Short Discussion Question for Psychology homework help

Short Discussion Question for Psychology homework help

Choose 3 questions out of 6.

Write about 3 paragraphs each. (Total around 2~3 pages)

I’ve attached few powerpoint files which include career development theories. (please refer to it)

Depth answers. Add your own ideas, interpretations.



1.  Give examples of how different cultural work values and worldviews can be sources of conflict and misunderstanding in the workplace.

2.  Discuss some of the specific gender-related career issues and career counseling implications.

3.  How have your gender and your cultural background influenced your career?

4.  Describe some of the ways families are changing and the potential impact on career development.

5.  Discuss the special needs of individuals with disabilities.


6.  Describe some examples of discrimination gay/lesbian/bisexual persons might experience at work.



Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach




Theories of Career Development

Part II


Social Learning & Cognitive Theories

These theories focus on wide range of variables that affect career choice and maintenance over the life span.

Key elements are problem-solving and decision-making skills.

Career choice also involves the interaction of cognitive and affective processes.


Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling

A social-learning theory approach to career decision making was first proposed by Krumboltz, Mitchell, and Gelatt (1975) and then several years later by Mitchell and Krumboltz (1990).

More recently, Mitchell and Krumboltz (1996) have extended the earlier social-learning theory approach to include Krumboltz’s learning theory of career counseling.

Now called the learning theory of career counseling (LTCC).


Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling

In LTCC, the process of career development involves four factors:

Genetic endowments and special abilities

Environmental conditions and events

Learning experiences

Task approach skills


Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling

Genetic endowments and special abilities include inherited qualities that may set limits on the individual’s career opportunities.

Environmental conditions and events are factors of influence that are often beyond the individual’s control.


Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling

Learning experiences include:

Instrumental learning

Associative learning experiences

Task approach skills include the sets of skills the individual has developed.

These sets of skills largely determine the outcome of problems and tasks the individual faces.


Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling

Emphasizes the importance of learning experiences and their effect on occupational selection.

Factors that influence preferences in the social-learning model:

Cognitive processes

Interactions in the environment

Inherited personal characteristics


Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling

Genetic and environmental factors are also involved.

Other factors influencing preferences are valued role models.

Finally, positive words and images will lead to positive reactions to that occupation.


Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling

Learning takes place through observations as well as through direct experiences.

Counselor’s role is to probe assumptions and to explore alternative beliefs and courses of action.

Assisting individuals to understand fully the validity of their beliefs is a major component.


Krumboltz’s Learning Theory of Career Counseling

Counselors should address the following problems.

Failure to recognize that a problem exists.

Failure to exert the effort needed to make a decision or solve a problem.

Eliminating a potentially satisfying alternative for inappropriate reasons.

Choosing poor alternatives.

Suffering anxiety over perceived inability to achieve goals.


Happenstance Approach Theory

Mitchell, Levin, and Krumboltz (1999) developed happenstance approach theory for career counseling.

Happenstance approach suggests that counselors are to assist clients respond to conditions and events in a positive manner.

Clients are to learn to deal with unplanned events, especially in the give-and-take of life in the 21st century workforce.


Happenstance Approach Theory

Five critical clients skills





Risk taking


Happenstance Approach Theory

Happenstance theory suggests that client learn to approach the future with a positive attitude and the curiosity and optimism that produces positive results.

Foster an attitude that takes advantage of unplanned events.


Happenstance Approach Theory

According to Mitchell and Krumboltz (1996), when people in modern society make career choices, they must cope with four fundamental trends.

Career counselors must recognize these trends:

Clients need to expand their capabilities and interests.

Clients need to prepare for changing work tasks.

Clients need to be empowered to take action.

Career counselors need to play a major role in dealing with all career problems.


Happenstance Approach Theory

Many have suggested that career and personal counseling should be integrated.

Many issues call for interventions by the career/personal counselor.


Career change

Peer affiliate relationships

Obstacles to career development

The work role and its effect on other life roles are examples

And many others.


Career Development from a Cognitive Information Processing Perspective

Based on the cognitive information processing (CIP) theory developed by Peterson, Sampson, and Reardon (1991).


CIP is based on the following ten assumptions:

Career choice results from an interaction of cognitive and affective processes.

Making career choices is a problem solving activity.

The capabilities of career problem solvers depend on the availability of cognitive operations as well as knowledge.


CIP is based on the following ten assumptions:

Career problem solving is a high-memory-load task.


Career development involves continual growth and change in knowledge structures.

Career identity depends on self-knowledge.


CIP is based on the following ten assumptions:

Career maturity depends on one’s ability to solve career problems.

The ultimate goal is achieved by facilitating growth of information-processing skills.

Ultimate aim of career counseling is to enhance client’s capabilities as a career problem solver and decision-maker.



The major strategy of career intervention is to provide learning events that will develop the individual’s processing abilities.



The stages of processing information include:

Screening, translating, and encoding input in short-term memory

Then, storing it in long-term memory

Later activating, retrieving, and transforming the input into working memory to arrive at a solution.



Peterson, Sampson, and Reardon stress that career problem solving is primarily a cognitive process that can be improved through a sequential procedure known as CASVE.

CASVE includes the following processing skills:








Pyramid of information-processing domains



Major difference between CIP and others is the role of cognition as a mediating force that leads individuals to greater power and control in determining their own destinies.

Authors have proposed a seven-step sequence for career delivery. See text for example of “Individual Learning Plan.”


A career counseling sequence for individuals


Career Development from a Social Cognitive Perspective

According to Lent, Brown, and Hackett (1996), there are three ways to translate and share knowledge with existing theories and emerging ones.


Career Development from a Social Cognitive Perspective

The first is to agree on a common meaning for conceptually related concepts, such as self-concept and self-efficacy.

Betz (1992) defines career self-efficacy as “the possibility that low expectations of efficacy with respect to some aspect of career behavior may serve as a detriment to optimal career choice and the development of the individual,” (p. 24).


Self-Efficacy Theory

One of the most promising theories that may lend itself to addressing gender is Hackett and Betz’s (1981) self-efficacy theory (based primarily on Bandura’s social learning theory).

Hackett and Betz (1981) suggest that women who believe they are incapable of performing certain tasks (low self-efficacy) limit their career mobility and restrict their career options.


Career Development from a Social Cognitive Perspective

The second way to translate and share knowledge about existing theories and emerging ones is to fully describe and define common outcomes such as satisfaction and stability, found in a number of theories.

Finally, a third way is to fully explain the relationships among such diverse constructs as interests, self-efficacy, abilities, and needs.


Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT)

The aim is to explain how variables such as interests, abilities, and values interrelate and how all variables influence individual growth.

Also to delineate the contextual factors (environmental influences) that lead to career outcomes.

Also emphasized is the term personal agency.



Key Theoretical Constructs

The personal determinants of career development have been conceptualized as self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and personal goals.

The “big three” are considered to be building blocks that determine the course of career development and its outcome.



Self-efficacy is a set of beliefs about a specific performance domain.

Outcome expectations are regarded as personal beliefs about expectations or consequences of behavioral activities.

Personal goals are considered to be guides that sustain behavior.



Interest Developmental Model

Individuals develop interests through activities in which they view themselves as competent and generally expect valued outcomes.

Attitudes and Values

Values are preferences for particular reinforcers such as money, status, or autonomy.

Gender and Race/Ethnicity

The individual’s socially constructed world, not the inherited biological traits, is the focus of gender and race in the SCCT.



Choice Model

The choice process is divided into three components:

Establishing a goal

Taking action to implement a choice

Attaining a level of performance that determines the direction of future career behavior



Choice Model

The pathways to career choice in SCCT are:

Self-efficacy and outcome expectations promote career-related interests

Interests in turn influence goals

Goal-related actions lead to performance experiences

The outcome determines future paths (determined by whether self-efficacy is strengthened or weakened)

Finally, one establishes a career decision or redirects goals.



Performance Model

A summary description of SCCT theory.

It points out the interplay of ability, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and the establishment of goals for judging performance.


SCCT – Practical Applications

Suggestions include educational programs in schools that concentrate on developing interests, values, and talents.

Individuals who are experiencing great difficulty with career choice or change should be presented with array of occupations that correspond with their abilities and values, but not necessarily with their interests.


SCCT – Practical Applications

Strategy used to combat perceived weaknesses includes using occupational card sorts.

