Describe And Discuss At Least Two Backup Strategies. Discuss The Use Of Cloud Backup Strategies, As Well?

Back up strategies

Back up strategy is the planned and well-organized data protection using a backup policy that authorizes the backup responsibilities to the most appropriate and right persons or offices and also sets the duplication time cycles. In other words, it is the action of copying physical or virtual documents or files into a secondary data file to act as a security or bank of preservation to ensure that even if the original file gets lost, their data will be restored. Every IT officer ion any company understands the vitality of having a backup for all the necessary information and data in the office. He also understands the necessity of ability to retrieve or restore the data (Hutchinson Et al, 1999). Our computers and systems may experience system outage, hardware failure, natural disaster or other instances of data loss. Attempts to back up ones data started ages ago even before the invention of electronic technology. Even though, electronic technology has been improving day in day out in a more sophisticated way.  Today we have many methods that we can use for backing up our data as discussed below.

Use of external hard drive: These technologies have been in use for quite some time and it has been very helpful in backing up data and information. They come in different sizes, strategies, shapes and have different storage capacities.  All these types of hard drives work in the same manner and experience the same shortcomings and merits. Many of them come with backup software that is compatible with windows and other third-party backup software. It is very fast and convenient especially when backing up larger data. It is portable and not easily affected by the worms. The only disadvantage that is alarming is the initial cost of the hard drives.

Network storage:  the use of Network Attached Storage (NAS) has become very rampant in many businesses today. The only big issue with NAS is that its initial cost is very high. In comparison, it’s more effective because one NAS can be used to secure data for all the computers in an office instead of buying many hard discs for all the computers.  On the other hand, not all the windows version is compatible with NAS.

Cloud backup strategies: This is a strategy that is becoming so popular in the recent technology. It involves sending a copy of the files over an internet platform to an offsite server. The cloud backups are controlled by the company and charge an agreed fee either monthly or annually. The provider gives you a certain capacity depending on the much you pay for. Retrieving the files from the internet depends on the speed and the strength of the internet available thus making it slower than other methods (Ofek, Cakeljic and Gagne, 2002). The good thing about the cloud back up is the accessibility. With other strategies like hard drives, if you forget or misplace them, then accessing the data will not be possible. With cloud storage, the data can be retrieved anywhere any time provided there is internet and a computer gadget




Hutchinson, N. C., Manley, S., Federwisch, M., Harris, G., Hitz, D., Kleiman, S., & O’Malley, S. (1999, February). Logical vs. physical file system backup. In OSDI (Vol. 99, pp. 239-249).

Ofek, Y., Cakeljic, Z., & Gagne, M. (2002). U.S. Patent No. 6,397,308. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Y.Ueno, N.Miyaho, and S.Suzuki, 2009, “Disaster Recovery Mechanism using Widely Distributed Networking and Secure Metadata Handling Technology”, Proceedings of the 4th edition of the UPGRADE-CN workshop, pp. 45-48.

Vijaykumar Javaraiah, Brocade Advanced Networks, and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS), 2011, “Backup for Cloud and Disaster Recovery for Consumers and SMBs,” IEEE 5th International Conference, 2011.



· Responses to classmates should not be “I agree” or “I like the way you stated that.” These responses should again be insightful, offering an opinion or facts based on your research and experiences. The response to one classmate should be a minimum of 125 words. See APA criteria for citing resources. You must provide a minimum of a reference, in APA format, in your original response.

Describe and discuss at least two backup strategies. Discuss the use of cloud backup strategies, as well?.


· Students are required to post one original response to the discussion questions each week, as well as a response to one classmate. Original responses should not be a word for word rehashing of what is stated in the readings, but rather an integration of the concepts and additional insights, either from real world experience or additional sources. It should be a 280 word response to the question. See APA criteria for citing resources. You must provide a minimum of a reference, in APA format, in your discussion.

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GO19_AC_INTRO_GRADER_CAP1 – Rugged Suppliers 1.0

GO19_AC_INTRO_GRADER_CAP1 – Rugged Suppliers 1.0


Project Description:

In this project, you will apply skills you practiced from the Objectives in Access Chapters 1 through 3. You will create a database that contains inventory and supplier information. In addition, you will create queries that answer specific questions relating to the inventory items and suppliers, forms for entering and updating information, and reports.


Start Access. Open the file Student_Access_Cap1_Rugged_Sportswear.accdb downloaded with this project.


