Assignment-ACCESS DataBase

I already have the solution Manual to this attached (I need this translated in Access Database with different screenshots. Final Solution should include an Access DB file and all quetions answered in Word (in own words)with screenshots)

San Juan Sailboat Charters (SJSBC) is an agency that leases (charters) sailboats. SJSBC does not own the boats. Instead, SJSBC leases boats on behalf of boat owners who want to earn income from their boats when they are not using the boats themselves, and SJSBC charges the owners a fee for this service. SJSBC specializes in boats that
can be used for multiday or weekly charters. The smallest sailboat available is 28 feet in length, and the largest is 51 feet in length.

Each sailboat is fully equipped at the time it is leased. Most of the equipment is provided at the time of the charter. The majority of the equipment is provided by the owners, but some is provided by SJSBC. Some of the owner-provided equipment is attached to the boat, such as radios, compasses, depth indicators and other instrumentation, stoves, and refrigerators. Other owner-provided equipment is not physically attached to the boat, such as sails, lines, anchors, dinghies, life preservers, and equipment in the cabin (dishes, silverware, cooking utensils, bedding, and so on). SJSBC provides consumable supplies such as charts, navigation books, tide and current tables, soap, dish towels, toilet paper, and similar items. The consumable supplies are treated as equipment by SJSBC for tracking and accounting purposes. Keeping track of equipment is an important part of SJSBC’s responsibilities. Much of the
equipment is expensive, and those items not physically attached to the boat can be easily damaged, lost or stolen. SJSBC holds the customers responsible for all of the boat’s equipment during the period of their charter.
SJSBC likes to keep accurate records of its customers and charters, and customers are required to keep a log during each charter. Some itineraries and weather conditions are more dangerous than others, and the data from these logs provides information about the customer experience. This information is useful for marketing purposes, as well as
for evaluating a customer’s ability to handle a particular boat and itinerary. Sailboats need maintenance (two definitions of boat are: (1) “break out another thousand” and (2) “a hole in the water into which one pours money”). SJSBC is required by its contracts with the boat owners to keep accurate records of all maintenance activities and costs.

A. Create a sample list of owners and boats. Your list will be similar in structure to that in Figure 1-30, but it will concern owners and boats rather than owners and pets. Your list should include, at the minimum, owner name, phone, and billing address, as well as boat name, make, model, and length.

B. Describe modification problems that are likely to occur if SJSBC attempts to maintain the list in a spreadsheet.

C. Split the list into tables such that each has only one theme. Create appropriate ID columns. Use a linking column to represent the relationship between a boat and an owner. Demonstrate that the modification problems you identified in part B have been eliminated.

D. Create a sample list of owners, boats, and charters. Your list will be similar to that in Figure 1-31. Your list should include the data items from part A as well as the charter date, charter customer and the amount charged for each charter.

E. Illustrate modification problems that are likely to occur if SJSBC attempts to maintain the list from part D in a spreadsheet.

F. Split the list from part D into tables such that each has only one theme. Create appropriate ID columns. Use linking columns to represent relationships. Demonstrate that the modification problems you identified in part E have been eliminated.

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I Need Help With My Final Project For My “CIS 10 – Computer Literacy”

SIMnet 2016: Word, Excel, and Access Integrated Project 2

1 | P a g e Last Modified: 9/27/17

Office 2016 Integrated Applications – Project 2 Creating a Company Report In this project, you will create a company report for the Top’t Corn popcorn company using resources an Access

database and two Excel files. First, you will format the Word document, applying a theme, applying styles and text

formatting, formatting a table, and applying list formats. You will enter document information and add a cover page.

Next, you will add a header and add page numbers to the report using Word’s built-in building blocks. Next, you will

import data from Excel into an Access database and then create two queries based on that imported data. You will

export the query results to a new Excel workbook where you will add formulas and create a table and a chart. Finally,

you will copy and paste the chart and table data from Excel into your Word document.