Overcoming barriers to choice and success is a significant goal.

School-to-work initiatives include designing skills programs that provide for self-efficacy enhancement, realistic outcome expectations, and goal-setting skills.



Summary of Social Learning and Cognitive Theories

Emphasis on self-knowledge.

Information-processing skills of major importance.

Stress importance of human traits such as ability, personality, and values, and suggest research be directed to how these variables interrelate to influence growth and development.


Summary of Social Learning and Cognitive Theories

Other important factors are social, cultural, and economic conditions.

Counselors are urged to unearth contextual interactions and relationship between events and experiences of each client.


Summary of Social Learning and Cognitive Theories

Self-efficacy is thought to be the result of several factors.

Career beliefs are a core element.

Faulty beliefs are aggressively addressed.

Learning programs are important for increasing range of career choices.

Learning takes place in many ways.


Summary of Social Learning and Cognitive Theories

Have clients observe work activities and attempt to learn certain tasks.

Standardized tests used to determine educational and cognitive deficits.

Individual learning program goals and activities designed to debunk faulty thinking.


Summary of Social Learning and Cognitive Theories

Learning to process information effectively is a major goal of these theories.

Skills learned in an initial career choice process can be used in the future.

Clients can prepare for future changes in work.

Learning to adapt and adjust is a lifelong endeavor.

Career Information and the CASVE Cycle

Phase of the CASVE Cycle Example of Career Information and Media

Communication (identifying a


A description of the personal and family issues

that women typically face in returning to work

(information) in a video-taped interview of

currently employed women (medium)

Analysis (interrelating

problem components)

Explanations of the basic education requirements

for degree programs (information) in community

college catalogues (medium)

Synthesis (creating likely


A presentation of emerging nontraditional career

options for women (information) at a seminar on

career development for women (medium)

Valuing (prioritizing


An exploration of how the roles of parent, spouse,

citizen, “leisurite,” and homemaker would be

affected by the assumption of the worker role

(information) in an adult version of a computer –

assisted career guidance system (medium)

Execution (forming means –

ends strategies)

A description of a function resume emphasizing

transferable skills, followed by the creation of a

resume (information) presented on a computer –

assisted employability skills system (medium)


Career Information and the CASVE Cycle
Phase of the CASVE Cycle Example of Career Information and Media
Communication (identifying a need) A description of the personal and family issues that women typically face in returning to work (information) in a video-taped interview of currently employed women (medium)
Analysis (interrelating problem components) Explanations of the basic education requirements for degree programs (information) in community college catalogues (medium)
Synthesis (creating likely alternatives) A presentation of emerging nontraditional career options for women (information) at a seminar on career development for women (medium)
Valuing (prioritizing alternatives) An exploration of how the roles of parent, spouse, citizen, “leisurite,” and homemaker would be affected by the assumption of the worker role (information) in an adult version of a computer-assisted career guidance system (medium)
Execution (forming means-ends strategies) A description of a function resume emphasizing transferable skills, followed by the creation of a resume (information) presented on a computer-assisted employability skills system (medium)


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Career Counseling Across The Lifespan

Career Counseling Across The Lifespan

For this discussion, synthesize your understanding of career counseling as an integral part of human development. From the perspective of your specialization, how does the developmental lifespan perspective influence career and educational planning, placement, and evaluation? Discuss the influence of career counseling when working with children (elementary school), adolescents (secondary), and older adults. Identify models that would be appropriate for children and adolescents in the school setting, including identity models such as Erik Erickson.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least two of your peers, commenting on the effectiveness with which your peer addressed each developmental stage, identifying the needs of elementary, secondary, and older adults. The response needs to include at least one reference


First peer posting

Career Counseling as an Integral Part of Human Development

Career development is not a one-time event, rather it is a process that occurs across the lifespan and is an integral part of human development.  Further, the counseling that may be offered to support career development must also be offered from a lifespan perspective, with counselors supporting a client’s unique needs at the various stages of their life and career.  Zunker (2016) also points out that changing cultural and environmental systems can effect human development, and best practice involves case conceptualization from a holistic perspective.  Humans are actively growing and changing throughout their lives, and their vocational interests, goals, and preferences are no exception.  Career counseling is a dynamic and lifelong process that evolves with each client throughout the course of their life.

The Developmental Lifespan Model Influence on Career and Educational Planning, Placement, and Evaluation

From a mental health counseling perspective, the developmental lifespan model of career planning is highly influential.  Mental health counselors will need to be prepared to address all phases of career counseling in all phases or stages of a client’s life.  Career and education planning begin in early childhood and continue throughout the course of life.  Mental health counselors will need to be aware of the foundational career needs of the children they serve, and be prepared to focus on improved social skills, industry, and communication skills.  When working with adolescents, mental health counselors also need to be aware of the importance of developing quality relationships outside of their family, and how these interpersonal skills will benefit them later in the workforce.  Also, mental health counselors will need to understand life stages when selecting assessment tools, conducting evaluations, and placing individuals in jobs.

The Influence of Career Counseling When Working With Children, Adolescents, and Older Adults

Career counseling can easily be integrated into work with children by focusing on the foundational skills necessary for successful education, vocational, and social experiences.  Some of the foundational skills that counselors can focus on with children include prosocial skills, positive work habits, diversity skills, pleasing personality traits, and entrepreneurship (Gysbers, 2013).  Counseling work with adolescents can begin to focus on planning, goal setting, and decision making skills, along with a focus on curricula that supports a possible career direction.  Interestingly, Newman and Newman (2012) highlight the concept of career maturity, which suggests postponing career decisions until an adolescent or young adult matures and gains valuable life experience.  Career counseling with adults in the new workforce places more emphasis on career development than remaining at a particular company (Zunker, 2016).  Retirement counseling should also be highlighted as individuals move to transition from the world of work to increased volunteer and leisure opportunities.  Finally, more retired individuals are going back to work on a part time basis in order to supplement their retirement income, and may require counseling to make this change.

Appropriate Career Counseling Models for Children and Adolescents, Including Erik Erickson’s Model

Stage theorists such as Erik Erickson conceptualize career counseling from the developmental life stage that a particular client is navigating.  Between the ages of 6 to 11, for example, children are actively learning a variety of social, academic, and work related skills that will create a foundation for later more complex career development.  This stage of development is also associated with achievement of self-efficacy and an understanding of the importance of productivity.  Adolescents are actively working on the developmental task of achieving a group and individual identity and avoiding isolation.  Adolescents work hard to expand their social circles and distance themselves from their parents in an effort to achieve independence (Newman & Newman, 2012).  An overarching principal associated with Erickson’s stage model is that children or adolescents who fail to successfully achieve their developmental tasks may require special supports later in life (Zunker, 2016).  Career counseling from this stage model would consider this developmental information as the foundation from which to create a comprehensive career plan.

Other career counseling models appropriate for children and adolescents include Super’s self-concept theory, Krumboltz’s learning theory, and cognitive development theory.  Because elementary school students are busy forming their identity or self-concept through their childhood relationships, Super’s self-concept theory may be applied (Zunker, 2016).  Krumboltz’s learning theory looks at the way that children and adolescents utilize observation in learning new things, and are able to adapt their behavior based on this observational learning (Zunker, 2016).  Piaget’s cognitive development theory is also a stage theory in that it views children’s knowledge acquisition as developing in specific steps or levels through their environmental engagement.


Gysbers, N. C. (2013). Career-ready students: A goal of comprehensive school counseling programs. Career Development Quarterly, 61(3), 283-288. doi:10.1002/j.2161-0045.2013.00057.x

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2012). Development through life: A psychosocial approach. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Zunker, V. G. (2016). Career counseling: A holistic approach (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN 9781305087286.


Second peer posting

Newman & Newman (2012) stated that career identities are “a well-integrated part of [people’s] personal identities rather than as activities from which they are alienated or by which they are dominated” (p. 412). Career counseling across the lifespan has implications in all fields of counseling practices. As it pertains to mental health counseling, career counseling becomes an integrated conversation about the wants, needs, & desires a person has to have a satisfied existence.

Developmental Lifespan from a MH Perspective

Zunker (2016) stated that early life experiences tend to influence later life decisions. As it applies to career counseling, this is the core and foundation for how young children begin to view the world and all it has to offer. For example, children who have parental figures who exhibit hard work ethic are likely to influence their young children especially if it is reinforced with at-home activities (e.g., chores). These experiences, along with other life experiences, are likely to shape what a child decides to do. From a MH perspective, because the child’s feelings about these practices greatly challenge or confirm their beliefs, it will affect their behaviors.

Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Model illustrates the challenges that people face at different stages of their life development. What made Erikson’s model much more appealing (versus Freud’s Psychosexual Theory) is that it included polarities that challenged each individual’s relationship to his/her culture, family, and life environment (Syed and McLean, 2015). So as it is applied to career counseling in the cases of young children and adolescents, Erikson’s developmental model provides a theoretical explanation for the decisions and choices one makes at certain times of his/her life.

Branje, Lieshout, & Gerris (2007) studied personality development across adolescence and adulthood to see if the Big Five personality factors (extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience) changed as individuals aged and gained experience. Their research suggested that males have fewer changes than females, but both sexes showed increasing signs of maturity and adaptation as they aged. The importance of their study was that it showed that personality continued to develop during the middle adulthood potentially because of the delegation of new responsibilities (i.e., parenthood). As it is applied to career counseling, the changing course of one’s career can have profound impact on their livelihood and decisions that (in)directly affect how one views his/her future.

Thoughts from the “Other Side”

Based upon Maslow’s (1943) Hierarchy of Needs, there exist several, innate physiological needs during infancy: food, water, shelter, sleep, air (breathing), excretion, and sensory satisfaction (e.g., touch, taste, hear, feel, and smell; Daniels, 1992; Maslow, 1943; and Seeley, 1992). The early, formative years allow the child to experience the world through their parent’s permission. Fast forward to adulthood, and these same basic needs are still required; however, they have evolved into something much more complex. When integrated with the work life, it is not surprising that these same needs are still needed in the workplace environment; however, they are ascribed new titles or new entitlements. For example, infants have the need for food; employees have the need for a clean environment to enjoy said food. Another example: infants have a need for sleep; employees need an hour per day for a break to do with it whatever they would like. These needs have never left; they have just evolved. The career demands that one has available to him/her that are most desirable are the attributes the (s)he will seek. In these instances, it will be necessary to determine if a client is okay with where (s)he is at this junction of his/her life. If they are not, it will be important to determine how career counseling and lifespan developmental theory can be influential in assisting with producing changes.

Wm D. Stinchcomb


Branje, S.J.T., Van Lieshout, C.F.M., & Gerris, J.R.M. (2007). Big Five Personality Development in Adolescence and Adulthood. European Journal of Personality, 21, 45-67.

Daniels, J. (1992). Empowering homeless children through school counseling. Elementary School Guidance & Counseling, 27(2), 104-113.

Maslow, A.H. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50, 370-396.

Newman, B. M., & Newman, P. R. (2012).Development through life: a psychosocial approach (11th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Seeley, E. (1992). Human needs and consumer economics: The implications of Maslow’s theory of motivation for consumer expenditure patterns. Journal Of Socio-Economics21(4), 303.

Syed, M., & McLean, K. C. (2015). Understanding identity integration: Theoretical, methodological, and applied issues. Journal of Adolescence, 47, 109-118. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2015.09.005

Zunker, V. G. (2016). Career counseling: A holistic approach, 9th Edition. [VitalSource Bookshelf Online]. Retrieved from

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homework help for Unit 3 Assignment: TED Talk Reflection Paper

TED Talk Reflection Paper

As you delve further into Psychology, there are so many topics that can be of interest to you! A great place to explore and learn about different topics is through TED talks, as many TED talks are created by prominent researchers in their fields. For this assignment, you will choose a TED talk from the list provided below, and write a 3-page reflection paper on it.


In your reflection paper, you will address the following six (6) content components:

1. Summarize the main ideas presented in the TED talk.

2. Discuss something new that you learned.

3. State whether you agree or disagree with the main ideas presented in the talk, and explain why you agree or disagree.

4. Discuss how you might apply what you’ve learned to your own life.

5. Research additional information related to this topic, and include a discussion of what you found most interesting. Include the link to the source you have chosen.

6. Discuss at least one idea/question for follow-up research on this topic.


• This reflection paper should be a minimum of three (3) full pages in length. The page requirement does not include the title and reference pages.

• Writing should be in paragraph form, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.


• Reference the TED Talk you viewed using the following format:

Presenter Surname, First Initial, Second Initial. (Year of publication, Month Day). Title of the TED talk [Video file]. Retrieved from

List of TED Talks to choose from:

Alter, A. (2017, April). Why our screens make us less happy [Video file]. Retrieved from

Dunn, E. (2019, April). Helping others makes us happier — but it matters how we do it [Video file]. Retrieved from how_we_do_it

Feldman Barret, L. (2017, December). You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions your brain creates them [Video file]. Retrieved from your_brain_creates_them?language=en

Genova, L. (2017, April). What can you do to prevent Alzheimer’s? [Video file]. Retrieved from =en

Gopnik, A. (2011, July). What do babies think? [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gorgens, K. (2018, June). The surprising connection between brain injuries and crime [Video file]. Retrieved from nd_crime

Little, B. (2016, February). Who are you, really? The puzzle of personality [Video file]. Retrieved from

Longden, E. (2013, February). The voices in my head [Video file]. Retrieved from

Martin, R. (2018, August). Why we get mad — and why it’s healthy [Video file]. Retrieved from

TEDx Talks. (2011, December 8). TEDxTerryTalks – Laura Bain – Living with bipolar type II [Video file]. Retrieved from

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Test Review(URICA SCALE) homework help

Test Review(URICA SCALE) homework help

This assignment is 1/4 done, attach is the research on URICA but its missing some additional info….

you need to include the following specific information in order to receive full credit for the assignment:

1)The Test- cost, time to take the test, theory behind the test, number of items, age appropriateness, and any other information relevant to teaching me about the test ( Approximately one page double spaced)

2)Reviewer #1- norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness, validity, reliability, final comments ( At a Minimum, one page double spaced)

3)Reviewer #2- norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness, validity, reliability, final comments ( At a Minimum, one page double spaced)

4) Your thoughts on norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness validity, reliability, final comments about using the test. Why or why not. (At a Minimum, one page double spaced). I want your thoughts based on specific information and not just opinions such as “I don’t like the GRE’s” or “I don’t think it’s fair to subject students to standardize testing.” I want to know what you think about the norm sample, practicality and cultural fairness validity, reliability based specifically on what you learned from both reviewers and any other source.



Assessment Instruments Review




Instrument assessment is common practice in the field of psychology to aid in understanding the significance of each instrument. The name of the instrument to be assessed in this document is URICA (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale.

Brief Description

URICA (University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale) is a test used to assess readiness for change when one needs to start an addiction treatment. The test is designed to be a self-report measure of motivation for change. It reveals information that can be used to guide the whole treatment process for a person. URICA has 32 items that have four subscales, which measure them major stages of change namely: Precontemplation, Contemplation, Action and Maintenance (Callaghan, Moore, Jungerman, Vilela, & Budney, 2008). Another version of the test with 24 questions has also been developed.

URICA responses are measured using Likert Scale that has 5 points. The score scale ranges from 1 to 5 and 1 means a strong disagreement and 5 means a strong agreement. Furthermore, the four scales can be combined arithmetically. C + A + M – PC produces a score that is used to check if an individual is ready upon entering a treatment program (O’Neal, 2007). The result produced by the arithmetic combination of the four subscales has been termed a second order Readiness for Change Score. The use of URICA is highly dependent on the client’s feeling at the time of the test. It is upon the therapist to interpret all the answers the answers give in the questionnaire. The answers are used to evaluate and determine the most appropriate level of treatment based on the stage of the addiction.

Target Population

The primary target population of the URICA assessment tool is adults. URICA can be a significant tool in the treatment and research on the general assessment of the clinical process and the motivation of an individual in respect to behavior modification.

URICA Test Administration

URICA test has a number of administrative issues that are used to make the test relevant effective. The following presents essential components of the URICA test. It is necessary to note that the test is self-administered. It does not need one to complete any training prior to administration of the test.

Number of Items: 24 or 32

Subscales: 32 version has four subscales with each subscale having eight items.

Format: The test is self-administered. It requires the use of a pencil and paper.

Time: It ranges between 5 and 10 minutes.

