environmental chemistry 2

Throughout your readings, you may have encountered discussions about Green Chemistry. This assignment will address the concept of Green Chemistry and explore how it could be used to create more sustainable processes. In the form of a research paper, address the following points:

1.) In your own words, define Green Chemistry.

2.) Refer to the e-book and find information about the 12 principles of Green Chemistry. (Note: You do not need to list all 12 of them. Just be aware of them.) Choose three of these principles, and provide examples of how they have been illustrated throughout the course.

3.) Next, do a web search and find a peer-reviewed article illustrating how one of the three principles you chose for #2 has been applied to a specific process. In your own words,summarize the contents of this article. Be sure to appropriately cite your reference (see link below for proper use of citations):


4.) Take a moment to think about the chemical processes that occur in your daily life and in society. Choose one process and describe how Green Chemistry can be applied to make the process more sustainable.

Be sure to check the calendar for the appropriate due date, and check the rubric below for information about how this paper will be graded.

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