Solved Exp19_Excel_Ch07_HOEAssessment_Employees Assignment Help

Solved Exp19_Excel_Ch07_HOEAssessment_Employees Assignment Help


Project Description:

You work for a clothing distributor that has locations in Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. You will use date and logical functions to complete the main employee data set, use database functions to calculate key summary statistics and create a map, and use financial functions to complete a loan amortization table.


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch07_HOEAssessment_Employees.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.


The 1-Data worksheet contains   employee data. You will insert several functions to complete this worksheet.   Column C contains the actual hire dates for the employees. You want to   extract only the year in column G.
In cell G9, insert the appropriate date function to extract the year from the   date in cell C9. Copy the function from cell G9 to the range G10:G33.


Next, you want to determine how   many years each employee has worked for the company.
In cell H9, insert the YEARFRAC function to calculate the years between the   hire date and the last day of the year contained in cell G2. Use a mixed   reference to cell G2. Copy the function from cell H9 to the range H10:H33.


You want to determine what day   of the week each employee was hired.
In cell I9, insert the WEEKDAY function to display the day of the week the   first employee was hired. Use 2 as the return_type. Copy the function from   cell I9 to the range I10:I33.


The value returned in cell I9 is   a whole number. You want to display the weekday equivalent.
In cell J9, insert a VLOOKUP function to look up the value stored in cell I9,   compare it to the array in the range H2:I6, and return the day of the week.   Use mixed references to the table array. Copy the function from cell J9 to   the range J10:J33.


Column D contains the city each   employee works in. You want to display the state.
In cell F9, insert the SWITCH function to switch the city stored in cell D9   with the respective state contained in the range C2:C4. Switch Des Moines for Iowa, St. Paul for Minnesota, and Milwaukee for Wisconsin. Use mixed   references to cells C2, C3, and C4. Copy the function from cell F9 to the   range F10:F33.


Your next task is to calculate   the bonus for the first employee. If the employee was hired before 1/1/2010,   the employee’s salary is multiplied by 3%. If the employee was hired before   1/1/2015, the employee’s salary is multiplied by 2%. If the employee was   hired before 1/1/2020, the employee’s salary is multiplied by 1%.
In cell K9, insert the IFS function to create the three logical tests to   calculate the appropriate bonus. Use mixed references to cells within the   range K2:L4. Copy the function from cell K9 to the range K10:K33.


Top management decided to ensure   all representatives’ salaries are at least $62,000 (cell G2).
In cell L9, nest an AND function within an IF function. If the job title is Representative   and the salary   is less than the minimum representative salary, calculate the difference   between the minimum representative salary and the actual salary. If not,   return zero. Use a mixed reference to cell G3. Copy the function from cell L9   to the range L10:L33.


The 2-Summary worksheet contains   data to insert conditional math and statistical functions to provide summary   data. First, you want to count the number of employees in each state.
Click the 2-Summary worksheet. In cell J3, insert the COUNTIF function to   count the number of employees in Iowa, using the state abbreviation column   and the state abbreviation in cell I3. Use mixed references for the range and   cell to keep the row numbers the same. Copy the function from cell J3 to the   range J4:J5.


Next, you want to calculate the   total payroll for each state.
In cell K3, insert the SUMIF function to total the salaries for employees who   work in Iowa, using the state abbreviation column and the state abbreviation   in cell I3. Use mixed references for the ranges and cell to keep the row   numbers the same. Copy the function from cell K3 to the range K4:K5.


Next, you want to calculate the   average salary for executives and the average salary for representatives.
In cell J8, insert the AVERAGEIF function to calculate the average salary for   executives. Use mixed references to the range and for the cell containing   Executives. Copy the function to cell J9.


You want to identify the number   of representatives hired before 1/1/2015.
In cell J12, insert the COUNTIFS function to count the number of   representatives who were hired before 1/1/2015. Use ranges for the criteria   ranges and the reference to cell H9 that contains Representatives. Enter the   date condition directly in the criteria box.


In cell J13, insert the SUMIFS   function to calculate the total salaries for representatives hired before   1/1/2015. Use ranges for the criteria ranges and the reference to cell H9   that contains Representatives. Enter the date condition directly in the   criteria box. Use mixed references to the ranges and cell reference so that   you can copy the function in the next step.


