Formulating Research Questions

Research problems can come from a variety of places. A topic can come up during a discussion with a colleague that motivates you to want to learn more about it. You may have a question for which you cannot find an answer, so you decide to conduct a research study in hopes of finding an answer. You may identify a particular gap in knowledge and be inclined to investigate that gap and close it with the results of a research study.

For this Discussion, consider how crafting a good research question is the cornerstone for designing robust studies that yield useable data. Review the Sessions episode on the Talia Johnson case. Locate two articles authored by the researcher David Lisak on the topics of the undetected rapist and predatory nature.

Post two potential research questions related to the Sessions episode. Consider potential ethical or political issues related to the feasibility of investigating the questions. Evaluate each question in terms of how it might:

  1. Contribute to development of new knowledge for social work
  2. Lead to more effective practice interventions
  3. Lead to social change
  4. Be useful to other researchers

Finally, explain the criteria you used to decide which sources of information should be included. Please use the resources to support your answer.

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Philosophy Paper: Urgent

For your first essay, choose and answer only one of the questions below. In preparation for this essay, read the following Guidelines on How to Write a Philosophy Paper.

Is nihilism correct in asserting that nothing matters?

If you choose this question, you will argue either in favour or against nihilism. The relevant lectures are lecture 2, 3, and especially lecture 4. It is recommended that your essay has the following structure:

1) In the first section (titled “Introduction”) you define and characterize nihilism. For this section (as well as for the subsequent ones) you are encouraged to go beyond the lecture slides and the readings available on Moodle, and consult external sources, such as the ones suggested below.

2) In the second section (titled “Arguments for Nihilism”), present what you take to be the best argument(s) in favour of nihilism. Even if nihilism is not the view that you favour, try to make the best case for nihilism that you can possibly make. Here you will rely primarily on the readings, and/or external sources.

3) In the third section (titled “Evaluation of Nihilism”), you do two things: a) assess the strengths and the weaknesses of the arguments for nihilism presented in the previous section. b) formulate your own answer to the question and present your own arguments. Also here you must consider at least one possible objection to the view that you are defending and answer it.

4) The last section is the Conclusion. Here you summarize the main points made in your essay and briefly restate your own position and why you think it’s true.


Can we create our own meaning and values in life?

If you choose this question then you will have to engage with Existentialism (lecture 5, 6) and with Objectivism (lecture 7), and adjudicate between the two. It is recommended that your essay includes the following structure:

1) In the first section (titled “Introduction”) you define existentialism and objectivism, say what answer each of these positions would give to the question above, and characterize the two by contrasting them with each other.

2) In the second section (titled “Arguments for an Affirmative Answer” or “Arguments for a Negative Answer”, depending on your choice) formulate what you take to be the best argument(s) either for or against the idea that we can create our own meaning and values (which position you take will depend on your choice of topic). Here you will rely primarily on the readings, and/or external sources; you will explain the arguments from the readings (or in the existing literature). Also here you formulate your own answer to the question and present your own arguments.

3) In the third section (titled “Evaluation of the Arguments”) you assess the strengths and the weaknesses of the arguments presented in the previous section. You must consider at least one objection to the view that you are defending and answer it.

4) The last section is the Conclusion. Here you summarize the main points made in your essay and briefly restate your own answer and why you think it’s true.


Grading scheme

Your essay will be graded based on the quality of your arguments, the quality of your writing, and on how well you carry out the indications above.

Formatting information:

•Wordcount: your essay must be around 2000 words (but not less than 1500 or more than 2500 words).

•Font: Times New Roman. Size: 12. Line Spacing: 1.5; Margins: 1″ (or 2.54 cm)

•Bibliography format: any bibliography format is allowed, as long as it is used consistently. See here for examples:… For information on how to cite Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy articles, see the link “How to cite this entry” at the end of every article. For Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy articles use the same citation format as for the Stanford Encyclopedia. As a rule, do not cite any work that you have not looked at. If the encyclopedia article refers to a work that you consider important for your arguments, but which you have not looked at, try and find that work, look at the relevant pages, and cite that work directly instead of the encyclopedia article. To the extent possible, use the encyclopedia article as a guide to the primary sources, and not as a primary source itself.

•Do not cite the lecture notes or any unpublished materials. Instead, cite the philosopher/author whose ideas you are discussing. If in doubt, ask me or your TA. Also, you are not allowed to cite any websites except the encyclopedias mentioned below.

How to submit

Submit your essay both on Moodle before the deadline AND as a hard copy. To submit a hard copy, either use the drop-box located in Ross S, 4th floor (where the Philosophy department is located) or hand it in to your TA. If you have a tutorial that day you may hand it in to your TA in the tutorial. If your tutorial is after the deadline then use the drop-box.

External Sources

In preparing your essay, you are encouraged to go beyond the lecture slides and the readings available on Moodle, and consult the following sources:

•Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

•Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

•Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy:… To the extent possible, use the encyclopedias above as a guide to the primary sources, rather than a primary source.

•York U library has thousands of relevant resources. The best grades will be obtained by the essays who go beyond the materials discussed in class. Just search “meaning of life” on the library’s website and you will get a long list of useful resources.

• If you are citing material from the readings for which the reference may be missing, you are responsible for finding the reference yourselves (google the relevant passage/quote, and if you can’t find it ask your TA or me).

You are not allowed to cite any websites except the Encyclopedias mentioned

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Cultural Experience Report #1 Assignment

Your assignment is to report on TWO “cultural experience” visits you make during this term. You will hand in one during week 4 and the other during week 7. After each visit, write a 500-800 word report about the visit and what you learned.

Your instructor may modify this assignment.


For your two reports, attend two different venues from this list.

  • art museum or sculpture garden
  • significant or notable architectural site (if there is explanatory material there to help you understand it)
  • music concert
  • theater play
  • poetry reading or spoken word performance
  • dance performance
  • Film festival or presentation of a film by an academic author or cinema expert
  • religious service, ceremony or ritual for a religion very different from yours, if you practice (for instance, if you are Christian, you may not go to another Christian denomination’s service)
  • other displays or performances may be acceptable. Check with your instructor for approval beforehand.

Restrictions:  The experience should be done in person. If this is impossible, contact the instructor to arrange for alternatives.  You may not report on a cultural experience from prior to this class.

Write a report after each cultural experience (Cultural Experience Report #1 and #2).

Each report should include the following information. Include photos or links that help convey the information. As always, be sure to document all sources you consult in preparing your work.

  • Name and location of the museum, site, or performance event. If there is on-line information about the site or performance, be sure to include a link to it within the text of your essay in an appropriate place.
  • Type of museum, site or event. For example, is it a portrait museum, a poetry slam, an outdoor Shakespeare festival performance? If you attended a performance, name the performer or the piece. Be specific about what you attended, when, and where.
  • Briefly describe the general setting by talking a bit about the location, the number of people there, the general overall “vibe” of the place.
  • Describe at least one aspect of the experience that you found especially interesting. For example, you might write about a particular work of art, cultural artifact, song, dance section, scene in a play, costumes or lighting, a particular character in a film or play, a particular actor or vocalist, etc. Explain what impressed or affected you, and why. Your reaction can be positive or negative, as long as you offer an explanation.
  • Identify and use at at least two tools that you have learned about in this class to talk about your visit. For example, if you visit a museum, you might point out how color works in one of the paintings, or if you go to a concert, how rhythm works in one of the songs. Make sure you are explicit in identifying the tools you are using and the learning resources your tools come from. Make sure to inform the reader about the tool through a quote or paraphrase from the learning resource. Then, make sure to tell the reader how you interpret some elements of your visit with the tools.
  • Be sure to cite the learning resources you have used in MLA format. Please see
  • Reflect on the relevance–if any–of your experience to your everyday life.  How did the experience engage your feelings or emotions, if at all? What does this tell you about human culture, or about yourself?

