Discussion And Student Replies

Unit 8 discussion

Describe a city in the state of Georgia that has DECLINED in population. Make sure you name the city, describe it location in the state, and explain why its population has declined. Cite your (3) references in MLA or APA format.

Now examine Atlanta whose population continues to grow and presents problems environmentally based upon its growth. Present a solution for the traffic congestion in Atlanta.

Critique the solution presented by at least TWO of your peers with whom you disagree and explain why to disagree with them in their post.

Compare and contrast the 2 cities (the one in which population is declining to Atlanta). Specifically address how areas in the same state (and probably not that far from one another) can be so dramatically different, as well as what primarily contributes to these differences.

1. After doing some research, I found out that Albany, Ga has seen over a 6% change in population since 2010. Albany is a town in southwest Georgia that is located on the Flint River. Over the past decade, Albany has been subject to many natural disasters that have displaced residents.

I believe that one way to decrease the traffic congestion in Atlanta is to create a public subway or transportation system that is more appealing and convenient than the bus. By adding additional means of low-cost transportation, residents are more likely to not take their personal vehicle everywhere they go.


“Albany, Georgia.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Nov. 2019, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albany,_Georgia.

Kueppers, Courtney. “As Atlanta Grows, Some Georgia Cities Continue to Shrink, Data Shows.” Ajc, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 21 Oct. 2019, www.ajc.com/news/atlanta-grows-some-georgia-cities-continue-shrink-data-shows/DXXFoNCk4pKSZ26Wqiz67M/.

Sotra, Maria. “7 Smart City Solutions to Reduce Traffic Congestion.” Geotab Blog, 14 June 2019, www.geotab.com/blog/reduce-traffic-congestion/.

2. I chose the city of Reidsville, GA. According to the website, localistica, Reidsville’s population has decreased by 3,005 since the 2010 Census and growth is -222.90%. (localistica, n.d.) Reidsville is located in Tattnall county which is approximately 67 miles Northwest of Savannah in Southeast Georgia. Reidsville is home to Georgia State prison. It is a very beautiful town. The only reason I believe the decline has happened is that there is not much industry and people moving to bigger cities to have access to more things.

When we think of Atlanta, they are thinking of metro Atlanta, which is made up of 28 Counties,  has a population of over 5 million people. (Jurney, 2014) When in reality the city of Atlanta has only 939,286, a 4% growth. People call any city near Atlanta when in reality, they’re a lot of cities surrounding Atlanta.

What should happen, is that MARTA should expand to more areas. As of right now, there only two of the twenty-eight counties that have MARTA tracks. The problem with getting more is that you have to work with so many different county and city governments. This a daunting task. The state needs to step in and help decide what to do. Maybe impose some kind of tax that will help fund increasing MARTA’s outreach.


(n.d.). Retrieved from localistica: http://localistica.com/usa/ga/reidsville/

Jurney, R. (2014, October 5). How can Atlanta’s traffic problems be solved? Retrieved from Quora: https://www.quora.com/How-can-Atlantas-traffic-problems-be-solved

One paragraph for discussion and 4 sentence for peer response


Student responses

3 sentences each

1.1. Were you surprised at the current size of the human population or at its changes since your year of birth?

The year I was born, the population of the world was 5,905,050,000. From 1996, the population has increased to 7,713,470,000 which means it has multiplied by 1.31. The increase in population since I was born surprised me the most. I am only 22 years old and the population has increased by 1.31 and is continuing to increase as we speak.

2. How many people do you believe the Earth can support without dire environmental damage?

Some experts believe the Earth can support from 9 to 10 billion people, but even these experts cannot come up with a definite number because there are so many variables that come into play. So since I am not even close to being an environmental expert or scientist of any sort, I can only take the word of those experts and wait and see what happens.

3. Should developed countries help slow the population growth of developing countries? If so, what sorts of methods should be employed to do this?

No, because we are not God and we should not control the development of human life. God, being the ultimate creator, will determine how much life this planet can sustain, no matter what kind of plans “experts” make. However, it does not give us the right to be wasteful in our resources.  We need to use the expertise of developed countries to come up with ways to teach developing countries on how to sustain agriculture, and water sources and not to exploit the resources they have. We should take care of the planet just as God directed Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis (Genesis 1:26).


2.In Valdosta and the surrounding area, recycling is done through curbside pick up. The garbage companies provide a 19 quart recycling bin with a list of items that they will accept. It is up to each household to decide whether they want to recycle or not. The city of Valdosta average 45-50 tons of recycled material per week. The vast majority being plastic, paper, and glass products. Each ton recycled is one less ton placed in the landfill. This in turn extends the life of the county landfill. Of all the properties in Valdosta, only 30% recycle. I would definitely like to see that number double or even triple. The vast majority of peer products recycled could be turned into more paper thus reducing the numbers of trees being harvested. I believe that the recycling in my area is worth it. It is keeping tons of garbage out of the landfill, and its so easy with roadside pickup.

3.I live in Suwanee, Georgia and mostly everything is recyclable except any type of hazardous waste, yard waste, wooden or cloth furniture, appliances containing Freon, and construction waste. In my town, we have curbside recycling (which I think is really convenient and easy) so, we have two different colored trash cans, one for trash and the other for recycle. The recycling truck comes through my neighborhood two to three times a week because not everyone recycles and people tend to have more trash than recyclables. My family has been recycling since I was a child and still religiously recycles up to this day. We have two different trashcans inside our house in the kitchen, one for trash and one for recycling. One material I would choose are plastic bags that we carry home our groceries in. Mostly every single grocery and retail store uses plastic bags but when recycled, they can be reused and turned into plastic lumber, which then is used to make park benches, backyard fences, and even some playground equipment! Plastic bags can also be recycled into new plastic bags as well. There are a bunch of neighborhoods in Suwanee, which usually means a lot of families and a lot of grocery and retail shopping and plastic bags. Recycling plastic bags in my area would be really beneficial for the community and could turn into more benches and fences built from the plastic bags.