Copy the function from cell J13   to the range J14:J16. Edit the function in cell J14 to calculate averages.


Edit the function in cell J15 to   calculate the lowest salary.


Edit the function in cell J16 to   calculate the highest salary.


Insert a map to display total   salaries by states.
Select the ranges I2:I5 and K2:K5 and insert a filled map. Change the chart   title to Payroll by State. Cut the chart and paste it in cell M1.


The 3-Finance worksheet contains   inputs for a loan.
In cell F2, insert the PV function to calculate the loan. Use cell references   in the Input Area and Basic Output Area.


You are ready to insert formulas   and functions in the loan amortization table.
In cell C7, enter a reference to the Payment that is stored in cell D2. Use   mixed reference so that the row number does not change. Copy the formula from   cell C7 to the range C8:C42.


The next column is designed to   display the interest portion of each payment.
In cell D7, insert the IPMT function to calculate the interest for the first   payment. Use mixed references for cells in the Basic Output Area and make   sure the result is a positive value. Copy the function from cell D7 to the   range D8:D42.


Next, you are ready to calculate   the portion of the monthly payment that goes toward the principal.
In cell E7, insert the PPMT function to calculate the principal portion of   the first payment. Use mixed references for cells in the Basic Output Area   and make sure the result is a positive value. Copy the function from cell E7   to the range E8:E42.


Now you are ready to calculate   the balance of the loan after each payment.
In cell F7, enter a formula to calculate the ending balance after subtracting   the Principal Repayment from the Beginning Balance. Copy the formula from   cell F7 to the range F8:F42.
In cell B8, enter a formula that refers to the ending balance for the   previous month in cell F7. Copy the relative formula to the range B9:B42.


Now you want to calculate the   cumulative interest after each payment.
In cell H7, insert the CUMIPMT function. Use mixed references for cells in   the Basic Output Area and the Start_period argument. Make sure the result is   a positive value. Copy the function from cell H7 to the range H8:H42.


Finally, you want to calculate   the cumulative principal after each payment.
In cell I7, insert the CUMPRINC function. Use mixed references for cells in   the Basic Output Area and the Start_period argument. Make sure the result is   a positive value. Copy the function from cell I7 to the range I8:I42.


Insert a footer on all three   sheets with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the middle,   and the file name code on the right side.


Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch07_HOEAssessment_Employoees.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

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Grader – Instructions Excel 2019 Project



Project Description:

You are the digital marketing director for High West Fashions, a regional clothing company that specializes in custom t-shirts. Your company has decided to launch an online advertising campaign that gives customers the ability to purchase heavily discounted products. You have the task of determining the optimal amount of advertising to purchase in order to maximize profit and most effectively utilize resources.


Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Start Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch06_Cap_DirectMarketing.xlsx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. 0
2 On the Direct Marketing worksheet, create appropriate range names for Design_Fee (cell B8), Cost_Per_Ad (cell B9), Total_Clicks (cell B10), Profit_Per_Click (B11), and Gross_Profit (cell B12). 5
3 Edit the existing name range Design_Fee to Design_Fee2021 to reflect the current year. 4
4 Use the newly created range names to create a formula to calculate Gross Profit (cell B12) and Net Profit (cell B13). 6
5 Create a new worksheet named Range Names, paste the newly created range name information in cell A1, and resize the columns as needed for proper display. Mac users, use the Insert menu to insert a new worksheet and paste the range names. 5
6 On the Direct Marketing worksheet, use Goal Seek to determine the optimal click rate in order to earn a $5,000 net profit. 6
7 Starting in cell E4. Complete the series of substitution values ranging from 2% to 6.5% at increments of .50% vertically down column E. 5
8 Enter references to the Gross Profit and Net Profit in the correct location for a one-variable data table. 3
9 Complete the one-variable data table, and then format the results with Accounting Number Format with two decimal places. 6
10 Apply custom number formats to display Gross Profit in cell F3 and Net Profit in cell G3. 4
11 Copy the response rate substitution values from the one-variable data table, and then paste the values starting in cell I4. 4
12 Type 10000 in cell J3. Complete the series of substitution values from 10000 to 40000 at 5000 increments. 3
13 Enter the reference to net profit formula in the correct location for a two-variable data table. 4
14 Complete the two-variable data table and format the results with Accounting Number Format with two decimal places. 7
15 Apply a custom number format to make the formula reference appear as Net Profit. 3
16 Make the Direct Marketing 2 worksheet active. Create a scenario named Best Case, using Number of Ads and Click Rate. Enter these values for the scenario: 40000, and 6.5%. 4
17 Create a second scenario named Worst Case, using the same changing cells. Enter these values for the scenario: 10000, and 1%. 4
18 Create a third scenario named Most Likely, using the same changing cells. Enter these values for the scenario: 10000, and 6.83%. 4
19 Generate a scenario summary report using Gross Profit and Net Income. 4
20 Return to the Direct Marketing 2 worksheet. Load the Solver add-in if it is not already loaded. Launch Solver and set the objective to calculate a net profit of $20,000. 4
21 Use Number of Ads and Click Rate (B4:B5) as changing variable cells. 4
22 Set a constraint to ensure Number of Ads purchased is less than or equal to 40,000. 2
23 Set a constraint to ensure Click Rate is less than or equal to 7%. (Mac users should enter the value in decimal form. Example .07) 2
24 Solve the problem. Generate the Answer Report. 3
25 Create a footer on all worksheets with your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file name code on the right side. 4
26 Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch06_CAP_DirectMarketing.xlsx. Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed. 0
Total Points 100


