Environmental Analysis PresentationW5T

Environmental Analysis PresentationW5T


Perform an analysis of an environmental issue.

Prepare a 5- to 8-slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes.  If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as “Voice Thread” to add audio to your presentation.

Include the following:

  • A description of an environmental issue, including the cause of the issue and its effects on the environment and people.
  • An explanation of how economics and personal lifestyle choices are involved in this issue.
  • An explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are working to address the environmental issue.
  • Your opinion as to whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of ways it could be better addressed.

Include at least 2 outside resources for your presentation.

Format your presentation according to the APA guidelines.

  • For Local Campus students, these are 10- to 15-minute oral presentations accompanied by Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations.
  • For online and directed study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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Question About Climate( Please Review The Questions Before You Bid)

Changes in the radiation balance in summer and winter

We discussed in the lecture that different parts of the earth can have different radiation characteristics. As shown in the lecture, the heating/cooling of the earth’s atmosphere can be represented by the following symbolic equation:

{total heating} = {amount of heating from the sun} + {amount of heating from the radiation from the earth} + {amount of sensible heat} + {amount of latent heat}

Because the amount of insolation changes with season, the net amount of heating may also change.

1. Discuss how each of the terms in the above equation might differ (increase, decrease or no change) between the summer (i.e. June, July and August) and winter (i.e. December, January and February) seasons for the atmosphere above the following types of the earth surface:

a) land surface in the far northern part of Russia [i.e. north of the Arctic Circle (66.5oN)]

b) Indian Peninsula

c) Hong Kong The discussion should include an explanation of why you think such a change would occur based on what we have discussed in the lecture.

2. Human activities will change the land surface properties. Discuss how each of the following activities may change one or more of the terms in the above equation at that location:

a) converting farmland to a residential area

b) filling up lakes for housing development

c) logging in forests Changes in the balance of carbon due to human activities

3. In the hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere, certain processes can be changed by human activities, and thus change the balance of carbon. Choose one process from each category and suggest how it might be changed by human activities, and what effect such a change will have on the balance of carbon (i.e. whether it will cause an increase or decrease in the amount of carbon in the atmosphere)

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Industrial Ergonomics

Course Project Part 2: Determining Safety

In Unit IV, you began a course project in which you reviewed the risks associated with your workstation of choice. (Attached) During this unit, you will build upon that project to identify whether or not your workstation is ergonomically sound and to determine how the safety can be improved.

Start by documenting your findings and comparing them to the tables found in the textbook. Make a determination as to whether your space is ergonomically safe. Look specifically at the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA). Next, make suggestions for how it can be improved.

Finally, conduct research on ergonomics-related regulatory efforts and standards. Are there recommended safety standards or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommendations? What are they? Also, explain if you believe the safety standards are enough to keep employees safe or if more needs to be done. (Hint: Make sure you read the Unit VII Lesson!)

Your assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length. All sources must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.





A Discussion of Ergonomic Issues Relating to a Chef’s Workstation

Eric Torres

Columbia Southern University




Part B

Ergonomics hazard assessment a Chef’s workstation

Potential Stressor, Risk and Hazards of the Workstation

A chef’s station is situated in the kitchen, where there is a lot of

activity going on as well as cooking, which of course demands high

temperatures. Consequently, high heat could be the first potential

stressor for the chef, as they may end up feeling too hot or suffocated

due to the heat emanating from the various cooking stations. In addition

to this, the chef is bound to stand for long hours as they cook throughout

their shift. Long hours and the need to stand most of the time could be a

potential stressor, which may yield fatigue and even frustration.

It is important to note that the chef does not work independently,

but rather have a team that reports to them. The occasional trouble of

unresponsive or stubborn team members who don’t deliver could cause

stress. Lastly, despite not being in direct contact with the clients, they

still face the pressure of the need to deliver excellent results, as

customers’ demands will mostly be based on the quality of food; these

could be both realistic and unrealistic demands. Employees with high

psychological demands, limited job control, and leadership or co-worker

support, are at risk of developing poor health (DeTienne et al, 2012, as

cited by Foy, 2015).





