BW Medi Term

DIS 5Read the Critical Thinking story on page 162 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic.Topic 1 ÿWhat information in the story indicates that Randi might be a candidate for heart disease? Explain why these items lead to CVD.Topic 2 ÿDiscuss why Randi thought this was not a heart attack.Topic 3 ÿWhat can Melanie do immediately to try to save Randi’s life?Topic 4 ÿAssuming that Randi is suffering a myocardial infarction, discuss why it is important that she receive appropriate treatment quickly.DIS 6Read the Critical Thinking story on page 197 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic.Topic 1 ÿDo you think Hernani should reveal his HIV status to South Hills Middle School? If so, why? If not, why not?Topic 2 ÿDo you think South Hills Middle School would hire Hernani for a coaching job if they knew he was HIV positive? Why or why not? Would the possibility of a team or coaching injury, and the bloodborne transmission of HIV, affect their decision?Topic 3 ÿIf South Hills Middle School decided that Hernani was not suitable for a coaching job, would they still consider him for the teaching position?Topic 4 ÿHow would you feel if your child were in a class Hernani was teaching or on one of the teams he was coaching? Why?DIS 7Read the Critical Thinking story on page 230 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic.Topic 1 ÿDiscuss which environmental factors might cause an asthma attack.Topic 2 ÿDiscuss what Sylvia might do to find out if her building has an air quality problem.Topic 3 ÿWhat factors did Sylvia and Kelly consider as possible triggers for Sylvia’s frequent attacks?Topic 4 ÿIf Sylvia’s inhaler does not control her attack and her condition worsens, what steps should be taken promptly? Why?DIS 8Read the Critical Thinking story on page 267 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic.Topic 1 ÿGabby is concerned about her emotional eating. What reasons besides hunger might cause people to eat?Topic 2 ÿIf her weight wasn’t causing any health problems, should she consider having the surgery if she thought it would make her look more attractive?Topic 3 ÿWhy is there a very strict diet that patients must follow after bariatric surgery, and why is it sometimes difficult to follow this regime?Topic 4 ÿWhat are some of the dangers associated with any type of surgery?DIS 9Read the Critical Thinking story on page 297 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic.Topic 1 ÿDiscuss the long-term repercussions of being a living organ donor?Topic 2 ÿImagine that you are Josie’s mom or dad and one of your children has the opportunity to save the life of another one of your children. Would you encourage him or her to donate an organ?Topic 3 ÿIf Josie decides to donate her kidney and then later chooses to continue playing hockey, what advice should her parents give her?Topic 4 ÿWhat options might be open to Josie’s brother other than having his sister donate a kidney?DIS 10Read the Critical Thinking story on page 335 of your textbook. Submit 1 entry in response to the Topics listed. You may answer a topic or reply to another student’s answer to a topic.Topic 1 ÿWhich symptoms of Calle’s condition might affect her job? She has been working with the youngest children. Should she consider resigning, or could she ask for a different assignment?Topic 2 ÿCalle and Gabe decide to go ahead with the wedding. If they have children, is there a risk that Calle will transmit this condition? If Calle cannot have children, what other options would enable them to have the family they both want?Topic 3 ÿAfter their marriage, Calle will be covered by her husband’s health insurance. Calle is ethical in completing her application for this coverage and mentions the MS diagnosis. But she has questions. Where could Calle get information as to whether or not the insurance company will ever cover her for this disease? Will her coverage begin immediately?Topic 4 ÿCalle is an excellent teacher and the children love her. In the past, her coworkers have commented, “I wish I could learn to be as good at this as you are.” Even with multiple sclerosis, could Calle have a future in training other teachers? What other positive steps might she contemplate taking?

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