I Have Homework In Excel And I Need Help

Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 | Modules 1–3: SAM Capstone Project 1a

C:\Users\akellerbee\Documents\SAM Development\Design\Pictures\g11731.pngShelly Cashman Excel 2016 | Modules 1–3: SAM Capstone Project 1a

Campus Fitness Center

modify a service report and create a chart



Open the file SC_EX16_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx, available for download from the SAM website.

Save the file as SC_EX16_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx by changing the “1” to a “2”.

0. If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.

With the file SC_EX16_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet.

· If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.



Stella Scott has a work-study position at the fitness center on campus. Her manager has asked her to create a worksheet to keep track of attendance and revenue for the fitness center’s classes.

Open the Class Statistics worksheet. Modify the column widths and row heights as described below:

a. Use AutoFit to change the width of column A to make all the contents visible.

b. Change the row height of row 1 to 42.00 pts.

c. Change the widths of columns B through M to 10.25 characters.

In the merged range A1:M1, apply the formatting options described below:

d. Change the font to Tw Cen MT and the font size to 26 pt.

e. Change the font color to Turquoise, Accent 3, Darker 50% (7th column, 6th row of the Theme Colors palette).

f. Change the fill color of the cell to Turquoise, Accent 3, Lighter 80% (7th column, 2nd row of the Theme Colors palette).

Use Merge Cells to merge the contents of the range A2:M2 and then apply the Heading 1 cell style to the merged range. Format the merged range with the Short Date number format.

Enter the contents in bold shown in Table 1 below into the range C4:G5.


Table 1: Data for Range C4:G5


  C D E F G
4 Cardio Hip-Hop Spinning Yoga Zumba
5 100 150 120 200 150



Format the cells in the range C5:G5 with the Currency number format with two decimal places.

Apply the following formatting options, as described below:

g. Bold and center the content of cell B4.

h. Use the Format Painter to copy the formatting of cell B4 to the range C4:G4.

i. Use Merge Cells to merge the contents of the range B4:B5.

j. Apply the All Borders border style to the range B4:G5.

Move the content of cell H6 to cell G7 and then apply the formatting options described below:

k. Merge and center the range G7:K7.

l. Apply the fill color Blue, Accent 2, Lighter 60% (6th column, 3rd row of the Theme Colors palette) to the merged range.

Use the September label in cell B8 to fill the range C8:M8 with the months of the year.

In cell B14, use the SUM function to total the values in the range B9:B13. Use the Fill handle to copy the formula from B14 into the range C14:M14.

In January, the hip-hop class is the center’s least attended class, but Stella’s manager hopes to boost attendance so that they can reach their budget goals.

Perform a Goal Seek analysis to determine the number of hip-hop class attendees needed in January (F10) to change the value in cell F14 to 400. (Hint: Cell F10 will be the changing cell.) Keep the results of the Goal Seek Analysis as the new value for cell F10.

In cell B15, use the keyboard to enter a formula that multiplies the value in cell B9 (the number of students attending the cardio class) by the value in cell C5 (the cost of each cardio class). Use an absolute cell reference to cell C5 and a relative reference to cell B9. Copy the formula from cell B15 to the range C15:M15.

Calculate the revenue for the two remaining unfilled classes (Yoga and Zumba) as described below, using absolute references to the cells in the range F5:G5:

m. In cell B18, enter a formula that multiples the value in cell B12 by the value in cell F5. Copy the formula from B18 to the range C18:M18.

n. In cell B19, enter a formula that multiples the value in cell B13 by the value in cell G5. Copy that formula from B19 to the range C19:M19.

Format the values in the range B9:M14 with the Comma Style number format with zero decimal places. Format the range B15:M20 with the Accounting number format with two decimal places.

To help see where the most profitable months are, apply a new conditional formatting rule to the range B20:M20. The rule should format only cells that contain cell values greater than $62,000 with Light Green fill color (5th column, 1st row of the Standard Colors palette) and Dark Blue font color (9th column, 1st row of the Standard Colors palette).

In cell B23, use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average monthly revenue generated for the range B15:B19. Copy the formula from cell B23 to the range C23:M23.

In cell B24, use the MAX function to calculate which value in the range B15:B19 is the largest. Copy the formula from cell B24 to the range C24:M24.

In cell B25, use the MIN function to calculate which value in the range B15:B19 is the smallest. Copy the formula from cell B25 to the range C25:M25.

The center needs to bring in $13,400 a month to stay on budget. In cell B26, use the IF function to check whether the value of cell B23 is greater than 13,400.

o. If this condition is true, the cell value should be set to Over (Hint: For the value if true, use “Over”).

p. If this condition is false, the cell value should be set to Under (Hint: For the value if false, use “Under”).

Copy the formula created in cell B26 to the range C26:M26.

In cell B28, create a Line Sparkline from the data in the range G11:K11, and then change the style of the Sparkline to Sparkline Style Accent 3 (no dark or light).

Check the Spelling in the workbook to identify and correct any spelling errors. (Hint: You should find and correct at least two spelling errors.)

Format the worksheet for printing as described below:

q. Change the orientation to Landscape.

r. Change the worksheet margins to Narrow.

s. Insert a header in the center section with the text 2018 Class Statistics.

t. Set the print area as the range A4:M28.

u. Scale the worksheet so that it prints on one page.

Switch back to Normal View.

Stella’s manager would like to emphasize certain visuals in the worksheet.

Create a Line chart from the nonadjacent ranges B8:M8 and B20:M20. Move the chart you just created to its own chart sheet. Use Monthly Revenue Chart as the name of the new chart sheet.

On the Monthly Revenue Chart worksheet, format the line chart with the following options:

v. Change the chart title to Total Revenue by Month.

w. Format the data labels using the Above positioning option.

Switch back to the Class Statistics worksheet. Use the Recommended Chart tool to create a Clustered Column chart based on the range A8:F13. Move the chart to its own chart sheet. Use the name Fall Attendance Chart as the name of the new chart sheet.

On the Fall Attendance Chart worksheet, format the clustered column chart with the following options:

x. Change the chart style to Chart Style 2.

y. Change the chart title to Fall Semester Class Attendance.

z. Add Number of Attendees as the primary vertical axis title.

aa. Add Fall Semester Months as the primary horizontal axis title.

Stella’s manager was very impressed with her work and would like her to include and format some other information as well.

Go to the Personal Trainers worksheet and make the following formatting changes:

ab. Rotate the labels in the range B3:B17 to 0 degrees.

ac. Copy the range C3:C5, then paste it into the range C6:C17. Use the paste option that pastes the values, but not the cell formatting.

ad. Set the fill color in cell C3 and the range D6:D8 to No Fill.

The center uses special codes to keep track of hours and process payments. These codes are made by typing the first three letters of the day followed by a dash, the start and end times separated by a colon, a dash, and then the first two letters of the first and last name of the trainer.

In cell E4, type Mon-11:1-LoWa. Select the range E3:E17, and use Flash Fill to fill the values in the range. [Mac Hint: Flash Fill is not available in Excel 2016 for Mac, so refer to the Final Figures to enter the text.]

In the Physical Therapists worksheet, select cell B3 and use the Freeze Panes option to freeze the rows and columns above and to the left of cell B3.

Select the Class StatisticsPersonal Trainers, and Physical Therapists worksheets and then change the color of the sheet tabs to Turquoise, Accent 3 (7th column, 1st row of the Theme Colors palette).

Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following pages. (The value in cell F10 generated by the Goal Seek analysis has intentionally been blurred out in Final Figure 3.) Save your changes, close the workbook, and then exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.

Final Figure 1: Monthly Revenue Chart Worksheet

Final Figure 2: Fall Attendance Chart Worksheet

Final Figure 3: Class Statistics Worksheet

Final Figure 4: Personal Trainers Worksheet

Final Figure 5: Physical Therapists Worksheet


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Excel Problem #9

New Perspectives Excel 2013| Tutorial 9: SAM Project 1a


New Perspectives Excel 2013

Tutorial 9: SAM Project 1a

Wayside Driving School



Project Goal

M Project Name

Project Goal



Emma Patterson is the owner of Wayside Driving School, and wants to expand operations into neighboring towns. To do so, she would need a loan to cover the costs of additional classroom space, vehicles, and instructors. Emma has asked you to create a detailed analysis of various expansion and financing options, complete with loan amortization and depreciation schedules. She also wants you to create a five-year sales forecast and income statement.


· Download the following file from the SAM website:

· NP_Excel2013_T9_P1a_FirstLastName_1.xlsx

· Open the file you just downloaded and save it with the name:

· NP_Excel2013_T9_P1a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx

· Hint: If you do not see the .xlsx file extension in the Save file dialog box, do not type it. Excel will add the file extension for you automatically.

· With the file NP_Excel2013_T9_P1a_FirstLastName_2.xlsx still open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation sheet. If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy from the SAM website.



Go to the Loan Analysis worksheet. In cell D12, use the PMT function to calculate the monthly payment for a loan using the inputs listed under the Add 1 Location loan scenario in cells D5D7, and D9 (Hint: The result will be displayed as a negative number to reflect the negative cash flow of a loan payment).

In cell E7, enter a formula using the RATE function to calculate the monthly interest rate for a loan using the inputs listed under the Add 2 Locations loan scenario in cells E9E12, and E5 (Hint: Assume the present value of the loan is the loan amount shown in cell E5).

In cell F5, enter a formula using the PV function to calculate the loan amount using the inputs listed under the Add 3 Locations loan scenario in cells F7, F9, and F12.

In cell G9, enter a formula using the NPER function to calculate how many months it would take to pay back a $1 million loan using inputs listed under the Expansion + BuyOut loan scenario in cells G7, G12, and G5.

Go to the Amortization worksheet. In cell C17, enter a formula using the CUMIPMT function to calculate the cumulative interest paid on the loan after the first year (payments 1 through 12) when the payments are made at the end of the period (Hint: Use 0 as the type argument in your formula). Use absolute references for the RATENPER, and PV arguments and relative references for the Start and End arguments. Copy the formula from cell C17 to the range D17:G17.

In cell H17, use the Error Checking command to identify the error in the cell, then correct the error (Hint: The formula in the cell should calculate the total the values in C17:G17 using the SUM function).

In cell C18, enter a formula using the CUMPRINC function to calculate the cumulative principal paid in the first year (payments 1 through 12) when the payments are made at the end of the period (Hint: Use 0 as the type argument in your formula). Use absolute references for the RATENPER, and PV arguments and relative references for the Start and End arguments. Copy the formula from cell C18 to the range D18:G18.

In cell E23, enter a formula that uses the PPMT function to determine the amount of loan payment number 1 devoted to the principal. Use absolute references for the RATENPER, and PV arguments and use cell A23 as the period argument (Hint: Remember that the period used in the formula is based on a monthly payment schedule). Copy the formula from cell E23 to range E24:E82.

In cell F23, enter a formula that uses the IPMT function to determine the amount of loan payment number 1 devoted to the interest. Use absolute references for the RATENPER, and PV arguments and use cell A23 as the period argument (Hint: Remember that the period used in the formula is based on a monthly payment schedule). Copy the formula from cell F23 to range F24:F82.

Go to the Depreciation worksheet. In cell C12, enter a formula that uses the SLN function to calculate the straight-line depreciation for the new vehicle fleet during the first year of service, with the value in cell D6 representing the expected life of the vehicle fleet. Use absolute references for the cost, salvage, and life arguments in the SLN formula. Copy the formula, without cell formatting, from cell C12 to the range D12:I12.

In cell C20, enter a formula that uses the DB function to calculate the declining balance depreciation for the new vehicle fleet during the first year of service, with the value in cell D6 representing the expected life of the vehicle fleet and the value in cell C19 as the current period. Use absolute references for the cost, salvage and life arguments in the DB formula and a relative reference for the period argument. Copy the formula from cell C20 to the range D20:I20.

Determine the error in cell D21 by using the Trace Precedent and Trace Dependent arrows. The formula in cell D21 should calculate the cumulative depreciation of the vehicle fleet by adding the Cumulative Depreciation value in year 1 to the Yearly Depreciation value in year 2. Correct the error in cell D21, copy the corrected formula in cell D21 to the range E21:I21, and then remove any arrows from the worksheet.

Go to the Income Statement worksheet. Project the revenues associated with the Classroom fees category for 2018-2020 (cells D5:F5) using a Growth Trend interpolation (Hint: Remember to select the range C5:G5 before filling this series with values).

Project the revenues associated with the Other category for 2018-2020 (cells D7:F7) using a Linear Trend interpolation (Hint: Remember to select the range C7:G7 before filling this series with values).

Project the expenses associated with the Payroll category for 2018-2021 (cells D11:G11) using a Growth trend extrapolation, using a step value of 1.07. (Hint: Remember that, when extrapolating values, the trend button in the Series Dialog Box should not be checked). Do not set a stop value for the series (Hint: Remember to select the range C11:G11 before filling this series with values).

Go to the Rate of Return worksheet and complete the following actions.

a. In cell E15, enter a formula that uses the NPV function to calculate the Present Value of the Add 1 Location investment, using the value in cell E14 as the desired rate of return and the range D7:D12 as the return paid to investors (Hint: If it appears, ignore the Formula Omits Adjacent Cell error warning).

b. In cell E16, enter a formula that calculates the Net Present Value by adding the Present Value of the Add 1 Location investment (calculated in cell E15) to the value of the initial investment (in cell D6).

In cell E17, enter a formula that uses the IRR function to calculate the internal rate of return of the Add 1 Location investment, using the range D6:D12 as the returns paid to the investors.

Your workbook should look like the Final Figures on the following pages. Save your changes, close the workbook, and exit Excel. Follow the directions on the SAM website to submit your completed project.



Final Figure 1: Loan Analysis Worksheet

Microsoft product screenshot reprinted with permission from Microsoft Incorporated. Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.



Final Figure 2: Amortization Worksheet

Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.


Final Figure 3: Depreciation Worksheet

Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.





Final Figure 4: Income Statement Worksheet

Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.





 Final Figure 5: Rate of Return Worksheet

Copyright © 2014 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved.


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Excel Homework



In this project, you will correct function mistakes and other formula errors in a workbook designed for planning a large party or event. Be sure to save your work often!