Skills needed to complete this project:

Word Skills

• Change the theme and color theme

• Apply heading styles

• Apply character formatting

• Create numbered and bulleted lists

• Display text in columns

• Add a row to a table

• Enter data in a table

• Apply a table Quick style

• Change document information

• Insert a cover page

• Add a header

• Add page numbers

• Paste data from Excel

• Change font color

• Paste a chart from Excel

Access Skills

• Add records to a table by importing from Excel

• Rename a field

• Create a simple select query to combine fields from multiple tables

• Add text criteria to a query

• Add date criteria to a query

• Apply multiple criteria to a query

• Add numeric criteria to a query

• Specify a sort order in a query

• Export data from a query to Excel

Excel Skills

• Enter text and numbers in cells

• Create a formula using multiplication

• Use an absolute reference in a formula

• Copy a formula

• Format data as a table

• Sort data in a table

• Use the AVERAGE function in a formula

• Use the SUM function in a formula

• Apply a number format

• Modify the font size

• AutoFit columns

• Create a PivotTable using a Recommended PivotTable

• Create a pie chart

• Hide the chart title

• Apply a chart style

• Display chart data labels

IMPORTANT: Download the resource file needed for this project from the Resources link. Be sure to extract the file after downloading the resources zipped folder. Please visit SIMnet Instant Help for step-by-step instructions.

1. Open the start file OF2016-Integrated-Project2. If the document opens in Protected View, click the

Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the document so you can modify it.

2. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do

so by your instructor, and save it.

Step 1

Download start file



SIMnet 2016: Word, Excel, and Access Integrated Project 2

2 | P a g e Last Modified: 9/27/17

3. Apply and theme and change theme colors.

a. Apply the Slice theme to the document.

b. Change the color theme to the Orange Red theme.

c. Change the font theme to the Calibri theme.

4. Format text in the document.

a. Apply the Heading 1 style to the Overview and Goals headings on the first page of the document.

b. Apply the Heading 2 style to the Brick and Mortar Stores and the Food Truck Locations headings on page 2

of the document.

c. Scroll to the Our Top’t 4 Sellers section and bold the following words at the beginning of each line:

Original Blend, Old Bay, Sea Salt and Caramel, and Truffle.

d. Convert the four items in the Our Top’t 4 Sellers section into a numbered list using the 1), 2), 3) format.

e. Scroll to the Future Flavors section and bold the following words at the beginning of each line: Choco

Mocha, Raspberry Delight, Key Lime, and Spicy Buffalo.

f. Convert the four items in the Future Flavors section into a bulleted list using the four diamond format.

g. Select the text below the Brick and Mortar Stores heading (from Montgomery Mall to M&T Bank Stadium)

and change the text so it appears in two columns.

h. Select the text below the Food Truck Locations heading (from Farragut Square to National Mall West) and

change the text so it appears in two columns.

5. Work with a table in the document.

a. Navigate to the table in the Pricing section.

b. Add a row to the end of the table.

c. Type Gift Packaging in the first cell of the new row.

d. Type $2 in the second cell of the new row.

e. Change the Table Quick Style options to only show Quick Styles with a header row. Apply a Grid Table

4 – Accent 1 Quick Style to the table. It is in the Grid Styles section of the gallery.

6. Add document information and insert a cover page.

a. Display the Info page in Backstage view and add The Top’t Corn Report as the title of

the document.

b. Add Top’t Corn Company as the company.

c. Add Poppy Cunningham as the author.

d. Return to the document and place the cursor at the beginning of the Overview heading.

e. Insert a cover page using the Austin option.

f. Delete the abstract control at the top of the page (the text control beginning with Draw you reader in…).

g. Click the Document Subtitle control and type Gourmet Popcorn with Capitol





SIMnet 2016: Word, Excel, and Access Integrated Project 2

3 | P a g e Last Modified: 9/27/17

7. Add a header and page numbers to the document.

a. Place the cursor at the beginning of the Overview heading.

b. Add a header using the Sideline option.

c. Add page numbers to the bottom of the document using the Accent Bar 3 option.

d. Verify that the header and footer text does not appear on the cover page.

e. Close the Header and Footer view when you are done.

8. Open the Top’t Corn Sales Database Access file from the location where you saved the data files

for this project. (Downloaded from the Resources link.)

a. Import records from the Excel file Nov4Sales (located with the data files for this project) and append a

copy of the records to the OnlineSales table. (Hint: After the import, there should be 133 records in

the OnlineSales table.)

b. In the OnlineSales table, rename the ID field: OnlineSaleID

9. Create a query to display sales of Old Bay flavored popcorn from buyers in Maryland and then export the

query results to an Excel file.

a. Include the following fields in this order: OnlineSaleID, Date, Quantity, and State fields from the

OnlineSales table and the ItemName field from the Items table.

b. Add criteria to the query to limit the results to records where the Item Name is Old Bay, the State is

MD, and the Date is greater than or equal to November 1, 2016. Run the query to check your work.

