Exercise Set 2 – A Little Bit Of Atmospheric Physics [Total 40 Marks] Complete The Table Below By Filling In The…

Exercise Set 2 – A little bit of atmospheric physics [Total 40 marks] Complete the table below by filling in the temperature in °C, °F, or K, as needed. Indoor air temperature Coldest wind chill (N.S.) Boiling point of nitrogen Surface of the Sun °C 20°C 6500°C °F -40°F K 77.5 K [8 points] 2. Imagine a puddle of water, 1 cm deep. Direct sun rays are used to evaporate the water at 0°C. How long will it take to evaporate the water completely? [The latent heat of vaporisation for water is 540 cal. g-1 at 100°C and 600 cal. g-1 at 0°C. The solar constant is 1.97 cal.cm-2 .min-1 , or 1372 W .m-2. Remember that one cubic centimetre (1 cm3) of water = 1 g, so you can consider the puddle to be made up of lots of cubes of water, each 1 cm deep, and 1 cm2 on their top surfaces.] [2 points] How long will it take at 33°C? (You will need to estimate the latent heat of vapourisation at 33°C.) [2 points] Comment on these results. Why do you think the calculations show it should take only slightly longer on a cold day than on a hot day, when you know well enough that a shallow puddle can lie around for hours in the winter, but will be gone in minutes in the summer? What other factors might come into play? Why does the River Nile not evaporate to dryness when it flows from Khartoum to Cairo through the Sahara Desert? [2 points] 3. Construct a graph of January, July and annual temperatures against latitude for a north-south transect through North America from Corpus Christi, Texas, to Churchill, Manitoba. As best as you can fit a straight line through each set of data. Corpus Christi to Churchill climatic data transect – Graph [4 points] Comment on any significant trends – why do you think the winter data display a steeper slope than the summer data (refer to Figure 2.24 in the text). [2 points] 4. Recall that relative humidity is a function of the actual vapour pressure and the saturation vapour pressure (text, p. 106): where VP = vapour pressure, and W = mixing ratio. The subscript s refers to the saturation vapour pressure or mixing ratio. Compare the actual water content of the air over the sunny Sahara with that of a blizzard in Baffin Bay. In the Sahara, use a temperature of 40°C and a RH of 10%. Use mixing ratios (W/Ws) for your calculations, so that you will end up with water content in g/kg, which is more meaningful than mb here. Calculate the mixing ratio by reversing the above equation and solving for W. Determine the saturation mixing ratio by referring to Table 4-1 in the text. Then do the same for the Baffin Bay blizzard, where the air temperature is -10°C and the RH = 100%. [2 marks] 5. In the tropical rain forest latitudes, intense solar heating causes air to rise along a zone sometimes referred to as the “thermal equator” or the “inter-tropical convergence zone”. You know that the active tropospheric part of the atmosphere is a maximum of 18 km at the equator. Suppose the air at sea level has a temperature of 30°C. What would be its temperature at 18 km assuming it rises by the dry adiabatic lapse rate? [2 marks] Obviously (I hope) the air never gets that cold! Why not? [2 marks] 6. On the map below are shown the pressure values for a set of weather stations. On a weather chart, pressure is usually shown as a three-digit number, which at first bears no obvious relation to the millibar or kilopascal or inches of mercury units at all! For this exercise we will work in millibars. The numbers reported represent the last two digits and first decimal place in millibars – the leading 9 or 10 is simply dropped off. In other words, the pressure in Toronto shows 101 – insert either a 9 or 10 in front to get the pressure (910.1 or 1010.1 mb). Meteorologists are well aware that a pressure of 910 or so mb would only be found in the eye of an extreme hurricane (See Figure 6-3, p.163), while 1010 mb is just slightly below average sea level pressure. No hurricane was obvious in Toronto that day so we can conclude the pressure was 1010.1 mb. As a general rule, atmospheric pressure doesn’t exceed the range of 960 to 1040 mb, so “high numbers” (above 500) on the map below need a ‘9’ in front of them, while “low numbers” (below 500) need a ’10’. Click here for a page-sized version of this map to print. [10 points] Draw contours on the map at 4 mb intervals. Begin by identifying the area of lowest pressure (remember numbers will be in the 800’s and 900’s), and encircle all the numbers lower than 988 (i.e., 880) with the 988 isobar; then do all the numbers lower than 992 mb (i.e., 920’s on the map) with the 992 mb isobar, and so on until you complete the map. Label each isobar with the millibar value as you go. Notice that pressure refers to the centre of the symbol, not where the pressure values are actually written. If you are unfamiliar to drawing contours, you might find the flash animation at http://ees.acadiau.ca/~raeside/2753/contours.swf useful. b. Identify the areas of high and low pressure with a large H and a large L. c. Solid symbols indicate the sky was overcast (possibly raining too) at the time of reading; unfilled symbols indicate at least half the sky was clear. What general relationship do you see between atmospheric pressure and the nature of sky cover? [2 marks]