Open   the Cap1 Inventory table in Design View. Rename the ID field to Item ID and change the Data Type to Short   Text. Continue adding the following fields as Short Text except for Cost,   which should have a Currency Data Type:
Item Name
Supplier ID


Switch   to Datasheet view. Enter the following two records into Cap1 Inventory:
Item ID: 305565
Item Name: Cycling Shorts
Cost: 11.59
Category: Shorts
Sport: Biking
Supplier ID: SUPP-06
Item ID: 106556
Item Name: Fingerless Bike Gloves
Cost: 12.09
Category: Socks and Gloves
Sport: Biking
Supplier ID: SUPP-01


Close   the table. Append a copy of the records from the downloaded Cap1_Inventory workbook to the Cap1   Inventory table. Accept all defaults in the wizard and do not save the Import   steps. Open the table, verify there are 25 records, and apply Best Fit to all   fields. Save and close the table.


Import   the source data from the downloaded Cap1_Suppliers   workbook into a new table in the current database. In the wizard, click the   First Row Contains Column Headings option and set the primary key to Supplier   ID. Name the table Cap1 Suppliers.   Do not save the Import steps.


Open   the Cap1 Suppliers table in Design view. Delete the Fax Number field and save   the table. Switch to Datasheet view and apply Best Fit to all of the fields.   Save and close the table.


On   the Navigation Pane, group the objects by Tables and Related Views.


Create   a relationship between the two tables in the database using Supplier ID as   the common field. Enforce Referential Integrity and select both Cascade   options. One supplier can supply many inventory items.


Create   a relationship report. Save the report with Cap1   Relationships as the name. Close the Relationships   window.


Create   a query in Design view, using your Cap1 Inventory table to answer the   question What is the item name (in   alphabetical order), cost, and category for the sport of fitness? Add the   fields in that order. Do not display the Sport field in the query results.   Run the query, save it as Cap1 Fitness Query,   then close the query. Five records match the criteria.


Create   a copy of Cap1 Fitness Query named Cap1 Hiking or   Biking Shoes Query. Redesign the query design to answer   the question What is the sport, item   name, category, and cost for the category of shoes where the sport is hiking   or biking? Arrange the fields in the order in which they’re mentioned in   the question. Sort the records first in ascending order by Sport and then in   Descending order by Cost. Hide the Category field so that it does not display   in the results. Run and then close the query. Six records match the criteria.


Create   a query in Design view, using both tables to answer the question What is the category, item name, sport,   company, and phone, for a category that begins with the letter S? Add the   fields in that order. Sort the records first in ascending order by the   Category field and then in ascending order by the Item Name field. Run the   query, save it as Cap1 S Category Query,   and then close it. Eighteen records match the criteria.


Create   a query in Design view, using the Cap1 Inventory table to answer the question   For each item name, display the cost   and calculate the markup for each item if marked up 36% of cost. In addition,   calculate the retail price by adding the cost and markup? Add the fields   in that order. Name the first calculated field Markup   and name the second calculated field Retail Price.   Run the query and apply Best Fit to all of the fields. All numeric fields   should be formatted as Currency, with 2 Decimal Places. Save the query as Cap1 Markup Query and close it.


Use   the Query Wizard to create a crosstab query using the Cap1 Inventory table.   Set the Category field as the row headings, and set the Supplier ID field as   the column headings. Count the Item ID field, and do not include row sums.   Name the query Cap1 Crosstab Query   and then finish the query. Run the query and apply Best Fit to all of the   fields. Save and close the query.


Create   a query in Design view using the Cap1 Inventory table that prompts you to   enter the Supplier ID, and then answers the question What is the supplier id, sport, category, item name, and cost for   inventory items, sorted in ascending order by the item name? Add the   fields in that order. The query should prompt an individual to Enter the Supplier ID. Run the query, and type SUPP-04 when prompted for the criteria. Two   records match the criteria. Save the query as Cap1 Parameter   Query   and close it.


Based   on the Cap1 Suppliers table, use the Form tool to create a form. Select the   form title, and apply Bold. Switch to Form view, and then using the form, add   a new record as follows:
Supplier ID: SUPP-12
Company: Beach Water Sports Inc
Email Address:
Phone: (305) 555-6543
Address: 14 South Beach Rd
City: Miami
State: FL
Postal Code: 33125
Use the Filter By Form tool to create a filter that displays records with a   State of VA   or FL. After verifying that two records   match this criteria, toggle the filter to display all twelve records. Save   the form as Cap1 Supplier Form   and close it.


Based   on your Cap1 Suppliers table, use the Report tool to create a new report.   Delete the following fields from the report: Supplier ID, Address, City,   State, and Postal Code. Delete the Page Number control. Apply the Facet theme   to this object only. Sort the Company field in ascending order. For the Phone   field, change the Width property to 1.25.   For the Company field, change the Left property to .75 and then close the Property Sheet.   Save the report as Cap1 Suppliers Report and   then close the report.