Skills needed to complete this project:

· Checking Formulas for Errors (Skill 3.18)

· Finding Errors Using Trace Precedents and Trace Dependents (Skill 3.19)

· Displaying and Printing Formulas (Skill 3.20)

· Creating Formulas Using Counting Functions (Skill 3.6)

· Finding Minimum and Maximum Values (Skill 3.4)

· Formatting Text Using Functions (Skill 3.7)

· Using CONCAT to Combine Text (Skill 3.8)

· Finding Data Using the VLOOKUP Function (Skill 3.17)

· Using the Function Arguments Dialog to Enter Functions (Skill 3.1)

· Using Formula AutoComplete to Enter Functions (Skill 3.2)

· Calculating Averages (Skill 3.3)

· Naming Ranges of Cells (Skill 3.11)

· Working with Named Ranges (Skill 3.12)

· Updating Named Ranges with the Name Manager (Skill 3.13)

· Editing and Deleting Names with the Name Manager (Skill 3.14)

· Using Date and Time Functions (Skill 3.5)

· Using the Logical Function IF (Skill 3.15)

· Creating Formulas Referencing Data from Other Worksheets (Skill 3.10)

· Calculating Loan Payments Using the PMT Function (Skill 3.16)

·  Open the start file EX2019-FixIt-3-6. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.

·  If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the workbook so you can modify the workbook.

· On the GuestList sheet, check all the formulas. Cells to check are filled with the light purple color. Most of them need to be corrected. Use error checking as needed and/or display the formulas on-screen for easy viewing.

·  In the Name Tag column, modify the formula to display the guest name in this format: BILL SMITH  Hint: There are multiple errors in this formula. Fix the formula in cell D10 and then copy it to the other cells in the column.

·  Correct the function used in cell A3 to calculate the sum of the values in the NumAttending column.

·  Correct the function used in cell A4 to count the number of values in the Street column.

·  Correct the function used in cell A5 to count the number of blank cells in the NumAttending column.

·  Correct the function used in cell A6 to display the largest value in the NumAttending column.

·  Correct the function used in cell A7 to display the average value in the NumAttending column.

· On the Shopping List sheet, check all the formulas. Cells to check are filled with the light purple color. Most of them need to be corrected. Many of the problems on this worksheet can be solved by creating named ranges or using a name that already exists.

·  The formula in cell B2 uses the wrong function.

·  The formulas in cells A9:A23 reference a named range that doesn’t exist. There is more than one correct way to fix this problem using the cell range A5:H18 on the Places to Shop worksheet. You can create the named range referenced in the formulas, or you can change the function arguments to reference the cell range instead.

·  The formula in cell H9 results in the correct value. However, the workbook author copied this formula to the remaining cells in the column and those values are definitely not correct! Fix the formula in cell H9 and copy it to cells H10:H23Hint: Notice that cell H8 is named Tax.

· If you’ve fixed the formulas in cells H9:H23 correctly, the formulas in cells I9:I23 and G5 should calculate properly now. However, the formulas in cells G2:G4 still have errors that need to be fixed. Hint: Use error checking as needed and/or display the formulas on-screen for easy viewing.

·  Correct the function used in cell G2 to average value of the Cost column.

·  Correct the function used in cell G3 to display the largest value in the Cost column.

·  Correct the function used in cell G4 to display the smallest value in the Cost column.

· On the Summary sheet, you will be entering all the formulas. Cells to complete are filled with the light purple color. Hint: Use error checking as needed and/or display the formulas on-screen for easy viewing.

·  Cell B2 should use a function that will update the date to the current date every time the workbook is opened.

·  Cell B4 references a named range that doesn’t exist. It should reference cell A4 on the Guest List sheet. You can create the named range or edit the formula to reference the cell instead.

·  Cell B5 references a named range that doesn’t exist. It should reference cell A3 on the Guest List sheet. You can create the named range or edit the formula to reference the cell instead.

·  Cell B8 is missing the formula to calculate whether or not the total Cost with tax on the Shopping List sheet + the total Cost for purchasing and mailing invitations on the Guest List sheet is greater than the available cash. The cell should display yes or no.

·  Add a formula to cell B9 to calculate the amount to borrow (total Cost with tax on the Shopping List sheet + the total Cost for purchasing and mailing invitations on the Guest List sheet – the cash available) if the value in cell B8 is yes. If the value in cell B8 is not yes, the cell should display 0.

·  Add a formula to cell B12 to calculate the monthly loan payment based on the information in cells B9:B11. Use a negative number for the Pv argument.

·  Save and close the workbook.

·  Upload and save your project file.

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Excel 2019 In Practice – Ch 7 Independent Project 7-6

The Hamilton Civic Center is developing a template for member exercise and off-site seminars. You create the template, set validation, enter formulas, and insert a combo box control. You then create a new workbook from the template.

[Student Learning Outcomes 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.6]

File Needed: HamiltonCC-07.xlsx (Available from the Start File link.)

Completed Project File Names: [your name]-HamiltonCC-07.xlsx

Skills Covered in This Project

  • Set data validation to use a list.
  • Set validation to restrict dates.
  • Create an error alert message.
  • Insert a combo box control.
  • Check accessibility and add alt text.
  • Protect a worksheet.
  1. Open the HamiltonCC-07 workbook and click the Enable Editing button. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name.
  2. Select cell D2 on the Data sheet and review the formula. The formula divides calories by time and rounds the results to three decimal places.ImagesFigure 7-69 Custom format for values
  3. Select cells D2:D10 and open the Format Cells dialog box.
  4. Select the Custom category on the Number tab and build a format to display three decimal places (Figure 7-69).
  5. Select cell D2 and click the Format Painter button [Home tab, Clipboard group]. Click the Calorie Tracking tab and paint the format to cells E3:E33.ImagesFigure 7-70 VLOOKUP formula
  6. Select cell E3 on the Calorie Tracking sheet. Start a VLOOKUP function to lookup the label in cell C3. For the array, use an absolute reference to cells A2:D10 on the Data sheet. The Col_index_num is 4 for the calories per minute column. Leave the Range_lookup argument empty; the array (A2:D10) is sorted in ascending order. The result of the VLOOKUP formula is calories per minute for the exercise (Figure 7-70).
  7. Edit the formula in cell E3 to multiply the results by the number of minutes in cell D3.
  8. Copy the formula in cell E3 to cells E4:E33. The #N/A error message displays in rows where no data displays.
  9. Select cells C3:C33 and set data validation to use the list of activity names on the Data sheet. Do not use an input message or an error alert.
  10. Select the Calorie Tracking sheet and delete the data in cells A3:D23.ImagesFigure 7-71 Data validation for dates
  11. Select cells B3:B33 and set data validation to use a Date that is less than or equal to TODAY (Figure 7-71). Include a Stop error alert with a title of Check Date and a message of Date must be today or in the past. including the period.
  12. Select cells A3:D33 and remove the Locked cell property. Select cell A3 to position the insertion point.
  13. Display the Developer tab on the Ribbon and click the Data worksheet tab.ImagesFigure 7-72 Combo box settings
  14. Draw a combo box control to cover cell F8 and open its Format Control dialog box. Select cells G8:G11 for the Input range and type f8 in the Cell link box (Figure 7-72).
  15. Deselect the control and then select Second from the control. The linked cell is under the control and hidden from view.
  16. Click the Hospital Seminars tab and select cell D4. This cell has Center Across Selection alignment applied.
  17. Select cell D4 and use CONCAT and INDEX to display the result from the combo box, concatenating the Index results to the word “Quarter.”
    1. Start a CONCAT function [Text group].
    2. Use the INDEX function with the first arguments list as the Text1 argument.ImagesFigure 7-73 INDEX is nested within CONCAT
    3. Choose cells G8:G11 on the Data sheet for the Array argument and cell F8 for the Row_num argument. You can select the combo box control or type f8 after the sheet name (Figure 7-73). When the array is one column, a Column_num argument is not necessary.
    4. Click between the two ending parentheses in the Formula bar to return to the CONCAT arguments and type a comma (,) to move to the Text2 argument. (If you accidentally click OK, click the Insert Function button to re-open the Function Arguments dialog box.)ImagesFigure 7-74 Space character is included with Text2 argument
    5. Click the Text2 box, press Spacebar, type Quarter, and click OK. (Figure 7-74).
    6. Format cell D4 as bold italic 16 pt.
  18. Select the Data sheet, select Third from the combo box control, and return to the Hospital Seminars sheet to see the results.
  19. Select cell D4 and cells D6:G10 on the Hospital Seminars sheet and remove the Locked property.
  20. Delete the contents of cells D6:G10 and select cell D6.
  21. Check accessibility and add the alternative text Hamilton Civic Center Logo to both pictures in the workbook.
  22. Select cell D6 on the Hospital Seminars sheet and cell A3 on the Calorie Tracking sheet.
  23. Protect the Hospital Seminars sheet and the Calorie Tracking sheet, both without passwords.
  24. Save and close the workbook (Figure 7-75).
  25. Upload and save your project file.
  26. Submit project for grading.
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Problems On Scientific Computing

