear in the text of the laboratory manual.)

· Record the first number placed on the data bus here: 5

· What do the following three switches need to be set to in order to perform the pass-through operation? /~A_Only = 0 /~Invert= 1 Logic/~Arith= 0

· Enter the second number you entered into the data bus here: 2

· What do the following three switches need to be set to in order to perform the ADD operation? /~A_Only = 1 /~Invert= 1 Logic/~Arith= 0

· Write down the number that appears in the accumulator here: 7

Describe other numerical additions and other operations you checked in order to verify your brainless CPU here: I repeated the additions several times using 3, 4 and 1 and toggled through several times till I got the correct addition.

After you are convinced your circuit is working properly, remove the 4-bit binary keyboard and set the ACC to Data Bus pin to 1. Did the output of the accumulator appear on the data bus? Yes.

How does the output of the ALU change? It changed to Hex E.

If the 4-bit binary keyboard was not removed and the ACC to Data Bus switch is set to 1, what would you expect to see displayed in the hex digit display attached to the data bus?

I expect to see whatever is supplied to the data bus in hex display.

Add the 4-bit binary keyboard back into your circuit and observe the hex digit display on the data bus for various keyboard values. Is the value on the hex digit display what you expected? Yes.

Explain Only 1 signal is being allowed to enter the buffer at a time. Therefore, the buffer is receiving only the output of the register.

Why do you think the register at the output of the ALU is called the ‘accumulator’? Because it stores data that passes through the ALU, it provides a feedback path tho the B input of the ALU and because it can store intermediate arithmetic or logic results.


Task 4-3: Build the Addressing Logic

Include a picture of your Logisim addressing logic circuit here:

Figure 2. Addressing Logic JCC

Test your circuit and record the results in Table 1. Include a picture of your Logisim addressing logic circuit testing set up.

Figure 3. Testing Addressing Logic JCC

Table 1

(4-bit binary)

Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7
0000 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0001 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0010 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
0011 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0


Task 4-4: Build a 4-Bit ROM Memory Cell

Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit ROM circuit here:

Figure 4. 4-bit ROM memory cell JCC

Test your circuit and record the results in Table 2. Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit ROM circuit testing set up.

Figure 5. Testing 4-bit ROM memory cell JCC

Table 2

(4-bit binary)

Read Memory Select Y

(Data Bus)

0001 1 1 1
0101 1 1 5
1000 1 1 8
1000 0 1 X
1000 1 0 X
1000 0 0 X


Task 4-5: Build 4-Bit Output Port

Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit output port circuit here:

Figure 6. 4-bit output device JCC

Test your circuit and record the results in Table 3.

Data Bus (4-bit binary) Write Memory Select Q
0001 1 1 1
0010 0 1 Last Q
0011 1 0 Last Q
0011 0 0 Last Q
0011 0 0 0
0011 1 0 0
0011 1 1 3
0001 0 0 0


Task 4-6: Build the 4-Bit RAM Cell

Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit RAM circuit here:

Figure 7. 4-bit RAM JCC

Test your circuit and record the results in Table 4. Include a picture of your Logisim 4-bit RAM circuit testing set up.

Figure 8. Testing 4-bit RAM JCC

Data Bus

(4-bit binary)

Write Memory Select Read Q {between register and buffer} Data Bus {after buffer}
0110 1 1 1 6 6
0110 0 1 1 6 6
0110 1 0 1 6
0110 0 0 1 6
0110 0 0 0 6
0101 1 1 1 5 5


Task 4-7: Build the Brainless Microprocessor

Include a picture of your Logisim brainless microprocessor circuit here:



Task 4-8: Testing and Controlling the Brainless Microprocessor

Follow steps 1 through 3 outlined in the laboratory manual to test your brainless microprocessor circuit. List in Table 5 the control lines you needed to control to store the accumulator (ACC) to


RAM. (If the control line value has no impact, place a dash ‘-‘ in the value column).

Control line Value
4-bit binary keyboard

(Address Bus)

Write 0
Read 1
ACC to Data Bus 0
Load ACC 1
/~A_Only 0
/~Invert 0
Logic/~Arith 1

Describe any other tests that you performed. NOTE: the laboratory manual gives you a minimum set of items to test: __________________________________________________________________________







Table 6 is an example, for the ADD command, of how to fill out tables to record the values of the control lines during every clock cycle.

Instruction [ Add operand to Accumulator (ACC) ]
Control Line Value
4-bit Binary Keyboard (Address Bus) Address of operand
Write 0
Read 1
ACC to Data Bus 0
Load ACC 1
/~A_Only 1
/~Invert 1
Logic/~Arith 0

For all of the instructions you performed (i.e. Subtract, Load ACC, etc.) record the values of the control lines during every clock cycle in Table 7Table 8and Table 9.


