Psychology Classism Discussions Homework Help

Psychology Classism Discussions Homework Help

Discussion 1: Classism


Income and wages are measurable indicators of how prosperity is distributed amongst social class. Wealth, often determined by an individual’s net worth (assets minus liabilities), is another indicator that is used to determine class. Wealth for working class families is measured by their cars, savings, and home. As people improve their social and economic standing, wealth may include things like stocks and bonds, commercial real estate, and expensive jewelry.


Wealth is an important indicator because it spans past, present, and future generations. For example, compare the children of parents who can save money and leave an inheritance with children of parents who economically struggle and have few assets to pass on to the next generation. Historically, the creation and accumulation of wealth provides evidence of the legacy of racism, sexism, and discrimination and their role in determining class. Black/African Americans, women, and Hispanic/Latinos have historically been denied the means to obtain assets and grow wealth. Consider the impact of chronic marginalization on the Black/African American community’s ability to build wealth. While the income gaps between various ethnic groups may be decreasing, the gap between assets remains wide. Data from the Pew Research center show that the median wealth of Caucasian households is 20 times that of Black/African American households and 18 times that of Hispanic/Latinos households in the U.S. (Pew Research Center, 2011).


Class extends beyond wealth and other financial indicators. Class also includes details like the amount of free time you enjoy (because you are not working three jobs to make ends meet) or feeling like there is a “right” way to speak and act in order to be heard. For this Discussion, analyze how classism has impacted your life.


  1. ·      Post an analysis of how classism has factored into your life.
  2. ·      Then, explain a strategy you might use as a social worker to address the impact of class and class differences on the lives of your clients.

References (use 2 or more)


Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.



Discussion 2: Power, Privilege, and Classism

Power, privilege, and classism are interconnected. The more privilege you enjoy, the more power you have to access opportunities that build wealth. The more wealth you can amass, the higher your social standing. It is important to note that having wealth is not an indictment. However, the privileges that have often led to inequalities in wealth distribution are real. As a social worker, you may find yourself working with clients who do not enjoy the privileges you knowingly or unknowingly enjoy. The more you understand your own relationship to power, privilege, and class, the better you will understand your clients’ realities. For this Discussion, review how classism is represented in the Hernandez family.


  1. ·      Post an explanation of how classism is demonstrated in the Hernandez video.
  2. ·      In your explanation, describe how power and privilege function to highlight classism in this case study.
  3. ·      Provide recommendations for how social workers might address issues of classism present in the Hernandez case and advocate for change and address classist policies in their agencies and society at large.


References (use 2 or more)


Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Hernandez Family(Episode 26) [Video file]. In Sessions.







Discussion 3 : Case Study Evaluation


Being too heavy or too thin, having a disability, being from a family with same-sex parents, having a speech impediment, being part of a low socioeconomic class—each of these is enough to marginalize (placing one outside of the margins of societal expectations) a child or adolescent. When children and adolescents are marginalized, they often experience consequences like lower self-esteem, performing poorly in school, or feeling depressed and anxious. In order for social workers to help facilitate positive change for their clients, they must be aware of the issues that can affect their healthy development. For this Discussion, review the case study Working With the Homeless Population: The Case of Diane and consider the issues within her

environment that serve to place her outside of the margins of society.


  1. ·      Post a brief explanation of the issues that place Diane outside of the margins of society.
  2. ·      Be sure to include an explanation about how these issues may have influenced her social development from infancy through adolescence. 
  3. ·      Also explain what you might have done differently had you been Diane’s social worker. Please use at least 2 Learning Resources to support your answer.




Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

Working With the Homeless Population: The Case of Diane


Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.)Boston, MA:  Cengage Learning.

Chapter 4 (pp. 178-253)



Working With the Homeless Population: The Case of Diane

Diane is a 15-year-old, Caucasian female. She is a freshman at a new high school where she began 3 weeks into the semester. Her current residence is the homeless shelter in a local church. Diane’s teachers felt she was having difficulty adjusting to the new school because she sat with her head down and was very quiet, so they referred her to me. I am a school social worker, part of the child study team, and I regularly do social assessments on students to evaluate how they are functioning from a biopsychosocial perspective.

Upon first meeting with Diane, I noticed that her clothes were wrinkled and her hair seemed as if it had not been washed in some time. Eager to develop rapport, I introduced myself and explained my role at the school. Diane was quiet, with her eyes downcast and provided one-word answers to my questions. When I realized I was not building rapport, I gently asked how she was feeling, and she replied, “Awful.” I asked what was causing this feeling and she began to cry and inventoried what was upsetting her. She told me it was too difficult for her to shower at the shelter as there was a limited amount of time and some people took too long. She also reported that she felt so embarrassed about her appearance, she didn’t have any friends, she was lost in her classes, and her mother cried all the time. She explained that she had seen her mother abused many times, and they finally escaped and found “this church to help us.”

I was grateful that she opened up and realized that there were many issues to address. Recognizing that some of these were basic needs, I decided to first tackle her physiological needs to provide some relief, and then later I would address some of the other concerns, such as safety, her sense of belonging, and academic issues.

After learning Diane did not have lunch due to a lack of money, I got her some food from the cafeteria, and we began to develop a plan together. We drew a large circle and placed her name in the circle along with all the presenting problems she had named. We began with physiological needs. I gave her information about the free lunch program, explaining to her that other students would not know she was enrolled in it because she would have a cafeteria swipe card identical to everyone else’s. I also said that I would try to coordinate for her to shower in the girl’s locker room after school. This, however, would require interacting with other entities such as the shelter, school administration, and, of course, her mother. We drew circles around the large circle so I could show her all the interactions that needed to take place. We decided to check things off as we made progress. We set up weekly meetings for the next month to address and fine-tune these issues.