Works Cited:

“Convenience Centers.” Forsyth County Georgiawww.forsythco.com/Departments-Offices/Recycling-Solid-Waste/Convenience-Centers.

“What Plastics Can Become.” Recycle Your Plasticswww.recycleandrecoverplastics.org/consumers/kids-recycling/plastics-can-become/.

4. feed back and respond to discussion questions on one of the slides in the ice caps powerpoint that i will upload

5. feed back and respond to discussion questions on one of the slides in the human overpopulation in china powerpoint that i will upload

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Environmental Health


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH), and the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) are four major organizations with a great amount of influence on the industrial hygiene field.

Prepare your essay comparing the missions of each of the four organizations and their influence on the practice of industrial hygiene. Choose one of the organizations, and describe how the passage of the OSH Act of 1970 influenced the foundation of the organization. What is the most significant contribution that your chosen organization has made to worker health and safety?

Your essay assignment must include the following elements:

Include an introduction that engages the reader. You must include two references, one of which should be from the Waldorf Online Library. Use proper APA style for each source. The body of the paper must be at least two double-spaced pages in length. The title page and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement. If you are unfamiliar with APA style, the Success Center can provide assistance prior to submission.

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Unit IV Project

Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Project Be sure to read all of the instructions. There are two documents to be prepared and submitted.

1. Following steps 1-11 of the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Guide in the course textbook (pp. 171–174), develop a risk assessment for a serious workplace hazard with which you are familiar, or use Addendum D to Chapter 11 (pp. 202–206) to help you select a hazard. Evaluate the hazard and its associated risks, and then complete the Hazard Analysis and Risk Analysis Project form (click here to access this form). To complete the Initial Risk Assessment and Post Control Risk Assessment sections, use the following codes based on the Risk Assessment Matrix in Table 11.10 (p. 180) of the textbook:


1. Catastrophic

2. Critical 3. Marginal 4. Negligible

PROBABILITY (Likelihood of Occurrence):

A. Frequent

B. Probable

C. Occasional

D. Remote E. Improbable


H. High I. Serious

J. Medium

K. Low

All sections of the form must be completed. Note that the “Post Control Risk Assessment Measures” section reflects the risk assessment AFTER applying the additional control measures.

2. In a separate document of at least one page, explain the reasoning behind how you filled out each section of the form. How would the control measures affect the assessment? You must use at least your textbook for this assignment, and other resources may be used as needed.

Upload both the completed form and the discussion document. Be sure that the discussion document is in APA format with a title page and a reference page and any information from a resource is properly cited in APA format.

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Unit VIII Course Project

1. Conduct an audit of the following safety management system elements at your organization or an organization with which you are familiar and have access to the required information:


Below you will find some suggested sources for the objective evidence to support your evaluation:

Documents: Organizational safety manuals and instructions, safe operating procedures, and job hazard analyses Records: E-mails or letters from management to employees, safety meeting minutes, mishap logs, audit reports, Occupational Safety and· Health Administration (OSHA) citations, inspection reports, risk assessments, and training records

Interviews: Management personnel, supervisors, and employees Observation: Walk through some workplaces to observe conditions for yourself.

2. For each management system element, discuss the objective evidence you found or were unable to find. Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization’s implementation of each element against available reference sources and best practice information. Use the following four-tier evaluation scheme to rate each element:

World Class: OHS performance Strong: Conforming/complete, may have minor gaps with action plans Moderate: Scattered non-conformances need to be addressed, positive trends/major elements in place Limited: Multiple or significant systemic non-conformances exist.

Appropriate references include the course textbook; textbooks from other college-level courses; ANSI/AIHA Z10-2012; other published consensus standards like ANSI, ASSE, AIHA, ISO, and NFPA; OSHA standards and voluntary guidelines; and articles published in professional journals. Blogs, Wikipedia, About.com, Ask.com, and other unmonitored Internet resources are not considered scholarly references and should not be used. Please contact your professor if you have any questions about the appropriateness of a source.

3. If an element is found to be less than World Class, provide recommendations for improvement. Be sure to use appropriate scholarly sources to support your recommendations.

4. Provide a summary of the overall status of the organization’s safety management system and comment on the degree of alignment between the safety management system and other management system efforts utilized at the facility.

The Unit VIII Course Project must be a minimum of seven pages and a maximum of 10 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. A minimum of five professional sources must be used.

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Hazardous Waste



Radon Survey



1. Project Background


(What has the client hired you to do? What basic information do you have on the project?)


2. Scope of Work


(Provide a detailed description of what you will do. A bulleted list is a good way to clearly describe to the client your step by step procedures.)


3. Cost of Work


(Research costs Online. These can be basic estimates.)


4. Project Deliverables


(What will you provide to the client at the end of the project?)


5. Project Timetable


(Include estimates of when each part of the project will be completed.)

Instructions In this assignment, you are an environmental consultant who has been hired by the owner of a commercial building to complete a radon survey. His building is three stories high with a basement that is mostly below ground. The basement is finished, and there are people who work in the basement level as well as on the other two floors. Your client wants you to send him a detailed contract. Use the contract template attached to describe how you will conduct the radon survey on his building. Be sure to include the following information in your scope of work: What type of radon testing devices will you use? Where will you place the devices? What is the timeframe of the testing? At the end of your contract, include an APA-formatted reference page. All source material must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. The assignment should consist of at least one page, not including your reference page.

