homework help for Racism and Privilege

homework help for Racism and Privilege

Discussion1 : Racism and Privilege


In many societies certain groups possess more resources and hold more power than other groups. In some of these societies, racial discrimination and racial tension also exist. While members of the societies may openly acknowledge that unequal distribution of power and racism are present in their society, many fail to examine the complex relationships between privilege and racism. Social workers must understand this complex relationship so they can educate and empower their clients. Empowerment is the cornerstone of social work practice.


In the book Black Empowerment, the author,Barbara Solomon, writes, “Empowerment refers to a process whereby persons who belong to a stigmatized social category throughout their lives can be assisted to develop and increase skills in the exercise of interpersonal influence and the performance of valued social roles” (p. 6).


Empowerment practice is based on a collaborative relationship between worker and client, initiated to promote the client’s power through self-actualization, self-determination, and the fulfillment of personal goals (Gutierrez, Parsons, & Cox, 1998). Further, this process includes increasing your clients’ awareness of the structural oppression that exists and its impact on them. It is the role of social workers to empower clients and to bring about awareness of the inequalities that exist in society. This is done two fold—through work with clients on the micro and mezzo levels and on a macro level through work in organizations and communities.


Social workers cannot effectively empower clients without first understanding the mechanisms of oppression and how they impact their day-to-day work. Then social workers can recognize the impact on their clients’ lives and apply the appropriate skills.


To prepare: Review the case study “Working With Individuals: The Case of Mary.”
·      Post an explanation of the relationship between racism and privilege.

·      Furthermore, explain how the concepts of racism and privilege relate to “Working With Individuals: The Case of Mary.”
·      Explain the impact of racism and privilege on social work practice.
·      Provide recommendations for how you as a social worker might use an empowerment perspective when responding to Mary.

 ·      Be specific and provide examples from the case. Also, identify specific skills social workers might employ.



References (use at least 2)


Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W. J., Castaneda, C., Hackman, H. W., Peters, M. L., & Zuniga, X. (Eds.). (2013). Readings for diversity and social justice. (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Routledge Press.

Chapter 11, (pp. 77–86)

Chapter 12, (pp. 86–92)

Chapter 14, (pp. 96–101)

Chapter 15, (pp. 102–109)



National Association of Social Workers. (2007). Institutional racism & the social work profession: A call to action. Retrieved from http://www.socialworkers.org/diversity/InstitutionalRacism.pdf

InstanceEndEditable InstanceEndRepeatEntry InstanceBeginRepeatEntry InstanceBeginEditable name=”Required Reading Item 4 Edit”


Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. M. (Eds.). (2014). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

Working With Individuals: The Case of Mary”



Working With Individuals: The Case of Mary

Mary is a 47-year-old, single, heterosexual Caucasian female. She lives with her 52-year-old sister and 87-year-old father in the home in which she was raised. She also has a 45-year-old sister who lives 10 minutes away and a 23-year-old daughter living on her own. Mary and her family members do not maintain friendships outside the family. Mary has been unable to work for the past 3 years because she says she has felt too frightened to go too far from her home. As a result, she has been financially reliant on her family members for these last few years. Prior to this lapse in employment, she had been a school bus driver and an administrative assistant at a warehouse distribution center. Mary has no history of drug or alcohol abuse. She is well groomed and physically fit with a diagnosis of hypoactive thyroid, for which she is treated with Synthroid®. Mary was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and adjustment disorder, not otherwise specified (NOS) by the clinic psychiatrist.


Before meeting with me, Mary saw a social worker in a private practice for 2 years. She entered treatment with that clinician because she said she was traumatized by a romantic relationship with a married African American man she had met at work. Her trauma symptoms began 6 months after she ended the yearlong romantic relationship. Mary said the romance occurred because he had “brainwashed” her, as there could be no other reason she would have slept with him. Mary believes that bad people are capable of “brainwashing” good people to perform bad deeds. Mary was raised in a home that espoused racism, and she and her family members believe that African Americans and other people of color are untrustworthy and bad. She said, “I take after my father, and he thinks black people are just evil.” Mary said she understands her feelings about race are not right.

Mary considered her initial attempt at treatment unsuccessful for two reasons. First, she felt the therapist (a Caucasian woman) judged her and her family harshly for their racial beliefs and this got in the way of the two of them building a trusting working relationship. Second, she did not feel relief from her PTSD symptoms. Mary ended the relationship with that social worker 6 months ago. Mary then approached her primary care physician about her symptoms, and the doctor prescribed an antidepressant. When, after 3 months, Mary asked to have her dosage increased, the doctor suggested that she get a psychiatric evaluation and consider returning to therapy. Mary’s insurance company suggested our agency for the psychiatric evaluation and approved 10 sessions.

Mary said she felt sad, frightened, and anxious most of the time. She had no appetite, slept most of the day, had no interest in dressing, and rarely left the house. When she did go out, she felt the need to be accompanied by of one of her sisters.

Mary presented as angry during our initial sessions. She requested that one of her sisters attend the sessions with her, to which I agreed. My intent in agreeing to have her sister in the room was to help Mary feel safe and create a strong rapport. During the early sessions, most of what Mary said began as half sentences that she asked her sister to complete. Mary referred to her sisters as her “caretakers and minders” who “know me better than I know myself so you should talk to them.” Mary said that if she talked for herself she would get “it wrong.” The “it” and the “wrong” remained elusive in meaning when I asked her what that meant.

Mary agreed, after two sessions, to meet with me alone. We used our first individual session to establish Mary’s goals for therapy. Among her goals was developing ways she could feel safer about going outside alone. Over the next eight sessions, I used cognitive behavioral therapy interventions to help Mary build coping strategies for recognizing triggers to frightening thoughts and to help her manage her anxiety symptoms. I also used psychoeducational interventions to help Mary develop routines for proper sleep hygiene, healthy eating, and regular exercise.

After several sessions, Mary shared insight into her feelings about dating an African American man. Mary said that being attracted to an African American man frightened her and that there was no future for her relationship with this man because he was married. Mary believed that she had jeopardized her secure position in the family because being with an African American man challenged the family’s ideas about race and their view of themselves as separate and unique from non-family members. Once the family discovered Mary’s relationship with this man, she believed her only way back into their lives was to accept the role of a “crazy sister” in need of protection and whose judgment about people was faulty. By forming a relationship with an African American man, Mary had shown her judgment to be outside of the norm in the conventions of her family.

In our final two sessions, Mary said that she no longer felt like she was the “crazy woman in the family” and she felt safe going to the grocery store alone. It was my impression that Mary may have been the identified patient in her family but exploring this idea would require family therapy.






