Hazardous Materials

1. When certain hazardous chemicals are stored or mixed together, violent reactions can occur. Section 7 of the new GHS Safety Data Sheet includes a section describing any chemical incompatibilities. Reflect on the importance of this section and a general understanding of chemical incompatibility in the workplace. What tool do you currently use and intend to use to evaluate chemical reactivity and incompatibility in your workplace?

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

2. Recall and reflect on a hazmat incident that has occurred in your lifetime. Describe that incident and detail the tools or resources that you would use as a first responder to evaluate the chemicals that were involved in the incident.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

3. For this assignment, you will compose an essay about the concept of chemical incompatibility including practical information involving two common chemical products.

· Choose bleach (a base) and another household chemical product that is an acid and review the product labels. You can access product labels and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information on the Internet.

· Record each product’s chemical formulation.

· Review Section 7 of the product SDS and summarize that information as it relates to the chemical incompatibility and storage of the bleach and the other product that you chose.

· Next, you will use the U.S. EPA Chemical Mixing Compatibility Chart and comment on any chemical incompatibilities associated with the product/chemical(s) that you selected. Include such information as the chemical reactions that could occur if the two products somehow became mixed with one another during an emergency response incident. Also, identify how the chemical properties, uses, and other unique hazards of these two products can affect the tasks and safety of first responders (environmental health and safety/fire service professionals) to an emergency response incident. The chart can be found by clicking here and scrolling down to page 18. There, you will find a description of the chart and the chart itself on pp. 20-21. You are not required to read the rest of the document.

· Summarize and compare the usefulness of the SDS information and the compatibility chart. Were the two references in agreement, or did you find that the information was contradictory? Include a discussion on how you intend to use chemical incompatibility information to keep your workplace or home safe.

Your response must be at least one page in length. You are required to cite the SDS and the U.S. EPA Chemical Mixing Compatibility Chart in your response. All other sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and/or quoted materials must have accompanying citations in APA format. You must cite at least three sources in your response.

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Environmental Disasters And Clean Air Act

Week 3 Discussions and Required Resources

Two-part assignment: All parts must be at least 200 words unless otherwise noted. Please read all attachments and follow ALL instructions.

Part 1: Environmental Disasters 

Consider the BP gulf oil spill and the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Is it appropriate to respond to particular environmental incidents with legislation to protect our waters? Discuss the role(s) for business in the regulation of nonpoint source pollution.

Part 2:   Clean Air Act 

Analyze whether tradable emissions permits to pollute enhance or detract from the intentions of the Clean Air Act. From a business perspective, do tradable permits encourage the adoption of cleaner technology more than statutory requirements that set limits on pollution? Use one outside source in addition to your textbook to inform your analysis.

Required Resources


Read the following chapters in your text, Environmental Law:

  • Chapter      4: Clean Water Act (CWA)
  • Chapter      5: Clean Air Act (CAA)

Text: Schroeder, K.L. (2008). Environmental Law. Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com/


View the video: (2010, September 27). National resource damage assessment coast survey (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from http://bp.concerts.com/gom/natural_resource_damage_assessment_coast_survey_092710.htm . This site supports the Multinational Corporations and Disaster Response assignment for the week.

Recommended Resource


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The plain English guide to the Clean Air Act). Retrieved from https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-08/documents/peg.pdf

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Electrical Power Distribution

Construct and post an argument that supports your assigned position on subsidies and regulatory interventions. Organize your argument on the pros and cons of the various fuel sources currently in use for power generation, along with the economic and social costs (i.e., impact on the environment and the community) incurred by each.

Using this position:


“Subsidies and penalties must be in place to ensure the free market accounts for the social and environmental costs of power generation. It is only fair to help clean renewable energy compete with traditional forms of power generation. If energy prices do go up, the resulting technological innovation and accompanying benefits are well worth the cost

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PowerPoint Presentation

Assignment:  You are to present a local environmental issue or problem, solutions to the problem, the costs/benefits associated with the solutions to the problem, and a determination of the best solution, based on your analysis of the costs and benefits.  Be sure to not make your topic too broad. It should cover a specific town or area, not the entire world or a country, but does not have to be the particular town or area you live – it can be anywhere in the world. Please stay away from global warming issues. This is an extremely difficult area to narrow down locally and present reasonable solutions. It is simply much too broad for this type of presentation.