Use   the Report Wizard to create a report based on the Cap1 Inventory table. Add   the following fields to the report: Category, Sport, and Cost, in that order.   Group by the Category field. Sort in ascending order by Sport field. Find the   Average of the Cost field. Be sure that the Layout is Stepped and that the   Orientation is Portrait. For the report title, type Cap1 Average Cost by Category.   Delete the controls that begin with Summary for ‘Category’. Under Cost, click   any text box control, and then set the Width property to 1 and the Left property to 6. At the bottom of the report, in the   last column, select the last control that displays the average. Set the Width   property to 1   and the Left property to 6.5.   Close the Property Sheet. Save and close the report.


Close   all database objects. Open the Navigation Pane. Close the database, and then   submit for grading.

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Java Quiz

Question 1 (1 point)

Question 1 Unsaved

Select the line of Java code that will correctly declare a float variable named average and assign the variable a value of 3.4.

Question 1 options:

  None of the above
  int average; average = 3.4;
  int average = 3.4D;
  int average = 3.4f;
  int average = 3.4;


Question 2 (1 point)

Question 2 Unsaved

Select the correct line of Java code to assign 1000 to an int variable named myValue.

Question 2 options:

  int myValue = 1000;
  int myValue = 0x3E8;
  int myValue = 0b1111101000;
  All of the above
  None of the above


Question 3 (1 point)

Question 3 Unsaved

Which of the following is an invalid Java statement:

Question 3 options:

  System.out.println(“Hello, World! “);
  int d = 14;
  x + y/100;
  None of the above


Question 4 (1 point)

Question 4 Unsaved

Which of the following statements is a comment in Java

Question 4 options:

  / This is a test
  public class Hello {
  // This is a test. //
  (String[] args)
  None of the above


Question 5 (1 point)

Question 5 Unsaved

Will the following Java code compile and run?

public class QuizItem  {    public static void main(String[] args)       {           final int age = 38;      System.out.println(“Age is ” + Age);    } }

Question 5 options:



Question 6 (1 point)

Question 6 Unsaved

What is the output from the following Java code?

public class Week1Quiz {

public static void main (String[] args) {

System.out.println (“Welcome”);

System.out.println (“to”);

System.out.print (“UMUC!”);



Question 6 options:

  Welcome to UMUC!
  No output as the code will not compile.
  Welcome to UMUC
  None of the above


Question 7 (1 point)

Question 7 Unsaved

What character is assigned to the variable myChar in the following line of Java code?

char value = ‘\u0023’;

Question 7 options:



Question 8 (1 point)

Question 8 Unsaved

Will the following Java code compile and run without errors? public class QuizItem  {    public static void main(String[] args)       {           final int age = 38;      age = 39;       System.out.println(“Age is ” + age);    } }

Question 8 options:



Question 9 (1 point)

Question 9 Unsaved

You are designing a program for users to enter whole numbers that range from -200 to 2147483648. What Java data type will best satisfy this range of numbers?

Question 9 options:



Question 10 (1 point)

Question 10 Unsaved

Given the following sequence of Java code: int var = 4; var++; var = var + 2; var–; var = -var;   What is the final value of var?

Question 10 options:

  None of the above


Question 11 (1 point)

Question 11 Unsaved

You are designing a program for users to enter whole numbers that range from -100 to 127. What Java data type will best and most efficiently satisfy this range of numbers?

Question 11 options:



Question 12 (1 point)

Question 12 Unsaved

Given the following sequence of Java code: int var1 = 9; int var2 = 12; boolean failure = false; int result = failure ? var1 : var2; What is the value of result after executing the code?


Question 12 options:



Question 13 (1 point)

Question 13 Unsaved

Select the Java code that will correctly declare a boolean variable named success and assign it a value of false.

Question 13 options:

  Boolean success = true;
  int success = false;
  None of the above
  boolean success = 1;
  boolean success = 0;


Question 14 (1 point)

Question 14 Unsaved

Given the following sequence of Java code: int var1 = 9; int var2 = 12; int var3 = 12;   Which of the following statements evaluate to true

Question 14 options:

  var1 != var2
  var1 < var2
  var1 <= var2
  var2 == var3
  All of the above


Question 15 (1 point)

Question 15 Unsaved

What is the output from the following Java code?

public class Week1Quiz {

public static void main (String[] args) {

System.out.print (“Welcome”);

System.out.print (“to “);

System.out.println (“UMUC”);

System.out.print (“!”);



Question 15 options:

  Welcome to UMUC
  Welcome to UMUC !
  No output as the code will not compile.
  None of the above


Question 16 (1 point)

Question 16 Unsaved

What Java keyword can used to create a named constant?