STOP: Before you hand in your assignment, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Have I provided the name and location of the museum, site, or performance event and URL, if available, identified the type of museum, site or event, and provided a general description of the setting?
  2. Have I identified and explained an especially interesting aspect of the experience and used examples to illustrate reflections and to explain why this aspect was interesting?
  3. Have I identified and applied two tools of interpretation from learning resources to two different examples from visit?
  4. Have I used examples to clearly explain the relevance of my visit to at least one of the following: 1) emotion 2) human culture 3) self-identity 4) cultural identity?
  5. Have I provided a list of resources and do all of my citations conform to MLA 8th edition guidelines?
  6. Have I proofread this assignment for grammatical, structural, and spelling errors?
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Foundations Of Moral Philosophy- Argument Reconstruction Assignment

First_Name Last_ Name PHIL 202

Argument Reconstruction Assignment


Description: This assignment will require you to successfully reconstruct the main moral argument of a philosophy article, identify the moral theory that this argument most closely approximates, and offer your own evaluation of the author’s argument that you have reconstructed.



· Article: “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” by Peter Singer (posted on MyCourses in the Content section under “Assignments”)

· Format: Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, Normal (default) margins

· Labeling: Please put your name and course number at the top of your assignment as in the header above.

· Due Date: Submitted on Dropbox by November 23, 2019 by 11:59 PM.


1. Reconstruct Singer’s main moral argument within the article in standard form. There are many supporting arguments and clarifications made in the article, so you need to read it carefully and determine what Singer’s overall main conclusion is (his thesis) and the key premises he uses to support his thesis.

2. Categorize Singer’s argument in terms of one of the ethical theories we have studied (ex: egoism, social contract theory, utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, etc.) Be sure to use evidence from the article to support your answer and document wherever you use ideas or information from the article. For example, if you use a direct quotation (or paraphrase) from the article, you should document it in the following way (paragraph [para.] #, page #). Also, make sure you explain how this evidence from the text supports your claim about which ethical theory Singer’s argument most naturally can be classified as. Do not leave evidence from the article to stand alone and expect me to make the key connections between this evidence and your claim about which ethical theory Singer’s argument exemplifies.

3. Evaluate Singer’s argument. Do you believe it is valid? Sound? Strong? Cogent? Provide a detailed argument supporting your view. This means you must make a claim regarding whether Singer is presenting a good argument and defend this claim through the use of supporting reasons. For example, if you do not believe that Singer’s argument is valid you need to identify what aspect of Singer’s logic is defective in his main argument and what you think the problem is with his reasoning. Here you may be a little creative in how you argue for or against evaluative claims regarding Singer’s argument.

4. You should answer these questions in a numbered list according to the number of each task as described above. DO NOT structure your answers in the form of an essay.

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Online Exam 8_07 Business Communication

Question 1 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
__________ are recommended when you want to encourage an audience to collaborate and create content.

A. Whiteboards
B. Video conferences
C. Slides
D. Podcasts
Question 2 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
A(n. __________ is a very short story, usually a true one, that can bring a subject to life.

A. citation
B. anecdote
C. quotation
D. paraphrase
Question 3 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
The question-and-answer session with the audience during your presentation __________.

A. helps you build your credibility by demonstrating your expertise and openness
B. does not allow you to deflect or address your audience’s criticism
C. undermines and trivializes the important parts of your presentation
D. does not allow you to emphasize and expand on important points
Question 4 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following is considered part of analyzing your setting?

A. Who are the key players?
B. What are the needs of your audience?
C. Will you be using your own computer to present slides?
D. How far do you need to move your audience before they act?
Question 5 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following would be the most effective way to begin a presentation on implementing a new training program?

A. Our current training system is not up to par.
B. Are you aware that our training system is outdated?
C. Three out of five employees are not sufficiently prepared for their jobs by our current training system.
D. Training is very important to the success of our company.
Question 6 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
For most business presentations, the main message should __________.

A. not include a solution to the problem discussed in the presentation
B. lead your audience to the intended outcome
C. not highlight what the audience will gain from the presentation
D. take the presenter’s rather than the audience’s point of view
Question 7 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
The first step in the process of designing slide presentations is __________.

A. organizing the content
B. developing a template
C. identifying the type of presentation
D. creating a storyboard
Question 8 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
A slide master __________.

A. is a word processing tool
B. enforces consistency in your visual elements
C. saves you time but runs the risk of inconsistent formatting
D. is useful as it allows you to cut and paste the formatting from one slide to the next
Question 9 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following guidelines should be followed for creating a template that supports effective visual communication?

A. Avoid templates with decorative, nonfunctional graphics.
B. Use highly ornate symbols as bullets.
C. Avoid including slide numbers.
D. Use dramatic color gradations on backgrounds.
Question 10 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
Starting a presentation with a(n. __________ can be risky.

A. anecdote
B. quotation
C. question
D. statistic
Question 11 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
In the context of designing slides, for which of the following is a bullet point layout inappropriate?

A. several examples of how a problem is manifesting itself
B. a paragraph describing the functioning of a piece of equipment
C. a list of possible solutions to a problem
D. the top three reasons for implementing a new process
Question 12 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
If a slide deck makes “stand-alone sense,” then it means that the slide deck __________.

A. is comprehensible only by those people who have prior knowledge of the topic
B. includes every word the presenter plans to say
C. requires supporting documents like handouts for it to be understood
D. can be understood by anyone who reads it without the benefit of the presenter
Question 13 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
If the intended outcome of your presentation is for your audience to approve funding for new teleconferencing hardware and software, then your presentation is __________.

A. informational
B. persuasive
C. instructional
D. collaborative
Question 14 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
Hugh is asked to come up with a feasible solution for the increasing attrition in his organization. He has to explain his solution with the help of a presentation. Which of the following is true regarding the main message in Hugh’s presentation?

A. It must not highlight the solution that he has arrived at.
B. It must discuss all other problems in the organization along with attrition.
C. It should consider the audience’s viewpoint.
D. It should suggest the solution but not lead the audience into accepting it.
Question 15 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
Rosie includes detailed text of her speech for a presentation on slides so that she can use it as her “speaking script.” This is __________.

A. a good idea, as this will give her the fluency required for the presentation
B. a good idea, as white spaces on slides are undesirable
C. a poor idea, because this layout will let the audience know what she is going to say in advance
D. a poor idea, since the audience can absorb more if the slides contain less information
Question 16 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
Ellen is trying to get a sense of the overall structure of her slide presentation. She sketches headlines and ideas for the body of the slides on some Post-It notes, rearranging them as necessary. Ellen is creating a(n. __________ for her presentation.

A. template
B. storyboard
C. slide master
D. animation
Question 17 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of a document camera during a presentation?

A. It encourages the audience to collaborate, interact, and create content.
B. It helps with communicating complex material that people need to look at carefully.
C. It is used for presenting to a distant audience accessible by computer technology.
D. It can be used to share content that is not in electronic form.
Question 18 of 20
0.0/ 5.0 Points
__________ help you see the big picture of a presentation before you get too involved with creating individual slides.

A. Animations
B. Storyboards
C. Slide decks
D. Message headlines
Question 19 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
Max is going to make a presentation to his boss regarding a flex-time schedule. Max knows that his boss does not accept arguments based solely on employee happiness or satisfaction. Which of the following would be the best approach for Max?

