Final Discussion

Earth’s Greatest Enemies?

Climatologist James Lovelock ( (originator of the Gaia_hypothesis ) once said that Earth’s greatest enemies were the Three C’s: cars, cows and chainsaws because of their contributions to destabilizing planetary climate.

A. In this final Discussion Forum, you will answer the following question to show your ability to find connections among the environmental issues that you have learned about in this course.
Number your responses so I can see you have addressed each part.

You must cite specific evidence from any Unit of the course to support each of your responses.
Each contributing factor is worth 4 points x 3 = 12 points.

1. What and how do each of these things contribute to the destabilizing of Earth’s atmosphere and its climate?

1a. cows?
1b. cars?
1c. chainsaws?


  • Loss of land plants because of human activities will not result in a reduction of atmospheric oxygen because most of planetary photosynthesis and its resulting oxygen production is in the oceans.
  • Be sure to back up your explanations with some research before discussing this topic online with your classmates. Be sure to read relevant sections of your text (and supplementary readings from this Module) and look online.  Start with the links in this question and the Resources listed for this Module.
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Efficient Allocation

Week Two – Guidance

Hello Class!

It was nice getting to know you through your introduction and your week one discussion question postings.  Remember as you prepare your discussion posts, that to receive full credit you must include at least 2 citations of scholarly support to your answers for each discussion post (ie. Discussion One – 2 citations, Discussion Two – 2 citations).  You can use your textbook as scholarly support, and remember to include a reference for the support cited.  You should state your ideas and answers then follow them with support and a citation (author, year, page number).  Also make sure your original post is at least 200 words long.  Please let me know if you have any questions on this. In this second week of class we will be discussing the government’s role in energy and U.S. oil imports. You also have two assignments this week.  The first assignment is numerical where a cover page and references are not needed, but you have to show your work and not just provide answers to receive full credit.  The second assignment is conceptual which does require references and a reference page to receive full credit. Similar to week one I highly suggest you use the questions as headings to make sure all of the questions are addressed.  On to our week two topics.             For your first discussion you will be reviewing renewable and non-renewable sources of energy and the government’s role (if any) of providing efficiencies with these sources of energy.  You will select one example of each source in your answer and discuss how the government may play a role in bringing about an efficient market for your selected sources of renewable and non-renewable energy.  Tietenberg and Lewis (2012) give an example of government’s involvement with natural gas price controls (Price ceilings) and the issues that resulted from that, “The source of the problem can be traced directly to government controls over natural gas prices” (p. 142).  The authors go into further details, “The ceilings would prevent prices from reaching their normal levels.  Since price increases are the source of the incentive to conserve, the lower the prices would cause more of the resource to be used in earlier years” (p. 142).  The authors then describe issues with supply and demand with the price ceiling set by the government (make sure to review chapter seven for these points).              Your week two discussion is on U.S. oil imports and potential vulnerability.  Tietenberg and Lewis (2012) provide an interesting debate on this in chapter seven.  The authors described two political figures views on oil and how, “Over the long run, both candidates favored a transition to a greater reliance on hydrogen as an alternative fuel” (p. 154).  You will discuss this topic along with OPEC’s (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) role in the oil industry along with the cartel problem.  Attached is an article that further discusses OPEC.             Your first assignment again is numeric based and involves efficient allocation including dynamic efficient allocation.  Tietenberg and Lewis (2012) explain dynamic efficiency in chapter five as, “Dynamic efficiency balances present and future uses of a deplete resource by maximizing the present value of the net benefits derived from its use” (p. 103).  The numerical example referred to in the assignment is on page 103 of the text under the Two-Period Model section.  Make sure to review the concepts and examples provided while answering this question.  Also if you have any specific questions make sure to e-mail me before the assignment is due.

Your second question is conceptually based and as stated in the beginning of the guidance, references (ideally two) and a reference page is required.  Make sure to use the questions as headings to enhance the organization of your answer.  Pay particular attention to chapter six as Tietenberg and Lewis (2012) review depletable resource allocation over time.

Remember that your initial postings are due on Thurs. 4/9, and to respond to your fellow students’ initial postings during the week.  Your written assignments and responses are due on Monday 4/13.  Keep up the good work!


