3 Biology Essays And 2 Biology Labs

Assignment 1

Select a journal article on the subject of supplements and write a summary paper reviewing the article. You are encouraged, but not required, to use Senchina’s 2013 article “Athletics and Herbal Supplements,” linked in the Resources, under the Library Resources heading, for this article review. Note: If you choose to review an article other than the “Athletics and Herbal Supplements” reading, you may need to do further research in order to fully address all of the topics required for this paper.

Address all of the following points in your article review:

· What are the main points presented in the article? What message is the author trying to convey? What are the specific areas of research and findings that the article highlights?

· How could the supplements discussed in the article affect cells and body systems?

· How are supplements used in different areas of athletics? Why are supplements currently unregulated? Based on your readings, do you think supplements should undergo more stringent testing? If so, how would this be monitored and paid for? Where in your life (or in the life of a friend or family member) is it important that supplements are tested? Note: Your answer to this question does not need to apply only to athletics.

· Crosscheck the information in your article with other sources. What do other sources say about the same concepts presented in the article? Are there discrepancies between the information from the article and from other sources?

· Complete an evaluation of your article, using either the Source Evaluation Form: Web Sites or the Source Evaluation Form: Journals and Books, both of which are linked in the Resources under the Resources heading. Download the appropriate form and answer the questions.

· In an additional paragraph or two, answer the following questions:

· Would you consider this article to be a credible source of information on this topic? Why or why not?

Formatting Requirements

· Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

· Length: Your paper should be between 500 and 700 words in length.

· Format: Either submit both the Article Review paper and the completed Source Evaluation Form, or write a paragraph into your paper addressing the questions from the form.





Assignment 2

Fundamentally, cancer is a failure of the immune system. Cancer kills because it spreads and disturbs homeostasis. For this assessment, select, research, and then describe a specific type of cancer occurring in either the digestive system or endocrine system. Note: If you choose the digestive system, you may discuss a cancer of the primary digestive system or that of an accessory organ. To select the specific type of cancer you wish to research for this assessment, you are encouraged to refer to the materials linked in the Resources.

In order to complete this assessment, you will need to find high-quality, appropriate, and credible research resources on a specific type of cancer. If you conduct Internet research outside the library, your resources must be reliable. The “Top 100 List: Health Websites You Can Trust” article, linked in the Resources under the Internet Resources heading, will be of particular help in selecting appropriate sources.

Assessment points will be deducted for citing unreliable sources such as Wikipedia, or other sites based on user-generated content. These sites are not peer-reviewed, and, in the case of Wikipedia, anyone can add an entry or change an entry. Hence, these types of sources should not be cited in college-level research papers. However, you may find Wikipedia useful as a starting point for your Internet research, as Wikipedia entries may provide links to other resources that are reputable and reliable.

Based on your research, write a paper that addresses all of the following:

· Identify the type of cancer of the endocrine or digestive system that you have researched. Which cancer did you choose, and what part of the body does that cancer affect?

· What are the biological changes that occur at the level of the cell that result in this type of cancer? What are the biological changes that occur at the level of the major organ as this cancer progresses?

· What characteristics of cancer cells distinguish them from normal cells?

· Consider how the disease affects the body as it progresses or spreads. What are some specific aspects of homeostasis that the spreading disease could affect? What self-regulating systems are upset because of this disease?

· Which therapies are available for treatment for this specific type of cancer? How do these therapies work biologically to treat this type of cancer?

· What are some lifestyle choices that might aid in prevention or treatment of this type of cancer? How do you incorporate these lifestyle choices in your daily life?

· How are the biological changes of this cancer, at the level of the cell and organ, similar to and different from changes in other types of cancer?

Formatting Requirements

· Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

Assignment 3

Search the Internet for an article from a reputable source about a specific genetically modified organism, such as one of the following (you are welcome to choose topics outside of this list):


· Corn.

· Potato.

· Soy.

· Dairy.

· Cotton.

· Canola oil.

· Papaya.

· Sugar.

· Animal feed.

· Salmon.

· Golden rice.

· Squash.

· Sugar beets.

· Potato.

· Insulin.

· Vaccines.

· Growth hormones.

· Follicle stimulating hormone.

· Erythropoietin.


Read the article and write a summary of its contents. Address all of the following in your summary:

· What article did you read? Why did you choose this article?

· What are the main points presented in the article? What message is the author trying to communicate?

· What is gene of interest (being modified) and what is the purpose of this gene? Which organism is the gene inserted into, and what is the intended result of expressing this gene?

· How are microorganisms that normally affect the immune system, such as bacteria or viruses, used beneficially as tools in biotechnology?

· What are the pros and cons of this technology?

· What do other sources of information say about the same concepts presented in the article? Are there discrepancies between the information in the article and that from other sources?

· Where in your life (or in the life of a friend or family member) might the application of this form of biotechnology apply?

Your article should be from a reputable source and should meet all of the checklist items in the Source Evaluation Form. Complete an evaluation of your article, Download the form and answer the questions.

Formatting Requirements

· Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

· Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.

· Format: Either submit both the bioengineering paper and the completed Source Evaluation Form, or write a paragraph in your paper addressing the questions from the form.

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