As the month progressed, Diane was coming to our meetings much more relaxed. She was enrolled in the free lunch program and was showering after gym class during her study hall. Once her physiological needs were being met, I noticed that her grades began to improve. I felt we could begin to address some of her social and emotional needs, such as developing friendships and healing from the abuse she witnessed.

Diane expressed interest in painting, and I mentioned the after-school art club that worked in the school studio and went to museums and galleries. Diane was interested in attending, and I thought that this was a good place for meeting potential friends. When I gently broached the subject about counseling, Diane became anxious. I gave her the hotline number and the location for the local domestic violence agency and told her that they offered free counseling services and had creative arts therapies, which would allow her to use her painting as an expression for her healing. I encouraged her to connect with the agency to see what it was like and to see the art therapy room.

Diane stops by my office less frequently now. Recently she informed me that after 6 months of counseling at the agency I recommended, she feels excited and empowered to make a difference for others. She signed up for the volunteer training at the domestic violence agency, and she wants to paint murals in the art therapy room. She recruited a friend from the art club to join in the training.

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Human Responsibility for the Environment

Human Responsibility for the Environment

ENGL 101

Ethical (Rogerian) Argument Instructions and Checklist

Essay 2




In Module/Week 5, you must write a 1,000–1,200-word ethical argument essay from the thesis/outline that you submitted in Module/Week 4. Your assignment is to develop an ethical essay following the Rogerian Model of argument. The research sources for this essay have been provided for you in our course. Any additional sources that you may choose to use must be credible academic sources. You must include at least 4 quotations, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase (6 total) into your essay from at least 3 credible sources to support your thesis statement and provide opposing arguments acknowledging common ground as emphasized in Rogerian argument. Be sure to document your sources correctly according to your documentation style (Current APA, MLA, or Turabian). You may include biblical support, but it does not count in the required citations.


Ethical Essay Prompt


Topic: Human Responsibility for the Environment


Prompt: Write an ethical essay using the Rogerian Model of argument in which you address the question, “How far should humans go to protect the environment?”



Helpful Hints

· Chapter 4 in last week’s textbook readings includes a general outline for the Rogerian Model of Argument.

· Chapter 14 in last week’s textbook readings includes sample student outlines and student essays for an ethical (Rogerian) essay written in each of the documentation styles (APA, MLA, and Turabian).

· Review the Proofreading Checklist (below) to understand the content that you must include in your essay assignment this week.

· Review the Essay 2 Grading Rubric in the course before submitting your essay assignment.


Proofreading Checklist


Read through your paper and check the appropriate boxes on the chart below. If any area of your paper needs revision, make sure you correct it before submitting your essay.


Reading & Study Application Successful Needs Revision
1. Introduction: Establishes the ethical principle and states the essay’s thesis    
2. Background: Gives an overview of the situation and provides necessary information about the topic    
3. Ethical analysis: Explains the ethical principle and analyzes the particular situation on the basis of this principle    
4. Evidence in support of the thesis: integrates a total of at least 6 quotes, summaries, and/or paraphrases from at least 3 credible sources    
5. Finds common ground as required by Rogerian model of argument    
6. Refutation of opposing arguments: Addresses objections and refutes them in a clear and respectful way    
7. Conclusion: Restates the ethical principle as well as the thesis (not in the exact words); includes a strong concluding statement    
8. Contains pathos (emotional) appeals, (values/belief) appeals, and/or logos (factual) appeals- as appropriate    
9. Title reflects issue and ethics    
10. Uses only third person pronouns (all first and second person pronouns have been removed)    
11. If using current APA format, contains properly formatted, title, abstract, and references page

If using current MLA format, contains a properly formatted Works Cited page

If using current Turabian format, contains a properly formatted title page and bibliography page

12. Double spaced; 12-point Times New Roman font    
13. Uses signal phrases and appropriate transitions    
14. References/Works Cited/ Bibliography page includes all sources cited within the body of the essay    
15. Checked spelling, grammar/mechanics    



Submitting the Assignment


When you are satisfied with the quality of your essay, submit in the course via the SafeAssign link for grading. Do not forget to write your degree program and whether you are using current MLA, APA, or Turabian in the “Submission Title” field when submitting your essay.


IMPORTANT: Fully cite all quotations, summaries, and paraphrases used within your essay, or those excerpts will be regarded as plagiarism and will result in a “0” on your essay and possible course failure.


Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.

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ENGL 101

Ethical (Rogerian) Thesis/Outline Instructions and Checklist



Thesis Statement/Outline Assignment


In Module/ Week 4, you must develop a thesis statement and outline for the 1000-1200 word ethical argument essay that you will write in Module/Week 5. Your thesis/outline assignment should include a clear thesis statement with a clear ethical argument and an outline of your plan of support following the Rogerian Model of argument. The research sources for this essay have been provided for you in our course. Any additional sources that you may choose to use must be credible academic sources. You must include at least 4 quotations, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase (6 total) into your essay from at least 3 credible sources to support your thesis statement and provide opposing arguments acknowledging common ground. Be sure to document your sources correctly according to your documentation style (Current APA, MLA, or Turabian). You may include biblical support, but it does not count in the required citations.


