M3 Discussion 2 – Cognition – Please Give Your View Point After Reading The Article With Cited Work

Heuristic usually give results reasonably and quickly. They can fail unpredictably. Can also fail in predictable ways; these are the biases “hidden traps.” Most heuristics can work well or can turn into harmful biases in any of the stages of problem solving, but the details differ depending on what stage of problem solving you are in. An example of Heuristic bias is mistaking your view of a problem for the real need. This is also known as the framing bias. (Delaney, 2015)


A cognitive bias is a type of error in thinking that occurs when people are processing and interpreting information in the world around them. Cognitive biases are often a result of our attempt to simplify information processing. They are rules of thumb that help us make sense of the world and reach decisions with relative speed. The false consensus effect is a type of cognitive bias in which people mistakenly believe that more people agree with them or share the same beliefs than the number of people who agree with them in reality. People generally believe that their own values and ideas are “normal” and that the majority of people share these same opinions.” (Cherry, 2016)


Sometimes having a fixed opinion about a certain issue can lead to a cognitive bias because it makes people form their own beliefs. People tend to not keep an open mind to certain issues which causes them to have a fixed opinion. Low self esteem is believing that there is something innately wrong with themselves A student’s self-esteem has a significant impact on almost everything he or she does – and on the way they engage in activities, deal with challenges, and interacts with others. Self-esteem also can have a major effect on academic performance. A fixed opinion on how low self esteem affects low academic progress is that this can lessen a student’s desire to learn, and their ability to focus, and their willingness to take risks. Due to low confidence and not feeling good about themselves. Many students who suffer from low self esteem due tend to be less motivated and not work to their potential. This can lead to low academic performance and also cause students to not want to go to school or even drop out.



In presenting a fixed opinion, I used my experiences in school system to justify why students with low self esteem can affect low academics. I also gave examples to explain and show how people who have low self esteem can effect academics. In my fixed opinion I believe I used impact bias. I do find that low self esteem has a huge effect on academic growth. Many students with low self esteem fail to thrive and reach to their full potential. I also believe there are many factors can lead a student to have low self esteem such as home life, frustration in school, peer pressure and lack of confidence in themselves which causes them to not think highly of themselves and possibly not want to be motivated to work hard in school.



If I was presented with this argument I would try to avoid bias and make a decision that was rational when I was given all information. I would have to keep an open mind and make a rational decision based on documentation and data.





Lee, S (2015) Cognitive bias that can effect our decisions. Business Insider

Cherry ,K ( 2016) 6 key ideas behind theories of motivation. Psychology today New York .New York




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