Selecting Psychology Review Article

Selecting Psychology Review Article

(Selecting Psychology Review Article)

Selecting a psychology review article involves several crucial steps to ensure relevance and quality. Initially, defining the topic or area of interest is paramount, considering personal interests, current trends, or gaps in knowledge. Utilizing reputable databases such as PsycINFO or PubMed enables efficient searching for peer-reviewed articles. Employing specific keywords and Boolean operators refines the search, yielding more targeted results.

Upon finding potential articles, it’s imperative to evaluate their credibility and significance. Assessing factors like author credentials, publication venue, and citation frequency aids in determining reliability. Scrutinizing the methodology, findings, and conclusions provides insights into the article’s rigor and relevance to the chosen topic.

Furthermore, considering the publication date helps ensure the article’s currency and applicability to contemporary understanding. Engaging with critical appraisal tools or consulting experts in the field can enhance the selection process, fostering a deeper understanding of the literature’s strengths and limitations.

Ultimately, selecting a psychology review article involves a meticulous process of inquiry, evaluation, and synthesis, culminating in the identification of a high-quality, informative resource to inform further research or practice.

Selecting Psychology Review Article

Choosing an Article for the Article Review Final PaperThis week, you will select an article to review for your final assignment in the course, the Aritcle Review, which is due in Week Six.

Choosing an Article for the Article Review Final Paper

This week, you will select an article to review for your final assignment in the course, the Aritcle Review, which is due in Week Six. Each article represents a topic and area of psychology. See the attached PSY600 Article Review List to read the articles and make your choice.

In your paper, clearly identify your article selection. Analyze psychology as a science as it is presented in your chosen article and explain why you have decided to focus on this particular topic. Assess the professional roles presented in the chosen article and describe the interactions between psychology professionals and professionals in other fields, if any. Explain any psychological theoretical perspectives presented in the article and why they are of particular interest to you.

The paper:

  • Must be one to two double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must address the topic with critical thought.
  • Must use at least one peer-reviewed source chosen from the PSY600 Article Review List
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
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