For A-Plus Writer Only

The Features and Scope of Crises

You likely have some preconceived notions about what a crisis entails. Perhaps the word crisis immediately evokes the idea of a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or a tsunami, which results in the catastrophic loss of human life and property throughout a geographic region. Or, maybe you think first of the personal circumstances of individuals and families: domestic violence, substance abuse, or sexual assault. Bereavement, terrorist attacks, hostage situations, grave illness, school shootings, and serious accidents—these all are events, among many others, that are frequently associated with crisis.

Whatever your initial conception of crisis involves—whether it is global or local in scale, whether it is concerned with large communities or individuals, whether it is the result of extraordinary events or daily problems in living—it is likely accurate (although not necessarily comprehensive), as the term crisis encompasses a vast spectrum of situations and experiences, each with its own unique circumstances and features. Nevertheless, as disparate as many crisis situations may seem, they all share qualities that categorize them as a crisis. In this Discussion, you consider different ways of conceptualizing and classifying crises, as well as examine both the unique and shared features of crises within these classifications.

To prepare for this Discussion:




  • Review Chapter 1 in your course text, Crisis Intervention Strategies, paying particular attention to the definitions and characteristics of crisis, as well as to applied crisis theory and its associated crisis domains.


  • Review the article, “Trauma-Informed or Trauma-Denied: Principles and Implementation of Trauma-Informed Services for Women.” Think about which domain the crises described in this article would be classified in and why.


  • Reflect on specific crisis situations with which you are familiar. Select three situations, each one representative of a different crisis domain, as described on pages 17–19 in your course text, Crisis Intervention Strategies: developmental, situational, existential, and/or ecosystemic.


  • Consider the differences between the situations you selected. Then think about how and why each one occupies a different place within the various crisis domains.


  • Consider what features these three situations have in common and why, despite their differences, they are all classified as crises. Note the characteristics they share.

    With these thoughts in mind:

    Post by Wednesday 4/12/17 a 300-word response to the following:  


a brief description of each of the three crisis situations you selected, including how and why they are classified within the different domains of applied crisis theory. Then explain what features they all have in common and why they are all considered crises. Be specific.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.




Answer all components in the assignment as there are usually several. These can serve as your headings in APA format. Using these headings will help keep your paper organized, ensure you cover all objectives, and enhance readability. You may find that if you bullet-point these requirements and refer to them as you write, you will address all of the portions of the question.

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Case Study

Can anyone complete forms for this case study?

Suzanne has come by the free “drop-in” counseling clinic where you work to get some

information and advice. Suzanne is a 22-year-old single woman who has been living with her boyfriend
Jack in Manhattan’s lower east side for the last four years. She and Jack have been heroin
addicts for as many years.
When Suzanne was 10 years old, her father, whom she says was a very heavy drinker, left her
mom and the kids and never came back. At 14 she started drinking and smoking marijuana. At 16
she had dropped out of high school and at 18 she moved in with Jack. He introduced her to heroin.
She reports using about a 1/2 gram of heroin per day just to be able to function and feel
comfortable. In order to pay for the heroin and pay the rent on their apartment, Jack doesn’t work,
instead, she works the streets at night. She usually drinks four or five beers each night before going
out to work. If she can’t score enough heroin, she will try to score either some Valium?
to “tide me over until I can get some ‘horse’”. She says she has tried cocaine but, “I
really didn’t care for the high all that much.”
Suzanne tells you that the alcohol and heroin help to calm her nerves and get her through the
night. She and Jack are not having sex all that much. When they do make love he never wears a
condom. He says that’s what makes him different from her “john’s” “Which is true because I won’t
work without a condom.”
Lately, she has noticed that her breasts have become swollen and more tender. She also hasn’t
had her period in the last 12 weeks. She is pretty sure she is pregnant and knows it’s her boyfriends
baby. However, she not sure she can stop using dope or work to have the baby even though Jack
wants her to keep it. She really confused at what she should do and is her asking for you to help her
make some decisions. Her friend who works with her at night told her not to stop using dope if she
is pregnant “Because it’s worse for the baby than to keep using.”. “I just don’t know what I should

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Exegetical Analysis Of Passage

NGRK 505


Exegetical Analysis Essay Instructions


Romans 8:1-8


Each student will write a 1800-2200-word exegetical analysis essay showing engagement with the Greek text of their selected passage by using relevant Greek language tools. This assignment will build upon the insights, observations, and conclusions of the exegetical assignments in previous modules/weeks of this course, but it will focus especially on working with the text of the passage itself (rather than on the wider literary context, historical context, or application of the passage). The purpose of this assignment is to draw out the meaning of the selected passage of Scripture, incorporating grammatical analysis, lexical analysis, comparison of translations, and evaluation of scholarly conclusions about various details of the selected passage. Students will need to engage with at least 7 scholarly secondary sources, consisting primarily of exegetical commentaries and peer-reviewed journal articles.