Question 16 options:



Question 17 (1 point)

Question 17 Unsaved

If we declared the following variables in Java

int age = 27;           int cafe = 0xCAFE;      int number1 =0b0001;   What is the output for the following Java statement?

System.out.println(age + cafe + number1);

Question 17 options:

  None of the above


Question 18 (1 point)

Question 18 Unsaved

A non-local boolean variable is declared with the following Java code:

boolean myVar;

What is the value of myVar?

Question 18 options:

  None of the above


Question 19 (1 point)

Question 19 Unsaved

Given the following sequence of Java code: int var1 = 4; int var2 = 6; int var3 = 10; int results = (var1 + var2) * var3 /(var1 + var3) – var2%var1; What is the values of results after executing the code?

Question 19 options:

  None of the above


Question 20 (1 point)

Question 20 Unsaved

Given the following sequence of Java code: int var1 = 9; int var2 = 12; int var3 = 12; Which of the following statements evaluate to true

Question 20 options:

  (var1 == var2) || (var1 < var2)
  (var1 == var2) && (var1 < var2)
  !(var2 == var3)
  (var2 <= var3) && (var2 < var1)
  None of the above


Question 21 (1 point)

Question 21 Unsaved

What is the filename extension used for all Java source files.

Question 21 options:

  None of the above


Question 22 (1 point)

Question 22 Unsaved

From the list of Java variable names below, select the illegal variable name.

Question 22 options:



Question 23 (1 point)

Question 23 Unsaved

What must be installed on a computer to be able to run bytecodes?

Question 23 options:

  Java Virtual Machine (VM)
  Microsoft Visual Basic
  Ubuntu Server
  Oracle Database (11g or higher)
  None of the above


Question 24 (1 point)

Question 24 Unsaved

What is the filename extension used for all Java compiled files.


Question 24 options:

  None of the above


Question 25 (1 point)

Question 25 Unsaved

What development tool do you use to launch Java bytecodes?

Question 25 options:

  All of the above
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Clemenson Imaging LLC


Clemenson Imaging
Second Quarter Mobile Image Procedures
Technician Location Date Patients Image Type Category
Donna McFarland Green Bay 4/4/16 4 Dexascan Scheduled
MaryAnne Vonbank Manitowoc 4/8/16 5 CT Scan Walk-in
Jonathan Douglas Appleton 4/10/16 1 MRI Walk-in
Samantha Woods Green Bay 4/20/16 6 Ultrasonography Walk-in
Annie Olander Green Bay 4/22/16 5 Angiography Scheduled
Patti Lynfield Manitowoc 4/27/16 3 Dexascan Scheduled
James Boyd Manitowoc 4/30/16 4 MRI Scheduled
Donna McFarland Appleton 5/2/16 1 MRI Scheduled
MaryAnne Vonbank Appleton 5/5/16 3 Angiography Walk-in
Annie Olander Green Bay 5/8/16 2 Angiography Scheduled
Patti Lynfield Appleton 5/10/16 6 Ultrasonography Walk-in
James Boyd Manitowoc 5/12/16 2 Ultrasonography Scheduled
Donna McFarland Manitowoc 5/14/16 3 MRI Scheduled
MaryAnne Vonbank Appleton 5/16/16 12 Dexascan Scheduled
MaryAnne Vonbank Appleton 5/18/16 5 Dexascan Walk-in
Jonathan Douglas Green Bay 5/20/16 3 CT Scan Walk-in
Samantha Woods Appleton 5/22/16 1 CT Scan Scheduled
Annie Olander Green Bay 5/24/16 4 MRI Scheduled
Patti Lynfield Manitowoc 5/26/16 4 MRI Walk-in
James Boyd Manitowoc 5/28/16 8 CT Scan Walk-in
Jonathan Douglas Appleton 5/30/16 2 CT Scan Walk-in
Samantha Woods Appleton 6/1/16 3 MRI Scheduled
Annie Olander Green Bay 6/3/16 1 MRI Scheduled
Patti Lynfield Manitowoc 6/5/16 6 Ultrasonography Scheduled
MaryAnne Vonbank Appleton 6/7/16 1 MRI Scheduled
Donna McFarland Appleton 6/9/16 7 Dexascan Walk-in
James Boyd Green Bay 6/11/16 7 Dexascan Scheduled
Jonathan Douglas Appleton 6/13/16 8 CT Scan Walk-in
Annie Olander Green Bay 6/15/16 3 CT Scan Scheduled
Patti Lynfield Manitowoc 6/17/16 2 Angiography Scheduled
MaryAnne Vonbank Appleton 6/19/16 1 Angiography Scheduled
Donna McFarland Green Bay 6/21/16 8 Ultrasonography Walk-in
James Boyd Manitowoc 6/23/16 4 Ultrasonography Walk-in
Jonathan Douglas Appleton 6/25/16 3 Angiography Scheduled
MaryAnne Vonbank Green Bay 6/27/16 1 MRI Scheduled
Patti Lynfield Manitowoc 6/29/16 3 MRI Scheduled