Instruction [Subtract operand from ACC ]
Control Line Value
4-bit Binary Keyboard (Address Bus) 3
Write 1
Read 1
ACC to Data Bus 0
Load ACC 1
/~A_Only 1
/~Invert 1
Logic/~Arith 0


Instruction [Load ACC with operand]
Control Line Value
4-bit Binary Keyboard (Address Bus) 3
Write 1
Read 1
ACC to Data Bus 1
Load ACC 1
/~A_Only 0
/~Invert 1
Logic/~Arith 1
Instruction[AND operand with ACC]
Control Line Value
4-bit Binary Keyboard (Address Bus) x
Write 0
Read 1
ACC to Data Bus 0
Load ACC 0
/~A_Only 1
/~Invert 0
Logic/~Arith 1
Instruction[ Store ACC to RAM]
Control Line Value
4-bit Binary Keyboard (Address Bus) X
Write 0
Read 1
ACC to Data Bus 1
Load ACC 0
/~A_Only 1
/~Invert 1
Logic/~Arith 1


Table 9
Instruction[ Not (operand) to ACC]

(1’s complement)

Control Line Value
4-bit Binary Keyboard (Address Bus) 3
Write 1
Read 0
ACC to Data Bus 0
Load ACC 1
/~A_Only 1
/~Invert 0
Logic/~Arith 0
Instruction[ Negate(operand) to ACC]

(2’s complement)

Control Line Value
4-bit Binary Keyboard (Address Bus) 3
Write 1
Read 0
ACC to Data Bus 0
Load ACC 1
/~A_Only 0
/~Invert 0
Logic/~Arith 1


Task 4-9: Build the Memory-Address-Generation Circuit

Include a picture of your Logisim memory address generation circuit here:


Task 4-10: Build the Controller Circuit

Include a picture of your Logisim controller circuit here:


Task 4-11: Build the Complete Microprocessor Circuit

Include a picture of your Logisim complete microprocessor circuit, with controller, here:


Task 4-12: Write and Execute a Simple Program for Your Microprocessor

Write the program given in your laboratory manual into the appropriate memory locations. Observe the operation of each step of your program (i.e. observe the values of the control lines and record whether data is being moved properly according to those control line settings). Did you get an 8 stored into the accumulator with you initial test?______

If not, what error(s) did you find during your debugging process?________________________________




Task 4-13: Add the ‘AND’, ‘Zero’, ‘Subtract’, and ‘Store ACC’ Instructions


Use Table 10and Table 11to enter your values into the microinstruction definition table for each of the four instructions asked for in the laboratory manual. Be sure to label the name of each and every instruction.

Opcode 3 4
Pres. State 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03
Description Pin number
Next State Bits 1-0
Load IR 2
Write 3
Read 4
ACC to Data Bus 5
Load ACC 6
Load MAR 7
Use PC 8
/~A_only 9
/~Invert 10
Logic/~Arith 11
X 12
X 13
X 14
X 15
HEX equiv


Opcode 5 6
Pres. State 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03
Description Pin number
Next State Bits 1-0
Load IR 2
Write 3
Read 4
ACC to Data Bus 5
Load ACC 6
Load MAR 7
Use PC 8
/~A_only 9
/~Invert 10
Logic/~Arith 11
X 12
X 13
X 14
X 15
HEX equiv

Test your instructions by writing and executing programs. Record at least four programs and the output of each program in tables like that of Table 12.

Program #0 ( Example: ADD = 3+5)
Address Value Operation (In English)
0 0 The ‘Load ACC’ Opcode
1 3 The number ‘3’ to be loaded into the Accumulator
2 1 The ‘Add to ACC’ Opcode
3 5 The number ‘5’ to be added to the Accumulator
4 2 The ‘Stop’ Opcode
What was the final output of your program? ___8__
Was the program successful? YES_
If not what error(s) did you find in your circuit?


Program # ( )
Address Value Operation (In English)
What was the final output of your program? _____
Was the program successful? Yes or No_
If not what error(s) did you find in your circuit?


Task 4-14: Invent Your Own Instruction (Extra Credit)

Fill in the following two tables for your invented instruction.

Opcode 7
Pres. State 00 01 02 03 00 01 02 03
Description Pin number
Next State Bits 1-0
Load IR 2
Write 3
Read 4
ACC to Data Bus 5
Load ACC 6
Load MAR 7
Use PC 8
/~A_only 9
/~Invert 10
Logic/~Arith 11
X 12
X 13
X 14
X 15
HEX equiv


Program # ( )
Address Value Operation (In English)
What was the final output of your program? _____
Was the program successful? Yes or No_
If not what error(s) did you find in your circuit?