This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 6.

Resources for Turabian formatting may be found in the Online Writing Center. Your paper should follow the footnote method of citation.

Students should follow this guidance when constructing their papers:

1. When you wrote about the literary context and historical-cultural context of your passage in previous essays, you were focusing on the big picture of your passage; you focused on the forest rather than the trees. In this essay, you should focus on the details and close-up view of your passage; focus on the trees within the forest.

2. Although you will build upon the exegetical work that you have done for other assignments, do not reproduce the content of those essays in this paper. However, the insights and observations you’ve made in those assignments should inform your analysis of particular details in your passage, and you can certainly refer to aspects of the literary context or historical-cultural context when that is the case; but that should not involve reproducing large portions of what you had written for those assignments. Pack as much relevant exegetical analysis of your passage as possible into the allotted word count. Avoid the temptation to meet your word count by including lengthy quotations of your passage (Scripture citations will suffice unless you need to quote part of your passage to make a point).

3. You are not writing a commentary! Instead, you are describing (as best as possible) the meaning that was intended by the original human author when he wrote this passage of Scripture. Your exegetical skills should help you describe the author’s intended meaning and what the author intended to do or accomplish with this passage among his readers. Remember that words don’t just mean things; they do things.

4. The meaning of your passage or its main point is expressed through specific words in a specific context that are organized in a specific grammatical arrangement. Some words and grammatical features are more important than others for determining the meaning and structure of the passage. Focus on what is most important first, and then fill in other details afterwards. Your paper should provide reasonable coverage of the most important details of your passage rather than moving word-by-word or phrase-by-phrase. It would be a shame to spend an entire paragraph describing the parsing of a verb of little importance while overlooking a different verb that is determinative for the meaning of the passage. It would also be a shame to allocate most of your word count to one or two features of the passage, then cover everything else in a single paragraph. Pace yourself, distribute your word count wisely, and accomplish as much as possible within the word count.

5. Part of exegetical analysis is knowing which tools to apply and when to apply them, because you can’t use all the skills all the time. You must determine the most relevant places to provide lexical analysis of words, grammatical analysis of clauses, comparison of English translations, and engagement with scholarly sources. The better judgment you show about when and how to use these tools, the better your grade will be.

Structure and Format:

1. Your essay should have an introduction and a conclusion. The body of your essay should be made up of sections corresponding to the main sections of your passage identified in your block diagram.

a. Your introduction should include a brief statement of the main point of your passage and the main supporting points (these are probably the first two levels of indenting in your block diagram).

b. The main point will function like a thesis statement about the meaning and purpose of your selected passage. The rest of the paper will support these claims with detailed analysis.

c. In the conclusion, please make a first attempt to bridge the gap from the ancient context of your passage to the present day. Your focus in this assignment is on the human author’s intended meaning as conveyed through the Greek text. But since Scripture is inspired, the divine Author intended for this passage to mean something to Christians in this century as well (what it meant and what it means). You will discuss this in detail in your Module/Week 8 assignment, but briefly address it in the conclusion of this essay.

2. The other sections of your paper should generally correspond to sections of your passage in the block diagram. Your passage might have 3 to 5 sections, so these can be used as headings/sections for your paper.

a. Within each section, describe the grammatical relationships of clauses to what has come before and after. Describe how the Greek grammar clarifies the meaning and purpose of the passage.

b. Analyze how various words should be translated to most accurately convey the ancient meaning/concept intended by the author in that context. This should involve both lexical analysis and comparison of English translations. Evaluate uncertainties and adopt a position on the most plausible option in those instances.

c. Evaluate the scholarly positions about how to interpret key aspects of your passage. You should approach this as someone who is qualified to express your own conclusions about the evidence; you are not just neutrally reporting what the experts think. Base your claims, positions, and conclusions on careful analysis of the text and relevant evidence.

3. Proofread! At a minimum, use the review tab in MS Word to correct spelling and grammar errors. See the screenshot below for where to find it.


Read your paper and revise it for clarity before turning it in. Can someone who isn’t able to read your mind understand what you intend to communicate by reading your words? Make sure the presentation of your paper is neat. Clean up errors with Greek fonts. Make sure your citations of Scripture are correctly presented in Turabian formatting. Make sure your paragraphs are correctly spaced and indented. If you don’t know how to do any of these things, just use the Help tab in MS Word.



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SOCW 6070 Wk 9 Discussion 2 PEER Responses Peer Names Then Response Separately To Each Peer Provided

SOCW 6070 Wk 9 discussion 2 PEER responses Peer names then response separately to each peer provided 

Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts and cite everything with references

Respond to at least two colleagues in at least one of the following ways:

Expand upon an idea in your colleague’s post.