(Hint: There should be 8 records in the query results.)

c. Return to Query Design view and hide the ItemName and State fields in the query results.

d. Run the query again to check your work.

e. Save the query as OldBayMDQry and then close the query.

f. Export the results of the OldBayMDQry to a new Excel file named: OldBayMDSales Do not export

the data with formatting and layout. Save the file with the other resources for this project.

10. Create a query to display sales of truffle flavored popcorn with a quantity greater than six from the

OnlineSales table.

a. Include the following fields in this order: State and Quantity from the OnlineSales table and

ItemName field from the Items table.

b. Add criteria to the query to limit the results to records where the Item Name is Truffle and the

Quantity is greater than 4.

c. Specify the sort order in the query, so the results are sorted alphabetically by state. Run the query to

check your work. (Hint: There should be 17 records in the query results.)

d. Save the query as HighQuantityTruffleQry and close it.




SIMnet 2016: Word, Excel, and Access Integrated Project 2

4 | P a g e Last Modified: 9/27/17

e. Export the results of the HighQuantityTruffleQry to a new Excel file named:

HighQuantityTruffleSales . Do not export the data with formatting and layout. Save

the file with the other resources for this project.

f. Close any open database objects and then close the database and exit Access.

11. Open the OldBayMdSales Excel file you just created and create a table to copy into Word.

a. In cell D1, type: Total Sale

b. In cell A11, type: Price per Box

c. In cell B11, type: $9.00

d. In cell D2, enter a formula to calculate the total sale. Multiple the quantity sold (cell C2) by the price per

box (cell B11). You are going to copy this formula to cells D3:D9, so use relative and absolute references

as appropriate.

e. Copy the formula in cell D2 to cells D3:D9.

f. Format the data in cells A1:D9 as a table using any style.

g. Sort the table data by quantity so the largest value is at the top.

h. In cell A12, type: Average Quantity

i. Enter a formula in cell B12 to calculate the average of cells C2:C9.

j. In cell A13, type: Total Sales

k. Enter a formula in cell B13 to calculate the sum of cells D2:D9.

l. Apply the Currency number format to cell B13.

m. Select cells A1:D9 and change the font size to 14.

n. Autofit all columns so the data are completely visible.

o. Save Excel file.

p. Copy cells A1:D13. Do not close the Excel file.

12. Return to the Word document and use the Paste Special command to paste data.

a. Place the cursor in the blank line under the first paragraph in the Maryland Sales of Old Bay Flavor section.

b. Paste the copied Excel data using Keep Source Formatting option into the document.

c. Return to Excel and close the OldBayMdSales file.

13. Open the HighQuantityTruffleSales Excel file you created in step 10. e. and create a chart from the data.

a. Create a PivotTable from the data. Use the first (only) recommended PivotTable – Sum of Quantity

by State.

b. Create a 2-D pie chart from the PivotTable data.

c. Hide the chart title.

d. Apply the chart Quick Style Style 4.

e. Display chart data labels using the inside end option.




SIMnet 2016: Word, Excel, and Access Integrated Project 2

5 | P a g e Last Modified: 9/27/17


f. Save the file.

g. Copy the chart. Do not close the Excel file.

14. Return to the Word document and paste the chart.

a. Place the cursor in the blank line under the first paragraph in the Sales by State for Truffle section.

b. Paste the chart you copied from Excel into the document. Use the Keep Source Formatting &

Embed Workbook paste option.

IMPORTANT: If you receive an error message similar to “Word cannot obtain the data for the {00020830-

0000-C000-000000000046} link.”, make sure that you have extracted the HighQuantityTruffleSales Excel

workbook from the resources zip folder and open the workbook from the extracted folder, save your Word file,

and then try again.

c. Save and close the document.

d. Return to Excel and close the HighQuantityTruffleSales file.

