
1. Modern life exposes people to a variety of manufactured chemical pest controls. Some have known health effects, whereas the human effect of many others is still being researched. In 220 WORDS  Explain the problem of bio magnification.

2.  Answer each of the following in 150 to 200 words using the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources.

1. Explain the problem of zebra mussels, and invasive species (see Case Study 11.1 in Natural Resource Conservation). Describe their spread in North America. Explain the environmental and economic problems associated with zebra mussels. What are some methods that are being used to control them?

2. Identify a pathogen that has a significant impact on human health. What are its health effects? How is it spread? How might climate change or increased global connectivity (such as international travel) affect the spread of the pathogen? Explain how pathogens might be used in bioterrorism.

3. Describe two problems facing marine fisheries. Choose three regulations or economic incentives and explain how they could foster sustainable marine fisheries?

4. Explain the costs and benefits of clear-cutting versus selective cutting when harvesting trees. How does integrated pest management help improve forest health? How do controlled burns and the “Let It Burn” policy contribute to forest health and sustainable forestry?

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Sustainable Living Guide Contributors, Part 1 Of 4: Sustaining Biodiversity And Ecosystems

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapters 1 and 4 in the Turk and Bensel’s Contemporary Environmental Issues textbook (2014).

I selected the Term  Endangered Species Act

Download the Week 1 Assignment Template and replace the guiding text with your own words based upon your online research.  Please do not include a cover page.  All references, however, should be cited in your work and listed at the the end, following APA format expectations.

In the template you will

Define the term thoroughly

Clearly relate the term to the week’s theme.

Explain how the term affects living things and the physical world

Relate the term to the challenge of achieving environmental sustainability

Justify if the term represents an obstacle to that goal, or perhaps a technique or technology that might promote it

Suggest two specific actions we can take to promote sustainability in relationship to this term.

Provide detailed example to support your ideas.

Please do not include a cover page, or even a place your name directly on work.

Minimum of three paragraphs in length

Must use at least two credible and /or scholarly sources in addition to the course text.  To receive optimal credit, use at least one scholarly source from a peer-reviewed academic journal.   Use a separate page for reference

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Module 5

Should we mount a massive effort to restore ecosystems that we have degraded even though this will be quite costly? For this weeks environmental controversy we explore this question. Using the textbook, and any additional outside resources, answer the questions below. Write a 1-2 paragraph response to the questions posed to you. Remember to cite your sources using APA.

Ecological restoration, which is discussed in your textbook, has a critical role in protecting and understanding the Earth’s environments. Unfortunately, even if personnel and financial resources are available, many sites are too damaged to be effectively restored. In such cases, alternatives to restoration must be pursued, including: rehabilitation, remediation, replacement, or the creation of artificial ecosystems.

Some individuals worry that large-scale ecological restoration could mislead the public into believing that any amount of environmental damage can be undone. Ultimately, a massive and expensive restoration program could be offset by weakened regulations and increased environmental damage in other areas. Furthermore, alternatives to ecological restoration may be able to repair more sites at less cost.

Based on what you have read and researched, do you believe that the loss of biodiversity is a concern for humans? Should the government not only preserve but restore ecosystems that we have degraded the biodiversity even though this will be quite costly?

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Ecological Footprints   [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 3, 6]

The ecological footprint is a tool for helping us to visualize the impacts we make on the environment. For a brief overview of the concept, please watch this one-minute video The Ecological Footprint Explained (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. prior to beginning work on this discussion.

In this week’s class discussion, you will have the opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit. Everyday choices can impact our environment; through those choices, we can either add to our environmental impact, or reduce it.

In a course-long project beginning this week, you will take on the challenge of lessening your impacts on the environment, through reducing the size of your ecological footprint. Specifically, you will identify possible lifestyle changes that would reduce the amount of resources you use and/or the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that you produce. In a course-long experiment, you will determine whether or not it is possible to make a measurable difference in your environmental impact through a few simple actions in your daily life. The first step, of course, is to determine your ecological footprint right now. To do that, you will calculate three footprints: an overall ecological footprint that takes most of our daily behaviors into consideration; a carbon footprint that focuses on our daily carbon emissions that are contributing to global climate change; and a water footprint that assesses daily water use.

Part A: Ecological Footprint

Use the footprint tool from the web page What Is Your Ecological Footprint? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to calculate your ecological footprint. At every opportunity, please select the “add details to improve accuracy” option. At the end of the footprint activity, make a note of how many earths would be required if everyone lived like you. Then click on “see details” to obtain the following information:

  • Your ecological footprint, in global hectares (a hectare is about two and a half acres).
  • Your top three consumption categories.
  • Finally, research some ways you might reduce your      footprint, identifying a few specific ones that you might put into      practice throughout the course.

