Emergent Literacies In The Foundation Stage

The assignment its in two parts. Part 1 which is Reflective journal entry (1500 words and part 2 Critical reflective essay (2000 words) This could be an adult led literacy section or an observation of literacy within the learning environment. For each of the examples, you are to provide an evaluation critically analysing the strategies and the resources used to support speaking and listening, reading and writing. Use relevant theory to support your views. You are to observe two examples of literacy practice and provision in an Early years setting In your introduction outline the aim of the assignment(s) and provide a definition of emergent literacy. Refer to the reasons why emergent literacy is a ‘bottom up’ rather than a ‘top down’ approach. I will send the Task 2 later and the books and journals to be used later. I will upload the part one assignment of a colleague who got the highest mark. Task 1. • Contextual summary of the placement observation: Pre-school/Reception class/Nursery/Children Centre/Childminder • Summary of the 1st Observation (e.g. learning environment, give examples of activities/resources/areas of provision which offer children the opportunity to develop their emergent literacy skills (consider the 4 strands). • Link the observation to theory/research/literature/lectures about how children develop their emergent literacy skills through access to a rich and stimulating learning environment • Summary of the 2nd Observation: Adult Led observation: What kind of activity was it? What was the aim of the activity? How does the activity link to the EYFS Development Matters statements? How was the activity conducted? What strategies did the adult use to promote children’s literacy skills (enjoyment of books, comprehension, phonics skills, questioning, encouraging speaking and listening, scaffolding thinking skills Conclusion: Summarise your observations in the context of emergent literacy in the Early Years. These are the learning outcomes: Knowledge 1. Be familiar with the new Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and all of it components and have a sound understanding of the principles underpinning the Early Foundation Stage Curriculum; 2. Use theories regarding the differences between top-down and bottom-up approaches to the teaching of literacy in settings and in reception classes in a critical evaluation of literacy practice in the FS; 3. Appreciate the importance for learning of storytelling, books, speaking and listening in all settings; Thinking skills 4. Critically analyse theories about how language is acquired; 5. Use the information in the Foundation Stage to plan a literacy activity Subject-based practical skills 6. Be able to plan learning activities that are built on children’s ages, needs and interests and language abilities; Skills for life and work (general skills) 7. Be able to plan meaningful, play-based activities that engage all children, including those with special needs and those with English as an additional language;
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