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Week 2 Assignment


In this unit, you became familiar with water pollution, drinking water sources, and drinking water treatment processes.

For your essay, make certain to address the following components:

  • the impact of soil erosion on water quality in receiving waters,
  • the dissolved oxygen profile downstream of a wastewater discharge,
  • eutrophication of lakes,
  • sources of groundwater pollution,
  • drinking water sources, and
  • typical municipal drinking water processes for groundwater and surface water sources in your location.

Your paper should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful transitions. Your essay should be at least two pages in length, not counting the references page; a title page is optional.

Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library. The articles should be no more than 20 years old. Feel free to use the textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU Online Library sources. Be sure to properly cite and reference all sources, and use APA format.

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Telehealth and Technology in Health Care

Telehealth and Technology in Health Care

The advent of telehealth and advancements in healthcare technology have ushered in a transformative era in the delivery of medical services. In this digital age, the intersection of healthcare and technology has not only reshaped traditional healthcare practices but has also introduced innovative solutions to enhance patient care and accessibility. Telehealth, encompassing virtual consultations, remote monitoring, and digital health platforms, has emerged as a pivotal tool in bridging geographical gaps and expanding healthcare services to remote or underserved populations. Additionally, cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, wearable devices, and health informatics are revolutionizing diagnostics, treatment plans, and patient management. This paper explores the profound impact of telehealth and technology on the healthcare landscape, revolutionizing the way medical services are accessed, delivered, and personalized for the benefit of patients and healthcare providers alike.

Telemedicine vs Remote Patient Monitoring: How They Differ

History and Background

The evolution of telehealth and technology in healthcare is a compelling narrative that spans decades, marked by transformative advancements that have reshaped the delivery of medical services. The roots of telehealth can be traced back to the mid-20th century when the concept of remote patient care began to take shape. The development of telemedicine, an early precursor to telehealth, gained momentum in the 1950s and 1960s with the use of closed-circuit television for consultations between healthcare professionals.

However, it was not until the late 20th century that technological innovations and the widespread adoption of the internet paved the way for the expansion of telehealth services. The advent of the internet allowed for real-time communication and data exchange, enabling healthcare providers to remotely connect with patients and share medical information. The 1990s saw the emergence of telehealth initiatives that focused on delivering healthcare services, consultations, and even surgeries over long distances, particularly to rural or underserved areas.

The early 2000s marked a significant turning point with the proliferation of digital health technologies. The development of electronic health records (EHRs) revolutionized how patient information was stored and shared, streamlining communication among healthcare professionals and improving overall care coordination. Concurrently, the rise of mobile devices and smartphones facilitated the growth of mobile health (mHealth) applications, allowing individuals to monitor their health, track vital signs, and access medical information at their fingertips.

Telehealth continued to evolve with the integration of video conferencing technologies, making virtual consultations more accessible and effective. The widespread adoption of high-speed internet and the refinement of telecommunication infrastructures further fueled the expansion of telehealth services. As a result, remote consultations became commonplace, offering a convenient alternative for routine check-ups, follow-up appointments, and even specialized medical consultations.

The COVID-19 pandemic in the early 21st century acted as a catalyst, accelerating the adoption of telehealth on an unprecedented scale. The need for social distancing and lockdowns prompted healthcare providers to swiftly transition to virtual care, highlighting the flexibility and resilience of telehealth solutions. This period witnessed an exponential increase in the use of telehealth platforms for a wide range of medical services, from primary care to mental health consultations.

In tandem with the telehealth revolution, technology has continued to drive innovation within healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being increasingly employed for predictive analytics, personalized treatment plans, and diagnostic assistance. Wearable devices equipped with sensors and health monitoring capabilities empower individuals to actively participate in their healthcare, providing real-time data to healthcare providers for more informed decision-making.

Generally, the history of telehealth and technology in healthcare reflects a journey of continuous innovation and adaptation. From the early experiments with closed-circuit television to the widespread adoption of virtual care platforms, the landscape has evolved significantly. As technology continues to advance, the future of telehealth holds promise for further breakthroughs, offering new possibilities for personalized, efficient, and accessible healthcare services.

Factors Contributing to the Increased Utilization of Telehealth and Technology in Healthcare

The increased utilization of telehealth and technology in healthcare is a multifaceted phenomenon driven by a convergence of factors that collectively reshape the traditional paradigms of healthcare delivery. A pivotal catalyst for this transformation is the widespread growth of digital connectivity and internet accessibility. The availability of high-speed internet has become ubiquitous, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between healthcare providers and patients. This fundamental infrastructure forms the backbone of telehealth services, facilitating real-time virtual consultations, remote patient monitoring, and the exchange of critical medical information. As a result, geographical barriers are diminished, and healthcare access is extended to remote or underserved populations.

Furthermore, the growing demand for patient-centric and convenient healthcare solutions contributes significantly to the increased utilization of telehealth and technology. In an era where individuals are accustomed to the convenience afforded by digital technologies in various aspects of their lives, there is a corresponding expectation for healthcare services that align with their preferences for flexibility and accessibility. Telehealth platforms provide an avenue for patients to connect with healthcare professionals from the comfort of their homes, eliminating the need for travel and minimizing disruptions to their daily routines. The appeal of on-demand virtual care options has resonated with a broad spectrum of the population, fostering a shift in the perception of healthcare as a service that can be accessed conveniently and promptly.