Created On: 04/09/2021 1 Exp19_Excel_Ch06_Cap – High West Fashions 1.6

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Project Description:

Your friends, Elijah and Valerie Foglesong, want to build their dream house. They identified tentative costs, but they cannot afford the $414,717 estimated cost. You will use Goal Seek to determine an estimate of the total finished square footage they can afford. To help provide more flexibility in their decision-making, you will create a data table listing various finished square footages and their effects on the base house cost and total cost. Finally, you will create another data table showing combinations of square footages and lot prices to identify total costs.


Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch06_ML1_HW-Housing   Cost.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename.


Assign the range names B9 (Base), B15 (Interior), B21 (Exterior), B23 (Lot).


Enter a formula in cell B25 to   calculate the total estimated cost. The total estimated cost is the sum of   the base house price (B9), total interior upgrades (B15), total exterior   upgrades (B21), and lot fee (B23). Be sure to use range names in the formula.


Use Goal Seek to determine the   total finished square footage(B7) to meet the total cost goal of $350,000.


Enter a series of total square   footage ranging from 1,800 to 3,600 in increments of 200 in the range D6:D15. Apply Blue font and Comma Style with   zero decimal places to the series.


Enter a reference to the base   house price in cell E5 and a reference to the total estimated cost in cell   F5.


Complete the single variable   data table in the range D5:F15. Be sure to use total square footage as the   column input. Apply Custom number formats to give appropriate descriptions to   the second and third columns. Apply these formats to the headings: bold,   center, and Blue font color.


Identify the square footage,   base price, and total cost in the data table that comes closest to their   goal. Apply Yellow fill color to those cells.


Copy the square footage   substitution values, range D6:D15 to the range H6:H15 and remove the fill   color. Enter these lot price substitution values in the range I5:K5: 9000096000, and 102675. Format these values with Accounting Number Format with zero   decimal places and Blue font color.


Enter the reference to the total   estimated cost in the appropriate location for the second data table. Apply a   custom number format to display Total Sq Ft in that cell. Apply Blue font and bold to that   cell.


Complete the two-variable data   table using total square footage as the Column Input and lot price as the Row   Input. Apply a Custom number format to the reference to the formula cell.   Apply Yellow fill color to the total price in each column that comes closest   to their goal.


Format results in both tables   with Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places.


Create a scenario named Ideal Costs, using Base price per square   foot and Lot fee (use cell references). Enter these values for the scenario: 80102,675.


Create a scenario named Increased   Costs, using   Base price per square foot and Lot fee (use cell references). Enter these   values for the scenario: 100110,000.


Create a scenario named Low Costs, using Base price per square   foot and Lot fee (use cell references). Enter these values for the scenario: 6080,000.


