Ground Water Contamination And Water Pollution Effect On Local Community Residing In Nandesari Village, Gujarat, India Due To Excessive Industrialization.

Drinking Water Contamination due to Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Australia: A Health Hazard Risk Assessment




Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) is a stimulation technique to release gas from underground rock formations that would otherwise be impermeable.(1, 2) It involves the injection of fluid at pressures great enough to fracture the rock and release the gas inside.(1) The fracking process is shown in Figure 1 (Appendix A).(2) The fluid is predominantly water (75–99%) as well as proppant such as sand (usually 5–8% but may contribute up to 25%) and a variety of other chemical substances (1–5% combined).(1, 2) The fluid is injected into horizontally drilled wells up to 10,000 feet below the surface (Figure 1).(2) The proppant holds open the newly created fractures after the injection pressure is released, so the gas can flow through the fissures to the well (Figure 1).(1, 2) The gas is then stored and used as an energy source. This source of energy is currently on the rise and is likely to make a major contribution to future energy needs.(3) It is therefore essential to assess the health hazards associated with fracking. Comment by Author: Good intro


The Perth, Carnarvon, and Canning Basin’s in Western Australia (WA) have shale and tight rock formations potentially rich in natural gas (Figure 2, Appendix B).(2) Nearly three-quarters (73%) of recoverable shale gas in Australia is located in WA (Table 1, Appendix B).(2) WA will therefore be the community of interest in this health hazard risk assessment (HHRA).


Issue Identification


There are many environmental health issues of concern with fracking in WA, including soil and groundwater contamination, surface water contamination, the exacerbation of climate change due to the release of methane into the atmosphere, increased earthquake activity due to disruption of subsurface tectonic plates, and increased noise and vibration from the operation.(2, 4) This report will solely focus on drinking water contamination (groundwater and surface water), as this is the most common public health concern.(2) Comment by Author: Excellent. As you suggest, not all of these are equally likely (or of concern); e.g. climate change from methane release is less likely (or of concern) than local water contamination


In 2012, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) conducted community meetings and workshops regarding shale gas development in WA.(2) Stakeholders, including community members, government representatives, and scientists, were present at the meetings.(2) The concerns related to drinking water, which would require risk assessment, that arose were:

· Impacts of fracking on human health through introduction of chemicals to surface and groundwater (2)

· Short and long term well integrity and potential impacts on groundwater quality and quantity(2)

· Disposal of waste water from wells and fracking – risk of contamination to surface and ground water(2)

· Contamination of groundwater from flow-back fluids due to

· Initial drilling process(2)

· Well manufacturing(2)

· Gas seepage post fracturing(2)

· Poorly stored or managed flow-back fluids at the surface(2)

· Contamination of surface water from flow-back fluids due to

· Surface spill of fracking fluids(2)

· Uncontrolled release of fluids in a blow-out(2)

· Floods or extreme weather causing overflow of waste water(2)

· Poor treatment of waste water prior to disposal in water ways(2)


Based on these issues of concern, the HHRA will focus on the risk of drinking water supply contamination from the result of the fracking process, including from well drilling, fracking fluids and the flow-back of fluids in wells. Comment by Author: Ok. Good to see the focus.


Hazard Identification


Fracking fluids contain hundreds of substances which could contaminate drinking water.(5) Elliott et al. identified 126 chemicals in fracking fluid with reproductive toxicity data, of which 103 (82%) are possibly associated with adverse reproductive effects.(5) Of 192 chemicals with developmental toxicity information, 95 (49%) are potentially associated with developmental toxicity.(5)


Last month (May 2016), DiGiulio et al. published a comprehensive analysis of all publicly available data and reports to evaluate the impact of fracking on underground sources of drinking water in the Pavillion, Wyoming, Field in USA. Chemical levels within the water were analysed using both pre-existing data and data gathered by the researchers. Figure’s 3-6 (Appendix C) show box and whisker plots of sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl) and sulphate (SO4) levels in domestic wells in various studies.(6) Using combined data sets in and around the Pavillion Field, sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations were higher, and sulphate concentrations were lower, in produced water than would be expected (p = 6.6 × 10-19, 2.1 × 10-15, 2.6 × 10-16, 4.4 × 10-19 respectively).(6) Theseis data provides direct evidence of the impact to underground sources of drinking water at depths of stimulation.(6) Furthermore, potassium increased with calcium concentrations and sulphate increased with total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations in domestic wells, but not in production wells.(6) Comment by Author: what is this p? statistical test comparing production well water with distant control water