Suggest an additional strategy for fundraising and explain why your strategy might be effective

Peer 1

diamond jacobs

RE: Discussion 2 – Week 9

Post a brief description of the budget presented in the grant proposal you selected.

I was unable to open the link but when it comes to budgets in grant proposal, they are beneficial because the funder needs to understand what the fundee wants the money for. Budgets need to be organized, figures need to align and be easy to read (Kramer, 2019). Many companies use budgets to keep their funds in order.

Describe how you might alter the budget after the grant ended or which budget items you would prioritize as you sought additional funding to continue the program.

As a professional I would alter the grant after it ended by seeing how much the grant brought into the company and estimate how much. If it did not bring much money then I would look at researching and redoing the proposal. Looking at the budget plans and seeing which ones did not benefit would allow the company to see where and what they need to change.

Explain why you would make these changes or prioritize specific budget items. Finally, explain how you would fundraise to meet the budget priorities.

Making changes allows for other opportunities to be planned and other questions to be asked about the previous budget. The company can do different things to fundraise for the budget such as sale things. The company can also fundraise by getting with other companies and seeing what they do to bring in money to the company.


Kramer, H. (2019). How to prepare a grant proposal budget for a nonprofit.

Peer 2

Bellinda Mack

RE: Discussion 2 – Week 9

The grant proposal I selected is for 1,000 to 10,000 dollars to aid the Kennett Area Senior Program. The agency shows they are able to maintain a healthy budget and reports being “in the black” for the fourth time in 20 years (O’ Connor, 2015). However, they require new funding because the economic downturn and reallocation of funding to other programs has made it more difficult for them to provide quality services (O’ Connor, 2015). Having enough funding in the short term can mean the agency can ride out these economic setbacks and maintain long-term stability (Bowman, 2011).

The agency already does fundraising through a bookstore and nearly half of its budget comes from charitable donations (O’Connor, 2015). They allocate approximately 2% of their budget to fundraising (O’Connor, 2015). After the grant period ends, the company will no longer have the additional money for services and considering they are asking for the money so their patrons do not have to use their modest, fixed incomes to participate, it would be important to figure out how to make up the difference after implementation. Since the agency is focused on helping senior citizens engage in the community and live a healthy and fulfilling life, maybe they could fundraise by planning community events involving the seniors. For example, a dinner theater. The seniors could get some time to do something they enjoy and the community could come to support the senior center by purchasing tickets and getting a nice meal. Maybe engaging some of the local restaurants to cater could draw a larger crowd and everyone could have an enjoyable evening. Having agency leadership emcee events like this could help make the community more aware of the services and benefits the agency provides to the community. Also, I know many senior centers offer arts and craft type classes. Perhaps some of the work done in those classes could be auctioned off. I could see the event being set up like a fancy art gallery with a silent auction. The seniors who created the art would have an opportunity to engage with the greater community and talk about their projects, the agency would get exposure, and the community could see how much the center offers to the residents that access it. Both of these events are relatively low cost as they are using money already being spent for supplies and could be hosted in the senior center or other community building. The agency should be able to secure donations from other community businesses or could get sponsors by offering advertisements during the event.


Bowman, W. (2011). Financial capacity and sustainability of ordinary nonprofits. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 22(1), 37–51.

O’Connor, A. (2015). Chester County Community Foundation: Grant Proposal. Retrieved from

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Short Answer

Mid-Term Exam: Short Answer/Essay Questions:

LDRS 330 SP 2021


Please follow each chapter’s questions and answer the number of questions required in each chapter. You will answer a total of 12 of the following questions in a short essay (there should be 1-3 paragraphs for each answer)

Please, when you answer a question, replace the corresponding number of the question with the number of the answer. For example, if you answer number 1, put the number 1 to start your answer, etc.

Feel free to use course material and other resources. Some questions have at least 2 or 3 parts to them. Make sure you answer each part within the question, where you will provide an answer from the textbook, but then do some application components to the question.


Chapter 1: Please answer this question.

1. Compare and contrast a work group, a team, and a self-managing team in terms of power, leadership, decision-making, and activities or tasks. Then, can you provide an example of each of these categories (workgroup, a team, or a self-managing team) and share how power, leadership, decision-making, and activities are played out in these examples?

Chapter 2: Please answer question 2, And then EITHER 3 or 4.

2. What are the three criteria used to define team success? Can you, after you define these characteristics of team success, provide specific examples from real teams and groups and how they have defined or pursued success? What are the potential problems with defining success in these three ways, or what are some of the benefits of these definitions?