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Follow The Guideline Instructions On The Selected Topic Highlighted In Purple.





This signature assignment is a summary of previous research on a topic on climate change. Follow the following guidelines.



Step-1: Choose ANY one of the following Climate Change stressor listed in Table 1. The same general topic in step-1 can be chosen by multiple groups, but the final topic focus should be different enough (see steps 2 & 3). However, you can also develop your own topic following the same thinking process as outlined in this assignment. Must get approval of new topic from instructor before proceeding.




Table 1. List of topics.

SN# Topic


1 Health & environmental impact from sea level rise or coastal flooding (ex: water quality, salt water intrusion, population displacement)


2 Heat related illnesses due to extreme heat events


3 Increase in extent and severity of wildfires (a) health or (b) environmental effects from particulate matter air pollution
4 Increase in severe weather

4a. effects from natural disasters

4b. water quality effects (ex: drinking water)

5 Health, environmental, and economic effects from increase in ocean acidification or ocean warming


6 Impact from vector-borne diseases from changes in precipitation patterns


7 Changes in water availability and water scarcity from increase in drought


8 Effects of flooding from extreme precipitation (disaster issues, water borne diseases)


9 Health and environmental effects from ozone related air pollution due to increase in hot sunny days


10 Health and environmental impact from changes in growing season (crop & agriculture, malnutrition)


11 Health and ecological effects from reduced snow/sea ice/permafrost


12 Increase in allergens (effects on asthma)


13 Change in mosquito ecology leading to increase in vector-borne disease e.g. Zika, dengue chikungunya, malaria, yellow fever


14 Change in rodent ecology (ex: hantavirus) leading to an change in vector-borne disease


15 Increase in hazardous algal blooms (ex: effects from acute inhalation or ingestion or risks to fishing/aquaculture)


16 Health and environmental effects from increased fossil-fuel based energy production



Step 2 (IMPORTANT) Specifically focus your topic to at least ONE public health effect or disease



· increased risk for malaria

· increase in asthma

Step 3: (IMPORTANT) Choose ONE geographic region or Country or area/location.



· Higher elevations of Mt. Kilimanjaro

· Coastal southeast US

· Bangladesh

· Sub-saharan Africa

· South Sudan


Step 4: Identify the underlying climatic CAUSE(S) of this problem and list the pathway(s) leading to this problem. See “Pathway Diagram Example” that is included as an EXAMPLE.


Pathway Diagram Example (not a perfect scoring example)


Figure 1. Pathway diagram illustrating global temperature increase’s ocean warming and its effect on methylmercury poisoning in the Pacific Islands.



Step 6: Focus on at least one public health response to addressing the problem. You could focus on both climate mitigation and adaptation strategies, or focus on climate adaptation and resilience, as it pertains to your chosen topic. It is a good idea to find online agency-based reports or additional peer-reviewed journal papers to develop your climate mitigation and adaptation strategies and understand how your population/region is resilient to changes in climate.


· Climate Change Mitigation refers to efforts to reduce or prevent emission of greenhouse gases. Mitigation can mean using new technologies and renewable energies, making older equipment more energy efficient, or changing management practices or consumer behavior (UNEP, 2017).