A. During the presentation, Max should stress that in a recent company survey the majority of employees were found to be in favor of a flex-time schedule.
B. During the presentation, Max should emphasize that work/life balance is one of the biggest issues facing corporate America today.
C. During the presentation, Max should relate anecdotal evidence from other companies that have implemented a flex-time schedule, showing how it has improved the lives of individual employees.
D. During the presentation, Max should provide research which shows that flex-time scheduling is directly related to increased productivity and decreased employee turnover.
Question 20 of 20
5.0/ 5.0 Points
The more specific your objective, __________.

A. the more time it will take to create an effective presentation
B. the longer your presentation will need to be to be effective
C. the easier it will be to create an effective presentation
D. the less persuasive your presentation will be


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BUS 591 Week 1 Assignment

Week 1 – Assignment 

Week One Homework Problems

Complete P1-3B and P1-4B from Problems: Set B Chapter 1 and P2-7B from Problems: Set B  Chapter 2. These problems are located under “Additional Exercises and Problems” on the Textbook Student Companion Site. Use the following Workbook Template Week OnePreview the document. Submit your work to your instructor by the posted due date. Show all your work in order to earn full credit.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

BUS591 – Financial Statement and Analysis

Week 1 Homework Assignment Templates

Instructions: Only enter data in the yellow boxes. The remaining areas are already completed for you.

Save the file as follows:  lastnamewk1.docx

Submit to the assignment box before the due date.(Late assignments will receive a late penalty).

Grading Rubric:There are a total of 68 “questions” for you to answer (as determined by the yellow box). Each item is worth 0.06 points for a total of 4.00 points.


P1-3B, Prepare an income   statement, retained earnings statement, and balance sheet; discuss results.





(a)Prepare an income statement   and a retained earnings statement for the month of May and a balance sheet at   May 31, 2014.




Income   Statement


For   the Month Ended May 31, 2014




Account title





Account   title



Account   title



Account   title



Account   title



Total   expenses



Net income






Retained   Earnings Statement


For   the Month Ended May 31, 2014


Retained earnings, May 1




Account title






Account title



Retained earnings, May 31







Balance   Sheet


May   31, 2014




Account title



Account title



Account title



Total   assets




Liabilities   and Stockholders’ Equity




Account   title



Account   title



Total liabilities



Stockholders’ equity


Account   title



Account   title



Total   stockholders’ equity



Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity




(b) Briefly   discuss whether the company’s first month of operations was a success.


Enter text answer here.



(c) Discuss   the company’s decision to distribute a dividend.


Enter text answer here.



P1-4B, Determine items to   be included in a statement of cash flows, prepare a cash flow statement and   discuss the results.





(a)Determine which items   should be included in a statement of cash flows and then prepare the   statement for Preacher Corporation.


Enter text answer here.




Statement   of Cash Flows


For   the Year Ended December 31, 2014


Cash flows from operating activities








Net   cash provided by operating activities



Cash flows from investing activities








Net   cash used by investing activities



Cash flows from financing activities








Net   cash provided by financing activities



Net increase in cash




(b) Comment   on the adequacy of net cash provided by operating activities to fund the   company’s investing activities and dividend payments.


Enter text answer here.



P2-7B, Compute values and   ratios for the following; discuss results.





(a)For each company, compute   these values and ratios:
be   sure to show your computations!


Home Depot



Working   Capital




Current   ratio (round to two decimal places)




Debt   to total assets ratio




Free   cash flow




Earnings   per share





(b) Compare   the liquidity, profitability and solvency of the two companies.


Enter text answer here.

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The Effects Of Business On Consumers And The Environment: Case Study: Perdue Farms

Week 4 – Discussion

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.


The   Effects of Business on Consumers and the Environment: Case Study: Perdue   Farms


This discussion assignment   requires you to submit at least four posts: an initial post, two reply posts   to fellow students in threads other than your own, and a revised post.


Prepare: In preparation for your first post in this discussion,   you will become familiar with the case of Perdue Farms by means of the   material listed under Required Resources (Generally). You will also find more   material under Required Resources (Per Subject Heading) because the specific   task for this discussion is to examine this case with an eye for any one of   the following four subject headings in business ethics: (1) the environment,   (2) advertising, (3) consumer safety and (4) moral responsibility. You must select   one of these subject headings and your selection will be the specific focus   of your work for your discussion. Accordingly, you will be responsible to   complete the readings and videos listed under your chosen subject heading.


Reflect: If you choose the environment subject heading, reflect on   the sheer density of chickens raised at any given time in the Perdue   facilities. The disposal of their discarded remains and their processing for   distribution, either individually and most definitely together, pose a number   of environmental concerns.

If you choose the advertising   subject heading, reflect on how the two videos on Perdue farms present the   sharp contrast between the way the company presents its product and the way   in which it has been discovered to run its chicken farms. Consider whether   this is an example of failure to provide truth in advertising and how you   would support such a stance.

If you choose the consumer safety   subject heading, reflect on the way in which chickens raised in factory farms   risks consumer safety. These might include (a) bacterial contamination, (b)   the effects of antibiotics on the meat that is consumed, or (c) the release   of adrenaline, cortisone, and other chemicals resulting from the acute stress   endured by factory farm animals, which then becomes part of the meat that is   later consumed by humans.

If you choose the moral   responsibility heading, reflect on the stewardship role that may fall upon   humans toward non-human animals. Can we utilize them as mere means to an end   (for entertainment, companionship, or food)? Or do we have special   obligations toward them (e.g., not to mistreat or torture them and to   slaughter them quickly and without stress) because they are sentient beings?

Once you have completed the   indicated readings and videos, reflect on the ethical theories that we have   covered in the discussions thus far and identify one that you want to apply   for your analysis in your discussion post.

Also, reflect on the regulations   (or lack thereof) in the factory farming industry in order to be able to   examine how our nation’s laws affect the operations of the business. You   will need to research the applicable laws on the factory farming industry.

Finally, since Perdue Farms is an   American corporation, reflect on the mixed economic system in the United   States in order to articulate the setting for the operations of factory   farming, and then, be able to analyze the ethical actions of Perdue given   this setting.


Write: In the first part of your initial post, you will need to   introduce the Perdue case within the particular subject heading that you have   chosen. In this introduction, you will also need to (1) articulate the   relevant characteristics of our mixed economic system and (2) present the   regulations for the factory farming industry. These will provide the setting   for you to be able to examine how the nation’s laws affect its operations.

In the second part of your initial   post, present your analysis of the problem in a way that identifies which   entities (Perdue as a corporation, the economic system in the USA, the   regulatory control of the state, or all of these) have a role in the problem   that you have presented. In your analysis, you must assess the negative   effects of the interplay between business activity and one of the following:   the environment, advertising, consumer safety, or corporate social   responsibility. Your focus must be an ethical analysis of this interplay, and   it must be well supported by reliable and/or scholarly sources by clearly   identifying the ethical theory that you are applying in your analysis.


Revise: Read the feedback provided by your professor to your   initial post, either directly to you or to your fellow students. Use this as   an opportunity to learn from your professor, especially with regard to the   best ways to apply the course material and your research to your analysis. On   the basis of what you have learned in this process, post an improved revision   of your initial post that applies the additional knowledge that you have   gained.

Remember that your grade depends   on the quality of your initial and revised responses, not just on the   submission of an attempt at improvement. It is thus to your advantage to post   the best initial post you can and then to also improve that best effort as much   as you can through revision. Taking this process seriously will help you   develop the skills you need to do well on the Final Project.