Ethical Essay Prompt


Topic: Human Responsibility for the Environment


Prompt: Write an ethical argument in which you address the question: “How far should humans go to protect the environment?”



Helpful Hints

· Chapter 4 in this week’s textbook readings includes a general outline for the Rogerian Model of Argument.

· Chapter 14 in this week’s textbook readings includes sample student outlines and student essays for an ethical (Rogerian) essay written in each of the documentation styles (APA, MLA, and Turabian).

· Review the Minimum Outline Requirements Checklist (below) to understand the content that you must include in your thesis/outline assignment this week.

· Review the Essay 2 Thesis/Outline Grading Rubric in the course before submitting your thesis/outline assignment.


Part 1


Included below is the minimum that you must include in your thesis/outline; however, taking the time to construct a complete and thorough outline will help you save time when you write your actual essay.


(Minimum) Outline Requirements


Successful Needs Revision
1. Thesis statement: Clearly states your debatable argument relative to an ethical principle    
2. Evidence: Presents points that support the thesis based on the principle (In your outline, include at least the minimum number of required paraphrases, summaries, and/or quotes from outside sources as indicated in assignment instructions.)    
3. Opposing argument(s): Presents viewpoints opposing your thesis argument giving special consideration to opposition of the ethical principle along with discussion of common ground as required by Rogerian argument. (Including the strongest opposition to refute helps build your credibility and convinces your audience to consider or adopt your position.)    
4. Organize your information into the correct outline format. (See examples for APA, MLA, and Turabian in Chapter 14 for the Rogerian Model of argument.)    
4. Documentation Requirements for Outline (Include minimum number of sources required for this assignment.):


If using current APA format, include properly formatted parenthetical intext citations and a References page.


If using current MLA format, include properly formatted parenthetical intext citations and a Works Cited page.


If using current Turabian format, include properly formatted footnotes and Bibliography page.




Part 2


When you are satisfied with the quality of your outline, submit it via the submission link in Module/Week 4 for grading. Do not forget to write your degree program and whether you are using current MLA, APA, or Turabian in the “Submission Title” field when submitting your assignment.


Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 4.


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Week 5 Aggression and Prejudice Assignment

Week 5 Aggression and Prejudice Assignment

PSYC 312

Aggression and Prejudice Activity Template


Markus was excited to finally arrive in Metrocity and was eager to explore. He stepped out of the crowded subway car and headed for the long, steep stairway that led to street-level. He was shocked to see a group of young men forcing their way through the crowd on the stairway, pushing people aside, shouting about trying to catch the next train. Several people were hurt including a young woman who fell down and was bleeding. Her husband grabbed one of the young men and began shaking and punching him.


1. Two types of aggression are described in this scenario. Describe each type, identify which person or persons exhibited each type of aggression and support your answer with information from our textbook.






2. Based on empirical evidence described in our textbook, would you say that aggressive behavior is learned or are we all born with aggressive tendencies? Be sure to include examples from our textbook (cited) to support your answer.






3. A man was punched and knocked unconscious when he was caught in the act of breaking into another man’s home. Which of these men is more likely to have reacted to the home invasion in this aggressive manner: Mitchell (who was born and raised in an area historically inhabited by sheep farmers in a Southern state) or Steven (who was born and raised in an industrial Northern city). Explain your choice based on what Myers and Twenge wrote about culture and aggressive behavior.






4. Based on information provided in our textbook, how is aggression related to social status?







5. Describe the experiment Albert Bandura conducted that provided important information related to aggressive behavior. What did this research tell us about aggressive behavior? Why was this landmark study so significant?







Pat has been arrested several times for crimes involving aggressive behavior. Explain how the following factors may be impacting Pat’s behavior.


6. Alcohol:






7. Gender. Did you assume Pat was male or female? Explain why. Does gender typically have an impact related to aggressive behavior?







8. Family Background:





9. Personal Discomfort or Pain:








Respond to the next two statements based on the information provided by Myers & Twenge regarding violence and the media.


10. Violent movies and television programs should be banned because they cause people to commit violent acts. Do you agree or disagree? Why?






11. People are responsible for choices they make. Violent movies and television programs are purely entertainment and have no impact on violent behavior. Do you agree or disagree? Why?







12. Myers and Twenge identify eight factors associated with (or predictive of) aggressive behavior. Please list all eight.






13. What are some ways Myers and Twenge suggest that could help reduce cyberbullying? Please provide at least two specific examples from our textbook and explain why each of these might be successful.







14. What role does parenting play in reducing aggressive behavior? Provide an example from research cited in our textbook. Explain from a Biblical perspective why parenting has such a powerful effect.






15. Explain how anger and aggression may or may not be connected. What is the best way to manage anger or frustration (venting, holding it in or other?). Use information and scenarios from our textbook rather than from personal experience.









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MOs And Sds Psychology homework help

MOs And Sds Psychology homework help

In a bulleted format, fill in your analysis of the two concepts, placing similarities in the left column and differences in the right column.

Below the table:

· Identify and describe three real situations from your environment or experience (that is, one MO and two Sds or vice versa).

· Analyze and evaluate the similarities and differences between motivating operations and discriminative stimuli using support from scholarly sources.


· Identify and describe relevant antecedent variables from real-life situations.


· Explain and provide examples of how the identified antecedent variables operate as either a motivating operation or a discriminative stimulus.


· APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.