15. Upload and save your project file.

16. Submit project for grading. Step 2 Upload & Save

Step 3

Grade my Project

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2-1 Scenario Activity: Gathering Information

Based on your selected scenario from Hands-On Database, complete the “To Do” activities described at the end of Chapters 2 and 3 of the textbook. Your response should be submitted as a Word document.

For additional details, please refer to the Scenario Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.


I have attached the information you will need to complete the assignment. I completed my scenario on wildwood apartments. You would only need to complete that section. I have attached the PDF if you would like to read about wildwood apartments.

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4 2-3 Pages Assignment

Chapter 11 of your textbook, Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, provides an overview of knowledge management and business intelligence as they relate to organizational decision making. Read Case Study 11-2, “Business Intelligence at CKE Restaurants,” on pages 348–349 in the textbook and answer all three questions regarding CKE Restaurants’ (Hardee’s Restaurant parent company) decision to promote and distribute the Monster Thickburger based on insights derived from their business intelligence system:

  • How does the business intelligence system (BIS) at CKE add value to the business?
  • What are some tips for developing and using the BIS described in this case?
  • Was the introduction of the Monster Thickburger a good idea or an example of information leading to a wrong decision?
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SQLAlchemy- Climate Analysis And Exploration

To begin, use Python and SQLAlchemy to do basic climate analysis and data exploration of your climate database. All of the following analysis should be completed using SQLAlchemy ORM queries, Pandas, and Matplotlib.

  • Use the provided starter notebook and hawaii.sqlite files to complete your climate analysis and data exploration.
  • Choose a start date and end date for your trip. Make sure that your vacation range is approximately 3-15 days total.
  • Use SQLAlchemy create_engine to connect to your sqlite database.
  • Use SQLAlchemy automap_base() to reflect your tables into classes and save a reference to those classes called Station and Measurement.

Precipitation Analysis

  • Design a query to retrieve the last 12 months of precipitation data.
  • Select only the date and prcp values.
  • Load the query results into a Pandas DataFrame and set the index to the date column.
  • Sort the DataFrame values by date.
  • Plot the results using the DataFrame plot method.
  • Use Pandas to print the summary statistics for the precipitation data.

Station Analysis

  • Design a query to calculate the total number of stations.
  • Design a query to find the most active stations.
    • List the stations and observation counts in descending order.
    • Which station has the highest number of observations?
    • Hint: You will need to use a function such as func.minfunc.maxfunc.avg, and func.count in your queries.
  • Design a query to retrieve the last 12 months of temperature observation data (TOBS).
    • Filter by the station with the highest number of observations.
    • Plot the results as a histogram with bins=12.
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IFT 201 HW3

[IFT 201] Computer and Network Systems: Organization and Administration

Lab 3: Character Encoding

Score: 60pts


As discussed, every kinds of data in a computer must be represented by a sequence of 1s and 0s (binary system). The manner in which these electronic data are converted to a form meaningful to humans depend on the coding system used by the computer.

So the myriad data forms have to be represented using only 1s and 0s; including text, numbers, sounds, colors, still pictures, moving pictures, etc.

· How are characters represented?

A character “mapping” assigns a number to each character, and then this assigned number is encoded in binary. For example, a very simple mapping scheme might assign 1 to A, 2 to B, etc. A computer would then store B as 10, the binary representation of 2.

· Which mapping to use?

It took a long time for the computer industry to stop using many different mappings:

· IBM mainframes used EBCDIC,

· Control Data Corporation (CDC) supercomputers used their own system

· Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) and other smaller companies used ASCII.

The breakthrough coincided with the introduction of PC in 1981, which used ASCII even though it was an IBM.

ASCII has grown ever since to become practically one of the only two character mappings used today (the other being Unicode).


Read the ASCII character set and text representation from any of the following sources:

· Hand-outs, section 2.6

· Online resources

Download and extract the provided programs:

· ASCII Converter v3.1:

· Text to Binary converter:

· If you don’t have a Windows system, you’ll need to use virtual box with a Windows VM

The ASCII converter can convert plain text to hex and back using the standard ASCII character set. For example, type E0 in the “Hexadecimal” area and click on “Convert”, you’ll see à in the “Plain Text” area.


The Text to Binary converter program makes it easy to type in some text and have the computer translate all of it to binary using the ASCII character mapping. The (binary) output is a string of binary numbers separated by spaces, each representing an ASCII value. The screenshot below provides an example.