Tietenberg, T., & Lewis, L. (2012).  Environmental and natural resource economics (9th ed.).  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 9780131392595

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Training And Development

After you have completed your readings for this unit, please list two to three training delivery models you have been exposed to. Then, answer the questions below.
What new knowledge, skill, or ability (KSA) did you learn?Was the training delivery model effective in learning the KSA? Please give an explanation of why it was or was not.How do you think the training delivery model could be improved to enhance learning?Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”


My name is Vinkel J. Valentin, I currently live in Falmouth, Virginia, but I’m hoping to move to Florida after military retirement next Summer (2021). I’m currently the Clinic Supervisor of a Coast Guard Clinic and due to the exposure to health care I gathered experience in occupational safety and health. I want to combine my experiences and education to work in Environmental Health after retirement with God will. My wife and my 2 teens are the supportive force in my house.

Military service provided experiences in all major training delivery methods: self-directed study, instructor-led training, and OJT. From all three, I prefer OJT because it’s easier to enhance KSA. When I learned how to work in the pharmacy I learned multiple medication names, their purpose, dosages, how to read the prescriptions, how to fill it, and to counsel the patients, how to keep inventory, how to order, etc. It was a great experience and because I was physically doing it, it was easier to learn and remember.

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Environmental Science

Term Paper – Position Paper

In this activity, you will research all sides of a controversial environmental issue (e.g. The

Keystone Pipeline, The use/ban of DDT, The Dakota Access Pipeline, Global Climate

Change, The US withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, Human population growth

and food security, energy use and environmental implications, Hydraulic fracking,

location of landfills etc.) to gain a better understanding of the environmental issue and

articulate a position based on the evidence Learning you have collected.

ves ObjectiAdd ressed by this Activity

 Be prepared to apply critical and reflective thinking in environmental


 Articulate a position on an environmental issue.

 Provide evidence that supports a position on an environmental issue.

Required Time

The completed paper is due before midnight on Saturday May 9th, 2020 and MUST be submitted through the final paper turnitin link in Canvas. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Papers should NOT be sent through my email


You will prepare a 3-pages position paper that includes your opinions, viewpoints,

feelings, and the evidence that supports them. The 3-page limit does not include the

reference list and figures/data tables. Figures and tables if included, should not take up

more than one third of a page. All figures and or data tables should have a title.

The main reason for this activity is for you to use your critical thinking skills to analyze the

different arguments of an issue and then articulate your own position on the issue

(supported by evidence).


A description of the evaluation criteria is included in the guidelines following.

Paper Guidelines

Position paper Due date

is 05/09/2020 A position paper differs from a traditional term paper in that it includes your



opinions, viewpoints, feelings, and the evidence that supports them. The main

reason for this activity is to understand an issue better by researching all sides of

the issue thoroughly. Choose an environmental topic that interests you (you can

select from the list above or choose a topic of your own). Research the different

sides of the issue and think about your position on the issue. Write a position paper

based on the guidelines outlined below. The paper should be 3 pages long (12 pts

font, 1 ½ spaced). If your paper is longer than 3 pages, I will grade the first 3

pages. Use at least 5 sources for the paper and make sure you use the proper

format (APA) for your paper and reference list. The following books, available at

the HCCs bookstore will help you explore different environmental issues:

 Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial environmental issues / selected,

edited, and with introductions by Theodore D. Goldfarb

 Taking sides. Clashing views on controversial environmental issues / selected,

edited, and with introductions by Thomas A. Easton

Evaluation Criteria and Guidelines: Point Values

Paper: Please turn in the cover sheet I provided

15 possible points

15 possible points

15 possible points

15 possible points

10 possible points

15 possible points

5 possible points

I. Introduction: Statement of the issue to be discussed. II. Description of more than one side of the issue supported by

relevant and multiple sources of information (use references).

III. Clear concise statements of your position on the issue. IV. Discussion of your position supported by relevant and

multiple sources of information. V. Questions that have arisen as you researched the issues and

information you need to understand the issue better.

VI. Concise summary statement restating the issue, your position, and the essential evidence that supports your position.