Scoring Information

This section reviews the rules of scoring in a URICA test. The test should be taken for five to ten minutes in order to get a conclusive score. The staff members achieve scoring. It does not have any form of computer scoring or interpretation. The therapist who is in charge interprets all the answers. URICA has norms, which can also be normed on the subgroups (Donovan, n.d.). It applies to adults who are being treated for alcohol addiction. It is specific to outpatients.

Normative Group

It can be applied to many groups to test motivation for behavior change. The normative group is adults, who are outpatients, being treated for alcohol addiction.

Psychometric Properties

Research has been done to measure the different psychometric properties of the URICA. The research measured internal reliability, factorial, concurrent and convergent reliability. It has proven useful in measuring the different stages of offence in male prisoners. The reliability tests that have been performed revealed reliability in terms of consistency. The principal measures of validity that have been produced by studies are based on content, construct and criterion applied. The criterion for URICA is concurrent, predictive and postdictive in nature (Callaghan, Moore, Jungerman, Vilela, & Budney, 2008).

URICA has been used in many clinical settings to assess the readiness of patients prior to the commencement of addiction treatment. The validity of this assessment stems from the point that it has been used in very many treatments and research to measure the four stages of change.

Clinical Recommendations

URICA has been a significant assessment tool in clinical settings. It has been used to assess the motivation of an individual to modify behavior based on the four stages of changes. Cluster analyses performed on adults, entering an alcohol addiction treatment, produced profiles with five stages. The five stages in alcohol addiction treatment are precontemplation, Ambivalent, Participation, Uninvolved and Contemplation. URICA provides a second factor that gives a readiness score that can be important at pretreatment (O’Neal, 2007).

Clinicians can employ the URICA assessment tool to evaluation motivational levels of an individual and use the resulting information to decide on the appropriate treatment program. It helps increase the chances of success in treatment of addiction problems that require behavior change. The subscales provided in the URICA are necessary for checking for change in attitudes at the different stages of change. In effect, appropriate action can be taken to ensure the treatment remains effective.


Researchers have cautioned that the reliability of URICA is only significant in educational programs. It seems URICA has not been very adequate in the assessment of treatment programs for offenders at intake. The test is useful in individuals who can be found within the four stages of change.

Clinicians should be cautious when using the URICA index to check motivation for behavior change and the recovery process (Taylor, 2004). URICA should be complemented by other methods to measure the recovery process in situations involving recovery from substances abuse.

Personal Opinion

Personally, I think the URICA is an adequate measure of motivation in clinical settings. Research has shown that URICA test is effective in measuring motivation for change in clinical situations. It has proven effective in the treatment of addiction problems related to alcohol and marijuana. At the same time, I believe the test is not consistent in all situations. It can be erratic in the assessment of behavior change in some people. In general, it an effective tool that has proven useful in determining the level of motivation for behavior change.

Callaghan, R., Moore, L. T., Jungerman, F., Vilela, F., & Budney, A. (2008). Recovery and URICA stage-of-change scores in three marijuana treatment studies. Journal of Substance of Abuse, 35(4), 419-26.

Donovan, D. M. (n.d.). Assessment to Aid in the Treatment Planning Process. Retrieved from National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism:

O’Neal, P. W. (2007). Motivation of health behavior. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Polaschek, D. L., Anstiss, B., & Wilson, M. (2010). The assessment of offending-related stage of change in offenders: psychometric validation of the URICA with male prisoners. Psychology, Crime & Law, 16(4), 305-325.

Taylor, S. (2004). Advances in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder: cognitive-behavioral perspectives. New York: Springer Pub.

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Chapter 7 Instructions

Practice Problem 14

Due Week 5 Day 6 (Sunday)

Follow the instructions below to submit your answers for Chapter 7 Practice Problem 14.

1. Save Chapter 7 Instructions to your computer.

2. Type your answers into the shaded boxes below. The boxes will expand as you type your answers.

3. Resave this form to your computer with your answers filled-in.

4. Attach the saved form to your reply when you turn-in your work in the Assignments section of the Classroom tab. Note: Each question in the assignments section will be listed separately; however, you only need to submit this form one time to turn-in your answers.

Below is an explanation of the symbols in Chapter 7, Practice Problem 14.

M = Mean

S2 = Population Variance

SM = Standard Deviation of the Distribution of Means

t = score for your sample

t needed = cut-off score that establishes the region of rejection (also known as the critical value)

Decision: Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null (select only one)

Read Chapter 7 Practice Problem 14 in your text book and then type your answers beside into the shaded boxes below. Note: Please provide only those answers indicated below, nothing more. You do not need to show your work. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.

M =

S2 =

SM =

t =

t needed = +



Chapter 8 Instructions

Practice Problem 18

Due Week 5 Day 6 (Sunday)

Follow the instructions below to submit your answers for Chapter 8 Practice Problem 18.

1. Save Chapter 8 Instructions to your computer.

2. Type your answers into the shaded boxes below. The boxes will expand as you type your answers.

3. Resave this form to your computer with your answers filled-in.

4. Attach the saved form to your reply when you turn-in your work in the Assignments section of the Classroom tab. Note: Each question in the assignments section will be listed separately; however, you only need to submit this form one time to turn-in your answers.

Below is an explanation of the symbols in Chapter 8, Practice Problem 18.

N1 = number of participants in the experimental group

N2 = number of participants in the control group

df1 = degrees of freedom for the experimental group

df2 = degrees of freedom for the control group

dfTotal = degrees of freedom for both groups

M1 = mean of the experimental group

M2 = mean of the control group

S21 = estimated population variance of the experimental group

S22 = estimated population variance of the control group

S2Pooled = pooled estimate of the population variance

S2M1 = variance of the distribution of means for the experimental group

S2M2 = variance of the distribution of means for the control group

S2Difference = variance of the distribution of differences between means

SDifference = standard deviation of the distribution of differences between means

t = score for your sample

t needed = cut-off score that establishes the region of rejection (also known as the critical value)

Decision: Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null (select only one)

Read Chapter 8 Practice Problem 18 in your text book and then type your answers into the shaded boxes below. Note: Please provide only those answers indicated below, nothing more. You do not need to show your work. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.

N1 =

N2 =

df1 =

df2 =

dfTotal =

M1 =

M2 =

S21 =

S22 =

S2Pooled =

S2M1 =

S2M2 =

S2Difference =

SDifference =

t =

t needed = +



Chapter 9 Instructions

Practice Problem 17

Due Week 5 Day 6 (Sunday)

Follow the instructions below to submit your answers for Chapter 9 Practice Problem 17.

1. Save Chapter 9 Instructions to your computer.

2. Type your answers into the shaded boxes below. The boxes will expand as you type your answers.

3. Resave this form to your computer with your answers filled-in.

4. Attach the saved form to your reply when you turn-in your work in the Assignments section of the Classroom tab. Note: Each question in the assignments section will be listed separately; however, you only need to submit this form one time to turn-in your answers.

Below is an explanation of the symbols in Chapter 9, Practice Problem 17.

S2Between = between groups population variance estimate

S2Within = within groups population variance estimate

F = statistical score that represents the ratio of the between groups to the within groups population variance estimate

F needed = cut-off score that establishes the region of rejection (also known as the critical value)

both groups

Decision: Reject the Null or Fail to Reject the Null (select only one)

Read Chapter 9 Practice Problem 17 in your text book and then type your answers into the shaded boxes below. Note: Please provide only those answers indicated below, nothing more. You do not need to show your work. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.

S2Between =

S2Within =

F =

F needed = +


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Psychological First Aid Test homework help

Psychological First Aid Test homework help

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Psychological First Aid Online

I have completed all of the required PFA Online course materials on my own to obtain this Certificate of Completion.

Select one:



Which of the following describes Psychological First Aid?

Select one or more:

 a. An evidence-informed, flexible, modular intervention

b. Typically provided at the end of the recovery period

c. Designed to reduce the initial distress caused by traumatic events

d. Foster short – and long-term adaptive functioning and coping

e. Applies only to adults

What are the basic objectives of Psychological First Aid?

Select one:

a. Keep people from needing social support after a disaster

b. Establish a human connection with people even if it means forcing yourself into their environment

c. Provide survivors with tools and assistance they need to manage their immediate situation

d. Make people share their stories so that they will not have long-term mental health problems

Choose the answer that fits the description:

An individual of any age or gender, with different cultural, religious, or ethnic background who has been affected by a disaster, including disaster responders.