Discussion 2 : Values Consistent With Social Work Practice


While counseling clients, it can be tempting for social workers to rely on their own set of values and ethical principles. Although the intention here is a good one, social workers must remember that, when working, their values need to be consistent with those of social work practice. The video case study featuring Eboni is a good example of what kinds of consequences can arise when a social worker is led by a personal set of ethics and values. For this Discussion, watch the video about Eboni and consider how you would respond to her during this particularly difficult time in her life. Be sure to include what kinds of supports are available for a pregnant teen.


Post your answer to the following questions:


·      After watching the video about Eboni, describe her response to the situation in terms of her developmental stage. How would you, as a social worker, respond?


·      What do you think are the most important messages for Eboni to understand at this point in her life span?


·      Also, explain which concepts/values, consistent with social work practice, you would try to reinforce.


·      Be sure to include what kinds of supports are available for a pregnant teen.


References (use at least 2)



Caputo, R. K. (2009). Adolescent sexual debut: A multisystem perspective of ethnic and racial differences. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment9(4), 330–358.


Laureate Education (Producer). (2013). Logan family (Episode 3) [Video file]. In Sessions.


Zastrow, C. H., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2016). Understanding human behavior and the social environment (10th ed.)Boston, MA:  Cengage Learning.

Chapter 6 (pp. 295-332)


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Statistics In Psychologist homework help

Statistics In Psychologist homework help

1. A method for testing a claim or hypothesis about a parameter in a population, using data measured in a sample, is called

random sampling

level of significance

hypothesis testing



2. The one-sample z test is a hypothesis test used to test hypotheses

concerning a single population with a known variance

concerning at least one population

concerning the variance in a population

all of the above


3. Given the following values: μ = 6.0, M = 7.6, n = 36, σ = 6, conduct a one-sample z test at a 0.05 level of significance. For a one-tailed test, upper-tail critical, what is the decision?

to reject the null hypothesis

to retain the null hypothesis

There is not enough information since the sample size is not given.


4. ________ allows researchers to describe (1) how far mean scores have shifted in the population, or (2) the percentage of variance that can be explained by a given variable.




effect size


5. The ________ is an inferential statistic used to determine the number of standard deviations in a t distribution that a sample means deviates from the mean value or mean difference stated in the null hypothesis.



standard error

degrees of freedom


6. State the critical value(s) for the following two-tailed t test at a 0.05 level of significance: t(∞).



the same as for a two-tailed z test at a 0.05 level of significance

both ±1.96 and the same as for a two-tailed z test at a 0.05 level of significance


7. A researcher reports that the mean time it takes to complete an experimental task is 1.4 ± 8.0 (M ± SD) seconds. If the null hypothesis was that the mean equals 1.0, then what is the effect size for this test using estimated Cohen’s d?

d = 0.05; small effect size

d = 0.50; medium effect size

d = 1.05; large effect size

There is not enough information to answer this question.


8. Computing a two-independent sample t test is appropriate when

different participants are assigned to each group

the population variance is unknown

participants are observed one time

all of the above


9. A researcher has participants rate the likability of a sexually promiscuous person described in a vignette as being male (n = 20) or female (n = 12). The mean likability ratings in each group were 4.0. If the null hypothesis is that there is no difference in likability ratings, then do likability ratings differ at a 0.05 level of significance?

Yes, this result is significant, p < 0.05.

No, this result is not significant, t(30) = 0.

No, this result is not significant, t(30) = 1.00.

There is not enough information to answer this question, because the variance in each sample is not given.

10. A type of related samples design in which participants are observed more than once is called a

repeated measures design

matched pairs design

matched samples design

both matched pairs design and matched samples design


11. A researcher records the level of attention among 18 students during an interactive and lecture portion of a single class. If she computes a related samples test at a 0.05 level of significance (two-tailed test), then what is the critical value for this test?






12. A researcher computes the mean difference in locomotion in a sample of 12 rats before and 30 minutes after an injection of amphetamine. Rats were placed in a box with infrared beams. The number of times rats crossed the beams was used as a measure of locomotion. The mean difference in locomotion was 6.2 ± 8.4 (MD ± SD), and this difference was significant. What is the effect size for this result using estimated Cohen’s d?

d = 0.74 (medium effect)

d = 1.36 (medium effect)

d = 0.74 (large effect)

d = 1.36 (large effect)


13. A researcher reports with 90% confidence that 31% to 37% of Americans believe in ghosts. What is the point estimate for this interval?




31% to 37%


14. In a sample of 20 participants, a researcher estimates the 95% CI for a sample with a mean of M = 5.4 and an estimated standard error (SM) of 1.6. What is the upper confidence limit for this interval?






15. There is no difference between a point estimate and an interval estimate.




16. Using a between-subjects ANOVA design,

n · k participants are each observed one time

n participants are observed k times

data are not analyzed between groups

the same participants are observed in each group


17. A researcher measures attractiveness ratings of a male confederate among 30 women who were told the confederate was either single, dating, or married (n = 10 per group). What are the degrees of freedom for error for the one-way between-subjects ANOVA?






18. A researcher measures differences in romantic feelings among adolescent and adult males. If different participants were in each group, then what type of statistical design is appropriate for this study?

a two-independent sample t test

a one-way between-subjects ANOVA

a two-way between-subjects ANOVA

both a two-independent sample t test and a one-way between-subjects ANOVA


19. Which of the following post hoc tests is associated with the greatest power to detect an effect?

Schaffé test

Tukey’s HSD test

Bonferroni test

Fisher’s LSD test


20. A researcher computes a one-way within-subjects ANOVA in which k = 4 and n = 20.

What are the degrees of freedom error for this test?




There is not enough information to answer this question.


21. A researcher computes the following one-way within-subjects ANOVA table for a study in which k = 3 and n = 12.


State the decision at a 0.05 level of significance.

Source of Variation SS df MS Fobt
Between groups 450      
Between persons     20  
Within groups (error)        
Total 1030      


Reject the null hypothesis.

Retain the null hypothesis.

There is not enough information to answer this question.


22. There are ____ factors in a 2 × 3 ANOVA design.






23. A researcher conducts a 2 × 4 between-subjects ANOVA in which 12 participants were observed in each group. If SSB = 18 and SSE = 264 for this study, then what is the decision for Factor B at a 0.05 level of significance?

Reject the null hypothesis.

Retain the null hypothesis.

There is not enough information to answer this question.


24. A statistical procedure used to describe the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two factors is called

effect size


a correlation



25. A researcher measures the following correlation: r = −0.21. What is the value of the coefficient of determination?






26. A researcher measures the correlation between the frequency of self-esteem (high, low) and health status (lean/healthy, overweight/obese). Based on the frequencies for each nominal category given below, what is the value of the phi correlation coefficient?