Clemenson Imaging
Second Quarter Summary
Technician Procedure # of Patients
CT Scan
CT Scan
Patient Category Location # of Patients
Scheduled Appleton
Walk-In Green Bay


Boyd Douglas Lynfield McFarland Olander Vonbank Woods
James Jonathan Patti Donna Annie MaryAnne Samantha


Clemenson Imaging, LLC
Purchase and Training Cost Analysis
Cost of CT Scan Equipment -$200,000
Cost of Staff Training -$25,000 Net Present Value
Additional Revenue Year 1 $30,000
Additional Revenue Year 2 $30,000
Additional Revenue Year 3 $45,000
Additional Revenue Year 4 $45,000
Additional Revenue Year 5 $48,000
Additional Revenue Year 6 $48,000
Additional Revenue Year 7 $50,000


Clemenson Imaging
Time Duration for Procedures in Hours
Patient ID Location Image Type Start End Duration
CL024 Green Bay Dexascan 9:15 AM 9:30 AM
CL027 Manitowoc CT Scan 1:00 PM 1:45 PM
CL030 Appleton MRI 10:15 AM 11:30 AM
CL033 Green Bay Ultrasonography 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
CL036 Green Bay Angiography 2:30 PM 4:15 PM
CL039 Manitowoc Dexascan 10:30 11:00 AM
CL042 Manitowoc MRI 2:45 PM 4:15 PM
CL045 Appleton MRI 8:00 AM 10:30 AM
CL048 Appleton Angiography 1:30 PM 3:45 PM
CL051 Green Bay Angiography 3:00 PM 4:45 PM
CL054 Appleton Ultrasonography 1:00 PM 1:45 PM
CL057 Manitowoc Ultrasonography 11:30 AM 1:45 PM
CL060 Manitowoc MRI 10:15 AM 11:30 AM
CL063 Appleton Dexascan 10:30 11:00 AM
CL066 Appleton Dexascan 11:00 AM 11:20 AM
CL069 Green Bay CT Scan 2:15 PM 3:30 PM
CL072 Appleton CT Scan 3:30 PM 5:00 PM
CL075 Green Bay MRI 8:00 AM 11:00 AM
CL078 Manitowoc MRI 9:00 AM 11:30 AM
CL081 Manitowoc CT Scan 4:00 PM 5:30 PM
CL084 Appleton CT Scan 8:00 AM 9:45 AM
CL087 Appleton MRI 12:00 PM 2:30 PM
CL090 Green Bay MRI 2:15 PM 4:45 PM
CL093 Manitowoc Ultrasonography 1:00 PM 1:45 PM
CL096 Appleton MRI 10:15 AM 11:30 AM
CL099 Appleton Dexascan 11:00 AM 11:20 AM
CL102 Green Bay Dexascan 8:00 AM 8:20 AM
CL105 Appleton CT Scan 2:00 PM 3:30 PM
CL108 Green Bay CT Scan 3:00 PM 3:45 PM
CL111 Manitowoc Angiography 4:00 PM 4:45 PM
CL114 Appleton Angiography 3:45 PM 5:00 PM
CL117 Green Bay Ultrasonography 11:00 AM 11:20 AM
CL120 Manitowoc Ultrasonography 12:00 PM 1:30 PM
CL123 Appleton Angiography 4:00 PM 4:45 PM
CL126 Green Bay MRI 10:15 AM 11:30 AM
CL129 Manitowoc MRI 9:00 AM 11:15 AM
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Midwest Health Systems: Case Analysis Assignment

Midwest Health Systems

Case Analysis Assignment

In this case, the context is Midwest Health Systems (Midwest) and the scenario is evaluating a enterpise information security architecture. Your analysis of this case will be framed around a number of questions that are presented at the end of this writeup. As laid out in our syllabus, your analysis should, at minimum, meet the “2-why” standard.

