The Brain Is Impacted By Depression

The Brain Is Impacted By Depression

(The Brain Is Impacted By Depression)

Depression significantly impacts the brain’s structure, function, and chemistry. Structural changes include alterations in the hippocampus, responsible for memory and emotion regulation, and the prefrontal cortex, involved in decision-making and mood regulation. These regions often exhibit reduced volume in depressed individuals, possibly due to prolonged stress and decreased neurogenesis.

Functionally, depression disrupts neural circuits involved in mood regulation, leading to symptoms like persistent sadness, loss of interest, and impaired concentration. Dysregulation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine contributes to altered mood states. Moreover, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which governs the stress response, becomes overactive, perpetuating a cycle of stress and depressive symptoms.

Chronic inflammation is also associated with depression, with elevated levels of inflammatory markers observed in the brain. This inflammation may disrupt neurotransmitter function and impair neuroplasticity, exacerbating depressive symptoms.

In summary, depression profoundly affects the brain’s structure, function, and chemistry, leading to cognitive, emotional, and physical symptoms. Understanding these neurological changes is crucial for developing effective treatments and interventions for individuals struggling with depression.

(The Brain Is Impacted By Depression)

For this assignment, you will write a 5-7 page paper (body) on how the brain is impacted by depression?

Requirements for Paper and Presentation:

  1. Review the literature 
  2. Select at least four sources (you can select more): three must be journal articles
  3. For this assignment, I would also encourage you to review videos on YouTube and/or tedtalks
  4. Your presentation should include an overview of the literature regarding your topic, why this information is important to social work, and a reference page. Your creativity is welcomed. 
  5. You will also need to connect your findings to the social, psychological, and biological impact of individuals who have experienced these topics.

You must provide a handout to the class that would be useful in practice.

Possible paper and presentation organization

I. Intro

II. What has research found about this:

a. How does depression affect people biologically

b. How does depression affect people psychologically

c. How does depression affect people socially

III. Why is this important to social work

a. if this a problem what is the treatment?

IV Conclusion

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