essay questions on information operations

Directions: 1000 words for each question and need references in app format. These answers should be written as a single essay with inter-related points rather than a series of distinct answers to parts of the questions.


Explain the essential nature of propaganda that makes it unique from strategic communication and other IO efforts. Who or what agency has been defined as the source of propaganda in the definition for this class? Why? What categories of propaganda exist? Provide an example for each and explain one or more psychological reasons that these examples work. Support your work with information from course readings and discussion. Other material may also be used, but use course info first.


How do strategic communication and public diplomacy efforts fulfill the demands of soft power projection for the United States? What role does information operations in general play in furthering U.S. national objectives? Why is OPSEC essential in all of these endeavors? Support your work with information from course readings and discussion Other material may also be used, but use course info first.


Select two of the following areas of IO: PSYOPS/MISO, MILDEC, or EW, and compare and contrast them. Identify at least three points for each. Also, identify how they might work together in an information operations campaign. Support your work with information from course readings and discussion . Other material may also be used, but use course info first.

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