· The UNFCCC defines Climate Adaptation as actions taken to help communities and ecosystems cope with changing climate condition. While the IPCC describes Climate Adaptation as adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects, which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities.


Climate resilience can be generally defined as the capacity for a socio-ecological system to: (1) absorb stresses and maintain function in the face of external stresses imposed upon it by climate change and (2) adapt, reorganize, and evolve into more desirable configurations that improve the sustainability of the system, leaving it better prepared for future change impact.




4. Identify the underlying climatic CAUSE(S) of this problem and list the pathway(s) leading to this problem



5. Focus on at least ONE public health response (mitigation, adaptation, or resilience) to the problem

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Research Paper

Unit III Paper Topic


In this course, you are asked to prepare a research paper on construction-related fall accidents. To get started on the research paper, it is best to begin to narrow down your topic, or the accident. You have two choices for this assignment. Complete only ONE of the following options.


Option One: At this point, if you are unsure about which accident to select, narrow it down to three accidents. Write two to three paragraphs and include each of the following:

 Briefly summarize the accident;

 Your initial thoughts about the cause of the accident; and

 Your initial thoughts about potential fall protection plan(s).


Option Two: If you are sure about your topic, prepare one to two pages of your initial thoughts about the accident. Include each of the following:

 Briefly summarize the accident;

 Your initial thoughts about the cause of the accident; and

 Your initial thoughts about potential fall protection plan(s).


The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to select a topic (i.e., accident) for your Research Paper, and to begin thinking about how you will approach the rest of the paper.


Format your Paper Topic using APA style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism.

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Assignment 9: Soil: Foundation For Land Ecosystems

Chapter 11 Soil and Plant Growth


1. List five management considerations for productive topsoil. a. ________________________________ b. ___________________________________ c.________________________________ d. ___________________________________ e. ________________________________



2. What constitutes the base of the food chain in soil ecosystems? ____________________________________



3. The soil environment must supply the plant or at least its roots with ______________________________, __________________________________, and _________________________________.



4. Three mineral nutrients required by the plant are _____________________________________, _________________________________________, and _______________________________________.



5. The original source of mineral nutrients is from the breakdown of __________________________________ through the process of ________________________________________.



6. The process of weathering is fast enough to sustain vigorous plant growth without other sources. (True or False)



7. In natural ecosystems, the greatest source of mineral nutrients for sustaining plant growth is from ____________________________________.



8. In addition to the frequency and amount of precipitation, the amount of water that is actually available to plants will depend on: a. the amount of water that infiltrates versus running off. (True or False) b. the amount of water that is held in soil versus percolating through it. (True or False) c. the amount of water that evaporates from the soil surface. (True or False)



9. Most plants have access to oxygen through the (roots, stems, or leaves).



10. List two ways of depriving plants of sufficient oxygen. a. ___________________________________ b. _____________________________________



11. pH is a measure of relative _____________________________ and ____________________________.



12. Most plants require a soil environment that is a. acidic b. basic or alkaline c. close to neutral



13. Neutral is expressed by a pH of ________________. The Soil Community



14. List the five ingredients required of productive topsoil. a. ________________________________________________________________________________ b. ________________________________________________________________________________ c. ________________________________________________________________________________ d. ________________________________________________________________________________ e. ________________________________________________________________________________



15. The workability of clay soils will be (more or less) difficult when compared to sandy soils.



16. As soil organisms feed on the detritus and reduce it to humus, their activity also mixes and integrates humus with mineral particles, developing what is called soil _______________________________.



17. Who gets what in the symbiotic relationship between some plants and mycorrhizae? Plants: _____________________________________________________________________________ Mycorrhizae: ________________________________________________________________________



18. Green plants support soil organisms by being the direct or indirect source of all their food. (True or False)



19. Soil organisms support green plants by making the soil more suitable for their growth. (True or False)



20. The second tropic level of the food web in a soil ecosystem is a. producers b. detritus c. humus d. decomposers


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Why Do You See Increases And Decreases In The Invasive Species Population? What Are The Implications Associated With These Alterations To The Ecosystem As A Whole

Student Instructions

In this lab, you will determine how an invasive species—the zebra and quagga mussel—affects other species in the freshwater lake. Use the animation to help you come up with an answer to the following:

  • Why do you see increases and decreases in the invasive species population?
  • What are the implications associated with these alterations to the ecosystem as a whole?

