module 3 course project diversity and special needs

Now that you have an understanding of how to conduct quality research, you will use those skills to complete this module’s course project assignment. This project consists of three parts. In the first part, you will create an annotated bibliography of resources to use in this assignment. In the second part, you will choose and discuss a culture or custom using the guidelines provided. And in the third part, you will choose and discuss a special need or disability using the guidelines provided.

The three parts will be combineda single document. The entire document should be a minimum of five pages in length.

Part 1: Annotated Bibliography

In this part of the assignment, you will create an annotated bibliography that will help you complete the remaining parts of this project assignment.

To complete this, do the following:

  1. Identify five credible resources pertaining to a culture or cultural custom that you would like to know more about.
  2. Identify five credible resources pertaining to a special need or disability you may encounter in your program.
  3. Use the tips, videos, and links located in the Quality Research and Best Practices lecture to create an APA-formatted annotated bibliography. In your bibliography, summarize, evaluate, and reflect on each of the resources you found and how they pertain to early childhood education.
  4. Identify (list) the two or three resources you will use in Part 2 of this assignment when discussing the culture or custom you chose.
  5. Identify (list) the two or three resources you will use in Part 3 of this assignment when discussing the special need or disability you chose.

Note: Your annotated bibliography will serve as your reference list for this assignment.

Part 2: Embracing Culture and Customs

In this part of the assignment, you will explore a culture or custom that you may see in your program or would like to know more about (for example, celebrations or holidays, dances, music, daily customs, language, or clothing).

To complete this part of the project, do the following:

  1. Research the culture or custom you would like to know more about using at least two resources from your annotated bibliography. Cite those resources to support your writing.
  2. In a minimum of two pages, address the following:
    1. Describe the custom or cultural difference.
      1. How might this child and family’s culture differ from what you are used to? In what ways is it similar to your own lifestyle?
      2. What are the benefits of cultural diversity in an early childhood education setting?
      3. What could you do to support or embrace this cultural difference in your program?
      4. What else would you like to know about this culture that you didn’t find in your research?
    2. Be detailed in your writing using specific facts and examples. Be sure to utilize supportive information from the resources you listed in your Annotated Bibliography. Cite each source as it is used.Part 3: Supporting Special Needs and DisabilitiesIn this part of the assignment, you will explore a special need or disability that you may encounter in your program or would like to know more about.To complete this part of the project, do the following:

      1. Research the special need or disability you would like to know more about using at least two resources from your annotated bibliography. Cite those resources to support your writing.
      2. In a minimum of two pages, address the following:
        1. Describe the special need or disability.
        2. How might the needs of this child differ from the needs of others in your program? How are they similar to the other children?What are the benefits of inclusion in an early childhood education setting?
          1. What could you do to support or accommodate this child in your program?
          2. Include information about how you will collaborate with other parties (parents, therapeutic service providers, etc.) to provide environmental and curriculum modifications, support, and help with goal achievement.
          3. Describe any personal experiences, insights, and biases you had prior to researching this topic. Describe how your research in this module has changed or reinforced your beliefs or perspectives.
        3. Be detailed in your writing using specific facts and examples. Be sure to utilize supportive information from the resources you listed in your Annotated Bibliography. Cite each source as it is used.

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