questions about philosophy 1

Each Question only need 250-270 words.

1. Are business ethics futile?

Are ethics courses like this ultimately B.S. for improving the ethical behaviors of the business community?

2. Apologies in Business

Are all corporate apologies meaningless? When can apologies be meaningful in the business community? What are the worst examples you can heard? What are the best?

3. Biotech Markets and the Future of Humanity

It seems entirely likely that future technology will allow us humans to be smarter, bigger, and stronger. It also seems likely that we will be able to live for a very long time, if not forever. Will there ever come a time when would should cease such “progress” and accept ourselves as flawed mortals? Should the government steer or restrict technology development or should market forces determine the sorts of technology drive future markets toward “progress”? Should we ever restrict markets in biotech, or should we follow markets wherever they and their technology take us?

4. Ethics of Automated Labor

When is automation beneficial for humans, and when is it not beneficial? Do employers have a moral responsibility to hire humans even if robots can do the work more effectively? Is there anything likely to stop robots from taking all jobs? Are you spending college learning skills that will be obsolete because of automated labor? To what extent can governments control the advance of automated labor? Should governments attempt to control and regulate the labor market, or should we take a more libertarian approach and let markets sort it out—even if the vast majority of humans become unemployable compared to robot labor?

5. AI, Capitalism, and/or Socialism?

Should capitalist or socialist markets steer the future of AI? Does emerging AI strengthen capitalism or undermine it? Will China, the U.S., or some other entity have the world’s most powerful economy and military in ten to twenty years?

6. Reparations

Should reparations for African slavery be provided by the United States government and/or U.S. corporations proven to have benefitted from slave labor. paid to the descendants of those slaves in amounts roughly equal to the value of the life and labor stolen from those slaves?

Some questions to consider:

Do we have a moral duty to repay this debt? Who is “we” here? Does a debt like this ever expire?

(Continued on reverse…)

If we can inherit wealth from our ancestors, should we also inherit debts of this sort?

Some estimate that the amount owed, adjusted for inflation, is about 100 trillion U.S. dollars. How would you determine how much is owed?

How would you determine who deserves this compensation? What criteria would you use? Is this all too difficult?

How would Kant view this issue? Bentham? Libertarians? Marx? Adorno?

Would a libertarian think of this as a basic infringement of life liberty and property that that state should correct?

Many slaves were killed and worked to death before they could have children, and thus they have no descendants to receive reparations. What should be done in these cases?

Is money the best way to pay this debt, or is something like free education and/or healthcare preferable?

Is it fair for contemporary U.S. citizens to have to pay this debt via taxation? Does it matter if your family owned slaves or not? Should the nation collectively pay this debt, or should it fall more narrowly on the descendants of slaveowners?

President Ronald Regan signed into law the Civil Liberties Act 1988, which provided 20,000$ to survivors of Japanese internment camps in the U.S. during World War II. Is that a good model for reparations for slavery?

David Horwitz argues that given that the U.S. is so comparatively wealthy, contemporary African Americans better off living in the US than they would be if they were still in Africa had their ancestors not been enslaved. Evaluate.

Would the process of determining and providing racial reparations make race relations in the U.S. better or worse?

Is the idea of reparations racist and/or reinforcing racial divides?

Should the U.S. apologize for slavery? What would that entail?

Some history refresher:

Emancipation Proclamation 1863/1865 13th Amendment making Slavery Illegal in US

Jim Crow Laws between 1876 and 1965: de jure racial segregation (school, public transportation, military), “separate but equal”

***Note segregation in the US during WWII***

Browne vs. Board of Education 1954

Civil Rights Act 1965 outlawing various forms of discrimination in education, employment, transportation, restaurants, hotels, etc.

In 2013, the net worth of white households was $144,200, roughly 13 times that of black households, according to Pew Research Center analysis of data from the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances. 13 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The wealth gap between black and white households has widened since 1983, when the median wealth of white households ($98,700) was eight times that of the wealth of black households ($12,200). The gap narrowed in the 1990s and early 2000s but increased in the years following the Great Recession. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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