Career Planning and Professional Identity Paper

Career Planning and Professional Identity Paper

 Career Planning and Professional Identity Paper

Part I: Introduction

[Student will complete this part]

Part II: Current Roles

Clinical Nursing Role

I am a postpartum nurse at the practice site, working with patients and their babies after delivery. My primary responsibility is adopting my range of skills to care for mothers, babies, and their families, including monitoring for complications in the patient and the baby and educating and supporting the mothers and families. Core responsibilities in helping with recovery after delivery include evaluating for postpartum hemorrhage, assessing whether epidurals or anesthesia have worn off before moving the patient, facilitating skin-to-skin bonding, monitoring vital signs, helping new parents with recovery through wound care, physical assistance, and medication administration, and conducting newborn assessments like blood draws and first bath (Hamlin, 2022). Additionally, I educate mothers and families on newborn care, breastfeeding, and postpartum recovery strategies and offer breastfeeding assistance and emotional support. The career traits that allow me to perform these roles include effective communication, teaching skills, empathy, listening, and physical stamina.

Career Planning and Professional Identity Paper

Education Roles

I partake in preceptor roles at the practice site, teaching and supporting new employees and nursing students. The goal is to prepare aspiring nurses because I have the experience and expertise to help new nurses and nursing students navigate the healthcare environment and develop the practice experience necessary to become professional nurses (Wilkes University, 2021). I work closely with students during clinical rotations to help translate theoretical learning into clinical practice. I work with nurses and students at all levels of nursing education, including those with master’s, bachelor’s, and post-graduate degrees. Moreover, I mentor students and new nurses to encourage mutual professional growth via dynamic and supportive relationships. Career traits that support my education roles include enthusiasm for teaching, passion for nursing, ability to encourage autonomy, ability to offer constructive feedback, and empathy.

Leadership Experiences and Characteristics

Leadership experiences include being a postpartum nurse educator and educating new nurses in the field. Preceptors need great leadership skills to support and guide new nurses and nursing students through the practice environment. Leadership traits that promote my preceptor roles include possessing and demonstrating broad knowledge, the ability to describe the basis of action and decisions, and answering questions clearly and concisely (Wilkes University, 2021). I am open to conflicting ideas and opinions, can connect theoretical or specific information to broader concepts, and communicate clear goals and expectations. Additionally, I am a humble, emphatic, highly approachable, and inspiring preceptor who adopts a transformational leadership style, expecting the best from the nurses and students I work with.

Part III: Levels of Competence

The Dreyfus model demonstrates how people progress through several levels of knowledge and skills acquisition, including novice, competent, proficient, expert, and master levels. Per this model, I am a competent clinician, preceptor, and novice leader. I have been an RN for over a year and gained enough practice experience and competence. As a clinician, I base most of my decisions and judgement on previous experience, although I still refer back to the rules and adopt analytical processes (Mangiante & Peno, 2021). Notably, the practice problems I deal with now are more complex, and it is more challenging to adhere to a textbook script because of situational differences and the demand for critical thinking. I am more oriented to problem-solving and integrating personal judgement to prioritize elements. I am also more emotionally invested in clinical activities, taking greater responsibility for success and failure in the practice environment.

I am a competent educator, having worked with several new nurses and nursing students. As a preceptor, I adopt my learned experience and personal judgement to guide students through clinical activities. I also adopt context-free principles, concepts, and situational elements to understand the new nurses and students I work with. Additionally, I can select rules and perspectives suitable for different situations and take responsibility for my decisions (Mangiante & Peno, 2021). I focus more on what is crucial in different situations because the number of potentially relevant elements and factors I can recognize are overwhelming. I have a lot to learn to be a more proficient educator. However, I still rely on instructions, although integrating learned experience, to develop teaching plans, easing understanding and decision-making. Situations differ in multiple ways, and it is difficult to prepare a list of possible ones that would require my intervention as an educator; hence it is impossible to predefine strategies for each situation. Therefore, integrating the experience into instructions helps select plans and perspectives that are more important and appropriate in each teaching instance.

My only leadership experience as a postpartum nurse is being a preceptor working with new nurses and nursing students. I consider myself a novice leader because I have a long way to go to attain competency and proficiency in leadership. More leadership opportunities and experiences would be integral in achieving higher development levels. As a leader, I rely on the analytical process to decide the course of action in problem-solving (Mangiante & Peno, 2021). Although I am a novice in leadership, I am committed to my preceptor role because I want my students to succeed and be well-prepared for future nursing roles. Most leadership decisions I make are based on rules and evidence-based guidelines, hoping to gain more experience to integrate into the decision-making process.

(Career Planning and Professional Identity Paper)

Part IV: Professional Identity

I am a dedicated, self-driven, motivated, and goal-oriented postpartum nurse seeking to enhance the health and well-being of mothers, babies, and their families. Professional nurses, including postpartum nurses, are integral to patients’ lives (Poorchangizi et al., 2019). Besides, I am a nurse who expects the best from everyone and will give the best in every situation to promote optimal outcomes. Giving birth is a crucial life stage for the mother and the baby that I always want to be part of. Seeing people bring life is an amazing experience I am involved in daily to ensure patients get the best care. Additionally, I am compassionate, empathetic, and emotionally available for my patients, and I promote holistic care to ease and quicken the recovery processes and reduce the stay between delivery and discharge from the hospital. Moreover, I work well with teams, and I am collaborative and an effective communicator, which is needed in the delivery room to ensure the highly-dangerous procedure is successful and promote the safety of the mother and the baby. Generally, I love my work as a professional nurse and will continue to demonstrate professionalism in patient care.

My core values as a nurse include empathy, autonomy, altruism, accountability, compassion, and curiosity. I also treat people with dignity and ensure integrity, honesty, and social justice in my practice roles. These core values promote professionalism, which entails respecting patients’ interests, promoting humanism, practicing social responsibility, and being sensitive to other people’s values, backgrounds, cultures, worldviews, and preferences (Cao et al., 2023). Furthermore, I have high standards of competence and knowledge and demonstrate high ethical standards guided by my personal moral practices and the nursing ethical code of standards. My core values as a nurse serve as the foundation of my professional practice, informing my actions, decisions, and relationships with patients and co-workers. For instance, patients in the delivery room are often overwhelmed with pain and emotions, and values like empathy, compassion, and respect for human dignity allow me to understand the patient and be sensitive to their needs and values. Some patients value privacy, while others a family member’s emotional support. Conclusively, being empathetic allows me to relate to the patient’s circumstances and create an environment that promotes the best care and enhances the patient experience.

I want to achieve proficiency and mastery levels of skills and knowledge acquisition in nursing practice. I have over one year of experience as a clinical nurse, and I want to gain more experience, knowledge, and skills to achieve my career goals and objectives. Attaining a bachelor’s degree means I am more knowledgeable about patient care technology, research, evidence-based practice, health promotion, and healthcare system safety and quality (Maddocks, 2022). Moreover, the degree enhances my career readiness because I can critically evaluate clinical situations and be a more effective nurse. I can integrate and balance research, personal experience, patient values, and clinical knowledge to make better clinical decisions. Additionally, acquiring the degree implies that I am a career-focused nurse who wants to grow to a higher level and be more influential in nursing practice and patient care, with more ability and capacity to engage in decisions and advocate for my patients and profession.