Generate a scenario summary   report using the cell references for Price per square foot and Lot Fee. Add   the appropriate formatting to the newly created report


Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch06_ML1_HW-Housing Cost.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

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Grader – Instructions Excel 2019 Project



Project Description:

In this project, you will work with multiple worksheets and enter formulas and functions to calculate totals, averages, maximum values, and minimum values. Additionally, you will create a summary sheet, format cells, insert charts, insert sparklines, and create a table in a workbook.


Steps to Perform:

Step Instructions Points Possible
1 Open the Excel file named Student_Excel_Intro_Cap2_Annual_Report.xlsx downloaded with this project. 0
2 On the Net Sales worksheet, calculate totals in the ranges F4:F8 and B9:F9. Apply the Total cell style to the range B9:F9. 5
3 Using absolute cell references as necessary, in cell G4, construct a formula to calculate the percent that the Texas Total is of Total Sales, and then apply Percent Style. Fill the formula down through the range G5:G8. 5
4 In the range H4:H8, insert Line sparklines to represent the trend of each state across the four quarters. Do not include the totals. Add Markers and then in the first row, apply the first Sparkline style. 4
5 Select the range A3:E8, and then use the Recommended Charts command to suggest an appropriate chart. Click the first Clustered Column chart that uses the state names as the category axis. Align the upper left corner of the chart inside the upper left corner of cell A11, and then size the chart so that its lower right corner is slightly inside cell H24. Apply chart Style 6. As the chart title, type Quarterly Net Sales by State 10
6 To show the percent that each state contributes to the total sales, select the nonadjacent ranges that represent the state names and state totals (in column F). Insert a 3-D Pie chart, and then move the chart to a New sheet. Name the sheet Net Sales Chart. 6
7 Change the Chart Title to Annual Net Sales by State and then change the chart title Font Size to 32. Remove the Legend from the chart, and then add Data Labels that display only the Category Name and Percentage positioned in the Center. Change the data labels Font Size to 14 and apply Bold and Italic. Change the Font color to White, Background 1. 6
8 Select the entire pie and display the Format Data Series pane. From the 3-D Format gallery, modify the 3-D options by changing the Top bevel and Bottom bevel to the first bevel option in the first row. Set all of the Width and Height boxes to 256 and then change the Material to the fourth Standard type—Metal. 2
9 Insert a Custom Footer with the File name in the left section and then save your workbook. 3
10 On the Portland Inventory worksheet, in cell B5, enter a function that will display the average retail price. In cell B6, enter a function that will display the median retail price. In cell B7, enter a function that will calculate the lowest retail price. In cell B8, enter a function that will calculate the highest retail price. Format the range B5:B8 with Accounting Number Format. 5
11 On the Portland Inventory worksheet, in cell G14, enter an IF function to determine the items to be ordered. If the Quantity in Stock is less than 50, then the cell should display Order. If not, then the cell should display OK. Copy the function down through cell G19. 8
12 Format the range A13:G19 as a table with headers and then apply Teal, Table Style Light 13. If the style is not available, choose another style. Filter the table on the Sport column to display only the Hiking types. Display a Total Row in the table, and then sum the Quantity in Stock for Hiking items. Type the result in cell B11. Remove the total row from the table and then clear the Sport filter. 4
13 In cell B10, insert a COUNTIF function to count the number of Hiking items in the Sport column. 1
14 Add Gradient Fill Blue Data Bars to the range A14:A19. Add conditional formatting to the range G14:G19 so that the cells with text that contain the word Order are formatted with Bold and Italic. Sort the table by Item # from Smallest to Largest. 3
15 Display the Inventory Summary sheet. In cell B4, enter a formula that references cell B4 in the Portland Inventory sheet so that the Portland Total Items in Stock displays in cell B4. In cell B5, enter a formula that references cell B5 in the Portland Inventory sheet so that the Portland Average Price displays in cell B5. In cells B6, B7, and B8, enter similar formulas to reference the Median Price, Lowest Price, and Highest price in the Portland Inventory sheet. 5
16 In cell C4, enter a formula that references cell B4 in the Austin Inventory sheet so that the Austin Total Items in Stock displays in cell C4. In cells C5, C6, C7, and C8, enter similar formulas to reference the Average Price, Median Price, Lowest Price, and Highest price in the Austin Inventory sheet. Be sure that the range B5:C8 is formatted with Accounting Number Format. 5
17 On the Annual Expenses sheet, construct formulas to calculate Totals by Quarter in the range B10:E10 and the Annual Totals in the range F5:F10. Apply the Total cell style to the Totals by Quarter (B10:F10), and then center the column headings (B4:G4) and apply the Heading 4 cell style. If necessary, format the range F6:F9 with Comma Style, zero decimal places. 5
18 Using absolute cell references as necessary, in cell G5, construct a formula to calculate the % of Total by dividing the Sales Expense Annual Total by the Annual Totals by Quarter. Fill the formula down through the range G6:G9. 2
19 Using the data in the nonadjacent ranges A4:E4 and A10:E10, insert a Line with Markers chart. Position the upper left corner of the chart slightly inside the upper left corner of cell A12. Change the height of the chart to 1.75 inches and the width of the chart to 8 inches. (Mac users, change the chart height to 1.5.) 6
20 Apply chart Style 3. Change the chart title to Direct Expenses. Edit the Vertical (Value) Axis so that the Minimum is 6000000. 4
21 Use Format Painter to copy the formatting from cell A2 to A20. In cell B23, enter a formula that references the value in cell F10. 2
22 Using absolute cell references as necessary, in cell C23, construct a formula to calculate the projected expenses for 2021 after the Forecasted increase in cell B21 is applied. Fill the formula through cell F23. 4
23 Display the Sales Reps sheet. By using Flash Fill and deleting columns as necessary, place the last names in column A and the first names in column B. Widen both columns to 100 pixels, and then merge and center the title Sales Reps across the two columns. Apply the Heading 1 cell style to the title. 4
24 With any sheet except the chart sheet active, group the worksheets. Change the Orientation to Landscape, center the worksheets Horizontally, and insert a footer in the left section with the file name. (Mac users, click the Net Sales sheet, hold down SHIFT, and then click the Sales Reps sheet. Then apply the Page Layout options.) 1
25 Save and close the file, and then submit for grading. 0
Total Points 100