· Resources: 1–2 scholarly or professional resources. Resources should include the course text and a combination of seminal works.

· Length: 3–4 double-spaced pages of content, in addition to the title page and references page.

MOs and Sds

Antecedents are stimuli that occur before a behavior and can influence behaviors. MOs and Sds are types of antecedents that play an important role in the occurrence of behaviors. Understanding the impact of these antecedents allows behavior analysts to manipulate these variables and influence client behavior in a meaningful way.

For this assignment, use the template Motivating Operations and Discriminative Stimuli given in the resources. This template has a column for similarities and one for differences.


In a bulleted format, fill in your analysis of the two concepts, placing similarities in the left column and differences in the right column.

Motivating Operations and Discriminative Stimuli


Similarities Differences
· First bullet point can go here.

· Second bullet point, et cetera.

· First bullet point can go here.

· Second bullet point, et cetera.




Below the table:

· Identify and describe three real situations from your environment or experience (that is, one MO and two Sds or vice versa).


· Analyze and evaluate the similarities and differences between motivating operations and discriminative stimuli using support from scholarly sources.


· Identify and describe relevant antecedent variables from real-life situations.


· Explains and provides examples of how the identified antecedent variables operate as either a motivating operation or a discriminative stimulus.




Assignment Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

· APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.


· Resources: 1–2 scholarly or professional resources. Resources should include the course text and a combination of seminal works.


· Length: 3–4 double-spaced pages of content, in addition to the title page and references page.


· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

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Psychology Discussion Questions

Psychology Discussion Questions

Please feel free to discuss any other material that you feel is relevant and interests you.  In addition, respond to, at least, one or two posts from other students.

1.  Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is popular in developmental psychology.  Discuss his theory and apply his concepts to your own lifespan development.

2.  Discuss the various styles of attachment and how they influence romantic love, as well as parenting styles.  Try to apply the styles to your own life experiences.

3.  What do you think it will be like to grow older in our society?  What are the implications and consequences for the elderly?  Since we are New Yorkers, what do you think it is like to grow old in an urban environment, as compared to a suburban or rural environment?

Chapter 10 – Lifespan Development II

1.  Discuss Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, and how you think it applies to other cultures.  What do you think of the possible gender bias of Kohlberg’s theory?  Try to give both cultural and gender examples.

2.  Discuss both or either of the neurodevelopmental disorders, in our chapter, that interest you.  Do you think ADHD is over diagnosed? Why or why not?  Are vaccines related to ASD? Should parents not vaccinate their children? Why or why not?

3.  Discuss John Gottman’s Seven Basic Principles of enduring love.  Apply them to yourself and an important love relationship in your life.

4.  Our final topic for developmental psychology is thanatology; the study of death and dying.  To paraphrase Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, “for when you live as if you’ll live forever, it becomes easy to postpone things you must do, and when you understand that each day could be your last, you take the time to grow, to become aware of whom you really are and to reach out to others.”  How do you think this quote influences your life?  What are your thoughts on death and dying?

Please read attachment of the overview of chapter 5 and 6, then answer the questions.

Is a college psychology online class discussion, so don’t have to use really complicated words and each question please answer in 2-3 sentences.

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Psychology Assignment help

Psychology Assignment help

Experiences of schizophrenia are not homogeneous; there is wide variety in onset, course of illness, and combinations of symptoms. Social workers need to be able to understand the different manifestations and pathways of the illness to plan interventions. Social work services play a key role in stabilizing crises, supporting family coping, and influencing overall quality of life and outcomes of individuals with schizophrenia. In this Assignment, you practice applying this necessary individualization.


Morrison, J. (2014). Diagnosis made easier (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

· Chapter 5, “Coping with Uncertainty” (pp. 43–56)

· Chapter 13, “Diagnosing Psychosis” (pp. 185–215)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013o). Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.dsm02

American Psychiatric Association. (2013b). Assessment measures. In Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: Author. doi:10.1176/appi.books.9780890425596.AssessmentMeasures


Saks Schizophrenia

McGough’s Schizophrenia Youtube Video

To prepare: In the Learning Resources, focus on the associated features, development, and course of the illnesses in the schizophrenia spectrum. Also focus on descriptions of the disorder and the way it develops for different individuals.

Choose two articles from the list in the Learning Resources that apply to treatment support and interventions for the schizophrenia spectrum.

2 Articles below:

1. Cohen, A. N., Hamilton, A. B., Saks, E. R., Glover, D. L., Glynn, S. M., Brekke, J. S., & Marder, S. R. (2017). How occupationally high-achieving individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia manage their symptoms. Psychiatric Services, 68(4), 324–329. doi:10.1176/

2. Eack, S. M., Newhill, C. E., Anderson, C. M., & Rotondi, A. J. (2007). Quality of life for persons living with schizophrenia: More than just symptoms. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 30(3), 219–222. doi:10.2975/30.3.2007.219.222

USE 3 – 4 Scholarly resources 

1. Park, S., Lee, K., & Choi J. (2016). Factor Structure of the Clinician-Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity in Patients with Schizophrenia. Retrieved from

2. Üstün,T.B., N. Kostanjsek, S Chatterji, J Rehm (2010). Measuring Health and Disability: Manual for WHO Disability Assessment 2.0. Retrieved from

3. Jones C1, Hacker D, Meaden A, Cormac I, Irving CB, Xia J, Zhao S, Shi C, Chen J., . (2018). Cognitive behavioural therapy plus standard care versus standard care plus other psychosocial treatments for people with schizophrenia.. Retrieved from

4. Beels, C. C. (2016).  Social Support and Schizophrenia. Retrieved from

Write a 3- to 4-page paper, supported by at least 3-4 scholarly resources (including both required and additional resources), in which you address the following:

Address on: 

· Compare Saks’s and McGough’s experiences with schizophrenia, specifically referencing the positive and negative symptoms they each experienced.