Select one:

a. Survivor

b. PFA Provider

c. Core Actions

d. Disaster

e. Service Delivery Sites and Settings

Choose the answer that fits the description:

Any disaster response worker who provides early assistance to affected children, families, and adults as part of an organized disaster response effort.

Select one:

a. Survivor

b. PFA Provider

c. Core Actions

d. Disaster

e. Service Delivery Sites and Settings

Choose the answer that fits the description:

Eight strategies PFA providers can use flexibly to address the needs of survivors in the immediate aftermath of a disaster.

Select one:

a. Survivor

b. PFA Provider

c. Core Actions

d. Disaster

e. Service Delivery Sites and Settings


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Choose the answer that fits the description:

Any emergency event, including natural disasters (earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes), accidents, terrorist’s attacks, pandemic, school shooting, and arson.

Select one:

a. Survivor

b. PFA Provider

c. Core Actions

d. Disaster

e. Service Delivery Sites and Settings

Choose the answer that fits the description:

General population shelters, schools, special needs shelters, field hospitals and medical triage areas, acute care facilities, hotlines, or public health emergency settings.

Select one:

a. Survivor

b. PFA Provider

c. Core Actions

d. Disaster

e. Service Delivery Sites and Settings

Which of the following are early-intervention principles of Psychological First Aid?

Select one or more:

 a. Safety and calmness

b. Persistence and stabilization

c. Hope and connectedness

d. Self and community efficacy

e. Resistance and Resilience

As a Psychological First Aid provider, it is important to ensure that all survivors receive the same type and level of care.

Select one:



Read the Scenario and Answer the following two questions:

You arrive at the shelter – a coliseum a few miles from where the hurricane directly hit. It’s late morning and survivors are just starting to arrive at the shelter. They are confused, frightened, and overwhelmed. Members of your PFA response team are giving survivor’s water, food, and blankets.

You observe a number of survivors who need assistance. As a provider, what is the best way to make initial contact with them?

Select one:

a. Explain that others are in need of help too

b. Explain the importance of maintaining faith and hope

c. Observe first and make connections in a non-intrusive, kind, and helpful way

d. Reassure survivors that everything happens for the best

e. Provide them with information on coping

You observe an elderly man that is looking confused and overwhelmed. You want to provide support to him. Which of the following ways would NOT be best to make initial contact with him?

Select one:

a. Speak calmly

b. Give a hug to comfort him

c. Use language that is easy to understand

d. Give the man your full attention



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e. Refrain from looking around or being distracted

You observe a man who is shivering and appears famished. What type of support should you provide to make his environment more comfortable?

Select one:

a. Observe him for a while to see if he stops shivering

b. Tell him where the blankets are located

c. Give him a blanket and show him where the eating area is located

d. Suggest to him that he should find some food

e. Encourage him to walk around to warm himself up

You observe a young man who is visibly upset. You ask if you can help him and he accepts your offer. The man tells you that he has been separated from his wife during the tornado and is really worried about her.

Which of the following types of support can you provide?

Select one or more:

a. Tell him he is not the only person who is missing a loved one

b. Ask him if he and his wife identified a way to touch base if separated

 c. Inform him of current response efforts to locate missing survivors

d. Assure him that his wife is safe

e. Ask him if he would like to go outside to find his wife

A single mother and her male child are sitting alone watching a news report that is showing the damage from the storm. You observe the child getting more nervous and upset.

What steps can you take to protect the child from additional distress?

Select one or more:

a. Encourage the mom to check in with her son to make sure he understands what is happening

b. Force him away from the TV

c. Inform the mom that watching too much TV news coverage may be upsetting her son

d. Tell the mom that routines are helpful to children’s recovery

 e. All of the above are correct

Which of the following is NOT a sign that a survivor may need stabilization?

Select one:

a. Excessive talking

b. Glassy and vacant eyes

c. Strong emotional responses

d. Uncontrollable physical reactions

e. Frantic searching behavior

What stabilizing technique is used to help orient and calm overwhelmed survivors when the initial techniques are unsuccessful?

Select one:

a. Socializing

b. Grounding

c. Yoga

d. Interviewing

e. Prescription medications

When gathering information from survivors, what should the provider do?

Select one:

a. Take a detailed medical history

b. Focus on the immediate needs and concerns

c. Seek detailed information from the survivor about her traumatic experiences to ensure appropriate referral

d. Gather all information at the time of initial contact so interventions can be planned and implemented immediately

e. Ask the survivor to retell what happened during the disaster



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There has been a terrorist attack at a state government building. You arrive at the family assistance center and observe a young couple who are looking distressed.

For this type of situation, what is NOT the best method for identifying their immediate needs and concerns?

Select one:

a. Conduct a standardized assessment interview

b. Use the Survivor Current Needs Form if it is available to help direct you in gathering information about their needs and concerns

c. Gather information about their needs and concerns through natural conversation

d. Ask the couple if they would like to talk with you and ask how you can help

Survivors who are optimistic, confident, and have resources are more likely to have favorable outcomes after a disaster?

Select one:



Which of the following steps should you NOT follow when providing practical assistance?

Select one:

a. Clarify the needs

b. Identify most immediate needs

c. Discuss personal financial matters

d. Discuss an action plan

e. Act to address the needs

What type of support would NOT be most helpful to a survivor who has become socially isolated?

Select one:

a. Encourage the survivor to take small steps towards interacting with others in a way that is comfortable

b. Help the survivor make a plan for approaching another person

c. Help the survivor consider who might be friendly, approachable, or helpful

d. Remind the survivor that they are not the only ones feeling isolated

e. Reinforce any efforts the survivor has made to gain social support

Choose the answer that fits the supportive response:

“It sounds like you’re saying…..” or “From what you are saying, I can see how you would be….”

Select one:

a. Reflective

b. Clarifying

c. Supportive

d. Empowering

Choose the answer that fits the supportive response:

“Am I right when I say…..?” or “Tell me if I’m wrong, but it sounds like you are saying….”

Select one:

a. Reflective

b. Clarifying

c. Supportive

d. Empowering

Choose the answer that fits the supportive response:

“No wonder you feel…..” or “I’m really sorry this is such a tough time for you.”

Select one:

a. Reflective

b. Clarifying

c. Supportive

d. Empowering



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Choose the answer that fits the supportive response:

“What have you done in the past to make yourself feel better when things get difficult?”

Select one:

a. Reflective

b. Clarifying

c. Supportive

d. Empowering

You identify the needs and concerns of an elderly couple. They are celebrating their 50 wedding anniversary in a couple of days. They are having a party and expecting out-of-town guests to join them. They are feeling anxious and sad about the possibility of the disaster interrupting their celebration.

What can you do to help them feel better?

Select one or more:

 a. Try to increase their appreciation of the years they have spent

b. Try to help them forget about it

 c. Help them develop an alternative plan for the celebration

d. Help them contact their out of town guests

e. Tell the couple your real job is as a party planner and you’ll help them for a fee

You are in a shelter set up for survivors of an earthquake. You are assigned to speak to a family who lost their home. After explaining that individuals react to and cope with stress differently, you explain adaptive coping actions.

Which of the following is NOT true of adaptive coping strategies?

Select one:

a. Help reduce anxiety

b. Lessen distressing reactions

c. Avoid addressing problems

d. Create a sense of empowerment

e. Help family members support one another

When making a referral, summarize your discussion with the survivor for accuracy.

Select one:



What information should you know when you are ready to connect survivors to available ancillary services?

Select one:

a. Location

b. Office hours

c. Type of services provided and availability

d. Individuals that survivors can talk to

e. All the above

What consideration is particularly important for you to think about before deciding to participate in this disaster response?

Select one:

a. Your Comfort Level

b. Your Health

c. Your Family

d. Your Religion

e. Your Work

You have been working 6 hours straight and are feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted. Which of the following actions is NOT a good choice for taking care of yourself?

Select one:




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a. Recognize your limitations and needs

b. Take a break to remove yourself from the commotion

c. Check in with your supervisor or colleague to let them know you need a break

d. Practice a brief relaxation technique

e. Drink caffeine to keep you alert

What can you do to help yourself readjust to life after your relief work?