The Effects of Zebra and Quagga Mussels Introduced into a Freshwater Lake

As you have learned, population dynamics are caused by the biotic potential of the population and the effects of environmental resistance. When there is minimal environmental resistance impacting a population, it will exhibit a population explosion. One reason for minimal resistance could be factors that no longer regulate a population (e.g., predator decline or resource increases). Another reason for a population explosion is the introduction of an invasive species. Invasive species are species foreign to an ecosystem and are not immediately regulated by the environmental restraints of the particular ecosystem that they invade. This in turn allows their populations to grow seemingly uncontrolled and to displace other indigenous populations. Examples of such an invasive species into North America are dreissenid mussels, commonly known as zebra and quagga mussels. Their introduction into the Great Lakes has caused economic hardship and a reorganization of the ecosystem. This has led, in part, to pollution-causing effects that can be linked to an alga known as Cladophora.

Ecosystems are webs of intricately balanced interactions, what happens when a new species is introduced that uses a disproportionate share of the ecosystem’s resources?

Using the M.U.S.E. link, review the background information and animation to complete your report.

Use the Lab 5 worksheet for assignment instructions and data collection.


Hi Everyone,
For your lab report this week, you will investigate the impact and spread of invasive species.

One of these described in your MUSE lab activity is the Zebra Mussel.

Just as you have done for the previous assignments, you will first review the background information, then collect the data. Your study will involve measurements showing how the mussels have spread and how they have impacted native species in an aquatic environment.

You will find that the number of mussels increases for 13 years and then begins to decrease. You are asked to explain this in your report.

  • Why do you see increases and decreases in the invasive species population?
  • What are the implications associated with these alterations to the ecosystem as a whole?

Use the notes in the animation to review the food chain in this ecosystem. It will be very important to be able to describe which species are native and which are invasive. And to describe how even a native species, such as cladophora (algae) can result in ecological damage. Next, review Chapter 4 of your eBook and refresh your memory on how the members of an ecosystem interact and the upper limit of organisms that an ecosystem can support, known as the carrying capacity. As you collect your data consider how the cladophora  increases along with the mussels. This happens because the mussels filter the water making it clearer. More sunlight reaches into the water’s depths allowing for better growth of these autotrophs. At year 13 we see a peak in both populations. I expect you will find that the huge number of mussels and the high level of cladophora deplete the Great Lakes ecosystem of nutrients.

Note that after 13 years the numbers of these detrimental organisms decreases, allowing the native populations to rebound.

If you would like a little more background information on the Zebra Mussel, this site has a good description with clear pictures:



Please use this outline to help you craft your report:




State the purpose of the lab. This will be a sentence or two about assessing the impact of zebra mussels on the native populations of species in the Great Lakes.




Include information on zebra mussels; where they come from; how they got to the US; what effect they have on native species.


Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome


A hypothesis is an educated guess. It needs to be a single statement that can be shown to be true or false through the results gleaned from this investigation.

It could be that zebra mussels will grow out of control.

It could be that zebra mussels will grow until they reach the carrying capacity of the ecosystem and then their population will crash.



Imagine you are the investigator. You will have to go to the Great Lakes and take samples to determine the population of all the species for which data has been collected.

For zebra mussels, they actually go diving to count and collect mussels. For fish species, they would perform a catch and release survey. Microscopic organisms would be analyzed through determining concentrations spectroscopically, etc.



Include the table. No further analysis is necessary.



In this section,

1)       Summarize your results

2)       Relate your results back to your hypothesis, either accepting or rejecting your prediction with an explanation of why you did so.

3)       Explain the increase and decrease in population. Present an explanation of why the zebra mussels and cladophora increased and then suddenly decreased. Be sure to answer these questions:

Why do you see increases and decreases in the invasive species population?

