250406 Reverse Outline

(250406 Reverse Outline)

Article Title: Nurse health and well-being

Author’s name: (Student Name)

Year of publication: 2023

250406 Reverse Outline


  • THESIS Statement: Since work-related factors can negatively impact nurse health, nurse leaders should take steps to improve the working environment, encourage nurses to adopt self-care strategies, and provide education sessions to improve the well-being of their team members. (250406 Reverse Outline)


Body Topic 1 – Work-related factors impact nurse health and well-being

Paragraph 1: Work-related factors – Nurse burnout

  • Work-related factors are attributed to poor or a lack of nurses’ health and well-being, including nurse burnout which is prevalent and has significant effects on patients, healthcare teams, and health organizations.
  • Burnout is associated with emotional exhaustion, a low sense of individual accomplishment, and depersonalization, leading to poor patient outcomes, increased healthcare costs, clinician illness, suicidal thoughts and actions, and high turnover rates.
  • Nurse burnout is attributed to heavy workloads, working overtime, staff shortages, skill-job mismatch, inadequate training, and heavy documentation.

Paragraph 2: Compassion fatigue

  • Compassion fatigue is a nurse’s diminished capacity to offer care at the highest level, attributed to extended exposure to ill people and patients’ traumatic experiences.
  • Factors such as prolonged stress, inadequate support, heavy workloads, many hours per shift, and conflict lead to compassion fatigue, which indicates a lack of nurse well-being

Paragraph 3: Work-related stress/occupational stress/physical health, moral distress/ social well-being

  • Nurses report similar rates of substance use disorders as the general population
  • Nurses reporting poor health and well-being report poor physical health, including high overweight and obesity rates related to poor nutrition, lack of adequate sleep, and sedentary lifestyles or limited physical activities.
  • Moral suffering is a component of poor nurse health and well-being
  • Negative social interactions, including conflicts, discrimination, bullying, incivility, and racism, are to blame for nurses’ social health and well-being.

Body Topic 2 – Nurse health and well-being impact patient outcomes

Paragraph 1: Patient experience and patient perception of care

  • Nurse well-being impacts patient experience and the patient’s perception of the care nurses provide
  • Improving nurse health and well-being directly translates to improved patient outcomes

Paragraph 2: Patient outcomes

  • There is a direct relationship between nurse burnout and patient care quality
  • Patient safety is compromised by poor nurse health and well-being due to breaks out in communication and nursing and interprofessional teamwork, which increase the potential of medical errors that impact patient care.

Body Topic 3 – Self-care strategies, provider education, and addressing work-related factors to improve nurse health and well-being

Paragraph 1: Addressing work-related factors to improve nurse health and well-being

  • Addressing work-related stress, burnout, compassion fatigue, workplace conflict, job engagement, workload issues, and working overtime can help improve the work environment, which is associated with improved nurse health and well-being.

Paragraph 2: Self-care strategies

  • Nurses should first care for themselves because compassion fatigue, workplace stress, and burnout are associated with poor health-promoting self-care.
  • Self-care serves as a stress management tool, helping nurses reduce work-related stress.

Paragraph 3: Self-care strategies

  • Self-care replenishes nurses’ compassion capacity and ability to care for others.

Paragraph 4: Empowering education

  • Provider education would help nurses understand burnout, stressed, or lack compassion fatigue

Opposition: Nurses should put the interest and needs of patients first.

Refutation: Nurses should take care of themselves and promote their health and well-being before caring for others or promoting patients’ health and well-being. (250406 Reverse Outline)



The reverse outline helped with proof-reading my work and allowed me to check paragraph organization. From this outline, I see the paper presents the information in a logical manner and the information is focused and aligned with the thesis statement. (250406 Reverse Outline)



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