The unprecedented challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic further accelerated the adoption of telehealth, catapulting it into the forefront of healthcare delivery. The imperative for social distancing and the need to reduce the risk of viral transmission prompted healthcare providers to swiftly embrace virtual care solutions to ensure the continuity of patient care. This forced paradigm shift underscored the adaptability and resilience of telehealth technologies, leading to widespread recognition of their benefits and creating a lasting impact on healthcare delivery models. Patients and providers alike became more receptive to the notion of virtual consultations, and the acceptance of telehealth as a mainstream healthcare modality was solidified.

Technological advancements, particularly in the realms of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, play a crucial role in driving the increased utilization of technology in healthcare. AI applications are increasingly harnessed for predictive analytics, diagnostics, and the development of personalized treatment plans. These technologies enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services, supporting healthcare providers in delivering more precise and targeted interventions. Wearable devices equipped with health monitoring capabilities have empowered individuals to actively engage in their healthcare management. These devices provide real-time data on vital signs, activity levels, and other health metrics, offering valuable insights to both patients and healthcare professionals for more informed decision-making.

Moreover, regulatory changes and policy initiatives have acted as important facilitators in fostering the adoption of telehealth. The removal of barriers, the implementation of reimbursement policies for virtual care services, and the provision of regulatory frameworks for telehealth practices have incentivized healthcare providers to integrate telehealth into their practice. These supportive measures ensure financial sustainability and viability for healthcare organizations embracing telehealth, fostering a conducive environment for its widespread adoption.

Conclusively, the increased utilization of telehealth and technology in healthcare is a dynamic and multifaceted phenomenon driven by the convergence of digital connectivity, changing patient expectations, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, technological advancements, and supportive regulatory measures. As these factors continue to evolve, the trajectory of healthcare delivery is likely to be shaped by the ongoing integration of innovative technologies. The collaborative efforts of healthcare providers, technology developers, policymakers, and patients will play a pivotal role in harnessing the full potential of telehealth and technology to create a healthcare landscape that is more accessible, efficient, and patient-centered.

What is Telehealth Software? - TatvaSoft Blog

Barriers to Telehealth and Technology in Healthcare

Despite the transformative potential of telehealth and technology in healthcare, several barriers impede their widespread adoption and integration into traditional healthcare systems. One significant challenge is the digital divide, where disparities in access to technology and high-speed internet hinder certain populations from benefiting fully. Individuals in rural or economically disadvantaged areas may lack the necessary infrastructure for seamless telehealth interactions, limiting their ability to engage in virtual consultations and access digital health resources.

Interoperability issues among different healthcare systems and electronic health records (EHRs) present a substantial barrier to the seamless exchange of patient information. Incompatibility between various technologies used by healthcare providers can hinder the efficient sharing of critical data, reducing the effectiveness of telehealth interventions and compromising continuity of care.

Furthermore, concerns related to data security and patient privacy act as significant barriers to the widespread adoption of technology in healthcare. Patients and healthcare providers alike worry about the confidentiality and protection of sensitive health information in the digital realm. Ensuring robust cybersecurity measures and compliance with privacy regulations is paramount to building trust in telehealth and technology-enabled healthcare solutions.

Resistance to change within the healthcare industry is another notable barrier. The traditional healthcare system is deeply ingrained in established practices, and the introduction of new technologies requires a cultural shift. Healthcare professionals may face challenges adapting to new workflows, technology interfaces, and remote care models. Adequate training and education are essential to overcoming this barrier and fostering a culture of acceptance and proficiency in leveraging technology.

Reimbursement policies and regulatory frameworks pose significant challenges to the sustainable integration of telehealth into mainstream healthcare. Variability in reimbursement policies across regions, uncertainty about the longevity of temporary pandemic-related reimbursement measures, and the lack of standardized guidelines hinder the financial viability of telehealth practices. Clear and consistent regulatory frameworks are needed to address these concerns and provide a foundation for the stable integration of telehealth into routine healthcare delivery.

Generally, while telehealth and technology offer immense potential to enhance healthcare accessibility and efficiency, various barriers persist. Overcoming issues related to the digital divide, interoperability, data security, resistance to change, and regulatory challenges is crucial for unlocking the full benefits of these innovations. Collaborative efforts between healthcare stakeholders, technology developers, policymakers, and regulatory bodies are essential to address these barriers systematically and ensure that telehealth becomes an integral and sustainable component of modern healthcare delivery.

Telehealth and HIPAA

Telehealth, while offering valuable benefits in terms of accessibility and convenience, introduces complex considerations regarding patient privacy and data security, particularly in relation to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. HIPAA is a federal law that safeguards protected health information (PHI) and ensures the confidentiality and security of patients’ sensitive data.

Telehealth services must adhere to HIPAA regulations to protect patient privacy during virtual consultations. This includes implementing secure communication channels, utilizing encrypted platforms, and ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to patient information. Healthcare providers employing telehealth solutions are required to conduct risk assessments and implement measures to safeguard electronic PHI (ePHI) from unauthorized access or disclosure.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) temporarily relaxed certain HIPAA requirements to facilitate the rapid deployment of telehealth services. However, healthcare providers must remain vigilant in adopting HIPAA-compliant telehealth technologies to maintain the integrity of patient privacy. As the landscape evolves, a balance between innovation and regulatory compliance is crucial to ensure that telehealth continues to provide accessible and secure healthcare services while upholding the principles of patient confidentiality outlined in HIPAA.

Telemedicine Security and HIPAA

Telehealth in Nursing

Telehealth has emerged as a transformative force in nursing, revolutionizing the way healthcare services are delivered and expanding the scope of nursing practice. One of the key advantages of telehealth in nursing is its ability to enhance accessibility to care. Nurses can remotely connect with patients, providing consultations, monitoring chronic conditions, and offering guidance on self-care strategies, thereby overcoming geographical barriers and reaching individuals in remote or underserved areas.