The potential hazards at the chef’s workstation refers to situations

that enable the possible occurrence of endangerment or risk. One of the

ergonomic hazards present in a chef’s workstation is cooking with gas,

given that gas is among the widely used fuels in restaurants. There might

occur the occasions incidences of gas leakage either due to a faulty gas

line or a team member accidentally leaving the gas on. From this, there

exists risk of an explosion which would definitely lead to extreme injuries

or death of the chef. The use of oil and hot surfaces is also an ergonomic

hazard, which poses the risk of imminent accidental burns to the chef.

While cooking, there could be splashing of the hot oil off the pan, and

other accidents such as a food container or cooking pot slipping while

being handled. Workers who cook in restaurants are especially at risk of

burn injuries while cooking with or cleaning deep fat fryers or vents

above fryers (Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 2020).

There is also risk of physical stress, arising from the hazard of

having to stand for long hours. It may not be very practical for a chef to

cook while seated, therefore, they are compelled to be on their feet

throughout; a factor that may in the long run cause physical strain on the

body such as the back, knees of waist. Apart from the heat that would be

in the kitchen environment, the hot surfaces present another hazard,

where the chef is at risk of burning while handling the kitchen equipment

or accidentally get into contact with a hot surface while working. It is for

this reason that there needs to be appropriate support for such

incidences, through availability of safety equipment such as gloves and

heat proof pan handles. Gloves, sleeveless, and long aprons. These need





to resist heat and grease to at least 400º F for anyone working with

fryers (Labor Occupational Health Program & Young Workers United,


Types of Injuries That May Be Caused by The Hazards

Cooking with gas as a hazard has the potential of causing burns to

the body, this is as a result of an explosion that leads to fire. High

temperatures in the kitchen may cause a number of injuries, one of them

being heat stroke. In heat stroke, the affected chef’s body stops properly

functioning with regards to sweating, meaning that the body will be

rendered unable to regulate its own heat for proper and comfortable

functioning. The excess heat may also cause injuries to the bones and

muscles, with side effects such as muscular inflammation. Temperature

and humidity levels can impact the risk of musculoskeletal injuries (The

UC Ergonomics Project Team, 2012). Another injury could be scalding,

which may be caused by hot milk coming into contact with the chef’s

skin. Finally, the chef is also at risk of suffering back and joint injurie,

which could result from factors such as standing for long hours, hence

stressing the back.






Foy, T. J. (2015). Managing workplace stress for increased performance

in an Irish higher education institution.

Labor Occupational Health Program & Young Workers United. (2010). A

Menu for Protecting the Health and Safety of Restaurant Workers.

A joint project of the Labor Occupational Health Program at UC

Berkeley and Young Workers United. Occupational Safety and

Health Administration (OSHA). https://www.osha.gov/sites/default/


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). (2020). Young

Workers Safety in Restaurants eTool: Cooking-deep fat fryers.

United States Department of Labor.


The UC Ergonomics Project Team. (2012). Ergonomics Study of Dining

Services Positions at The University of California. UCOP Risk

Services-University of California.


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Suggestions for Producing Effective Pamphlets

· First, you need to understand the issue well.

· This takes some research and preparation

· If you need to determine who is at risk, go to a website like the CDC to find out.

· Next, you can go to PubMed if you need more details, or see what you might find in healthypeople.gov to see the healthy people 2010 goals.

· Have an eye-catching title or a slogan

· Determine whether you have a target audience. If you do, strive to focus on your target.

· Are they the elderly? parents? women? a certain social or ethnic group? i.e. a specific population?

· Could have a person on your pamphlet who might be a susceptible individual or a role model for doing the right thing.

· Why are you writing the pamphlet? Do you want to increase the reader’s knowledge, or tell them to do (or not do) something? This will influence the amount of explanation you wish to provide, etc.

