5 Pages Final Essay

-Topic: Geographies of Gender Violence in South Asia

-Due: Dec 6th noon.

-5 scholarly or non-scholarly references needed.

-5 pages, double spaced.

-APA format.

– Recommended resources:

Geographies of Gender Violence in South Asia • Four Things to Know About Gender-Based Violence in Asia – https://asiafoundation.org/2018/03/14/four-things-know-gender-basedviolence-asia/ • UN Report: South Asian Women Need More Domestic Violence Protection – https://www.voanews.com/a/un-report-south-asian-women-need-moredomestic-violence-protection–125160294/167731.html • In South Asia, Violence Against Women is On the Rise – https://www.fairobserver.com/region/central_south_asia/south-asia-violenceagainst-women-news-headlines-89152/


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