In primary care, telehealth allows nurses to conduct virtual assessments, offer preventive care advice, and follow up with patients for routine check-ups. It improves patient convenience and contributes to more efficient healthcare delivery. Additionally, telehealth enables nurses to engage in proactive health management, fostering patient education and empowering individuals to take an active role in their well-being.

In specialty areas such as mental health nursing, telehealth has proven especially valuable. Psychiatric nurses can conduct virtual therapy sessions, assessments, and medication management, providing timely and accessible mental health support. The confidential and convenient nature of telehealth in mental health nursing encourages more individuals to seek assistance, reducing barriers associated with stigma or travel constraints.

Moreover, telehealth supports collaborative care models by facilitating communication among healthcare team members. Nurses can virtually consult with physicians, share patient data, and coordinate care plans, fostering a holistic and patient-centered approach. This collaborative aspect is particularly beneficial for complex cases, ensuring that interdisciplinary teams can efficiently work together to address diverse healthcare needs.

However, the integration of telehealth in nursing is not without challenges. Nurses need to adapt to new technologies, acquire proficiency in virtual communication, and ensure that the virtual environment maintains the same standards of patient-centered care and empathy as in-person interactions. Regulatory considerations, including compliance with privacy laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), also play a crucial role in shaping telehealth practices in nursing.

Generally, telehealth has become an integral component of modern nursing practice, offering nurses innovative tools to deliver patient-centered care, enhance accessibility, and contribute to more collaborative and efficient healthcare systems. As technology continues to evolve, nurses will likely play an increasingly prominent role in shaping the future of telehealth, leveraging its potential to improve patient outcomes and address the dynamic healthcare needs of diverse populations.


This assessment reveals a transformative landscape where digital innovations play a pivotal role in reshaping the delivery of medical services. From the historical evolution and barriers to increased utilization in healthcare, it is evident that telehealth and technology hold immense promise for enhancing accessibility, efficiency, and patient-centered care. The integration of artificial intelligence, wearables, and virtual consultations represents a paradigm shift that transcends geographical limitations, addresses disparities, and fosters proactive health management. However, challenges such as the digital divide, interoperability issues, and regulatory considerations must be navigated. As the healthcare industry continues to embrace these advancements, collaborative efforts among healthcare professionals, technology developers, policymakers, and patients are essential to unlock the full potential of telehealth and technology, ensuring a future where healthcare is both innovative and inclusive.

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Nursing Shortage

Nursing Shortage

The nursing shortage has evolved into a critical challenge within the global healthcare landscape, prompting a revolutionary examination of its causes, effects, testimonies, and potential remedies. This crisis, fueled by a complex interplay of demographic shifts, educational barriers, and workplace challenges, stands as a formidable barrier to the provision of high-quality patient care. As populations age, particularly with the swelling ranks of the baby boomer generation, the demand for healthcare services has surged, amplifying the need for a robust nursing workforce. However, the existing bottleneck in nursing education exacerbates the shortage, limiting the number of qualified professionals entering the field. The repercussions are profound, affecting patient care quality, intensifying the workload on existing nursing staff, and contributing to rising healthcare costs. Amid this crisis, frontline nurses share compelling testimonies, revealing the emotional and physical toll of their profession. To address this multifaceted issue, a concerted effort is required, encompassing educational reforms, improvements in working conditions, technological integration, and strategic policy changes. This comprehensive approach is essential to usher in a sustainable solution to the nursing shortage and ensure the resilience of healthcare systems worldwide.

Causes of Nursing Shortage

The nursing shortage has its roots in several interrelated causes that span demographic shifts, educational barriers, and workplace challenges. Firstly, demographic shifts play a pivotal role in driving the increasing demand for nursing professionals. As populations age, the healthcare needs of individuals rise significantly, particularly among the baby boomer generation. This demographic shift creates a surge in the demand for healthcare services, thereby intensifying the need for a robust nursing workforce.

Moreover, educational barriers contribute significantly to the scarcity of qualified nursing professionals. The limited capacity of nursing schools, combined with rigorous entry requirements, creates a bottleneck in the education pipeline. This bottleneck prevents a sufficient number of aspiring nurses from entering the workforce, exacerbating the shortage. Additionally, the inadequate funding of nursing education programs further hinders the expansion of educational capacity, perpetuating the cycle of scarcity.

Also, the pervasive issue of burnout and job dissatisfaction among nurses has become a critical factor in the shortage crisis. The high-stress nature of the healthcare environment, coupled with long working hours and insufficient support, leads to burnout among nursing professionals. The resulting dissatisfaction with their jobs contributes to attrition, as experienced nurses leave the field, and dissuades new graduates from pursuing careers in nursing.

Additionally, regulatory barriers pose formidable challenges to the nursing profession. Stringent licensing requirements and limited recognition of credentials from foreign-trained nurses impede the mobility and flexibility of the nursing workforce. This lack of standardized regulations creates barriers for qualified professionals to enter the workforce efficiently, further exacerbating the shortage. Furthermore, the inadequate representation of diversity within the nursing workforce contributes to the shortage crisis. With disparities in gender, ethnicity, and socio-economic backgrounds, the profession struggles to attract a diverse pool of individuals. Addressing this lack of diversity is crucial for ensuring that the nursing workforce is reflective of the broader population and can effectively meet the diverse healthcare needs of patients.

Also, economic factors play a significant role in the shortage, as the salary and compensation packages for nurses often lag behind the level of responsibility and stress associated with the profession. The financial disincentives may dissuade individuals from pursuing nursing careers or contribute to experienced nurses seeking alternative, higher-paying opportunities. Lastly, the global health crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, has exacerbated the nursing shortage. The increased demand for healthcare services during such crises places an unprecedented burden on the existing nursing workforce. The strain on healthcare systems further highlights the need for a robust and resilient nursing workforce.