(Career Planning and Professional Identity Paper)


Cao, H., Song, Y., Wu, Y., Du, Y., He, X., Chen, Y., Wang, Q., & Yang, H. (2023). What is nursing professionalism? a concept analysis. BMC Nursing22(1).

Hamlin, K. (2022, November 29). What is a postpartum nurse? | NurseJournal.

Maddocks, K. G. (2022, October 6). What is a BSN? Is there a difference between an RN and a BSN? Southern New Hampshire University – On Campus & Online Degrees | SNHU.

Mangiante, E. M. S., & Peno, K. (Eds.). (2021). Teaching and Learning for Adult Skill Acquisition: Applying the Dreyfus and Dreyfus Model in Different Fields. IAP.

Poorchangizi, B., Borhani, F., Abbaszadeh, A., Mirzaee, M., & Farokhzadian, J. (2019). The importance of professional values from nursing students’ perspective. BMC Nursing18(1).

Wilkes University. (2021, June 17). Preceptors needed: The 10 benefits of being a preceptor. Online Nursing Programs | Wilkes University Online.

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Orem’s Philosophy

Orem’s Philosophy

Orem's Philosophy

The main ideas of Orem’s philosophy include the idea that nursing is an art in which the nurse delivers specialized help to people with impairments, necessitating more than simple assistance to meet self-care demands. Additionally, the nurse actively contributes to the doctor’s treatment of the patient. Men, women, and children are humans and are the objects of direct caregivers’ material concern, whether they are being taken care of individually or in groups. Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics define the environment, which includes family, culture, and community. Being physically and functionally sound or whole is a sign of health. Human health is defined as the capacity to reflect on oneself, symbolize experience, and interact with others. It is a state that includes both the health of people and groups. Self-care is the practice of engaging in or initiating actions for oneself in order to preserve one’s own life, health, and well-being. The capacity or capability of a person to take care of themselves is known as self-care agency and is influenced by fundamental conditioning variables.

Clinical practice establishes inquiries for research and theoretical understanding. Nursing theories’ fundamental contribution to the clinical environment has also been the fostering of analyzing, questioning, and conceiving regarding what nursing is all about. Because nurses and nursing practice are frequently subservient to great organizational demands and norms, any framework that enables nurses to ruminate on, dispute, and deliberate regarding what they do is vital.


Tanaka M. Orem’s nursing self-care deficit theory: A theoretical analysis focusing on its philosophical and sociological foundation. Nurs Forum. 2022 May;57(3):480-485. doi: 10.1111/nuf.12696. Epub 2022 Jan 17.

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 Biography: Martin Luther King Jr.

 Biography: Martin Luther King Jr.

Biography: 1946-2000 Assignment

American history has many figures who contributed significantly to various aspects of American life, including politics, human rights, technology, environmental sustainability, human integration, religion, economy, and art and music. Political and technological figures are often mentioned and discussed more than historical figures who contributed to other fields. Activists are also mentioned, and often put in the category of politics. African American activists are renowned for their contribution towards eliminating racism and white supremacy. Multiple figures are in this category, but Martin Luther King Jr. stands out. This summary focuses on Martin Luther King Jr.’s biography.

 Biography: Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Biography

Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, to parents Michael King Sr. and Alberta Williams King as a middle child. The family had roots in Georgia’s rural, where his grandfather, A.D. Williams, was a rural minister for some time before moving to Atlanta in 1893. He assumed leadership of a 13-member Ebenezer Baptist church, turning it into a large and influential congregation. His grandfather’s wife was Jennie Celeste Parks, whom she married in 1926 and together had one surviving child, Alberta. The family was from a poor farming community under the sharecropping system. Martin Sr. later became a pastor of the church after their grandfather passed away in 1931, becoming a successful minister and adopting the name Martin Luther King Sr. Martin Luther King Jr. followed his father and adopted the same name. King’s elder sister was Willie Christine, and his younger brother was Alfred Daniel Williams King.

Martin Luther King Jr. grew up in Atlanta, Georgia, entering public school at age five and becoming baptized in 1936 at age 7. King attempted suicide after the death of his grandmother. Surviving the ordeal, he continued with school and joined Booker T. Washington High School, becoming a precocious student and skipping ninth and eleventh grades. He went to Morehouse College in 1944 at 15 years, where he became a popular student, particularly among female students, although unmotivated in the first two years. King did not follow his parents’ inclination to church and worship as he questioned religion and felt unease with religious worship. However, he became a minister later after joining a Bible class and renewing his faith. He succeeded in his academics, becoming a valedictorian in 1951 and elected student body president, which earned him a fellowship for graduate study.

King married Coretta Scott in June 1953 and together had children Yolanda, Martin Luther King III, Dexter Scott and Bernice. He became a paster in the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church of Montgomery, Alabama, while working on his dissertation and completed his PhD and degree at the age of 25 years. King joined activism and led the Montgomery Bus Boycott against the segregated bus policy. His speech generated energy that pushed the civil rights struggle in Alabama. This action was followed by a series of attacks from white supremacists.

Martin Luther King Jr. is renowned for his human rights activism, having had a significant impact on race issues in the United States since the mid-1950s. He led the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). He had seismic activism and inspirational talks that played a considerable role in eliminating legal segregation of Black citizens in the US and the establishment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Martin Luther King Jr. received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 and multiple other honors for his efforts. He is among the most influential and inspirational African American historical figures.


Martin Luther King Jr. is a famous figure in Black history for his efforts towards ending racism and segregation through the civil rights movement. He follows a line of ministers in his family but joined activism to fight for the rights of African Americans. He is remembered for leading the Montgomery Bus Boycott and his influence in the creation of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. He has been honored multiple times for his efforts.



About Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (2022, February 3). The King Center.

Carson, C. (2000). King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968), Baptist minister and civil rights leader. American National Biography Online

Dorrien, G. J. (2018). Breaking white supremacy: Martin Luther King Jr. and the black social gospel. Yale University Press.

Kazin, M. (2009). Martin Luther King, Jr. and the meanings of the 1960s. The American Historical Review114(4), 980-989.

Kelly, R., & Cook, E. (2005). Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X: A Common Solution. OAH Magazine of History19(1), 37-40.

Moses, G. (2018). Revolution of Conscience: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Philosophy of Nonviolence.

Pepper, W. F. (2018). An act of state: The execution of Martin Luther King. Verso Books.

Reddick, L. D. (2018). Crusader Without Violence: A Biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. NewSouth Books.

Stanford University. (2020, August 4). Introduction. The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute.

The Nobel Prize. (2023, May 5). The Nobel Peace Prize 1964.

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Gap in Business Research

Gap in Business Research

Gap in Business Research

Gap in Business Research

Business intelligence is integral to business success. Business intelligence systems, like other IT components, need to change with the changing technologies and per the current trends in the business environment. Lack of adaptability is a reason for failure because it limits companies from responding in real time to market needs. This paper assesses a business problem associated with a lack of adaptability, focusing on business intelligence, its impact on business, and how it can be addressed by proposing an appropriate project.