What are the implications associated with these alterations to the ecosystem as a whole?



Deliverable Length:

1 page











Instructor’s Name:


Assignment: SCIE211 Phase 5 Lab Report


Title: Identifying Environmental Hazards


Instructions: You will write a 1-page lab report using the scientific method to answer the following questions:


·         Why do you see increases and decreases in the invasive species population?

·         What are the implications associated with these alterations to the ecosystem as a whole?


When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.


Part I: Using the lab animation, fill in the data table below to help you generate your hypothesis, outcomes, and analysis.


Years Zebra and Quagga Mussel (density/m2) Phytoplankton (µg/ml) Zooplankton (µg/ml) Cladophora Biomass (g/m2) Foraging Fish (kilotons) Lake Trout (kilotons)
0 100 3 2 10 150 15
4 1000 2.5 1 100 100 10
7 2500 2 0.5 200 80 8
10 7500 1.5 0.25 600 50 5
13 15,000 1 0.1 700 25 2.5
15 7500 1.5 0.2 243 40 4
20 5000 1.75 0.4 136 60 6


Part II: Write a 1-page lab report using the following scientific method sections:

  • Purpose
    • State the purpose of the lab.
  • Introduction
    • This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.
  • Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome
    • hypothesis is an educated guess. Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.
  • Methods
    • Summarize the procedures that you used in the lab. The Methods section should also state clearly how data (numbers) were collected during the lab; this will be reported in the Results/Outcome section.
  • Results/Outcome
    • Provide here any results or data that were generated while doing the lab procedure.
  • Discussion/Analysis
    • In this section, state clearly whether you obtained the expected results, and if the outcome was as expected.
    • Note: You can use the lab data to help you discuss the results and what you learned.

Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used in the Introduction section.

Give your paper a title and number, and identify each section as specified above. Although the hypothesis will be a 1-sentence answer, the other sections will need to be paragraphs to adequately explain your experiment.

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

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2. Compare And Contrast Command And Control Against Incentive-Based Regulatory Philosophy. How Would The Corporate Ethics Of A Company That Would Be Better Regulated Under A Command And Control Differ From Those Of A Company That Would Be More Effectively

2.     Compare and contrast command and control against incentive-based regulatory philosophy. How would the corporate ethics of a company that would be better regulated under a command and control differ from those of a company that would be more effectively regulated by an incentive-based approach?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use  as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.




3Describe three models of public participation in decision making. What are the pros and cons of each model? Which model do you think is the most effective, and why?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.




4  How did the Nazi medical experiments and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study influence the ethics of human and animal studies? Read “The Nuremburg Code” on page 302 of the textbook. Discuss your thoughts on the elements of the code. Is it complete, or are there other aspects of the ethics of human testing that should be included?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.



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Geology Questions

GEO 105 – Fall, 2014 – Questions to Study for Exam 2

In order to study for Exam 2, which will be given on Thursday, November 6, study the following questions by consulting material

that was presented in class, which are posted on Blackboard. Exam 2 questions will be chosen mostly, but not entirely, from among

these questions, and from the study questions for Exam 1. The questions on the actual exam may be modified from ones that are

given in the study questions. In the case of the questions at the end of this list that require calculations, some of the numbers may be

different from the ones that are provided in the study questions.

While you may ask for help from the instructor or the teaching assistants at office hours, or consult with other students in the class

in order to study the questions, the instructor and the teaching

assistants will not distribute or discuss answers to any of the questions by email. If you need help, please consider attending

office hours.

For these questions, and for the exam, assume that … g = 10 m/s


———————————————————————————– 1. What common element makes up most of the mass of typical solar

photoelectric panels?

2. What are some advantages of hydropower over other energy sources?

3. What is the quantitative relationship (the equation) between amperage and power loss due to heat in an electric transmission line?


4. What process produces the sun’s energy?

5. In an electric power plant that is fueled by nuclear fission, what substance typically spins the turbine directly to generate electricity?