3. What are the five characteristics of successful teams? How have researchers investigated these characteristics?



4. Why is it important that the characteristics of the task match the abilities and composition of the team?




Chapter 3: Please answer two of the next three questions.

5. Please list the five stages of group development. Then please pick two of those stages and provide suggestions to leaders of how they would help the group or team navigate through these specific stages.

6. Explain the value and characteristics of effective team goals.

7. What are the four functions of team norms and their positive and negative effects? Please also provide at least two examples of teams, groups, or organizations and share examples of their team norms and either some positive or negative effects for each example.


Chapter 4: (please answer both questions.)

8. Explain social loafing and how to reduce it.


9. Explain why group cohesion is important and how to build it. What would you do as a leader to foster more dynamic group cohesion? Can you provide specific examples and details of what you would do to develop strong group cohesion?


Chapter 5: Please answer this question.


10. What are some benefits and problems related to both cooperation and competition within a team or group? As the leader, how can you ensure that you are maximizing the benefits so that cooperation and competition enhance the team or group you are leading? What are some important things a leader must do in order to avoid problems that create bigger issues for the team? Can you provide a real-life example of how benefits for these two areas (cooperation and competition) have been actualized? Can you provide an example in real life where they have created problems?


Chapter 6: (please answer just 1 of these two questions.)

11. Name and explain the four components of emotional intelligence.

12. Why is team emotional intelligence important?


Chapter 7: Please answer this question.

13. What are the benefits and problems that come with conflict within a team? After you discuss this, please then provide an example of a current team or from your experience where the benefits are seen, and then the same for problems that conflict has created within a team. Then, please list a few ways in which you, as a leader, can prepare, manage, and steer conflict to be beneficial and not damaging.


Chapter 8: (please choose one of the two questions and answer them in short answer.)

14. Compare and contrast personal or soft power with positional power. Which is more effective?


15. What is empowerment? What problems does an organization encounter when trying to empower teams? What should an organization do to increase the possibility of success in creating empowerment programs?


Chapter 9: (Please choose one of the three questions and answer them in a short answer):

16. When are group decisions superior to individual decisions?


17. What are the three causes of group decision-making problems and their impact on group decisions?


18. How do group polarization and groupthink affect a team’s decision-making process? Can you provide an example from current affairs or a recent illustration from a team, organization, or society?

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PHI 445 Week 1 Complete

Week 1 Discusion


Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Virtue Ethics: Case Study: Starbucks



This discussion assignment requires you to submit at least four posts: an initial post, two reply posts to fellow students in threads other than your own, and a revised post in response to the professor’s feedback.

Prepare: The initial post in this discussion must be informed by the required material for this discussion. Your preparation should focus on three classical ethical theories that are fundamental in any ethical analysis: utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics. Since the subject of your examination is the Starbucks case, make sure to view the relevant multimedia carefully with an eye toward the various ethical problems that this company has had to confront.  
Reflect: Keep in mind that although the notion of the moral good will vary among ethical theories, they often produce the same or similar results. So you should focus on the differences in (a) the intent and (b) the consequences of the action under examination. In utilitarianism, for example, the consequences of the action are weightier than the intent. Accordingly, even if the intent was morally questionable, the action is nonetheless morally good if it achieves good consequences for most. The opposite would be the case if the action were being examined from a deontological point of view. These reflections will aid your selection of an ethical theory for your initial post, as well as your critical examinations of the analysis from fellow students.  
Write: Start your initial post by identifying two characteristics of utilitarianism, two characteristics of virtue ethics, and two characteristics of deontology. Organize this part of your post so that it is clear which characteristics belong to which ethical theory. You can do this by means of subtitles, or by presenting a table. You should aim to write one complete and clear sentence for each characteristic rather than just one or a few words.

Then, take the position that Starbucks is guided by utilitarianism and analyze how the notion of the moral good in utilitarianism leads to a unique approach to ethical problems. The way to do this is as follows:

  • First, present an ethical problem confronted by Starbucks. You can choose one such ethical problem from the video.
  • Then, apply the characteristics of utilitarianism that you identified for this discussion in the attempt to solve this problem.
  • After this, analyze how the notion of the moral good present in utilitarianism, and the characteristics that you identified in particular, shape the approach to solving this problem.


Week 1 Quiz



Question 1.                

The idea that character traits can contribute to or take away from a happy and meaningful life describes

moral relativism.

duty theory.

virtue ethics.

care ethics.



Question 2.                

If Mr. Swanson, a college professor, says that there is no such thing as right and wrong and treats questions regarding what is good and evil as relative to an individual’s values and culture, this is an example of the theory of

cultural objectivism.

cultural relativism.





Question 3.                

An example of an intrinsic value for an employee would be

accomplishing something of real value.

getting a pay raise.

receiving a bonus.

being rewarded with a gift card.



Question 4.                