Requirements for Your Initial   Post:

  • Your initial post should be at least 400 words in        length and have citations and references in APA notation. It should        address the prompt in its entirety. This means that you should not split        your response to the prompt in multiple posts. Your examination should        be both thorough and succinct. This is a combination that demands time        and thought, so give yourself sufficient time to draft and revise.
  • Please be advised that until you post, you will not        see what your fellow students are posting. Once you submit your post,        you will be able to view the posts from your other classmates. You can        then proceed to reply to at least two different threads based on the        required material for this discussion.
  • Your list of references for your initial post should        include the videos and the other required reading material for this        discussion, the Instructor Guidance, and any other announcements        presented to you by your professor. List all the course material that        informed your work in the list of references and cite these too where        appropriate. In addition, your references should include any other        sources that you consult to inform yourself (but not Wikipedia or        similar sources).
  • Your initial post for this discussion should be        submitted no later than the end of Thursday (11:59 pm, U.S. Mountain        time).


Requirements for Replies to Other   Threads:

  • At least two of the four posts required should be in        the form of replies to fellow classmates in threads other than your own.
  • Each of your replies should be at least 200 words        and informed by the course material. As such, the replies must have        citations and references in APA notation. Your list of references for        each reply should include all of the course material that has informed        your reply, in addition to any research that you have obtained on your        own.
  • Your replies should focus on the specific examination        presented by your fellow student, and these should include an        examination of whether or not the characteristics of the ethical theory        and/or economic system were identified well, and whether or not their        application and analysis was also carried out successfully. Providing        such an examination is not an attack on your fellow student but an        attempt to work together with your fellow student toward the better        understanding of the ethical theories employed, as well as their        application.


Requirements for Revising   Your Initial Post:

  • Submit a revision of your initial post by either        replying to your own post, or to the feedback provided to you by your        professor.
  • There is no minimum word requirement for your revised        initial post. But you should always explain the reasons for revising        your post so that it is clear what you are doing. If you are revising        only a few words, or an ethical theory, you should not just submit a        post with vague language such as: “duty ethics works better here” or “I        did not consider the economic system.” It is important to recognize that        no one can read your mind so you need to provide the setting for your        revision (Why? What prompted it? What course material informed you?) ,        and it is important to write in clear language and complete sentences.
  • Your revised initial post is your chance to correct        any oversights or errors in your initial post, or show your improved        understanding of the material and its applications to the case at hand.        You may, for example, come to the realization that another ethical        theory is better than the one that you initially chose. Accordingly,        your revision should indicate that you chose another ethical theory and        an explanation why you find the replacement more suitable. You may also        find the need to revise any relevant portions of your analysis. Or, you        might have realized that your conclusion did not take into account        important factors necessary for your evaluation of the situation.
  • You should maximize the improvement of your initial        post by employing your professor’s feedback as a guide. Keep in mind that you may not always receive direct        feedback from your professor. But your professor will have submitted        feedback in the discussion to other posts. So read your professor’s        feedback whether it is addressed to you directlyor to other fellow        students. This will give you much to think about and apply to your own        post.
  • If your professor or a fellow classmate responds to        your revised initial post, and on this basis, you find good reason to        submit yet another revision, then by all means do so. The more you        improve your initial post, the more you will benefit both in terms of        your learning and most likely your grade.
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Anthropology 115 Online

Fall, 2014 Dr. Monica Bellas

First 9 Weeks E-mail:

Office and Hours: SS19

T 6:15-7:15 p.m., W 3:30-4:30

Th 12:30-1:30 p.m.

This course covers the major subject areas within the field of Physical Anthropology: Evolution, Primates, Paleoanthropology, and Modern Humans. Physical anthropologists study past and present human variation and evolution through the fossil record. Nonhuman primate biology and social behavior are also studied to draw inferences about human variation and evolution, along with the forces of evolution.

To remain in this class/to add this class:

Your first assignment is due the first day of the session, August 18, 2014, by 9:00 p.m. So that I may ascertain how many people are going to actually “take” the class, people who are enrolled must send me the completed form (see the “Course Assignment” section, beginning on page five). Do not send this message to me until August 11, 2104. If you send it earlier than August 11, I will delete it. Failure to send me this completed form by the due date will result in you being dropped from the class; your spot will be given to another student. To access the class website, go to the Cerritos College website ( and click on the TalonNet icon (on the left side of the page). Follow the directions for logging in.

If you are on the waiting list or wish to be added to an unofficial waiting list, you also must complete the first assignment and return it to me via e-mail ( by 9:00 p.m. on August 18, 2014. I will notify you by e-mail no later than August 20, 2014, if you have been added to the class. Please be aware that I am required to add people to the class in the order they appear on the waiting list first, then I will begin adding students from my unofficial waiting list.


There is one required textbook for this course. Chapters should be read before the student reads the lecture notes and completes the written assignments. All exams will be taken through the class website on TalonNet and are free of charge.

Stanford, Craig, John S. Allen, and Susan C. Anton.

Exploring Biological Anthropology: The Essentials, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 2013.

Computer and Internet Requirements

You must have basic computer skills in order to successfully complete this course. This means you must be able to:

· Use web browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Netscape

· Send and receive e-mail, either web-based, through the college, or through your ISP (Internet Service Provider)

· Use a word processing program – Word is preferred, but if you don’t have this program, you must be able to save your work as an .rtf file (Rich text format)

· Manage your files in Windows or MacOS, such as saving, moving, copying, and pasting files

· Successfully negotiate a discussion board

You will also need to be able to troubleshoot software and hardware problems. Failure of your computer is not an excuse for missed assignments.

This course consists of lectures, on-line discussions, written assignments, and online activities. Attendance and participation are extremely important. It is anticipated that students will read all chapters and lectures and will participate in all on-line discussions and written assignments. Students who have consistently “attended” class on-line and demonstrated a desire to learn the material are more likely to receive the “benefit of the doubt” in the case of a borderline grade at the end of the semester.

E-Mail Courtesy

As there will be upwards of 60 students in this section, it is imperative that you follow these directions: Any e-mail sent to me, including written assignments, extra credit, or questions, must have your name and i.d. number listed in the subject lineI will not give credit for any written work without this information in the subject line. If you have a question, I will do my best to reply within 48 hours during the week. In the event you don’t hear back from me within this time frame, PLEASE resend your question.

Scientific Method and Science Viewpoint

This class satisfies the General Education Requirement Area 5 in Biological/Life Sciences. As such, the class is taught from a scientific point of view, using the scientific method (hypotheses building and testing) and scientific facts (verifiable truths). We will be examining biological relationships and behavioral similarities between nonhuman primates (monkeys and apes) and humans, in addition to studying the evolution of hominins (bipedal primates) from the common ancestor we share with chimpanzees and bonobos. While I realize that some of you have a belief system as to how humans were created that may contradict the scientific theory of evolution, in this class you are required to base all of your answers to assignments and test questions on the scientific evidence of evolution, not on your religious ideology. If you find it impossible to segregate your religious beliefs in the context of this course, I would suggest that you drop the class. If you do include your religious ideology in your answer, you will receive a zero on the assignment or test answer.

Writing Skills

This is a college course; as such, you will spend the time necessary to compose essay answers of at least 100 words (use your word count feature in your word processing program to be sure). Failure to do so will result in substantial loss of points. Your essays also must be written in grammatically correct English, have proper spelling, and be logically organized. I will deduct points if your work is not grammatically correct and/or if your spelling is incorrect. Additionally, if your essay is not organized in a logical manner, you will receive a zero on the assignment.

Cheating and Plagiarism

I have a zero tolerance policy for students who cheat or plagiarize, as does the college (see the Academic Honesty/Dishonesty Policy in your class schedule). Cheat or plagiarize in my class and you will receive a failing grade (zero points) on that assignment.

Cheating is defined as follows:

“to deceive or mislead somebody, especially for personal advantage; to break the rules in a game, examination, or contest, in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage” (, 10/30/03)

If you cheat, you will fail the assignment/test and will be referred to the judicial affairs officer. No exceptions, no excuses. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, making up a source, consulting with another student regarding answers to test questions or written assignments, and/or providing answers to another student. You are to submit your own work.