While you can find a number of strategies out there for conquering case analyses (many of them are very good), I recommend the approach of reading the case at least once without consideration of the questions. That opens the mind up to absorbing details that might otherwise erroneously get dismissed in a “know the questions, hunt for the answers” type of approach. After that, lay our your outline with each question framing a new major section. Then, re-read the case analysis and as you go through, build the outline of your answer with references to page numbers so you can quickly go back. Once the outline is built, you should have a clean connection between your point and some evidence from the case. At that point, it is a matter of polishing the communication without inadvertently changing the thesis.

The case can be found in your Harvard Coursepack, referenced in the Materials section of our syllabus. The case analysis must be submitted through Blackboard in Microsoft Word or .pdf format before 11:59pm Sunday, March 28th.

Case Analysis Questions:

1. Identify the IT general control risks evident from the case. For each risk identified, identifiy possible controls to mitigate those risks and explain why you believe the control would work.

2. Define residual risk and then identify at least three such risks from the case, mapping those examples conceptually to your definition of residual risk.

3. Do you agree with the audit team’s conclusion that the only significant areas of concern in IT general controls are access security and change management? Please explain your answer at a “2-why” minimum standard.

4. What course(s) of action do you recommend that Nelson take based on your analysis of identified risks and suggested controls?

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E-Commerce Security Plan

Review figure 5.12, Developing an E-Commerce Security Plan. (Attached File)


Create a detailed outline for a security plan for the e-commerce website you prototyped in Week Two. (See attached file for week two prototype)


Include at least five subtasks for each of the five major tasks/steps listed in the figure.


Provide a description of the security risks most likely to be encountered.

Wall-Mart Website Improvement

Lasha Ruff

Prototype for Walmart

Current-Status Improvement
Economized white spaces, too many clicks toward an objective, distracting elements etc. Focusing on Readability.
Too many clicks and scrolling, disturbing data collection forms, etc. Effortless Usage. Clear up busy areas.
Frequent downtime and high response time. Improve response time and availability.



Snippet from site shows the large selection of items Wal-Mart has but presents too many clicks and scrolling on the user’s part creating disturbing data collection forms and overbearing functionality. To correct this I would take out every other row outlined in black as shown.


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Initial Post

Kirk (2016) tells us that all requirements and restrictions of a project must be identified.  Select 1 key factor below and discuss why Kirk (2016) states it will impact your critical thinking and shape your ambitions:

  • People: stakeholders, audience.
  • Constraints: pressures, rules.
  • Consumption: frequency, setting.
  • Deliverables: quantity, format.
  • Resources: skills, technology

Reference: Kirk, Andy. Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications

first student post


I chose “Resources: skills, technology” to discuss why Kirk states it will impact my critical thinking and shape my ambition.
Skills, you must take inventory of the available capabilities on the team. You may take inventory of yourself, on the personal capabilities that you possess. Not only offer what skills you have and what skills you don’t, but also which of these skills are you good at. What skills go you have available as a team and what weaknesses exist. Working as a team some skills can be compensated for or enhanced. By recognizing the available talent in the group, you should choose and place wisely to optimize available resources. The availability and optimal utilization (critical thinking) of skills can shape ambition.

Technology tools are plentiful for data visualization and becoming more and more holistic. Meaning there are some packages that will do almost everything, as a complete suite. In previous times, varying tools were used to accomplish different tasks. Different tasks entailed the many stages of prepping the data, developing the data, and visually presenting the data. Now technological tools accomplish almost every task. However, cleaning the data is sometimes a manual task and may require writing custom code in languages such Python and R. (The R Project for Statistical Computing, 2018)

Skills must be learned, enhanced, and adapted to ever changing technology. Skills must have the underlying principles that are developed as critical thinking when stepping though a process and knowing the correct and efficient direction. Having clear knowledge of data analysis principles allows ambition to grow, knowing you can accomplish the task. Possessing the skills (principle fundamentals and critical thinking), and technology allow you to “embrace the constraints” and “heighten your creative senses and lead to successful, innovative solutions”. (Kirk, 2016)

second student post


  • People: Stakeholders, audience  One of the most important parts of your stakeholder mapping is to identify the impact a stakeholder can have on the success of your project. Keep it simple. High or low is often enough. The impact that a stakeholder can have is a combination of two things; Their formal authority and also their ability to influence others. At the top of the tree of influence are Apex Stakeholders. They can influence other stakeholders without being easily influenced themselves. Make it your priority to find these people and bring them over to your point of view. Once you do, you will be able to use their influence as a lever to amplify your own.  Stakeholders are a major part of the project. Everything in a project should go the way they want and if not, it would be difficult for the people who worked on the project. These stakeholders can be really helpful in helping secure your future. The ideas and the works that have been found under the supervision of the stakeholders, benefits people and help them in a lot of ways.  Theories, concepts and models of audiences, stakeholders or publics, public relations and communication are important because they help us understand and explain our public relations campaigns and the situations these campaigns address. They determine how we plan and conduct public relations. Thus the different theories we hold will lead to different ways of planning and practicing public relations.