A household survey was conducted in Washington County, Pennsylvania to determine the relationship between household proximity to natural gas wells and reported health symptoms.(7) The number of reported health symptoms was higher among those living <1km from the nearest gas well (Mean ± SD, 3.27 ± 3.72) compared with those living >2km from the nearest gas well (mean ± SD, 1.60 ± 2.14, p=0.0002).(7) A model which adjusted for age, sex, household education, smoking, awareness of environmental risk, work type, and household animals, reported skin conditions were more common in those living <1km compared with >2km from the nearest gas well (Odds Ratio=4.1, 95% CI: [1.4,12.3], p = 0.01).(7) Upper respiratory symptoms were also more prevalent in those living <1km from the nearest gas well (38%) than those living 1-2km or >2km from the nearest well (31% and 18% respectively).(7) This shows the presence of a dose response relationship between distance from wells and upper respiratory symptoms. Comment by Author: ok – some evidence (probably considered low quality for causation – according to Bradford Hill criteria.


Search Strategy


The search term, “(“hydraulic fracturing” OR *fracking) AND (“drinking water” OR groundwater OR “surface water”)” retrieved 84 results on PubMed, with 81 of these being published in the last 5 years. This was then limited to only 17 articles which were freely available online through the University of Adelaide. The same search term retrieved 541 results on Scopus, 388 of which were published in the last 5 years. Of these, 14 were published in Australia, with 11 published in the last 5 years. This is a relatively recent environmental health issue to arise, especially in Australia. The majority of relevant articles were not freely available online through the University of Adelaide, leaving a limited number of resources. Comment by Author: OK. Any review articles?


Exposure Assessment


The exposure of interest is oral ingestion of contaminated water. Exposure assessment would be carried out by comparing measured chemical concentrations at representative monitoring locations and comparing these to accepted health guidelines. Currently there areis no publicly available monitoring data in WA to identify or evaluate concentrations of chemicals that exist naturally in the environment prior to fracking taking place, and after the operations involved in fracking.(2) Comment by Author: good


A list of 195 substances, which may be present during the fracking process, was developed by The Department of Health (DOH).(2) A total of 22 substances are known to be used in the drilling process (Table 2, Appendix D), none of which have current guidelines.(2) Silica, bentonite clay and cristobalite are the only substances of this group known to be carcinogenic.(2) Exposure to these are primarily through inhalation and therefore the susceptible population would be employees handling the material.(8) Comment by Author: yes, this is the most clear risk


Table 3 (Appendix D) shows the 47 substances commonly used as additives in fracking fluid but not detected in analysis of flow-back fluids.(2) Only 3 of these substances have established guidelines.(2) The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines state that silica has no known adverse health effect in water but does alter taste and therefore has an aesthetic guideline only.(2) Sodium chloride does not have a current guideline but does effect taste at >200mg/L.(9) Two substances are known carcinogens, one a suspected carcinogen and one a possible carcinogen (Table 3).(2) One such substance, borax, can cause both developmental and reproductive toxicity.(10) Comment by Author: This is a complex cocktail of chemicals. The presence or absence of each substances may be confirmed, using specific assays that each have their limits of detection. However, the key point is how much? (so that a comparison may be made with each guideline value, using an appropriate exposure model.)