· About your English

· Try to avoid jargon, difficult terminologies and sentences, i.e.,double negatives in sentences, etc. Try to make your English very clear.

· Don’t be too wordy

· Condensation of the content to the essentials will make your pamphlet more readable. Try to boil your words to the key points.

· Summarize your points

· Don’t use too small a point size.

· Use bullets – they are more eye-catching than bare sentences.

· Graphics

· Use pictures, graphs, charts, etc. to express you message – get the point across. Figures should be clear and easy to read. Not too small.

· Color

· Color can be very good and can help differentiate points, draw the eye in to read a point.

· However, if you use color, make sure that you don’t use it to an excess.

· References

· One should differentiate references from various groups (Govt or Non-Govt) that could be construed as “partners.” You can list institutions by name as sponsors or partners.

· Name and Contact Info – should be somewhere on the pamphlet.

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Advanced Industrial Hygiene


After your initial review of the operations and safety data sheets (SDS), you have determined the sampling you want to perform at Acme Automotive Parts (AAP). The table below lists hazards you want to sample and the sampling/analytical methods you decide to use. You can access the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) methods at https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/nmam/default.html and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) methods at https://www.osha.gov/dts/sltc/methods/toc.html.

(SeeAttached photo)

Choose one hazard from the welding area, one hazard from the paint area, and the metal working fluids, and prepare one paragraph for each hazard (three paragraphs in total) answering each of the following questions:

  1. Which sampling media will you be using?
  2. What flow rate will you use?
  3. How will you calibrate the sampling train?
  4. Calculate the minimum sampling time you will require to be able to detect concentrations at the OELs listed in the table. Show your work in calculating the sampling times.
  5. Will you collect personal or area samples? Explain why.
  6. Are there any compounds listed in the method that might interfere with your sample?
  7. Are there any special storage or shipment requirements for your samples?

Prepare one paragraph that concludes how you would evaluate noise exposures in the facility. Discuss what type of sampling instrument you would use, how you would perform calibration, whether you would use personal or area samples, and which areas at the facility you would include in the evaluation.

Your assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, not including title or reference pages. Your assignment must use at least two references. One must be gathered from the CSU Online Library; the other may be your textbook. All references and in-text citations must be formatted according to APA standards.

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Red Tides

What’s going on with Red Tides?

Review the videos and the links provided in the Homework Assignment content folder.

Explain what is going on in Florida with the Red Tides. Be sure to include:

  1. What are the organisms involved? Are the red tides natural or unnatural? Why or why not – support your answer with facts. DO NOT GOOGLE THIS QUESTION AND PASTE INTO YOUR DOCUMENT
  2. What environmental pollutants cause the outbreaks? What are the sources of these pollutants? Include information on how the pollutants relate to the nutrient cycles (chapter 4 of textbook)
  3. How do you think Florida should address this issue? Give examples of how it can be addressed using the 5 stages in addressing environmental problems (page 15-16). Provide specific examples for each step.
  4. What can YOU do immediately to reduce the effects of red tide? Give specific examples.

5 references using MLA or APA citation.

A good answer should be 2-3 page long (double-spaced) AND SHOULD BE IN A WORD DOCUMENT SO I CAN EDIT/ADD COMMENTS


– https://www.surfrider.org/coastal-blog/entry/floridas-toxic-algae-crisis

– https://www.sciencefriday.com/segments/massive-toxic-algae-bloom-stinks-up-florida-towns/

– https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/11/13/red-tide-florida-toxic-algae-bloom-returns-southwest-beaches/4177117002/

– https://oceanconservancy.org/blog/2019/01/15/5-things-keep-mind-red-tide-2019/

– https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ss479

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Your Science Toolkit for

M2A2 Short Answer: Evidence for Climate Change


Student name:



Enter the following information about the article you are to analyze:




Note: All responses must be supported by information from your readings. Provide specific quotations or data to validate your position in each response. Use APA (American Psychological Association) style in-text citations and references.