Why the Gap in Practice Properly Aligns with the Specific Problem

Breakthrough Technologies has several practice problems that need addressing to gain a competitive advantage and enhance competitive and organizational agility. In the current big data business environment, adaptability is a key success factor, and Breakthrough Technologies have failed to adapt accordingly to the current market conditions. Per the reading, the company’s leadership team has consistently used its traditional strategic goals and objectives over the years with minimal adaptations to respond to the changing market conditions, which have led to the company being insufficiently prepared for future growth opportunities. The gap in practice is using an outdated business intelligence system that has been offering data showing that the strategic goals and objectives in place are adequate to sustain future growth opportunities. This lack of adaptability is a problem because the business and market environments are changing, and businesses must also change to remain relevant and competitive. To change accordingly, businesses need access to current data, which an outdated business intelligence system cannot sufficiently provide. The company has to change with the changing technological advances and acquire a business intelligence system able to make sense of the growing complex and robust market data to help the organization make decisions along with identified future growth opportunities.

Lack of adaptability limits the company’s competitive agility because the outdated business intelligence system cannot help the company use data in real-time and make intelligent and effective decisions. Competitive agility requires companies to be flexible, nimble, and fast in scanning the business environment and quickly responding to the findings in real time. For instance, an outdated business intelligence system cannot inform the company about the current consumer needs regarding their products and services, and the business would stick to its line of products or product types it has developed over the years. As indicated in the respective reading on Breakthrough Technologies, the consequence is decreasing market share and sales.

Literature Support for the Gap in Practice

Breakthrough Technologies has failed to update or implement a new business intelligence system, limiting adaptability to market changes. Research indicates that business intelligence tools are critical business success factors when properly implemented and can also be problematic when not used in line with the company’s strategic goals (Azeroual & Theel, 2019). Companies are becoming more proficient in utilizing data and business intelligence tools to make decisions and solutions to predictable questions. Businesses can get high-level views in the current unpredictable and fast-moving business environment using business intelligence tools (Park et al., 2017). However, outdated business intelligence tools are slow and not agile enough to help achieve sustainability in the market as the pace of business increases and the environment becomes more competitive (Eidizadeh et al., 2017). Updating the business intelligence system would help facilitate agile decision-making to meet strategic goals, including increasing sales, bolstering product innovation, minimizing operating costs, and becoming disruptive in core industry segments.

(Gap in Business Research)

Businesses cannot succeed when they do not get the data and reports needed and cannot overly rely on the IT department to get the data. Traditional business intelligence tools have overly relied on the IT department, and in the fast-pacing business environment, it is unsustainable to continue using the same tools. The company needs a business intelligence system that applies and can be used in all business departments to enhance data acquisition and utilization in real-time. Updating to a more agile and flexible business intelligence system also calls for updating the data mining tools because business intelligence is as good as the data behind it (Gaardboe & Jonasen, 2018). The data currently used by Breakthrough Technologies was formatted for the business intelligence system currently in use, a reason why the tool shows that the current business goals and objectives are adequate to prepare the company for future growth opportunities. Evidently, the company’s data culture, although data-driven, its analytic maturity is slow, leading to a slow response to current trends and market needs. Conclusively, the company’s lack of adaptability is behind its impaired competitive agility, and it needs a new or updated business intelligence system to respond accordingly to the ever-changing and overly competitive market environment.

Appropriate Business Project and The Role of Removing Personal Biases in The Project Discovery Process

Undoubtedly, Breakthrough Technologies needs a new business intelligence system. An appropriate project would be implementing a new business intelligence system that is more flexible and scalable. The current consumer behavior is volatile, and products have a short life cycle. Therefore, an agile business intelligence system is needed to help with real-time data collection and utilization. Breakthrough Technologies should build a business intelligence system that incorporates AI and machine-learning tools to discover and gather relevant data to trace current and future trends in the datasets. An AI-driven business intelligence system can amass information from myriad data sources and align it with measurements and dimensions in place for further evaluation. AI-driven business intelligence systems can also perform queries, data representation, and reporting to help the business plan its strategic actions correspondingly. Implementing the AI-driven business intelligence system would allow real-time data tracking, and harmonization, enhance visibility, bolster the company’s efficiency in identifying and tackling problem areas, provide deeper insights, and, most importantly, give the business a competitive edge.

(Gap in Business Research)


Startup businesses are taking over the markets traditionally dominated by tech giants or businesses that have existed for some time. This trend is attributed to startups adopting current technology to navigate the business environment and adopting consumer-centered strategies. Much information about the market is available, and how efficient and effective businesses acquire and use it in decision-making is a success determinant. From this exercise, the learner can articulate how a lack of adaptability can be detrimental to a business that has been around for some time. The learner understands that the business environment is ever-changing and is highly volatile today. It is up to businesses to act accordingly and be one step ahead by being more responsive to current trends and their implications for the future. Increasing competitive agility requires businesses to be flexible, nimble, and aggressive in responding to growth opportunities.


Azeroual, O., & Theel, H. (2019). The effects of using business intelligence systems on an excellence management and decision-making process by start-up companies: A case study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION4(3), 30-40.

Eidizadeh, R., Salehzadeh, R., & Chitsaz Esfahani, A. (2017). Analysing the role of business intelligence, knowledge sharing and organisational innovation on gaining competitive advantage. Journal of Workplace Learning29(4), 250-267.

Gaardboe, R., Nyvang, T., & Sandalgaard, N. (2018). Business intelligence success applied to healthcare information systems. Procedia Computer Science121, 483-490.

Park, Y., Sawy, O., & Fiss, P. (2017). The role of business intelligence and communication technologies in organizational agility: A configurational approach. Journal of the Association for Information Systems18(9), 648-686.

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Teamwork in Healthcare

Teamwork in Healthcare

Scholarly Activities


Teamwork in Healthcare

Teamwork is an approach healthcare providers adopt to enhance cooperation in healthcare. It is currently recognized as a practice competency providers should develop and a measure to elevate quality in healthcare. Research shows that medical care accomplished through interdisciplinary cooperation is linked to high-quality care, increased patient safety, lower rehospitalization rates, and reduced medical errors and associated consequences, such as readmissions and complications (Rawlinson et al., 2021). Care coordination and patient access to healthcare services rely on effective interdisciplinary collaboration (Samuriwo, 2022). I participated in an interdisciplinary committee meeting to enhance collaboration and communication between nurses, physicians, physician assistants, and pharmacists to prevent medication error rates at the hospital. The meeting was held on 12th April 2023, and in attendance were APNs and APPs, including CNMs, CRNAs, NPs, physicians, physician assistants, and pharmacists. Members of the Board of Registered Nursing and the Medical Executive Committee were also present.


Despite the deployment of electronic health records (EHRs), clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), and computerized provider order entry (CPOE) at the hospital, medication errors are still a problem because human input is still critical to the accuracy of these systems. The success of these systems depends on cooperation between healthcare providers in direct contact with the patient (Manias, 2018). The meeting intended to devise ways to improve interdisciplinary collaboration and care coordination to minimize miscommunication, misunderstanding, and human errors identified as contributing significantly to medication errors that expose patients to adverse drug events and reactions and put the hospital at risk of increased legal cases.