Created On: 06/29/2021 1 GO19_XL_INTRO_GRADER_CAP2 – Annual Report 1.4

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Microsoft Excel Assignment – “Revenue”

Microsoft Excel Assignment – “Revenue”

Do Project 3E Revenue that begins on page 527 of your textbook. Submit the document by clicking the Attachments button to attach the file. Do not paste the document in the Message area.

You will need to download and use the following data file to complete your assignment:

Revenue Report

In addition to the assignment file, answer the following question with your submission.  This can be answered directly in your Submission comment area, or as a separate Word attachment file:

In this Week’s reading and prep work, In this week’s chapter, you utilized the “What-If Analysis” feature. Explain what this is and how you feel you might be able to use it in a personal finance worksheet of your own?  Please look to answer this in at least 3 complete sentences in order to address it adequately.

The picture on the right is what it should look like afterwards!!!!  


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Project Description:

You manage several apartment complexes in Phoenix, Arizona. You  created a dataset that lists details for each apartment complex, such as  apartment number, including number of bedrooms, whether the unit is  rented or vacant, the last remodel date, rent, and deposits. You will  use the datasets to aggregate data to analyze the apartments at the  complexes.

Start   Excel. Download and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch05_Cap_Apartments.xlsx. Grader has automatically added   your last name to the beginning of the filename.

Before subtotalling the data,   you need to sort the data.
Select the Summary sheet. Sort the data by Apartment Complex in  alphabetical   order and further sort it by # Bed (the number of  bedrooms) from smallest to   largest.

You want to use the Subtotal   feature to display the average total deposit by number of bedrooms for each   apartment complex.
Use the Subtotal feature to insert subtotal rows by Apartment  Complex to   calculate the average Total Deposit. Add a second subtotal  (without removing   the first subtotal) by # Bed to calculate the  average Total Deposit by the   number of bedrooms.

Use the outline symbols to   display only the subtotal rows. Create  an automatic outline and collapse the   outline above Total Deposit.

You want to create a PivotTable to determine the total monthly rental   revenue for occupied apartments.
Display the Rentals sheet and create a blank PivotTable on a new  worksheet to   the left of the Rentals sheet. Change the name of the  worksheet to Rental Revenue. Name   the PivotTable Rental Revenue.