Select one or more:

 a. Increase experiences that have spiritual or philosophical meaning to you

 b. Be patient with yourself

 c. Let go of what you cannot control

d. Make big life changing decision

 e. Increase leisure activities and exercise

Which of the following is a guideline for delivering Psychological First Aid:

Select one:

a. focus solely on providing psychological care and let others provide practical assistance (for example, food, water, blankets)

b. ask survivors how you can help even if you think you know what they need

c. answer all survivors’ questions even if you are not sure of the answers

d. when communicating with a survivor through a translator, speak slowly and look at the translator so you are sure he/she understands what you are saying

e. quickly get as many details as possible from survivors about their traumatic experiences and losses so that you can help address their PTSD

When delivering Psychological First Aid to a group of survivors, you should:

Select one:

a. focus on the shared needs and concerns of survivors

b. allow the most distressed individual to talk as long as he/she needs to as a way of demonstrating that you care

c. allow people to complain as long as they feel a need to do so

d. discourage questions even if they address issues of concern to most of the survivors

e. avoid telling the group that you do not know the answer to a question so they will not lose confidence in your ability to assist

When preparing to deliver Psychological First Aid, you should be concerned with which of the following:

Select one:

a. the setting in which you will be delivering Psychological First Aid since delivery may change with setting

b. learning about cultural, socioeconomic, and spiritual differences in survivors

c. the needs of your own family even if the needs of survivors seem to be greater

d. your own needs even if the needs of survivors seem to be greater

e. all of the above

When providing information about disaster response activities and services, it is generally appropriate to tell adult survivors:

Select one:

a. what is being done to assist them

b. what is currently known about the unfolding event

c. what to expect next if known

d. what services are available

e. all of the above

In assisting survivors with missing family members, the Psychological First Aid provider should:

Select one:

a. explain the importance of maintaining faith and hope

b. encourage survivors to pray for missing loved ones

c. reassure survivors that everything happens for the best



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d. recognize cultural differences in the grieving process

e. do all of the above

In stabilizing a distressed survivor, the Psychological First Aid provider should generally:

Select one:

a. intervene quickly and let the survivor know the gravity of the situation

b. insist on talking directly to the survivor

c. be calm, quiet, and available

d. tell the survivor to calm down

e. provide detailed information about the disaster so the survivor can put his/her reactions in perspective

Psychological First Aid interventions should be:

Select one:

a. adapted to the specific needs of survivors

b. delivered in a uniform fashion to avoid discrimination

c. designed to meet immediate and long term needs of survivors

d. enacted only after all physical health needs are addressed

e. both a and d above

Social engagement in the aftermath of a disaster should generally be:

Select one:

a. discouraged

b. discouraged among individuals who are obsessing about the disaster

c. discouraged among children but encouraged among adults

d. encouraged among children only if their parents are missing

e. encouraged when individuals are coping adequately

In gathering information from disaster survivors, the Psychological First Aid provider should:

Select one:

a. take a formal medical history

b. focus on immediate needs and concerns

c. seek detailed information from the survivor about traumatic experiences to ensure appropriate referral

d. gather all information upon initial contact so interventions can be planned and implemented immediately

e. do all of the above

Survivors with pre-existing medical conditions:

Select one:

a. are unlikely to benefit from Psychological First Aid

b. are likely to do well in disaster situations because they know how to deal with adversity

c. may experience a worsening of their symptoms as a result of a disaster

d. are likely to recover fairly quickly from disaster-related distress because they know how to deal with adversity

e. should be referred immediately to a physician

In assisting an individual who has lost a pet in a tornado in which there were many physical injuries and deaths, the Psychological First Aid provider should:

Select one:

a. avoid making contact with the individual

b. explain that others are in greater need of help

c. recognize that the lost pet may be of great importance to the individual

d. hand the individual information on coping with loss and move directly to those with physical injuries

e. do b, c, and d above

Youth are most likely to benefit from practical assistance that helps them to:

Select one:



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a. forget their disaster experiences

b. relive their disaster experiences

c. clarify their needs and concerns

d. consider only one course of action

e. avoid problem solving

Social support in the aftermath of a disaster can come in many forms including:

Select one:

a. emotional support

b. information about services

c. physical assistance

d. material assistance

e. all of the above

Connecting adolescents with social supports may appropriately involve helping them to do all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one:

a. share with others

b. engage in enjoyable activities with other youth

c. spend time with younger siblings

d. help with chores to support family and community

e. avoid thinking about how they have handled problems in the past

Which of the following is likely to be most beneficial to withdrawn or socially isolated survivors in the immediate aftermath of a disaster:

Select one:

a. insisting they talk to others as a way of dealing with their own disaster experiences

b. encouraging them to help others so they take the focus off of themselves and their problems

c. discouraging interaction with others until their own concerns are fully addressed

d. helping them to think about the type of support that would be helpful to them

e. reminding them to avoid contact with other survivors if they are not ready to engage in conversation

Positive reactions to disaster:

Select one:

a. are rarely observed in survivors

b. are rarely observed in loved ones of survivors

c. may include an increased appreciation of life

d. generally include a decrease in spiritual beliefs

e. are characterized by all of the above

Intrusive reactions, avoidance and withdrawal, and physical arousal in disaster survivors:

Select one:

a. indicate severe psychological disturbance

b. indicate severe physical injury

c. are common indicators of distress in the immediate aftermath of a disaster

d. require the immediate assistance of a mental health professional

e. can be dismissed because they are not associated with severe psychological problems

You are delivering Psychological First Aid in a shelter that is filled to capacity. A mother shows up at the door with a toddler and is refused admission by the supervisor in charge. The mother is frantic and asks that her child be allowed to stay in the shelter.

Which of the following should you NOT do?

Select one:

a. See if the mother and child need food or water and explain where the nearest open shelter is

b. Ask if she needs transportation to the nearest open shelter

c. Tell the supervisor that this mother and child should be allowed admission to this shelter because she is tired



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d. Explain to the mother that she and her child should stay together, and discuss options to solve the problem

Post-disaster reminders:

Select one:

a. may include situations in which positive things remind survivors of how life has changed

b. are generally unrelated to the specific type of disaster

c. are generally unrelated to the hardships faced by survivors

d. are rare in most disasters

e. are generally indicators of psychological health because they indicate that survivors are reviewing their experiences

Maladaptive coping actions used by disaster survivors include:

Select one:

a. keeping a journal

b. maintaining a normal schedule to the extent possible

c. participating in a support group

d. working longer hours than normal

e. avoiding risky behavior

When a parent expresses concern that his child cries when left for even brief periods of time, the Psychological First Aid provider could appropriately tell the parent all of the following EXCEPT:

Select one:

a. separations may remind children of separations experienced during the disaster

b. children who cannot yet say how they feel may show fear by clinging or crying

c. children may experience bodily reactions to separations

d. it is likely that children use crying to manipulate parents

e. parents can help children by limiting separations in the immediate aftermath of a disaster

Post-disaster distress in adolescents may be expressed by which of the following:

Select one:

a. abrupt shifts in interpersonal relationships

b. radical changes in attitude

c. detachment, shame, and guilt

d. self-consciousness about their fears

e. all of the above

Points of Dispensing (POD) centers are generally established to:

Select one:

a. distribute medications or vaccinations

b. provide information via phone banks and hotlines

c. coordinate the activities of community outreach teams

d. provide a variety of community services and referrals in a central location

e. do all of the above

Most survivors who have been in a terrorist attack will need stabilization?

Select one:



Reassuring survivors that they will have community members available to them in case they need help is what type of support?

Select one:

a. Emotional

b. Physical

c. Reliable



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d. Reassurance of self worth

e. Advice and information

What should a PFA provider do with the survivor before making a referral?

Select one:

a. Refer the survivor to services he/she used before the disaster

b. Give the survivor written information about services but not make an appointment

c. Encourage the survivor to postpone seeking help for at least two weeks after the disaster

d. Summarize discussion you had with the survivor about his/her needs and concerns

You are manning a telephone hotline in a city experiencing an outbreak of pandemic flu. You have been given a set of questions to ask callers (for example, do you have a fever?) and information to provide depending on the expressed concerns of callers.

A woman calls in a panic and can’t calm down. What do you do?

