the interplay of qualitative and quantitative data

A Community Health Assessment uses quantitative and qualitative data to create a profile of the health and the health needs of a community. The quantitative data are taken from existing sources and subjected to secondary data analysis. The qualitative data may be secondary (e.g., drawn from existing documents) or primary (e.g., collected through observations or drawn from focus groups and interviews in the community) in order to explore in-depth some of the details behind the quantitative data).

For this Assignment, you will focus on the interplay of qualitative and quantitative data in a community assessment by designing the outline for a qualitative study that will provide greater depth to existing quantitative data.

To prepare:

  • Review the database you selected for your Premise in Weeks 1–4 and imagine that it is now being used for a community health assessment.
  • Consider what qualitative questions could be asked about these quantitative data to understand the quantitative data better.
  • Compare and contrast data collection methods you might use to answer the qualitative questions you have developed.

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 3-page analysis outline of a qualitative study to be undertaken as part of a Community Health Assessment. In your submission, include the following:

  • A set of three qualitative questions that could be asked about the data set in your Premise
  • A comparison of these qualitative questions with the quantitative question(s) you selected for your Premise
  • A statement of which qualitative data collection methods would be most appropriate to answer your new qualitative questions, with a justification of your selection(s)
  • A description of the stakeholders you would include in planning and implementing your data collection and analysis, and how you would include them, with a justification of your choices
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