5 page paper 9

The criminal justice system as a whole has been under scrutiny recently. Various aspects of the system can be debated and argued. For this research paper I would like you to find an article dealing with law and society

  • You will need to summarize your article. (approximately 1 page)
  • You will need to discuss the importance of this event to society. (approximately 2-3 pages)
    • You will need to include facts and citations relating to why this is important to society
  • If you could address this issue, how would you address it. This should be based on facts learned within the course and include appropriate citations (2-3 pages)
  • Your paper should be at least 5 pages, double-spaced, MLA or APA format, 12 point font, Times New Roman
    • This length does NOT include reference page or title page (if applicable)
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