Conclusively, the nursing shortage is a result of a confluence of factors that require a comprehensive and strategic approach to address. Demographic shifts, educational barriers, burnout, regulatory obstacles, diversity issues, economic factors, and the impact of global health crises collectively contribute to the challenges faced by the nursing profession. To effectively combat the shortage, it is imperative to address these causes through targeted interventions, policy changes, and a collaborative effort from healthcare organizations, educational institutions, and policymakers. Only through a concerted approach can the nursing shortage be adequately mitigated, ensuring the provision of high-quality patient care for the long term.

Effects of Nursing Shortage

The effects of the nursing shortage reverberate throughout the healthcare landscape, creating a myriad of challenges that compromise patient care, strain existing nursing staff, and contribute to rising healthcare costs. Firstly, compromised patient care stands as one of the most significant consequences of the shortage. With fewer nurses available, the quality of patient care is at risk. Overworked nurses may find it challenging to provide the attention and care each patient deserves, potentially leading to medical errors, delayed treatments, and a decline in overall healthcare outcomes.

Also, the shortage places an immense burden on existing nursing staff, resulting in increased workloads and heightened stress levels. Nurses working in understaffed environments are forced to take on heavier responsibilities, leading to fatigue, burnout, and diminished job satisfaction. This, in turn, creates a vicious cycle as overworked nurses may be more likely to leave the profession, exacerbating the shortage.

Moreover, the rising workload and stress levels among nurses can have detrimental effects on their mental and physical well-being. The long hours, emotional strain, and constant pressure to perform at optimal levels contribute to burnout and can lead to mental health issues among healthcare professionals. The toll on their well-being not only affects individual nurses but also undermines the overall resilience of the healthcare workforce.

Furthermore, increased turnover rates and difficulties in retaining experienced nursing professionals represent another consequence of the shortage. The strain on existing staff and the challenging work environment prompts many nurses to seek alternative career paths or retire early. This turnover exacerbates the shortage, as institutions struggle to replace experienced professionals with a sufficient number of qualified candidates. Also, the shortage has a direct impact on the financial aspects of healthcare, contributing to rising healthcare costs. The increased demand for healthcare services, combined with the need to offer competitive salaries and hiring incentives to attract and retain nursing professionals, leads to higher operational expenses for healthcare organizations. These escalating costs are often transferred to patients, payers, and the broader healthcare system, further stressing an already strained sector.

Additionally, the shortage has implications for the overall quality and safety of healthcare delivery. With fewer nurses available to monitor patients, administer medications, and respond to emergencies, the risk of medical errors increases. Patient safety becomes a paramount concern as healthcare institutions struggle to maintain the necessary staffing levels to ensure optimal care. The shortage affects the ability of healthcare institutions to adapt and innovate. The constant struggle to meet basic staffing needs leaves little room for investing in technological advancements and process improvements. This hampers the healthcare sector’s ability to embrace new technologies and methodologies that could enhance efficiency and patient outcomes.

Generally, the effects of the nursing shortage are far-reaching and multifaceted, impacting both healthcare professionals and the patients they serve. Compromised patient care, increased workloads, mental and physical health challenges for nurses, high turnover rates, rising healthcare costs, compromised quality and safety, and limited capacity for innovation are all interconnected consequences of the shortage. Addressing these effects requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach, involving healthcare organizations, policymakers, and educational institutions to implement targeted strategies and reforms. Only through such concerted efforts can the adverse effects of the nursing shortage be mitigated, ensuring a resilient and sustainable healthcare system for the future.

Testimonies from the Frontlines

Testimonies from the frontlines paint a vivid and poignant picture of the challenges faced by nurses amidst the ongoing shortage. Many frontline healthcare professionals express the emotional and physical toll of their work, sharing experiences of compassion fatigue, frustration, and the constant struggle to balance patient needs with limited resources. One nurse laments the difficulty of providing personalized care when juggling multiple patients due to staff shortages, describing the anguish of knowing that more time and attention could make a significant difference in patient outcomes. Another testimony highlights the impact of burnout on job satisfaction, as nurses find themselves exhausted and demoralized, questioning their ability to sustain a fulfilling career in the face of overwhelming challenges. The common thread in these testimonies is the unwavering dedication of nurses to their patients, coupled with a plea for systemic changes to alleviate the burdens they face daily. These firsthand accounts underscore the urgency of addressing the nursing shortage and implementing solutions that prioritize the well-being of frontline healthcare professionals.

Top of Form

Remedies for Nursing Shortage

Addressing the nursing shortage requires a comprehensive and strategic approach, encompassing various remedies to enhance education, improve working conditions, leverage technology, and implement policy changes. Firstly, increasing educational capacity stands as a fundamental remedy. Investing in and expanding nursing education programs is essential to meet the growing demand for qualified professionals. This involves collaborating with educational institutions to enhance infrastructure, faculty resources, and innovative teaching methodologies. Additionally, efforts should be made to streamline entry requirements, making nursing education more accessible and inclusive.

Notably, improving working conditions is crucial to retaining and attracting nursing professionals. Enhancements in working environments, such as reducing excessive work hours, providing adequate breaks, and implementing support mechanisms like mentorship programs, contribute to increased job satisfaction and retention rates. Competitive salaries and benefits are integral components to acknowledge the significant responsibilities and stress associated with nursing roles.