The idea that we are born with basic moral principles that we use to judge people’s actions describes __________ theory.

psychological altruism





Question 5.               

Which theory of ethics says that we should make decisions that produce “the greatest good for the greatest number”?






Question 6.                

Which of the following ethical frameworks explains that our decisions should be based on the overall consequences of our acts?

Virtue ethics

Duty theory


Social contract theory


Question 7.               

The idea that women place a high value on caring and nurturing others is the _____ theory.



care ethics

virtue ethics


Question 8.                

Which of the following would be an immoral act but not usually considered an illegal act?

Lying on the witness stand

Stealing from an employer

Driving over the speed limit

Cheating on an exam



Question 9.                

The main idea of utilitarianism is its focus on

principles of virtue.

the importance of the consequences of your actions.

personal character.

following rules with no regard to consequence.


Question 10.             

Which of these statements about moral values is true?

We are born with them.

We learn them in ethics classes.

We learn them from family and friends.

We inherit them from our parents’ genetic make-up.



Question 11.              

According to philosopher John Locke, which of the following statements about human rights is true?

Human rights are created by governments.

Each human has basic rights to life, health, liberty, and possessions.

What human rights you are entitled to depend on where you live.

Human rights do not stay with us during our entire life



Question 12.              

Janelle gives to charity because she enjoys the gratitude and recognition from the people she helps. This is an example of

psychological egoism.


care ethics.

virtue ethics.


Question 13.             

Which of the following ethical frameworks would support child labor if the consequences produced better overall results than the available alternatives?


Virtue ethics


Moral relativism




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T Test

Review the Learning Resources and the media programs related to t tests.

Also, review the t test scenarios found in this week’s Learning Resources and consider the three different approaches of t tests:

Independent sample t test

Paired sample t test

One sample t test


Based on each of the three research scenarios provided, open the High School Longitudinal Study dataset or the Afrobarometer dataset from this week’s Learning Resources using SPSS software, then choose and run the appropriate t test. Must include graph


For this Assignment:


Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your t test results for each research scenario and include the SPSS syntax and output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be. Please use attachments.



Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing for your analysis, research questions, and output.

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This Assignment Is For Wizard Kim

Charles King

Assignment #4

White Collar Crime

AOJ-303 MAY 2017


Essay Questions

1. Define enterprise crime and discuss the relation of syndicated and organized crime with governmental crime, White Collar Crime, and finance crime.

2. What is contrepreneurial crime, what are the main attributes of professional criminals who practice it, and what are the parallels between these professional criminals and white collar offenders?

3. List and discuss the specific facets of the modern technology/computer revolution which promote White Collar Crimes, and which facts impose constraints on such crime.

4. List and compare enterprise crime, contrepreneurial crime, and technocrime in terms of their basic attributes, then identify some of the key areas in which these different forms of crime intersect.



Enterprise crime is a type of white collar crime where the culprits act professionally compared to other forms of crime. (Friedrichs) Enterprise crimes are in two forms; organized crimes and syndicated crimes. Syndicated crimes involve a wide range of activities of a certain group. The US syndicated crimes originated in the 1800s as the criminal organizations called “mafia”. The group was later called the Italian crime organizations after some groups migrated to America from Italy. The group was known for its crime activities like running legitimate businesses, garbage collection, running night clubs and restaurants (Braithwaite, 2005). The group’s success was through bribing the police and corruption in court cases. Mafia was also associated with labor racketeering in America. This involves manipulating the labor movements in the aim of affecting the related businesses and companies. It also leads to contradiction of workers’ rights which leads to a great loss to the business and the workers. Labor unions are very much exposed to organized crime groups who plan to take advantage of the workers’ pension fund, their wealth and the allowances.

Organized crimes are broader crimes which involves associated crimes of different people for the purpose of making profit for example the business people, police and politicians. Syndicated crimes and organized crimes are used interchangeably. Different professionals can plan an illegal enterprise in order to gain profit or for their own benefit. The organized crime groups are made by a number of people mostly working under the same department in a company. These individuals mostly have similar characteristics (Shover, 2008). They are self-perpetuating. The group is resistant to change and they only want to live with the old styles this is because change would reduce the chances of carrying out their criminal activities. For instance if an accountant in a company has not been accounting for petty cash in an organization implementing petty cash record file will prevent him from using the company’s money for his own gain.