The meeting was successful, and members agreed on potential strategies for improving interdisciplinary collaboration. These strategies will be integrated into policy, standardized procedures, and standards of care. The effectiveness of these strategies will be reviewed monthly, and the committee will decide on a way forward per the review’s outcomes. To enhance interdisciplinary collaboration, members agreed to:

  • Improve communication practices and increasing communication channels to suit everyone’s preferred communication approach
  • Encourage giving and receiving feedback
  • Establish a platform for social interaction
  • Integrate collaboration into daily tasks and all projects at the hospital
  • Promote open communication among providers
  • Encourage sharing knowledge, insights, and resources
  • Cultivate a culture of mutual respect and trust among all team members

The committee agreed on a training program that will take two months to help providers develop these competencies and understand how to implement them in their daily practice. It will be on-practice training, and a self-evaluation test will be conducted at the end of the training to determine whether providers achieved their respective objectives.

The meeting was an opportunity to learn about the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare delivery, barriers to effective interdisciplinary collaboration, and approaches that can help enhance collaboration and care coordination. I learned that every team member is responsible for ensuring compliance with agreed-upon solutions and adopting them to promote quality of care and patient safety. This meeting serves as appropriate monitoring of competency and ongoing professional practice evaluation to identify issues affecting the quality of service and devise ways to address them. I plan to engage in such meetings in the future and be an active leader in enhancing the quality of care and patient safety. Program competencies addressed in this meeting include promoting interprofessional collaborative communication with healthcare teams to ensure care quality and safety, participating in policy development and adoption, and engaging in critical thinking, ethical reasoning, and decision-making.



Manias E. (2018). Effects of interdisciplinary collaboration in hospitals on medication errors: an integrative review. Expert opinion on drug safety17(3), 259–275.

Rawlinson, C., Carron, T., Cohidon, C., Arditi, C., Hong, Q. N., Pluye, P., Peytremann-Bridevaux, I., & Gilles, I. (2021). An Overview of Reviews on Interprofessional Collaboration in Primary Care: Barriers and Facilitators. International journal of integrated care21(2), 32.

Samuriwo R. (2022). Interprofessional Collaboration-Time for a New Theory of Action?. Frontiers in medicine9, 876715.

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ECO 615 – Regional Trade Agreements

ECO 615 – Regional Trade Agreements

 ECO 615 Week 5 Assignment Case Analysis

Countries are interdependent because of the wide distribution of resources across the globe. Most countries join in establishing agreements that ease interaction and trade across their borders and enhance mutual benefits. In this regard, there is an increased integration of international economic markets as people realize that situations and events happening outside their countries also affect them. Multiple treaties and agreements have been signed, including the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), designed to streamline trading relationships between the US, Canada, and Mexico. This paper discusses the history of trade between the US, Canada, and Mexico before NAFTA, the implications of NAFTA, the comparison between NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and how the current political environment and associated changes impact U.S. global relations.

ECO 615 - Regional Trade Agreements

The History of Trade Between the United States and Canada, and Mexico

The U.S. shares maritime and land borders with Canada and Mexico, which enhances trade relations between the three countries. The U.S. has had longstanding trade relations and agreements with Canada and Mexico, going way back to the 17th century. However, trade relations were more established in the 20th century as the countries sought to increase cross-border trade. Economic relations between America and Canada were stronger during and after the Second World War (Crane, 2019). Canada needed access to U.S. industrial products and currency to carry out its war effort. The Foreign Exchange Control Act, passed by Canada in 1939, restricted using its reserve of U.S. dollars for crucial wartime needs. To avoid redundancy and allow each nation to specialize, Canada and the U.S. agreed to collaborate on the manufacture of war materiel under the terms of the ensuing Hyde Park Accord.

For national security reasons, the Cold War and Second World War intensified U.S. commitment to Canadian natural resources, especially oil and gas. The U.S. could access more secure oil supplies carried overland instead of in ocean-going boats thanks to the 1947 oil discoveries at Leduc, Alberta, and other finds in western Canada (Crane, 2019). In a heavily regulated market at the time, the U.S. treated Canadian oil preferentially. New discussions about a free trade agreement between Canada and the U.S. began due to the mid-1940s economic crisis and increasing interdependence in trade and resource development (Crane, 2019). However, in 1948, Prime Minister Mackenzie King stopped negotiations out of concern for Canadians’ possible rejection and fear of integration into the U.S.

(ECO 615 – Regional Trade Agreements)

With the signing of the Canada-US Automotive Products Agreement and the Auto Pact in 1965, Canada took a significant step toward furthering cross-border economic cooperation. The Auto Pact aimed to create one continental marketplace for the sector. Rebuilding relations between Canada and the U.S. was a primary objective of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s newly elected administration in 1984 (Crane, 2019). Investment Canada, whose mission was to encourage investment in Canada and authorize foreign ventures that offered a “net benefit” to Canada, supplanted the Foreign Investment Review Agency, and undid a large portion of the National Energy Program. A free trade agreement between the U.S. and Canada was finalized towards the close of 1987; implemented on January 1, 1989 (Crane, 2019). Reagan referred to the free trade deal as an “economic constitution” for the two countries, even though most trade between Canada and the U.S. by that point was already tariff-free or merely subject to nuisance-level duties. NAFTA followed in 1994, including Mexico into the agreement.

With a war in the 1840s and the American purchase of over fifty percent of previous Mexican territory, notably Texas, California, and New Mexico, saw Mexico and the United States share a complicated history. However, the two nations have had strong diplomatic and commercial connections since President Porfirio Dáz’s (1876–1911) administration in the late nineteenth century. Business people from the United States bought mining and agricultural assets in Mexico during Dáz’s protracted reign. The U.S. actively influenced the result of the Mexican Revolution (1910–20) and played a significant role in its development. During World War II, Mexico and the U.S. formed an alliance that resulted in a much more cordial relationship between the two nations. The United States and Mexico signed a deal on January 14, 1964, under Mexican President Adolfo López Mateos, to settle the Chamizal dispute over their shared border. The United States surrendered the disputed territory. Further disputes between the two countries were settled by the Boundary Treaty of 1970. Several other treaties, most notably the Gadsden Purchase, have been signed between the two countries due to their shared history, which dates back to the Texas Revolution (1835–1836) and the Mexican–American War (1846–1848). One of the most recent is NAFTA, which went into force in 1994.

The Implications of The NAFTA Agreement Today Given the Changes in The Political Environment

The political environment between the US, Canada, and Mexico is not tense, and trade between these countries has proceeded uninterrupted by global situations like the Ukraine war. The governments of Canada, Mexico, and the United States negotiated the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which became effective in January 1994 (Chatzky et al., 2020). Most tariffs on goods exchanged between the three nations were eliminated due to NAFTA, which placed particular emphasis on opening up trade in agriculture, textiles, and the production of automobiles. The accord also aimed to enforce labor and environmental safeguards via side agreements, protect intellectual property, and provide dispute resolution procedures (Chatzky et al., 2020). By fostering unparalleled integration among the advanced economies of Canada and the United States and the emerging economy of Mexico, NAFTA radically altered North American economic ties.