Part 1

1. Where did the author of the Brookings Blog get the scientific information he/she is reporting (the “source”)? (Give the full name of the journal or publication, website, etc.)

2. Does this source have a special purpose or goal? (Go to the website of the journal/publisher and see who publishes this (i.e., what organization or government agency), and check their stated objectives or goals. Is this a “peer reviewed” scientific journal?)

Use the EC (Excelsior College) Library resource, Evaluation Criteria, to help you evaluate a source.







Part 2

1. Is there a difference in the information/data you find in the blog compared to the information provided in the module resources, the WHO (World Health Organization) Fact Sheet, and the Policy Brief that published the research?

2. Is there a difference between what you learned from this article and what you thought before? Do you think the American public would agree with the findings reported in the news article? Why or why not?

Give concrete examples from your readings to support your positions on each question.







Part 3

1. Do all the scientific sources you have examined on this topic provide data or information that supports the premise of the blog?

2. Did the blog reporter find any scientists who disagree or use key words that indicate these are theories or possibilities instead of proven facts? Give specific quotations and examples to support your response.

3. What two questions do you wish you could ask the author of the blog and/or the authors of the reports provided in the module readings?

Give concrete examples from your readings to support your positions on each question.






Part 4:

1. Does the evidence suggest correlation or causation? In other words, do the data suggest that two factors are correlated with one another, or that changes in one actually cause changes in the other?

2. Is the evidence based on a large sample of observations or just a few isolated incidents?

3. Does the evidence in the scientific literature, provided in the module readings and other sources you have located, support the claims made by the author in the blog?

4. Does the reporter exaggerate or overstate the findings in any sensationalized manner?

Give concrete examples from your readings to support your positions on each question.







Part 5: Now, answer the following concluding questions:

1. Do you trust this Brookings Blog story to provide accurate evidence of the health concerns associated with climate change?

2. Is the data and analysis in the Brookings Blog supported by the data used in the Original Policy Brief from the Future of Children and the WHO Climate Change and Health Report?

3. Based on your answers to the Tool Kit questions and everything you have read on this topic, do you think the Brookings Blog is an accurate report of the impact of climate change on our health?

Give concrete examples from your readings to support your positions on each question.






Use this space to provide complete APA style references for any and all informational sources you used, including the news article. Refer to the EC Library Tip Sheet on writing references in APA style [PDF, file size 46 KB].

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Two Article Reviews 1 1/2 Pages Each APA Format And Intext Citations

Unit 3 Article Review _____________________________________________________________________________

Unit III Article Review APA FORMAT in-text citations. Two citations per article and 1 ½ pages per article review.

Go to the Online Library, choose Databases, and click on the Opposing Viewpoints database. Choose the Energy and Environmentalism category. Within this category, you will review two articles. One should be on global warming, and one should be on the use of fossil fuels. You will find a global warming category and several categories related to fossil fuel use (offshore drilling, energy crisis, foreign oil dependence, fracking, gasoline). For each article, write a 1 ½ page article review for a total of 3 pages. Each of your reviews should address the following topics: Discuss the article’s premise. Analyze how the article supports the arguments made by Goreham or the AAAS Science Panel (for the global warming topic) and Weiss or Perry (for the fossil fuels topic). Discuss the potential vested interests of the author(s) of your chosen article. Do you agree or disagree with the conclusions of your chosen articles and the policies supported by those conclusions? Why, or why not? For each review, be sure to reference the article you are reviewing, and include another source to support your review. You should have a minimum of two references for each article review. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, in-text citations, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Title page and reference page are not included in the page length requirement

Article #1 –Global warming


Gaffin, S. R. (2002). Global Warming Will Cause Sea Levels to Rise. In J. Haley (Ed.), Opposing ViewpointsGlobal Warming. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from High Water Blues: Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Selected Coasts and Islands, www.environmentaldefense.org, n.d.) Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010222219/OVIC?u=oran95108&xid=633d6b93

Shankman, Sabrina, and Bob Berwyn. “Polar Ice Is Disappearing, Setting Off Climate Alarms; Extreme Arctic Melt Is Raising Sea Level Rise Threat; New Estimate Nearly Twice IPCC’s.” InsideClimate News, 27 Dec. 2017. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, http://link.galegroup.com.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/apps/doc/A520535027/OVIC?u=oran95108&xid=4924462. Accessed 11 Mar. 2018.