VII.Literature Cited (APA) Appropriate number (minimum of 5) Appropriate type (not only opinions)

Proper format (see below for examples)

Overall Important Communication Factors 10 possible points

Spelling and grammar


Clarity and consistency of focus

Subtitles for each section heading in your paper

(required) Total Possible Points 100 possible points



Example of proper format for references IN TEXT:

Book or Journal Article: The wild boar has caused extensive damage to the wildlife reserve.

(Smith, 1993).

Personal Communication: J.W. Jones explained that the Smoky Mountains are used

quite extensively during the summer months (personal communication, August 24,


The Smoky Mountains are used quite extensively during the summer months (J.W.

Jones, personal communication, August 24, 2000).

Note: Personal communications should be referred only in text. Provide initials and as

exact a date as possible. Explain who the person is and why their input is important.

Examples of proper APA (American Psychological Association) format for LITERATURE


Journal Article: Adelgid, B. W. (1999). Killing fraser firs in the Smoky Mountains. Journal of

Exotics and Introduced Species. 1 (15), 13-15.

Book: Boar, E. W. (1993). Upsetting the balance of the Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. (3 rd

ed.). London:

Island Press.

On-Line Sources: Mussel, Z., Loosestrife, P. (September 23, 1999). Gaining a foothold in a new

environment [On-Line]. Available:

A brief listing of some suggestions that should be implemented in your position paper to

ensure the highest quality:

Make sure your ‘voice’ is apparent in the paper – don’t overuse quotes. Use

the writing lab as a resource.

Have others proofread your paper for spelling, grammar, and organizational

problems. Have at least one literate, logical friend read through your paper

carefully to check for “flow of logic” mistakes, ambiguous statements, etc.

Make sure you write a position paper and NOT a traditional term paper. There is a

difference! If you are unsure about the difference reread the guidelines and talk with


Reread these notes again before you turn in the paper.


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Eco-Plays Framework

Week 2 Assignment – Eco-Plays Framework


Locate the Eco-plays framework – information attached as a separate document.

Imagine that the company that is the focus of your AUDIO analysis in Week One can make one strategic move (a “green-to-gold play”) in the immediate future to build an eco-advantage. Prepare a two-page paper (excluding title, reference page, and appendix), that discusses the following:

Briefly identify and describe the company or business that was the topic of your Week One paper and attach the AUDIO analysis of that company as an Appendix, just as you did for the Week One paper. Do NOT attach your entire Week One paper. Simply attach the AUDIO analysis as an appendix to your Week Two assignment, which follows.

Identify and describe what that strategic move should be and identify where that move falls on the eco-strategy framework. (Be specific about what the strategic move should be; do not simply identify the name of the play).

Then, identify two green-to-gold plays that you did NOT choose and discuss why the identified strategic move is more important to undertake before the others, given the AUDIO analysis that you completed. (You may update the 

AUDIO analysis for the assignment, but you are not required to do so– PLEASE UPDATE

In addition to the requirements above, your paper:

· Must be double-spaced and 12-point font.

· Must be formatted according to APA style.

· Must reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook.

· Must include a reference page written in APA format.

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Environmental Science

EV 551 Hazardous Materials Assessment – Summer2020 Homework 1 – 40 points

1. Which of the following is not a part of the HAZWOPER process:

a. Recognition of hazards

b. Evaluation of hazards

c. Control of hazards

d. Information gathering

e. Safety from hazards

f. All are part of the process

2. Hazardous waste site workers must:

a. Receive 40-hour OSHA 1910.120 training plus 24 hours of field supervision if exposed over the PEL

b. Receive 40-hour training plus 8 hours field supervision if exposed below the PEL and when respirators are not required