6. What is the primary energy source that is used to generate electricity at

the Indian Point Energy Center?

7. What is a smart grid?

8. What are some advantages of wind energy over other energy sources?

9. What type of nuclear energy, a) fission, or b) fusion, is most commonly used to produce electric power?




10. What type of particle, produced by fission of nuclei, is needed to collide with other nuclei in order to sustain a chain reaction?

11. What type of nuclear decay emits a particle that is about equal in mass

to the mass of a typical helium nucleus?

12. What is the most commonly used fuel for nuclear fission reactors in the United States?

13. Name a country that derives over 75% of its electricity from nuclear


14. If wind speed doubles, by what factor does power increase in a wind turbine?


15. If the depth of a vertical-walled hydroelectric reservoir is doubled, by what factor does the amount of gravitational potential energy that can be

stored in the reservoir increase, assuming that the turbines are at the same elevation as the base of the reservoir?

16. What is a microgrid, and how can it help support the functioning of a

smart grid?

17. How are cogeneration plants, such as the one on the Stony Brook University campus, typically more energy efficient than typical large power


18. What source accounts for most of the Earth’s internal heat energy?

19. Where, in the human body, does strontium-90 tend to deposit?

20. Which of the following is suitable for short term storage of electric

power, but unsuitable for long term storage? A) batteries B) pumped storage C) flywheels

21. A coulomb is a unit of what? A) power B) energy C) mass D) electric

charge C) momentum

22. Which of the following sources generates the most electric power in the United States? A) oil B) gas C) coal D) hydropower E) nuclear

23. What is the difference between direct current and alternating current?




24. What element is most commonly added to the main element in the

crystals for the doping of the N layer of solar cells?

25. What element is most commonly added to the main element in the crystals for the doping of the P layer of solar cells?

26. If the speed of the wind flowing through an ideal wind turbine is

doubled, by what factor is the power produced by the wind turbine multiplied?

27. What is the numerical quantity of the solar constant?

28. About what numerical quantity of solar power typically reaches a square

meter of the Earth’s surface where the sun is directly overhead on a clear day?


29. Which of the four economic energy sectors uses the least electricity in the United States?

30. What challenges would a major increase in the use of electric vehicles

pose for the electric grid?

31. How would a smart grid benefit from an increase in the use of electric vehicles?

32. How many valence electrons does silicon have?

33. What are some advantages of nuclear fission energy?

34. What are some disadvantages of nuclear fission energy?


35. What are some advantages of nuclear fusion energy?

36. What are some disadvantages of nuclear fusion energy?

37. What substance does a breeder reactor convert to Plutonium-239?

38. Which country derives about 20% of its electricity from wind energy?

39. What effect does beta-minus decay have on the number of protons in an atomic nucleus?

40. What is the purpose of a moderator in a nuclear reactor?




41. What is the fuel that would generally be used for a nuclear fusion


42. What isotope makes up over 99% of natural uranium?

43. In what part of the human body does most Strontium-90 typically get deposited if it is ingested?

44. What is generally considered to be the most serious nuclear reactor

accident that has ever occurred, in part because it subjected about 30 workers to lethal radiation doses?

45. How is a fast neutron reactor able to produce less transuranic waste

than slow reactors?

46. What is the Lawson criterion?

47. How is the direction of current flow considered to relate to the direction

of flow of electrons in a metal wire that is part of a circuit?

48. What technology is the most intensive use of geothermal energy?

Quantitative Questions – Answers are provided here so you may practice, however, the numbers may be different on the exam.

