3 questions below

Question 1

The British secret service agency MI5 has determined that al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups may be devising a method of implanting IED(s) within the body of a suicide bomber, such as breast implants in female suicide bombers. This is in contrast to the previous method of relying on a person wearing a suicide vest. What moral and ethical considerations must be given to the use of a human as a WMD against other innocent people?

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Question 2

An international terrorist organization is plotting to attack the U.S. Federal Building in Dallas, Texas. The terrorist organization has infiltrated the federal building maintenance and planning department, which has given those personnel access to evacuation plans as well as access to storage areas and transportation inaccessible by the public. The plan is to plant numerous improvised explosive devices (IEDs) throughout the building to not only kill and maim existing personnel and citizenry within the structure, but to encourage a full evacuation of the building. Secondary and tertiary devices have been located not only along the escape routes outside the building, but also in the typical first responder staging areas.

You are a member of the strategic/contingency planning committee for the city of Dallas. Should the plan succeed, what impact will this attack have against the economy as well as federal, state, and local government operations? Based on predictive collateral damages such as exploding gas lines, open sewer mains, and similar damage, what is the probable environmental impact from such an attack?

Your response should be at least 300 words in length.

Question 3

Terrorist organizations rely heavily on high explosives as a method of attack. What is a BBIED, and what is the delivery method for this form of attack? How can we mitigate such attacks and develop strategies to prevent such attacks?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

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