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post 1


Information from this multi-year qualitative research on the impact of flooding and Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was conducted to identify the variances in how the aging cope with disaster. It encompassed various literature carried out on Hurricane Katrina over the years to achieve the study objectives. The reviewed materials include thorough reviews from medical anthropologists like Oliver Smith (1990), journal articles, peer-reviewed materials, government training resources and other materials from recognized organizations. The research revealed that the old aged of New Orleans at the time of hurricane Katrina were at an immense risk compared to other groups. It explains that the elderly were more vulnerable to heightened stress and other old age factors ranging from impaired physical movements, deteriorating health issues, social and economic limitations, and abridged sensory awareness. The study finally offers insight on ways disasters can be characterized and defined illustrating how long-term catastrophes affect the elderly in different specific ways.

post two


The authors recognize the crucial role the nurses play in disaster management cycle. The objective of the study was developing a vision for the disaster nursing in future, look at the issues as well as motivators in the pursuit of the vision, and recommend solutions in nursing research, policing, education, and practice. The authors identify several categories of disaster events that nurses are involved in in their daily activities. They include human-caused, infectious diseases, technological, and natural weather-related disaster events. Recent studies have shown that most of the nurses are unprepared in the wake of a disaster. There are lots of issues that prevent nurses’ preparedness which include research, policy, and practice challenges. The authors conducted several semi-structured conference calls to come up with relevant concepts with regard to the preparedness of the nursing workforce. A workshop was help to polish these concepts. After a careful survey, the team came up with a vision for disaster nursing, while identifying both opportunities and hindrances in the advancement of disaster nursing. Several recommendations on policing, research, and practice are summarized in the article. The authors feel that continuing evaluation of the advancement towards these ends, with emphasis on adapting strategies of implementation to fix the areas where advancement is weak is essential in every effort. According to the authors, their project is a crucial step to enhance the role of nurses as researchers, policymakers, responders, educators, and leaders in disaster response and preparedness. The reason why they chose to work on nurses is because they form the largest healthcare workforce, and there is a vast number of chances to aid in strengthening readiness in case of a disaster to help in building community resilience

subjet two

post 1


value of ED-Based surveillance shall ensure proper understanding of the health needs of the general population. ED will afford an absolute location for the collection of de-identified information that may help with the acute needs and patterns of the population. Speaking of the occurrence of a condition such as typhoid fever, ED-based surveillance would guarantee proper background in term of preparation, execution as well as an evaluation of the public health information programs in the special area (Varney & Hirshon, 2006). It would ensure the efficient and rapid recognition of cases who have similar symptoms and therefore promising the quick triggering of alerts to deal with such an event.

ED-based interventions would include the collection of data, analysis of information as well as the timely response based on a review of the material that has been collected. Real-time data would be obtained, and different signs and symptoms would be evaluated to confirm the outbreak of the particular condition.

Utilizing the information, informed public health response actions and interventions would then be taken. The magnitude of the health problem would be expected and appropriate steps made based on this information. Using the ED-based systems, information collecting and processing would be quick and easy (Varney & Hirshon,2006). The information would be sent to public health officials such as laboratory personnel and pharmacists, and then timely reporting on the diagnosis would occur to ensure that the next step of action is efficiently handled. The information would be relayed to national agencies such as the CDC, which would give direction on the following steps of operation that would be taken. After the critical actions of the data is done, it would be necessary to ensure sufficient measures are taken for mass treatment of the affected patients and prevention of the epidemic spread, using the informat

post 2


application of ED-Based surveillance will guarantee a proper comprehension of the health necessities of the general population. ED will produce an ideal location for the gathering of de-identified information that will assist with the acute needs and patterns of the population. In the example of the existence of an ailment such as typhoid fever, ED-based surveillance would ensure suitable preparation, execution as well as an assessment of the public health information programs in the particular region (Varney & Hirshon, 2006). It would ensure the adequate and rapid recognition of patients who have similar symptoms and therefore ensuring the quick triggering of warnings to deal with such an occurrence. ED-based interventions would entail the collection of data, analysis of information as well as the timely response based on a review of the material that has been collected. Real-time data would be obtained, and various symptoms would be evaluated to confirm the outbreak of the particular condition.

Using the information, public health response actions and interventions would then be taken. The measure of the health problem would be estimated and appropriate steps made based on this information. Information collecting and processing would be quick and easy when using the ED-based systems, (Varney & Hirshon,2006). The information would be delivered to public health officials such as laboratory personnel and pharmacists, and then timely reporting on the diagnosis would occur to ensure that the next step of action is handled. The information would be relayed to national agencies such as the CDC, which would give direction on the following steps of operation that would be taken. After the critical analysis of the data is done, it would be essential to ensure enough measures are taken for mass treatment of the affected patients and limitation of the epidemic spread, using the information relayed. each response no more that 150 words with reference APA

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