i need help with my discussion board questions and assessment questions for unit iv for classes bcj 2000 and 2001

#1 Question class BCJ 2000

As you have learned, sentencing plays a crucial role in the American criminal justice system. Without fair and equitable sentencing practices, every other element in the criminal justice process fails.

Considering the sentencing types we have examined, in your opinion, which one is most effective? Conversely, which type do you feel is the least effective? Explain your reasoning.

I have to Respond To My Classmates Board Question He Wrote:

In my opinion, determinate sentencing is the most effective form of sentencing. Determinate sentencing marks each crime with a specific amount of time that must be served once an individual is convicted. It also provides a means for when the offender and the victim to know when the release of the individual who is incarcerated is going to be released. In Virginia (where I live), the local law enforcement agency is also required to be notified when an offender is approaching a “good time” release back into the community. Voluntary/Advisory sentencing seems to me to be the least effective because it can allow too much disparity between on offender and another. This creates conflict not only in the court system but in the correctional system as well because one offender incarcerated for the same offense as another could be serving less time. Voluntary/Advisory sentencing could also create distrust in the court system because of the weight of sentences handed down over time not being the same for all offenders.

#2 Question for BCJ 2001

Automobile police pursuits have taken a lot of criticism in the past. Describe why you feel that this method is either beneficial or not beneficial to police work. Do you believe that high speed pursuits are worth the risks they pose to ordinary citizens? Explain your answer.



  1. Police departments use varying strategies to combat crime. Discuss the various proactive tactics being used by investigators.

    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.


  1. The Kansas City Patrol Study was the first study conducted to test the effectiveness of random routine patrol. Describe the findings of the Kansas City Patrol Study.

    Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

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