(ECO 615 – Regional Trade Agreements)

Most economists concur that NAFTA helped the economy of North America. Over the initial two decades of the treaty, regional trade grew significantly, from about $290 billion in 1993 to over $1.1 trillion in 2016 (Chatzky et al., 2020). Cross-border investment also increased significantly over that time, with the U.S. foreign direct investment (FDI) stock in Mexico rising from $15 billion to over $100 billion (Chatzky et al., 2020). However, experts also note that it has proven challenging to distinguish the direct effects of the agreement from other factors, such as swift technological advances and increased trade with nations like China. While this is happening, the impact of NAFTA on wages and employment is still up for debate (Chatzky et al., 2020). While others benefited from the established market opportunities, some workers and industries endured aggravating challenges as they lost market share due to more competition.

Since the implementation of NAFTA, commerce between the United States and its neighbors in North America has increased by over threefold, expanding more quickly than trade between the United States and the world’s remaining nations (Chatzky et al., 2020). Over a third of all U.S. exports go to Mexico and Canada, accounting for more than two-thirds of the total. According to most estimates, the agreement raised the country’s GDP by less than 0.5%, adding up to $80 billion to the country’s economy after its complete implementation or several billion dollars in additional growth annually (Chatzky et al., 2020). According to Chatzky et al. (2020), supporters of NAFTA claim that 14 million American jobs depend on trade with Canada or Mexico and that the almost 200,000 export-related employment that the agreement creates each year pays 15 to 20% more on average than those that are lost.

(ECO 615 – Regional Trade Agreements)

There have been significant gains by signatory countries and severe losses in terms of employment. Even though following NAFTA’s implementation, the United States, Canada, and Mexico have each seen boosted trade, economic growth, and greater wages (primarily in the northern countries), experts differ on how much, if any, the agreement has actually contributed to U.S. manufacturing, jobs, immigration, and the cost of consumer goods (Chatzky et al., 2020). Also, NAFTA has not had an identical impact on its member countries. The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) essentially supplanted NAFTA. On July 1, 2020, it became fully operational after being signed on November 30, 2018.

How The NAFTA Agreement Differs from The Proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership

Two of the biggest (and most contentious) international accords promoting free trade and urging the elimination of tariffs and barriers among the signatories are NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States, came into effect in 1994 (Squadrin, 2018). The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade pact signed by the United States, Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, and Vietnam in 2016. However, the U.S. abandoned it shortly after, and the TPP was never implemented.

(ECO 615 – Regional Trade Agreements)

Despite sharing similar objectives, NAFTA and TPP differ specifically in their content and safeguards and were developed during dissimilar historical movements. Due to President Donald Trump’s signing of a memorandum to formally withdraw the United States from the pact, the original TPP never went into effect (Squadron, 2018). Trump’s strategy of putting America first included the withdrawal from the pact, and the president expressed interest in signing “fair, bilateral trade deals” that would advance the American economy and create new employment. After the United States withdrew, some of the other nations expressed a desire to continue talks. Eventually, a deal was reached in January 2018, when the Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal (TPP) rebranded to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

NAFTA, which involves the three North American nations of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, aims to establish a North American free trade bloc to encourage regional trade and eliminate most of the impediments to imports and exports in place. The TPP, on the other hand, involves a significantly greater number of nations. Its main objective is to improve ties between the United States and some major Asian economies (Squadron, 2018). In other words, the TPP was developed to increase American dominance in the Asia-Pacific area and lessen Chinese influence on its neighbors. U.S. withdrawal from the TPP created a tense relationship with other countries involved in the agreement, impacting U.S. relations with countries such as China (Squadrin, 2018). Because the TPP was never implemented, it may be difficult to analyze the results and effects of the two agreements. However, there are divergent views on how NAFTA affected the economies of various countries and global alliances. Some claim that removing trade barriers in North America has increased foreign investment (primarily in Mexico) and led to a considerable increase in domestic GDP, while others counter that the benefits of NAFTA have not been as great, notably for the United States (Squadron, 2018). The TPP’s opponents frequently use the same justification to argue against the agreement’s financial viability.

Changes That Have Taken Place in Trade Policies and Agreements in The Current Political Environment and How They Might That Impact U.S. Relations Globally

The current political climate is tense, considering what is happening with the Ukraine war, which has created a divide among major economies. Trade policy, scientific advancements, and economic progress have all been influenced by geopolitical conflicts progressively (World Trade Organization, 2022). For instance, the conflict in Ukraine is exacerbating a great deal of misery. Additionally, it has presented the world economy with yet another formidable obstacle after COVID-19. However, the multilateral trading system has remained robust despite this obstacle, with trade growth significantly outpacing more negative estimates for 2022 (World Trade Organization, 2022). Although less than anticipated at the outset of the war, prices increased for the most affected goods. The capacity of countries that depend on imports from Russia and Ukraine to relocate their import supply to unaltered economies contributed to their favorable trade results.

(ECO 615 – Regional Trade Agreements)

New simulations show how crucial it is to strengthen the multilateral trading system over the long term. According to the most recent simulations performed by WTO economists to model the long-term scenario of the separation of the world economy into two rival blocs, the opportunity cost of shifting to the geopolitical competition is estimated to be 8.7% of real income at the international level, with opportunity costs rising to as much as 11.3% for the weaker economies (World Trade Organization, 2023). Recently, the U.S. and E.U. have sectioned Russia, which has retaliated by increasing trade with China, India, Brazil, and African countries. There are concerns about shifts in globalization as it is known today and the presence of multiple trading platforms, including currency exchange systems. The U.S. has to respond by developing policies that favor its economy and trade with other countries as major economies seek their way out of the dollar system. The current political environment has global repercussions for U.S. relations, which might extend to the long term as more countries try to shift to a different currency approach, such as the BRICS. The U.S. trade with Western allies has increased, but trade with Asia and African countries might decline due to inclinations and support of the Ukraine war. Conclusively, newer and modernized policies are needed to respond to the shifting global relations.

(ECO 615 – Regional Trade Agreements)


Regional trade agreements are established to facilitate trade among the signatories. Examples include NAFTA and TPP, which are often comparable although developed in different historical periods. Most countries join such agreements to promote free trade. Most people believe that NAFTA benefited the U.S. economy, raising its GDP. Still, others argue it was more beneficial to Canada and Mexico than the U.S., and it caused unemployment in the U.S. The current political climate has not significantly impacted NAFTA, currently USMCA. However, it has affected U.S. relations globally, especially due to its involvement and support in the Ukraine war.



Chatzky, A., McBride, J., & Sergie, M. A. (2020). NAFTA and the USMCA: Weighing the Impact of North American Trade. Council on Foreign Relations.

Crane, D. (2019). Canada–US Economic Relations. The Canadian Encyclopedia.

Squadrin, G. (2018, March 20). Difference Between NAFTA and TPP. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects.