Note that inside the computer’s memory, there are no spaces between the seven-bit chunks that represent each character.

Most computers today store one ASCII character in a byte, which is 8 bits, not 7. The ASCII character set was extended to include 128 extra characters, many of them for PC graphics.



For these activities, you can use any or a combination of the two programs.

1. Convert decimal 100 to hex: ________________

Type the hex representation into the bottom area of the ASCII Converter program

Write down what you see: ______________

2. Do the same for 68

68 = ________ hex

ASCII __________

3. What relation do the above two numbers have?

4. Do as in 1) for

a) 101 and 69

b) 102 and 70

Write down the codes and the characters you see

5. What conclusion can you draw about how upper- and lowercase characters in ASCII are represented, based on your experiments?

6. If you were writing a function to capitalize text for a word-processing program, what simple transformation would you make to the character codes to capitalize a letter?

7. What does ASCII code 241 look like? What language uses this character?

Provide a screenshot

8. We’ll now see how the computer stores your ASU username.

Write down its binary conversion. Also provide a screenshot

Provide its decimal representation.

9. Provide the decimal representation for each of the following characters: ç, é, $, £

Be sure to provide the screenshot of your initial step



Prepare your deliverable using this lab document as followed:

1. Answer all the questions in the “Activities” section, illustrating your work with screenshot whenever applicable.


1. Save your file as lab3_<YOUR USERNAME>.docx. Replace <YOUR USERNAME> with your ASURITE username. If you’re not using MS Word (for example, if you’re using Mac), please submit a PDF document.

2. Be sure to include your full name on every page. You can insert it in the header, on above the “IFT 201” banner.

3. Upload your file to Blackboard.

Page 2

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Relational Databases

Application: Relational Databases


As in any nursing specialization, informatics and database design has its own pedagogy and vernacular. Terms such as primary keyrelational diagram, or entity integrity might seem unfamiliar at first; however, this Assignment familiarizes you with such terms and develops your informatics skills as you apply database concepts.


To prepare:


  • Review the information on relational database models in the course text, Coronel, C. & Morris, S. (2015). Database systems: Design, implementation, and management (11th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning..
  • Focus on the key terms listed at the end of Chapter 3.
  • Review how to create an entity relationship model.
  • Examine the information contained in Figure 3.17.

    To complete:


  • Answer questions 17–22 about database design found on pages 110 in the course text, which refer to Figure 3.17 on page 110. SEE ATTACHED FILE
  • Use the available templates for your responses.


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Support Queue Case Study


For this project, you will apply the CompTIA 6-Step Troubleshooting Process to explain how you would tackle Hudson Fisher Associates Help Desk Tickets. There are three groups of tickets, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. You will pick two tickets from each group.

As you prepare to analyze and hopefully solve these typical IT help desk tickets, keep in mind that for this course, it is more about the process and less about finding the “correct” answer. You may not always find an exact answer from the information given. The problems are structured to approximate what you will find in the workplace. Use a logical and repeatable process (e.g., the CompTIA 6-Step Troubleshooting Process) and eliminate the improbable as you work your way through each scenario.

CompTIA 6-Step Troubleshooting Process:

  1. Identify the problem.
  2. Establish a theory of probable cause.
  3. Evaluate the theory to determine the actual cause.
  4. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution.
  5. Verify full system functionality and if applicable implement preventative measures.
  6. Document findings, actions, and outcomes.

How Will My Work Be Evaluated?

As you progress in your information technology and cybersecurity career, you may find yourself making presentations to customers, client audiences, and management. For this assignment, you should articulate your findings from the six support cases.

But the challenge you face is in expressing a technical solution to a nontechnical audience. Avoid jargon and acronyms. Find a way to relay your solution (and challenges) in language that your audience will find easily relatable.

Communicating in this manner will not always be easy. You may struggle to find the right analogy or metaphor. But if you can master the skill of summarizing your results and recommendations to management in an effective presentation, you will demonstrate how you use your technical knowledge to convey your ideas to others in a professional setting. You will also earn the respect and trust of your peers, your supervisor, and upper management as an effective communicator. You will be viewed as an employee ready for advancement.