Also, the integration of technology offers promising solutions to alleviate the strain on nursing staff. Telehealth services, nurse-assistive technologies, and electronic health records can enhance efficiency, reduce administrative burdens, and improve patient care. Investing in ongoing training programs to ensure nurses are proficient in utilizing these technologies is essential for their successful implementation. Importantly, addressing regulatory barriers is critical for a more agile and responsive nursing workforce. Streamlining licensing processes, recognizing credentials from foreign-trained nurses, and creating standardized regulations contribute to a more fluid and adaptable healthcare system. This allows qualified professionals to enter the workforce seamlessly, mitigating shortages in various regions.

Additionally, promoting diversity within the nursing workforce is a remedy that enhances cultural competency and meets the diverse healthcare needs of the population. Efforts to attract individuals from different gender, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds into the nursing profession should be intensified. This involves implementing outreach programs, scholarship opportunities, and mentorship initiatives to encourage a broader representation of talent.

Moreover, advocating for policy changes is essential to address the systemic issues contributing to the shortage. Policymakers should prioritize funding for nursing education programs, create incentives for institutions to expand their nursing faculties, and collaborate with healthcare organizations to implement strategic workforce planning. This includes addressing regulatory constraints and creating a supportive policy environment for the nursing profession. Lastly, international collaboration can serve as a remedy by facilitating the recruitment of foreign-trained nurses to areas experiencing severe shortages. This involves developing streamlined processes for credential recognition and ensuring that these professionals are integrated seamlessly into the healthcare system.

Undoubtedly, the nursing shortage demands a multi-faceted and collaborative approach. By increasing educational capacity, improving working conditions, leveraging technology, addressing regulatory barriers, promoting diversity, advocating for policy changes, and fostering international collaboration, stakeholders can collectively work towards building a resilient and sustainable nursing workforce. These remedies, when implemented cohesively, have the potential to alleviate the immediate challenges and pave the way for a more robust and adaptable healthcare system in the long run.


To conclude, the nursing shortage poses a formidable challenge to healthcare systems globally, impacting patient care, nursing professionals, and overall system resilience. The multifaceted causes, encompassing demographic shifts, educational barriers, and workplace challenges, necessitate a comprehensive and collaborative response. The far-reaching effects, from compromised patient care to increased healthcare costs, underscore the urgency for strategic remedies. By increasing educational capacity, improving working conditions, leveraging technology, addressing regulatory barriers, promoting diversity, advocating for policy changes, and fostering international collaboration, stakeholders can collectively address the root causes of the shortage. The testimonies from the frontlines emphasize the pressing need for change, urging a commitment to the well-being of nursing professionals. With concerted efforts and a commitment to transformative measures, a resilient and sustainable nursing workforce can be cultivated, ensuring high-quality patient care and the long-term vitality of healthcare systems worldwide.

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State Of Air

Answer This

State of the AirThus far in this course we have been discussing, learning, and exploring the ideas of environmental problems, human values, politics, and economics. This week we turn to take a closer look at a particular type of pollution: air pollution. Have you ever visited or lived in a town that had air quality warnings? For the last 16 years, the American Lung Association has used air quality data to publish a report on air quality called State of the Air. In this forum, we will explore some of the most polluted cities in the United States and focus on solutions.

Part I. Questions:

Since this is not a writing assignment but a discussion, you will not need to formally reference your work but need to attribute it to the source you found it, something likely you do in everyday conversation.  For example, “Yesterday I was reading in the Washington Post that . . ” or, “I found this interesting video on YouTube.”

Choose one of most polluted cities from the State of the Air report that has not been selected already by another classmate (check what has been posted already)*. Research the city you chose and share your research with the class here are some topics to consider:

· What are the causes of this city’s pollution? Why is air pollution a problem?

· What are some possible solutions to this city’s pollution?

· What is your opinion about the role of scientists, government, and citizens in air pollution solutions?

· What is your personal experience? Have you been to this city, or another that your perceived as having air pollution? How did you know? How did it affect you?

· End your response by posing an open-ended question to the class that you have thought of based on your research and study (it can be anything related to air quality and air pollution).

*Place the name of the city you chose in the title of your initial post.

THE PLACE I PICKED IS ***** Missoula, MT*****

***The initial post should be no longer than 1-2 short paragraphs. ***

Reply To Each Post 50 words min. There are 7 different ones

1. What are the causes of this city’s pollution? Why is air pollution a problem?
One of the many reasons there is such bad pollution in Bakersfield is that it is a valley that lies in a bowl created by the Sierra Nevada mountain range. What this does is it creates a literal bowl where heavier air that is saturated with particulates can linger, especially with the weather getting hotter with global warming. This is one of the most densely populated areas in the San Fernando valley so a lot of people contributing to the pollution with their vehicle emissions and other pollutants caused from day to day living.
What are some possible solutions to this city’s pollution?
Some things the city could do is require more frequent emissions testing with stricter penalties. There was a clunker buy out program many years ago that helped people upgrade to newer vehicles with more efficient emissions systems. That was a huge impact on air quality as it got a lot of vehicles with inefficient motors off of the road.
What is your opinion about the role of scientists, government, and citizens in air pollution solutions?
Government is a huge role in correcting air pollution as the government can pass new legislation or enforce existing laws on preventing pollution and for spreading knowledge on what each individual can do to help the situation. Researchers can help develop ways to clean up the air that is already polluted and come up with better ways of generating energy and not burning fossil fuels that have harmful emissions. Citizens can do their part by conserving energy, using mass transit, walking or biking when possible, taking shorter showers and abiding by laws when it comes to disposing of certain substances like motor oil and batteries.