World Trade Organization. (2022). The Impact of Geopolitical Conflicts on Trade, Growth, and Innovation

World Trade Organization. (2023). One year of war in Ukraine: Assessing the impact on global trade and development

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Health Care for All

Health Care for All

 Health Care for All Discussion Board Post

Pros and Cons of Medicare for All (MFA)

In Medicare for All (MFA), everyone in the country would be enrolled in a federally funded program rather than obtaining health insurance from an insurance provider, frequently through their place of employment. Progressives now endorse it, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vermont) vigorously supported it during his bids for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016 and 2020.4 The benefits and cons of this program are somewhat influenced by an individual’s financial level. Sanders’ new tax will not apply to anybody who earns less than $250,000 but would apply to anybody who earns more than $250,000 annually or who is in the wealthiest 0.1% of households.4 Additionally, since the government regulates and negotiates the cost of medicines and medical services, universal healthcare reduces healthcare costs for the economy as a whole. Furthermore, it would do away with the administrative fees associated with dealing with various private health insurers.4 Doctors would have to engage with one government entity instead of various private insurance companies, Medicare and Medicaid.

Health Care for All

On the downside, some analysts worry that the government might not be positioned to use its negotiating position to lower costs as quickly and drastically as Sanders anticipates. Sanders, according to Thorpe, is being excessively optimistic about this proposal.4 Additionally, if people have no financial incentive to take care of their health, they might not do so as diligently.4 To control costs, governments must also restrict healthcare spending. Doctors who are not paid well can be less motivated to offer high-quality care.4 To reduce costs, physicians might treat patients for shorter periods of time. Providers also receive less money for innovative technology that saves lives.

Whether the MFA is an effective and efficient solution to the healthcare problem in America

There have been a variety of remarks on the growth of MFA. It results from decades of research, instruction, and campaigning, and its supporters see it as a reason for hope. America urgently needs an open discussion about health policy given the painful cost increases, service denials by insurance companies, and the almost 30 million uninsured citizens.2 In conclusion, it is a viable and practical solution to the issue of rising out-of-pocket expenses and a sizable uninsured population.2 However, to address its shortcomings, such as guaranteeing that doctors’ incentives are stable, it must be carefully planned and implemented.

Whether the current Medicare program can be extended to “All” in the current form

The current Medicare program works with eligible people. Although it is possible to extend the current Medicare program to “All,” it presents multiple design challenges that might be as costly as developing a separate program for “All” or “Medicare for All” from scratch. It would require eliminating current eligibility variations, enrollment, renewal processes, benefits, and payment and delivery systems of the existing Medicare structure.5 Additionally, services and opportunities available only to the vulnerable population would open for all.

Whether the healthcare system will accept what MFA will reimburse

The medical community is still divided on Medicare for All, with most doctors fearing a possible pay reduction. However, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) anticipates that Medicare for All will boost healthcare utilization across society, leading to an increase in total provider income even if fee levels drop.3 In particular, the CBO estimates that, in 2030, total outpatient provider revenues, of which physician services currently make up 78%, would be 5 to 9% higher under Medicare for All than they would be today.3 If the MFA reimburses more than the present reimbursements, the healthcare system might accept it.

How the MFA Will Impact Private Insurance

The notion of doing away with private health insurance is at the core of the “Medicare for all” ideas supported by Senator Bernie Sanders and many Democrats.1 The whole healthcare system, which accounts for a fifth of the US economy, would be shaken by such a shift as hospitals, physicians’ offices, nursing homes, and pharmaceutical firms would all need to adjust to a new set of regulations.1 The federal government would be the new insurer for most Americans, and many would discover the value of the health insurance equities in their retirement accounts to be significantly reduced.

In conclusion, the MFA idea is designed for the good of all. It would help solve the problem of increasing healthcare costs and the high number of uninsured individuals. It is an appropriate plan for the US and would be the best if potential shortcomings are addressed. It is necessary that healthcare providers and physicians feel safe under the MFA by assuring their income will not reduce.



Abelson R, Sanger-Katz M. Medicare for All Would Abolish Private Insurance. ‘There’s No Precedent in American History.’ New York Times. 2019.

Berwick D M. Stop fearmongering about ‘Medicare for All.’ Most families would pay less for better care. USA Today. Oct. 2019.

Cai C. How Would Medicare for All Affect Physician Revenue?. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2022 Feb;37(3):671-2.

Fisher S. Medicare for All: Definition, Pros and Cons. 2023.

Tolbert J, Rudowitz R, Musumeci M. How Will Medicare-for-all Proposals Affect Medicaid? Kaiser Family Foundation, Sept. 2019 Sep 12;12.

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Lessons Learned in this Course

Lessons Learned in this Course

ECO 615 Week 5 Discussion

Lessons Learned in this Course and Why they are Important

I enrolled in this course to learn about microeconomic concepts vital in managerial decision-making. The managerial economics course provides crucial insights into economic methods organizations adopt in the decision-making process regarding product and service production, distribution, and consumption. Students learn about demand analysis and forecasting, cost and production analysis, pricing decisions, policies and practices, and capital and profit management. Additional students engage in demand and supply analysis, price discrimination concepts, moral hazards and incentives, risk aversion and uncertainty, and the consumer demand theory.

Lessons Learned in this Course

In this course, we explored the concepts of international economic theory, including exchange rate regimes, investment positions, unemployment, inflation, and government budget balances. Through this exploration, I have learned how international differences and policies created to enable working together of countries impact a country’s economic activities, resource production, and consumer preferences. I also approached international economics from the socio, cultural, economic, and political perspectives and learned about frameworks like agreements between countries established as solutions to international differences. Moreover, I have learned about trade patterns at the international level and how trade impacts the production, consumption rate, and income distribution of countries. Globalization significantly affects any firm’s operations as organizations seek global markets or face competition from international goods. This course offers knowledge and insights into strategies managers can adopt to remain competitive and achieve a competitive advantage, including cost leadership, cost focus, and differentiation.

The primary focus of this course is business decisions and establishing robust use cases. In this regard, I developed competency in marginal analysis, the structure of decision problems, and the impact of the market setting and structures like the competitive, oligopolistic, and monopolistic structures. I want to be a manager at some point in my career, and understanding how to navigate the market is critical to a business’s success. I have learned about engaging theory and business practice and using theory t guide strategic decision-making. I can attest that I have bolstered my economic reasoning, and I am a better critical thinker and problem solver than when I first enrolled in this course. I can employ economic reasoning to address actual business decision problems.

The course has introduced learners to a myriad of problems managers face daily, with the reasoning behind why these problems occur and what strategies can be adopted to help solve the problems. Faced with such problems, I have the knowledge and skills gained through this course to develop strategies and adopt tools for problem-solving, including computer or digital solutions in use today. The primary role of managers in a firm is decision-making regarding the operations of the business, which has been addressed throughout the course. With such knowledge, I can make difficult decisions to impact a firm’s success, including pricing strategy, hiring and firing, rewarding workers, and motivating workers. Additionally, I have developed valuable insights into logistic problems and managers’ roles in the distribution of goods, cost control to achieve production targets, inventory management to prevent too much or too little inventory, and budgeting, including advertising. I have also learned about assessing a firm’s expansion needs and optimally managing a business to ensure constant growth and acquisition of new markets and factory lines. This knowledge is critical for a manager who seeks expansion and growth strategies, something I would focus on in the future.