As an example, runoff from a coalmine may be contaminating the groundwater of a nearby town. A solution to abating the contaminated groundwater could be to shut down the coalmine, but at the cost of everyone losing their jobs. A benefit to this solution could be clean drinking water for the community.

There are a host of other costs and benefits associated with the solution to the above example. There are also many alternatives for solutions, none of which would make everyone happy. It is your job to find these costs and benefits for whatever solutions you choose.  Then, analyze each solution’s costs and benefits to determine which is the best solution.  Remember when considering costs and benefits, they go far beyond dollar values (e.g. loss or gain of jobs, land use, recreation, convenience, public health, habitat loss or gain, pollution, etc.).

Include a slide with the title of your presentation, then an introduction slide describing the environmental problem.  The main body of the presentation should describe the solutions and the costs/benefits to the proposed solution and give recommendations based on your cost/benefit analysis.  Be sure to use APA style citations and include a reference slide.

A PowerPoint presentation is really just an outline (with topics, subtopics, and bulleted statements), so it only contains the main points (just like you make an outline when writing a research paper). If you have never used PowerPoint, there are many tutorials on the internet, such as http://www.actden.com/pp/, that explain how to create a presentation. It is better to have a short well-organized and well-written presentation, than a lengthy one that rambles off topic.

Grading rubric:  Review the attached file for the grading rubric.

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Environmental Risk Management And Community Response To Environmental Controversy

Week 5 Discussions and Required Resources

Two-part assignment: All parts must be at least 200 words unless otherwise noted. Please read all attachments and follow ALL instructions.

Part 1: Environmental Risk Management 

Explain the relevance of precedents in environmental law and judicial interpretations for businesses when formulating risk management policies, and why risk management is important to business in the context of environmental law.

Part 2: Community Response to Environmental Controversy 

Using the Internet or a newspaper, locate an article about a controversial environmental issue in your community. Create a critical response from a legal perspective to that issue in the form of a letter on behalf of the community (In other words, pretend like you are a spokesperson for the community and you are responding critically to the environmental controversy). You should direct your letter to the party that you perceive is the cause of this controversy (e.g., business or government.) In your letter, identify opportunities for the business community to get involved in improving the environment as it relates to the controversy. Remember to briefly describe the issue that you are critiquing. (Note that this issue should be a different issue than you use for your Week Five SWOT analysis.)

Required Resources


Read the following chapters in your text, Environmental Law:

· Chapter 2: History, Standing, Local Government Regulation, Risk Management, and Workplace Safety

Text: Schroeder, K.L. (2008). Environmental Law. Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com/


Mind Tools. SWOT Analysis . Retrieved from http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_05.htm. This site supports the SWOT Analysis assignment this week.

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Reaction Paper #3 (2-3 Pages)

SOCI 4395 Health & Illness in the US

Reaction Paper Guidelines (25 points each)

Write two reaction papers based on TWO of the documentaries listed below:


“The New Asylums” (based on Ch. 4) Due Sunday, February 16 before 11:59 p.m.


“The Weight of the Nation: Part 1” (based on

Ch. 6)


Due Sunday, March 15 before 11:59 p.m.

“Project VoiceScape: Musical Warrior” (2011)

(based on Ch. 7)


Due Sunday, March 22 before 11:59 p.m.

You must upload an electronic copy of your paper on the Blackboard on the day it is due.


Required Format:

 Paper has to be 2-3 double-spaced pages. DO NOT exceed 3 pages.

 11 or 12-point font size must be used, preferably Arial or Times New Roman.

 Use 1” margins on the top and bottom and at least 1” margins on the left and right.


Style and Structure:

 The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate that you understand the documentary you have watched—and the material/chapter you have read— and that you have thought

about are enough to be able to make an original response to it.

 Please note that response papers are not exercises in simply summarizing the assigned readings. Instead, you must critically respond to the ideas being presented by answering

the questions stated below.

 Support your argument by drawing on the lecture PowerPoints and readings.

 You do not need a bibliography, but acknowledge other sources directly in the text (e.g., “As Dr. Amin described in the PowerPoint…”, “In the textbook…”,

“According to Durkheim…”)

 I strongly recommend writing in the first person.

 The layout of your paper should be like that of your average English essay with an introduction, a thesis statement, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

 Remember that this is a formal paper. Keep your language formal and avoid contractions.