Table 4 (Appendix D) lists 35 substances used as additives in fracking fluid which are also detected in flow-back fluid.(2) Of these substances, 23 have guidelines for safe levels of oral intake and 3 have aesthetic guidelines.(2) Of the 35, 3 are known carcinogens (benzene, arsenic and chromium IV) and 6 are suspected carcinogens (Table 4).(2) Benzene has a carcinogenic potential to induce leukaemia and should not exceed 0.001mg/L in drinking water.(11) Arsenic is listed as a class 1 carcinogen due to evidence of increased risk of malignancy when ingested through drinking water.(8) Chromium IV is also a class 1 carcinogen but the evidence is based on inhalation, causing lung cancer.(8)


An additional 96 substances were found in the flow-back fluids that were not used in the fracking fluid (Tables 5 and 6, Appendix D).(2) Of these 6 are known, and 22 are suspected, to be carcinogenic.(2) Only radium 226 and 228, however, are carcinogenic via the oral route.(12)


Before fracking begins in a new area, a base liner assessment program which includes sampling of nearby water wells should be conducted.(13) Wells should also be sampled after fracking operations commence.(13) In order to obtain valid results, proper sampling and analysis protocols such as; using appropriate containers and seals, purging the water well prior to sample capture, following container filling procedures and following storage and holding time requirements should be followed.(13) Analyses should be conducted by an accredited laboratory using appropriate analysis methods.(13) Comment by Author: Clearly a work in progress. Sounds like there is limited information on actual human exposure. Most of it seems to be water concentration data, and mostly at the source.


To assess exposure, potential pathways for drinking water contamination must be identified. Table 7 (Appendix E) lists activities from which substances may be released during fracking operations.(2) Activities such as transportation, preparation of a task, drilling and well production, fuelling and tank refilling and treatment can all lead to the aforementioned substances being released into water sources (Table 7).(2) This can occur through leaks, surface spills, loss of well or dam integrity and seepage (Table 7).(2)



Risk Characterisation


Contamination of either surface or underground drinking water, which would render them unusable for consumption, is possible via many aforementioned mechanisms. The extent of the risk this would place on individuals consuming this water is not wholly known. Once a water source is contaminated it is difficult for it to be restored to its original quality. Application of the precautionary approach should therefore be applied.


Worst case hypothesised outcomes, assuming the drinking water supply is significantly contaminated and the exposed population receives sufficient dose are shown in table 8 (Appendix E). Health effects that may arise from ingestion, inhalation or skin exposure are; respiratory irritation, skin irritation gastrointestinal irritation, reproductive effects, liver or kidney effects, neurological effects and cancer (Table 8).(2) These health effects have been reported following significant exposures in humans or from animal laboratory testing.(2) However, although possible, there is no certainty that these outcomes would be experienced by any or all of those exposed. Exposure concentration, duration and frequency influence the likelihood, and severity, of outcomes. This was demonstrated by the study by Rabinowitz et al. with those living closer to the operations having greater health problems. Comment by Author: Good. Who do you think would be most susceptible to such contaminants? (amongst the “private drinking users”?) Are there a lot of people near these wells, or very few, and who are they? This is one of the common problems – risk assessors often fail to take into consideration the characteristics of the exposed population. Exposed population is mentioned on p26 of the WA report, then the authors forgot to say much (or anything) about it.


Risk Management and Communication


To minimise or eliminate the impact of contaminated water sources to WA residents, appropriate risk management must be put in place. This will need to incorporate: Comment by Author: All OK. Anything more specific on communication to the community. (or empowering the community)

· Employing best practice technologies and procedures to prevent significant chemical release into the environment(2)

· Stringent regulatory review and auditing of gas extraction activities to ensure all legislative requirements are being consistently met(2)

· Regular and timely notification of local stakeholders and the DOH of any significant changes to chemical concentrations(2)

· Mitigation strategies and plans to prevent further impacts(2)


Best practice technologies include international standards for well construction that must be met.(2) The wells must have several layers of cement as well as steel casing where they pass through underground water sources.(2) Before any activity can take place, the wells must be tested to pressures above what is required for fracking to ensure there are no leaks.(2)


A communication plan should be developed for the notification of incidents with the potential to impact public health. Ongoing consultation and collaboration between all relevant government agencies is vital.


The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines must be utilised as a key source. Those substances with standards should be carefully monitored to ensure they do not exceed the guidelines. Naturally existing chemicals in the area should be measured prior to any work taking place. Therefore, accurate comparisons can be drawn during the fracking process, allowing the true effect of the operation on water quality to be determined.