c. 8-hour annual refresher training

d. All of the above

3. First Responder Operations level training allows persons to:

a. Witness or discover a release

b. Perform defensive actions

c. Stop the release

d. A and B are true

e. All of the above

4. Recognition of hazards includes:

a. Identifying the materials involved in the release

b. Identifying the degree of hazards present

c. Provide the level of protection needed for site workers

d. A and B are correct

e. All of the above

5. The most important response activity at a hazardous waste work site is:

a. Evaluation of hazards

b. Control of hazards

c. Recognition of hazards

d. Safety precautions

6. Frequent hazard types found at response sites include:

a. Physical hazards

b. Biological hazards

c. Chemical hazards

d. Mechanical hazards

e. All of the above

7. The purpose of initial control activities is to:

a. Immediately assess clean up alternatives

b. Provide time to responders to address long-term hazards

c. Slowly size up response activities

d. Both A and B are correct

e. None of the above

8. Spill reporting is covered by which of these federal regulations:

a. Superfund

b. DOT


d. Clean Water Act

e. A, B, and D are correct

9. The effects of toxic materials on the human body are determined by:

a. Routes of exposure

b. Dose

c. Duration and frequency of exposure

d. All of the above

10. What are the four major pathways that chemical substances can enter the body?

a. ___________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________

c. ___________________________________________________

d. ___________________________________________________

11. What is the primary route of exposure to hazardous waste site workers or incident


a. Ingestion

b. Dermal absorption

c. Inhalation

d. Both a and b are correct

12. Dermal absorption may occur with which form(s) of a chemical:

a. Solid

b. Liquid

c. Aerosol

d. Mist

e. All of the above

13. The dose-response curve illustrates:

a. The indirect relationship between dose and response

b. The direct relationship between dose and response

c. The average number of affected individuals

d. None of the above

14. For most chemicals, a low dose does that does not show an appreciable hazard to exposed individuals is called the:




d. Sensitivity

15. If multiple chemicals are present in a work zone, the threshold level:

a. Is based on the most hazardous chemical present

b. Is based on the susceptibility of the exposed population

c. Can not be accurately determined

d. Is based on laboratory experiments

16. Potentiation effects is defined as:

a. The combined effects of two chemicals equals the effects of each acting alone

b. The combined effect of two chemicals has an effect greater than the sum of the two individual chemicals

c. One chemical is usually not toxic by itself, but it increases the toxicity of the second chemical

d. None of the above

17. A PEL is:

a. Permitted educational limits

b. Permissible exposure limits

c. Without regulatory authority

d. A toxicity rating based on the concentration needed to cause death in 50% of exposed persons

e. B and C are correct

18. The federal agency responsible for determining PEL values is:




d. EPA

19. The OSHA PEL-C value defines a limit that:

a. May be exceeded for a 15-minute exposure time

b. Requires a one-hour interval with no exposure

c. May be used as a peak exposure limit over an 8-hour workday

d. May never be exceeded during the workday

20. Ionizing radiation consists of the following:

a. Alpha particles

b. Beta particles

c. Gamma rays

d. Microwaves

e. Only A, B, and C are correct

21. Gamma radiation can:

a. Pass through PPE

b. Easily penetrate the body and be scattered and absorbed

c. Travel long distances

d. All of the above

e. Only A and C are correct

22. The greatest allies an individual has available for protection against ionizing radiation


a. Time

b. Distance

c. Shielding

d. All of the above

23. For a chemical to be flammable, it must:

a. Be in a concentration above the UFL

b. Have a proper fuel-to-air ratio for combustion

c. Be found at a concentration below the LFL

d. All of the above

24. A reactive hazard that undergoes reaction may cause:

a. An increase in pressure

b. An increase in heat production

c. An increase in chemical vapor production

d. All of the above

e. Only A and C are correct

25. Corrosive hazards are difficult to control because they:

a. Cause structural damage to skin and containers

b. Only act as irritants

c. Act as oxidizers

d. All of the above

e. Both A and C are correct

26. Irritants are solids, liquids or gases that:

a. Must have direct contact with tissues to cause an effect

b. Impair judgment processes in exposed individuals

c. Increases fluid levels within affected tissues

d. None of the above

27. The physical and chemical properties of a hazardous material determine:

a. Environmental movement

b. Environmental behavior

c. Degree of hazard

d. All of the above

e. Both B and C are correct

28. A material with a specific gravity greater than 1 will:

a. Float on water

b. Dissolve in water

c. Sink in water

d. Not enter groundwater

29. A material, such as chlorine, has a vapor density greater than 1. This material will:

a. Rise into the air

b. Rapidly disperse in ambient air

c. Settle in low points of the topography

d. Increase the pressure of the atmosphere

30. Physical hazards are of concern to response workers because they:

a. Encounter conditions that are out of their control

b. Increase the potential for accidents

c. Decrease the need for PPE

d. Both A and B are correct

e. All of the above

31. Personal protective equipment decreases accident potential by:

a. Increasing movement

b. Increasing visibility

c. Reducing heat stress

d. Both A and B are correct

e. None of the above

32. Excavation and trenching operations offer special problems to hazardous site

workers. Safety requirements for these operations include:

a. Shoring and sloping activities

b. Placement of tools within 2 feet of the edge for accountability and access

c. Covering materials to keep rain out

d. All of the above

33. Heat stress hazards result in an alteration in internal body temperature. Cooling

mechanisms include:

a. Blood flow changes

b. Perspiration

c. PPE

d. Both A and B are correct

e. None of the above

34. Noise hazards may cause injury by:

a. Interfering with communication

b. Increasing stress levels

c. Causing short-term, long-term or permanent hearing loss

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

35. Basic types of noise exposure that can be found at a hazardous work site include:

a. Impact noise

b. Intermittent noise

c. Continuous noise

d. Both A and B are correct

e. All of the above

36. If A ____ dBA level is exceeded, a Hearing Conservation Program must be


a. 80

b. 85

c. 90

d. 140

37. No individual at a work or response site may be exposed to a sound level above ____

dBA without ear protection.

a. 120

b. 100

c. 140

d. 130

38. Individuals are exposed to various sound levels during the workday, therefore, a

combined exposure level must be calculated for site personnel. If the Total Exposure

value exceeds ____, the allowable daily noise level has been exceeded.

a. .1

b. 1

c. 10

d. None of the above

39. Biological hazards at a hazardous waste site do not include:

a. Viral contaminants

b. Fungal growths

c. Allergic reactions

d. Snake bites

e. None of the above

40. NIOSH determines exposure limit values for:

a. Inorganic contaminants only

b. 10-hour workdays, 50-hour work weeks

c. 10-hour workdays, 80-hour work weeks

d. IDLH environments



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Sustainable Shopping Malls? And Life-Cycle Assessment

Week 3 Discussions and Required Resources

Assignment: This is a two-part assignment. Each part must be at least 200 words unless otherwise noted. Please read all attachments and follow ALL instructions.

To receive full credit you must include at least 2 citations of scholarly support to your answers for each discussion post (i.e. Discussion One – 2 citations, Discussion Two – 2 citations).  Citations should be within your post and include (Author, year, page number) if you are using a quote, page number is not required if you are paraphrasing.  Just listing references and not using them in your post does not count as a citation or support.  You can use your textbook as scholarly support and remember to include a reference for the support cited.

Part 1: Sustainable Shopping Malls?

Imagine that you are a developer interested in building a shopping mall. However, you are interested in building a shopping mall that is “green” so that your mall has a competitive advantage over other shopping malls. Apply the “eco-advantage mindset” to identify considerations that you should make in the design, products, services, and processes of the mall that would enable you to achieve your goal.

Part 2: Life-Cycle Assessment

Review the Wharington and Volvo case studies – In your opinion, which of these two companies benefitted the most from a life-cycle assessment? Which company’s life-cycle assessment benefited the environment and/or the consumers the most? Why?
Could a cigarette manufacturing company benefit from a life-cycle assessment? Could the environment and/or consumers of a cigarette manufacturing company benefit from a life-cycle assessment? Why or why not?

Required Resources


Esty, D.C., & Winston, A.S. (2009). Green to gold: How smart companies use environmental strategy to innovate, create value, and build competitive advantageHoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • Chapter 6: The      Eco-Advantage Mindset
  • Chapter 7: Eco-Tracking


National Public Radio (Producer). (2011, February 24). Mr. Peanut’s ride goes green  [Audio file]. Retrieved from

  • This      podcast supports the Planter’s Peanuts as a Model of Innovation assignment      for this week.

Recommended Resources


O’Sullivan, K. (2006). Virtue rewarded: Companies are suddenly discovering the profit potential of social responsibility CFO Magazine. Retrieved from

  • This site supports the      chapter readings for this week.

Savitz, A.W., & Weber, K. (2007). The sustainability sweet spot. Environmental Quality Management, 17(2), 17-25. DOI: 10.1002/tqem.20161. Retrieved from the EBSCOhost database.