and   Assignment 2


Complete the “Police Killings” Exercise located at the following link:

Working With Data

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computer science

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Quiz 1: Name:____________________________________

1. For each user, Windows 10 can reserve a special area called a(n) ____ where each user can keep his or her own files. a. password b. Microsoft account c. log in d. locked 2. Which of the following is a set of instructions written for a computer? a. program b. Microsoft account c. log it d. password 3. A(n) ____ is an action you take with your fingertip directly on the screen, such as tapping or swiping. a. pointer b. log in c. gesture d. sign in 4. The Windows 10 desktop has controls, also known as its ____, that allow you to interact with the Windows 10 operating system. a. gestures b. tiles c. apps d. user interface 5. The Start menu includes variously-sized shaded rectangles, called ____ . a. icons b. tiles c. apps d. gestures 6. Each tile represents a(n) ____. a. app b. gesture c. icon d. gadget 7. At the bottom of the Windows 10 desktop is a bar called the ____, with buttons representing commonly used programs and tools. a. startup bar b. apps bar c. live bar d. taskbar 8. In Windows 10, a feature called ____ updates content in some Windows 10 apps. a. Windows updater b. live updates c. live tile d. live app 9. Windows apps are also known as ____ apps. a. universal b. static c. live d. traditional 10. ____ apps are fully-featured programs that may be available at an online store or on disk. a. Universal b. Static c. Desktop d. Single-user 11. Microsoft _____ is the new Microsoft web browser that lets you display and interact with webpages. a. WordPress b. Edge c. Webzilla d. Cortana 12. A pointing device controls the movement of the ____. a. status bar b. cursor c. taskbar d. mouse pointer



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13. Clicking and double-clicking are two of the five _____. a. desktop actions b. pointing device actions c. pointing device apps d. operating system actions 14. The area below the title bar is called the ____ and it contains tabs, commands, and the Address bar. a. document window b. Ribbon c. taskbar d. Application bar 15. The area at the top of the window, which displays the name of the window, is called the ____. a. title bar b. App bar c. taskbar d. options bar 16. ____ are groupings of buttons and other controls you use to interact with an object or a program. a. Pointers b. Tabs c. Apps d. Files 17. Buttons act as ____, which instruct Windows to perform tasks. a. select statements b. pointers c. commands d. gestures 18. The ____ shows the name and location of the item you have open. a. taskbar b. address bar c. title bar d. status bar 19. You can ____ a desktop icon, such as the Recycle Bin, by left-clicking it with the mouse pointer and dragging it. a. move b. delete c. duplicate d. organize 20. ____ also work well on tablets and phones. a. Windows apps b. Desktop apps c. Charms d. Operating apps 21. Some smaller desktop apps, called Windows ____, such as Paint, come already installed in Windows 10. a. utilities b. operating apps c. accessories d. default apps 22. The Windows ___ is an app that lets you find all kinds of apps for use on Windows personal computers, tablets, and phones. a. Deal b. Try c. Swap d. Store 23. When you start an app, its _____, a frame displaying the app’s tools, opens. a. dialog box b. icon c. window d. rectangle 24. Buttons are often organized on a ____ into tabs, and then into groups. a. Ribbon b. panel c. palette d. status bar



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25. Most buttons open menus and some open ____. a. submenus b. dialog boxes c. panels d. apps 26. In the Paint program, the white drawing area is called the ____. a. paper b. artboard c. workspace d. canvas 27. You can use the Windows 10 ____ app to learn more about help options. a. Support b. Technical Help c. Getting Started d. Info 28. When shutting down the computer, after clicking Start buton, you then click ____ for a list of shut down options. a. Power b. Options c. Exit Windows d. Controls 29. Which option for ending a Windows 10 session completely turns off the computer? a. Shut down b. Exit c. Log off d. End 30. Which button on the desktop do you click to examine your existing folder and file structure? a. Internet Explorer b. File Explorer c. Windows Explorer d. Desktop Explorer 31. A ____ is a three- or four-letter sequence, preceded by a period, that identifies the file type. a. filename b. file extension c. file suffix d. file property 32. In the Save As dialog box, below the Address bar, the ____ contains command buttons that you can click to perform actions. a. navigation bar b. taskbar c. File list d. toolbar 33. __________ is a Windows 10 program that creates files in RTF format. a. Explorer b. FileMaker c. WordPad d. Paint 34. What is the typical drive letter for the hard drive? a. A: b. B: c. C: d. D: 35. A USB Flash drive is a(n) ____ disk. a. floppy b. hard drive c. internal d. removable 36. When you view the File list on the C: drive, you will see the ____ folder. a. Users b. People c. Creators d. Files 37. The Documents folder is in the ____ folder. a. Users b. My Files c. My Computer d. People