Select one:

a. Yell until the caller is listening to you

b. Tell her to call back when she has calm down and then hang up

c. Remain calm yourself, give her a few minutes to calm down, and ask her what her current concerns are

d. Read off the list of questions and try to get the answers to all the questions

All of the following are appropriate when making referrals for children and adolescents EXCEPT:

Select one:

a. insisting that adolescents participate in private, rather than family, counseling

b. obtaining parental consent for services other than immediate emergency care

c. making interactions with children and adolescents positive to help them to develop a positive attitude toward future care providers

d. recommending that follow-up services for the family include at least a brief evaluation of child and adolescent adjustment

e. helping to minimize the number of times that children and adolescents will have to retell the story of their experiences


The NCTSN is funded by the Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services and jointly coordinated by UCLA and Duke University. Disclaimer | Privacy

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Graduate Psychometrics homework help

Graduate Psychometrics homework help

Assignment Content


· Top of Form

· Access the Mental Measurements Yearbook, located in the University Library.

· Select two assessments of intelligence and two achievement tests.

· Prepare a 12- to 15-slide presentation about your selected instruments. In your analysis, address the following: (must include detailed speaker notes)

· Critique the major definitions of intelligence. Determine which theory of intelligence best fits your selected instruments. Explain how the definition and the measures are related.

· Evaluate the measures of intelligence you selected for reliability, validity, normative procedures, and bias.

· Your selected intelligence and achievement assessments. How are the goals of the tests similar and different? How are the tests used? What are the purposes of giving these differing tests

· Bottom of Form


******Select two assessments of intelligence and two achievement tests. Also, DO NOT Choose an “emotional” intelligence test. We are looking at the typical intelligence test that gives a standard score and IQ.******** (view attachments for example tests)


Part 2

Answer each questions using 175 words

Discussion 1

In everyday living, mental abilities tend to operate in unison rather than in isolation. How useful is it, therefore, to attempt to isolate and measure “primary mental abilities”? What is factor Advanced Certified analysis? What are the theories that relate to it in regards to intelligence? What about information processing theories? How are they different?


Discussion 2

Thanks for your post. My preferred theory of intelligence is Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence. I think it is absolutely true that everyone has intelligence but there are many different areas or types of intelligence.

How does Gardner’s theory compare and contrast to Sternberg’s theory?

How can these be related to the learning environment?

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Forum 1 Psychology homework help

Discovering Sociology

Topic Folder Discovering Sociology 7 unread of 7 messagesView Full Description

Choose one of the following questions:
1. Social life can be interpreted from one of the three major theoretical frameworks or perspectives. Describe the major points of each framework/perspective and discuss which perspective you think provides a more accurate or complete view of the social world and why.
2.  What does it mean to have a “sociological imagination?”  How does this relate to what Mills refers to as private troubles and public issues?  Share an example of an issue that might be considered by sociologists to be both a private trouble as well as a public issue. [Hint: How do media and/or culture link private troubles and public issues, OR make private troubles become public issues? Look to chapter 3 for support]
The Week 1 Forum meets the following course objectives:
  • Apply a sociological perspective to the social world
  • Analyze contemporary social issues using the sociological imagination and use sociological theories and concepts to analyze everyday life.
  • Describe culture and socialization.



Instructions for all Forums:

Each week, learners will post one initial post per week.  This post must demonstrate comprehension of the course materials, the ability to apply that knowledge in the real world.  Learners will engage with the instructor and peers throughout the learning week.  To motivate engaged discussion, posts are expected to be on time with regular interaction throughout the week.  All posts should demonstrate college level writing skills. To promote vibrant discussion as we would in a face to face classroom, formatted citations and references are not required.  Quotes should not be used at all, or used sparingly.  If you quote a source quotation marks should be used and an APA formatted citation and reference provided.






Exemplary (100%)



Accomplished (85%)



Developing (75%)


Beginning (65%)


Not Participating (0%)


Comprehension of course materials



Initial post demonstrates rich comprehension of course materials.  Detailed use of terminology or examples learned in class.  If post includes opinion, it is supported with evaluated evidence. Initial post demonstrates clear comprehension of course materials.  Use of terminology or examples learned in class. If post includes opinion, it is supported with evaluated evidence. Initial post demonstrates some comprehension of course materials.  Specific terminology or examples learned in class may be incorrect or incomplete.  Post may include some opinion without evaluated evidence. Initial post does not demonstrate comprehension of course materials.  Specific terminology or examples learned in class are not included.  Post is opinion based without evaluated evidence. No posting, post is off topic, post does not meet minimum criteria for demonstrating beginning level of comprehension. Post may be plagiarized, or use a high percentage of quotes that prevent demonstration of student’s comprehension.
Real world application of knowledge



Initial post demonstrates that the learner can creatively and uniquely apply the concepts and examples learned in class to a personal or professional experience from their life or to a current event. Initial post demonstrates that the learner can apply the concepts and examples learned in class to a  personal or professional experience from their life or to a current event. Initial post does not clearly demonstrate that the learner can apply the concepts and examples learned in class. Unclear link between the concepts and examples learned in class to personal or professional experience or to a current event. Initial post does not demonstrate that the learner can apply the concepts and examples learned in class. No link to a personal or professional experience or to a current event is made in the post. No posting, post is off topic, post does not meet minimum criteria for demonstrating beginning level of application. Post may be plagiarized, or use a high percentage of quotes that prevent demonstration of student’s ability to apply comprehension.
Active Forum Engagement and Presence


Learner posts 4+ different days in the learning week.


Replies to at least one response from a classmate or instructor on the learner’s initial post to demonstrate the learner is reading and considering classmate responses to their ideas.


Posts two or more 100+ word responses to initial posts of classmates.  Posts motivate group discussion and contributes to the learning community by doing 2+ of the following:

  • offering advice or strategy
  • posing a question,
  • providing an alternative point-of-view,
  • acknowledging similar experiences
  • sharing a resource
Learner posts 3 different days in the learning week.


Posts two 100+ word responses to initial posts of classmates.  Posts motivate group discussion and contribute to the learning community by doing  2+ of the following:


  • offering advice or strategy
  • posing a question,
  • providing an alternative point-of-view,
  • acknowledging similar experiences
  • sharing a resource
Learner posts 2 different days in the learning week.


Posts one 100+ word response to initial post of classmate.  Post motivates group discussion and contributes to the learning community by doing 1 of the following:


  • offering advice or strategy
  • posing a question,
  • providing an alternative point-of-view,
  • acknowledging similar experiences
  • sharing a resource
Learner posts 1 day in the learning week.


Posts one 100+ word response to initial post of classmate.  Post does not clearly motivate group discussion or clearly contribute to the learning community.


Responses do not:

  • offering advice or strategy
  • posing a question,
  • providing an alternative point-of-view,
  • acknowledging similar experiences
  • sharing a resource
Learner posts 1 day in the learning week, or posts are not made during the learning week and therefore do not contribute to or enrich the weekly conversation.


No peer responses are made.  One or more peer responses of low quality (“good job, I agree”) may be made.

Writing skills


Post is 250+ words.  All posts reflect widely accepted academic writing protocols like using capital letters, cohesive sentences, and no texting language. Dialogue is also polite and respectful of different points of view. Post is 250+ words.  The majority of posts reflect widely-accepted academic writing protocols like using capital letters, cohesive sentences, and no texting language. Dialogue is polite and respectful of different points of view. Post is 175+ words.  The majority of posts reflect widely-accepted academic writing protocols like using capital letters (“I am” not “i am”), cohesive sentences, and no texting language. Dialogue may not be respectful of different points of view. Post is 150+ words.  The majority of the forum communication ignores widely-accepted academic writing protocols like capital letters, cohesive sentences, and texting; Dialogue may not be respectful of different points of view. No posting, post is off topic and does not meet minimum criteria for demonstrating beginning level of comprehension.
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Psych 640 History Of Cognitive Psychology Lecture homework help

Psych 640 History Of Cognitive Psychology Lecture homework help

History of cognitive psychology lecture

Mary Oliver

Psych 640

Ms. Paulette pitt

March 9, 2015

Week I Individual Assignment



History of cognitive psychology


Psychometric studies


Benefits of psychometric research

Uric Neisser is known as the father of cognitive psychology as well as an advocate for cognitive research. During his career he published Cognitive Psychology (1967) in which he brought research together pertaining yo perception, pattern recognition, attention, problem solving, and remembering (APS, 2012). Cognitive psychology is the broad name give to the field of psychology that examines attention, consciousness, information processing, and memory. Researchers in cognitive psychology and sensation perception are sometimes call experimental psychologist. This presentation will describe the history of cognitive psychology. It will explain how and why psychometric studies are used to study cognitive psychology. Finally this presentation will discuss the benefits of research in psychometrics.