    Health Status  
    Overweight/Obese Lean/Healthy  
Self-Esteem Low 32 18  
  High 18 32  







27. Linear regression describes the extent to which _______ predicts ________.

X; Y

the predictor variable; the criterion variable

the known variable; the to-be-predicted variable

all of the above


28. A researcher reports the following equation for a best-fitting straight line to a set of data points: Y hat= −1.01X + 3.24.Which value is the y-intercept?

Y hat





29. If the coefficient of determination is 0.12 and SSY = 225, then what is the sum of squares regression for an analysis of regression?




There is not enough information to answer this question.


30. A chi-square goodness-of-fit test shows that the frequencies observed fit well with those that were expected. Hence, the decision was to

reject the null hypothesis

retain the null hypothesis

no decision was made


31. A researcher asks participants to taste each of three meals and to choose the one they like best. The same foods are in each meal, however the calorie total of each meal is different. One is low in calories, one is moderate in calories and one is high in calories. Based on the observed frequencies given below, what is an appropriate conclusion for this test at a .05 level of significance?


  Type of Meal
  Low Calorie Moderate Calorie High Calorie
fo 6 7 17
fe 10 10 10



Participants liked the high calorie meal more than the low calorie meal.

Participants liked the low calorie meal less than the moderate calorie meal.

Participants liked the high calorie meal more than was expected.

all of the above


32. Each of the following is an appropriate test for ordinal data, except

the Mann-Whitney U test

the chi-square goodness-of-fit test

the one-sample sign test

the Friedman test


33. A professor ranks the grades of students in each of three sections of a statistics course. He computes H = 6.83 for the Kruskal-Wallis H test to test for differences between the sections. What is the decision for this test?

Retain the null hypothesis.

Reject the null hypothesis.

There is not enough information to answer this question.














































































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Week 6 Case Study Discussion – Strategic Family Therapy homework help

Week 6 Case Study Discussion – Strategic Family Therapy homework help

Instructions – Case Study Outline

  1. Read the following case study.

· Week 6 Case Study Discussion – Strategic Family Therapy

The Beyers family has come for therapy. Bill and Maria are the parents, and Veronica and Justine are their two teenage daughters, age 16 and 14, respectively.

Bill: I guess we’ve come to see you because we fight all the time. We don’t have any good times together anymore.

Maria: (interrupting) Baloney! We’re in trouble because we don’t have any money. Period. Bill refuses to get a job even though he has an MBA. We should be well off. Instead, we live off of the money my father left us- and that’s going fast. If Bill would just develop a little backbone and get a job, we’d all be fine.

(You notice that Bill withdraws, and Veronica rolls her eyes as her mother talks.)

Maria: I make what little money we earn, and to do it I have to work 10 hours a day. When I get home, no one has done a thing to help the family. Bill is playing computer games likes a 12-years-old, and the girls are text messaging everyone in creation. The other night I refuses to cook dinner and took myself out to a restaurant. They could all starve as far as I am concerned.

Of course, I don’t want things to be like this, but what an I supposed to do, give in every single day of my life? Frankly, I am married to a coward, and the girls are spoiled brats. No one cares about me at all.

Bill: That’s not true, Maria. We all care about you very much.

Maria: Yeah, well, thanks is cheap. Prove it. Go get a job.

Bill: I am trying, but in this market there isn’t much out there. You know I send out my resume to someone practically every day.

Veronica: I am so tired of listening to this same old battle. Mom says Dad’s a wuss, and Dad tires to calm her down. (Turning to her parents): Why don’t you get divorce a already? You obviously don’t love each other anymore.

  1. 2.Complete the Case Study Outline.

Case Study Outline – Week 6Read the Beyers Family case study. Please respond to this case study from Strategic Family Theoretical Perspective.

1. Background information and Socio-cultural considerations.

2. Assessment (assessment methods must be consistent with the theory you have read for this week’s assignments, video clips or theory mentioned in the vignette).

3. Treatment plans, must list 3 treatment goals that follow logical problem solving.

4. Interventions (Interventions must be consistent from theory/ theories you are using for the case study) include collateral stakeholders as part of the interventions as needed.

5. Discuss future research that may be needed.

Your Case Study Outline should be attached as a Word .doc file (.doc, .docx)

Video links

1.  Jay Haley on Directive Family Therapy (2000

2. MFT Exam Strategic Therapy

3.  Behavioral Couples Therapy Video

Chapter 11 & 12


Goldenberg, I, Stanton,M & Goldenberg, H. (2017). Family Therapy: An Overview (9th Edition). Cengage Learning.

Attached is more class material to complete this assignment.

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Week 7 Exam Psychology homework help

Week 7 Exam Psychology homework help

Week 7 Exam


1. A researcher is conducting research on using technology in teaching. The researcher has two groups. The first group receives instruction via a PowerPoint presentation that is online. The second group attends a class and receives instruction from a teacher face to face. The researcher classifies the students based on when they volunteer for the study. The first 50 students who volunteer receive online instruction. The next 50 receive instruction by attending a class with a teacher. With respect to this study, we could identify that:

  a. This study is poor because the researcher used random sampling.
  b. This study is poor because the researcher did not use random sampling.
  c. This study is good because we have minimized sampling error.
  d. This study is good due to the equal sample size in each group.

2 points   


1. Participants in a sample must be:

  a. Representative
  b. Easily obtained
  c. Convenient
  d. Numerous

2 points   


1. The method identifying themes relevant to qualitative data that is collected is called:

  a. Criticism
  b. Trustworthiness
  c. Theory
  d. Coding

2 points   


1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a statistical hypothesis?

  a. Contains an alternative hypothesis
  b. Provides evidence
  c. Proves the research question
  d. Contains a null hypothesis

2 points   


1. A colleague has been tutoring six students in 11th grade to prepare for the ACT. This colleague has asked you to evaluate the performance of his students. Student scores were as follows: 20, 18, 16, 15, 23, 20. The mode of the ACT scores is:

  a. 17
  b. 20
  c. 19
  d. 18

2 points   


1. A perfect correlation is denoted by:

  a. +1.0 and -1.0
  b. -1.00
  c. +1.00
  d. .50

2 points   


1. You are conducting research on the effects of exercise on individuals with poor social skills. You indicate that you believe people who become actively involved with an exercise program will show higher levels of socialization. This is an example of:

  a. A null hypothesis
  b. A scientific hypothesis
  c. A nonparametric hypothesis
  d. An alternative hypothesis