  • This article supports      Planter’s Peanuts as a Model of Innovation assignment for this week.
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Week 4 Discussion Hsc3002 Environmental Health

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered.

For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned.

To support your work, use your course and text readings and also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week.

Environmental Hazards Due to Polluted Air and Water

Many environmental hazards, such as air and water pollution, have been linked to adverse health outcomes not only in humans but also in aquatic life.

Using your course textbook, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, research on episodes in which environmental pollution caused hazards to the aquatic environment. Choose one episode and answer the following questions:

  • What were the main pollutants that caused hazards to aquatic life?
  • How did these pollutants affect the health of aquatic life adversely?
  • What are the various ways to prevent occurrences of such episodes in the future? Explain how these ways will help in the prevention of such episodes.

Discuss the association between environmental pollution and hazards to aquatic life.

Edit question’s body

Edit question’s attachments

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Discussion Due In 7 Hours

Discussion due in 7 hours
Ecological Footprints [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 3, 6]
Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, view video The Ecological Footprint Explained (Links to an external site.). The ecological footprint is a tool for helping us to visualize the impacts we make on the environment. In this week’s class discussion, you will have the opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit.
In a course-long project beginning this week, you will take on the challenge of lessening your impacts on the environment through reducing the size of your ecological footprint. Specifically, you will identify possible lifestyle changes that would reduce the amount of resources you use and/or the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that you produce. In a course-long experiment, you will determine whether or not it is possible to make a measurable difference in your environmental impact through a few simple actions in your daily life. The first step, of course, is to determine your ecological footprint right now. To do that, you will calculate three footprints: an overall ecological footprint that takes most of our daily behaviors into consideration; a carbon footprint that focuses on our daily carbon emissions that are contributing to global climate change; and a water footprint that assesses daily water use.
Part A: Ecological Footprint
Use the footprint tool from the web page What Is Your Ecological Footprint? (Links to an external site.) to calculate your ecological footprint. At every opportunity, please select the “add details to improve accuracy” option. At the end of the footprint activity, make a note of how many Earths would be required if everyone lived like you. Then click on “see details” to obtain the following information:
Your ecological footprint, in global hectares (a hectare is about 2.5 acres).
Your top three consumption categories.
Finally, research some ways you might reduce your footprint, identifying a few specific ones that you might put into practice throughout the course.
Part B: Household Carbon Emissions Footprint
Next, use the Carbon Footprint Calculator (Links to an external site.) to calculate your household carbon emissions footprint. After answering all the questions,
Make a note of your carbon emissions footprint in pounds. Is that above or below the average household carbon footprint in the US?
Explore specific actions you might take to reduce your footprint. Which of them might be practical to undertake in the next five weeks?
Part C: Water Footprint
Finally, use the Water Footprint Calculator (Links to an external site.) to calculate your daily water footprint. After answering all the questions,
Make a note of your gallons-per-day water footprint.
Record the top three contributors to it.
Scroll down the page to access a series of “Tips” buttons you can click on for advice on reducing your footprint. Again, make a note of some specific ideas you see that might be practical to implement over the next five weeks.
Discussion Post Requirements
Your discussion should include all the information you gathered about your consumption habits from your three footprint calculations, including all numbers with units.
Footprint Table
Week 1ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINTHectares:       # Earths:  Top 3 Consumption Categories:   CARBON FOOTPRINTCarbon Emissions (lbs): WATER FOOTPRINTGallons per day: Top 3 Contributors:
Copy the table above and paste into your post, then add your data for each category.  You can also access the Footprint Table here. Then, in a well-crafted post of at least 200 additional words, examine the numerical results of your three footprint calculations by answering the following questions:
What did you learn that surprised you about your consumption habits?
What lifestyle changes could you make that would reduce one or more of the three footprints? Propose a minimum of five. (These do not have to be the ones you use in this course-long project; over the course of the discussion, you may opt to select other ones based upon classmates’ recommendations. You will be recording your final choices for lifestyle changes in your Journal at the end of the week.)
For each lifestyle change, which footprint would you be lowering? Discuss potential obstacles to making those changes, and then suggest ways you might overcome those obstacles.
Note: You will not be able to view others’ posts until you have made your own.
Required Resources
Bensel, T., & Carbone, I. (2020). Sustaining our planet. Retrieved from
Chapter 1: Understanding Environmental Science and Sustainability
Chapter 2: Understanding Ecology and Biodiversity