· Explain how you would use the Clinician Rated Dimensions of Psychosis Symptom Severity measure and the WHODAS to help confirm your diagnosis.

· Identify in what ways their cases are typical or atypical of the illness in terms of onset, associated features, development, and course. Support your response with references to scholarly resources.

· Explain how you would plan treatment and individualize it for these two individuals. Support your response with references to scholarly resources. In your explanation, consider the following questions:

o What are the long-term challenges for someone living with the illness?

o What social, family, vocational, and medical supports are needed for long-term stabilization?

o How might treatment look similar or different for Saks and McGough, given they have the same diagnosis?

· Briefly explain how race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, or other identity characteristics may influence an individual’s experience with schizophrenia.

Use APA format In text Citation and References from Reading and from Scholarly Resources used and any other creditable site

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Psychology Multiple-Choice Questions homework

Psychology Multiple-Choice Questions homework


1 (5 points) Piaget’s concrete operational stage is characterized by thought that is related to the child’s motor activity logical and flexible abstract rigid and influenced by appearances

2 (5 points) The ability to mentally retrace steps of an operation is known as transductive reasoning animistic thinking inductive reasoning reversibility of thought

3 (5 points) Horizontal decalage refers to development through the four major Piagetian stages development within a stage the tendency to focus on width rather than height in conservation tasks children’s development of a skill across all content areas simultaneously

4 (5 points) In some cultures, children are accustomed to dividing their toys, treats, and drinks for equal distribution with each other. these children acquire conservation early at the same time as other children late with no evidence of horizontal decalage

5 (5 points) Grouping related items together is a memory strategy known as organization elaboration rehearsal listening

6 (5 points) Margaret shows exceptional talent in drawing and sculpting, able to recreate entire scenes and landscapes from memory. According to Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, Margaret has particular strengths in _____ intelligence. linguistic logico-mathematical spacial bodily-kinesthetic

7 (5 points) A test that asks children to name as many uses of a brick as they can is tapping crystallized thinking simultaneous processing convergent thinking divergent thinking

8 (5 points) Kevinhas an above-average IQ, but struggles with reading. Kevin is probably just not trying hard enough in school has mental retardation has a learning disability has a behavior disorder

9 (5 points) Mainstreaming refers to placing pupils with learning difficulties into regular classrooms placing physically, but not mentally, disabled children in regular classrooms ability grouping placing all same-age students into regular classrooms regardless of type or severity of their problems

10 (5 points) Recent research indicates that American school teachers emphasize abstract thinking analysis and synthesis of new information applying ideas and concepts to real-life situations rote memory and repetitive drills

11 (5 points) A child who energetically pursues meaningful achievement in his or her culture is exhibiting coregulation inferiority industriousness perspective taking

12 (5 points) Theo’s grandmother wants to make sure he successfully resolves Erikson’s psychosocial conflict of middle childhood. She should give Theo opportunities to build trust in others learn to initiate conversations with girls become more empathic develop competence at useful skills

13 (5 points) Which of the following statements accurately reflects the change in self-description that typically occurs between ages 8 and 11? They emphasize competencies when describing themselves Children will describe positive, but not negative, traits Children tend to describe themselves by focusing on specific behaviors They are more likely to describe themselves in unrealistically positive ways

14 (5 points) George Herbert Mead described the self as Our image of who we would like to be A blend of what important people in our lives think of us A unique perception that has nothing to do with what others think Based on social comparisons

15 (5 points) According to Harter, self-esteem takes on a hierarchical structure by first grade all four separate self-esteems make equal contributions to general self-esteem academic competence weighs as much as the other three self-esteems combined physical appearance contributes most to general self-worth in middle childhood

16 (5 points) Compared to children in America, children in Japan and Taiwan score _____ in academic achievement and _____ in self-esteem lower; higher higher; lower higher; higher lower; lower

17 (5 points) Which statement about the self-esteem of American young people is true? American cultural values have de-emphasized a focus on self-esteem In spite of lower achievement and more adjustment problems, self-esteem has risen sharply Compared with previous generations, the self-esteem of American young people has dropped sharply Children benefit from compliments, even when they are not based upon real attainments

18 (5 points) Learned-helpless children do not develop the metacognitive skills necessary for high achievement are more likely to see the connection between effort and success attribute their failures to bad luck are more persistent than other children

19 (5 points) Attribution retraining is easily done with children of any age, no matter how low their self-esteem should be taught in middle childhood, before children’s views of themselves become hard to change is only effective if done during the preschool years is most effective with high schoo students who are able to think abstractly

20 (5 points) Emotional self-efficacy is the capacity to imagine what other people are thinking and feeling a feeling of being in control of one’s emotional experience the ability to understand and respond sympathetically to the feelings of others the ability to resist an impulse to engage in socially disapproved of behavior

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Psychology Milestone 4 homework help

Psychology Milestone 4 homework help

In your Results section, you should first describe how you reduced your data for analysis (e.g., how your questionnaires were summed or averaged to get a composite score to analyze). Your Results section should also include a table of the relevant descriptive statistics. Last, you will need to describe the statistical test that you chose to run and provide the key results for the test as well as a brief explanation of the results. It is essential that you follow APA style when writing this section. Please refer to Chapters 2 and 5 of your APA manual for further instructions on how best to write a Methods and Results section.