2 points   


1. Which of the following is a research design that allows researchers to provide more information about the participants and potentially provide a more meaningful study?

  a. Mixed Method
  b. Quantitative Method
  c. Qualitative Method
  d. Single-Subject Method

2 points   


1. Which of the following is not a way of collecting qualitative data?

  a. Observation
  b. Interview
  c. Survey
  d. All may be used to collect qualitative data

2 points   


1. In a normal distribution, what percentage of the scores is above the mean?

  a. 95%
  b. 99%
  c. 68%
  d. 50%

2 points   


1. A researcher is doing a study on high school athletes and moral development. During the study, the football team throws a party to celebrate a great victory. The school principal receives a call the next day that several football players were intoxicated, and a female student was sexually assaulted. This event should be identified as a:

  a. Standardized variable
  b. Independent variable
  c. Dependent variable
  d. Confounding variable

2 points   


1. An example of a research approach that assesses change after the treatment or intervention is over is:

  a. A-B-A Design
  b. Phenomenology
  c. Experimental Design
  d. Correlational Design

2 points   


1. Dr. Sunshine has 12 students in her class. She has given a test and is evaluating the performance of her class. The exam is worth 50 points. Eleven of the students scored between 45 and 50. One student scored 12. The best measure for Dr. Sunshine to get an idea related to the performance of the class is the:

  a. Mean
  b. Mode
  c. Median
  d. Variance

2 points   


1. A researcher is conducting research on using technology in teaching. The researcher has two groups. The first group receives instruction via a PowerPoint presentation that is online. The second group attends a class and receives instruction from a teacher face to face. The researcher classifies the students based on when they volunteer for the study. The first 50 students who volunteer receive online instruction. The next 50 receive instruction by attending a class with a teacher. The type of instruction the student receives is the:

  a. Dependent variable
  b. Confounding variable
  c. Standardized variable
  d. Independent variable

2 points   


1. A quantitative research design that does not manipulate an independent variable is called:

  a. Experimental Design
  b. Ethnography
  c. Grounded Theory
  d. Correlational Design

2 points   


1. Scores that differ markedly from the rest of the sample are known as:

  a. Z-scores
  b. Confounding variables
  c. T-scores
  d. Outliers

2 points   


1. Hypothesis testing may be defined as:

  a. Direct observations of a phenomena
  b. Subjective
  c. Systematic and logical collection and analysis of data
  d. Moving from specific to general

2 points   


1. When a researcher wishes to know how a set of participants changed over time or across repeated measures of a construct, the method that is conducted is:

  a. Single-Case Research Design
  b. Qualitative Design
  c. Quantitative Design
  d. Mixed Method Design

2 points   


1. Sex and ethnicity are examples of:

  a. Social variables
  b. Scientific variables
  c. Discrete variables
  d. Continuous variables

2 points   


1. Studies conducted to understand changes over time, in particular, populations or differences in respondents who share specific qualities are:

  a. Cohort studies
  b. Panel studies
  c. Survey and longitudinal studies
  d. Trend studies

2 points   


1. A study that moves from general to specific is:

  a. Inductive
  b. Deductive
  c. Historical
  d. Qualitative

2 points   


1. The goal of qualitative research is:

  a. None of the above
  b. The collection of statistically reliable data
  c. Generalizations to a group
  d. Transferability

2 points   


1. A colleague has been tutoring six students in 11th grade to prepare for the ACT. This colleague has asked you to evaluate the performance of his students. Student scores were as follows: 20, 18, 16, 15, 23, 20. The mean of the ACT scores is:

  a. 20
  b. 19
  c. 18
  d. 17

2 points   


1. ______________ assesses the consistency of results across items within a test.

  a. Face validity
  b. Experimental design
  c. Internal reliability
  d. ANOVA

2 points   


1. Qualitative research is most often:

  a. Irrelevant
  b. Opinionated
  c. Inductive
  d. Deductive
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Choosing and Using Single-System Design homework help

Choosing and Using Single-System Design homework help

Discussion1: Choosing and Using Single-System Design

Many people receive their first introduction to the scientific method in their early school years. The first experiments which students undertake typically involve plants, chemicals, or small animals in a tightly controlled experimental environment. These experiments enable students to establish a relatively clear cause-and-effect relationship between the outcome of the experiment and the manipulation of the variables.

As soon as a researcher introduces a human element, proving a cause and effect relationship becomes more difficult—as the researcher cannot enact total control of another person even in an experimental environment. Social workers serve clients in highly complex real-world environments. Clients often implement recommended interventions outside of social workers’ direct observation. Yet, evidence-based research calls for social workers to establish cause-and-effect relations between selected interventions and client outcomes as much possible. To meet this challenge, social workers must understand the study designs available to them and all of the variations of that design that can increase the rigor of the experiment and improve the likelihood of verifying a cause-and-effect relationship.

In this week’s case study, you decide whether the social worker in the case study has appropriately chosen a single-system (subject) design and implemented it in such a way that it can be considered an appropriate example of evidence-based research.

To prepare for this Discussion, read the case study Social Work Research: Single Subject and criteria for using single-system (subject) designs as evidence of effective practices in this week’s resources. Consider whether the study design described in the case study will serve the purpose of evaluating the program’s practice approach (case management with solution-focused and task-centered approaches). Consider whether these approaches are well suited to evaluation by the types of measurement used in the study. Consider to what objective measurement the numerical scales used to measure problem-change and task completion corresponds. Consider what new knowledge and evidence for the efficacy of the treatment approaches Chris has generated with her study.

· Post an evaluation of the proposed study design described in the case study file. 

· Explain whether the outcome of Chris’ study with her client George would lead you to adopt the model of case management with solution-focused and task-centered approaches, and substantiate your choice. 

· Provide recommendations for improvements should Chris and her colleagues wish to submit the study to the evidence-based practice registry. 

· Include a rationale for your recommendations.

References (use 3 or more)

Dudley, J. R. (2014). Social work evaluation: Enhancing what we do. (2nd ed.) Chicago, IL: Lyceum Books.

· Chapter 9, “Is the Intervention Effective?” (pp. 226-244: Read from “Client Satisfaction & Effectiveness” to “Target Problem Scale”)

Document: Corcoran, K., & Hozack, N. (2010). Locating assessment instruments. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 65–74). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)

Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Document: Mattaini, M. A. (2010). Single-system studies. In B. Thyer (Ed.), The handbook of social work research methods (2nd ed., pp. 241–273). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. (PDF)

Copyright 2010 by Sage Publications, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of Sage Publications, Inc. via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014b). Social work case studies: Concentration year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

Read the following section:

“Social Work Research: Single Subject” (pp. 70–72)

Tankersley, M., Cook, B. G., & Cook, L. (2008). A preliminary examination to identify the presence of quality indicators in single-subject research. Education & Treatment of Children, 31(4), 523–548.