Plagiarism is a type of academic dishonesty and is defined as follows:

“1. stealing somebody’s work or idea: copying what somebody else has written or taking somebody else’s idea and trying to pass it off as original

2. something plagiarized: something copied from somebody else’s work, or somebody else’s idea that somebody presents as his or her own” (, 10/30/03)

This means if you copy someone else’s work and claim it as your own, you are plagiarizing. This includes, but is not limited to, cutting and pasting information from a website or an online article without citing the source, copying information directly from a source without placing it in quotation marks and citing the source, summarizing information from a source without citing it, rearranging a few words or sentences from a source and not citing it. If you do plagiarize, you will receive a zero on the assignment. No excuses, no exceptions.


Grades are based on your performance on tests and written activities. Be sure to keep date and time stamped copies of all the work that you submit to me in case it gets “lost” in cyberspace. Each student will be responsible for providing me with proof of a completed assignment in the event that you do not receive credit for your work.


There will be four tests for this course. Tests will consist of multiple choice and true/false questions. The tests will be timed; you may not use your notes or your book for the exam. If you don’t complete the test within one hour (the allotted time), the test will “close” and you won’t be able to complete the questions. I would suggest you watch your time carefully when completing the test. Each test will be worth 50 points. These tests will be available on the TalonNet class website; the study guides will also be available on the class website.

No make-up tests will be given. I drop your lowest test score. If you miss more than one (1) test, you will receive a zero (0) on the second and subsequently missed exams.

Tests will be due by 9:00 p.m. on the second day following the posting of the questions. For example, your first test takes place on August 28, 2014. Your completed answers will be due by 9:00 p.m. on August 29, 2014. I will not accept late tests. It is in your best interests to complete the test as soon as possible and click on the “Submit Answers” button well before the deadline time. All tests will be time-stamped, and if your test is sent after 9:00 p.m. on the due date, you will receive a zero. It will be up to the student to verify with the instructor that the test has been received.

Written Activities:

We will be engaging in two kinds of written activities during the session: individual assignments and group assignments. All of your reading and writing assignments are listed under “Lessons” on the TalonNet website; some will be submitted through the “Assignments” portion of the website while others will be posted to the “Discussion Board.” “Lessons” will direct you as to how to submit your assignment.

Both types of assignments must be completed by 9:00 p.m. on the days they are due. Due dates are the dates I have listed under “Lessons” and in your syllabus. For example, your first assignment is listed under August 18, 2014 and is due no later than 9:00 p.m. on August 18, 2014. Late assignments will not be accepted. It will be up to the student to verify with the instructor that the assignment has been received. All written assignments will be worth 20 points each.

Individual assignments need to be completed at home individually and submitted via the TalonNet class website to the instructor by 9:00 p.m. on the day they are listed in your syllabus. These activities are worth 20 points each. Answers must consist of the following:

· a well-organized, grammatically correct, properly spelled essay of at least 100 words in your own words

The grading scale will be based on the following criteria:

· You failed to answer the question (0-4 points)

· Lots of work is still needed (5-8 points)

· Some key elements are missing (9-12 points)

· Good effort, but still lacking some elements (13-16 points)

· Outstanding (17-20 points)

Group assignments are those written assignments that will be completed as a group. I will e-mail your group members’ names, together with e-mail addresses, by September 2, 2014. You will work as a group to complete the assignment and submit it for grading by 9:00 p.m. on the day listed in your syllabus. I will not accept work by individuals. All of these assignments MUST be completed as a group. Late assignments will not be accepted. Posted answers must consist of the following:

· a well-organized, grammatically correct, properly spelled essay of at least 100 words

· the names of participating group members

How you work with your fellow group members is up to you. I would suggest that you:

· contact each other frequently via e-mail

· don’t wait until the night before the assignment is due to write your answer

· choose a different group leader for each assignment – this person might be responsible for organizing the communications between group members and for posting the final answer to the discussion board

· all agree to the content of the final answer prior to its posting on the discussion board

Group assignments are worth 20 points. I will grade each group answer based on clarity, logic, content, grammar, and spelling for a possible total of twenty (20) points. All contributing members of the group will receive the same score, regardless of their participation in constructing the answer. The grading scale will be based on the following criteria:

· You failed to answer the question (0-4 points)

· Lots of work is still needed (5-8 points)

· Some key elements are missing (9-12 points)

· Good effort, but still lacking some elements (13-16 points)

· Outstanding (17-20 points)

Extra Credit:

You will have the opportunity to earn a total of 25 points in extra credit during the course of the six week session using any combination of the following: For each newspaper/magazine article published within the last two years (provide me with the link via e-mail []) that deals with some aspect of physical anthropology, you will receive five points.


You may also spend time at the zoo, observing and documenting great ape behavior and the time it occurred for up to 25 points. You must observe the behavior of one of the great apes – a gorilla, an orangutan, a chimpanzee, or a bonobo – and write down the activity the ape engaged in, together with the time it occurred. For instance:

12:00 p.m., chimp jumped on a rock

12:02 p.m., chimp watched the people watching him

12:05 p.m., chimp climbed off the rock and knuckle walked to another chimp

12:06 p.m., chimp began grooming the other individual

and so on.

You may not observe the behavior of more than one of the apes, nor may you switch exhibits (for instance, watch a chimp for an hour, an orangutan for another hour, and a gorilla for ½ hour). Pick one ape and stick with it. E-mail your behavior log to me (; for each ½ hour that you document its behavior, you will receive 5 points.

All extra credit will be due no later than 9:00 p.m. on October 6, 2014. It is in your best interest to send in your extra credit as soon as possible; if your article or website is not acceptable, but you turn in the address prior to the due date, you will have a second chance to resubmit another for extra credit. If you wait until the due date, you won’t have a second chance.

While I do not grade on a curve for your assignments, I do grade on a modified curve for your exams. I will take the highest score for each exam and that will be the total points possible for the exam. Cheating or plagiarism will result in an automatic “F” (zero points) for the assignment or exam and referral to the judicial affairs officer. Your grade will be calculated on the following scale: 90-100 % A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, 59% and below F.

Technical Problems

You may (or may not) experience problems with accessing the website. The server may be down – the reasons are myriad. This is why I have included in this syllabus a schedule of what your assignments are, and when they are due. If you cannot access the website, for whatever reason, please e-mail your assignment directly to my Cerritos account: mbellas@cerritos.eduMake sure you include your name and student identification number in the subject line! Include a short note explaining that you couldn’t access the website. Then contact the Distance Education Office and notify them that the website is down (562-860-2451, extension 2837).

In the event you cannot access the TalonNet website for exam questions on the day they are available, e-mail me immediately. I will then make sure that you do get access to the questions in a timely fashion.

It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all assignments and exams on time, even if the website is down!

Course Syllabus

I am listing your reading and writing assignments here for the class. The assignments will be found on the course website under “Lessons” on the TalonNet class website. Be aware that you must access the website in order to receive all of the information listed here. Additionally, I will only accept assignments that come through the TalonNet class website (unless the website is down – see above).

Week 1 Module One

8/18 E-mail/Discussion Assignment due

If you are enrolled in the class or on the official waiting list:

As we will not be meeting in person for orientation, you must submit the following paragraph via e-mail in order to remain in the class. In other words, I will be using your submission of the following paragraph as a way to check initial attendance (do not submit prior to August 11, 2014). If you do not submit this page to me by 9:00 p.m. on 8/18/14 through the TalonNet class website, I will drop you from the class and begin adding people from the waiting list. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT.