Needs Improvement

Not Evident


Methods: Participants

Outlines the participants in the study and how they were recruited



Outlines the participants in the study, but does not explain how they were recruited


Does not outline the participants in the study



Methods: Materials

Meets “Proficient” criteria and describes materials that are especially well aligned to the research question


Describes the materials created for the study and how they specifically address the research question and audience


Describes the materials created for the study, but does not describe how they specifically address the research question or audience, or description has gaps in accuracy or detail


Does not describe the materials created for the study and how they specifically address the research question and audience (0%)


Methods: Methodological Procedures

Meets “Proficient” criteria and describes procedures that are especially well aligned to the research question


Describes the methodological procedures used to collect data and how the materials were used in collecting


Describes the methodological procedures used to collect data, but not how the materials were used in collecting, or description has gaps in accuracy or detail (70%)

Does not describe the methodological procedures used to collect data and how the materials were used in collecting (0%)



Results: Raw Data

Meets “Proficient” criteria and is exceptionally clear, contextualized, and aligned to the research question


Describes how the raw data was reduced for statistical analysis, clearly detailing each step of the process


Describes how the raw data was reduced for statistical analysis, but does not clearly detail each step of the process, or steps are inappropriate


Does not describe how the raw data was reduced for statistical analysis



Results: Descriptive


Creates a table outlining the

Creates a table outlining the

Does not create a table outlining



descriptive statistics for the key variables


descriptive statistics for the key variables, with gaps in accuracy or detail


the descriptive statistics for the key variables


Results: Statistical Test

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a nuanced understanding the alignment between appropriate statistical tests and data


Describes the statistical test selected and explains why the test is the most appropriate for analyzing the data


Describes the statistical test selected, but does not explain why the test is the most appropriate for analyzing the data, or explanation lacks detail or accuracy


Does not describe the statistical test selected



Results: Manuscript Standards

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and manuscript is of the quality that would be found in an American Psychological Association article (100%)


Manuscript is of professional quality, as outlined by the American Psychological Association’s standards (90%)

Manuscript is aligned with the American Psychological Association’s standards, but not of professional quality


Manuscript is not aligned with the American Psychological Association’s standards



Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to-read format


Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization (90%)

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas


Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas




Earned Total


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The Transition Stage homework help

The Transition Stage homework help

You have now become familiar with the group members in the Evolution of a Group video by viewing their journey through the initial stage of the group. In the transition stage, the group prepares to engage in a deeper level of work. This transition stage requires group members to engage in self-disclosure, to risk becoming vulnerable, and to display mutual respect as the process unfolds. As the work deepens during this stage, some problematic behaviors may emerge among group members.

To lead the group effectively, leaders must understand what types of challenges to expect and be prepared to address these challenges in order for the group to move into the working stage. Leaders must also be aware of their own reactions to the group process and to the members to effectively facilitate the transition stage of group. Leaders are not immune to strong reactions to group members or co-leaders. As a future group counselor, you must be aware of your own reactions and be able to remain objective in leading group members. Counselors sometimes minimize the importance of this information. This level of advanced self-awareness for the leader comes though intentional self-examination, training, and supervision.

For this Discussion, you explore the challenges of the transition stage and consider strategies you could use as a group leader to address these challenges. You will also imagine yourself to be a group member and examine your experience as you view the group during the transition stage.

To prepare:

  • Watch Segment 3, “The Transition Stage” of the Evolution of a Group video.
  • Note and reflect on your mental, emotional, and physical reactions to the video. Notice whether you felt defensive or numb, found yourself getting irritated, gasped, sighed, lost your concentration, or became overly sympathetic.
  • Review Part III, “The Transition Stage” in Groups in Action: Evolution and Challenges (pp. 30–39) to give context to the video.
  • Select one challenging group members’ behavior from the video segment to use for this Discussion. This should be a situation that would be a challenge for you if you were the counselor for this group.

Observation Post:
For the observation post, you will respond as if you were the group leader.

  • 1. Post an example of a defensive or avoidant behavior or a conflict that you observed that would be a challenge for you as the group leader. This should be a situation that exemplifies the transition stage of the group as demonstrated in the video.
  • 2. Briefly share your observation (include the time stamp and member’s name).
  • 3. Describe a leader skill or strategy you might use to facilitate the group through your chosen example.
  • 4. Provide a description or interpretation of the underlying dynamic that you sense is emerging in this transition stage of the group.

The Video is attached, you will restart it and go through the 11 second notices, then click on First Program: Evolution of a Group – you will then click on and watch/use Segment 3: The Transition Stage for the discussion question as outlined above.

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Psychology Final Project homework help

Psychology Final Project homework help

Running head: SMPP PART ONE 1



This is a report of the description, development, and management skills of Marcus Butler. In this report, it will reveal a snap shot of the personality as outlined in the various people puzzles presented by the required texts. Using the course resources, the following questions will be answered: 1) Who is the Me I See; 2) What Hallmark Purpose will govern your relational style; and 3) Who is the Me I want to See? The engagement of these questions set the stage for further management of my particular relational style by using a research-based approach to support the assertions outlined.