Part B: Household Carbon Emissions Footprint

Next, use the Carbon Footprint Calculator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to calculate your household carbon emissions footprint. After answering all the questions:

  • Make a note of your carbon emissions footprint in      pounds. Is that above or below the average household carbon footprint      in the US?
  • Also, explore specific actions you might take to reduce      your footprint. Which of them might be practical to undertake in the next      five weeks?

Part C: Water Footprint

Finally, use Water Footprint Calculator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to calculate your daily water footprint. After answering all the questions:

  • Make a note of your gallons per day water footprint.
  • Record the top three contributors to it.
  • Scroll down the page to access a series of “Tips”      buttons you can click on for advice on reducing your footprint. Again,      make a note of some specific ideas you see that might be practical to      implement over the next five weeks.

Discussion Post Requirements

Your discussion should include all the information you gathered about your consumption habits from your three footprint calculations, including all numbers with units.

Then, examine the numerical results of your three footprint calculations by answering the following questions:

  • What did you learn that surprised you about your      consumption habits?
  • Propose a minimum of five lifestyle changes you could      make that would reduce one or more of the three footprints. (These do not      have to be the ones you use in this course-long project; over the course      of the discussion, you may opt to select other ones based upon classmates’      recommendations. You will be recording your final choices for lifestyle      changes in your Journal at the end of the week.)
  • For each lifestyle change, identify which footprint you      would be lowering by doing it. Discuss potential obstacles to making those      changes, and then suggest ways you might overcome those obstacles.
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8-10 Pages Essay

Requirements for research paper



Formatting/size/parts: The paper should be 8-10 pages double space, 12 pt, with 1 inch margins using a normal size font, and should have page numbers. Papers that are under 8 page will receive a significant cut in grade. The paper should have a title with your name taking up minimal space on the first page – or you can have a separate title page not included in your page count. The paper should have a full bibliography covering all works cited in the paper that also is not included in your page count.


Topic: The paper can be on any topic on environment or disease in China or in China’s international relations. Research must be on a topic beyond class material, not one that replicates lectures. If you are doing a paper on international relations, more than half the paper must focus on the Chinese side.


Sources: The paper must include some primary sources as well as peer reviewed or fact checked secondary sources with credible referencing. I don’t count Wikipedia or other on-line encyclopedia type websites as real sources. Please don’t use them! Please carefully check the publisher of all online sources. Many are propaganda from the Chinese government.


Referencing: Footnotes (not endnotes) are strongly preferred. However, if you have already written most of your paper using parenthetical referencing, I will accept it. I take referencing very seriously in this paper. You should have a minimum of 3 references per page and hopefully more. I don’t care which style you use for notes and bibliography, but it should be internally consistent and one of the normal scholarly styles used. Make sure that all references whenever possible have exact page numbers.


Thesis: The most important part of this paper is that you have a strong, specific argument that you spend the paper proving. It should not be a personal opinion, but rather something you can argue based on what YOUR SOURCES are telling you. This argument should also not be just common sense, but something you really need to prove. In fact, the entire paper should be about proving a single thesis. If you can’t figure out how a section or part of your background specifically helps prove your argument, then cut it out. If part of your paper seems necessary, but isn’t covered by your current thesis, then rewrite the thesis so it covers the whole paper. The thesis is usually placed near the end of the first paragraph.


Writing Center: While not required, I strongly suggest going to the Writing Center and having them go over the paper with you. It’s a free service and will save you a lot of trouble.


Grading: What am I looking for when grading the final paper?

1. Does it have a specific thesis that covers the whole paper? If not, it’s already a B paper at best.

2. Do the arguments throughout the paper make a good case for the thesis? Do they seem to build on each other in a logical way?

3. Does it have excellent referencing?

4. Is the organization of the paper, of sections, and of paragraphs coherent/make sense?

5. Does it have introductions and conclusions for the paper, for sections, and for each paragraph?

6. Does it have decent English with sentences that make sense? Does it have spelling errors or other easy to correct problems that show a lack of caring on the part of the author? Does it use slangy language and contractions which should not be in a formal paper? (This doesn’t mean that I appreciate very uptight language with unnecessarily fancy vocabulary either.)


A review of sources:

· Primary sources?

· Things written or produced (like a picture or a chair) at the time

· Secondary sources?

· Analysis written now by scholars who read or look at primary sources

· Tertiary sources?

· Textbooks and encyclopedias. Authors mainly base their analysis on secondary sources, i.e. other scholars’ analyses. This is the furthest away from original sources and should basically not be used in a research paper.

· Trustworthy sources?

