discussio questions 1

Discussion Guidelines

The following is a provided rubric for you to use to assess your participation in discussions. Please take the time throughout the course to check and see where your participation level falls. This document is for your use, so you know what is expected of you and how your instructor will be grading you.

Level 4

  • Provides concrete examples from the readings to support postings
  • Integrates prior readings in postings
  • Integrates personal observations and knowledge in an accurate and highly insightful way
  • Presents new observations
  • Constructively responds to classmates’ postings
  • Participates in all module discussions
  • Posts are organized
  • Information is presented in a logical sequence
  • Word choice and sentence structure are suitable

Level 3

  • Refers to examples from the readings to support postings
  • Integrates personal observations and knowledge in an accurate way
  • Presents new observations
  • Constructively responds to classmates’ postings
  • Participates in all module discussions
  • Posts are organized
  • Information is presented in a logical sequence
  • Word choice and sentence structure are suitable

Level 2

  • Alludes to the readings to support postings
  • Integrates personal observations and knowledge in a cursory manner
  • Does not present new observations
  • Constructively responds to classmates’ postings
  • Posts are somewhat disorganized and information is not presented in a logical sequence
  • Word choice and sentence structure are not suitable

Level 1

  • Does not refer to the readings to support postings
  • Does not integrate personal observations or knowledge
  • Does not present new observations
  • Responds in a cursory manner to classmates’ postings
  • Posts are disorganized and information is not presented in a logical sequence
  • Word choice and sentence structure are not suitable
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