Table of Contents Part 1 Data 3 Communications Skills Test 7 Professional/Leadership DISC Profile 9 How Others See You 11 SMPP Phase One Questions 11 References 15 Solving My People Puzzle: Part 1 Grading Rubric 16

Part 1 Data
Interview 1: Shawna

Identify and solicit a wise person for mentorship. This person should be willing to help you secure and support your personal and professional growth and development. Initially, it will only involve helping you complete this assignment:

1) What would you tell Marcus if he asked you the following question: “What is it like to be on the other side of me?”

Marcus is a motivated, inquisitive, go getter who uses every opportunity to maximize his balance. He is also a people pleaser and this at times causes conflict not only with himself although he won’t admit it, but with his family and with others that are in his world making requests of him, he must learn to say no.


2) How does Marcus typically interact with other people? Can you think of a recent example?

Marcus interacts with others in a positive manner; he is very friendly and even keeled. He is a natural leader who knows how to communicate well with others. Case and point, we have members from all age categories and emotions; and Marcus is able to come in with his infectious bubbly attitude and changes the atmosphere.


3) Have you ever been in a situation where you saw Marcus take on new tasks or roles? Describe this situation and what he did?

We’re always in situations where we see Marcus take on new tasks/roles. The most recent and touching for me is his role as our Armourbearer. Once he fully understood the Biblical understanding and application, he moved in with agility and heart. He’s still adapting, but we can feel the sincerity in his passion to do what God wants him to do, it’s not just for a title.


4) What has been a particularly demanding goal for Marcus to achieve?

I would say to be filled with the Holy Spirit.


5) When you observe Marcus, which of the following pictures come to mind?



Based on the explanations provided, I would have to play mix and match with each one of these animals provided as Marcus’ has highlighted strengths of a Lion, the Beaver, the Otter and the Golden Retriever; same goes with his weakness. However, when I first looked at the 4 choices; I automatically went to Lion because it is known that the Lion is known to be the most vicious and protective animal in the animal planet; the man Marcus is strong and protective; he will do anything to take care of those he love. He is passionate about learning and ministry, his weakness is responding to impulses. As the Lion that waits for his prey, Marcus is a very patient young man with charisma. The Lion remains on guard, yet stays occupied, Marcus stays guarded, yet is always involved in a project, whether it’s figuring out how to better his photography skills, work on his assignments, or figuring out gadgets

Interview 2: Sid

Assessments used in this course are helpful tools for understanding how a person tends to think, feel, and make decisions; yet, more information is needed to fully understand one’s actual, observable, behavior. A completed 360° Interview provides a student with fresh insight from those who know him/her well. It also provides a way to monitor his/her relational growth and development. A student has asked you to answer the following questions. Your answers do not have to be long, just clear and concise. If more room is needed, continue typing until all questions are answered to your satisfaction. To help this student, complete his/her assignment in timely fashion; please return this document within 1 days of receipt by email attachment.

1) What would you tell Marcus if he asked you the following question: “What is it like to be on the other side of me?”

Marcus is a spirited, and enthusiastic young man who goes above and beyond to achieve a level of standard that he exceeds his expectations. As Pastor Shawna Lathan stated he is a people pleaser and with that it causes him internal conflict as well as pain within the ministry that is inside of him.


2) How does Marcus typically interact with other people? Can you think of a recent example?

Marcus shows a smile every time that I see him; It makes me wonder at times what is truly going on inside of his mind – because I know that nothing is sunshine all the time. There is no one that I have witnessed him not being about to communication with. However, his positive attitude is infectious.


3) Have you ever been in a situation where you saw Marcus take on new tasks or roles? Describe this situation and what he did?

Trying to come up with different descriptions is a task in itself. There is nothing that we ask of Marcus that he will not try to do; however, he doesn’t know how to say enough is enough. He will work himself to the point of exhaustion.


4) What has been a particularly demanding goal for Marcus to achieve?

Just as Pastor Shawna stated, “I would say to be filled with the Holy Spirit”, is the most vital key.


5) When you observe Marcus, which of the following pictures come to mind?



Based on the explanations provided, I would have to play mix and match with each one of these animals provided as Marcus’ has highlighted strengths of a Lion, the Beaver, the Otter and the Golden Retriever; same goes with his weakness. I also automatically went to Lion because it is known that the Lion is known to be the most vicious and protective animal in the animal planet as Pastor Shawna stated, however, it is that natural leader that is inside of him that allows others to show their strengths as well. As the Lion that waits for his prey, Marcus is a very patient young man with charisma. Many of what Pastor Shawna has stated I can reiterate, however, the most striking aspects about Marcus is his love, passion, and willingness to learn.

Communications Skills Test

Strengths separator


You are very insightful


You are assertive when talking to others

spacer Potential strengths separator


You have average communication skills


You are relatively capable of communicating clearly to others


Your listening skills are average


You are relatively comfortable dealing with emotions

spacer Limitations separator


No limitations were detected

Communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life. ” – Brian Tracy

Communication is not simply choosing the right words – many factors come into play. It’s not uncommon to find ourselves able to communicate smoothly in one situation, but bumbling our way through another. The fact is that whether you are happy with your present communication skills, there is always room for improvement. Here are some useful strategies for understanding and being understood.