I have read the information contained in the on-line syllabus for the Physical Anthropology (Anth. 115) On-Line class, Fall, 2014, taught by Dr. Monica Bellas. I agree to all the terms and conditions set forth therein, and have had a chance to ask Dr. Bellas about any questions I do have.


(Your Name)

(Your Student Identification Number)


If you are on the official wait list or wish to be added to the class:

Copy and paste the paragraph above, filling in the pertinent information, and send to me via e-mail ( no earlier than August 11, 2014.

Reading: Chapter 1: Introduction: What is Biological Anthropology?

Lecture Notes I and II (on TalonNet website under “Resources”)

8/20 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due

So that all of you understand how to treat others online, go to the following website ( ) and read the rules of Netiquette. Summarize these rules in an essay and send to me. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

Reading: Chapter 2: Origins of Evolutionary Thought

8/22 Reading: Chapter 3: Genetics: Cells and Molecules

Lecture Notes III and IV (on TalonNet website under “Resources”)

Having problems understanding the basics of genetics? Visit the following website:

Don’t understand the difference between mitosis and meiosis? Visit the following website:

Week 2 Module One cont’d.

8/25 Reading: Chapter 4: Genetics: From Genotype to Phenotype

Lecture Notes V (on TalonNet website under “Resources”)

8/26 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand how important Mendel’s original research was, visit MendelWeb ( and read the first four sections of his paper. What are your overall impressions of Mendel’s research? GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR ESSAY.

Reading: Chapter 5: The Forces of Evolution and the Formation of Species

How does natural selection work in humans? Visit Watch the video on sickle cell anemia (15 minutes).

To better understand how bacteria can acquire drug resistance (besides mutation), go to Click on “Launch Video.” (The video lasts 9 minutes.) Take notes.

8/27 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Visit Watch the video on the pocket mouse (10 minutes). Explain how natural selection has affected the coat colors of the mice. GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR ESSAY.

8/28 Test 1 (Chaps. 1-5) Click on “Test and Quizzes” on the TalonNet class website to access the exam. Due 8/29/14 at 9:00 p.m.

Week 3 Module Two

9/2 Check your e-mail for your group assignment

Readings: Chapter 7: The Primates

Lecture Notes VI (on website under “Resources”)

Lecture Notes VII (found on website under “Resources”)

Go to Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Discover Your Inner Animals.” Be patient, it may take a while to load. On the human figure, click on the “glowing” eye and watch the five minute video on color vision. Be sure to take notes.

9/3 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand the genetic relationships between the great apes and humans, go to Scroll down the page to “Chromosome Connection.” Do the activity “Comparison of Human and Ape Chromosomes.” When completed, look at chromosomal and gene (“banding”) patters. In the first column, you’ll see that orangutans share the least in common with humans. How closely related are orangutans to gorillas? chimpanzees? How closely related are humans to the gorillas and chimps? What does this tell you about the evolution of today’s great apes and humans?

9/4 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Individually visit the following primate web site (, you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Enter”) and investigate the monkey category (make sure your choice is a monkey, not an ape or prosimian). Pick one and read the description, and then use a search engine to find out more information, such as habitat, diet, social behavior, location, etc. Summarize this information. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

Readings: Chapter 8: Primate Behavior

Lecture Notes VIIa, VIIb, VIIc (found on website under “Resources”)

Week 4

9/8 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand how closely all primates are related to one another, in your small groups answer the following question: Do monkeys and apes have minds? Discuss the evidence and consider the implications of how we (humans) treat these animals. Group Leader: GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR GROUP’S ESSAY.

9/9 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Individually, go to Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Learn How We Stood Up,” then “Building Bodies,” then assemble the human and chimp skeletons by clicking and dragging the bones. What are the similarities between these skeletons? the differences? (These should be your observations, not those that are listed in this website.) GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

Readings: Chapters 9: Geology and Primate Origins

Lecture Notes VIII (on website under “Resources”)

9/11 Test 2 (Chaps. 7-9) Click on “Test and Quizzes” on the class website to access the exam. Due 9/12/14 at 9:00 p.m.

Week 5 Module 3

9/15 Reading: Chapter 10: Early Hominins and Australopithecus

Lecture Notes IX (on website under “Resources”)

Go to Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Discover Your Inner Animals.” Be patient, it may take a while to load. On the human figure, click on the left thigh and watch the five minute video on bipedalism. Don’t forget to take notes.

Go to and click on “Watch the documentary.” (Don’t forget to take notes.) Stop it when you get to the information about Homo erectus.

Want to learn more about Australopithecus afarensis? Go to the following websites:

9/18 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

In your small group, go to the following website: and compare and contrast the postcranial anatomy (in this case, from the waist down) of chimps, Australopithecus africanus and Homo sapiens. Group leader: GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR GROUP’S ESSAY.

Go to and read about how diet influenced the development of the brain. (Don’t forget to take notes.)

Go to Smithsonian Institution ( to learn more about hominin phylogeny.

Go to and watch the first “Becoming Human” show.  It runs about 50 minutes; don’t forget to take notes.

Week 6 Module Three cont’d.

9/22 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

In your small group, answer the following questions: Should H. habilis and H. rudolfensis be called human? What criteria would you establish for the use of the term? Group leader: GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR GROUP’S ESSAY.

9/23 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand early hypotheses about bipedalism, answer the following question: Why do paleoanthropologists now reject the hypothesis that bipedalism evolved due to the shrinking forests of Africa? Describe at least two other hypotheses that are currently being investigated. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

9/25 Test 3 (Chap. 10) Click on “Test and Quizzes” on the class website to access the exam. Due 9/26/14 by 9:00 p.m.

Week 7 Module Four

9/27 Reading: Chapter 11: Rise of the Genus Homo

Lecture Notes X (on website under “Resources”)

Go to the “Nova” website ( and watch the video “Becoming Human: Part 2.” Don’t forget to take notes.

Visit this website to view more pictures of fossil hominins:

10/1 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

To better understand how hominins are grouped together in the same genus and species, go to the site for the Nariokotome Boy (sometimes referred to as Turkana Boy) ( and describe the aspects that are Homo erectus-like. Compare and contrast him with the skulls from Java and China. (Use your own observations; keep in mind the essay that accompanies these skulls are based on the observations of a Creationist.) GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

(Follow these directions if the link in “Lessons” is not working:

Go to

Click on “Browse the Archive”

Click on “Human Evolution”

Scroll down the screen to “Table of Contents” on the left side of the page

Click on “Hominid Fossils”

At the top of the page, in the box, click on “Homo erectus”

Scroll down the page until you find KNM-WT 15000 and click on that link

Read about the fossil, and then scroll down that page to the following links:

“Compare Turkana Boy with Java Man”

“Compare Turkana Boy with Peking Man”)

Go to the Nova website ( and watch the video on the “Little People of Flores.” (Homo floresiensis.) Don’t forget to take notes.

Week 8 Module Four cont’d.

10/6 EXTRA CREDIT DUE by 9:00 p.m.

Reading: Chapter 12: Archaic Homo sapiens and Neandertals

Lecture Notes XI (on website under “Resources”)

Go to this website to test your knowledge about prehistoric life:

10/7 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Many would argue that Neanderthals were capable of engaging in ritual behavior. In your small group, go to and read the arguments for and against these behaviors. Argue for or against this proposition. Group Leader: GO TO “DISCUSSION” TO POST YOUR GROUP’S ESSAY.

10/9 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

There have been many hypotheses about Neandertals’ place in the human lineage. Go to and click on “Watch the Program.” (The video lasts about one hour. Be sure to take notes.) Answer the following questions: Neandertals have been depicted as brutish, stupid, and violent in both academia and the media. Describe three lines of evidence from the video that refute these notions. GO TO “ASSIGNMENTS” TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY.