· Peer reviewed journals

· Books from academic presses (University of X Press) and some high-end commercial academic presses

· High-end newspapers with fact checking. Please take into account most newspapers’ have a political bias.

· Internet sources?

· Look for the same trustworthy sources listed above. If a book or article does not have referencing, it’s a very bad sign! If its published by a group that has a strong agenda (the Chinese government, a coal mining industrial group talking about mining), do not indiscriminately believe it.


Some ideas about referencing for those unclear about it:

· Why do it?

· To prove what you are saying.

· To give credit to other researchers.

· To help future researchers

· When should one cite?

· Any time one quotes (right after the quote)

· Any idea not commonly known

· Any specific facts or data

· Any time you are taking an argument or point from another author

· Basically if you didn’t know it and got your information from a particular source, then you have to give that source’s author credit.

· What counts as a quote?

· Five or more words in a sequence taken from a piece of writing.

· If you copy five words without using quote marks, even if you use a citation, you are committing plagiarism



Formatting footnotes vs. a bibliographic item?

(Note that I will accept many different footnoting/bibliographic formats as long as they are internally consistent. I’m giving you one example among many.)

· How is a footnote different than a bibliographic entry?

· A footnote MUST tell the exact page number where you found something; a bibliography just lists the whole book or article.

· Sometimes people add extra data or interesting side points that don’t exactly fit in the paper in the footnotes.


· How is the format different?

· Footnotes are one long sentence. All the pieces are usually connected by commas. They also use a first name last name format (Unless it’s a Chinese name which retains its normal last name first name format.) Footnotes use a full format the first time, and a short format (like name, short title, page #) every time after.

· Bibliographic items break each piece up into a mini sentence using periods. They are organized alphabetically based on a last name, first name format (Unless it’s a Chinese name which doesn’t use the comma).

· Biographies are single-space, but have a space between each reference item. They have the same font size (usually 12 pt) as the paper. Footnotes are also single-space, but they have no spaces between them, and they are in a 10pt font. If you use footnotes in Word, it will automatically format them this way for you.


· Examples

· Bibliography: Ebrey, Patricia Buckley, ed. “The Haifeng Peasant Association.” Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, 2nd Edition. New York: The Free Press, 1993.

· Footnote, 1st time: Patricia Buckley Ebrey, ed., “The Haifeng Peasant Association,” Chinese Civilization: A Sourcebook, 2nd Edition, New York: The Free Press, 1993, 365.

· Short footnote form used after: Ebrey, Haifeng, 366.

· If two or more footnotes in a row are from the same source. For example, the first, second, and third are all from Ebrey, then the second and third have an ultra-shortened format: Ibid., 367. Ibid. is short for ibidem, which is Latin means “in the same place.” Because it’s an abbreviation, it always has a period after it.

· If a chunk of information is based equally on more than one source, feel free to add all of them in a single footnote. Separate sources with a “;”. For example: source 1; source 2; source 3.



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Energy Resources

Assignment Details

Power’s on, Power’s Off!

How convenient is it to have electricity come right to your home? We use electricity for so many things: lighting, heating, cooling, entertainment, cleaning, food storage and preparation, and even for taking this class!

Generating electricity from any source creates varying levels of environmental damage, including ecosystem disruption, water contamination, or polluting gas emissions. If we reduce energy use, then we reduce these environmental impacts.

We make choices about our energy use based on how we feel about conservation, the environment, and convenience. Reflect on your energy use, and review the following resources:

  • Review the tips at this site for ideas to reduce energy use at home.
  • Review this site for power outage readiness.

Respond to the questions for ONE of the following scenarios:

  1. Power’s off!
    1. When the power goes out, explain your biggest inconvenience. What do you manage to live without?
    2. If the power is out for 3 days or more, what are your main concerns? What are the absolute essentials? How do you know food is safe?
    3. Explain what the best back-up source for a power outage would be (for example, solar panels, a gas-powered generator, or even a power inverter for your car).
      • Include 1 benefit and 1 drawback. What is your back-up plan?
  2. Power’s on!
    1. In the U.S., heating, ventilation, and air conditioning accounts (HVAC) for 48% of home electricity costs (DoE, 2018). Describe one behavior you can change to reduce heating or cooling energy use.
    2. Americans pay 9% of their electricity costs for lighting (EIA, 2018a). Explain how changing all of your light bulbs to LEDs can help save energy.
    3. On average, 18% of home electricity costs go to heating water (EIA, 2018b). Describe one way to reduce hot water use. How easy or difficult is this to do?
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Research and identify an environmental or occupational  toxicant that effects   either the respiratory, immune, or hepatic system.  Research and discuss the   following:

  1.   Explain the normal function of the system and what makes it susceptible        to toxicity.
  2. Describe how exposure to the toxicant is possible.
  3. Analyze the acute and/or chronic effects of the toxicant.
  4. Describe recent concerns about the toxicant (within the last two years)        and any actions taken to reduce the toxicant in the environment or reduce        occupational exposure to the toxicant.

