Literature Review & Methods Section

Final Project: Introduction, Literature Review, and Methods Section

(Literature Review & Methods Section)

An Example.


The introduction of this final project provides an overview of the topic, highlighting its significance and relevance in the field. It begins by presenting the main research question or objective, followed by a brief discussion of the broader context in which this study is situated. Key terms and concepts are defined to ensure clarity, and the overall structure of the project is outlined to guide the reader through the subsequent sections.

Literature Review:

The literature review critically examines existing research and scholarship related to the topic. It synthesizes findings from various studies, identifying key themes, debates, and gaps in the current literature. By reviewing relevant literature, this section establishes the theoretical framework and informs the research methodology. It also helps to justify the significance of the study and its potential contributions to the field.

Methods Section:

The methods section details the specific approach and procedures employed in conducting the research. It outlines the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. This section explains how the research question will be addressed and how the study aims to achieve its objectives. Clarity and transparency in describing the methods are essential for ensuring the rigor and replicability of the research findings. The methods section also discusses any ethical considerations and limitations of the study.

(Literature Review & Methods Section)

In this assignment you will update the methods section for your research paper and add your introduction and literature review.

The introduction and literature review should address your research question: why it is important, and how prior research does or does not support your hypothesis, as well as providing a background on what we know about this topic.

Please refer to the material on the components of a research paper provided in Module 1 as you work on this document.

Your methods section, in addition to covering the subheadings of participants, instruments, and procedure, must include a fourth subheading called ethical issues and note any ethical issues that need to be considered, as well as how they would be handled.

Be sure to include a title/cover page and a reference page formatted in APA style.

Submit your response to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Your response should be at least four pages, double spaced, long. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources. Confirm the latest edition number with your instructor.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsWith clarity and good writing style and grammar, you presented your proposed methods section for your research paper.

  • participants (15 points)
  • instruments (15 points)
  • procedure (15 points)
  • ethical issues and how they would be handled (20 points)

65You submitted an introduction and literature review that included a research question, a statement regarding the importance of the research topic, background information and a review of the literature regarding the topic, and a proposed hypotheses.20You wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.15Total:100

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