Week 9 Module Four cont’d.

10/13 Reading: Chapter 13: The Origin, Emergence, and Dispersal of Homo sapiens

Why can’t some people consume milk (are lactose intolerant)? Go to Watch the video on how the culture and genes interact with one another (15 minutes). If this link doesn’t work, cut and paste the web address into your computer.

10/14 E-mail/Discussion Assignment Due:

Visit Lascaux, France (  Be patient, it may take a while to load.  (It should not take more than five minutes to load. Be sure to enable pop-ups on your computer.) Click on “A Visit to the Cave” and then take the Virtual Visit.  Examine the cave paintings.  Keeping in mind Margaret Conkey has proposed the animals that are depicted were not hunted (not evident in the animal bones that were butchered by these people), what were the painters trying to communicate and why?  GO TO “DISCUSSION” and post your answer to the TalonNet Discussion Board and comment on at least two other students’ responses (your comments should be meaningful and not just “I agree with what you said”).

10/15 Reading: Chapter 14: Evolution of the Brain and Behavior

10/16 Test 4 (Chaps. 11-14). Click on “Test and Quizzes” on the class website to access the exam. Due 10/17/14 by 9:00 p.m.


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CRJ 412: International Terrorism (2017 Summer – B) 2017SummerB-X-CRJ412-46070-4685

CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 1


Arizona State University

School of Criminology & Criminal Justice Department

Course Number: CRJ 412: Summer II, June 29th – August 8th, 2017

Course Title: International Terrorism

Credits; 3 Credit Hours

Pre-requisites None


Adjunct Faculty

Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, (Ed.D.)

Retired Commander (September 2011) Phoenix Police Department

Work & Cell Phone; 602-332-8380

E-mail ASU or or


When emailing me, please include the course number “CRJ 412” in the subject of your email, so I

can prioritize it over other emails that are not course related.


OFFICE HOURS: Available Monday through Friday 0900 to 1700 and arrangements can be made to

meet at one of the following locations or text, email or call me and any of the numbers or emails

listed please.

ASU West Campus

ASU Downtown Campus

Glendale Community College


This course uses a “Three before Me” policy for student to faculty communications. When questions

arise during the course of this class, please remember to check three sources for an answer before

emailing your instructor:


1. Course Syllabus

2. Announcements in Blackboard

3. The Q & A Forum


This policy will help you in potentially identifying answers before I can get back to you, and it also

helps your instructor from answering similar questions or concerns multiple times.



( )

Catalog Description:



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 2

This course provides the student with a systematic examination of the structural, organizational

and political characteristics that affect the topic of international terrorism.

Learning Goals

At the completion of this course, students will be able to: provide you with understanding &

knowledge of the Homeland Security Issue from both an international and international perspective

and the many facets associated within law enforcement profession.

Competencies /Objectives:

1. Be able to describe international threats from both political and religious perspectives

2. Explain the philosophical concepts associated with the will to harm individuals in large


3. Identify & discuss the multiple theoretical approaches to defending against

international threats and examine historical significance of past events

4. Explain international threats as they apply in today’s world

5. Be able to describe the history of terrorist events and, through weekly reading and

postings, explain the historical progression of international terrorist events

6. Explain international threats as they apply in today’s world regarding the Middle East,

Africa, Central and East Asia.

7. Be able to describe the history of terrorist events and, through weekly reading and

postings, explain the historical progression of international terrorist events concerning

Europe, North and South America.

8. From a futurist perspective, explain in detail, through discussions, research and

postings, a specific application of preventative measures against international security


9. From a futurist perspective and from postings and class presentations, explain how the

world is more secure post-9/11 from a threat perspective

10. From a futurist standpoint, explain the role of being a “leader in a changing threat

environment” as it relates to solving short and long-term dynamic issues facing the

international community




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Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 3

Textbook eBook Access Site:

REQUIRED BOOKS: eBooks & content access site: You must do this please to be in this class:


CT2Learn is an education company that has published or manages much of the required course

content. To access this content, you will need to subscribe to the CT2Learn content platform.

The past textbook utilized for this class was over $180, so we are saving you a significant amount

of money by using ct2learn.


To subscribe, go to; (external link: ), register and pay for the

course or an annual membership. Once you have completed this step you will have access to all of

your course materials, including required reading content and other resources.


Option 1: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 70 Day Term (Recommended for this course)

ISBN: 9781938087127

Author: Curriculum Tech

Estimated Price: $74.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Option 2: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 140 Day Semester Member

ISBN: 9781938087233

Author: Curriculum Technology

Estimated Price: $124.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Option 3: CT2Learn for CJ & Public Safety 365 Day Full Term

ISBN: 9781938087134

Author: Curriculum Technology

Estimated Price: $224.99 (new)

Used Retail Price is $0.00; eBook type is Web; eBook format is Adobe Ebook Reader;


Additional weekly readings are listed within each week’s module /content discussion/s and

assignment area.


This course requires that you have access to a computer that can access the internet. You will

need to have access to, and be able to use, the following hardware and software packages:

 A functioning computer, up-to-date within the last 5 years. Please note, mobile devices such as tablets or smartphones are not recommended for use with Blackboard. The Blackboard mobile app can be used for occasionally checking on the course, but the

mobile app will not display the course in its entirety. You must access the course

regularly from a full-featured laptop or desktop computer.



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 4

 A web browser, updated to the most recent version. Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari

are the preferred browsers for accessing Blackboard. Internet Explorer is not recommended for use with Blackboard.

 Adobe Acrobat Reader (free)

 Adobe Flash Player (free)

 Microphone and speaker attached to your computer

 A word processing software, such as Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Open Office.

You are responsible for having a reliable computer and internet connection throughout the



The Arizona Board of Regents, the governing board for ASU, NAU, and the U of A, has a policy

for how much time students should invest in their courses: “A minimum of 45 hours of work by

each student is required for each unit of credit.”

Therefore, in a 3-credit course, students should expect to invest 45 hours in class meetings (or

the online equivalent), as well as 90 hours doing homework and assignments—a total of 135 hours

in any given session (A, B, or C).

This translates to 18 hours per week engaging with the learning assignments (i.e.,

readings, online lectures and activities, assignments and assessments, and studying) for an

online classes that meet over a 7.5 week-semester or the shortened condensed summer

schedule. As you register for courses, keep this 135-hour standard in mind because during some

semesters your work and/or family commitments may prevent you from taking a full load of



Assigned week Schedule

Week / Module Assignments Due Dates

Week 1

This is a condensed course and

therefore from the 8 week

version of this course some

content weeks will be

combined as will the

assignments. Please don’t

become overwhelmed we will


1) Discussion Question: Each

posting should be

200 to 300 words and include a


200 words = 70%

Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 5th

by 11:59pm

Response posting &

essay is due on Saturday

by midnight July 8th,



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 5

through this material


This week, we will examine the

concept of terrorism and

begin to describe international

threats from political and

religious perspectives.

We will also continue to

introduce the concept of

terrorism by examining the

structure, strategies and goals

of international terrorist



250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

2) Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing




Total writing pages for

week one:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week One: Total 4

pages of written



Week 2

In our second week of

coursework together, we will

examine the philosophical

concepts associated with the

will to harm individuals in large


We will also examine the

multiple theoretical

approaches to defending

against international threats

by studying the historical

significance of past events.

