dq1 managing a remote workforce conflict management

Many companies, especially multi-national firms, use virtual teams whose interactions are facilitated by remote access to the company’s networks, information systems, and databases. Teams may communicate via email, discussion boards, teleconferencing / telepresence systems, etc.

1. How can you use technology to facilitate teams and manage people remotely?

2. How do you manage interpersonal conflict in a remote workforce? Do your conflict management strategies need to adapt to differences in modes of communication (e.g. email vs. discussion boards vs.online meeting rooms)? Why or Why not?

3. When managing remote teams, it is also important to consider differences in national laws and required / permissible monitoring of networks and network traffic. If the host country (where a remote employee lives / works) monitors network traffic, how can a multi-national company maintain the security and privacy of its information and intellectual property?

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