Social Work Research: Single Subject

Chris is a social worker in a geriatric case management program located in a midsize Northeastern town. She has an MSW and is part of a team of case managers that likes to continuously improve on its practice. The team is currently using an approach that integrates elements of geriatric case management with short-term treatment methods, particularly the solution-focused and task-centered models. As part of their ongoing practice, the team regularly conducts practice evaluations. It has participated in larger scale research projects in the past.

The agency is fairly small (three full-time and two part-time social work case managers) and is one of several providers in a region of approximately 50,000 inhabitants. Strengths of the agency include a strong professional network and good reputation in the local community as well as the team of experienced social workers. Staff turnover has been almost nonexistent for the past 3 years. The agency serves about 60–70 clients at any given time. The clients assisted by the case management program are older adults, ranging from their early 60s to over 100 years of age, as well as their caregivers.

To evaluate its practice approach, the team has decided to use a multiple-baseline, single-subject design. Each of the full-time case managers will select one client new to the caseload to participate in the study. The research project is explained to clients by the respective case manager and informed consent to participate is requested.

George was identified by Chris as a potential candidate for the evaluation. As a former science teacher who loved to do research himself, he agreed to participate in the project. George is 87 years old, and although he is not as physically robust as he once was, at 5 feet 9 inches tall, he has a strong presence. He has consistent back pain and occasional flare-ups of rheumatoid arthritis. His wife of 45 years passed away two summers ago after a long fight with cancer. After his initial grief, he has managed fairly well to adapt to life on his own. George entered the program after being hospitalized for fainting while at the grocery store. A battery of medical tests was conducted, but no specific cause of his fainting attack could be found. However, the physicians assessed signs of slight cognitive impairments/dementia and suggested a geriatric case management program.

An initial assessment by the case manager showed the need for assistance in the following areas: 1) personal care, 2) decrease in mobility, and 3) longer-term planning around living arrangement and home safety. The case manager also thought that George could benefit from setting up advance directives, which he did not want to discuss at that time. They agreed that the case manager could bring this topic up again in the future.

As part of the practice process, the case manager used clinical rating scales that were adapted from the task-centered model. At the beginning of each client contact, case manager and client collaboratively evaluated how well the practice steps (tasks) undertaken by client and/or case manager were completed using a 10-point clinical scale. Concurrently, they evaluated changes to the respective client problems, also using a 10-point clinical scale. George was able to actively participate in the planning and implementation of most care-related decisions. During the course of their collaborative work, most needs were at least partially addressed. Two tasks were completed regarding personal care, two regarding mobility, and three addressing home safety issues. Only personal mobility was still a minor problem and required some additional work.

After finishing the reassessment at 3 months, Chris completed gathering and evaluating the data for the single-subject design (SSD). As promised, she also provided George with the finished SSD findings. The following is an overview of the data that was collected for this case:

Plummer, Sara-Beth, Sara Makris, Sally Brocksen. Social Work Case Studies: Concentration Year. Laureate Publishing, 10/21/13. VitalBook file.

Discussion 2: Organizational Culture and Client Treatment

After reading the assigned resources about leadership types and skills, as well as information about attending to tasks and relationships, you may be starting to develop ideas about how an administrator’s leadership style and philosophy can either facilitate or limit social change efforts. The way in which social work administrators interact with diverse stakeholders such as clients, staff, board members, and community members, contributes to a model of service delivery that emphasizes quality and effectiveness.

· Post how a social work administrator’s personal leadership philosophy and style may influence a human services organization’s culture. 

· Also, explain how the organization’s culture might influence a social work administrator’s personal leadership style. 

· Finally, explain how interactions with stakeholders may ultimately impact the organization’s treatment of clients. Be sure to provide specific examples in your explanations.

References (use 2 or more)

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Sage.

· Chapter 3, “Engaging Strengths” (pp. 47-75)

· Chapter 4, “Understanding Philosophy and Styles” (pp. 77-96)

· Chapter 5, “Attending to Tasks and Relationships” (pp. 99-114)

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PSY 520 SPSS Assignment help

PSY 520 SPSS Assignment help



PSY 520 SPSS Assignment 2





1) Describe in your own words what type of research situations call for a researcher to use an ANOVA analysis.


Type answer below:

The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) is utilized to figure out if there are any noteworthy contrasts between the method for three or more autonomous (disconnected) bunches.




2a) Use the Compare Means function (AnalyzeCompare MeansMeans) to compare the means of the three Sound conditions on Anxiety and Performance.



Type of background music during the test Performance on a test of general math ability Anxiety level during the test Prior math experience
Rock Mean 60.0000 36.5385 1.5385
  N 13 13 13
  Std. Deviation 7.70281 7.21821 .51887
Classical Mean 67.7143 36.5000 1.5000
  N 14 14 14
  Std. Deviation 7.01020 4.65337 .51887
White Noise Mean 59.1429 37.7143 1.5714
  N 14 14 14
  Std. Deviation 10.22709 5.41264 .51355
Total Mean 62.3415 36.9268 1.5366
  N 41 41 41
  Std. Deviation 9.12307 5.70259 .50485




2b) Based on these results, on which variable does it most appear there might be significant differences based on the Sound condition?


Type answer below:

The variable that appears to be significantly different based on sound condition would be performance.




3a) Conduct a one-way ANOVA on both Anxiety and Performance using Sound as the independent variable. That is, conduct two separate one-way ANOVAs, one with Anxiety as the dependent variable and one with Performance as the dependent variable.



Anxiety level during the test
  Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 13.193 2 6.596 .195 .824
Within Groups 1287.588 38 33.884    
Total 1300.780 40      




Performance on a test of general math ability
  Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 618.648 2 309.324 4.336 .020
Within Groups 2710.571 38 71.331    
Total 3329.220 40      




3b) Based on these results, were either of your ANOVAs significant? How can you tell? Use a cutoff level of .05 for your decision.


Type your answer below:

Based on the results there is a significant in the ANOVA with performance. I can tell this because I used the significant cutoff level of 0.05 and the significant level of performance was 0.020.



4a) Remember that in a one-way ANOVA, we are only looking at the impact of one variable on the dependent variable. Factorial ANOVAs, on the other hand, assess the impact of multiple independent variables. Conduct a factorial ANOVA on Performance using both Sound and Experience as independent variables. Be sure to choose the option to view the estimated marginal means for all of your main effects and interactions—this will allow you to more easily interpret the results.


