Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment

Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment

Artistic Expression: Caring Concept Assignment

Artistic expression is a profound avenue for conveying the multifaceted nature of human care. Through various forms such as painting, sculpture, music, dance, and literature, artists explore and communicate the essence of caring in ways that transcend verbal language. This assignment focuses on understanding how artistic expression captures the spirit of care.

At its core, caring involves empathy, compassion, and connection, qualities that artists skillfully evoke through their work. For instance, Vincent van Gogh’s “The Starry Night” exudes a sense of solace and contemplation, reflecting the artist’s deep emotional connection to the world around him. The swirling skies and vibrant colors can be interpreted as a metaphor for the comforting embrace of nature, offering a visual representation of care and nurturing.

Similarly, in literature, the works of authors like Toni Morrison delve into the complexities of care within human relationships. Her novel “Beloved” portrays the intense, often painful, expressions of maternal care, exploring themes of sacrifice and the unbreakable bonds between mother and child. Through her rich narrative and character development, Morrison invites readers to empathize deeply with her characters, thereby fostering a broader understanding of care.

In music, compositions such as Ludwig van Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” encapsulate the universal joy and unity that stem from collective caring. The uplifting melody and harmonious structure symbolize the ideal of a caring community where each individual’s well-being is integral to the happiness of the whole.

Through these examples, it is evident that artistic expression not only reflects but also inspires the values of care and empathy. By engaging with art, individuals can gain deeper insights into the nature of care, encouraging them to embody these qualities in their own lives.


Nursing practice is both an art and a science with caring as a central concept to nursing practice and the profession of nursing. Caring is influenced by the nurse’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes formed through life long learning and experiences. The purpose of this assessment is to explore definitions of caring in nursing. Students will create a definition of caring and an artistic expression of their perception on caring.


Criteria for Content

Take a moment to reflect on how you demonstrate caring in your current professional practice.

  1. Create an original artistic representation of your perception on caring in nursing.
    1. Drawings should be formatted on an 8 x 10 document and submitted as a PDF
    2. Poems or short-story – word document 1 page in length
  2. In a one- to two-page written paper, address the following.
    1. The importance of caring to nursing practice and the profession
    2. A personal definition of caring; include principles of holistic care
    3. Definitions of caring found in nursing literature that support your perspective on caring
    4. An explanation of the artistic expression you chose and how it represents caring
    5. Summary of key concepts presented in the paper Preparing the paper
    6.  A minimum of three (3) scholarly literature references must be used
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