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38. The set of appearance choices for files and folders is known as the ____. a. Hierarchy b. View c. Design d. Order 39. Windows 10 offers eight different ____ for viewing your files and folders. a. styles b. designs c. themes d. layouts 40. The Sort by button allows you to sort your files using several ____. a. criteria b. lists c. languages d. prompts 41. While looking at your list of files and folders, you can also preview them without ____ them. a. deleting b. copying c. opening d. closing 42. Which tab in Windows do you use to open a file? a. New b. File c. Open d. Edit 43. Making changes to a document is also known as ____. a. processing b. editing c. fixing d. changing 44. When you save an existing file, the ____ dialog box does not open. a. New b. Exit c. Save As d. Save 45. If you open a file and make changes to it and then save the changes, that file has been ____. a. edited b. duplicated c. formatted d. saved as another file 46. A copy or replacement of a file is known as a(n) ____. a. extra b. double c. dupe d. backup 47. When you copy a file, a duplicate remains on the ____. a. clipboard b. flash drive c. hard drive d. desktop 48. In File Explorer, the New Folder button is in the New group on the ____ tab on the Ribbon. a. Edit b. Home c. File d. New 49. When you cut and paste a file, you are actually ____ it. a. deleting b. storing c. moving d. copying 50. To rename a file in File Explorer, click the Rename button in the ____ group. a. File b. Naming c. Filter d. Organize

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For Kenzym04

1. List the seven OSI layers in the indicated sequence where layer 7 is closest to the end user.

Layer 7:

Layer 6:

Layer 5:

Layer 4:

Layer 3:

Layer 2:

Layer 1:

2. Compare the total number of links in an 11 node network for:

a) Mesh Topology

b) Star Topology (counting the hub as one of the nodes)

c) Ring Topology

d) Bus Topology

3. Which OSI layer, by number or name, is most applicable to the following? (Note: All layers are represented at least once)

__________ a) Addressing messages between two processes

__________ b) Bits:

__________ c) Congestion control:

__________ d) Determine where a frame starts and ends

__________ e) Frames

__________ f) Internet browsers

__________ g) Establishing, maintaining, and terminating a Session:

__________ h) Translation between different coding systems

__________ i) Route Determination

__________ j) Interface to transmission media

4. Use the OSI Model Learning Object to determine which OSI layer, by number or name, is most applicable to the following protocols.

(Note: All layers are represented at least once)

___________a) CDR – Common Data Representation

___________b) IPSec – Internet Protocol Security Protocol

__________ c) WEP – Wired Equivalent Privacy

_________ d) PAP – Password Authentication Protocol

__________ e) SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

__________ f) TLS –Transport Layer Security

__________ g) SSH – Secure Shell

__________ h) X.21:a – a specification for serial communications over synchronous lines


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Write A Proposal For A Visual Basic Project

Application Design Documentation

Your assignment is to create initial design documentation for a proposed final application project. Your final project for this class will require building a complete application of your choosing and design in Visual Studio. The application may be written in either Visual Basic, Visual C#, or a combination of both languages.


Your final project must be a Windows application that involves at least five (5) of the programming techniques used in this class. You must use the .Net Framework classes and create derived classes from them (counts as one technique). The other four (4) techniques are up to you.

For example, you could use forms, data validation, structures, and animation. While you have not yet covered all of the techniques, you now have a good idea of the kind of skills you will gain in the course. Providing this proposal now allows you to work on the project while you are completing the course.


This assignment creates the proposal and design document for your final project in this class. Submit the document in a Word-readable format (.docx, .doc, .rtf, .txt). The following tasks should be outlines in your design document.


State the application you wish to create for your final project. Justify why you feel this application will effectively demonstrate your programming skill. List and describe the five (5) techniques you will demonstrate through creating the application. This means writing the name of the technique, stating and discussing why you believe it is important, and describing how you will implement the technique.

NOTE: Think about what you can do and how much time it will take. How can you create an interesting application quickly and easily? Think seriously about what coding tasks were easy or interesting for you versus what tasks you disliked. Your goal is to design a practical project that you can complete during this course.



Please submit your design document to your instructor for grading.

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