Paste your output for only the Test of Between-Subjects Effects below:


Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Performance on a test of general math ability
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 2155.464a 5 431.093 12.855 .000
Intercept 160268.014 1 160268.014 4779.001 .000
Sound 492.240 2 246.120 7.339 .002
Experience 1324.027 1 1324.027 39.481 .000
Sound * Experience 231.822 2 115.911 3.456 .043
Error 1173.756 35 33.536    
Total 162674.000 41      
Corrected Total 3329.220 40      
a. R Squared = .647 (Adjusted R Squared = .597)




4b) Write the results of the ANOVA. For help, refer to the third paragraph of the “Two-factor ANOVA” section of this document.


Type answer below:

A 2 x 2 ANOVA revealed a significant in sound F(2,35) =7.34, p <. 002. Female faces were rated as more attractive than male faces. There was a significant interaction between sound times experience F(2,35) = 3.46, p <. 043.

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Psychology Case 4 homework help

Psychology Case 4 homework help

PSY-510 Contemporary and Ethical Issues in Psychology

Research on Intimate Partner Violence and the Duty to Protect


Week 5 assignment is another case study from the textbook, and no rubric has been provided. I have included a scoring guide, similar to week 4, below.


PLEASE be sure your name and the date is on the top of the template, if you choose not to use a title page. Please save the work as a Word document in the following manner: Last name_first name_Week 5_PSY 510

There are 7 questions. Be sure to answer each part of each question completely. Please review all aspects of the Tarasoff case and rulings that pertain to psychologists’ ethical responsibilities, and the duty to protect statute. See textbook.

With regard to question # 1, in addition to a description of the nature of the dilema, be sure to identify the Principles (A through E) that you believe are in conflict in this dilemma; there may be more than 2. (Remember the distinction between the Principles and the Standards that we reviewed in earlier discussions). Also see Fisher.

For Q# 2, about stakeholders, see Fisher. Remember to include the main character in this list and every person or agency whose interest could be at stake. (THINK BIG!)

For the remainder of the questions, cite specific ethical standards to support your conclusions. Aspects of Standards 2, 3, 4 and 8 should be addressed.

Consider citing and referencing the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct in this assignment. See: http://www.apa.org/ethics/code/index.aspx

One of the ethical issues involved is the risk management competencies of research psychologists.

For the last question, be sure to review the steps of ethical decision making in the textbook.

These steps shouldl be individually addressed in the final question!


Questions # 1, 3, 4, 6, & 7-up to 6 ponts each

Question #5-up to 12 points

Questions 2 -up to 8 points.

Final grade will be a percentage of 100.

I would like to provide a review of some important sections of the textbook to consider:

1. The nature of an ethical dilemma involves 2 or more APA Principles in conflict (in a matter that must be resolved).

2. Stakeholders: consider any and all persons or entities that could hold a stake in the resolution of the issue; see Fisher, p. 46.

3. Ethical Theories- see Fisher, pp. 38-42

4. 6 Steps of Ethical Decision Making- review Fisher, pp. 46-50.

Please post any questions about assignments or course content in the QTI forum.

Best regards,




Directions: In a minimum of 50 words, for each question, thoroughly answer each of the questions below regarding Case 4: Research on Intimate Partner Violence and the Duty to Protect. Use one to two scholarly resources to support your answers. Use in-text citations, when appropriate, according to APA formatting.


Read Case 4: Research on Intimate Partner Violence and the Duty to Protect on pages 435-436 in your textbook. Once you have read the case study completely, answer the discussion questions found in the attached document “Case 4” under the assignment tab

1. Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma?


2. Who are the stakeholders and how will they be affected by how Dr. Yeung resolves this dilemma?


3. Does this situation meet the standards set by the Tarasoff decision’s “duty to protect” statute (see Chapter 7)? How might whether or not Dr. Yeung’s state includes researchers under such a statute influence Dr. Yeung’s ethical decision making? How might the fact that Dr. Yeung is a research psychologist without training or licensure in clinical practice influence the ethical decision?


4. In addressing this dilemma, should Dr. Yeung consider how her decision may affect the completion of her research (e.g., the confidentiality concerns of other participants)?


5. How are APA Ethical Standards 2.01f, 3.04, 3.06, 4.01, 4.02, 4.05, and 8.01 relevant to this case? Which other standards might apply?


6. What are Dr. Yeung’s ethical alternatives for resolving this dilemma? Which alternative best reflects the Ethics Code aspirational principles and enforceable standards, legal standards, and obligations to stakeholders? Can you identify the ethical theory (discussed in Chapter 3) guiding your decision?


7. What steps should Dr. Yeung take to implement her decision and monitor its effect?














434 Decoding the Ethics Code

Gallardo, M. E., Johnson, J., Parham, T. A., & Carter, J. A. (2009). Ethics and multicultural-ism: Advancing cultural and clinical responsiveness. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 40, 425–435.Vasquez, M. (2012).

Social justice and civic virtue. In S. Knapp, M. Gottlieb, M. Handelsman, & L. Vande Creek (Eds.), Handbook of ethics in psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 75–98). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Zerr, A., & Pina, A. (2014). Predictors of initial engagement in child anxiety mental health specialty services. Child & Youth Care Forum, 2, 151–164.Case 3. Request for Services Following Termination

