homework english 3

Step 1 View the following Video

Step 2 Read the following textbook assignment

Please read Practical Argument pgs 261 – 267.

Step 3 Complete the following activity

Answer all of the checklist questions on page 261 in complete sentences about your Essay


Step 1 Read and view videos

Read and review the ideas set forth about revision in Practical Argument pgs 257 – 267.

Review Week 2 Writing Task 6: Revision Process and Week 3 Essay 2 Step 2 Revision

Step 2 Follow this process for your Essay Project 3 Rough Draft Revision

1. Read the paper

2. Leave in-text comments on the draft:

at least 2 items per paragraph that deal with organization and content

at least 1 item per paragraph that deals with sentence structure and/or grammar

3. Answer all questions on the checklist provided below in complete sentences.

  • Does the author start his or her essay with a catchy hook? Is the hook followed by background into the issue and introduction of the video?
  • Does the author clearly state the speaker’s thesis and audience in his introduction?
  • In the thesis, does the writer argue whether or not the speech/video is convincing to its specified audience?
  • Does the author address at least 5 rhetorical modes to support his or her thesis (including those specific to speeches)?
  • Does the writer support each of his or her claims images/quotes/details from the ad itself?
  • Does the writer explain why he or she chose this particular detail? Does the explanation connect back to the thesis? Does it all connect back to the idea of the video/speech being effective and convincing or not?
  • Does the writer have a conclusion that restates the thesis and gives a final thought?
  • Is the paper formatted in MLA and properly cited?
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