Ashford University. (2018). SCI207 – The scientific method (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
This video provides information on the scientific method that will assist you in completing your Stream Morphology laboratory activity this week. This video has closed captioning.
Moovly. (2015, January 8). The ecological footprint explained (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from
This video provides information about what ecological footprints are and why they are measured, and will assist you in your Ecological Footprints discussion forum this week. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.
Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)
Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
National Public Radio. (2010, August 28). ‘The sound of a snail’: A patient’s greatest comfort (Links to an external site.) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
This recorded interview provides information on how a nature experience can happen anywhere and despite overwhelming obstacles, and will assist you in completing your Nature Experience Project you will begin this week. The full project is due in Week 5. This podcast has a transcript.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
Web Pages
Global Footprint Network. (n.d.). What is your ecological footprint? (Links to an external site.) Retrieved from
This web page provides an interactive calculator for determining your resource consumption and is necessary for completing your Ecological Footprints discussion forum this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
United States Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Carbon footprint calculator (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from
This web page provides an interactive calculator for determining your greenhouse gas emissions and is necessary for completing the Ecological Footprints discussion forum this week.
Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)
Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
Water footprint calculator (Links to an external site.). (
This website provides an interactive calculator for determining your water consumption and is necessary for completing your Ecological Footprints discussion forum this week.
Accessibility Statement does not exist.
Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
Supplemental Material
Carolina Distance Learning. (n.d.). Stream morphology
 [Investigation manual]. Retrieved from
The Stream Morphology investigation manual is available in the online classroom. This lab manual provides background information on stream morphology and will assist you in your Stream Morphology Laboratory assignment.
Laboratory Supplies
Carolina Biological Supply Lab Kit
This lab kit provides lab supplies and materials for the hands-on labs that you will conduct for this course. Although the lab kit provides most of the lab supplies for the labs, there will be materials that you need to purchase independently for a few labs. For instance, you will be expected to supply all materials for the Week 1 Lab. Be sure to prepare a list of what you will need to purchase independently by viewing the lab investigation manuals and lab kits in advance. To see a checklist of the additional lab supplies that you will need each week for this course, access the Additional Lab Supplies Checklist.
Recommended Resources
Carrington, D. (2018, March 12). What is biodiversity and why does it matter to us? (Links to an external site.) The Guardian. Retrieved from
This article from The Guardian provides information about our global biodiversity crisis and may assist you in completing the Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystems assignment.
Accessibility Statement (Links to an external site.)
Privacy Policy (Links to an external site.)
HHMI BioInteractive [biointeractive]. (2015, April 8). Humans, biodiversity, and habitat loss—HHMI BioInteractive video (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from
This video provides information about biodiversity loss and how people are contributing to it, and may assist you in completing your Sustainable Living Guide Contributions: Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystems assignment. This video has closed captioning and a transcript.
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OSHA PPT & Journals

There are three separate questions in this assignment.

1. Create a PowerPoint presentation of 15 slides (not counting title and reference slides) that provides an overview of the three major environmental, health, and safety (EHS) disciplines. Include each of the following elements:

§ summary of the responsibilities for the discipline,

§ evaluation of types of hazards addressed by the discipline,

§ description of how industrial hygiene practices relate to safety and health programs,

§ description of how industrial hygiene practices relate to environmental programs,

§ evaluation of types of control methods commonly used by the discipline,

§ interactions with the other two disciplines, and

§ major organizations associated with the discipline.

Construct your presentation using a serif type font such as Times New Roman. A serif type font is easier to read than a non-serif type font. For ease of reading, do not use a font smaller than 28 points.

2. The placement of the industrial hygiene and safety functions in an organization’s structure can greatly impact how successful the programs will be. Some organizations place health and safety programs under the human resources department. Other organizations place these programs under the plant manager or the production manager. If you were a safety officer for an organization, where would you place health and safety programs in the organizational structure? Explain why you believe this placement would work best for your organization.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary

3. You have been asked to perform a job hazard analysis (JHA) at your place of employment. Which method would you use to perform the JHA? Explain your choice.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

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