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Business Paper: Reflection Question

Business Paper: Reflection Question

 Professional Development Framework

Business Paper: Reflection Question

Potential for Growth in Advocate for Change Domain

As the competition for attention grows in recent years, it is increasingly difficult to get voices heard. The business environment is challenging, and organizations seek change agents to translate organizational priorities into reality and ensure continuous improvement. Advocacy for change in an organization is currently a professional growth opportunity. Helping the organization meet otherwise unmet needs, correct or reverse situations or errors, prevent loss in a business, and change public or consumer opinions are qualities and abilities any employer would admire and might open doors for an individual to get a promotion to a leadership position (The University of Kansas, n.d.). It is because of this reason leaders must be change agents in an organization. Examples of how I can be an advocate for change in real life include conducting advocacy research by gathering customer opinions of a product to understand their needs and improve on the product, providing education and encouraging by training fellow employees and consumers, engaging in direct action campaigns by lobbying decision makers on policies that impact the business, and using media advocacy to drive environmental sustainability initiatives of the organization.

Subdomain to be Developed

Over time, I have developed effective collaboration and communication skills, which are imperative in change advocacy. However, I need to develop mentoring/teaching and impacting policy subdomains. Organizations seek individuals who can transfer their knowledge to others, and this is possible through mentoring and teaching (Capella University, n.d.). Impacting policy can be enabled through lobbying policymakers to influence policy decisions that impact the business. I want to mentor and teach others as a form of developing and transferring knowledge to others in the future. I also intend to familiarize myself with policymakers and write to them regarding various policies to impact policy development and decision-making to benefit the business environment.

Goals for Professional Development in Advocate for Change Domain

My primary aim is to facilitate change and development through teaching and mentoring and influencing the development of new areas of policy to tackle unmet business needs and deal with emerging business needs in society. Regarding teaching, I want to understand the principles of teaching and learning, how to use effective instructional strategies, advising, and mentoring. Regarding impacting policy, I need to learn and understand the skills needed to influence and impact policy and principles of lobbying. I intend to make a difference in my future career space, and working on this goal will move me closer to this aspiration.

(Business Paper: Reflection Question)

Plan for Achieving Goals

To be successful in teaching and mentoring, I need to learn how to be one. I can enrol in an education program on how to become an educator to build basic competency of teaching and mentoring as part of continuing education for educators, participate in seminars and workshops geared toward knowledge transfer models and strategies, and engage in employee training. To impact policy within the organization and outside successfully, I need to learn how to be a good lobbyist, including how to engage legislators or leadership in the organization. I need to develop lobbyists qualities that lead to success, including being honest, observant, a good listener, responsive, a strong negotiator, highly persuasive, and an excellent communicator.

Employer Expectations of DBA in Initiating, Sponsoring, and Implementing Change

An employer expects that DBA degree holders can develop and transfer knowledge to others, including fellow employees and customers, help others improve performance by addressing their performance problems, adopt problem-solving strategies, and provide workable solutions (Capella University, n.d.). These expectations align with the developed goals because to help others improve performance, one must be a teacher or mentor to transfer the knowledge needed for performance improvement. Likewise, developing skills needed to impact policy is crucial because impacting policy is a problem-solving approach and can provide effective solutions to business problems through new policy development or current policy improvement.

Use of Professional Development in Interactions with Informal Contact Network

Informal contact networks are needed in daily life, including in the professional environment, and it is one of the ways advocates for change share or introduce their ideas or develop relationships with others necessary to enable and drive change. (Vătămănescu et al., 2022). Change advocacy resides within the professional development framework, but it interacts with the informal contact network because change advocates must engage people, and it can happen in informal spaces such as attending company parties, grabbing coffee with colleagues or policymakers, going for lunch with contacts, and meeting a group of coworkers during breaks or after work.

(Business Paper: Reflection Question)

Progress Toward Goals and Impacts Experienced

To teach and mentor others, I have engaged multiple teams in understanding business needs and employee needs and how these needs interact or conflict. The insights developed from this search are used to develop knowledge development areas and transfer the needed knowledge to ensure business and employee needs are not conflicting to ensure growth. I also share literature on various business concepts through various channels like social media, especially work WhatsApp groups. So far, I see improvement in the employees’ commitment to the organization’s goals and the organization’s commitment to fulfilling employees’ needs. I am still progressing toward impacting policy outside the organization, but within, I often engage leaders on how to improve policies that appear as barriers. Some policies were developed a long time ago, and their effectiveness in the current business environment is minimal, or they have undone themselves, according to Jacobs & Weaver (2015). Therefore, policy changes through leadership engagement are needed to remain competitive. After achieving these goals, I aim at engaging legislators in policy decision-making outside the organization. This a complex process, but I am working towards being an effective lobbyist and good negotiator to impact policy that promote business development and success.


Capella University. (n.d.). Professional Development Framework Guide. Capella University

Jacobs, A. M., & Weaver, R. K. (2015). When policies undo themselves: Self‐undermining feedback as a source of policy change. Governance28(4), 441-457.

The University of Kansas. (n.d.). 10. Advocating for Change. Community Tool Box.

Vătămănescu, E. M., Mitan, A., Cotîrleț, P. C., & Andrei, A. G. (2022). Exploring the mediating role of knowledge sharing between informal business networks and organizational performance: An insight into SMEs internationalization in CEE. Sustainability14(7), 3915

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Pharmacotherapy for Insomnia in a 31-year-old Male Patient

Pharmacotherapy for Insomnia in a 31-year-old Male Patient

Pharmacotherapy for Insomnia in a 31-year-old Male Patient

Pharmacotherapy for Insomnia in a 31-year-old Male Patient

Case Description

This case involves a 31-year-old patient presenting at the office complaining of sleep difficulties. The patient reports a worsening case of insomnia over the past six months. The patient has not had great sleep most of his life, but currently, the problem is severe because he struggles to fall asleep and stay asleep. It began 6 months ago after he lost his fiancé. The reports that the lack of sleep is impacting his capacity and ability to function properly, including working as a forklift operator at a local chemical company. The patient reports using diphenhydramine in the past to help him sleep but dislikes the side effects it causes in the morning after taking the drug. Due to lack of sleep from the night before, he has fallen asleep on the job. Per the previous physician assessment, the patient abused opiates before, which started when his ankle broke while skiing and followed a hydrocodone/apap (acetaminophen) prescription to manage the acute pain. The patient has not been prescribed opiate analgesic in 4 years, and he reports consuming alcohol recently to help him fall asleep, averaging four bears before going to bed.

Per the mental status assessment, the patient is alert and oriented to person, place, time, and event and maintains good eye contact and is dressed appropriately for the occasion and time of the year. The patient denies any auditory or visual hallucinations and has intact judgement, insight, and reality contact. The patient also denies any suicidal or homicidal thoughts or plans and is future-oriented.

Decision #1

Trazodone is the first option for treating insomnia in the patient. Trazodone is classified as a selective reuptake inhibitor with a low side effect profile. Trazodone is an effective medication to help the patient maintain sleep and low the frequency of early awakening. Research shows that trazodone can significantly improve perceived sleep quality and has good tolerance for insomnia short—term treatment (Yi et al., 2019). In a study involving 429 patients, patients prescribed trazodone perceived better sleep quality than individuals prescribed placebo (SMD = -0.41, 95% CI -0.82 to -0.00, P = 0.05) with an insignificantly moderate heterogeneity (Yi et al., 2019). Trazodone was also associated with a significant reduction in secondary efficacy outcomes compared to placebo.