Organized crimes members of the group have limited members and hierarchal form of leadership. The organized crimes members are few in a group so that they are able to make quick decisions. Small groups are also easy to manage and divide the profit. The groups’ leadership is hierarchal to ensure that there are those with the commanding voice who dictates what the rest should do, when, how and where. Each member of the group has his or her own role to play in conducting the crime. The members are united with vows of secrecy to remain silent despite the threats by the organization or from the police department during crime investigation. For instance when one person is caught and taken for questioning, he or she is not supposed to give any information concerning the group. Leaking information is violating the vows. The group aims at controlling the illegal enterprise by use of force, aggression or bullying in order to acquire goals. The group’s success results from providing services where the demand is high but no legal means of acquisition (Shover, 2008). When the group is caught they tend to protect themselves by bribing the management or legal system. The group creates network to ensure communication among the members. Research has shown that many of the organized crimes groups practice similar activities like money lending but use different methods of gaining profit.

Government crimes involve illegal activities by the political body. The government despite being the law makers in the country is also involved in injustice practices like corruption and terrorism. Many government crimes are not publicly stated mostly due to secrecy entailed in the practices. White collar crimes are deceptions executed by business and government professionals. Most of these white collar crimes are characterized by violation of trust, deception or cover ups. The culprits are not involved in applying physical force. They aim at committing crimes secretly to avoid losing their jobs, money or property (Braithwaite, 2005). These culprits are investigated by the FBIs who use intelligence to critically analyze the crimes. Financial crimes are can be described in two forms; dishonest activities that are used to benefit the individuals and those activities which are not dishonest but facilitate the process of getting the benefit. Financial crimes are committed by two main groups of individuals; organized groups and the professionals in the company or an institution. These crimes be money laundering, terrorist financing, electronic fraud and information forgery. For instance a bank may be robed by either an organized group or the employees by use of accounts hacking. The four forms of crimes are interrelated that is the enterprise crimes, financial crimes and white collar crimes. The enterprise criminals are responsible for conducting the white collar crimes and financial crimes. Government crimes seem to be different in that the crimes involve the government officials but can still involve organized groups who plan to perform some illegal activities for their own benefits.



Contrepreneurial crimes are illegal activities committed by professionals outside their professions. There are crimes committed with disrespect of the law outside the occupational con text. These acts are related to the white collar crimes due to the fact that they are all committed by professionals. Some of the frauds include insurance deceptions, loan acquisition forgery among others. The contrepreneurial activities are conducted in a peaceful manner without physical violence. The culprits use deception and violation of trust in order to acquire benefit. These crimes are called crimes of trust as they violate the trust the individual has with the company which he or she is committing the crime from (Shover, 2008). These types of crimes are different from the street crimes which involve contact of the person and the person he or she is stealing from. For instance, when snatching someone’s purse it means that the person stealing the purse must be present to perform the act. Activities involved in street crimes mostly involve application of force to implement the crime. For instance robbery with violence where armed people invade a place to steal and use force to ask for whatever they intended to steal if the owner resists.

The participants of the contrepreneurial crime are always cautious of the offence to be identified. They are very much concerned of the detection of the offence than the executor. Other occupational crimes are also identified by the same characteristic where the executors of the crimes are very much concerned of their offences to be detected and not them being caught. Many of these activities are done by the professionals themselves who present their fake documents hoping that they will not be identified. For instance when forging insurance or loan documents the executor presents the documents individually in the normal procedures undertaken by the rest. The individual may start by greeting the insurance agency then present the documents. He or she seems to engage in a lot of communication and interaction with the insurance agency in the aim of gaining trust (Nelken & David, 2004). When there is trust it is very difficult to identify the forgery or any other form of mistrust. Additionally contrepreneurial crimes do not incur force or any form of pressure to the company or the organization one is stealing from. All their activities are peaceful orderly. No one can detect from physical observation that a person is intending or has committed a crime. They do not create public attention. In case the culprit is caught he is questioned individually and separately in order to have a clear observation on the documents that have been presented.

Professional criminals are very similar to the white collar criminals. This is due to the fact that both are committed by professionals who are qualified in different occupations. Both crimes do not involve force or any form of physical manipulation by the perpetrators. They all use trust violation and deception to get their benefits (Quinney & Richard, 2007). Both types of criminals are concerned with large companies and organizations where the professional criminals tend to assume legitimate on some of the services like insurances and loans and have a need to acquire the fund illegally. White collar offenders perform their crimes within the occupations which may be very easy to acquire the money because the individual works within the company but on the other hand the person is risking his or her job.


Technology in the modern world has developed in a very high rate. Every activity is now being carried electronically. Technology advancement has lead to improvement of various ways of carrying out different activities. There have also been faster methods of producing bulk quantities of goods. Trade and marketing has also been of beneficiary due to introduction of online marketing; e-business. Communication systems have been developed to make communication very fast and effective to all people. Introduction of computers in the world has been of advantages and disadvantages (Gilbert Geis, and Colin Goff, 2005). In the good side of computers everyone is enjoying its services most especially the companies and different institutions. Many companies install software into their computers so that they can be able to execute the activities of their choice. For example accounting software can help the company to perform its calculations and keeping financial records.