Example EH major assignment

Word Count: 2000



Page 1 of 17



References Comment by Author: Good. For ref 9, you could have used Australian drinking water guidelines


1. United States Environmental Protection Agency. Assessment of the impacts of hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas on drinking water resources. Washington: Office of Research and Development; 2015 June [cited 2016 June 7]. 25 p. Available from:

2. Government of Western Australia Department of Health. Hydraulic fracturing for shale and tight gas in Western Australian drinking water supply areas: human health risk assessment. Perth: Department of Health; 2015 June [cited 2016 June 7]. 64 p. Available from:

3. Batley GE, Kookana RS. Environmental issues associated with coal seam gas recovery: Managing the fracking boom. Environmental Chemistry. [Article]. 2012;9(5):425-8. DOI: 10.1071/EN12136. Cited in: Scopus.

4. Carpenter DO. Hydraulic fracturing for natural gas: Impact on health and environment. Reviews on Environmental Health. [Article]. 2016;31(1):47-51. DOI: 10.1515/reveh-2016-0055. Cited in: Scopus.

5. Elliott EG, Ettinger AS, Leaderer BP, Bracken MB, Deziel NC. A systematic evaluation of chemicals in hydraulic-fracturing fluids and wastewater for reproductive and developmental toxicity. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology. [Article in Press]. 2016. DOI: 10.1038/jes.2015.81. Cited in: Scopus.

6. Digiulio DC, Jackson RB. Impact to Underground Sources of Drinking Water and Domestic Wells from Production Well Stimulation and Completion Practices in the Pavillion, Wyoming, Field. Environmental Science and Technology. [Article]. 2016;50(8):4524-36. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04970. Cited in: Scopus.

7. Rabinowitz PM, Slizovskiy IB, Lamers V, Trufan SJ, Holford TR, Dziura JD, et al. Proximity to natural gas wells and reported health status: results of a household survey in Washington County, Pennsylvania. Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Jan;123(1):21-6. DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1307732.

8. International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. Lyon; 2012 [cited 2016 June 10]. Vol 100C. Available from:

9. World Health Organisation. Guidelines for drinking-water quality. Fourth ed. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2011.

10. Safe Work Australia. Hazardous substance information system; 2013 [cited 2016 July 8]. Available from:

11. National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian Drinking Water Guidelines 6; 2011. Last Updated 2016 February [cited 2016 July 18] Available from:

12. International Agency for Research on Cancer. IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans; 2011 [cited 2016 June 10]. Vol 79. Available from:

13. Groundwater protection council. Groundwater quality & testing. 2016 [cited 2016 June 11]. Available from:


Appendix A: Hydraulic Fracturing


Figure 1: Schematic illustrating the process of hydraulic fracturing(2)



Appendix B: Shale Gas Resources in Australia


Figure 2: Australian basins with shale gas potential(2)

Table 1: Estimated Recoverable Shale Gas by Country(2)


Appendix C: Box and Whisker Plots


Figures 2 – 5

“Box and whisker plots of minimum and maximum, quartiles, median (line in boxes), mean (crosses in boxes) of (2) Na, (3) K, (4) Cl, (5) SO4 for domestic wells inventoried by Daddow and Plafcan in the Wind River Indian Reservation and Fremont County, respectively, sampled by EPA and WDEQ (PGDWXX series) greater than and less than 1 km from a production well, Wyoming Water Development Commission (WWDC series) greater than 1 km from a production well, EPA monitoring wells, and produced water and bradenhead water samples. Domestic wells sampled more than once, including data from Daddow, are represented with a mean value. Fourteen measurements in Daddow < 1 mg/L for potassium are not illustrated. Data points at MW01 and MW02 are samples collected during Phase III, IV, and V sample events”.(6)


Figure 2: Sodium (Na)(6)



Figure 3: Potassium (K)(6)

Figure 4 Chloride (Cl)(6)


Figure 5: Sulphate (SO4)(6)

Appendix D: Potentially Hazardous Substances in Fracking


Table 2: Substances used in the drilling process, guideline values and hazards(2)

Table 3: Substances used for hydraulic fracturing but not detected in flow-back fluid, guideline values and hazards(2) Comment by Author: Limit of detection


Table 4: Substances used for hydraulic fracturing and detected in flow-back fluid, guideline values and hazards(2) Comment by Author: At what level?