Dr. Howard Lightfoot, a psychologist in independent practice, works in a small, rural town in New Mexico. He treated Mary for a year, helping her with depression and anxiety related to her conflicting feelings about her lesbian sexual orientation. At the time of treatment termination, Mary’s depression and anxiety were reduced, and she had begun to have positive dating experiences with other women. Three years after termination of the therapy, Dr. Lightfoot receives a voice mail from Mary. She states that a month ago Allison, her partner of 2 years, was diagnosed with breast cancer. At that time, Mary became depressed and anxious again and started psychotherapy with another therapist because Dr. Lightfoot was no longer on the list of health providers covered by her insurance plan. She then ended the therapy because the new therapist appeared to have no understanding of the real-world challenges faced by lesbian couples. Mary tells Dr. Lightfoot that Allison has also begun to experience a great deal of anxiety and would like to begin psychotherapy with someone she can trust is sensitive to lesbian issues. Since Allison’s insurance plan would cover Dr. Lightfoot’s services for individual therapy and Mary’s participation as caretaker and collateral support, she is calling to ask whether he would consider treating Allison. Ethical Dilemma Based on his previous professional relationship with Mary and Allison’s current personal relationship with Mary, Dr. Lightfoot is unsure whether or not he should agree to see Allison for psychotherapy. Discussion Questions1. Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma?2. Who are the stakeholders, and how will they be affected by how Dr. Lightfoot resolves this dilemma?3. How should the nature of Mary’s mental health problems when she was in treatment with Dr. Lightfoot, the amount of time that has passed since Research on Intimate Partner Violence and the Duty to ProtectDr. Daniela Yeung, a health psychologist, has been conducting a federally funded ethnographic study of couples in which the male partner has been paroled following conviction and imprisonment for intimate partner violence (IPV). Over the course of a year, she has had individual monthly interviews with 25 couples while one partner was in jail and following their release. Aiden is a 35-year-old male parolee convicted of seriously injuring his wife. He and his wife, Maya, have been interviewed by Dr. Yeung on eight occasions. The interviews have covered a range of personal topics including Aiden’s problem drinking, which is marked by blackouts and threatening phone calls made to his wife when he becomes drunk, usually in the evening. To her knowledge, Aiden has never followed ecoding the Ethics Code through on these threats. Dr. Yeung has the impression both Aiden and Maya feel a sense of social support when discussing their life with Dr. Yeung. One evening Dr. Yeung checks her answering machine and finds a message from Aiden. His words are slurred and angry: “Now that you know the truth about what I am you know that there is nothing you can do to help the evil inside me. The bottle is my savior and I will end this with them tonight.” She calls both Aiden’s and Maya’s cell phone numbers, but no one answers. Ethical Dilemma Dr. Yeung has Aiden’s address, and after 2 hours, she is considering whether or not to contact emergency services to suggest that law enforcement officers go to Aiden’s home or to the homes of his parents and girlfriend. Discussion Questions1. Why is this an ethical dilemma? Which APA Ethical Principles help frame the nature of the dilemma?2. Who are the stakeholders, and how will they be affected by how Dr. Yeung resolves this dilemma?3. Does this situation meet the standards set by the Tarasoff decision’s “duty to protect” statute (see Chapter 7)? How might whether or not Dr. Yeung’s state includes researchers under such a statute influence Dr. Yeung’s ethical decision making? How might the fact that Dr. Yeung is a research psychologist without training or licensure in clinical practice influence the ethical decision?4. In addressing this dilemma, should Dr. Yeung consider how her decision may affect the completion of her research (e.g., the confidentiality concerns of other participants)?5. How are APA Ethical Standards 2.01f, 3.04, 3.06, 4.01, 4.02, 4.05, and 8.01 relevant to this case? Which other standards might apply?6. What are Dr. Yeung’s ethical alternatives for resolving this dilemma? Which alternative best reflects the Ethics Code aspirational principles and enforceable standards, legal standards, and obligations to stakeholders? Can you identify the ethical theory (discussed in Chapter 3) guiding your decision?7. What steps should Dr. Yeung take to implement her decision and monitor its effect? Suggested Readings Appelbaum, P., & Rosenbaum, A. (1989). Tarasoff and the researcher: Does the duty to pro-tect apply in the research setting? American Psychologist, 44(6), 885–894.Fisher, C. B. (2011). Addiction research ethics and the Belmont principles: Do drug users have a different moral voice?

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Psychology Quiz homework help

Psychology Quiz homework help

  1. The “Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling” were developed by which of the following divisions of the American Counseling Association?a.Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counselingb.Association for Religion, Philosophy, and Spirituality in Counselingc.American Pastoral Counselors Associationd.There is not a division of the American Counseling Association that developed these competencies.

2 points  


  1. The first person to introduce the subjects of consciousness, spiritualism, and psychical research into the mental health fields was:a.Carl Jungb.Abraham Maslowc.William Jamesd.Sigmund Freud

2 points  


  1. The core practice of transpersonal counseling includes which of the following:a.Mindfulnessb.Yogac.Biofeedbackd.All of the above

2 points  


  1. Which of the following is one of the “Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling”?a.The professional counselor can describe the similarities and differences between spirituality and religion, including the basic beliefs of various spiritual systems, major world religions, agnosticism, and atheism.b.The professional counselor recognizes that the client’s beliefs (or absence of beliefs) about spirituality and/or religion are central to his or her worldview but cannot influence psychosocial functioning.c.The professional counselor can identify the limits of his or her understanding of the client’s spiritual and/or religious perspective and is acquainted with religious and spiritual resources, including leaders, who can join in counseling sessions with the counselor and client.d.All of the above

2 points  


  1. The family life spiral is:a.An example of family declineb.A linear modelc.An example of a life stressord.A developmental model

2 points  


  1. The relational-cultural theory emphasizes the vital rolea.that relationships and connectedness with others play in the lives of women.b.of a spiritual or religious perspective in providing women with strength.c.that siblings play in the shaping of personalityd. in understanding how early childhood is a crucial factor in a woman’s personality development.

2 points  


  1. Within the transpersonal states of functioning, which of the following developmental lines or stages exist?a.cognitiveb.vision logicc.psychicd.all of the above

2 points  


  1. Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her conjoint approach to treatment?a.Satirb.Bowenc.Haleyd.Minuchin

2 points  


  1. Self-in-relation theory is the work of:a.Sharf and Bemb.Jordan and Surreyc.Jean Baker Millerd.Betty Freidan

2 points  


  1. Which of the following is not a fundamental principle of feminist counselors?a.The personal is politicalb.A commitment to social changec.A commitment to the establishment of an authoritarian relationshipd.Honoring women’s experiences and appreciating their perspectives, values, and strengths

2 points  


  1. According to transpersonalism:a.Healthy development is marked by one’s advancement from personal to transpersonal concerns.b.Healthy development is marked by one’s quality of relationships.c.Healthy development is impossible to define.d.Healthy development is not a goal.

2 points  


  1. The term _______________ means beyond the personal, ego, or self.a.archetypalb.transpersonalc.reductionisticd.monistic

2 points  


  1. A counselor directing family members to engage in a communication game to examine how their incongruent messages lead to pain and lower self-esteem is following which approach to family therapy?
    A counselor directing family members to engage in a communication game to examine how their incongruent messages lead to pain and lower self-esteem is following which approach to family therapy?