Display the Apartment Complex and # Bed fields in Rows and the Rental   Price field as Values.

Format the Sum of Rental Price   for Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places and enter the custom   name Total   Rent Collected.

Select the Occupied field for   the filter and set the filter to Yes to display data for occupied apartments.

You want to calculate the total   monthly rental revenue if the rates increase by 5% for the occupied   apartments.
Insert a calculated field to multiply the Rental Price by 1.05. Change the name to New Rental   Revenue. Apply   Accounting Number Format with zero decimal places.

Select the range B3:C3 and apply   these formats: wrap text, Align Right horizontal alignment, and 30 row height. Select column B and   set 9.29 column width. Select column C   and set 14.43 column   width.

Apply Light Orange, Pivot Style   Medium 10 to the PivotTable and display banded rows.

Insert a slicer for # Bed so that you can filter the dataset by    number of bedrooms. Change the slicer caption to # of Bedrooms.

Change the slicer height to 1.4 inches and width to 1.75 inches. Apply Light Orange,   Slicer Style Light 2. Cut the slicer and paste it in cell E2.

Insert a timeline for the Last   Remodel field. Change the time  period to YEARS. Apply Light Orange, Timeline   Style Light 2. Change  the timeline height to 1.4 inches and with to 3.75 inches.

The Databases sheet contains two   tables. You will create a relationship between those tables.
Display the Databases sheet. Create a relationship between the  APARTMENTS   table using the Code field and the COMPLEX table using the  Code field.

You want to create a PivotTable   from the related tables.
Create a PivotTable using the data model on a new sheet. Change the sheet   name to Bedrooms.   Name the PivotTable BedroomData.

Select the Apartment Name field   from the COMPLEX table for Rows,  the # Bed field for Columns, and the # Bed   field as Values. This will  display the number of apartments with the   specified number of bedrooms  per apartment complex. Display the values as a percentage   of row  totals.

Create a Clustered Column   PivotChart. Cut the chart and paste it in cell A13 using the Destination   Theme.

Select the 3-bedroom data series   and apply the Black, Text 1,  Lighter 50% solid fill color. Apply Black, Text   1 font color to the  vertical axis and category axis. Change the chart height   to 3 inches  and the   width to 5 inches, if necessary. Hide the field buttons in the  PivotChart.

Create a footer on all   worksheets with your name in the left, the  sheet name code in the center, and   the file name code in the right.

Save and close Exp19_Excel_Ch05_Cap_Apartments.xlsx.   Exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.

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Excel_2E_Plants homework help




Open   the Excel workbook Student_Excel_2E_Plants.xlsx   downloded with this project.


To the right of column B, insert   two new columns to create new blank columns C and D. By using Flash Fill in   the two new columns, split the data in column B into a column for Item # in   column C and Category in column D. As necessary, type Item # as the column title in column C   and Category   as the column   title in column D. Delete column B.


By using the Cut and Paste   commands, cut column C—Category—and   paste it to column H, and then delete the empty column C. Apply AutoFit to   columns A:G.


In cell B4, insert a function to   calculate the Total Items in Stock by summing the Quantity in Stock data, and   then apply Comma style with zero decimal places to the result.


In each cell in the range B5:B8,   insert functions to calculate the Average, Median, Lowest, and Highest retail   prices, and then apply the Accounting Number Format to each result.


Move the range A4:B8 to the   range D4:E8, apply the 40% – Accent4 cell style to the range, and then select   columns D:E and AutoFit.

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LAB 5 Toolwire LiveLabs Environment homework help

LAB 5 Toolwire LiveLabs Environment homework help

Each lab will be submitted based on the following:

  1. Log into the Toolwire LiveLabs environment.
  2. Complete the weekly labs described below using Toolwire LiveLabs.
  3. Provide deliverables in the form of documents, files, and / or screenshots for the steps specified in each lab assignment. Some labs require the use of Microsoft Word or OpenOffice for preparing and submitting deliverables.
  4. Answer the Lab Assessment questions for each of the individual labs completed in each week’s Lab Assignment. Lab Assessment questions are located here. Note: This is an academic writing assignment. Correct punctuation, grammar, and spelling are necessary. Points will be deducted for poor writing.
Toolwire LiveLabs Lab Submission Breakdown