Table 5: Additional substances detected in flow-back fluid, guideline values and hazards(2) Comment by Author: At what level?


Table 6: Additional substances detected in flow-back fluid, guidelines values and hazards (continued)(2)

Appendix E: Exposure and Outcome Assessment


Table 7: Exposure Assessment – Identification of potential contamination events and associated exposure pathways(2)

Table 8: Possible outcomes from potential exposures(2)

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Enviromental Engineering Reasearch Paper

ENV 3001 – Global Learning (GL) Assignment

This assignment provides a brief background on materials use and waste management. There are

two topics provided:

Topic 1: Endangered elements

Topic 2: Persistent waste materials in the environment (e.g., plastics)

The GL assignment should be submitted via Canvas before the last class of the semester

(Thursday June 13, 2019).


Select only one of the topics and discuss the issue and develop an overview of the problem as

described in the Topic below. Your report should address the points as indicated, estimated of

quantities, materials and other relevant information. Please limit your report to 2-4 pages

(appendices are OK) including figures, tables, calculations, references.

Extra credit: I have provided a paper to read: “From electronic consumer products to e-wastes:

Global outlook, waste quantities, recycling challenges”

Provide a brief discussion (1 page) on the global cross boundary transport of e-wastes.


There has been significant technological advancements since 1950s. Technology adoption rates

and product replacement cycles create challenges for materials supply and management of

discarded products.



Fig. 1. Major advancements since 1990.





Fig. 2. Technology penetration.





Fig. 3. Product marketing and consumer purchase cycles. Note that disposal is not a main

consumer issue.





Fig. 4. World Population




Fig. 5. Most densely populated regions in the World.





Fig. 6. Water scarcity in the World.




Fig. 6. Growth of World population and the history of technology.






Topic 1: Endangered elements


With rapid growth in innovation and technology development over the past several decades, an

increasing number of elements in the periodic table are now used in advanced consumer products

to perform specialized functions. At the same time, with the decreasing cost and increasing

availability of the consumer products and their short use cycles; there has been increasing

concerns regarding the availability of some of the elements in the future. The concerns for supply

of materials and necessary elements include:

 projected production quantities

 available markets and projected market potential for products

 changes in production or in available ore deposits in different countries

 geopolitically concentrated production of materials

 minimal or lack of end-of-life recycling efforts

The following periodic table has been developed by the American Chemical Society to bring

awareness for the rate of utilization of some elements which are likely to be available in limited



Select one of the endangered elements and discuss:

a. where it is produced b. where it is used c. production rate and consumption rate d. provide preliminary calculations for people using and discarding a specific type of

products where these materials are used





Topic 2: Persistent waste materials in the environment (e.g., plastics)

Decomposition characteristics of plastics in the environment depends on both the conditions in

the environment and the characteristics of the polymeric material. Since majority of the plastics

present in MSW are sensitive to photo oxidation, they can remain stable for longer times in the

landfill in comparison to their transformation behavior when they are exposed to sunlight (i.e.,

floating on the sea surface). A wide variety of chemical additives are incorporated into the

plastics. Some additives are designed to stabilize the polymer and make it more resistant for

degradation. For example, anti-oxidants and stabilizers used as additives inhibit the degradation

of the polymer, while pro-oxidant additives make the plastics more sensitive towards

degradation. Presence of starch increases biodegradability of plastics; however, biodegradation

of starch will not work without a pro-oxidant. The additives used in plastics are usually not

covalently bonded to the polymer. Therefore, they can leach out from the plastic material as it

degrades. Thus degradation rates of the plastics (even those with added starch) depends strongly

on the type and amount of additives used. The half-life of most plastics is over 100 years in

landfills or the environment.