In addition, we will examine

international threats as they

apply in today’s world,

centering on Europe.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain


1) Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%


Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 12th

by 11:59pm

Response posting &

essay is due Saturday

Midnight 11:59pm, July

15th, 2017

Total writing pages for

Week Two:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Two: Total 4

pages of written





CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 6

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Europe.

we will examine international

threats as they apply in

today’s world, centering on


We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Europe


700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing


Week 3

In our third week of

coursework together, we will

examine international threats

as they apply in today’s world,

centering on the Middle East

and Africa.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on the Middle

East and Africa


Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

2) Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100%; (equals 2

The initial Discussion

Posting is due

on Wednesday by

midnight of July 19th,


The response posting &

essay is due by

Saturday 11:59pm

July 22nd, 2017

Total writing pages for

Week Three:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Three: Total 4

pages of written





CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 7

writing pages)

Week 4

In our fourth week of

coursework together, we will

examine international threats

as they apply in today’s world,

centering on Central Asia and

East Asia.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on Central Asia

and East Asia.

We will also wrap up our

examination of international

threats, finishing with North

America and South America.

We will also continue to

describe the history of

terrorist events and explain

the historical progression of

international terrorist events,

again focusing on North

America and South America


Discussion Questions

Each posting should be 200 to 300

words and include a reference:

200 words = 70%

250 words = 85%

300 words = 100%

Respond to at least 1 other

student’s posting, see format

please 150 to 200 word response

(equals 2 writing pages)

Critical Thinking Essay

APA Formatted, with a least three

or more references; see the

examples provided please.

350 words = 70%

425 words = 85%

700 words = 100% (equals 2 writing


Initial Discussion

Posting is due

Wednesday July 26th

The response posting &

essay is due by

Saturday 11:59pm

July 29th, 2017


Total writing pages for

Week Four:

Discussion postings: 2


Essay: 2 pages

Week Four: Total 4

pages of written



Week 5 Research paper


Cover page &


5 to 7 pages of


5 pages of content = 70%

6 pages of content = 85%

7 pages of content = 100%

content, double spaced,

12 font

(Arial or New Times Roman),

Minimum of 5 sources

Due Saturday August

5th, 2017 by 11:59pm

August 6 – 9th, Final

Course Clarifications

Final Day of Class:

Wednesday August 9th,


Week 5: Total 7 pages

of written expression



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 8


with a table of contents,

Bibliography & cover page.


100 points possible


Total pages of written

expression for CRJ 412

= 23 Pages


Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Critical Thinking Essays/Summaries:

Critical thinking essays/summaries are due at the end of each module week. Critical thinking essays

showcase your knowledge of the competencies based from the materials that have been presented..

Your essay is a summarization of an examined topic from the week’s offered material. At least one

of your references must be from the ct2learn content material.

You are responsible to demonstrate your learning by considering multiple perspectives

and referencing at least three sources of content that have been assigned for the designated week.

Your essay should focus on the following:

1. What you learned about the module competencies presented for the designated week.

2. What new information you gathered from the PowerPoint slides, videos, articles and other

assigned reading.

3. What critical thinking you engaged in and what new connections were made about the topic.

This is your opportunity to tell the instructor what you have learned from the assigned content by

focusing on the criteria listed above. If you wish to research and include sources in addition to the

ct2learn content provided, please feel free to do so and cite that work appropriately. The critical

thinking essays/summaries are graded (50 points each).

Additional Assignment Requirements

Use APA formatting (including a cover page, Running Head, in-text citations and a reference page)

Times New Roman or Arial font in a 12 pt. font, and one-inch margins. See the following guidelines

and utilize the samples provided for APA formatting.

Assignments will be uploaded using Safeassignment, an anti-plagiarism tool selected by the

college. Review the grading rubric for each assignment to earn the maximum points possible. APA

format is required throughout. Your safeassignment scores should not be over 15% please as a goal.

In-text Citations:



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 9

Reference List: Electronic Sources


Cover Page:

Running Head


Your Name

Essay Title

Word Count

Professor’s Name


Page 2:




Reference Page:

3 separate reference/s are required with each essay submission, such as.

Borum, R. (2004). Psychology of Terrorism. Retrieved 17 November 2014 from

A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty-first Century, 15 August 2007. Retrieved 16

November 2014 from

Homicide Bombers Overview. Retrieved 16 November 2014 from

index.php /member-home/learning-resources/resources/terrorism-and-homeland-security


Curriculum Technology Ct2learn (2015). Department of Homeland Security – National

Framework, May 29, 2015. Retrieved from:

Your assigned essay/summary should be between 350 to 700 words; remember to correctly cite

your work please. To earn the maximum possible points please attain the 700 word count and utilize

the guiding elements in the matrix below.



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 10

350 Words = 75%

525 Words = 85%

700 Words = 100%

Additional helpful APA Links:



Critical Thinking Essay/Summary Grading Matrix


Criteria Ratings Max


Content The essay

provides a


e summary of

the assigned

week content.

References at

least three


sources from

the module.



the assigned



All sources

used are

current and


20 pts

The essay

provides a


summary of the

assigned week


References at

least three


sources from

the module.



assigned week


All sources used

are current and


16 pts




a general


of the





es less




from the

module or


es are





12 pts

The essay

provides a


summary of





Sources are

not used or




6 pts

The essay

does not








are not

used or

not used



0 pts

20 pts




Writer is

clearly in

command of

Writing is

largely free of




al errors




Errors are



15 pts



CRJ 412 International Terrorism Summer II 2017


Dr. Jeffeory G. Hynes, Ed.D. Page 11

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Social Workers And The LGBTQ Population

The LGBTQ community continues to experience incidences of prejudice and bias. Not only are these prejudices exemplified in interpersonal interactions through slurs and violent acts but also in the policies maintained in social work agencies and institutions. On June 26, 2015, the United States Supreme Court extended marriage rights to same-sex partners. Since this ruling, the federal government has extended all federal and military/veteran benefits to married same-sex couples. Despite this progress, states continue to debate laws and policies that would legalize forms of discrimination toward LGBTQ individuals. Advocacy organizations, such as the Human Rights Campaign, provide policy maps showing the different rights provided in different states (see Social workers are expected to fight to eliminate these inequalities throughout communities, programs, and institutions.

To prepare: Consider the following statement:

NASW encourages the adoption of laws that recognize inheritance, insurance, same-sex marriage, child custody, property, and other rights in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender relationships. The Association firmly believes that all federal protections and responsibilities available to legally married people in the United States should be available to people who enter same sex unions (including domestic partnerships, civil unions, and same sex marriages).

Submit your reaction to this statement of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). Describe what you think is the role of social workers in equal rights and access to LGBTQ populations.


Dessel, A. B., Jacobsen, J., Levy, D. L., McCarty-Caplan, D., Lewis, T. O., & Kaplan, L. E. (2017). LGBTQ topics and Christianity in social work: Tackling the tough questions. Social Work & Christianity, 44(1/2), 11-30.
Note: Retrieved from Walden Library databases.

National Association of Social Workers’ National Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues. (2015). Sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) and conversion therapy with lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgender persons [Position Statement]. Retrieved from

Ryan, C. (2009). Supportive families, healthy children: Helping families with lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender children. San Francisco, CA: Family Acceptance Project, Marian Wright Edelman Institute, San Francisco State University. Retrieved from

The Trevor Project. (2016). Glossary. Retrieved from

Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Chapter 77, (pp. 379–387)
Chapter 78, (pp. 388–391)
Chapter 79, (pp. 391–397)
Chapter 83, (pp. 406–411)
Chapter 84, (pp. 411–420)

Clinton, H. R. (2011). United Nations Address on Global LGBT Rights. U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from

It Gets Better Project. (n.d.). It gets better. Retrieved September 6, 2013, from:

Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.
Chapter 86, (pp. 432–434)
Chapter 87, (pp. 434–437)
Chapter 88, (pp. 437–443)
Chapter 89, (pp. 443–446)
Chapter 90, (pp. 447–450)

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