49. If one thousand kilograms of water is ready to fall from the top of a 50

meter waterfall, what is its gravitational potential energy? (Answer: 500,000 joules)

50. What is the amount of power supplied by electricity if voltage in a circuit

is 120 volts, and flow is 2 amps? (Answer: 240 watts)

51. What is the amperage of a circuit, if the voltage is 240 volts and total

resistance of the circuit is 12 ohms? (Answer: 20 amps)

52. If a transformer on a utility pole has 100 turns in its primary coil, how many turns would it need in its secondary coil to convert a voltage from

1200 volts at the distribution line to 120 volts to feed into a home? (Answer: 10 turns)

53. If a set of solar panels that faces the sun directly has a total area of 5

m 2 and an efficiency of 20%, and the solar irradiance at noon there is 1

kW/m 2 , how many 100-watt bulbs can they keep lit while the sun is shining

at noon? (Answer: 10 bulbs)



54. The Indian Point Energy Center has a capacity to produce electricity at a

rate of about 2 gigawatts. If this power (P = IV) is transmitted at 500,000 volts, what would be the amperage (flow rate, or I) of the current? (Answer:

4000 amps)

55. Assuming a starting population of 1,000,000 atoms of lead-210 in a sample of salt marsh peat, what would be the population of lead-210, which

has a radioactive half-life of about 22.3 years, in the sample after 44.6 years, if lead-210 removal was only by nuclear decay? (Answer: 250,000


56. If sunshine at noon in Tucson, Arizona falls on a 10 square meters set of solar panels at an insolation rate of 1000 watts per square meter, how much

solar energy falls on the set of solar panels in 1 hour? (Answer: 36,000,000 joules)

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BOS 3125 Unit 2 Question #1-6 Answer

QUESTIONS: 1.) Identify the primary federal agencies responsible for issuing hazardous material spill and release regulations, and describe each agency’s role.

Question 2: Explain the role of the states in the regulation of hazardous material spills and releases under DOT, EPA, and OSHA.

Question 3:Why is it important to conduct a risk assessment before establishing an emergency response action plan?

Question 4 What are the differences between threshold limit value and permissible exposure limit? Which one should be used when considering the toxicity of a spilled hazardous material?

Question 5: Under the Operational Readiness heading on page 55 of the course textbook is a list of questions that can be used to aid in planning exercises and drills. Which question would you judge as most important? Which question would you judge as most likely to be deficient in an organization? Use examples to help explain your decisions

Question 6 Discuss how vapor density and vapor pressure contribute to the hazards of a spilled or released hazardous material. Provide examples that illustrate your points.

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Advanced Ergonomics

Advanced Ergonomics

Risk Factor Identification Exercise

This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts presented in the Unit III Lesson regarding musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Specifically, you will be evaluating a work task to identify potential risk factors that could lead to the development of a musculoskeletal disorder.

Click here (see attached video) to access the video for this assignment. Please note that this video includes audio.

Using the above video, you are required to write a two-page response that includes the following information:

  1. a description of the task being performed;
  2. a discussion of the individual and work-related risk factors identified in the video;
  3. a discussion of the potential MSDs to which the workers are exposed; and
  4. a discussion of relationship between the human body, the workplace, and the development of MSDs.

Your completed assignment must include a minimum of two outside sources, one of which must be from the CSU Library.



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Unit 5 Sa

Developing the Methodology Selecting the right research method for the project is essential. The wrong research design can result in information that does not answer the research question or data that is not helpful to the researcher. It is important to carefully select the methodology that best suits the research question. For this assignment, select the most appropriate research method to test the research question for your research report. Begin by explaining whether your research question is asking for quantitative or qualitative data. Then, consider which type of research design you would select if you were actually going to conduct the study. Remember that you will design the study but not actually do the data collection portion for the final paper. This means you can carefully design the most appropriate study for your project without worrying about time constraints that would normally play a role in the data collection step. Which research design is most appropriate? Which design will provide you with results to directly address your research problem? FIR 4308, Applications in Fire Research 3 In no fewer than two full double-spaced pages, include at least the following for this assignment: List the most current version of your research problem at the top of the page. Include the most current version of the purpose of your research report next. Explain whether you are designing a quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods study and what constitutes such a study. Be sure to support your points with scholarly material. Include the following information to clearly describe your research design: participants; instruments, if any; design; and procedure. Explain why this research method is the best fit for your study. Include a specific design in your response. Support your research method choice with scholarly material from at least three outside sources. At least two of those sources must come from the CSU Online Library. Remember, this assignment is designed to help you work toward your research proposal. Information about accessing

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