2. What are the causes of this city’s pollution? The chemical industry, auto production(Ford) and as well as the Bourbon industry have been huge polluters for decades.  In and out of Jefferson and Nelson counties.  Not mention the Stock Yards down near the river.  The company that stands out the most  is DuPont. They have a spin off plant, Chemours, which to date has been the biggest contributor to the pollution problem in Louisville according to the article I read by WFPLs Ryan Van Velzer.  Since I was a kid the smells of that area, downtown, could bring you to your knees(Not kidding).  It always seemed when you drove towards downtown there was a invisible barrier when you started to reach the river front from the east side of town.  I will have to say in recent years I have made visits to see my family and the groups that offer pollution solutions are making the great strides to improve the area.

3.  What are the causes of Washington-Baltimore-Arlington, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA pollution? Some of the causes of the above mentioned Cities pollutions consists of, the high Ozone levels, and an outrageous particles rankings within the metropolitan regions. Per the American Lungs Association, Ozone is an invisible gas molecule that’s harmful to breathe. Additionally, these cities experiences pollution problems because, of the high compound which lingers within the atmosphere. Moreover, a warmer climate plays a major role in the increase in unhealthy air days. For instance, unhealthy conditions and populations, causes asthma, COPD, diabetes or other lung issues for children and teens, and older adults.

4.  What is your personal experience? Have you been to this city, or another that your perceived as having air pollution? How did you know? How did it affect you?  With my personal experience would have been when I deployed to the country of Jordan. The air there was not at all clean due to the way of life they live there. There trash consumption there was way to much so therefore it wasn’t clean at all. Also we had to use bottled water in order to brush our teeth due to the fact that the water there was not at all clean enough to consume. I knew this because when we first got to Jordan we were told by higher ups that we were not able to consume the running water there due to it not being clean. It affected me by the ways of having to use more water bottles which increases more plastic being out and about in the surrounding areas.

5. What is your opinion about the role of scientists, government, and citizens in air pollution solutions? Scientists should do more research on how to clean up the air that is already polluted. They can also find ways of generating energy without the use of fossil fuels. The government should inject more money into the research done by scientists. Also, the government should come up with stricter laws and penalties regarding air pollution. The citizens should plant more trees and take good care of them. Citizens should also minimize the use of cars by either carpooling or using mass transportation means. What is your personal experience? Have you been to this city, or another that you perceived as having air pollution? How did you know? How did it affect you? The Seattle-Tacoma area is what I call home when in the United States. My oldest daughter, who is suffering from asthma, gets more asthma attacks whenever she travels to Seattle compared to when she is in Uganda. It made me believe that the air quality over there has something to do with these attacks.

6.We do get a “C” for particle pollution, but that is average, and who wants average.  That puts Denver at #13 and to say we are only 12 spots from Los Angeles makes me nauseous. An article I read and have added below shows that the more than 125M metric tons of bad stuff come from all kinds of stuff. Factories, cars, buildings/homes, fossil fuel facilities, cattle feedlots. But I’m all about root cause analysis, and you know what is the #1 contributor to all these things mentioned above? Unprotected sex, that’s what. Just start giving baby boys vasectomies right when they pop out and everything will get better mark my word. As for my opinion on the role’s people play, it’s all just putting lipstick on a pig.  Scientists want papers published and Nobel prizes, governments want votes, and citizens don’t know what they want as most of them have a lower IQ than my cat.

7. I couldn’t help myself, I picked my hometown Kansas city, MO. During a news broadcast released last year it states that KCMO has now received the grade “D”. It is believe the air pollution is caused by climate change. Air pollution is a problem because we literally breathe everyday and if the quality of air is dangerous, it’s dangerous to us. It can cause long term illnesses like lung cancer and other problems like asthma. Scientists, government, and citizens all play a role in finding solutions. Citizens as individuals can be mindful how many hours they drive or take public transportation. Instead they could bike, roller blade, even skateboard to get around. I understand however there are situations that will require a car or plane to travel. That’s only one change that can be made there are plenty more however. For scientists, they can come up with new machinery or discover more materials that would be less harmful to the air to produce and more energy efficient to use. The government cause help with that by funding those discoveries. They can also ban the burning or use of certain materials that go into the air from burning factories.

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International Study – Environment Essay

Page: 3-4 pages

This essay must be a historical narrative and explanation of an environmental problem (ecosystem devastation, pollution or health problem, climate change concern, or something similar) that has affected you and/or your hometown in some way. Think specifically about something that has happened, or is happening now, in or near where you live or grew up. You will then use the course material and at least one outside academic source to do the following in this order:

1. Discuss the origins of the problem locally and within a national and/or global context.

2. Discuss who has been affected most by the problem

3. Explain what kinds of efforts have been undertaken to address the problem and how effective these actions have been. Are/were the actions taken equitable? Are/were they sufficient?

The objective of this assignment is for you to deepen your comprehension of the course material up to this point and be able to bring together the material from the midterm with the most recent material on environmental ideas and environmentalisms.

Engage with environmental ideas and understand better how recent history makes our contemporary moment.

You will be expected to use course material (lecture and/or readings) to write this essay, but you are also expected to use at least one outside academic source that has not been assigned in this course.

Jstor and Academic Search Complete are good databases for questions of environmental politics.

This outside source needs to deal directly with or relate to your environmental problem. It might be that your source deals with the very specific local problem you chose, or its wider regional or global context. It always helps if the source specifically addresses the problem and how people have sought to resolve or mitigate it. Look for this kind of source(s) first.

To cite lecture, course readings, and your outside source(s) in the text, you must use parenthetical references of author and page numbers. For example, (Guha, 123-5) or (Martinez Alier, 27). You do need to provide a full bibliography at the end for all outside sources you use. Please use MLA format

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