Toolwire Lab #: Title Deliverables for Submission
5 6 Lab 5 : Performing Packet Capture and Traffic Analysis 1.Lab Report file including screen captures of the following step(s): Part 2, Steps 18 and 33, and Part 3, Step 7


3.Lab Assessments file

4.Optional: Challenge Questions file, if assigned by your instructor

Points: 35 Lab Assignments


Below 60% F

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D



70-79% C



80-89% B



90-100% A

1. Complete the lab assignment.

Weight: 100%

Did not submit or incompletely completed the lab assignment. Insufficiently completed the lab assignment. Partially completed the lab assignment. Satisfactorily completed the lab assignment. Thoroughly completed the lab assignment.
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Project 2: Client Response Memo homework help

Project 2: Client Response Memo homework help

Faster Computing was impressed with your presentation. The company is interested in moving forward with the project, but the senior management team has responded to the presentation with the following questions and concerns:

(12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls.)

  • How will security be implemented in the Linux systems—both workstations and servers?

(10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.)

  • End users have expressed some concern about completing their day-to-day tasks on Linux. How would activities such as web browsing work? How would they work with their previous Microsoft Office files?

(12.4.1: Document how IT controls are monitored.)

  • The current Windows administrators are unsure about administering Linux systems. How are common tasks, such as process monitoring and management, handled in Linux? How does logging work? Do we have event logs like we do in Windows?

(2.3.2: Incorporate relevant evidence to support the position.)

  • Some folks in IT raised questions about the Linux flavor that was recommended. They would like to see comparisons between your recommendation and a couple of other popular options. What makes your recommendation the best option?

(10.1.3: Define the specifications of the required technologies.)

  • How does software installation work on Linux? Can we use existing Windows software?
  • How can Linux work together with the systems that will continue to run Windows? How will we share files between the different system types?

The deliverable for this phase of the project is a memo. There is no minimum or maximum page requirement, but all of the questions must be fully answered with sufficient detail. The recommended format is to respond to the questions in a bulleted format. Provide sufficient detail to fully address the questions. You must cite at least two quality sources.

(1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.)

Create a memorandum template with a header of your own design or choosing, brief introduction, addresses Faster Computing, Inc’s questions, and summarizes your position on adopting the specific version of Linux.

(1.4.3: Write concise and logical sentences in standard academic English that clarify relationships among concepts and ideas.)

Your memorandum should not include spelling or grammatical errors. Any Linux commands must be displayed in lower case. Information technology acronyms (e.g., SSH or FTP) should be explained for the reader.


How Will My Work Be Evaluated?

In writing a clear and concise memo in response to senior management queries, you are demonstrating your communication skills, technical expertise, and responsiveness to customer/client needs and concerns.

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:

  • 1.2.3: Explain specialized terms or concepts to facilitate audience comprehension.
  • 1.4.3: Write concise and logical sentences in standard academic English that clarify relationships among concepts and ideas.
  • 2.3.2: Incorporate relevant evidence to support the position.
  • 10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.
  • 10.1.3: Define the specifications of the required technologies.
  • 12.3.2: Describe the implementation of controls.
  • 12.4.1: Document how IT controls are monitored.
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Computer System Unit homework help

Computer System Unit homework help

Understanding the Computer System Unit

Schedule:Available now.Due 03/30/2018 11:59 PM EDTStarted:03/30/2018 5:10 PM EDTSubmitted:03/30/2018 5:30 PM EDTScore:100%Points:200 out of 200

Question 1

Points: 10 out of 10What type of computer would integrate the system unit (chassis and computer) with the display and keyboard?

  1. A desktop computer
  2. An all-in-one desktop computer
  3. A mobile computer
  4. A tower computer

Question 2

Points: 10 out of 10Which of the following type of system unit is not considered to belong to the family of PCs?

  1. Workstation
  2. Smart phone
  3. Notebook
  4. Desktop

Question 3

Points: 10 out of 10When purchasing a PC, you should upgrade –busesRAMROMinternal bays and slots to the largest amount or number your budget will afford.

Question 4

Points: 10 out of 10What is an expansion slot?