There are different challenges of white collar crimes in the technology development stages. White collar crimes are deceptions executed by business and government experts. Most of these white collar crimes are characterized by violation of trust, deception or cover ups. The culprits are not involved in applying physical force. They aim at committing crimes secretly to avoid losing their jobs, money or property. White collar crimes are the crimes committed by professionals of a particular company or an organization. These crimes do not involve violence. The professionals have their way of carrying out the activities. They use deceptions and cover ups to commit their crimes. They may also engage in activities that violates the trust between them and the company. The white collar crimes are mostly related to the company’s activities like frauds in accounting, trade and marketing. The main crimes include money laundering, corporate fraud and security deception. Many cases of white collar crimes are investigated the FBIs who are well trained to use their intelligence to detect all kinds of crimes in companies. The white collar crimes are a great risk of the individual’s job and property (Shover, 2008). This is because in most cases when one is caught engaging in such illegal activities, private investigations starts immediately. The FBIs investigate all the records within the company so that they identify the crime. They then investigate the role of the culprit and the relationship of the company with the culprit. If the individual is found guilty he or she is charged in a court of law. The FBI must have the right information and evidence to accuse anyone of any crime.

Introduction of computer software exposes the company to a lot of frauds. There are many computer specialists who are able to hack the systems and control the different operations undertaken by the company. For instance there are very many crimes of hacking bank systems and stealing very large amounts of money from the accounts. Other challenges include cyber crimes where people interfere with other people’s documents which may interfere with critical information for instance tampering with case evidences (Gilbert Geis, and Colin Goff, 2005). An individual may want to win a case in court that he fears there are evidences against him and opt to commit another computer crime. Introduction of mobile phones introduced a crime of cyber-bullying. This includes harassments of an individual by another with private identity. The individual who is harassed does not know the sender who may be calling or sending threatening messages. This crime that is punishable by the law. Some people use the social media to abuse others mostly the powerful heads in a country like the politicians. If the matter is reported in country it is punishable by the law. Most of the computer crimes are very challenging to curb this is because the technology is very advanced and some people are also very skilled in that it is hard to detect the culprits.



Enterprise crime involves crimes that major on small scale and are mostly concerned with day to day dealings. Some of the crimes involved are trafficking, snatching items among others. They are mainly divided into organized and syndicated crimes that interchange due to their similarities. Enterprise crime is a type of white collar crime where the culprits act professionally compared to other forms of crime (Shover, 2008). Enterprise crimes are in two forms; organized crimes and syndicated crimes. Syndicated crimes involve a wide range of activities of a certain group. Organized criminals have various characteristics. One of them is that they have organized network. These groups of people need coordination in their activities so that they may have constructive plans of getting benefits from their activities. They also have hierarchical form of leadership with divided roles for every individual member of the group. This is crucial in ensuring that the group is successful in the illegal engagements.

Techno crimes involve the illegal activities that are mostly carried out through the computers. These can also be defined as white collar crimes which are developed due to technology advancement. Some of these crimes involve hacking; spam, spyware, cyber bullying and cyber crime among others. These crimes developed due to technological advancement. Innovation of computers has very advantages which help in production and marketing but on the other hand there are various challenges which have become a great threat to businesses and organizations (Ngai, 2001). Cyber bullying involves aggression of people through calls, messages and emails. Some people send messages to people claiming they will kill someone if a certain deal is not accomplished. Others send messages asking people to deposit some amounts of money in to their accounts otherwise they will destroy their property. These messages have scaring messages which makes people to send the required money. Most people who practice cybercrimes have their identification hidden in that they cannot be traced.

All the crimes despite the level of stealing are punishable by the law. The FBI is on their toes to investigate the culprits of all the registered crimes (Gilbert Geis, and Colin Goff, 2005). The profession of an individual or the position the person holds in the government cannot be an excuse to charge a culprit in a court. If a person is identified by crime he or she should be charged according to the crime committed. There should be no discrimination where common people are charged while the people in the government are not. Many of the government crimes are not fully investigated. This is because of lack of enough evidence. Many government officials temper with the evidences making investigation process to give up on the matter.

White collar crimes are difficult to identify compared to the street theft. Use of trust violation and deception by the professions requires a lot of intelligence. The professionals take risks of being caught in the act of deceit. When they are performing their illegal activities their main worry is that the act may not be identified and that they may not be caught; professionals carryout crimes openly. The only thing that they ensure is to maintain a high interaction with the server. This creates trust between them and the server. The white collar criminals also need to familiarize themselves with their companies’ systems in order to identify the best ways to get benefit and how to get it (Ngai, 2001). All the crimes need self giving individuals. Participating in crimes requires one to risk all that he or she has in order to fight to get more. It is a risk because a person can be caught and the court rules against all his wealth, job and freedom. Finally, crimes are called crimes due to violation of the law. Therefore all the crimes violate the law and if any person is fixed there should be penalty to be taken.