Complete the following problems from the textbook. Show all your work. If you write code, include screenshots of your code and any test runs that you perform. •

5.15 – pretend this experiment is set up on the moon (where g = 1.625m/s2 ) instead of Earth •(page-142)

6.19 – write a computer program and use the Newton-Raphson method to answer this question •(page-174)

7.6 • (page-202)

7.8 • (page-202)

8.1 – use chlorine (a = 6.579, b = 0.5622) at 1atm and 291.5K • page-215

9.20 • page-277

10.19 • page-298

11.24 • page 318

11.25 • page- 318

11.26 • page- 318

12.20 . page-335

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Tableau Project – Car Insurance Claim Project

Dear Participants,

Today many big organizations are sitting on large chunks of data, not knowing what to do with it. They invite consultants & business analysts to have a look at data and come up with insights that could help the organization run their business better. There is no clear set of instructions in such open-ended problems and it is expected of the consultant to do a lot of exploration first and formulate the problems themselves. These DVT projects fall into the bucket of such open-ended problems and a specific problem statement has not been given intentionally. It is expected of students to explore the data and come up with good insights. There is no right and wrong answer here. There should a clear logical story which should come out of their submission.”

Please find below DVT Project instructions:

Note: Please upload the project on Tableau public and include the URL in a word doc and upload it.

  • Any assignment found copied/ plagiarized with another person will not be graded and marked as zero.
  • Please ensure timely submission as a post-deadline assignment will not be accepted.

Please find the instructions here.

To learn how to publish your tableau file, click here.

Please use the following  datasets- (Car Claim Insurance.xlsx)

Business Context 

We are all aware that accidents are prone everywhere due to negligent driving or climatic conditions. An insurance company always needs to be prepared to estimate the number of accidents and the claims that they can receive at a given point time. Also understanding the pattern of claims would help the companies to frame different types of policies for the users providing better benefits and at the same time increasing the premium to the company.

Problem Statement:

Consider that you are a Lead Data Analyst at an Insurance Claims company that has provided you with the Car Insurance Claims dataset. You have been given a task to explore the data, create different plots and interpret useful insights/findings. Your end goal here will be to create a storyboard that you have to present to the Senior Management and the story has to have an end objective and should follow a logical flow to display that you are heading towards achieving the end objective. This will help the Senior Management in taking some decisive actions on the current claims system in place. This storyboard will be an open-ended story for you to explore various different features in the data and try to showcase different plots. Make sure to have minimum clutter in the plots, follow a consistent color scheme across all the plots, and use proper colors to highlight a specific insight. Moreover, your plots on all the dashboards should be interactive and responsive. There should be 1 dashboard that should cover the summary of the story as well as your recommendations.

Important Note: Please reflect on all that you have learned while working on this project. This step is critical in cementing all your concepts and closing the loop. Please write down your thoughts here.


Program Office


Creation of multiple charts and tables for representing useful insights/findings. The charts used should be inline with the objective that you wish to convey to the Senior Management.

[Mandatory 8 types of charts/tables from any of the following: text table, bar chart(multiple/stacked/side by side), bubble chart, treemap, Pareto chart, scatterplot, Wordcloud, line plot, histogram, boxplot, circle views, heatmap, highlighted tables. No restrictions on the upper limit of the number of charts/tables to be used]  16 points

Creating a calculated field. The calculated field should add some meaningful value and should be inline with your storyboard which you will create in this project. (Specify where calculated field has been used)

2 points

Use of filters, parameter, actions, etc in the charts.

4 points

Minimal clutter and consistency in use of colors across charts.

5 points

Multiple Dashboards creation

At least 5 Dashboards 10 points

Correct interpretations/insights from each type of chart created. The interpretations should be inline with the storyboard which is to be created in this project.

These interpretations can be in the captions of the storyboard or in the plots as well 16 points

Interactivity among the charts on each Dashboard 5 points
Storyboard Creation

At least 1 Storyboard 15 points

Logical flow to the story represented in the storyboard. 5 Points
1 dashboard which will cover the summary and the recommendations from the insights to be added to the end of the storyboard

This dashboard will be an extra dashboard apart from the mandatory 5 dashboards mentioned in the 5th part of the rubric. At least 5 summary/recommendation points should be mentioned in this dashboard(at least 1 recommendation/summary point from each dashboard you created). 1 conclusion point of the story. This dashboard has to be a part of the storyboard created and not to be submitted separately. Note: This will not be evaluated if submitted as a separate dashboard/storyboard.

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Computer Science Queuing Model


If you want the formulas and any calculations, select the corresponding cell and press F2(Function Key on key board),
It will show all calculations and formulas Automatically
The Rockwell Electronics Corporation retains a service crew to repair machine breakdowns that occur on an average of 𝜆=3 per day (approximately Poisson in nature), the crew can service an average of µ = 8 machines per day, with a repair time distribution that resembles the exponential distribution.
(a) What is the utilization rate of this service system?
(b) What is the average downtime for a machine that is broken?
(c) How many machines are waiting to be serviced at any given time?
(d) What is the probability that more than one machine is in the system? Probability that more than
two are broken and waiting to be repaired or being serviced? More than three? More than four?
Arrival rate (λ) 3 Per day
Service rate (μ) 8 Per day
(a) What is the utilization rate of this service system?
Solution: computation of the following
Utilization rate(U)=λ/μ
server utilization (U) 37.50%
(b) What is the average downtime for a machine that is broken?
Solution: computation of the following
The average down time is the time that the machine waits to be serviced plus the time taken to repair the machine.
The average down time is given by W
W 0.2 Day
assuming 8 hrs/day 1.6 Hours
(c) How many machines are waiting to be serviced at any given time?
Solution: computation of the following
Lq 0.225 Machines
(d) What is the probability that more than one machine is in the system? Probability that more than two are broken and waiting to be repaired or being serviced? More than three? More than four?
Solution: computation of the following
Pn>1 0.141
Pn>2 0.053
Pn>3 0.020
Pn>4 0.007