  1. A device that joins a cable to a peripheral
  2. A device that connects memory to the CPU
  3. A port used for special equipment
  4. A socket on the motherboard that can hold an adapter card

Question 5

Points: 10 out of 10What is the purpose of a heat sink?

  1. To keep the keyboard from overheating
  2. To absorb heat generated by the memory modules
  3. To absorb heat generated by the processor chip
  4. To keep the hard drive from overheating

Question 6

Points: 10 out of 10What is the purpose of the processor, which is also called the central processing unit (CPU)?

  1. This electronic component interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer.
  2. This hardware component communicates with the keyboard and monitor.
  3. This electronic component stores instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those instructions.
  4. This component is software that communicates with the keyboard and monitor.

Question 7

Points: 10 out of 10How would a port most likely be used?

  1. To connect additional input, output, storage, and communication devices to a PC
  2. To provide a place for plugging in expansion cards
  3. To provide a place to insert a DVD drive via an opening in the system case
  4. To connect the battery to the computer’s internal circuitry

Question 8

Points: 10 out of 10Which of the following would be an example of a docking station?

  1. A peripheral component that can be used to link a desktop-sized monitor with a tablet PC
  2. An internal bay that can be used for inserting additional components such as a hard drive
  3. A USB port on a laptop or PC
  4. A slot on the motherboard that holds memory modules

Question 9

Points: 10 out of 10If mobility is the primary criteria for a buyer of a new PC, which of the following would be the most important criteria to consider?

  1. The size of the internal hard drive
  2. The number of USB ports for connecting peripherals
  3. The weight and size of the unit
  4. The type of software applications to be used—gaming, for instance, requires sophisticated graphics and sound adapter cards

Question 10

Points: 10 out of 10Marissa is a student taking classes in a face-to-face setting, a physical classroom. She needs to be able to take her computer to class to give presentations. Which of the following might you suggest?

  1. A laptop system with a 2.13 GHz processor, 4 gigabytes of RAM, and a 17″ monitor
  2. A workstation with a 1.6 GHz quad-core processor, 8 gigabytes of RAM, and a 20″ monitor
  3. A desktop system with a 2.33 GHz processor, 1 gigabyte of RAM and a 23″ monitor
  4. A handheld PC

Question 11

Points: 10 out of 10You have been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome in your wrists (related to extensive computer usage). What might be a solution for reducing stress on your wrists?

  1. Use a keyboard with internal lighting to support work in low-light conditions.
  2. Use a flat waterproof keyboard.
  3. Use a keypad that is projected on an external flat surface.
  4. Use a split-style keyboard that separates and angles groups of keys into right- and left-hand portions.

Question 12

Points: 10 out of 10

Monitors with –LCDLED technology are considered to have better picture sharpness and brightness, are sleeker and lighter, consume less power, but are more expensive.

Question 13

Points: 10 out of 10Which of the following is not an input device?

  1. Mouse
  2. Printer
  3. Trackball
  4. Keyboard

Question 14

Points: 10 out of 10What is input?

  1. All processed data
  2. Data or instructions that have been processed into a useful form
  3. Any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer
  4. Any data or information that is processed and presented to the user

Question 15

Points: 10 out of 10

Printers, monitors, and speakers are the three most commonly used–outputinputcommunicationsprocessing devices.

Question 16

Points: 10 out of 10Which of the following is not a capability of a multifunction printer?

  1. Printing
  2. Video
  3. Scanning
  4. Faxing

Question 17

Points: 10 out of 10A cable –modemrouterEthernet cardnetwork card is a digital device that sends and receives digital data over the cable television network.

Question 18

Points: 10 out of 10What communications device connects multiple computers together and transmits data to its correct destination on a network?

  1. A router
  2. An Ethernet card
  3. A modem
  4. A network card

Question 19

Points: 10 out of 10

The following diagram is an example of what type of home network?

  1. Completely wired
  2. Combination of wired and wireless
  3. Completely wireless

Question 20

Points: 10 out of 10To protect the information and data you send or receive over the network, what other component is critical to install in your home network?

  1. Wire, cable, or fiber optic connection between computers
  2. A hardware or software firewall
  3. Parental controls
  4. An uninterruptible power source


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