Work cited

Braithwaite, John. “White collar crime.” Annual Review of Sociology 11.1 (2005): 1-25.


Friedrichs, David O. Trusted Criminals. Belmont (Calif.): Wadsworth, 2011. Print.


Nelken, David, ed. White-collar crime. Aldershot,, England: Dartmouth, 2004.


Ngai, E. W. T., et al. “The application of data mining techniques in financial fraud detection: A classification framework and an academic review of literature.” Decision Support Systems 50.3 (2011): 559-569.

Quinney, Richard. Class, state, and crime: On the theory and practice of criminal justice. D. McKay Company, 2007.

Shover, Neal. “White-collar crime.” The handbook of crime and punishment (2008): 133-58.


Sutherland, Edwin Hardin, Gilbert Geis, and Colin Goff. White collar crime: The uncut version. Vol. 58. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2003.

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Application Of Attachment Theory To A Case Study

Be sure to:

· Identify and correctly reference the case study  (Helen P).

· Use literature to support your claims.

· Use APA formatting and style.

· Add in text references.


 Submit a 2-page case write-up that addresses the following:

· Summarize the assumptions of attachment theory in 2 to 3 sentences.

· Identify the problem in your chosen case study to be worked on from an

attachment theory perspective.

· Explain how attachment theory defines and explains the cause of the problem in one to two sentences.

· Develop two assessment questions that are guided by attachment theory that you would ask the client to understand how the stress or distress is affecting the client.

· Discuss two interventions to address the problem. Remember, the theory should be driving the interventions. In other words, you would not identify systematic desensitization since this is not an intervention guided by attachment theory.

· Formulate one self-reflective question that is influenced by attachment theory that you can ask yourself to gain greater empathy for what the client is experiencing.

· Explain which outcomes you could measure to evaluate client progress based theory.

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HCA 421 Health Care Planning & Evaluation WK4-D1

Required Resources Required Text

Read from the course text, Strategic management in healthcare organizations 

· Chapter 6: Creating Strategic Alternatives

· Chapter 7: Choosing the Best Strategy

· Chapter 9: Executing the Strategy


1. Bisognano, M. (2008). Leadership’s role in execution. Healthcare Executive, 23(2), 66-66,68,70. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.

2. Delgado, R. I. (2009). Financial performance drivers and strategic control: The case of cancer treatment centers. The University of Texas School of Public Health. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses,147-n/a.  Retrieved from the ProQuest database.

3. Krentz, S. E., DeBoer, A. M., & Preble, S. N. (2006). Staying on course with strategic metrics. Healthcare Financial Management, 60(5), 86-93. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.


Recommended Resource Article

New York Times. (2013, March 20).   The face of future health care (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. . Retrieved from

Required Resources



Required Text




from the course text,

Strategic management in healthcare organizations






Chapter 6: Creating Strategic Alternatives




Chapter 7: Choosing the Best Strategy




Chapter 9: Executing the Strategy









Bisognano, M. (2008). Leadership’s role in execution.

Healthcare Exec

utive, 23

(2), 66

66,68,70. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.




Delgado, R. I. (2009). Financial performance drivers and strategic control: The case of

cancer treatment centers. The University of Texas School of Public Health.


Dissertations and T






Retrieved from the ProQuest database.




Krentz, S. E., DeBoer, A. M., & Preble, S. N. (2006). Staying on course with strategic


Healthcare Financial Management, 60

(5), 86

93. Retrieved from the ProQuest




Recommended Resource





New York Times. (2013, March 20).


The face of future heal

th care


(Links to an external

site.)Links to an external site.

. Retrieved from













Required Resources


Required Text

Read from the course text, Strategic management in healthcare organizations:

o Chapter 6: Creating Strategic Alternatives

o Chapter 7: Choosing the Best Strategy

o Chapter 9: Executing the Strategy



1. Bisognano, M. (2008). Leadership’s role in execution. Healthcare Executive, 23(2), 66-

66,68,70. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.

2. Delgado, R. I. (2009). Financial performance drivers and strategic control: The case of

cancer treatment centers. The University of Texas School of Public Health. ProQuest

Dissertations and Theses,147-n/a. Retrieved from the ProQuest database.

3. Krentz, S. E., DeBoer, A. M., & Preble, S. N. (2006). Staying on course with strategic

metrics. Healthcare Financial Management, 60(5), 86-93. Retrieved from the ProQuest



Recommended Resource



New York Times. (2013, March 20). The face of future health care (Links to an external

site.)Links to an external site.. Retrieved from


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