Solution 2

If you want the formulas and any calculations, select the corresponding cell and press F2(Function Key on key board),
It will show all calculations and formulas Automatically
From historical data, Harry’s car wash estimates that dirty cars arrive at the rate of 10 per hour all day Saturday. With a crew working the wash line, Harry figures that cars can be cleaned at the rate of one every five minutes. One car at a time is cleaned in this example of single-server waiting line. Assuming Poisson arrivals and exponential service times, find the
A) average number of cars in line
B) average time a car waits before it is washed
C) average time a car spends in the service system
D) utilization rate of the car wash
E) probability that no cars are in the system
Arrival rate 10 cars Per hour
Service rate One car at every 5 minutes
Service rate 12 cars per hour
Number of servers (s) 1
Entering above values in the Excelmodules Queuing models—->M/M/s, we get following results:
A) average number of cars in line
Avg no of cars in line(Lq) 4.1666666667
B) average time a car waits before it is washed
Avg waiting time in queue(Wq) 0.4166666667 hours
Avg waiting time in queue(Wq) 25 Mins
C) average time a car spends in the service system
Avg time in service system(W) 0.5 hours
Avg time in service system(W) 30 Mins
D) utilization rate of the car wash
Average utilization of service system 0.8333333333 83.33 Percent
E) probability that no cars are in the system
Probability of no car in the system(P(0)) 0.1666666667

Solution_Excel modules

Harry’s car wash
Queuing Model M/M/s (Exponential Service Times)
Input Data Operating Characteristics
Arrival rate (l) 10 Average server utilization (r) 0.8333
Service rate (m) 12 Average number of customers in the queue (Lq) 4.1667
Number of servers (s) 1 Average number of customers in the system (L) 5.0000
Average waiting time in the queue (Wq) 0.4167
Average time in the system (W) 0.5000
Probability (% of time) system is empty (P0) 0.1667
Number of Units Probability Cumulative Probability
0 0.1667 0.1667
1 0.1389 0.3056
2 0.1157 0.4213
3 0.0965 0.5177
4 0.0804 0.5981
5 0.0670 0.6651
6 0.0558 0.7209
7 0.0465 0.7674
8 0.0388 0.8062
9 0.0323 0.8385
10 0.0269 0.8654
11 0.0224 0.8878
12 0.0187 0.9065
13 0.0156 0.9221
14 0.0130 0.9351
15 0.0108 0.9459
16 0.0090 0.9549
17 0.0075 0.9624
18 0.0063 0.9687
19 0.0052 0.9739
20 0.0043 0.9783
n or s (lam/mu)^n/n! Cumsum(n-1) term2 P0(s) Rho(s) Lq(s) L(s) Wq(s) W(S)
0 1
1 0.8333333333 1 5 0.1666666667 0.8333333333 4.1666666667 5 0.4166666667 0.5
2 0.3472222222 1.8333333333 0.5952380952 0.4117647059 0.4166666667 0.175070028 1.0084033613 0.0175070028 0.1008403361
3 0.0964506173 2.1805555556 0.1335470085 0.432132964 0.2777777778 0.0221961787 0.855529512 0.0022196179 0.0855529512
4 0.0200938786 2.2770061728 0.0253817414 0.4343316753 0.2083333333 0.0029010774 0.8362344108 0.0002901077 0.0836234411
5 0.0033489798 2.2971000514 0.0040187757 0.434571213 0.1666666667 0.0003492888 0.8336826222 0.0000349289 0.0833682622
6 0.0004651361 2.3004490312 0.000540158 0.4345956968 0.1388888889 0.000037863 0.8333711963 0.0000037863 0.0833371196
7 0.0000553733 2.3009141673 0.0000628562 0.4345979946 0.119047619 0.0000036915 0.8333370248 0.0000003692 0.0833337025
8 0.0000057681 2.3009695406 0.0000064388 0.4345981918 0.1041666667 0.0000003254 0.8333336587 0.0000000325 0.0833333659
9 0.0000005341 2.3009753087 0.0000005886 0.4345982073 0.0925925926 0.0000000261 0.8333333594 0.0000000026 0.0833333359
10 0.0000000445 2.3009758428 0.0000000486 0.4345982084 0.0833333333 0.0000000019 0.8333333353 0.0000000002 0.0833333335
11 0.0000000034 2.3009758873 0.0000000036 0.4345982085 0.0757575758 0.0000000001 0.8333333335 0 0.0833333333
12 0.0000000002 2.3009758906 0.0000000003 0.4345982085 0.0694444444 0 0.8333333333 0 0.0833333333
13 0 2.3009758909 0 0.4345982085 0.0641025641 0 0.8333333333 0 0.0833333333
14 0 2.3009758909 0 0.4345982085 0.0595238095 0 0.8333333333 0 0.0833333333
15 0 2.3009758909 0 0.4345982085 0.0555555556 0 0.8333333333 1.34352048387924E-16 0.0833333333
16 0 2.3009758909 0 0.4345982085 0.0520833333 6.51218686419213E-17 0.8333333333 6.51218686419213E-18 0.0833333333
17 1.26721499130873E-16 2.3009758909 1.33253535168546E-16 0.4345982085 0.0490196078 2.98514163203532E-18 0.8333333333 2.98514163203532E-19 0.0833333333
18 5.86673607087373E-18 2.3009758909 6.15152908402294E-18 0.4345982085 0.0462962963 1.29778811625998E-19 0.8333333333 1.29778811625998E-20 0.0833333333
19 2.57312985564637E-19 2.3009758909 2.69116333526318E-19 0.4345982085 0.0438596491 5.36502185461152E-21 0.8333333333 5.36502185461152E-22 0.0833333333
20 1.07213743985266E-20 2.3009758909 1.1187521111506E-20 0.4345982085 0.0416666667 2.11394636204157E-22 0.8333333333 2.11394636204157E-23 0.0833333333
21 4.25451365020895E-22 2.3009758909 4.43031999939114E-22 0.4345982085 0.0396825397 7.95623609441516E-24 0.8333333333 7.95623609441516E-25 0.0833333333
22 1.61155820083672E-23 2.3009758909 1.67500537409801E-23 0.4345982085 0.0378787879 2.86596194812096E-25 0.8333333333 2.86596194812096E-26 0.0833333333
23 5.83897898853885E-25 2.3009758909 6.05848947682979E-25 0.4345982085 0.0362318841 9.89852884544816E-27 0.8333333333 9.89852884544816E-28 0.0833333333
24 2.02742325990932E-26 2.3009758909 2.10035215415067E-26 0.4345982085 0.0347222222 3.28348663103548E-28 0.8333333333 3.28348663103548E-29 0.0833333333
25 6.75807753303108E-28 2.3009758909 6.9911146893425E-28 0.4345982085 0.0333333333 1.04769859291578E-29 0.8333333333 1.04769859291578E-30 0.0833333333
26 2.16605049135612E-29 2.3009758909 2.23777401755996E-29 0.4345982085 0.0320512821 3.22030655322929E-31 0.8333333333 3.22030655322929E-32 0.0833333333
27 6.68534102270406E-31 2.3009758909 6.89824997247171E-31 0.4345982085 0.0308641975 9.54766585945925E-33 0.8333333333 9.54766585945925E-34 0.0833333333
28 1.98968482818573E-32 2.3009758909 2.05071810512395E-32 0.4345982085 0.0297619048 2.73386016760705E-34 0.8333333333 2.73386016760705E-35 0.0833333333
29 5.71748513846475E-34 2.3009758909 5.88664150350809E-34 0.4345982085 0.0287356322 7.56900547795275E-36 0.8333333333 7.56900547795275E-37 0.0833333333
30 1.58819031624021E-35 2.3009758909 1.6335671824185E-35 0.4345982085 0.0277777778 2.02841534558582E-37 0.8333333333 2.02841534558582E-38 0.0833333333
1. Both l and m must be RATES, and use the same time unit. For example, given a service time such as 10 minutes per customer, convert it to a service rate such as 6 per hour. 2. The total service rate (rate x servers) must be greater than the arrival rate.
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Excel 365/2019 Capstone – Level 3 Working With Sales Data Alternate With VLOOKUP