Professional/Leadership DISC Profile
Profile 1

Profile 2

Profile 3

Profile 4

Profile 5

How Others See You
“You think people expect you to be seen as someone who is popular, articulate, kind, and intelligent. You tend to be many things to many people, but you are not very decisive or determined. People don’t see you as competitive or serious about winning. You usually want to be successful at being popular, supporting others, and digging into facts. You really don’t care that much about who’s the boss. You just want everyone to be happy and close, so you can teach him or her new and exciting truths. You like to teach or speak publicly, so you can impart deep information and help lift others up. People see you mostly shining and sharing your talents and knowledge.” (Carbonell, 2011, p. 85)

SMPP Phase One Questions
Who is the “Me I See”? The Core Disc index is basically the blueprint to follow in order to identify what type of personality that you may encounter. They are broken down into “D”, active and task-oriented, which stands for directing, driving, demanding, domination, determined, decisive, and doing; “I”, active and people-oriented, which is inspiring, influencing, inducing, impressing, interactive, and interested in people; “C”, passive and task-oriented, which is cautious, competent, calculating, compliant, careful, and contemplative; and “S”, passive and people-oriented, which is steady, stable, shy, security-oriented, servant, submissive, and specialist. (Carbonell, 2011, p.16) The me I see is the one that is driving and decisive (D), inspiring and interactive (I), and steady and servant (S). With the results of the survey I am described as a combination of I, S, and C that is a more accurate picture of what I am.

Core needs for the me that I am would include interactivity with others, serving others, while being on guard to whatever may be thrown my way. My biggest motivation would be to be a servant to all those that need my help.

The strengths of who I am rest on the facts of humility and the concept of servitude. One of the more vital points of being a servant/leaders (Greenleaf, 2013) is the ability to point out your own strengths and weaknesses. I believe that in my weakest state I am at my strongest. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

When it comes to shortfalls or shortcomings there are plenty to choose from. However, the biggest one will be my wanting to please everyone. In my willingness to please, I will be blinded to the obvious things going on around me. Things such as being taken advantage of, emotional manipulation, and underhanded aggression. This fits perfectly in the example of “I”, which state, “You sometimes tend to be too optimistic and trusting. People often talk you into doing things because they know you want to please them. Your need to be well liked and popular sometimes causes you to go along with the crowd. You think people need for you to be emotional and loud when responding to important things. You are expected to be expressive, which may cause you to either say things that might hurt others or cause you to sound stupid. You sometimes use your words and emotional responses as weapons against those you think are opposed to you. (Carbonell, 2011, p. 28)

When it comes to interpersonal communication there is a fine line to tread when approaching someone or a group of individuals. While it is sometimes best to directly confront individual(s) with issues, beliefs, ideologies, etc., it may be counter productive is that person is not receptive. This is a harmful aspect of interpersonal communication. However, if we first listen, without defending, the atmosphere will be more conductive to positive communication. (Petersen, 2007, p. 107)

From looking at the responses of others, the me I see is confirmed in most areas that are visible to the public. I believe that the person that I have inside is what God and I have a relationship with. As counselors, it is okay to try to relate to those you are trying to help, however, there are certain things that cannot be divulged in order to maintain a level of order in the sharing of information. It is this restraint as a counselor that is one of our greatest assets.

What Hallmark Purpose* will govern your relational style? “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4) It is in this statement that encompasses all that we are to do as not only leaders but as children of the most-high God, Jehovah. “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” (Matthew 20:28) It is through this spirit of serving and humility that will shows those that you are helping or leading that you are real, truthful and have their best interest at heart.

Who is the “Me I want to See”? The me that I want to see is a servant that closely imitates my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This may seem like a very general statement but Jesus embodies every single letter of the DISC model – thus that is the me that I want to see.

The most effective resources are pointed towards the things to guard against as well as those things that are often abused. I feel as though through the me that I see, if I can become as well rounded in the things that I resist against the most, there is no level of effective communication that I cannot achieve. Thus, through the Holy Spirit of the Living God, there is no one that cannot be helped.

Carbonell, M (2011). How to Solve the People Puzzle: Understanding Personality Patterns. Published by Uniquely You Resources. Copyright 2011 by Dr. Mels Carbonell. Published in eBook format by

Greenleaf, R. (2013). Butler University, Ten Principles of Servant. Copyright 2013 by Butler University, 4600 Sunset Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46208.

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

Petersen, J. C. (2007). Why Don’t We Listen Better? Published by Petersen Publications, Portland OR 97222. Copyright 2007 by James C. Petersen.

Solving My People Puzzle: Part 1 Grading Rubric


Points Possible

Points Earned

Assessment Content & Organization

· 360° Interviews, Communication Skills SnapShot, and DISC SnapShots (Graphs 1 & 2: Preface, Charts, Descriptions, and Conclusions) were presented with sufficient organizational clarity


DISC Description

· Primary DISC index clearly identified and satisfactorily supported from the assessments and course resources

· Basic overview concisely described and satisfactorily supported with evidence from course resources


Overall “The Me I and Others See” Description

· Overall strengths identified and concisely described with evidence from course resources and assessments

· Overall shortcomings identified and concisely described with evidence from course resources and assessments

· Helpful/harmful interpersonal patterns identified and satisfactorily supported with evidence from course resources

· Minimal presence of judgment and critique


Development of the “The Me I Want to See” Picture

· Concise description of a “Hallmark Purpose” that guide development and management of relational style

· Crisp picture of the “The Me I Want to See” developed under the influence of Hallmark Purpose

· Biblical insight and course information supported the development of the “The Me I Want to See”


Readability and APA Style

· Spelling and grammar are correct.

· Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.

· In-text citations and References used appropriately and correctly.




Instructor’s Comments:

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