Combatting Medicare Fraud

Combatting Medicare Fraud: Seniors’ Role

(Combatting Medicare Fraud)

Seniors play a crucial role in combating Medicare fraud by staying vigilant and informed. They can safeguard their personal information, including their Medicare number, and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. Being aware of common fraud schemes, such as billing for services not received or offering free services in exchange for Medicare information, empowers seniors to recognize potential scams. Additionally, seniors can review their Medicare Summary Notices regularly to ensure accuracy and report any discrepancies. By actively participating in fraud prevention efforts, seniors not only protect themselves but also help preserve the integrity of the Medicare system for future generations.Seniors play a crucial role in combating Medicare fraud by staying vigilant and informed. They can safeguard their personal information, including their Medicare number, and report any suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. Being aware of common fraud schemes, such as billing for services not received or offering free services in exchange for Medicare information, empowers seniors to recognize potential scams. Additionally, seniors can review their Medicare Summary Notices regularly to ensure accuracy and report any discrepancies. By actively participating in fraud prevention efforts, seniors not only protect themselves but also help preserve the integrity of the Medicare system for future generations.

 150 words per question 🙋 

1- Class,

Chapter 6 addresses the issue of fraud and abuse by medical and health care providers. But, what about the older health care consumer? What is his or her responsibility to help reduce and defer fraudulent billing?

The Social Security Act includes provisions to reduce the incidence of fraud in government funded health care programs provided to older adults.

Medicare Fraud is a multi million dollar problem.

What measures can the older consumer (or caregiver, POA, etc)  take to help reduce the incidence of Medicare Fraud in billing? List 2 examples

2-  Class,

The VHA has a responsibility to provide LTC for qualifying veterans.

Review the text and additional reading material and  learn about options a Veteran may have for care under VHA.

Peruse the link below:

List and describe in detail 2  specific examples of long-term care services and support available to veterans through the VA

**If you are currently working in a LTC setting – does your facility have VA contracted beds?



Attached is a link on a video addressing 8 tips to help prevent  Elder Abuse.   After viewing the video answer the following:

  • ***    Select 1 example of a tip offered to help prevent Elder Abuse
  • ***    Beyond what the video indicates how the tip will help; elaborate on the benefit to the older client if someone suspects elder abuse is occurring in a private residence or a LTC setting

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