Online Sales During Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale
Date Quantity Item State
7/30/19 13 Old Bay MD
7/30/19 9 Original Blend OH
7/30/19 28 Original Blend CA
7/30/19 9 Sea Salt and Caramel MO
7/30/19 21 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
7/30/19 9 Truffle VA
7/30/19 29 Truffle DC
7/30/19 20 Original Blend AL
7/30/19 17 Old Bay MD
7/30/19 20 Truffle DC
7/30/19 16 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
7/30/19 24 Original Blend NC
7/30/19 14 Original Blend VA
7/30/19 24 Old Bay NJ
7/30/19 9 Old Bay NJ
7/30/19 32 Sea Salt and Caramel NY
7/31/19 11 Old Bay ID
7/31/19 12 Sea Salt and Caramel OH
7/31/19 33 Truffle NY
7/31/19 28 Original Blend AL
7/31/19 17 Old Bay MD
7/31/19 31 Original Blend NC
7/31/19 30 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
7/31/19 21 Original Blend VA
7/31/19 21 Old Bay MD
7/31/19 9 Old Bay MD
7/31/19 9 Old Bay VA
7/31/19 27 Original Blend WV
7/31/19 13 Sea Salt and Caramel CA
7/31/19 11 Sea Salt and Caramel MO
7/31/19 16 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
7/31/19 34 Truffle NY
7/31/19 35 Truffle NY
7/31/19 28 Original Blend OH
8/1/19 26 Truffle NY
8/1/19 31 Old Bay MD
8/1/19 9 Old Bay DC
8/1/19 12 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
8/1/19 21 Sea Salt and Caramel AL
8/1/19 15 Sea Salt and Caramel NC
8/1/19 25 Original Blend AL
8/1/19 16 Original Blend DC
8/1/19 30 Original Blend NY
8/1/19 17 Original Blend WV
8/1/19 25 Original Blend OH
8/1/19 22 Truffle VA
8/1/19 13 Old Bay VA
8/1/19 16 Sea Salt and Caramel DC
8/1/19 17 Old Bay MD
8/1/19 11 Old Bay WV
8/1/19 20 Original Blend AL
8/1/19 10 Original Blend SC
8/1/19 16 Truffle SC
8/2/19 33 Original Blend OH
8/2/19 33 Original Blend NY
8/2/19 16 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
8/2/19 20 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
8/2/19 13 Old Bay NY
8/2/19 24 Truffle NY
8/2/19 22 Old Bay OH
8/2/19 10 Truffle DC
8/2/19 16 Old Bay CA
8/3/19 25 Original Blend AL
8/3/19 24 Original Blend MS
8/3/19 34 Sea Salt and Caramel OH
8/3/19 11 Old Bay CA
8/3/19 34 Old Bay DC
8/3/19 22 Original Blend CA
8/3/19 29 Truffle VA
8/3/19 29 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
8/3/19 23 Sea Salt and Caramel WV
8/4/19 28 Old Bay MD
8/4/19 31 Old Bay DC
8/4/19 34 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
8/4/19 21 Sea Salt and Caramel NY
8/4/19 21 Original Blend MD
8/4/19 33 Original Blend AL
8/4/19 14 Truffle VA
8/4/19 12 Old Bay MD
8/4/19 32 Old Bay MD
8/4/19 20 Old Bay VA
8/4/19 9 Truffle NY
8/4/19 24 Original Blend OH
8/4/19 31 Sea Salt and Caramel CA
8/4/19 18 Original Blend CA
8/4/19 21 Truffle CA
8/4/19 35 Old Bay MD
8/4/19 26 Original Blend MD
8/4/19 16 Old Bay VA
8/4/19 32 Original Blend VA
8/4/19 32 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
8/4/19 22 Original Blend NC
8/4/19 14 Original Blend WV
8/4/19 23 Old Bay WV
8/4/19 16 Truffle OH
8/5/19 12 Old Bay MD
8/5/19 28 Truffle OH
8/5/19 21 Original Blend CA
8/5/19 10 Original Blend MD
8/5/19 17 Sea Salt and Caramel VA
8/5/19 24 Truffle MD
8/5/19 30 Truffle VA
8/5/19 31 Sea Salt and Caramel AL
8/5/19 13 Old Bay MD
8/5/19 34 Old Bay WV
8/5/19 11 Original Blend WV
8/5/19 24 Truffle CA
8/5/19 9 Truffle CA
8/5/19 14 Truffle MO
8/5/19 16 Original Blend WV
8/5/19 29 Sea Salt and Caramel DC
8/5/19 32 Old Bay DC
8/5/19 15 Sea Salt and Caramel MD
8/5/19 28 Sea Salt and Caramel VA
8/5/19 18 Truffle AL
8/5/19 35 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
8/5/19 9 Old Bay NC