Article #2 fossil fuel use


Pew Charitable Trusts. “Energy Innovation Needed to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil, Save Money.” Foreign Oil Dependence, edited by Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, http://link.galegroup.com.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010319251/OVIC?u=oran95108&xid=ad7b896. Accessed 11 Mar. 2018. Originally published as “Energy Innovation Seen As Needed to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil, Save Money,”, 24 July 2012.

Weissmann, Jordan. “The United States Cannot Attain Energy Independence.” Foreign Oil Dependence, edited by Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, http://link.galegroup.com.libraryresources.columbiasouthern.edu/apps/doc/EJ3010319244/OVIC?u=oran95108&xid=e283e52e. Accessed 11 Mar. 2018. Originally published as “The Myth of Energy Independence: Why We Can’t Drill Our Way to Oil Autonomy,” Atlantic, 9 Feb. 2012.

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How Much

Perform an analysis of an environmental issue.

Prepare a 8- to 16 slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes.  If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as “Voice Thread” to add audio to your presentation.

Include the following:

  • A description of an environmental issue including the cause of the issue and its effects on the environment and people.
  • An explanation of how economics and personal lifestyle choice are involved in this issue.
  • An explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are working to address the environmental issue.
  • Your opinion as to whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of ways it could be better addressed.

Include at least 3 outside resources for your presentation.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

  • For online and directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.
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Stem Cells

Hospitals, clinics, and even private doctor’s offices and laboratories now offer stem cell treatments, making claims about what stem cells can do.  Our understanding of the science and the discoveries so far does not support some of these claims. Currently, the only stem cell therapy that has strong support for its effectiveness is the therapy referred to as bone marrow transplant, which is commonly done for lymphoma, leukemia, and other blood cancers. The material studied in this activity should clarify some of the misinformation that is widely circulated. You will apply what you have learned so far and be a critical consumer of information.

Completing this activity will assist you in mastering Module Level Outcome 3.


Review these assigned readings; they will serve as your scientific sources of accurate information:


  • Use a standard Google search for this phrase: “stem cell therapy.” Do not go to Google Scholar. Select one of the websites, blogs, or other locations that offer stem cell therapies.
  • Save the link for your selected site.
  • Read the materials provided on your selected site and find out who the authors and sponsors of the site are by going to their “home” or “about us” pages.

Finally, submit your responses to the following in an essay of 500-750 words (2-3 pages of text—use a separate page for a title and for your references):

You are going to prepare a critique of the site you located and compare it to the scientific information available on this therapy.

  • Give the full title of the website, web blog, or other site that you selected, along with the link.
  • Describe the therapy that is being offered and what conditions it is designed to treat.
  • Who are the authors and sponsors of the site you selected?
  • Compare the claims about the therapy offered to what is said in the assigned readings about this type of therapy. You may have to use our library, as well, to determine what scientists and researchers have to say about the use of stem cells to treat this condition.
  • Would you say that the therapy you found is a well-established, proven technique for humans, or more of an experimental, unproven approach?
  • What about the type of language discussed in the Goldman article? Is the therapy you found using sensationalist claims and terminology that are not supported by the scientific research?
  • Would you recommend that a patient with this condition go ahead and participate in this treatment? Why or why not?

You are also encouraged to do your own research through our library on the topic. Do not forget to include in-text citations and complete APA style references for all sources.

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