The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:

  • 1.1.1: Articulate the main idea and purpose of a communication.
  • 1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.
  • 1.3.3: Integrate appropriate credible sources to illustrate and validate ideas.
  • 2.1.1: Identify the issue or problem under consideration.
  • 2.3.1: State conclusions or solutions clearly and precisely.
  • 12.7.2: Explain the process of analyzing IT incidents.
  • 13.1.1: Create documentation appropriate to the stakeholder.

Your deliverable for the project is an annotated PowerPoint Presentation covering the following:

  • List of the six tickets you selected (two each from Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3)
  • One to two slides for each ticket, in which you:
    • State the problem.
    • Describe the steps taken to troubleshoot/analyze the problem.
    • Propose a brief resolution.
  • One summary slide: What did you find challenging or interesting about one or two of the support cases (opinion-based)?
  • One reference slide (two to six IEEE references). Include references for materials you consulted in TestOut or on the internet.

If you haven’t already done it last week, download the Support Queue Case Study Presentation Template to get started.

Delete the instructional text from the template before you submit.

When you are finished, click “add a file” to upload your work, then click the Submit button.

Due DateJul 6, 2021 11:59 PM

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Access Query Assignment

19. Write a query to display the products that have a price greater than $ 50.

20. Write a query to display the current salary for each employee in department 300. Assume that only current employees are kept in the system, and therefore the most current salary for each employee is the entry in the salary history with a NULL end date. Sort the output in descending order by salary amount.

21. Write a query to display the starting salary for each employee. The starting salary would be the entry in the salary history with the oldest salary start date for each employee. Sort the output by employee number.

22. Write a query to display the invoice number, line numbers, product SKUs, product descriptions, and brand ID for sales of sealer and top coat products of the same brand on the same invoice.

23. The Binder Prime Company wants to recognize the employee who sold the most of their products during a specified period. Write a query to display the employee number, employee first name, employee last name, email address, and total units sold for the employee who sold the most Binder Prime brand products between November 1, 2013, and December 5, 2013. If there is a tie for most units sold, sort the output by employee last name.

24. Write a query to display the customer code, first name, and last name of all customers who have had at least one invoice completed by employee 83649 and at least one invoice completed by employee 83677. Sort the output by customer last name and then first name.


 25. LargeCo is planning a new promotion in Alabama ( AL) and wants to know about the largest purchases made by customers in that state. Write a query to display the customer code, customer first name, last name, full address, invoice date, and invoice total of the largest purchase made by each customer in Alabama. Be certain to include any customers in Alabama who have never made a purchase; their invoice dates should be NULL and the invoice totals should display as 0.

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Data Structure (Python)

# Course: CS261 – Data Structures # Student Name: # Assignment: # Description: from max_stack_sll import * class QueueException(Exception): “”” Custom exception to be used by Queue class DO NOT CHANGE THIS CLASS IN ANY WAY “”” pass class Queue: def __init__(self): “”” Init new Queue based on two stacks DO NOT CHANGE THIS METHOD IN ANY WAY “”” self.s1 = MaxStack() # use as main storage self.s2 = MaxStack() # use as temp storage def __str__(self) -> str: “”” Return content of queue in human-readable form DO NOT CHANGE THIS METHOD IN ANY WAY “”” out = “QUEUE: ” + str(self.s1.size()) + ” elements. ” out += str(self.s1) return out def is_empty(self) -> bool: “”” Return True if queue is empty, False otherwise DO NOT CHANGE THIS METHOD IN ANY WAY “”” return self.s1.is_empty() def size(self) -> int: “”” Return number of elements currently in the queue DO NOT CHANGE THIS METHOD IN ANY WAY “”” return self.s1.size() # —————————————————————— # def enqueue(self, value: object) -> None: “”” TODO: Write this implementation “”” pass def dequeue(self) -> object: “”” TODO: Write this implementation “”” pass # BASIC TESTING if __name__ == “__main__”: pass # print(‘\n# enqueue example 1’) # q = Queue() # print(q) # for value in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: # q.enqueue(value) # print(q) # # print(‘\n# dequeue example 1’) # q = Queue() # for value in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: # q.enqueue(value) # print(q) # for i in range(6): # try: # print(q.dequeue(), q) # except Exception as e: # print(“No elements in queue”, type(e))

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