Online Sales During Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale
Date Quantity Item State
7/30/18 21 Old Bay MD
7/30/18 16 Original Blend OH
7/30/18 25 Original Blend CA
7/30/18 19 Sea Salt and Caramel MO
7/30/18 14 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
7/30/18 21 Truffle VA
7/30/18 5 Truffle DC
7/30/18 11 Original Blend AL
7/30/18 23 Old Bay MD
7/30/18 13 Truffle DC
7/30/18 10 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
7/30/18 11 Original Blend NC
7/30/18 6 Original Blend VA
7/30/18 18 Old Bay NJ
7/30/18 18 Old Bay NJ
7/30/18 20 Sea Salt and Caramel NY
7/31/18 18 Old Bay ID
7/31/18 24 Sea Salt and Caramel OH
7/31/18 11 Truffle NY
7/31/18 16 Original Blend AL
7/31/18 14 Old Bay MD
7/31/18 20 Original Blend NC
7/31/18 14 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
7/31/18 9 Original Blend VA
7/31/18 19 Old Bay MD
7/31/18 25 Old Bay MD
7/31/18 20 Old Bay VA
7/31/18 15 Original Blend WV
7/31/18 5 Sea Salt and Caramel CA
7/31/18 7 Sea Salt and Caramel MO
7/31/18 7 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
7/31/18 12 Truffle NY
7/31/18 11 Truffle NY
7/31/18 6 Original Blend OH
8/1/18 5 Truffle NY
8/1/18 12 Old Bay MD
8/1/18 8 Old Bay DC
8/1/18 20 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
8/1/18 13 Sea Salt and Caramel AL
8/1/18 23 Sea Salt and Caramel NC
8/1/18 12 Original Blend AL
8/1/18 9 Original Blend DC
8/1/18 20 Original Blend NY
8/1/18 7 Original Blend WV
8/1/18 21 Original Blend OH
8/1/18 16 Truffle VA
8/1/18 14 Old Bay VA
8/1/18 24 Sea Salt and Caramel DC
8/1/18 23 Old Bay MD
8/1/18 17 Old Bay WV
8/1/18 11 Original Blend AL
8/1/18 25 Original Blend SC
8/1/18 6 Truffle SC
8/2/18 19 Original Blend OH
8/2/18 22 Original Blend NY
8/2/18 25 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
8/2/18 13 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
8/2/18 22 Old Bay NY
8/2/18 18 Truffle NY
8/2/18 14 Old Bay OH
8/2/18 5 Truffle DC
8/2/18 5 Old Bay CA
8/3/18 10 Original Blend AL
8/3/18 12 Original Blend MS
8/3/18 11 Sea Salt and Caramel OH
8/3/18 22 Old Bay CA
8/3/18 11 Old Bay DC
8/3/18 18 Original Blend CA
8/3/18 22 Truffle VA
8/3/18 13 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
8/3/18 21 Sea Salt and Caramel WV
8/4/18 5 Old Bay MD
8/4/18 5 Old Bay DC
8/4/18 14 Sea Salt and Caramel NJ
8/4/18 11 Sea Salt and Caramel NY
8/4/18 15 Original Blend MD
8/4/18 6 Original Blend AL
8/4/18 17 Truffle VA
8/4/18 20 Old Bay MD
8/4/18 7 Old Bay MD
8/4/18 17 Old Bay VA
8/4/18 19 Truffle NY
8/4/18 6 Original Blend OH
8/4/18 13 Sea Salt and Caramel CA
8/4/18 17 Original Blend CA
8/4/18 22 Truffle CA
8/4/18 18 Old Bay MD
8/4/18 17 Original Blend MD
8/4/18 12 Old Bay VA
8/4/18 13 Original Blend VA
8/4/18 21 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
8/4/18 6 Original Blend NC
8/4/18 24 Original Blend WV
8/4/18 17 Old Bay WV
8/4/18 18 Truffle OH
8/5/18 19 Old Bay MD
8/5/18 16 Truffle OH
8/5/18 17 Original Blend CA
8/5/18 10 Original Blend MD
8/5/18 16 Sea Salt and Caramel VA
8/5/18 22 Truffle MD
8/5/18 16 Truffle VA
8/5/18 23 Sea Salt and Caramel AL
8/5/18 12 Old Bay MD
8/5/18 21 Old Bay WV
8/5/18 8 Original Blend WV
8/5/18 22 Truffle CA
8/5/18 7 Truffle CA
8/5/18 19 Truffle MO
8/5/18 24 Original Blend WV
8/5/18 12 Sea Salt and Caramel DC
8/5/18 22 Old Bay DC
8/5/18 17 Sea Salt and Caramel MD
8/5/18 7 Sea Salt and Caramel VA
8/5/18 13 Truffle AL
8/5/18 22 Sea Salt and Caramel MS
8/5/18 21 Old Bay NC


Date Old Bay Black Truffle Sea Salt and Caramel Daily Total (# sold) Daily Total ($) Sales Goal Met? with Price Increase Current price per box: $6
1-Aug 239 83 209 531 $ 3,186 Daily sales goal: $1,500
2-Aug 225 185 77 487 $ 2,922 Average daily sales:
3-Aug 45 165 156 366 $ 2,196 Lowest daily sales:
4-Aug 240 93 177 510 $ 3,060 Highest daily sales:
5-Aug 195 215 110 520 $ 3,120
6-Aug 25 133 251 409 $ 2,454 Average sales with price increase $ 2,762
7-Aug 126 53 196 375 $ 2,250 New price per box: $6
8-Aug 263 141 37 441 $ 2,646
9-Aug 26 174 204 404 $ 2,424 Lookup date:
10-Aug 29 62 29 120 $ 720 Sales goal met?
11-Aug 210 238 98 546 $ 3,276
12-Aug 269 70 273 612 $ 3,672
13-Aug 150 86 224 460 $ 2,760
14-Aug 70 189 55 314 $ 1,884
15-Aug 221 182 240 643 $ 3,858
16-Aug 30 43 206 279 $ 1,674
17-Aug 53 143 259 455 $ 2,730
18-Aug 274 169 27 470 $ 2,820
19-Aug 166 121 101 388 $ 2,328
20-Aug 211 66 69 346 $ 2,076
21-Aug 114 240 72 426 $ 2,556
22-Aug 81 132 267 480 $ 2,880
23-Aug 273 241 194 708 $ 4,248
24-Aug 266 233 42 541 $ 3,246
25-Aug 168 237 273 678 $ 4,068
26-Aug 54 265 255 574 $ 3,444
27-Aug 165 85 189 439 $ 2,634
28-Aug 274 38 55 367 $ 2,202
29-Aug 25 222 188 435 $ 2,610
30-Aug 121 119 245 485 $ 2,910
31-Aug 114 91 257 462 $ 2,772


Date Old Bay Black Truffle Sea Salt and Caramel Daily Total (# sold)
8/1/18 42 115 92 249
8/2/18 42 42 117 201
8/3/18 105 124 64 293
8/4/18 141 83 76 300
8/5/18 137 73 109 319
8/6/18 68 44 60 172
8/7/18 82 58 145 285
8/8/18 125 96 92 313
8/9/18 20 26 39 85
8/10/18 67 38 21 126
8/11/18 121 124 132 377
8/12/18 140 76 25 241
8/13/18 147 77 77 301
8/14/18 86 128 59 273
8/15/18 50 122 96 268
8/16/18 80 92 139 311
8/17/18 41 69 59 169
8/18/18 26 38 125 189
8/19/18 93 41 133 267
8/20/18 84 144 146 374
8/21/18 25 124 145 294
8/22/18 107 60 142 309
8/23/18 116 115 128 359
8/24/18 46 129 145 320
8/25/18 44 112 99 255
8/26/18 112 96 31 239
8/27/18 73 102 97 272
8/28/18 100 89 109 298
8/29/18 55 30 75 160
8/30/18 137 117 97 351
8/31/18 125 39 80 244
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Homework Assignmet

These instructions are compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Mac operating systems.

San Diego Sailing keeps data about its fleet of rental and charter boats. One of the sheets is missing a piece of data and another sheet has circular reference errors. You will complete work on these sheets, calculate projected rates for each boat, and build basic statistics about past rentals.

[Student Learning Outcomes 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7]

File Needed: SanDiegoSailing-02.xlsx (Available from the Start File link.)

Completed Project File Name: [your name]-SanDiegoSailing-02.xlsx

Skills Covered in This Project

  • Create and copy formulas.
  • Use formula auditing tools.
  • Set mathematical order of operations.
  • Use relative, mixed, and 3D cell references.
  • Use COUNTIF and SUMIF functions.
  • Build an IF formula.
  • Insert the TODAY function.

NOTE: If group titles are not visible on your Ribbon in Excel for Mac, click the Excel menu and select Preferences to open the Excel Preferences dialog box. Click the View button and check the Group Titles check box under In Ribbon, Show. Close the Excel Preferences dialog box.