Simulation Lab 4: Lab Report Grade Sheet


Instructor Assessment: Task Oriented

Grading Criteria MaxPoints Points Lost
Neatness, Clarity, and Concision 2
Description of Assigned Tasks, Work Performed & Outcomes Met
Task 4-1: Build the Brainless Central Processing Unit 5
Task 4-2: Test and Control the Brainless Central Processing Unit 12
Task 4-3: Build the Addressing Logic 3
Task 4-4: Build a 4-Bit ROM Memory Cell 3
Task 4-5: Build 4-Bit Output Port 3
Task 4-6: Build the 4-Bit RAM Cell 3
Task 4-7: Build the Brainless Microprocessor 10
Task 4-8: Testing and Controlling the Brainless Microprocessor 14
Task 4-9: Build the Memory-Address-Generation Circuit 5
Task 4-10: Build the Controller Circuit 5
Task 4-11: Build the Complete Microprocessor Circuit 10
Task 4-12: Write and Execute a Simple Program for your Microprocessor 5
Task 4-13: Add the ‘AND’, ‘Zero’, ‘Subtract’, and ‘Store ACC’ Instructions 20
Task 4-14: Invent Your Own Instruction (5 extra points)
Self-Assessment Worksheet (The content of the self-assessment worksheet will not be graded. Full credit is given for including the completed worksheet.) (2 extra points)
Points Lost
Lab Score Late Lab
Lab Score

Self-Assessment Worksheet

Put ‘X’s’ in the table below indicating how strongly you agree or disagree that the outcomes of the assigned tasks were achieved. Use ‘5’ to indicate that you ‘strongly agree’, ‘3’ to indicate that you are ‘neutral’, and ‘1’ to indicate that you ‘strongly disagree’. Use ‘NA’, ‘Not Applicable’, when the tasks you performed did not elicit this outcome. Credit will be given for including this worksheet with your lab report; however, your responses will not be graded. They are for your instructor’s information only.


Table 14: Self-Assessment of Outcomes for Simulation Lab 4: The Brainless Microprocessor

After completing the assigned tasks and report, I am able to: 5 4 3 2 1 NA
Build, debug and control a simulation of a central processing unit (CPU) X
Build, debug and control a simulation of a ROM, RAM and an output port. X
Build and debug a simulation of a microprocessor that is absent a controller. X
Act as the controller for an elementary microprocessor. X
Design a PROM-based controller for an elementary microprocessor. X
Create an instruction set for an elementary microprocessor. X
Use the language of your instruction set to create a program and enter it into memory. X
Execute a program on your simulated microprocessor. X

Write below any suggestions you have for improving this laboratory exercise so that the stated learning outcomes are achieved.


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Programming Langauge Help

Programming Languages CMP 339/692 Exam #3 – Chapters 8, 9 and 10 Extra Credit Name:__________________________

12/11/2013 Page 1 of 2

Multiple Choice (worth 2 points each)

Short Answer (worth 10 points each)

1. What are the arguments both for and against the exclusive use of Boolean expressions in the

control statements in Java (as opposed to also allowing arithmetic expressions, as in C++)?


2. What are arguments for and against a user program building additional definitions for

existing operators, as can be done in Python and C++? Do you think such user-defined

operator overloading is good or bad? Support your answer.


Programming Languages CMP 339/692 Exam #3 – Chapters 8, 9 and 10 Extra Credit

12/11/2013 Page 2 of 2

3. Although local variables in Java methods are dynamically allocated at the beginning of each

activation, under what circumstances could the value of a local variable in a particular

activation retain the value of the previous activation?



4. If a compiler uses the static chain approach to implementing blocks, which of the entries in

the activation records for subprograms are needed in the activation records for blocks?

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HW IN Distributed Data Base

CS 627 – Distributed Database Systems – Spring ’14

Homework # 2 (100 Points)

Hand in this paper as your cover page (-10 points if missing)





1.) Allocation (40 points)

We are implementing a distributed database for a business. The database schema is in the appendix. The business is located in five different locations (located in DEPT_LOCATIONS table).


Based on the fragments you created in question 1 from homework 1, explain the following:


1. What considerations must be made to allocate this data?


2. What information do we need to perform a proper analysis of allocation?


3. Why would we allocate to site X as opposed to site Y?


2.) Bottom Up Design (10 points)

1. We discussed three steps in generating the global conceptual schema.


2. Why can we not match and map at the same time?


3. Why are they different steps?


3.) Query Processing (50 points)

1. Explain why processing is a necessary step in databases.


2. Why do we need to translate our SQL into relational algebra?


3. Why not allow database programmers to write directly in relational algebra instead of SQL?


4. How does distributed processing differ from centralized processing?



Appendix fig05_06

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