600 800 word discussion board answering questions below in apa format from template provided below about social media

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central).

Assignment: For this Discussion Board you will complete a Primary Response and Peer Responses.

Primary Discussion Response

For this assignment, you will conduct research online and through the CTU Library databases on the advantages and disadvantages of social media, focusing on how those relate to written communication.

Fill out this Unit 3 Discussion Board Template following these steps:

  1. Find 4 credible articles on social media, focusing on how social media relates to written communication and the positive and negative impacts social media engagement can have professionally. At least 2 of those sources must come from the library.
  2. Provide an APA formatted reference for each article (you can use citation generators or build a correct APA citation for each of the sources to help create your references).
  3. Under each citation reference, provide a 2-3 sentence summary of the article’s main ideas.
  4. Write a 1-2 paragraph summary of how one advantage and one disadvantage could impact you personally, professionally, or academically.ENGL105 Unit 3 Discussion Board Template Instructions: fill out each section completely, answering each portion of the prompt. Be sure to delete the instructions from each section. Then copy and paste your answer into the Unit 3 Discussion Board. Please do not attach. Section 1: Four References & Summaries (45 points) List APA formatted references for four articles social media, focusing on how those social media relates to written communication and the positive and negative impacts social media engagement can have professionally.. At least two of those sources must come from the library. Article 1: List a correct APA formatted reference for your first article here. List a 2-3 sentence summary of the first article’s main ideas here. Article 2: List a correct APA formatted reference for your second article here. List a 2-3 sentence summary of the second article’s main ideas here. Article 3: List a correct APA formatted reference for your third article here. List a 2-3 sentence summary of the third article’s main ideas here. Article 4: List a correct APA formatted reference for your fourth article here. List a 2-3 sentence summary of the fourth article’s main ideas here. Section 2: Social Media Advantage & Disadvantage Summary (20 points) Write a 1-2 paragraph summary of how one advantage and one disadvantage could impact you personally, professionally, or academically.

Click here for information on how to research and format references.

Do not attach the template. Instead, copy and paste your filled-out template directly into the Discussion Board.

Peer Responses

Respond to 2 classmates with a 100-200-word reply each. In your responses to your classmates, remember to be constructive and polite. Use the following questions to assist you with your responses:

  1. What about their article summaries seemed useful or interesting?
  2. Which articles seemed the most persuasive?
  3. What did you find interesting about the advantage or disadvantage they listed that could impact them personally, professionally, or academically?

Unit 3 Discussion Project Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Initial post includes the APA formatted references for each of the 4 researched articles on social media, focusing on how social media relates to written communication and the positive and negative impacts social media engagement can have professionally, including at least 2 academic sources.


Initial post includes summaries for all 4 articles.


Initial post includes a summary of one advantage and one disadvantage that could impact the student personally, professionally, or academically.


Initial post uses the Unit 3 Discussion Board Template.


Includes at least 2 follow-up responses to peers.


Peer responses add new depth or insight to the current conversation and encourages further conversation.




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