  1. Open the SanDiegoSailing-02.xlsx workbook.
  2. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button so you can modify it.
  3. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.
  4. Review a formula.
    1. Click the New Prices sheet tab and review the Formula bar.
    2. Click cell D5. The formula begins with 1+D4.
  5. Edit and copy a formula with mixed references.
    1. Edit the formula in cell D5 to show D$4 instead of “D4.” The formula should multiply one plus the percentage value in cell D4 by the current rate on the Fleet sheet ($H5). With an absolute reference to row 4 and column H on the Fleet sheet, you can copy the formula down the column (Figure 2-105).The formula is =(1+D$4)*Fleet!$H5Figure 2-105 Mixed reference in the edited formula
    2. Copy the formula in cell D5 to cells D6:D19 without formatting to preserve the border.
    3. Select cells D5:D19 and drag the Fill pointer to copy the formulas to cells E5:E19.
    4. Click cell E6. The formula is adjusted to use the percentage value in cell E4 in place of cell D4. Note also that the reference on the Fleet sheet ($H6) is adjusted to show the correct row.
  6. Build a formula with mixed references.
    1. Click cell F5 and type =(1+ to start the formula.
    2. Select cell F4 and make it an absolute reference to the row but not the column.
    3. Type )* for the closing parenthesis and multiplication.
    4. Click cell I5 on the Fleet sheet, and make the reference absolute for the column but not the row (Figure 2-106).The formula is =(1+F$4)*Fleet!$I5Figure 2-106 Mixed references in the new formula
    5. Copy the formula down column F without formatting to preserve the border.
    6. Format cells F5:F19 as Currency and then copy cells F5:F19 to cells G5:G19.
  7. Build an IF function formula.
    1. Click the Fleet sheet tab and select cell G5. Rental boats with a stove in the galley must seat 8 or more people.
    2. Create an IF function in which the logical_test argument determines if there are 8 or more seats.
    3. Use Yes for the value_if_true argument. Use No for the value_if_false argument. (If you type the formula, enclose the text arguments within quotation marks.)
    4. Copy the formula to cells G6:G19 without formatting and then center the data in column G.
  8. Insert the TODAY function in cell B21. Format the date to show the month spelled out, the date, and four digits for the year (January 1, 2020).
  9. Create a division formula.
    1. Click the Bookings sheet tab and select cell F5. Calculate average revenue per passenger by dividing the fee by the number of passengers.
    2. Build the division formula.
    3. Copy the formula in cell F5 to cells F6:F19.
  10. Create and copy a COUNTIF function to count bookings by boat manufacturer.
    1. Select cell D27.
    2. Start the COUNTIF function from the Statistical category by clicking the More Functions button in the Function Library group.
    3. Use cells $C$5:$C$19 as the Range argument.
    4. Set a Criteria argument that will select all boats in the “Beneteau” group. The criteria is ben*. If you type the formula, include quotation marks.
    5. Copy the formula in cell D27 to cells D28:D30.
    6. Edit the criteria in each copied formula in cells D28:D30 to reflect the boat make.
  11. Create and copy a SUMIF function to calculate total revenue by boat make.
    1. Select cell E27.
    2. Start the SUMIF function with cells $C$5:$C$19 as the Range.
    3. Set the Criteria argument to ben*.
    4. Set the Sum_range argument to cells $E$5:$E$19.
    5. Copy the formula in cell E27 to cells E28:E30.
    6. Edit the criteria in each copied formula in cells E28:E30 as needed.
  12. Complete formatting.
    1. Apply the Currency format to all values that represent money.
    2. Format the labels in cells A1:A2 as 18 point.
    3. Select cells A1:F2 and click the Alignment launcher [Home tab, Alignment group]. Center the labels across the selection.
    4. Merge and center the label in cell C25 over cells C25:E25 and format it at 16 points.
    5. Bold and center the labels in rows 4 and 26.
    6. Select cells A4:F19 and apply All Borders. Do the same for cells C25:E30.
    7. Center the page horizontally.
  13. Save and close the workbook (Figure 2-107).Excel 2-5 completedFigure 2-107 Excel 2-5 completed
  14. Upload and save your project file.
  15. Submit project for grading.
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BRD Document

Project Name Version: <x.y>
Business Requirements Document Date:


Project Name

Business Requirements Document

Version <x.y>




Company Logo



Revision History

Date Version Description Author
Dd/mm/yyyy <0.1> First Draft Name
Dd mm yyyy 0.2 2.2 UML Diagrm updates  
  1.0 Client signed off on 23 Jan 2020  
  1.1 7.1 Added Email standatrd templates

5.3 New user story abt Regulatory req ia added

  2.0 Approval from client taken on mail  


Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4

1.1 References 4

1.2 Business Requirements Index 4

2. Gap Analysis 4

2.1 As-Is Process 4

2.2 To-Be Process 4

2.3 Strategy or project approach to be followed 4

3. Product Overview 4

3.1 Solution Scope 4

3.2 Assumptions and Dependencies 5

4. Requirements (Detailed) 5

5. Non-Functional Requirements 6

Business Requirements Document


The purpose of this document is to collect, analyze, and define high-level needs and features of the AP Exception Handling project. It focuses on the capabilities needed by the stakeholders and the target users, and why these needs exist. The details of how the AP Exception Handlingproject fulfills these needs are detailed in the use-case and software requirements specifications.


Type Name Source
Non-artifact resource    
Non-artifact resource    


Business Requirements Index

ID Short Description
BR001 User story title
BR009 Min 9

Gap Analysis

As-Is Process


Detail about as-is process and current shortcoming or what is reason to have this project.

As-is process flow

To-Be Process

To be process and complete UML diagram or process flow or process modeling diagram. This is very important


Strategy or project approach to be followed



Product Overview

Solution Scope

Scope of Project

Ideally, this will be represented as a set of high-level bullet points that correspond to high level requirements.

Each bullet Requirement here will or should have a corresponding set of detailed Requirements elsewhere within or outside the document.

As the name implies, Out of Scope sub-section explains what NOT will be delivered by this project, and (usually) why. This is important to manage expectations of your stakeholders (assumptions about scope are, as you will be aware, a major source of heartburn during implementation sign-off).

On Agile projects, high level requirements usually correspond to Epics and the big User stories that make up these epics.

For most non-project stakeholders, the Overview and Scope sections provide sufficient information about the project, so it is important to be both concise and precise at the same time.


Assumptions and Dependencies

Type Description
Risks & Constraints  


Requirements (Detailed)

ID Requirement      
BR001 Write User Story, details and acceptance criterion

Document the requirements that your Business Sponsor or Product Owner need to be delivered by this project/initiative. Requirements can be classified under several headers – the internet provides a variety of responses for the search string ‘types of requirements. What we need is a standard format that you can use to document all requirements.


A cookie cutter format for documenting requirements would be:

· Index – can start from 1, 2, 3… for high level requirements and go on to 5.1, 5.2, 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and so on for lower level requirements. You can apply such numbering conventions to Agile user stories

· Title Description – brief description of the high-level requirement.

· Detailed Description – self-explanatory. User stories in the form of ‘As a customer, I can… so that…’ fit here.

· Owner – usually the Business Sponsor or the Product Owner. Can also be stakeholders like IT, Marketing, Legal, Compliance etc. depending on the requirement.

· Priority – High, Medium, Low (or a variation of this)or number 1 to 9. 1 means most imp


Non-Functional Requirements

Usually,  Non Functional Requirements  (NFRs) find their own section in a Requirements Document template. If you are familiar with this topic, you’ve heard about Performance, Reliability, Scalability, Maintainability etc.

Why do they have their own sections? This is because NFRs are often stated in measurable terms, and hence need to be stated differently to other requirements.

For example: when a customer logs on to the mobile app, logon should complete and dashboard should load in less than 2 seconds; the system should never go offline, except for scheduled maintenance periods, etc.



Confidential , 2020 Page 4
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