Below are some guidelines to help you in preparing a clear and thoughtful reaction paper:

First, give details of the documentary (Introduction)

What is the Title of the documentary?

Who are the Intended audience?




SOCI 4395 Health & Illness in the US

Second, summarize the documentary (1-2 paragraphs)

What is the subject of the documentary? / What is the documentary about?


Third, critically evaluate and extend the main theoretical arguments (1-2 paragraphs)

What is/are the purpose/ main ideas of the documentary?

What is the main message the director wants to get across to the audience?

Do you agree or disagree with these ideas?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the documentary?


Fourth, state your prior knowledge of the subject (1-2 paragraphs)

In this step, you need to synthesize the assigned chapter with the documentary.

Was the documentary related to the assigned chapter?, How?

Try to synthesize the main purpose/s of the documentary with the main idea/s discussed

in the assigned chapter?


Finally, give personal comments and recommendation (1-2 paragraphs)

In this final step, you need to provide a summary of your personal feedback on the


Did you like the documentary?

Which part of the documentary do you like most? and Why?

What have you learned from it?

What impact did this documentary have on you?

Was there anything that surprised you?

What are the drawbacks of the documentary?


Best of Luck!













SOCI 4395 Health & Illness in the US

The following grading rubric will be used to evaluate the students’ work:


Criteria Points


A coherent paper (Intro, body paragraphs, and a conclusion)

Grammar, punctuation, and spelling


_____ /2.5 pts


A clear summary of the documentary: the main

arguments/approaches/ideas & Summary of the documentary


_____ /7.5 pts


Synthesize the documentary with the assigned chapter from the



_____ /7.5 pts


Strength of your critique/criticism: addressing the strengths and

weaknesses of the documentary, stating your opinion

(agree/disagree and why), etc

_____ /5 pts


Clarity and precision: is it clear to the reader (me) what you are

trying to say? Is your wording precise?


_____ /2.5 pts




_____ /25 pts

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Energy Diary

  • Record all energy use for 7 days (electricity, driving/riding, heating, hot water)
  • To assess hot water, record total # minutes in shower each day.
  • For driving/riding, record miles driven (calculate gallons of gasoline used, based on miles per gallon rating of car used).
  • For electricity, record #minutes (hours) of usage for each appliance and lights (check wattage of bulbs used in lamps; note wattage of each appliance).
  • Calculate kwh for all electricity used ([watts x hours of usage]/1000 = kwh).
  • Convert kwh and gallons of gasoline used to MBTU (million BTUs).
  • Hot water use and space heating/air conditioning will be estimated, using information from University records or utility bills, based on type of residence for each person.
  • Submit Energy Diary in good formusing the Excel spreadsheet.
  • Determine from your Diary some possible energy savings (add up total MBTUs of possible Energy Saved)


mBTU Factor: 293

Energy Consumption Diary

Day of Week Appliances Used, Showers, Miles Driven Minutes of Use Hours of Use Wattage KWH (Hours*Watts / 1000) mBTU (KWH / Factor) Potential Savings
EXAMPLE DAY Refrigerator 8.00 400 3.2 0.0109
Electric Shaver 10 0.17
Driving (20 miles) 0.0 0.0000
Shower 15 0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
0.0 0.0000
Summary Electricity 3.2 0.0109
Showers (min-mBTU) 150 Minutes
Driving (gal-mBTU) 4.3 Gallons 0.5375
Total mBTU 3.2 0.5484
Potential Savings MBTUs
Adjusted Total MBTU 0.5484
&C&A Name __________________________&RDate: &D
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Industrial Hygiene Case Study

Welding fumes are a common occupational exposure. Several different welding fumes can cause similar adverse health effects. Personal sampling of a welding operation at a manufacturing facility produced the following 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) results for individual metal fumes.

Metal Fume Result OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV
Antimony 0.05 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³
Beryllium 0.00001 mg/m³ 0.002 mg/m³ 0.00005 mg/m³ (I)
Cadmium 0.025 mg/m³ 0.1 mg/m³ 0.01 mg/m³
Chromium 0.02 mg/m³ 1 mg/m³ 0.5 mg/m³
Copper 0.03 mg/m³ 0.1 mg/m³ 0.2 mg/m³
Iron Oxide 0.5 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³ 5 mg/m³ (R)
Magnesium Oxide 0.02 mg/m³ 15 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³
Molybdenum 0.003 mg/m³ 15 mg/m³ 10 mg/m³ (I)
Nickel 0.25 mg/m³ 1 mg/m³ 1.5 mg/m³ (I)
Zinc Oxide 0.3 mg/m³ 5 mg/m³ 2 mg/m³ (R)

(R) Respirable fraction (I) Inhalable fraction

Briefly summarize the primary health effects associated with overexposure to each type of metal fume, including both acute and chronic health effects. Explain what analytical methods you would use for evaluating health hazards in the workplace.