PP: polypropylene, PS:polystyrene, PET: polyethylene terephthalate, LDPE: lowdensity polyethylene, HDPE: high

density polyethylene PVC: polyvinyl chloride

Select one type of plastic (PP: polypropylene, PS:polystyrene, PET: polyethylene terephthalate,

LDPE: lowdensity polyethylene, HDPE: high density polyethylene PVC: polyvinyl chloride) and


a. where it is used b. how much is used and discarded c. provide preliminary calculations for use and discarding rates of the specific type of


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Think Inside And Out Side Of The Box Of The Environment

ENVS 1140 Environmental Issues Summer 2019

Dr. Sue C. Ebanks, Instructor Assignment: Thinking inside and outside of the box about the environmental issues

The purpose of this assignment is to put some legs under what we have been and will be

discussing in class. In other words, the goal is to help you see beyond what is just there is front

of you, to see some of the relationships in the environment and some of the broader impacts of

the interactions that we humans have on the environment.

What do you need?

You will need a full-size sheet of posterboard, which you can get rather inexpensively at any

discount store (Family Dollar, Dollar General, Dollar Tree, Walmart, etc.). You will also need

phone/camera for taking a picture (and possibly some helping hands), scissors, and a writing

instrument and paper or something for taking notes (cell phone?). If your phone/camera can

give you GPS, that would be great…bonus points(?)!!!

What should you do?

*Sketch a box for removing the middle of the

posterboard so that you finally have a frame that is 5

cm wide all around. Then cut out that center so that

you have a frame. You will need to go to your

favorite/selected outdoor location and hold your frame

to “enclose” or “frame” your favorite location. This

may be down, held up, or placed around (in which

case, you may need to snip open your frame.

*Take a picture of the “framed environment” and put

the picture in your Word document.

*Below the picture, and flowing on to the following 1-3

pages, you need to prepare and write an essay. This

essay can address more, but at a minimum (just

passing), must address: *Where picture was taken

(GPS coordinates would be great with description),

*what type of habitat is it, *what interests you about

the framed habitat/environment, *what’s at least one (there are probably more) way in which

humans interact with your “framed environment.” Also, *how does your “framed environment”

interact with the remainder of the world?

Lastly, if you are really interested in nailing this assignment and thinking toward something more

meaningful…*For each way that you describe that humans interact with the “framed

environment,” tell whether it is a positive or negative interaction. *If negative, what are some

ways to improve the situation? *If positive, what may be lesson(s) learned or best practices that

could be used to address problems/issues in other “environments?”

*Be sure to follow file naming and saving instructions provided in the syllabus. Submit your

typed, double-spaced essay with embedded picture in the dropbox provided in D2L. Midnight,

13 June 2019 deadline.


5 cm wide border

5 cm wide border

5 c

m w

id e

b o

rd e


5 cm

w id

e b

o rd

e r

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Climate Zone Comparison

Climate Zone Worksheet

ENV/315 Version 4


University of Phoenix Material

Climate Zone Worksheet

· Choose one rural area listed below and one large urban area near your home.

· Glaciers, the Amazon Rainforest, the Serengeti desert, polar ice caps, tundra, the Great Barrier Reef, pine forests, farmlands, or grasslands

· Use the table below to list the following:

· Key elements of each climate zone

· Types of pollution found in each area

· Six living organisms found in each area

· Three landforms in each area

· Compare how pollution affects the climate of each area.

· Include the effects on living organisms and the physical environment.


Rural Area – <Type Name Here> Urban Area – <Type Name Here>
Key elements    
Types of pollution    
Living organisms (six)    


Effects on the climate    
Effects on

living organisms

Effects on the

physical environment

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Problem Set Six

6/19/2019 Environmental Science: Active Learning Laboratories and Applied Problem Sets – Pages 175 – 180!/4/6/30/6/4/2/2/2@0:100 1/6

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Climate Action

RMIT Classification: Trusted ACCT2127 Assessment 3 instructions – Semester 2, 2020




RMIT Classification: Trusted


ACCT2127 Assessment 3 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Essay

Semester 2, 2020

DUE DATE: Sunday 18 October 2020, 10 pm (Melbourne time) (You may submit the assignment more than once before the due date. Only the latest submission will be marked. Please be advised that it could take a few hours for Turnitin’s Originality Report to be generated. Please also note that Turnitin will only generate one Originality Report in any 24-hour period – so you may have to wait longer to see a report on a resubmitted assignment than on your first submission.)