2 points  


  1. A multifaceted process, occurring across the life span is called:a.Gender role identificationb.Gender biasc.Genderficationd.Gender role socialization

2 points  


  1. One of the primary goals of transpersonal counseling is to:a.Bring the client to an acceptable level of mental healthb.Bring the client to a point where he or she can begin to work on transpersonal issuesc.Take the client into the realm of transcendence, unity, and extraordinary mental healthd.None of the above

2 points  


  1. The term used to describe a family system’s tendency to maintain predictable interactional processes is:a.Family project processb.Cyberneticsc.Centripetald.Family homeostatis

2 points  


  1. Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her strategic approach to treatment?a.Satirb.Bowenc.Haleyd.Minuchin

2 points  


  1. Two major disorders given a great deal of attention in feminist literature are:a.Personality disorders and bipolar disordersb.Borderline personality disorders and hypertensionc.Eating disorders and PTSDd.Insomnia and PTSD

2 points  


  1. ___________ wrote that Kohlberg’s model of moral development was more applicable to men than women.a.Carol Gilliganb.Barbara Herlihyc.Vivian Carroll McCollumd.Nancy Chodorow

2 points  


  1. ________________ occurs when a family modifies problem behaviors yet maintains its present structure.a.First order changeb.Second order changec.Third order changed.Fourth order change

2 points  


  1. Which of the following family therapists is best known for his/her structural approach to treatment:a.Satirb.Bowenc.Haleyd.Minuchin

2 points  


  1. Teasing out stressors poses a challenge for the family counselor because of the family’s:a.Mistrust of therapyb.Many storiesc.Multigenerational issuesd.Severity of pain

2 points  


  1. A strategy for empowering clients is to involve them in naming their problem and participating in directing the counseling process. This strategy is called:a.Self-disclosureb.Gender role analysisc.Demystifying the counseling processd.Client empowerment

2 points  


  1. Although the theoretical underpinnings of transpersonal theory can be credited to a number of individuals, theories, and philosophical approaches to mental health and spiritual experience, _____________ has emerged as the primary leader of this burgeoning field.a.Groffb.Wilberc.Jungd.Maslow

2 points  


  1. The term used to describe one of the perceptual sets people use when looking at society and their place in it is:a.Gender schemab.Egalitarianc.Engendered livesd.None of the above
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Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help

We recommend that you complete your examination by first circling the correct answer on the Unit Examination in your Study Guide. Once you have completed your Examination, transfer your answers to the actual answer sheet that will be submitted for grading.

Writing Assignments

Each Unit examination includes a written component. This assignment may be in the form of written examination questions, case study problems, or other types of questions that require problem-solving solutions. The written assignment affords the student an opportunity to demonstrate a level of subject mastery beyond the objective Unit Examinations, which reflects his/her ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate and apply his/her knowledge. The comprehensive Written Examination materials are found immediately following each Unit Examination.

Written Examination Instructions

• Always include your name, student number and course number and title on each page of your Written Examination (this is for your protection in case your materials become separated).

• Begin each Written Examination by identifying the question number you are answering followed by the actual question itself (in bold type).


• Use a standard essay format for response to all questions (i.e. four to five paragraphs with three to five sentences per paragraph, including an introduction, middle paragraphs, and conclusion).

• All responses must be typed double-spaced, using a standard font and 12 point type size for ease of reading and grading.


• All online responses must be submitted as a MS Word Document file only.




• Responses should be no fewer than 750 words and no mor

than 1, 000 words in length.

• Always read your answers and proof for content, misspellings, and grammar.

• Carefully read and analyze each question. You might consider starting with questions you feel most

comfortable answering. This will help you build confidence as you develop your answers.



• Outline your answer as this will help you organize your thoughts and provide a framework for your essay response.

Key Point

All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put writJgJl2Jl$..wers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet or Wikipedia and do not copy your answers from the textbook. Plagiarism consists of taking and using the ideas, writings, or Inventions of anotl-er. without giving credit to that person and presenting It as one’s own. This is an offense that the University takes very seriously (see page 18 of the student handbook). An example

of a correctly prepared essay response may be found by visiting the Student Web Portal via CoastConnection.

Completion of the Written Examinations allows you an opportunity to demonstrate a more thorough and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Take your time. Be as thorough and complete as possible. It IS our hope you find these examinations to be a stimulating and challenging addition to your learning.

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Reflection Critical Analysis’ Essay homework help

Reflection Critical Analysis’ Essay homework help

Write a minimum 5 pages reflection critical analysis’ essay entitled “Is morality relative or are there objective moral truths?” This essay should explore the ethical, scientific, historic and socio-cultural dimensions of the readings.

Write a minimum 5 pages reflection critical analysis’ essay entitled “Is morality relative or are there objective moral truths?” This essay should explore the ethical, scientific, historic and socio-cultural dimensions of the readings. You have to read two readings (links you will find below the assignment description), one written by Ruth Benedict, “The Case for Moral Relativism” and a second written by Louis P. Pojman entitled “The Case Against Moral Relativism.”

What position do you hold regarding the essay’s question? Do you agree or disagree with the positions stated in the two readings?

Refer to Essay’s Rubrics in order to see the grading system.

In your essay you should:

  1. Use both readings
  2. Give answers to the following questions:

    3. Double-spaced 12 font

  1. Regarding Benedict’s paper:
  1. Is Benedict correct in saying that our culture is “but one entry in a long series of possible adjustments”? What are the implications of this statement?
  2. Can we separate the descriptive (or fact-stating) aspect of anthropological study from the prescriptive (evaluative) aspect of evaluating cultures? Are there some independent criteria by which we can say that some cultures are better than others? Can you think how this project might begin?
  3. What are the implications of Benedict’s claim that morality is simply whatever a culture deems normal behavior? Is this a satisfactory equation? Can you apply it to the institution of slavery or the Nazi policy of anti-Semitism?
  4. What is the significance of Benedict’s statement, “The very eyes with which we see the problem are conditioned by the long traditional habits of our own society”? Can we apply the conceptual relativism embodied in this statement to her own position? (taken form Pojman L.P., Vaughn L., The Moral Life, New York 2007, p. 165.)

b. Regarding Pojman’s paper:

  1. Is Pojman correct in thinking most American students tend to be moral relativists? If he is, why is this? What is the attraction of relativism? If he’s not correct, explain your answer.
  2. Explain the difference between subjective ethical relativism and conventionalism.
  3. Sometimes people argue that since there are no universal moral truths, each culture’s morality is as good as every other, so we ought not to interfere in its practices. Assess this argument.
  4. Does moral relativism have a bad effect on society? Reread the tape-recorded conversation between serial murderer Ted Bundy and one of his victims (pages 171-172) in which Bundy attempts to justify the murder of his victim on the basis of the idea that all moral values are subjective. Analyze Bundy’s discussion. How would the relativist respond to Bundy’s claim that relativism justifies rape and murder? What do you think? Why? (taken form Pojman L.P., Vaughn L., The Moral Life, New York 2007, pp. 190-191.)


1. http://www.colorado.edu/philosophy/heathwood/pdf/benedict_relativism.pdf

2. Louis P. Pojman, “The Case Against Moral Relativism.”


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