It would not be appropriate to prescribe either sonata or hydroxyzine because trazodone presents better effectiveness and efficacy than the two. Also, sonata can cause the patient to experience complex sleep behaviors. Additionally, sonata is associated with adverse effects, including drowsiness, dizziness, diarrhea, grogginess, and impaired concentration (Bhandari & Sapra, 2019). Hydroxyzine has strong sedative properties, but most patients do not like the anticholinergic adverse effects the next morning, including xerostomia and xerophthalmia. Commonly, hydroxyzine leads to impaired motor function, blurred vision, dry mouth and throat, dizziness, confusion, abdominal stress, constipation and headache (Burgazli et al., 2023). It also leads to urinary retention complications and glaucoma.

Trazodone is an FDA-approved treatment for depression. Although it is not FDA-approved for aiding sleep, it is a common prescription with proven effectiveness and efficacy in improving sleep quality (Yi et al., 2019). This decision was selected as a short-term treatment for the patient’s insomnia. the effects would be assessed after some time before adopting a longer-term treatment or alternative therapy. Trazodone would be administered in low doses to promote safety and effectiveness in insomnia treatment. Generally, the decision to prescribe trazodone follows research evidence of its ability to improve sleep latency, duration, and quality, including helping the patient achieve deep sleep or slow-wave sleep.

Psychopharmacology often raises ethical issues attached to the respect of persons concerning a patient’s worth and dignity, information disclosure regarding the true risks and benefits of the drug, autonomy or self-governance, and beneficence. These ethical issues must be considered when developing the treatment plan and engaging the patient regarding their health problem.

Decision #2

Zolpidem has proved to enhance sleep latency and sleep duration measures and lower the frequency of awakenings in individuals with transient insomnia. It is effective in improving sleep quality in persons with chronic insomnia and can serve as a minor muscle relaxant (Edinoff et al., 2021). Despite the complex behavior associated with the medication, including hallucinations, increased risks of falls, accidents due to sleep driving, and increased suicidality and homicide ideation and plan, Zolpidem is a suitable treatment for insomnia.

Trazodone and eszopiclone are the other options that were not selected in the second decision because trazodone is suitable for short-term treatment, and eszopiclone presents a multitude of negative side effects, and it is recommended to avoid selecting it as either the initial or the second medication option due the complex side effects (Rösner et al., 2019). If mixed with alcohol or medications without the provider’s instruction, eszopiclone can cause euphoria until the patient is unconscious. It is also associated with an unpleasant taste, dry mouth, tiredness, and dizziness.

(Pharmacotherapy for Insomnia in a 31-year-old Male Patient)

Zolpidem is an FDA-approved short-term insomnia treatment. The primary aim of selecting the drug is to help the patient fall asleep because it has been proven to improve sleep latency, duration, and quality. The drug would also help the patient rapidly and effectively restore brain function (Edinoff et al., 2021). Ethically, the provider has to consider beneficence due to the complex adverse effects associated with Zolpidem, such as suicidality and homicidal ideation or sleep-driving, which threaten the patient’s safety. The provider should also disclose to the patient the risks and benefits of Zolpidem to guide decision-making.

Decision #3

Hydroxyzine can be used to treat insomnia with proven effectiveness and efficiency despite unpleasant side effects, including xerostomia and xerophthalmia. The drug has strong sedative properties, and research suggests it can be adopted as a short-term treatment for adults with sleeping difficulties (Burgazli et al., 2023). In a study, patients prescribed hydroxyzine reported improved sleep and fewer nightmares or hallucinations compared to controls (Burgazli et al., 2023). The drug is also well-tolerated despite the side effects like sleepiness and headache.

Trazodone and diphenhydramine were the other options in decision three but were not selected because of the associated side effects. Although trazodone is much safer and more effective, it can lead to headaches, sleepiness, and orthostatic hypotension. Diphenhydramine can be used together with hydroxyzine, but it can lead to impaired coordination, epigastric discomfort, dry mucous membranes, paradoxical, dizziness and drowsiness. Therefore, hydroxyzine was a better third-choice medication.

Hydroxyzine has a sedative effect that can help the patient start sleeping. It is not a typical prescription for people with insomnia but is more effective for primary insomnia not associated with any underlying cause (Burgazli et al., 2023). It was selected as a short-term treatment for insomnia in the patient as it has proven its ability to help the patient fall asleep. Ethically, the provider must assess whether the drug completely resolves the predisposition for insomnia. The provider must also maintain the confidentiality and privacy of the patient. The provider must communicate safety issues, including mixing hydroxyzine with alcohol or other CNS depressants.


Trazodone is the patient’s initial treatment option for insomnia. Trazodone is a powerful medicine that can help patients stay asleep and experience fewer frequent early awakenings. According to research, trazodone has an excellent tolerance for short-term treatment of insomnia and can greatly improve the quality of sleep as assessed by those taking it (Yi et al., 2019). To ensure safety and efficacy in treating insomnia, trazodone would be given in small dosages. The choice to prescribe trazodone typically results from research showing that it can increase sleep latency, duration, and quality, including assisting the patient in achieving deep or slow-wave sleep.

(Pharmacotherapy for Insomnia in a 31-year-old Male Patient)

Zolpidem is recommended as a substitute since it has been shown to improve sleep latency and sleep length measurements and reduce the frequency of awakenings in people with temporary insomnia (Edinoff et al., 2021). It can be used as a mild muscle relaxant and is beneficial in helping those with persistent insomnia get better quality sleep. Zolpidem is an effective treatment for insomnia despite the drug’s exacerbated side effects, including hallucinations, increased fall risks, accidents caused by sleep driving, and increased suicidal and homicidal thinking and planning (Edinoff et al., 2021). The third suggestion is Hydroxyzine, which has been shown to effectively treat insomnia despite having unfavorable side effects like xerostomia and xerophthalmia. The medication has potent sedative effects, and studies indicate that it may be used as an interim treatment for individuals who have trouble falling asleep (Burgazli et al., 2023). Patients who were given hydroxyzine in the research reported better sleep and fewer nightmares or hallucinations than the controls (Burgazli et al., 2023). Despite the side effects, including tiredness and headaches, the medication is also well tolerated.


Bhandari, P., & Sapra, A. (2019). Zaleplon. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL):

Burgazli, C. R., Rana, K. B., Brown, J. N., & Tillman, F., 3rd (2023). Efficacy and safety of hydroxyzine for sleep in adults: Systematic review. Human psychopharmacology38(2), e2864.

Edinoff, A. N., Wu, N., Ghaffar, Y. T., Prejean, R., Gremillion, R., Cogburn, M., Chami, A. A., Kaye, A. M., & Kaye, A. D. (2021). Zolpidem: Efficacy and Side Effects for Insomnia. Health psychology research9(1), 24927.

Rösner, S., Englbrecht, C., Wehrle, R., Hajak, G., & Soyka, M. (2019). Eszopiclone for insomnia. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews10(10), CD010703.

Yi, X. Y., Ni, S. F., Ghadami, M. R., Meng, H. Q., Chen, M. Y., Kuang, L., Zhang, Y. Q., Zhang, L., & Zhou, X. Y. (2019). Trazodone for the treatment of insomnia: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Sleep medicine45, 25–32.

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