LENGTH: 3000-3500 words (excluding table of contents, reference list and Appendix (if any- appendix is optional)

MARKS: This assignment is worth 40% of the total assessment for this course. (There is no hurdle requirement for the individual assessment. Students need to achieve 50% or greater overall adding together all forms of assessment to pass the course). (Note: This assignment is to be completed as an individual exam)


Objectives of the Assignment This assignment develops your capabilities to analyse and conceptualise the Sustainable development goals (SDGs) issues and relate them to the contemporary business and reporting practices and is aligned with the Course Learning Outcomes of identifying, understanding and interpreting accounting and reporting concepts. The use of Sustainable development goals (SDGs) enables you to apply your accounting and reporting knowledge to a real-world context. That is, better understanding of the implication of SDGs in business, Sustainability Accounting and Reporting.

Overview of the Sustainable development goals (SDGs) “The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The 17 SDGs are integrated— that is, they recognize that action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic and environmental sustainability. SDGs are designed to bring the world to several life-changing ‘zeros’, including zero poverty, hunger, AIDS and discrimination against women and girls. Everyone is needed to reach these ambitious targets. The creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all of society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context.” (United Nations Development Programme, 2020).



RMIT Classification: Trusted ACCT2127 Assessment 3 instructions – Semester 2, 2020




RMIT Classification: Trusted



Picture source: United Nations Development Programme (2020)

Overview of assignment requirements- step by step:

1. Choose one of the Sustainable development goals to write your report on (see: ( for the full list of goals.)

2. Conduct some preliminary research using academic journal articles to identify one or more contemporary business case issues related to your selected SDG. Please try to use the following journals as much as you can. (note: you are suggested to use Google Scholar for searching academic journals ; additional information on Google scholar can be found here: scholar). All other sources (including reliable online websites etc.) are acceptable too. You need to ensure you use appropriate referencing.

3. Conduct additional research on your selected topic using one of the following approaches to investigate further into the selected issue(s):

 Historical study (Focus on one topic and investigate changes in perspectives over time)  Critical analysis (Focus on one issue and critically analyse the issue identified using prior

literature).  Case study (Focus on one case, issue, problem, and explain pre-, peri-, and post-


The assignment’s structure/ template, suggested word counts, and marking allocations for each section are as follows (the headings are compulsory and strictly need to be followed, but subheadings are only recommended, optional, and up to students’ decisions)

 Title Page (including report title, student name and ID) and table of contents (3 marks)



RMIT Classification: Trusted ACCT2127 Assessment 3 instructions – Semester 2, 2020




RMIT Classification: Trusted

 Introduction (400-500 words)- General background on your selected Sustainable development goal (SDGs) using appropriate research, paraphrasing, and referencing, and overview of the issue identified. (5 marks)

 Literature review (1500-1800 words)- on the particular issue identified (here is the link from RMIT website to explain how to write the Literature Review. (15 marks)

 Discussion (900-1000 words)- on the connection with business and/or reporting and/or accounting (8 marks)

 Conclusion (300-400 words)- Brief summary of your essay, and your substantiated opinion as to the SDG identified and its implication on business and/or reporting and/or accounting (6 marks)

 Reference List (3 marks)  Appendix (optional)

Referencing guideline:

 Suggested style: APA 7th ed. style (  Minimum of 5 references is required (You may need more references to support your


Please go through the following link for additional writing skills information and activities:


Other appropriate issues in completing this assignment: • A report format should be used for your written submission. Please ensure you use

headings and sub-headings to structure your essay. Please ensure that your essay is typed with the following formatting style recommended: 1.5 line spacing, 11 point font, minimum 3 cm margin on left-hand side of paper.