Identify the types of metal fumes that would produce similar health effects on an exposed worker. Assume that each listed metal can cause respiratory irritation. Use the equation in 1910.1000(d)(2)(i) to calculate the equivalent exposure (in relation to OSHA PELS) for the metal fumes with similar health effects based on the “Result” column in the table above. Discuss whether you believe any of the individual metal fume exposures or the combined exposure exceeds an OSHA PEL or an ACGIH TLV.

Your homework assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length.




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Environmental Pollution

Step 1: Describe the social issue, background, purpose, and focus of your social campaign

v Briefly identify the social issue, sometimes referred to as the “wicked problem,” your plan will be addressing (e.g., tobacco use, air pollution, water contamination, literacy, homelessness, etc.).

v Identify any sponsoring organizations you plan to collaborate with in developing and implementing your campaign. These may be local or national organizations.

v Summarize key background information leading to the development of this plan, ideally using reliable statistics (e.g., percent of unplanned teen pregnancies)

v What is the campaign purpose, the intended impact (e.g., reduced teen pregnancies by 25% by 2020)?

v What is the campaign focus, the approach you will be using to contribute to your plan’s purpose? Areas of focus may be behavior-related, population-related, or product-related strategies.

Step 2: Conduct a situational analysis (SWOT)

v What organizational strengths will your plan maximize?

v What organizational weaknesses will your plan minimize?

v What environmental opportunities will your plan take advantage of?

v What environmental threats will your plan prepare for?

v What prior and similar campaign efforts are noteworthy?

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Police Brutailty

Writing an Academic Essay Rough Draft

Purpose of assignment: To compose a rough draft of an academic paper, using exigence, audience, purpose, and research.

Procedure: In previous assignments and discussions, you selected a topic to write about, explored its exigence, audience, purpose, and researched the topic using credible, scholarly sources. Now you will put it all together into a rough draft.

· The purpose of your essay (to define, to evaluate, or to propose) will be up to you, but your essay must demonstrate a clear purpose.

· The audience for your essay can be any group of readers who are affected by or interested in your topic. However, there must be a clear and specific sense of addressed and invoked audiences.

The purpose of this essay is not to prove whether you are right or wrong, but to represent in a fair manner different views of your topic and contribute in a meaningful way to an ongoing conversation about the topic. You may think of your essay as an “argument of inquiry”; intended to lead your audience to a deeper understanding of an issue that affects them.

Your rough draft should meet the following guidelines:

1. Between 900 and 1200 words

2. Include quotations, paraphrases, and summaries from four or more scholarly sources representing more than one side of the issue

3. Qualifies authors (i.e., shows why your sources are credible)

4. Withholds personal opinion

5. Is written in third person

6. Multimodal elements, such as photos or graphics, may be included at your discretion

7. Includes APA Style in-text citations and a References page

8. Has been closely edited so it contains few or no mechanical errors

You will have a chance to revise this essay for Week 8; however, writing is a process that no one “gets right” on the first draft. Allow yourself plenty of time to work on this paper and even write a few drafts before you submit one for peer review and grading. For more on peer review, see below.

Format: Standard essay format of introduction, body, and conclusion. Your introduction should include a thesis statement that expresses the main point of your essay. For an example of an academic essay, see “Echoes of 1776 in 2011: A Rhetorical Analysis of Nicholas Kristof’s ‘Watching Protesters at Risk’” in Chapter 13 of your textbook.

Format the assignment in APA Style: one-inch margins, page numbers at the top right, 12-pt. Times New Roman font, running heads, title page, in-text citations, and a references page.

Submitting the assignment: Attach your essay as a single file Word document or .pdf file and submit to the W6 assignment drop box.

Peer Review: As soon as you submit your rough draft for grading, submit it also to the W7 discussion forum for next week’s peer review.

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