Design Communications Manual2

Assignment 2: LASA 1: Design Communications Manual2

(Design Communications Manual2)

Assignment 2, titled LASA 1: Design Communications Manual, involves crafting a comprehensive guide for effective design communication. This manual will serve as a foundational resource for designers, providing clear guidelines and best practices for communicating design concepts, strategies, and ideas to diverse audiences. It will cover various aspects of design communication, including visual presentation techniques, written and verbal communication skills, and effective use of technology tools. The manual will emphasize the importance of clarity, coherence, and consistency in design communication, aiming to enhance understanding and collaboration among stakeholders. Through practical examples, case studies, and interactive exercises, it will equip designers with the knowledge and skills needed to articulate their design visions effectively and to engage with clients, colleagues, and users in meaningful dialogue. Ultimately, this manual seeks to empower designers to convey their ideas persuasively, foster collaboration, and drive successful outcomes in the dynamic field of design.

(Design Communications Manual2)

You have been appointed the vice president of the human resources department at a fictional multinational organization. It is your job to design the framework for a communications manual for this organization.  The communications manual should contain best practices, company recommendations and scenarios all targeted at organizational communication.

The board of directors wants to have an overview of what you plan.  Your job, in this assignment, is to prepare that overview in the form of a table of contents for the manual with a brief description of each section.

Please begin by naming your organization and defining your organization’s primary business.

Prepare a table of contents as an outline for your communications manual.  Include at least five sections (communications topics) in the manual.   Each section should have a heading and subheading. The heading should include a description of the topic.  The subheading should include a) an example scenario of how this topic should be handled in your company b) a description of why this section is important to organizational communication and c) an explanation of how this communication policy will benefit both the employee and the organization.

Follow the table of contents with a one page action plan on how you will ensure that this communications manual is effectively implemented at your organization.

Your table of contents and action plan combined should be four to five pages in length with descriptions in Word format. Apply APA standards for writing style and references to the descriptions.

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