Your research paper should meet the following  requirements:

  1. Address all of the above mentioned aspects in the discussion.
  2. The paper should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including        title and reference pages.
  3. Utilize at least four credible references no more than five years old.
  4. Utilize proper APA formatting and citations.
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Water Quality & The Environment A & B

This assignment was locked May 27 at 11:59pm.

In our study of fresh water systems, and water pollution you assigned two videos that describe water access and sanitation issues in different areas of the world.

A. Watch the following evideo available through the UW library: Architects of Change: “Water: Resource and Challenge.” , directed by Sylvain Braun. , CinéFête, 2009. Alexander Street, (Links to an external site.).

1. (2 pts.) What are the connections between how we treat our sewage and fresh water availability?

2. (6 pts.) Describe the different methods of sewage treatment? How doe they lower the costs of environmental damages, and the cost of clean available drinking water?

3. (2 pts.) Besides the general issue of dirty water, what are some of the other environmental issues that are related to water quality and sewage disposal?

B. Watch the film “Flints Deadly Water” available at (Links to an external site.)

1. (3 pts) What lead to the contamination of the water supply in Flint Michigan? Describe what events occurred, and the types of problems that resulted.

2. (2 pts) Describe and explain the details that link water quality treatment in Flint and outbreaks of legionnaires disease? How deadly is this disease?

3. (5 pts) How is the scientific method used to link water quality issues in Flint to the health problems in the local population? Explain in detail what testing strategy is proposed, and what different types of evidence are used to prove a connection between legionnaires disease and water quality? What does including a “control group” do to evaluate the findings?

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What 3 Primary Strategies Can Be Used To Maintain Biodiversity? Explain How They Work.

Reading Assignment #3


Read Chapters 8 and 9 in the Essential Environment to answer the following questions:

1) 2 pts. What is biodiversity? Provide 3 examples of ecosystem services that are primarily the result of biodiversity.

2) 2 pts. What 3 primary strategies can be used to maintain biodiversity? Explain how they work.

3) 1 pt. What are the characteristics of species that most easily survive human disturbances?

4) 2 pt. What are the ecosystem services provided by forests? Are there components to these aspects of forest ecosystems that are composed of more than a large population of trees? Explain clearly.

5) 1 pt. Why do primary forests contain more biodiversity than secondary forests?

6) 1 pt. How do forests and reforestation help mitigate climate change? Explain why forests matter when addressing climate change.

7) 1 pt. Current climate negotiations include programs such as REDD and REDD+. Explain what these programs are, and how they are supposed to work.

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While Examining Satellite Imagery Of The Ecuador Rainforest You Notice That Areas That Have Been Previously Clear Cut Are Showing Signs Of Renewed Forest Cover Over The Past Few Decades.

Question 1

While examining satellite imagery of the Ecuador rainforest you notice that areas that have been previously clear cut are showing signs of renewed forest cover over the past few decades. In addition, you are aware that new country policies include promoting local ecotourism, but the price of lumber has also declined, so it’s not as profitable to cut trees. You would like to know if ecotourism has had an effect so you can push for policies that will lead to more income for the local forest residents. List the steps in the scientific method that you could take to scientifically evaluate your suspicion about the effects of tourism, or if declines in lumber prices are the only factor. For each step in your process, name the step in the scientific method, and state what your specific step would be in this scenario (as shown in the example below). Follow the process for one full round (and only one round) of evaluation. (You will have to make up some hypothetical results).


Question 2

As the Planet Rethink video explains, there is currently no price (for the manufacturer) who destroys nature, even as we rely on our ecosystems to live. One ecosystem service is the ability of vegetation to protect against erosion and floods. How might you assign a value on this ecosystem service, so that it’s value can more realistically be included in understanding the role of nature in the economy?


Question 3

Provide a detailed description of the externalities (externalized costs) that may result from concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) associated with modern industrialized agriculture. How might this problem be addressed? Weigh the pros and cons of utilizing a market solution versus a regulatory solution to this problem, clearly explain how they differ and how each would work.

Question 4

Current worldwide natural resource extraction has increased by ten times in the last few decades, and our use of mineral resources is growing because we need rare minerals for cell phones, tablets, and solar panels, among other manufactured goods. Recently, the US Trump administration began a new space program focused on mining minerals on the moon in an effort to meet the growing demand, an obviously very costly solution. Propose an economically efficient policy and explain clearly how it would help to meet our mineral needs without endangering the health of those who work to recycle this resource.

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