communication assessment project

This project involves the application of Katie Paine’s assessment methodology, as described in her book Measure What Matters, to the assessment of a communication vehicle or campaign.


  1. Description of communication vehicle or campaign and definition of communication and business objectives, including (400-500 words):
    • Brief description of the communication vehicle or campaign
    • 2-3 well-defined communication objectives and rationale for selecting them
    • Explanation of how the communication vehicle design, content and/or functionality support theobjectives – include 1-2 screenshots
  2. Audience analysis targeted by communication activity (400-500 words)
  3. Description of internal and external benchmarks (400-500 words)
    • Internal benchmarks (goals, trends, etc.)
    • External benchmarks (competitor performance, best practices)
  4. Definition of key performance indicators in KPI Matrix (300-400 words)

• Measurement tools and key data (400-500 words) — Design and deployment of one measurement tool

5. Analysis of results and recommendations for improvement, including (400-500 words):

  • Discussion of how measurement results help assess specific KPIs
  • Recommendations for improvement based on measurement results and best practices

In evaluating the CDP, an additional score will be assigned to the quality of writing, organization, and graphics, and depth of research.

FORMAT: Word document, single-spaced, proper APA documentation and reference lists.

To exceed the ‘satisfactory work’ level, students should reference at least 5 sources in the paper, in addition to course materials. Raw data tables and measurement tools like survey questions should be placed in an appendix at the end of the paper. As part of this project, students must design one measurement tool. If measurement data already exist, the student must consult with the instructor regarding the appropriateness of these results for the CDP. Since this is a research project, we will strictly apply the APA guidelines for documentation and citations.

In prior Communication Assessment courses, students have assessed company e-newsletters and publications, intranets, public websites, corporate Facebook Pages, marketing communication campaigns, online communities, fundraising campaigns, and ad campaigns.

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