240400 Discussion Board Rebuttal

(240400 Discussion Board Rebuttal)

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240400 Discussion Board Rebuttal

Discussion Board Rebuttal

The author offers a compelling discussion and reflection on a difficult decision made at the workplace. The workplace is dynamic, and as providers, we experience toxic working environments due to factors such as negative coworkers or individuals lacking the right attitude for the job. Everyone should perform their duty to the best of their ability and employ the right attitude while executing tasks. Dealing with negative coworkers on a daily basis is typical in any working environment and an unfortunate necessity.1 A negative attitude can significantly damage the overall morale of the working environment because it makes tasks seem impossible, take longer time to complete, and makes care uncoordinated. Nonetheless, we should develop interventions to curb such situations and encourage the right attitude at work.

Such attitudes can result from the pressuring nursing environment and other workplace factors, including burnout, compassion fatigue, conflict with patients and colleagues, overwhelming workloads, and working overtime, which have a damaging impact on job satisfaction. Before deciding to fire an employee for not having the right attitude, it is vital for the management to employ other avenues and determine factors contributing to such an attitude.1 It is imperative to analyze the workplace, inquire from other providers regarding the perception of the working environment, and determine any internal or external factors contributing to the situation. Sometimes, the work environment is at fault, and management can seek approaches to improve the work environment and help the problematic employee improve her attitude. In such a situation, as a provider, you needed to remain calm, recognize things you cannot change, speak up when necessary, with the sole purpose of helping the specific employee, avoid the gossip game, and engage other coworkers and leadership in talking to the employee to understand the situation from her perspective and seek ways to help the employee improve her attitude.(240400 Discussion Board Rebuttal)


  1. Marshall K. Tips for RNs dealing with negative coworkers. AMN Healthcare. 2020. https://www.americanmobile.com/nursezone/career-development/tips-for-rns-dealing-with-negative-coworkers/
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