• Your assignment must be appropriately referenced (the APA 7th ed. style referencing

system is suggested but RMIT Harvard referencing is also acceptable). Both in-text citations as well as a reference list at the end of your assignment are required. Please review the referencing guidelines provided on the following link: cite/

o Penalties for inadequate or incorrect referencing will apply.

• This assignment is to be completed as an individual task. All electronically submitted assignments will be automatically forwarded to Turnitin and subjected to an assessment of authenticity/originality, so please ensure your submission is your own individual work – severe penalties will apply for work that is not original/individual. You are allowed to submit your work prior to the due date to obtain an originality report. If the report requires revision you are allowed to adjust your assignment and resubmit. Please note: if you resubmit your assignment it may take Turnitin up to 48 hours to generate a new Originality Report.



RMIT Classification: Trusted ACCT2127 Assessment 3 instructions – Semester 2, 2020




RMIT Classification: Trusted

• The similarity percentage you receive (when you submit your report it is automatically reviewed under Turnitin) is a guide only. There is no standard acceptable level of similarity (Direct quotations are to be kept to a minimum). Students should avoid directly copying from sources including online sources, and must write using THEIR OWN WORDS with appropriate referencing. There are possibilities of receiving high similarities with no problem. So, all reports, particularly those with higher level of similarities, will be audited independently for the nature of the similarities. Reports containing high similarity that potentially breach the University’s plagiarism policy could be subject to penalties including receiving zero (in cases of copying from other sources or other students work) for the assessment.

• Your assignment must be submitted electronically (via the course canvas site, in the ‘Assessment 3 submission box) by Sunday 18 October 2020, 10 pm (Melbourne time). This deadline will be strictly enforced for this piece of assessment. Late submissions will not be considered, unless a formal extension of time through RMIT special consideration department has been granted.

• Please refer to the Academic Integrity presentation available on the course Canvas site.

o Do not include the wording of the assignment instructions in your submission; o A hard copy submission is not required.


Note 1: There is no right or wrong answer in writing this assessment task. The quality of writing, research, discussions and well-supported opinions for each section of assignment will be assessed.

Note 2: Please also insure you leave ample time to submit – it is recommended students submit well before the deadline, and no later than 7 pm Sunday 18 October 2020 (Melbourne time) (3 hours before deadline) to allow for unexpected delays / internet lags etc. Students are reminded that difficulties in submitting (such as due to internet issues) is specifically their own responsibility and not an acceptable reason for late submission, unless found to be a general RMIT outage.



United Nations Development Programme. (2020). Sustainable Development Goals.


  • Objectives of the Assignment
  • Overview of the Sustainable development goals (SDGs)
  • Overview of assignment requirements- step by step:
  • The assignment’s structure/ template, suggested word counts, and marking allocations for each section are as follows (the headings are compulsory and strictly need to be followed, but subheadings are only recommended, optional, and up to students’ dec…
  • Referencing guideline:
  • Other appropriate issues in completing this assignment:
    • o Penalties for inadequate or incorrect referencing will apply.
    • Reference
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Fire Safety

Fire and Life Safety Education Program Plan

The department has been approached by the school superintendent about starting a Fire and Life Safety Education Program for all grades, K-12. As the fire inspector, this project will fall under your responsibility. The superintendent has asked that you submit your program plan in writing so that it can be reviewed and discussed at the next school board meeting. If your plan is approved, the program will begin the next school year. However, there are budget constraints, and several members of the school board feel like there are more important areas and programs that need funding.

You are to create a plan for a Fire and Life Safety Education Program. Given the circumstances with some of the school board members, your plan should begin with a summary of a comprehensive overview of general fire safety for occupied buildings. You should also demonstrate rationale for the general fire safety provisions as methods of fire protection. Let them know how important this program is through the short-term and long-term benefits to students and to the community as a whole. Also, be sure to include the following:

  • goals for the program,
  • organization of grades (Will you group some grades?),
  • a broad outline of the topics to be taught,
  • broad details of any special events/activities, and
  • a plan to keep the program going, year after year. (Will certain grades be taught certain topics each year so that, as student progress, they learn new things?)

Your response must be at least two pages in length, in APA style. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations. The title and reference pages are not included in the page-count requirement.

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