Cognitive Psychology History

Cognitive Psychology makeup

Cognitive psychology focuses on a higher mental processes, including thinking, memory, reasoning, problem solving, judging, decision making and language. It focuses on the study of higher mental processes. Cognitive psychology centers on three major topics: thinking and reasoning, problem solving and creativity, and language. In the 1950s, researchers speculated that some mental operations might be modeled by computers, and they believed that  such modeling might shed light on how the human mind work (Marcus, 2001). Cognitive psychologists often use the computer as an analogy to help explain the relationship between cognition of the brain.  They explain the physical brain as the computer’s hardware, and cognition as its software. The human brain also has an incredible ability to learn new rules, relationships, concepts, and patterns that it can generate to novel situations. The term cognitive psychology became a label for approaches that sought to explain observable behavior by investigating mental processes and structures that we cannot directly observe (Ashcraft & Radvansky, 2009).


Major Topics



Problem Solving

Decision Making


The brain’s processing is the silent operation of thinking. Psychologist define thinking as the manipulation of mental representations of information. The representation may take the form of a word, a visual image, a sound or data in any other sensory modality stored in memory. Thinking transform a particular representation of information into new and different forms, allowing one to answer questions, solve problems, or reach goals. Thinking also involves manipulating information mentally by forming concepts, solving problems, making decisions, and reflecting in a critical or creative manner. In the past Philosophers have considered the foundations of reasoning for some time, it is only recently that cognitive psychologist have begin to investigate how people reason and make decisions. There work has contributed to our understanding of formal reasoning processes as well as shortcuts often used. Reasoning is the mental activity of transforming information to reach conclusions. Reasoning is involved in problem solving and decision making. It is also a skill closely related to critical thinking. It can also be inductive or deductive. Inductive reasoning involves reasoning from specific observations to make generalizations (Tenenbaum, Griffiths, & Kemp, 2006). Deductive reasoning is reasoning from a general case that one know to be true to a specific instance (Demeure, Bonnefon, & Raufaste, 2009). Some psychologist have found that problem solving typically involves three steps: preparing to create solutions, producing solutions, and evaluating the solution that have been generated. When approaching a problem most people begin by trying to understand the problem thoroughly. If the problem is a novel one, they may pay closer attention to any restrictions placed on coming up with a solution. If by chance, the problem is a familiar one, they are apt to spend considerably less time in it preparation stage. Problems vary from well defined to ill defined. Despite obstacles to problem solving people are very skilled at discovering creative solutions to the problems. Reasoning is the mental activity of transforming information to reach conclusions. Decision making involves evaluating alternatives and choosing among them. Reasoning uses establishes rules to draw conclusion, decision making these rules are not established, and one may not know the consequences of the decisions.


Psychometric Studies


How its used

Psychometric is the study concerning theory and techniques of psychological measurement, that involves the measurement of knowledge, abilities, attitudes and personality traits. This field primary deals with the study of differences within or between individual. It also involves two major research tasks such as construction of instruments and procedures for measurement, and development and refinement of theoretical approaches toward measurements (Tenenbaum, Griffith, & Kemp, 2006). When psychometric is used together with other information outlets they provide a powerful insight into why people make the decisions they often make or why they behave they way that they do. Futhermore, psychometrics helps to predict a individuals future behavior and performance. Some of the earliest psychometric instruments were used initially to test intelligence. It ha been applied in educational assessment to measure such things as reading and writing, and intelligence test .



Why its Used

The use of psychometrics has steadily grown over the last 50 years but has really flourished over the last 10 to 15 years. The majority of psychometric tests have been designed by occupational psychologist to guarantee the tools have scientific reliability and normative information from which they can compare the results against (Tenenbaum, Griffith, & Kemp, 2006). The resurgence of research in laboratory environments use structured psychometric instruments, questionnaires and performance test designed to reveal the mechanisms underlying human behavior. When looking at the use of psychometrics it is cost efficient and cost control thus reducing the budget for testing (Feldman, 2009).


Benefits of Research


Psychometrics offer the following benefits such as efficiency and confidentiality that secures collection of feedback for the individual and proven methodology. Furthermore, there are three different types of psychometric: ability/intellectual capability, personality, ad motivation. Psychometric as been used to lead scientific credibility for classification. Psychometric can be use in the research of cognitive psychology as well in employment recruitment.


Benefits of Psychometrics


It is clear the important implications with respect to psychometric approaches to the measurement of personality traits. According to this view, behavior is negotiated between participants in a social exchanges, and operates as a function of the situational and intrapersonal requirements. Qualitative methods are important because they attempt to understand the nature of this exchange, rather that simply reducing it to single numbers such as the score on a personality questionnaire or test. The principles of psychometrics guide the development and use of instruments and procedures used in the measurement of psychological traits (Anderson, 2009).



History of Cognitive Psychology

How and Why Psychometric Studies are Used

Benefits of Research



Psychometrics has been applied extensively to the measurement of personality, attitudes, mood, intelligence, cognitive ability, etc. The inherent difficulty in measuring these constructs, which lack a tangible physical correlate, drives the uses of psychometrics, which attempts to properly quantify and define these constructs. The earlier psychometric instruments were designed to measure intelligence, the best known of which is the Stanford-Binet IQ test developed originally by Alfred Binet, and psychometric instruments continue to be used widely within education and educational psychologist. Another major area of study in psychometrics relates to personality, and a large number of personality measures and related models and theories. Healthy psychology relies heavily on psychometric instruments, including questionnaires but also interview instruments, to quantify the constructs which are central to many of the research questions studied. It is therefore important that these measures are both reliable and valid. For this reason, researchers generally use instruments that have undergone an extensive and stringent process of reliability and validity test. The use of instruments which have not gone through this process is discouraged (Albery & Munafo’, 2008).



Albery,I.& Munafo’, M. ((2008). Key Concepts in Health Psychology. Sage Publications

Anderson, J. (2009). Cognitive Psychology and its Implications. (7th ed.) Wroth Publishers

Ashcraft, M., & Radvansky, G. (2009). Cognition (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall

Association for Psychology Science (APS). (2012). Remembering the father of cognitive psychology. Vol.25 No.5 Retrieved from

Demeure, V., Bonnefon, J., & Raufaste, E. (2009). Politeness and condiitioned reasoning: Interpersonal cues to the indirect suppression of deductive inference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 35, 260-266

Feldman, R. (2009). Understanding Psychology (9th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw Hill

Marcus, J. (2001). The algebraic mind. Cambridge, MA: MIT Books

Tenebaum, J., Griffiths, T., & Kemp, C. (2006). Theory-based Bayesianmodels of inductive learning and reasoning. Trends in Cognitive Science, 10, 309-318






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Graduate Psychometrics homework help

Graduate Psychometrics homework help

Assignment Content


· Top of Form

· Access the Mental Measurements Yearbook, located in the University Library.

· Select two assessments of intelligence and two achievement tests.

· Prepare a 12- to 15-slide presentation about your selected instruments. In your analysis, address the following: (must include detailed speaker notes)

· Critique the major definitions of intelligence. Determine which theory of intelligence best fits your selected instruments. Explain how the definition and the measures are related.

· Evaluate the measures of intelligence you selected for reliability, validity, normative procedures, and bias.

· Your selected intelligence and achievement assessments. How are the goals of the tests similar and different? How are the tests used? What are the purposes of giving these differing tests

· Bottom of Form


******Select two assessments of intelligence and two achievement tests. Also, DO NOT Choose an “emotional” intelligence test. We are looking at the typical intelligence test that gives a standard score and IQ.******** (view attachments for example tests)


Part 2

Answer each questions using 175 words

Discussion 1

In everyday living, mental abilities tend to operate in unison rather than in isolation. How useful is it, therefore, to attempt to isolate and measure “primary mental abilities”? What is factor Advanced Certified analysis? What are the theories that relate to it in regards to intelligence? What about information processing theories? How are they different?


Discussion 2

Thanks for your post. My preferred theory of intelligence is Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligence. I think it is absolutely true that everyone has intelligence but there are many different areas or types of intelligence.

How does Gardner’s theory compare and contrast to Sternberg’s theory?

How can these be related to the learning environment?

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